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iterator-helper's Introduction


Provide helpers that polyfill all methods defined in iterator helpers proposal, both for Iterator and AsyncIterator, and even more.


Install it with npm/yarn/what you want.

npm i iterator-helper

Getting started

You can wrap an iterable or an iterator with the exported iter (for standard iterables) and aiter (for async iterables) functions.

import { iter, aiter } from 'iterator-helper';

// It accepts both iterables and iterator, here it's an iterable
const iterator = iter([1, 2, 3]);

const mapped_cycle = iterator
  .cycle() // Make the iterator cycle on end
  .map(e => e * 2) // For each item, execute e => e * 2
  .asIndexedPairs(); // For each item, return [iterator_index, item]

for (const [index, element] of mapped_cycle) {
  console.log(index, element);
  // 0, 2
  // 1, 4
  // 2, 6
  // 3, 2
  // 4, 4
  // 5, 6
  // ...

You can also extend two exported classes, HIterator and HAsyncIterator (those names are used to avoid conflicts with possible futures Iterator and AsyncIterator global objects), in order to make your classes iterables.

import { HIterator } from 'iterator-helper';

class RangeIterator extends HIterator {
  constructor(start, stop = undefined, step = 1) {
    this.position = stop === undefined ? 0 : start;
    this.stop = stop === undefined ? start : stop;
    this.step = step;

    if (stop < start) {
      throw new Error('Stop cannot be inferior to start.');
    if (step <= 0) {
      throw new Error('Step must be superior to 0.');

  next() {
    if (this.position < this.stop) {
      const current = this.position;
      this.position += this.step;

      return { value: current, done: false };

    return { value: undefined, done: true };

const range = new RangeIterator(10).filter(e => e % 2 === 0);; // { value: 0, done: false };; // { value: 2, done: false };; // { value: 4, done: false };
// ...


There are a few methods for each sync or async iterators. Here's the quick way, as TypeScript types with a description for each method:

interface HIterator<T, TReturn = any, TNext = undefined> {
  /** Map each value of iterator to another value via {callback}. */
  map<R>(callback: (value: T) => R) : HIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Each value is given through {callback}, return `true` if value is needed into returned iterator. */
  filter(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : HIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Create a new iterator that consume {limit} items, then stops. */
  take(limit: number) : HIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Create a new iterator that skip {limit} items from source iterator, then yield all values. */
  drop(limit: number) : HIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Get a pair [index, value] for each remaining value of iterable. */
  asIndexedPairs() : HIterator<[number, T], TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Like map, but you can return a new iterator that will be flattened. */
  flatMap<R>(mapper: (value: T) => Iterator<R> | R) : HIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Find a specific value that returns `true` in {callback}, and return it. Returns `undefined` otherwise. */
  find(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : T | undefined;

  /** Return `true` if each value of iterator validate {callback}. */
  every(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : boolean;

  /** Return `true` if one value of iterator validate {callback}. */
  some(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : boolean;

  /** Consume iterator and collapse values inside an array. */
  toArray(maxCount?: number) : T[];

  /** Accumulate each item inside **acc** for each value **value**. */
  reduce<V>(reducer: (acc: V, value: T) => V, initialValue?: V) : V;

  /** Iterate over each value of iterator by calling **callback** for each value. */
  forEach(callback: (value: T) => any) : void;

  /** End the iterator and return the number of remaining items. */
  count() : number;

  /** Join all the remaining elements of the iterator in a single string with glue {glue}. */
  join(glue: string) : string;

  /** Iterate through current iterator, then through the given iterators in the correct order. */
  chain<I>(...iterables: IteratorOrIterable<I>[]) : HIterator<T | I>;

  /** Iterate through multiple iterators together. */
  zip<O>(...others: IteratorOrIterable<O>[]) : HIterator<(T | O)[]>;

  /** Continue iterator until {callback} return a falsy value. */
  takeWhile(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : HIterator<T>;

  /** Skip elements until {callback} return a truthy value. */
  dropWhile(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : HIterator<T>;

  /** Continue iterator until `null` or `undefined` is encountered. */
  fuse() : HIterator<T>;

  /** Partition {true} elements to first array, {false} elements to second one. */
  partition(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : [T[], T[]];

  /** Find the iterator index of the first element that returns a truthy value, -1 otherwise. */
  findIndex(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : number;

  /** Only works if it is a number iterator. Returns the maximum of iterator. */
  max() : number;

