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csharp-bandwidth-iris's Introduction

Bandwidth C# IRIS Client


Bandwidth C# SDK uses Nuget for Package Management


nuget install Bandwidth.Iris

Or install Bandwidth.Iris via UI in Visual Studio

Getting Started

  • Install Bandwidth.Iris
  • Get an account ID, user name and password from Bandwidth for your account
  • Configure the Client
var client = Client.GetInstance("accountId", "username", "password", "apiEndpoint")
//Uses the System Environment Variables as detailed below
var client = Client.GetInstance()
Environment Variable Definition
BANDWIDTH_API_ACCOUNT_ID Your Bandwidth Account Id
BANDWIDTH_API_USERNAME Your Bandwidth username
BANDWIDTH_API_PASSWORD Your Bandwidth password


All static functions support 2 ways to be called: With a client instance as the first arg or without the client instance (default client instance will then be used)

var site = await Site.get(client, "siteId");
var site = await Site.get("siteId"); //This will use the default client where supported

API Objects

General Principles

When using the objects, there are generally static methods for Create, Get and List of each entity. Once you have an instance of any entity, you can call the instance methods of that entity to perform additional operations.

var sites = await Site.List(client);
var site = await Site.Get(client, "siteId");
var newSite = await Site.Create(client, new Site(){
  Name = "MyTest Site"

var sipPeers = await site.GetSipPeers();

Error Handling Tips

When making making API calls the client can throw an AggregateException this will normally contain a BandwidthIrisException. A suggested way to handle the API calls is to catch the AggregateException that API calls can create and #Handle the BandwidthIrisException. Example:

    var site = await Site.Get(client, "siteId");
} catch (AggregateException e)
    e.Handle((x) =>
        if(x is BandwidthIrisException)
            //Do something 
            return true;

        return false;

Available NpaNxx

var query = new Dictionary<string, object>();
query.Add("areaCode", "805");
query.Add("quantity", 3);
var items = await AvailableNpaNxx.List(_client, query);
foreach (AvailableNpaNxx npaNxx in items)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("NpaNxx: {0}",npaNxx.Npa + npaNxx.Nxx));

Available Numbers

var query = new Dictionary<string, object>();
query.Add("areaCode", "805");
query.Add("quantity", 3);
var result = await AvailableNumbers.List(_client, query);
foreach (string number in result.TelephoneNumberList)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number: {0}", number));


var query = new Dictionary<string, object>();
query.Add("state", "CA");
query.Add("available", true);
var result = await City.List(_client, query);
foreach (City city in result)
    Console.WriteLine("City Name: {0}", city.Name);

Rate Centers

var query = new Dictionary<string, object>();
query.Add("state", "CA");
query.Add("available", true);
var result = await RateCenter.List(query);
foreach (RateCenter rateCenter in result)
    Console.WriteLine("RateCenter Name: {0}", rateCenter.Name);

Covered Rate Centers

var query = new Dictionary<string, object>();
query.Add("zip", "27609");
var result = await CoveredRateCenter.List(_client, query);
foreach (CoveredRateCenter rateCenter in result)
    Console.WriteLine("RateCenter Name: {0}", rateCenter.Name);


Create Order

var result = await Order.Create(_client, new Order
    Name = "Test Order",
    SiteId = "SiteId",
    CustomerOrderId = "SomeCustomerId",
    LataSearchAndOrderType = new LataSearchAndOrderType
        Lata = "224",
        Quantity = 1

Get Order

var order = await Order.Get("orderId");

Order Instance Methods

order.AddNote(var note);

List Orders

var query = new Dictionary<string, object>();
query.Add("page", "1");
query.Add("size", "10");
query.Add("zip", "27516");

OrderListResponse orderListResponse = await Order.List(client, query);




Create Application

var application = new Application
    ApplicationId = "d3e418e9-1833-49c1-b6c7-ca1700f79586",
    ServiceType = "Voice-V2",
    AppName = "v1",
    CallbackCreds = new CallbackCreds
        UserId = "login123"
    CallStatusMethod = "GET",
    CallInitiatedMethod = "GET",
    CallInitiatedCallbackUrl = "",
    CallStatusCallbackUrl = ""

var response = await Application.Create(client, application);

List Applications

var response = await Application.List(client);

Get Application

var response = await Application.Get(client, applicationId);

Partial Update Application

var application = new Application
    AppName = "XgRIdP"

var response = await Application.PartialUpdate(client, applicationId, application);

Full Update Application

var application = new Application
    ServiceType = "Voice-V2",
    AppName = "v1",
    CallbackCreds = new CallbackCreds
        UserId = "login123"
    CallStatusMethod = "GET",
    CallInitiatedMethod = "GET",
    CallInitiatedCallbackUrl = "",
    CallStatusCallbackUrl = ""

var response = await Application.FullUpdate(client, applicationId, application);

Delete Application

var response = await Application.Delete(client, applicationId);

List Application's Associated Peers

var response = await Application.ListAssociatedSippeers(client, applicationId);

Port Ins

Port In Check

For LNP Checker, send one number at a time when using the C# SDK.

