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shellharden's Issues

Support zsh

Support zsh, as it is supposedly more awesome compared to bash.

parsing error?

hi. i'm running 4.3.1 on arch linux. a file with just the following lines in it

    if [[ $option =~ (\[((no|dont)-?)\]). ]]; then

gets Unexpected end of file
The file's end was reached without closing all sytactic scopes.
Either, the parser got lost, or the file is truncated or malformed.


Associative array assignment is quoted incorrectly

Firstly, thank you very much for shellharden!

I have a small issue that is happening with version 4.1.1.

My (not properly quoted) line begins in this state:


shellharden --check --replace changes it to:


with quotes only in front of the subscript and at the end of the value being assigned.

It should be changing it to something like this instead:


to fully quote both the subscript and the value.

Add -h flag

I know there's a --help flag, but almost every tool I've used has both a long and short form so you don't shoot yourself in the foot.

An argument for preferring curly braces

In reply to :

Correct: some_command "${arg1}" "${arg2}" "${arg3}"
Better: some_command "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3"

Curly braces should be preferred in order to limit the risk that a variable named a prefix of other variables does not alter other variables. An example:

some_command "$arg1" "$arg2" "$arg3"
some_command "${arg1}" "${arg2}" "${arg3}"

[Request] Always use curly braces for variables

I really love shellharden so far, since that allows me to quickly rewrite scripts that I wrote too hastily 🙂 .
But when I ran it on a script I put a lot of effort in, it suggested to remove the braces ({, }), in places that do not strictly need them, which is something I prefer to do.

A variable in bash is like a hand grenade – take off its quotes, and it starts ticking.

For the same reason I prefer to always use the braces. Since I do not know how the line will change in the future.

Would it be possible to make shellharden do this? Perhaps as a configuration option?

A simple example which would have been prevented by always using braces:

cp "$my_file"{,_copy}
ls "$my_file"
cp "$my_file"{,_copy}
ls "$my_file_copy"  # error, unset variable

Doesn't build on Windows

I cloned current master and did cargo build. Got this:

Compiling shellharden v3.1.0 (file:///H:/GitLocalRepos/shellharden)
error: expected item, found `..`
 --> src\
1 | ../
  | ^^ expected item

error: aborting due to previous error

error: Could not compile `shellharden`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

I'm using

stable-i686-pc-windows-gnu (default)
rustc 1.26.1 (827013a31 2018-05-25)

What am I doing wrong?

Unable to install v4.3.0 via cargo: "or-patterns syntax is experimental"


I've just tried installing this on my Docker Debian Bullseye container using cargo and get the following results: (specifically, I'm using the "debian:bullseye-slim" container with a few additional packages - such as coreutils, make, gcc, curl, rustc and cargo)

> cargo install shellharden --verbose
    Updating index
  Installing shellharden v4.3.0
   Compiling shellharden v4.3.0
     Running `rustc --crate-name shellharden /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/ --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type bin --emit=dep-info,link -C opt-level=3 -Cembed-bitcode=no -C metadata=c67ba048abc62b54 -C extra-filename=-c67ba048abc62b54 --out-dir /tmp/cargo-installie2YhN/release/deps -L dependency=/tmp/cargo-installie2YhN/release/deps --cap-lints allow`
error[E0658]: or-patterns syntax is experimental
  --> /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/
63 |                 (State::Name | State::Index | State::Normal, b'}') => {
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: see issue #54883 <> for more information

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0658`.
error: failed to compile `shellharden v4.3.0`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installie2YhN`

Caused by:
  could not compile `shellharden`.

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `rustc --crate-name shellharden /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/ --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type bin --emit=dep-info,link -C opt-level=3 -Cembed-bitcode=no -C metadata=c67ba048abc62b54 -C extra-filename=-c67ba048abc62b54 --out-dir /tmp/cargo-installie2YhN/release/deps -L dependency=/tmp/cargo-installie2YhN/release/deps --cap-lints allow` (exit code: 1)

Here's some platform information which might help:

> cargo --version
cargo 1.46.0
> rustc --version
rustc 1.48.0
> cat /etc/debian_version

I've not really run a Rust script before which has failed with an error during install, so I'm not sure what information you may want/need.