  /** Only works if it is a number iterator. Returns the minimum of iterator. */
  min() : number;

  /** When iterator ends, go back to the first item then loop. Indefinitively. */
  cycle() : HIterator<T>;

  /** Group by objects by key according to returned key for each object. */
  groupBy<K extends string | number | symbol>(callback: (value: T) => K) : { [Key in K]: T[] };

  /** Index this iterator objects in a {Map} with key obtained through {keyGetter}. */
  toIndexedItems<K>(keyGetter: (value: T) => K) : Map<K, T>;

  /** Iterate over items present in both current collection and {otherItems} iterable. `O(n*m)` operation that will consume {otherItems} iterator/iterable! */
  intersection<O>(otherItems: IteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean = : HIterator<T>;

  /** Iterate over items present only in current collection, not in {otherItems} iterable. `O(n*m)` operation that will consume {otherItems} iterator/iterable! */
  difference<O>(otherItems: IteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean = : HIterator<T>;

  /** Iterate over items present only in current collection or only in {otherItems} iterable, but not in both. `O(n*m)` operation that will consume {otherItems} iterator/iterable! */
  symmetricDifference<O>(otherItems: IteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean = : HIterator<T>;

  /** Transform current sync iterator to an async one (wrap each new item into a resolved `Promise`) */
  toAsyncIterator(): HAsyncIterator<T>;

interface HAsyncIterator<T, TReturn = any, TNext = undefined> {
  /** Map each value of iterator to another value via {callback}. */
  map<R>(callback: (value: T) => R | PromiseLike<R>) : HAsyncIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Each value is given through {callback}, return `true` if value is needed into returned iterator. */
  filter(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : HAsyncIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Create a new iterator that consume {limit} items, then stops. */
  take(limit: number) : HAsyncIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Create a new iterator that skip {limit} items from source iterator, then yield all values. */
  drop(limit: number) : HAsyncIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Get a pair [index, value] for each remaining value of iterable. */
  asIndexedPairs() : HAsyncIterator<[number, T], TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Like map, but you can return a new iterator that will be flattened. */
  flatMap<R>(mapper: (value: T) => AsyncIterator<R> | R) : HAsyncIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>;

  /** Find a specific value that returns `true` in {callback}, and return it. Returns `undefined` otherwise. */
  find(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<T | undefined>;

  /** Return `true` if each value of iterator validate {callback}. */
  every(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<boolean>;

  /** Return `true` if one value of iterator validate {callback}. */
  some(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<boolean>;

  /** Consume iterator and collapse values inside an array. */
  toArray(maxCount?: number) : Promise<T[]>;

  /** Accumulate each item inside **acc** for each value **value**. */
  reduce<V>(reducer: (acc: V, value: T) => V | PromiseLike<V>, initialValue?: V) : Promise<V>;

  /** Iterate over each value of iterator by calling **callback** for each value. */
  forEach(callback: (value: T) => any) : Promise<void>;

  /** End the iterator and return the number of remaining items. */
  count() : Promise<number>;

  /** Join all the remaining elements of the iterator in a single string with glue {glue}. */
  join(glue: string) : Promise<string>;

  /** Iterate through current iterator, then through the given iterators in the correct order. */
  chain<I>(...iterables: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<I>[]) : HAsyncIterator<T | I>;

  /** Iterate through multiple iterators together. */
  zip<O>(...others: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<O>[]) : HAsyncIterator<(T | O)[]>;

  /** Continue iterator until {callback} return a falsy value. */
  takeWhile(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : HAsyncIterator<T>;

  /** Skip elements until {callback} return a truthy value. */
  dropWhile(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : HAsyncIterator<T>;

  /** Continue iterator until `null` or `undefined` is encountered. */
  fuse() : HAsyncIterator<T>;

  /** Partition {true} elements to first array, {false} elements to second one. */
  partition(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<[T[], T[]]>;

  /** Find the iterator index of the first element that returns a truthy value, -1 otherwise. */
  findIndex(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<number>;

  /** Only works if it. is a number iterator. Returns the maximum of iterator. */
  max() : Promise<number>;

  /** Only works if it. is a number iterator. Returns the minimum of iterator. */
  min() : Promise<number>;

  /** When iterator ends, go back to the first item then loop. Indefinitively. */
  cycle() : HAsyncIterator<T>;