Example request and error handling iterating over each error in the response.

    var result = await LnpChecker.Check(client, new string[] { "555555" });
catch (Bandwidth.Iris.BandwidthIrisException error)
catch (Exception e)
    Exception innerEx = e;

    while(innerEx != null)
        string msg = innerEx.Message;
        innerEx = innerEx.InnerException;

Create PortIn

var data = new PortIn
        BillingTelephoneNumber = "+1-202-555-0158",
        Subscriber = new Subscriber
                SubscriberType = "BUSINESS",
                BusinessName = "Company",
                FirstName = "John",
		LastName = "Doe",
                ServiceAddress = new Address
                        City = "City",
                        StateCode = "State",
                        Country = "Country"
        PeerId = sipPeer.Id,
        SiteId = site.Id
var order = await PortIn.Create(_client, data);

Get PortIn

var portInOrder = PortIn.Get("orderId");

Put File Metadata

var portIn = new PortIn { Id = "1" };

var fileMetadata = new FileMetadata {
	DocumentType = "INVOICE",
	DocumentName = "docName"

var r = portIn.PutFileMetadata("test", fileMetadata).Result;

PortIn Instance Methods

portInOrder.AddNote(Note n);

Port In LOA Management

portInOrder.CreateFile(Stream s, string mediaType);
portInOrder.CreateFile(byte[] buffer, string mediaType);
portInOrder.UpdateFile(string fileName, Stream s, string mediaType);
portInOrder.UpdateFile(string fileName, byte[] buffer, string mediaType);
portInOrder.GetFileMetaData(string fileName);
PutFileMetadata(string fileName, FileMetadata fileMetadata);
portInOrder.DeleteFile(string fileName);
portInOrder.GetFiles(bool metaData);
portInOrder.GetFile(string fileName);


Create Site

var newSite = await Site.Create(_client, new Site()
      Name = "Csharp Test Site",
      Description = "A site from the C# Example",
      Address = new Address()
              HouseNumber = "123",
              StreetName = "Anywhere St",
              City = "Raleigh",
              StateCode = "NC",
              Zip = "27609",
              AddressType = "Service"


List all sites

var sites = awaite Site.List();

Deleting a Site


Sip Peers

Create a Sip Peer

var sipPeerHost = "";
var newSipPeer = await SipPeer.Create(_client, new SipPeer()
        IsDefaultPeer = true,
        ShortMessagingProtocol = "SMPP",
        SiteId = "SiteId,
        VoiceHosts = new []
                new HostData
                        HostName = sipPeerHost
        SmsHosts = new []
                new HostData
                        HostName = sipPeerHost
        TerminationHosts = new TerminationHost[]
                new TerminationHost()
                        HostName = sipPeerHost,
                        Port = 5060


Get Sip Peer

var sipPeer = await SipPeer.Get("sipPeerId");

Delete Sip Peer

var sipPeer = await SipPeer.Get("sipPeerId");

Sip Peer TN Methods

sipPeer.UpdateTns(number, data);
sipPeer.MoveTns(new string[] numbers);

Get Origination Settings for Sip Peer

var sipPeerOriginationSettingsResponse = await SipPeer.GetOriginationSettings(siteId, sipPeerId);

Set Origination Settings for Sip Peer

var sipPeerOriginationSettings = new SipPeerOriginationSettings
    VoiceProtocol = "HTTP",
    HttpSettings = new HttpSettings
        HttpVoiceV2AppId = "469ebbac-4459-4d98-bc19-a038960e787f"

var sipPeerOriginationSettingsResponse = await SipPeer.SetOriginationSettings(siteId, sipPeerId, sipPeerOriginationSettings);

Update Origination Settings for Sip Peer

var sipPeerOriginationSettings = new SipPeerOriginationSettings
    VoiceProtocol = "HTTP",
    HttpSettings = new HttpSettings
        HttpVoiceV2AppId = "469ebbac-4459-4d98-bc19-a038960e787f"

SipPeer.UpdateOriginationSettings(siteId, sipPeerId, SipPeerOriginationSettings).Wait();

Get Termination Settings for Sip Peer

var sipPeerTerminationSettingsResponse = await SipPeer.GetTerminationSetting(siteId, sipPeerId);

Set Termination Settings for Sip Peer

var sipPeerTerminationSettings = new SipPeerTerminationSettings
    VoiceProtocol = "HTTP",
    HttpSettings = new HttpSettings
        HttpVoiceV2AppId = "469ebbac-4459-4d98-bc19-a038960e787f"

var sipPeerTerminationSettingsResponse = await SipPeer.GetTerminationSetting(siteId, sipPeerId, sipPeerTerminationSettings);