README: Add example of the calls plus maybe a section with `shellharden --help` output

Brilliant tool. Thanks. I just learned about it today, and I found it hard to figure out exactly what the tool was, or if there were multiple tools without downloading/installing it. I'd like to suggest adding a section to the that shows some example calls, e.g.

$ shellharden

maybe immediately above each screenshot example.

Another thing that would help people "passing by" could be to add:

# Usage

` ```
$ shellharden --help
Shellharden: The corrective bash syntax highlighter.

	shellharden [options] [files]
	cat files | shellharden [options] ''

Shellharden is a syntax highlighter and a tool to semi-automate the rewriting
of scripts to ShellCheck conformance, mainly focused on quoting.

The default mode of operation is like `cat`, but with syntax highlighting in
foreground colors and suggestive changes in background colors.

	--suggest         Output a colored diff suggesting changes.
	--syntax          Output syntax highlighting with ANSI colors.
	--syntax-suggest  Diff with syntax highlighting (default mode).
	--transform       Output suggested changes.
	--check           No output; exit with 2 if changes are suggested.
	--replace         Replace file contents with suggested changes.
	--                Don't treat further arguments as options.
	-h|--help         Show help text.
	--version         Show version.

The changes suggested by Shellharden inhibits word splitting and indirect
pathname expansion. This will make your script ShellCheck compliant in terms of
quoting. Whether your script will work afterwards is a different question:
If your script was using those features on purpose, it obviously won't anymore!

Every script is possible to write without using word splitting or indirect
pathname expansion, but it may involve doing things differently.
See the accompanying file or online:
` ```

## Usage advice

Don't apply `--transform` blindly; code review is still necessary: A script that relies on unquoted behavior
(implicit word splitting and glob expansion from variables and command substitutions) …

which of course requires more work, since you need to remember to update it whenever --help output changes

Nested case statement are mangled

I just found that shellharden has some difficulties with nested case statements like in this example input:

case $i in
  a) : this ;;
  b) : that ;;
    case $i in
      c) j=3 ;;
      d) j=2 ;;
      *) e=1 ;;
    : use j
: use e

I get this unexpected diff transform:

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
       c) j=3 ;;
       d) j=2 ;;
       *) e=1 ;;
-    esac
+    ;; esac
     : use j

Logo Contribution

I just saw your app and if you need a new logo or widget design i can help you
You can tell me what kind of a logo do you want
I am waiting for you reply

feature request: make shellharden drop-in compatible with shellcheck


If shellharden would support the same command line arguments as shellcheck, then it could act as a drop-in replacement for shellcheck, and be used in the projects/IDEs/scripts that currently use shellcheck.

Here is a quick overview of the current shellcheck arguments:

Usage: shellcheck [OPTIONS...] FILES...
  -a                --check-sourced          Include warnings from sourced files
  -C[WHEN]          --color[=WHEN]           Use color (auto, always, never)
  -e CODE1,CODE2..  --exclude=CODE1,CODE2..  Exclude types of warnings
  -f FORMAT         --format=FORMAT          Output format (checkstyle, gcc, json, tty)
  -s SHELLNAME      --shell=SHELLNAME        Specify dialect (sh, bash, dash, ksh)
  -V                --version                Print version information
  -x                --external-sources       Allow 'source' outside of FILES

Supporting all different output formats and shell dialects would be a huge task, but just having support for -s bash, would go a long way.


Does not consider default values.

Shellharden does not consider the quotes in a default value, which can lead to odd recommendations. There doesn't seem to be any actual problem with the suggestion though, other than looking odd.