  /** Group by objects by key according to returned key for each object. */
  groupBy<K extends string | number | symbol>(callback: (value: T) => K | PromiseLike<K>) : Promise<{ [Key in K]: T[] }>;

  /** Index this iterator objects in a {Map} with key obtained through {keyGetter}. */
  toIndexedItems<K>(keyGetter: (value: T) => K | PromiseLike<K>) : Promise<Map<K, T>>;

  /** Iterate over items present in both current collection and {otherItems} iterable. `O(n*m)` operation that will consume {otherItems} iterator/iterable! */
    otherItems: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<O>,
    isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean> =
  ) : HAsyncIterator<T>;

  /** Iterate over items present only in current collection, not in {otherItems} iterable. `O(n*m)` operation that will consume {otherItems} iterator/iterable! */
    otherItems: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<O>,
    isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean> =
  ) : HAsyncIterator<T>;

  /** Iterate over items present only in current collection or only in {otherItems} iterable, but not in both. `O(n*m)` operation that will consume {otherItems} iterator/iterable! */
    otherItems: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<O>,
    isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean> =
  ) : HAsyncIterator<T>;


iter function expose some iterator creator helpers:

  • range
  • repeat

There's presented as TypeScript types.

// iter is instance of IIterFunction
interface IIterFunction {
  /** Create a new range `HIterator` from {0} to {stop}, 1 by 1. If {stop} is negative, it goes -1 by -1. */
  range(stop: number): HIterator<number>;
  /** Create a new range `HIterator` from {start} to {stop}, 1 by 1. If {stop} < {start}, it goes -1 by -1. */
  range(start: number, stop: number): HIterator<number>;
  /** Create a new range `HIterator` from {start} to {stop}, adding {step} at each step. */
  range(start: number, stop: number, step: number): HIterator<number>;

  /** Create a new `HIterator` that emit only {item} indefinitively. */
  repeat<I>(item: I): HIterator<I>;
  /** Create a new `HIterator` that emit only {item}, {times} times. */
  repeat<I>(item: I, times: number): HIterator<I>;


for (const i of iter.range(10)) {
  // i will goes from 0 to 9 (included)

for (const _ of iter.repeat(null, 10)) {
  // This loop content will be executed 10 times

iter.repeat({ id: 1, name: 'Sialae' }) // Create an infinite iterator that yield { id: 1, name: 'Sialae' }
  .asIndexedPairs() // Yield [index, element]
  .map(([index, item]) => ({ ...item, id: index + 1 })) // For [index, element], returns { ...element, id: index + 1 }
  .filter(item => % 2 !== 0) // Yield only elements with % 2 !== 0
  .take(3) // Yield 3 items maximum then close the iterator
  .toArray(); // Store the remaining iterator items into an array (3 elements)
// Result: [{ name: 'Sialae', id: 1 }, { name: 'Sialae', id: 3 }, { name: 'Sialae', id: 5 }]

Descriptive API

Here's is every supported method, with a small example associated.

Sync iterators

Sync iterators uses the HIterator class/instances.

iter (module function)

Create the iterator wrapper HIterator from an Iterable (Array, Set, Map...) or an Iterator (Generator instance, user-land iterator, ...).

import { iter } from 'iterator-helper'

// From an iterable
iter([1, 2, 3]) // => HIterator<1 | 2 | 3>

// From an iterator
iter([1, 2, 3].entries()) // => HIterator<[number, 1 | 2 | 3]>

.from (static method)

Do the same as iter function call. HIterator.from([1, 2, 3]) produces the same result as iter([1, 2, 3]).

.map<R>(callback: (value: T) => R) : HIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>

Transform each item of iterator to another value through the result of callback(item).

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .map(item => item * 2)
  .toArray() // [2, 4, 6]

.filter(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : HIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>

Do not yield item of iterator if callback(item) is falsy.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .filter(item => item % 2 !== 0)
  .toArray() // [1, 3]

.take(limit: number) : HIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>

Create a new iterator that consume limit items, then stops.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .toArray() // [1, 2]

.drop(limit: number) : HIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>

Create a new iterator that ignore limit items from being yielded, then continue the iterator as it used to be.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .toArray() // [3]

.asIndexedPairs() : HIterator<[number, T], TReturn, TNext>

Get a pair [index, value] for each value of an iterator.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .toArray() // [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]

.flatMap<R>(mapper: (value: T) => Iterator<R> | R) : HIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>

Like map, but you can return a new iterator that will be flattened.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .flatMap(item => iter.range(item))
  .toArray() // [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]