Update Termination Settings for Sip Peer

var sipPeerTerminationSettings = new SipPeerTerminationSettings
    VoiceProtocol = "HTTP",
    HttpSettings = new HttpSettings
        HttpVoiceV2AppId = "469ebbac-4459-4d98-bc19-a038960e787f"

SipPeer.UpdateTerminationSettings(client, siteId, sipPeerId, SipPeerTerminationSettings).Wait();

Get SMS Feature Settings for Sip Peer

var sipPeerSmsFeatureResponse = await SipPeer.GetSMSSetting(siteId, sipPeerId);

Set SMS Feature Setting for Sip Peer

var sipPeerSmsFeature = new SipPeerSmsFeature
    SipPeerSmsFeatureSettings = new SipPeerSmsFeatureSettings
        TollFree = true
    SmppHosts = new SmppHost[]
        new SmppHost
            HostName = "Host"

var sipPeerSmsFeatureResponse = await SipPeer.CreateSMSSettings(siteId, sipPeerId, sipPeerSmsFeature);

Update SMS Feature Setting for Sip Peer

var sipPeerSmsFeature = new SipPeerSmsFeature
    SipPeerSmsFeatureSettings = new SipPeerSmsFeatureSettings
        TollFree = true
    SmppHosts = new SmppHost[]
        new SmppHost
            HostName = "Host"

var sipPeerSmsFeatureResponse = await SipPeer.UpdateSMSSettings(siteId, sipPeerId, sipPeerSmsFeature);

Delete SMS Feature Settings for Sip Peer

SipPeer.DeleteSMSSettings(siteId, sipPeerId).Wait();

Get MMS Feature Settings for Sip Peer

var MmsFeatureResponse = await SipPeer.GetMMSSetting(siteId, sipPeerId);

Set MMS Feature Setting for Sip Peer

var mmsFeature = new MmsFeature
    Protocols = new Protocols
        MM4 = new MM4
            Tls = "OFF"

var MmsFeatureResponse = await SipPeer.CreateMMSSettings(siteId, sipPeerId, mmsFeature);

Update MMS Feature Setting for Sip Peer

var mmsFeature = new MmsFeature
    Protocols = new Protocols
        MM4 = new MM4
            Tls = "OFF"

SipPeer.UpdateMMSSettings(siteId, sipPeerId, MmsFeature).Wait();

Delete MMS Feature Settings for Sip Peer

SipPeer.DeleteMMSSettings(siteId, sipPeerId).Wait();

Get Application Settings

var applicationsSettingsResponse = await SipPeer.GetApplicationSetting(siteId, sipPeerId);

Update Application Settings

var applicationSettings = new ApplicationsSettings
    HttpMessagingV2AppId = "c3b0f805-06ab-4d36-8bf4-8baff7623398"

SipPeer.UpdateApplicationSettings(siteId, sipPeerId, applicationSettings).Wait();

Remove Application Settings

SipPeer.RemoveApplicationSettings(siteId, sipPeerId).Wait();


Create Subscription

var subscription = await Subscription.Create(new Subscription()
    OrderType = "orders",
    OrderId = "100",
    EmailSubscription = new EmailSubscription
        Email = "test@test",
        DigestRequested = "NONE"

Get Subscription

var subscription = await Subscription.Get("subscriptionId");

List Subscriptions

var list = await Subscription.List(new Dictionary<string,object>{{"orderType", "orders"}})

Subscription Instance Methods



Get TN Details

var result = await Tn.Get("9195551212");
var details = await result.GetDetails();

List TNs

var result = await Tn.List(new Dictionary<string, object>{{{"npa", "919"}})

TN Reservation

Create TN Reservation

var item = await TnReservation.Create(new TnReservation()
    AccountId = "accountId",
    ReservedTn = "9195551212",
    ReservationExpires = 0

Get TN Reservation

var reservation = await TnReservation.Get("Id");

Delete TN Reservation



Create Ddla

var dlda = new Dlda
                CustomerOrderId = "Your Order Id",
                DldaTnGroups = new[]{
                new DldaTnGroup{
                  TelephoneNumbers  =  new TelephoneNumbers {Numbers =  new[]{"9195551212"}},
                  SubscriberType  =  "RESIDENTIAL",
                  ListingType  =  "LISTED",
                  ListingName  =  new ListingName{
                    FirstName  =  "John",
                    LastName  =  "Smith"
                  ListAddress  =  true,
                  Address  =  new Address{
                    HouseNumber  =  "123",
                    StreetName  =  "Elm",
                    StreetSuffix  =  "Ave",
                    City  =  "Carpinteria",
                    StateCode  =  "CA",
                    Zip  =  "93013",
                    AddressType  =  "DLDA"

await Dlda.Create(dlda);