#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo ${bar:-"two words"}

Shellharden produces:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "${bar:-"two words"}"

The expected output should probably be as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "${bar:-two words}"

{feat request] Binary releases

Would it be possible to release just the built binary files (i.e. output of ../cargo/bin/shellharden ) for major platforms? It's just a pain to install gcc (55M), rust and cargo (254M) and all their associated stuff/dependencies, just to generate the 3.8M shellharden file which seems to run fine and dandy without any of the others (at least on Linux).

shellcheck seems to offer prebuilt binaries for linux.x86_86, linux.aarch64, linux.arm6hf, darwin.x86_64 and windows.x86_64 (as per )

(I'm trying to build a reproducible Dockerfile for my own usage for bash development - at least at the moment - and I want it to be as small and lightweight as possible. I'm having to use the fixed .tar.gz installers of rust/cargo as I can't depend on rustup returning the same file every time)

Docker image 'shellgarden'

Build docker image

docker build -t shellgarden .

I'm assuming this is meant to be

docker build -t shellharden . ?

Allow unquoted arguments to local et al

I've grown accustom to not quoting the right hand side of variable assignments,


This is perfectly safe in all POSIX shells (AFAIK). Reference.

Shellharden adds quotes to all of these. Do you consider this a bug?

description of single quoting behaviour seems wrong

the document currently contains:

The simplest is to go for single quotes, since these have the simplest escaping rules – only one: ' → '''.

this seems incorrect. backslashes do not escape anything inside single quotes::


that also means that this is an incomplete command, as can be seen from the continuation prompt:

$ echo '\''
> ^C

the correct approach is to replace ' with '"'"' which looks horrible, but is correct:

  • ' closes the open single-quoted string
  • " opens a double-quoted string
  • ' puts a single quote inside the double-quoted string
  • " closes the double-quoted string
  • ' opens a new single-quoted string

`case` pattern throws error

with the following minimal1 reproducible example:

$ cat
case $PATH in
:"$(dirname foo)")
$ shellharden Unexpected end of file
The file's end was reached without closing all sytactic scopes.
Either, the parser got lost, or the file is truncated or malformed.
$ echo $?


  1. Less minimally, I found this while creating a case to ensure *:/usr/local/share/"$(command basename -- "${SHELL%%[0-9-]*}")"/site-functions:* was in ":${FPATH-}:"

can't get it to color anything...

hi, i tried both the monolithic bin from releases, and the cargo install on ubuntu, both just color the comments if called passing a bash script as argument (and doing the variable escaping etc etc, yes), but no syntax highlight in fg or mark of the "changing" parts in bg color... any help?

Add a LICENSE file

Please add a LICENSE or COPYING file, for making shellharden easier to package for Linux distros.


Gotcha: Errexit is ignored depending on caller context

FYI. New versions of bash has set -E that 'If set, the ERR trap is inherited by shell functions'. That should make gotcha more and less annoying. By that I mean it is easy to avoid 'set -e' in every single function, but one still may have to go and update whole bunch of old scripts to use -E rather than -e.

Splitting strings into arrays

Thank you for taking the time to write "Safe ways to do things in bash", this is extremely valuable information. I stumbled upon a surprising behavior in one of your suggestions.

The read-based method for splitting strings into arrays described here breaks in combination with set -e, since the return code of read is nonzero when it encounters end-of-file. I am not sure if I have a good suggestion for how to fix it, short of specifying a long unique string for the -d argument and appending it to the end of the printf format string, or putting the call to read within a compound expression.

Tested on Bash 4.4.19.

Quoting not needed inside double brackets

Quoting is generally not needed when variables are used between double brackets ([[ and ]]).

Here is a test case that does not expand:

x='*'; if [[ $x == '*' ]]; then echo not expanded; fi

While with single brackets, this is the result:

x='*'; if [ $x == '*' ]; then echo not expanded; fi
bash: [: too many arguments

shellharden wants to add double quotes around $x in the first case, but this is not really needed.

Just cats the script

Running shellharden erratic-script on macOS (via Homebrew) simply outputs the script as-is. No syntax highlighting or no suggestions. For comparison, shellcheck erratic-script outputs a bunch of errors. What could be wrong?

Add STDIN support

It would be nice if there was a way to filter input through STDIN and receive the transformed version back. This could be used for editor integrations (notably vim).

It doesn't work

I tried it out on a simple code snippet:

If I am not mistaken about how to use Shellharden or it's whole premise, there should be a warning at L4's $line for not being "$line"; however I am not seeing anything.