.find(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : T | undefined

Find a specific item that returns true in callback(item), and return it. Returns undefined otherwise.

iter([1, 2, 3]).find(item => item % 2 === 0) // 2
iter([1, 2, 3]).find(item => item % 2 === 4) // undefined

.findIndex(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : number

Find a specific item that returns true in callback(item), and return its index. Returns -1 otherwise.

iter([1, 2, 3]).findIndex(item => item % 2 === 0) // 1
iter([1, 2, 3]).findIndex(item => item % 2 === 4) // -1

.every(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : boolean

Return true if each item of iterator validate callback(item).

iter([1, 2, 3]).every(item => item > 0) // true

.some(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : boolean

Return true if at least one item of iterator validate callback(item).

iter([1, 2, 3]).every(item => item > 2) // true

.toArray(maxCount?: number) : T[]

Consume iterator (up to maxCount items, default to infinity) and collapse values inside an array.

iter([1, 2, 3]).toArray() // [1, 2, 3]

.reduce<V>(reducer: (acc: V, value: T) => V, initialValue?: V) : V

Accumulate each item inside acc for each value value.

iter([1, 2, 3]).reduce((acc, value) => acc + value) // 6

.forEach(callback: (value: T) => any) : void

Iterate over each value of iterator by calling callback for each item.

iter([1, 2, 3]).forEach(console.log.bind(console)) // Logs 1, then 2, then 3

.count() : number

End the iterator and return the number of counted items.

iter([1, 2, 3]).count() // 3

.join(glue: string) : string

Join all the remaining elements of the iterator in a single glue string glue.

iter([1, 2, 3]).join(', ') // '1, 2, 3'

.chain<I>(...iterables: IteratorOrIterable<I>[]) : HIterator<T | I>

Iterate through current iterator, then through the given iterators in the correct order.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .chain([4, 5, 6])
  .toArray() // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

.zip<O>(...others: IteratorOrIterable<O>[]) : HIterator<(T | O)[]>

Iterate through multiple iterators together.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .zip([4, 5, 6])
  .toArray() // [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]

.takeWhile(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : HIterator<T>

Continue iterator until callback return a falsy value.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .takeWhile(item => item / 2 > 1)
  .toArray() // [1, 2]

.dropWhile(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : HIterator<T>

Skip elements until callback return a truthy value.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .dropWhile(item => item / 2 <= 1)
  .toArray() // [3]

.fuse() : HIterator<T>

Continue iterator until null or undefined is encountered.

iter([1, 2, 3, undefined])
  .toArray() // [1, 2, 3]

.partition(callback: (value: T) => boolean) : [T[], T[]]

Partition true elements to first array, false elements to second one.

iter([1, 2, 3]).partition(item => item % 2 === 0) // [[2], [1, 3]]

.max() : number

Only works if it is a number iterator. Returns the maximum of iterator.

iter([1, 2, 3]).max() // 3

.min() : number

Only works if it is a number iterator. Returns the minimum of iterator.

iter([1, 2, 3]).min() // 1

.cycle() : HIterator<T>

When iterator ends, go back to the first item then loop. Indefinitively.

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .toArray() // [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

.groupBy<K extends string | number | symbol>(callback: (value: T) => K) : { [Key in K]: T[] }

Group by objects by key according to returned key for each object.

iter([1, 2, 3]).groupBy(item => item % 2 === 0 ? 'even' : 'odd') // { even: [2], odd: [1, 3] }

.toIndexedItems<K>(keyGetter: (value: T) => K) : Map<K, T>

Index this iterator objects in a Map with key obtained through keyGetter.

iter([1, 2, 3]).toIndexedItems(item => `key-${item}`) // Map<{ 'key-1': 1, 'key-2': 2, 'key-3': 3 }>

.intersection<O>(otherItems: IteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean = : HIterator<T>

Iterate over items present in both current collection and otherItems iterable. O(n*m) operation that will consume otherItems iterator/iterable!

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .intersection([3, 4, 5]) // equivalent to .intersection([3, 4, 5], (a, b) =>, b))
  .toArray() // [3]

.difference<O>(otherItems: IteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean = : HIterator<T>

Iterate over items present only in current collection, not in otherItems iterable. O(n*m) operation that will consume otherItems iterator/iterable!

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .difference([3, 4, 5]) // equivalent to .difference([3, 4, 5], (a, b) =>, b))
  .toArray() // [1, 2]

.symmetricDifference<O>(otherItems: IteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean = : HIterator<T>

Iterate over items present only in current collection or only in otherItems iterable. O(n*m) operation that will consume otherItems iterator/iterable!

iter([1, 2, 3])
  .symmetricDifference([3, 4, 5]) // equivalent to .symmetricDifference([3, 4, 5], (a, b) =>, b))
  .toArray() // [1, 2, 4, 5]

.toAsyncIterator(): HAsyncIterator<T>

Transform current sync iterator to an async one (wrap each new item into a resolved Promise). See below for available HAsyncIterator methods.

iter([1, 2, 3]).toAsyncIterator() // HAsyncIterator<1 | 2 | 3>

Async iterators

Async iterators uses the HAsyncIterator class/instances.

Notice: The following async generator will be used in all async examples:

async function* numbers() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

Notice: In most of the cases, when a method takes a callback, the return value can be either a value or a Promise. If its a Promise, it will be awaited.

aiter (module function)

Create the iterator wrapper HAsyncIterator from an AsyncIterable (objects with Symbol.asyncIterator defined) or an AsyncIterator (AsyncGenerator instance, user-land async iterator, ...).

import { aiter } from 'iterator-helper'

// From an async iterable
  async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
    yield* numbers();
}) // => HAsyncIterator<1 | 2 | 3>

// From an iterator
aiter(numbers()) // => HAsyncIterator<1 | 2 | 3>

.from (static method)

Do the same as aiter function call. HAsyncIterator.from(numbers()) produces the same result as aiter(numbers()).

.map<R>(callback: (value: T) => R | PromiseLike<R>) : HAsyncIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>

Transform each item of iterator to another value through the result of callback(item).

  .map(item => item * 2)
  .toArray() // Promise<[2, 4, 6]>

.filter(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : HAsyncIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>

Do not yield item of iterator if callback(item) is falsy.

  .filter(item => item % 2 !== 0)
  .toArray() // Promise<[1, 3]>

.take(limit: number) : HAsyncIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>

Create a new iterator that consume limit items, then stops.

  .toArray() // Promise<[1, 2]>

.drop(limit: number) : HAsyncIterator<T, TReturn, TNext>

Create a new iterator that ignore limit items from being yielded, then continue the iterator as it used to be.

  .toArray() // Promise<[3]>

.asIndexedPairs() : HAsyncIterator<[number, T], TReturn, TNext>

Get a pair [index, value] for each value of an iterator.

  .toArray() // Promise<[[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]>

.flatMap<R>(mapper: (value: T) => AsyncIterator<R> | R) : HAsyncIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>

Like map, but you can return a new iterator that will be flattened.

  .flatMap(item => iter.range(item).toAsyncIterator())
  .toArray() // Promise<[0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]>

.find(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<T | undefined>

Find a specific item that returns true in callback(item), and return it. Returns undefined otherwise.

aiter(numbers()).find(item => item % 2 === 0) // Promise<2>
aiter(numbers()).find(item => item % 2 === 4) // Promise<undefined>

.findIndex(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<number>

Find a specific item that returns true in callback(item), and return its index. Returns -1 otherwise.

aiter(numbers()).findIndex(item => item % 2 === 0) // Promise<1>
aiter(numbers()).findIndex(item => item % 2 === 4) // Promise<-1>

.every(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<boolean>

Return true if each item of iterator validate callback(item).

aiter(numbers()).every(item => item > 0) // Promise<true>

.some(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<boolean>

Return true if at least one item of iterator validate callback(item).

aiter(numbers()).every(item => item > 2) // Promise<true>

.toArray(maxCount?: number) : Promise<T[]>

Consume iterator (up to maxCount items, default to infinity) and collapse values inside an array.

aiter(numbers()).toArray() // Promise<[1, 2, 3]>

.reduce<V>(reducer: (acc: V, value: T) => V | PromiseLike<V>, initialValue?: V) : Promise<V>

Accumulate each item inside acc for each value value.

aiter(numbers()).reduce((acc, value) => acc + value) // Promise<6>

.forEach(callback: (value: T) => any) : Promise<void>

Iterate over each value of iterator by calling callback for each item.

aiter(numbers()).forEach(console.log.bind(console)) // Logs 1, then 2, then 3

.count() : Promise<number>

End the iterator and return the number of counted items.

aiter(numbers()).count() // Promise<3>

.join(glue: string) : Promise<string>

Join all the remaining elements of the iterator in a single glue string glue.

aiter(numbers()).join(', ') // Promise<'1, 2, 3'>

.chain<I>(...iterables: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<I>[]) : HAsyncIterator<T | I>

Iterate through current iterator, then through the given iterators in the correct order.