Add Cargo.lock file

In the process of making changes to formulae in the Homebrew package manager, I noticed that shellharden was one of a handful of Rust binary projects without a Cargo.lock file in version control. The Cargo book recommends the following (source):

If you’re building an end product, which are executable like command-line tool or an application, or a system library with crate-type of staticlib or cdylib, check Cargo.lock into git.

More information about the reasoning can be found in the "Why do binaries have Cargo.lock in version control, but not libraries?" section of the Cargo FAQ.

The Cargo.lock file helps package managers to keep builds reproducible, since cargo install simply uses the latest dependency versions unless the --locked flag is added to the command, in which case it will use the versions outlined in Cargo.lock. Without a Cargo.lock file, there's a chance that a dependency update will break the build sometime in the future, which is something I've already encountered with other Rust binary projects.

I know shellharden currently doesn't have any dependencies but could you please consider checking Cargo.lock into version control? There's a chance that Homebrew might roll out the --locked flag as a default for building Rust projects from source, so it would be helpful to have the Cargo.lock file available here to avoid errors.

Verification of the script preamble?

Hey! First of all thank you for this project, it's really helpful and I'm going to integrate it into our CI pipeline(s).

What I'm thinking about is I'd also like to verify that our bash scripts have

shopt -s nullglob globstar


if test "$BASH" = "" || "$BASH" -uc "a=();true \"\${a[@]}\"" 2>/dev/null; then
    # Bash 4.4, Zsh
    set -euo pipefail
    # Bash 4.3 and older chokes on empty arrays with set -u.
    set -eo pipefail

at the beginning. Do you think there's place for this in shellharden (behind a flag, presumably)? I could open a PR if so.

`--check` has to come first

shellharden --check works one way, while shellharden --check has a different behavior.

Please close if this is intentional.

Command substituion does not work with double quotes

This only works if I remove the qoutes arround $(make_extension_volume_string).

make_extension_volume_string() {
    for extension_source_dir in "${EXTENSION_SOURCE_DIRS[@]}"; do
        host_path=$(realpath "$extension_source_dir")
        base=$(basename "$extension_source_dir")
        extensions_volume_string+=" --volume {$host_path}:/usr/lib/ckanext/{$base}"
    printf '%s' "$extensions_volume_string"

podman run -dt --pod "$pod_name" \
    --name ckan-"$IMAGE_STAGE" \
    --env-file "$env" \
    --env "CKAN_REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379/1" \
    --env "CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL=postgresql://ckan:$POSTGRES_PASSWORD@localhost:5432/ckan" \
    --env "CKAN_SOLR_URL=http://localhost:8983/solr/ckan" \
    --volume "$(realpath "$MERGE_INI")":/etc/ckan/merge.ini \
    "$(make_extension_volume_string)" \
    --volume ckan_home:/usr/lib/ckan \
    --volume ckan_storage:/var/lib/ckan \

Otherwise this throws this error:

+ podman run -dt --pod ckan-develop --name ckan-development --env-file develop --env CKAN_REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379/1 --env CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL=postgresql://ckan:ckan@localhost:5432/ckan --env CKAN_SOLR_URL=http://localhost:8983/solr/ckan --volume /home/beavis/repositories/ckan-podman/deployment/ckan.ini:/etc/ckan/merge.ini ' --volume {/home/beavis/repositories/ckanext-test}:/usr/lib/ckanext/{ckanext-test}' --volume ckan_home:/usr/lib/ckan --volume ckan_storage:/var/lib/ckan ckan-development
Error: invalid reference format

What am I doing wrong?

added quotation marks break variable declaration

If I save with this content:

export variable=${one:-${two}}

and run shellharden --replace --, its content is changed to this:

export variable="${one:-${two}"}

instead of perhaps this:

export variable="${one:-${two}}"

or keeping the right side without quotation marks:

export variable=${one:-${two}} # no change from input

I was able to reproduce this using shellharden 4.1.2 on Ubuntu 20.10’s GNOME Terminal 3.38 and macOS 11.3’s Terminal 2.11 and iTerm2 3.4

How to dynamically get the contents of a function? Eg; `declare -f $func`

I feel like I must be missing something obvious, my apologies if so. I want to do something like this:

function _get_contents_of_function {
  local func=$1
  # shellcheck disable=2086
  declare -f $func # because "$func" doesn't work

Have I got the wrong code, or shellharden doesn't support any kind of ignoring? Or is this kind of meta programming just not supported by shellharden?