  .chain(iter([4, 5, 6]).toAsyncIterator())
  .toArray() // Promise<[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>

.zip<O>(...others: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<O>[]) : HAsyncIterator<(T | O)[]>

Iterate through multiple iterators together.

  .zip(iter([4, 5, 6]).toAsyncIterator()])
  .toArray() // Promise<[[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]>

.takeWhile(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : HAsyncIterator<T>

Continue iterator until callback return a falsy value.

  .takeWhile(item => item / 2 > 1)
  .toArray() // Promise<[1, 2]>

.dropWhile(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : HAsyncIterator<T>

Skip elements until callback return a truthy value.

  .dropWhile(item => item / 2 <= 1)
  .toArray() // Promise<[3]>

.fuse() : HAsyncIterator<T>

Continue iterator until null or undefined is encountered.

iter([1, 2, 3, undefined])
  .toArray() // Promise<[1, 2, 3]>

.partition(callback: (value: T) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>) : Promise<[T[], T[]]>

Partition true elements to first array, false elements to second one.

aiter(numbers()).partition(item => item % 2 === 0) // Promise<[[2], [1, 3]]>

.max() : Promise<number>

Only works if it is a number iterator. Returns the maximum of iterator.

aiter(numbers())).max() // Promise<3>

.min() : Promise<number>

Only works if it is a number iterator. Returns the minimum of iterator.

aiter(numbers()).min() // Promise<1>

.cycle() : HAsyncIterator<T>

When iterator ends, go back to the first item then loop. Indefinitively.

  .toArray() // Promise<[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]>

.groupBy<K extends string | number | symbol>(callback: (value: T) => K | PromiseLike<K>) : Promise<{ [Key in K]: T[] }>

Group by objects by key according to returned key for each object.

  .groupBy(item => item % 2 === 0 ? 'even' : 'odd') // Promise<{ even: [2], odd: [1, 3] }>

.toIndexedItems<K>(keyGetter: (value: T) => K | PromiseLike<K>) : Promise<Map<K, T>>

Index this iterator objects in a Map with key obtained through keyGetter.

  .toIndexedItems(item => `key-${item}`) // Promise<Map<{ 'key-1': 1, 'key-2': 2, 'key-3': 3 }>>

.intersection<O>(otherItems: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean> = : HAsyncIterator<T>

Iterate over items present in both current collection and otherItems iterable. O(n*m) operation that will consume otherItems iterator/iterable!

  .intersection(iter([3, 4, 5]).toAsyncIterator())
  .toArray() // Promise<[3]>

.difference<O>(otherItems: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean> = : HAsyncIterator<T>

Iterate over items present only in current collection, not in otherItems iterable. O(n*m) operation that will consume otherItems iterator/iterable!

  .difference(iter([3, 4, 5]).toAsyncIterator())
  .toArray() // Promise<[1, 2]>

.symmetricDifference<O>(otherItems: AsyncIteratorOrIterable<O>, isSameItemCallback: (value: T, other: O) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean> = : HAsyncIterator<T>

Iterate over items present only in current collection or only in otherItems iterable. O(n*m) operation that will consume otherItems iterator/iterable!

  .symmetricDifference(iter([3, 4, 5]).toAsyncIterator()) 
  .toArray() // Promise<[1, 2, 4, 5]>

Iterator creators


Create a range iterator (HIterator instance) from:

  • 0 to stop if only stop is specified, from (-)1 by (-)1.
  • start to stop, from (-)1 by (-)1 or from step to step
for (const i of iter.range(10)) {
  // i goes from 0 to 9 included, 1 by 1.

for (const i of iter.range(0, 10, 2)) {
  // i takes 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 as value

for (const i of iter.range(1, 10)) {
  // i goes from 1 to 9 included, 1 by 1.

for (const i of iter.range(-10)) {
  // i goes from 0 to -9 included, -1 by -1.

for (const i of iter.range(20, 10)) {
  // i goes from 20 to 11 included, -1 by -1.