'esac ;;

I used shellharden to transform the script at

I got an error when trying to run the resulting file:

% shellharden --transform > junk.txt
% sh junk.txt -t 10 -H
junk.txt: line 210: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'
junk.txt: line 210: `          ;; esac ;;'

Removing the leading ';;' from line 210 allows the script to work as expected.

Is this expected? Should I tweak my source file to avoid this? Many thanks.

Parser got lost with `((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]}));`


  • shellharden: 4.1.2
  • bash: 5.1.4
  • OS: macOS 11.3.1 (20E241) on arm64

Steps that will reproduce the problem?

  1. shellharden --check (see below)

What is the expected result?

  • script should be fine

What happens instead?

% shellharden --check Unexpected end of file
The file's end was reached without closing all sytactic scopes.
Either, the parser got lost, or the file is truncated or malformed.

Any additional information:

 % ./ 
Expected to be 0 -> 0
Expected to be 1 -> 1
Expected to be 2 -> 2
#!/usr/bin/env bash

vercomp() {
  if [[ "$1" == "$2" ]]; then
    return 0
  local IFS=.
  local i ver1 ver2
  read -a ver1 <<<"$1"
  read -a ver2 <<<"$2"
  # fill empty fields in ver1 with zeros
  for ((i = ${#ver1[@]}; i < ${#ver2[@]}; i++)); do
  for ((i = 0; i < ${#ver1[@]}; i++)); do
    if [[ -z "${ver2[i]}" ]]; then
    if ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]})); then
      return 1
    if ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]})); then
      return 2
  return 0

vercomp 3.0 3
echo "Expected to be 0 -> $?"

vercomp 2.2 0.5
echo "Expected to be 1 -> $?"

vercomp 1.4 1.5
echo "Expected to be 2 -> $?"

Moduletest: Test only the executable for the right build

The module test (aka. integration test) doesn't know if cargo test is invoked with --release or not.

That is the fundamental problem. Furthermore, it doesn't really want to concern itself with where the various debug and release executables are located.

Currently, it searches for executables named "shellharden" and just tests every one of them. Care is taken to search CARGO_TARGET_DIR if set.

Why this is wrong: When you think you are testing the debug build, you are implicitly also testing a stale release build if it exists, and vice versa.



Don't convert curly quotes in comments?

I have a script that (for some reason) wound up with curly quotes within some documentation comments. e.g.,

# “H” and “host” DNS or IP address of the netperf server host (default:

shellharden appears to change these to ^D characters. Is this intended?

Thanks for a cool tool!

PS I could believe that I mis-diagnosed. And I am happy to get rid of the curly quotes...

Why not use Cargo?

I was wondering why you didn't use Cargo. Is it a matter of choice or it is because you're not comfortable with it?

Furthermore, using Cargo will allow you to publish your project on and setup a test suite more easily.

Request for Pacstall support

Pacstall is a community-driven AUR-like package manager for Ubuntu. We have an ongoing pull request to add shellharden to our repository.

We have a few questions for you:

  • Would you like to maintain the pacscript (similar to a PKGBUILD) yourself? We can maintain it for you if you decide not to.
  • Could you include a section in your documentation showing Pacstall as a valid method of installation for Shellharden for Debian/Ubuntu users? We could make a pull request for that if you want.

Separate out into a library?

Hi there!

shellharden looks fantastic, and I was considering integrating it into some lint infrastructure we have. However, it looks like the only stable interface is a binary. Would you consider separating out the checks into a library and providing a Rust API as well?

A bonus would be if you could read files from memory rather than the file system -- perhaps via a trait that specifies how files should be read.

I do something similar for a tool I'm the primary author of, cargo-guppy, where there's both a Rust interface (guppy) and a CLI tool (cargo-guppy).

Thank you!

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