Create an finite or infinite iterator that constantly yield the same thing.

iter.repeat({ id: 1 }) // Will yield { id: 1 } indefinitively
// or
iter.repeat({ id: 1 }, 5) // Will yield { id: 1 } 5 times, then stops

this is equal to this code:

iter([{ id: 1 }]).cycle()
// or
iter([{ id: 1 }]).cycle().take(5)

iterator-helper's People


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iterator-helper's Issues


How can this project be registered on global objects as a polyfill instead of as a wrapper ponyfill?

flatMap doesn't work with arrays


the closure should return Iterable<R>.

Also what's with the ambiguous | R? I think that it's not part of the proposal.

flatMap<R>(mapper: (value: T) => IterableIterator<R> | R): HIterator<R, TReturn, TNext>;

filter-is adapter missing

Hi, im using core-js-pure/features/iterator right now and wanted to check out iterator-helper and compere the performance. But it seem that the filter-is fn is missing (same for find-is).

This is how im using it right now, with the filter-is fn defined:

import {from as iterFrom} from "core-js-pure/features/iterator";

interface ExtendedIterator<T> extends IterableIterator<T> {
	asIndexedPairs(): ExtendedIterator<[number, T]>;
	map<R>(f: (t: T) => R): ExtendedIterator<R>;
	flatMap<R>(f: (t: T) => Iterable<R>): ExtendedIterator<R>;
	filter<S extends T>(f: (value: T) => value is S): ExtendedIterator<S>;
	filter(f: (t: T) => boolean): ExtendedIterator<T>;
	take(count: number): ExtendedIterator<T>;
	drop(count: number): ExtendedIterator<T>;
	reduce<R>(f: (acc: R, val: T) => R): R;
	reduce<R>(f: (acc: R, val: T) => R, initVal: R): R;
	toArray(): Array<T>;
	forEach(f: (t: T) => void): void;
	every(f: (v: T) => boolean): boolean;
	some(f: (v: T) => boolean): boolean;
	find<S extends T>(f: (value: T) => value is S): undefined | S;
	find(f: (v: T) => boolean): undefined | T;

export function from<T>(it: Iterable<T>): ExtendedIterator<T> {
	return iterFrom(it);

Publish typings

It seems that there is no .d.ts published with this package

take and toArray will read more from the iterator than they should


I found myself trying out the code, and I believe I caught a couple serious bugs in toArray and take. I haven't looked at the other methods so far, but I guess, since the code style is kinda similar, many others will be affected too.

The problem is with the fact that these methods tend to advance the underlying iterator by one more item than they should.

The reason for that is the fact that both utilize a while loop that always advances the iterator at the end of its cycle, checking to see if it read enough items only at the beginning of the next cycle. This has the nasty side effect of reading one more item from the iterator than it should first, only then it decides that it read enough, and returns what it read so far, w/o the one extra item, effectively forgetting it.

This example will only print out 1 and 3.

    const r = Readable.from([1,2,3]);
    const iter = aiter(r);

    for await(const i of iter.take(1)) {
    for await(const i of iter.take(1)) {
    for await(const i of iter.take(1)) {

The current behavior makes implementing things like chunking impossible, because it corrupts the underlying iterator... An extremely simplified example of such a chunking is this. It allows one to take a readable stream and by using .pipe(chunkStream(...)) to chunk it. The code doesnt't really work due to the above described bug :(

function chunkStream(chunkSize: number): PassThrough {
    return compose(async function* (stream: Readable) {
        const iter = aiter(stream);

        while (true) {
            const arr = await iter.take(chunkSize).toArray();
            if (arr.length > 0)
                yield arr;

Add other AsyncIterator type parameters to HAsyncIterator

Hi, first, thank you for that great utility that allows to do a real use of iterators in javascript.

I have created an iterator that fetch a list of DB documents, and I want to be able to close it early. For this, I've added a special value dispose I can call next with, that actually closes the aggregation.

export async function* aggregationAsAsyncIterator<T>( aggregationCursor: AggregationCursor<T> ): AsyncIterator<T, void, 'dispose' | undefined> {
	let item: T | undefined;
	let dispose: 'dispose' | undefined;
	do {
		item = await;
		if( item ){
			dispose = yield item;
	} while( item && dispose !== 'dispose' );
	return aggregationCursor.close();

Unfortunatelly, when I wrap this iterator in aiter, the next type is lost, so my IDE don't know how to deal with it.

Any advices on how I can come around this issue ? Or could you project AsyncIterator's TNext in HAsyncIterator ?

Have a nice day, 🍻 cheers !

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