Get Dlda

var dlda = await Dlda.Get(id);

Get Dlda History

var list = await Dlda.GetHistory();



var item = new Lidb
        CustomerOrderId = "A Test order",
        LidbTnGroups = new[] {
            new LidbTnGroup{
                TelephoneNumbers = new []{"8048030097", "8045030098"},
                SubscriberInformation = "Joes Grarage",
                UseType = "RESIDENTIAL",
                Visibility = "PUBLIC"
await Lidb.Create(item);

Get Lidb

var item = await Lidb.Get(id);

List Lidbs

var list = await Lidb.List();


Create an order

var item = new TnLineOptions
    TelephoneNumber = "5209072451",
    CallingNameDisplay = "off"
var numbers = await LineOptionOrder.Create(item);



var list = await InServiceNumber.List(new Dictionary<string, object>{{"city", "Cary"}});

Get totals

var totals = await InServiceNumber.GetTotals();


List numbers

var list = await DiscNumber.List(new Dictionary<string, object>{{"type", "NPA"}});

Get totals

var totals = await DiscNumber.GetTotals();


List hosts

var list = await Host.List(new Dictionary<string,object>{{"type", "SMS"}});


Create A ImportTnOrders Reqeust

var order = new ImportTnOrder
        OrderId = "fbd17609-be44-48e7-a301-90bd6cf42248",
        AccountId = "account",
        SipPeerId = 1,
        SiteId = 2

var response = await ImportTnOrder.Create(client, order);

Retrieve ImportOrders List

var response = await ImportTnOrder.List(client, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "accountId", "1" } });

Get ImportOrder by OrderId

var response = await ImportTnOrder.Get(client, orderId);

Get ImportOrder History by OrderId

var response = await ImportTnOrder.GetHistory(client, orderId )


Create A ImportTnOrders Reqeust

var order = new RemoveImportedTnOrder
        OrderId = "fbd17609-be44-48e7-a301-90bd6cf42248",
        AccountId = "account"

var response = await RemoveImportedTnOrder.Create(client, order);

Retrieve RemoveImportedTnOrders List

var response = await RemoveImportedTnOrder.List(client, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "accountId", "1" } });

Get RemoveImportedTnOrder by OrderId

var response = await RemoveImportedTnOrder.Get(client, orderId);

Get RemoveImportedTnOrder History by OrderId

var response = await RemoveImportedTnOrder.GetHistory(client, orderId )


Request Portability Information on a Set of TNs

var payload = new ImportTnCheckerPayload
    TelephoneNumbers = new TelephoneNumber[]
        new TelephoneNumber
            FullNumber = "3032281000"

var response = await ImportTnChecker.Create(client, payload);


Create Csrs Order

var csr = new Csr
    AccountId =  "accountId"
    //Additional information

var response = await Csr.Create(client, csr);

Get Csr Order

var response = await Csr.Get(client, orderId);

Replace Csr Order

var csr = new Csr
    AccountId =  "new accountId"
    //Additional information

var response = await Csr.Replace(client, orderId, csr);

List Notes on Csr Order

var response = await Csr.ListNotes(client, orderId);

Create Note on Csr Order

var note = new Note
    Description = "Description goes here"

Csr.CreateNote(client, orderId, note);

Update Note on Csr Order

var note = new Note
    Description = "Updated description goes here"

Csr.UpdateNote(client, orderId, noteId, note);

Emergency Notifications

Get Recipients

var result = await EmergencyNotification.GetRecipients(client, orderId);

List Recipients

var result = await EmergencyNotification.ListRecipients(client, new Dictionary<string, Object>
    {"EnrNotificationType", "SMS" }

Create Recipients

var result = await EmergencyNotification.CreateRecipients(client, new EmergencyNotificationRecipient
    ModifiedByUser = "testuser",
    Type = "EMAIL",
    EmailAddress = "[email protected]"

Update Recipients

var result = await EmergencyNotification.UpdateRecipients(client, id, new EmergencyNotificationRecipient
    ModifiedByUser = "testuser",
    Type = "EMAIL",
    EmailAddress = "[email protected]"

Delete Recipients

EmergencyNotification.DeleteRecipients(client, id).Wait();

Get Group Orders

var result = await EmergencyNotification.GetGroupOrders(client, id);

List Group Orders

var result = await EmergencyNotification.ListGroupOrders(client, new Dictionary<string, Object>
    {"EnrNotificationType", "TTS" }

Create Group Order

var result = await EmergencyNotification.CreateGroupOrders(client, new EmergencyNotificationGroupOrder
    CustomerOrderId = "test",
    AddedEmergencyNotificationGroup = new EmergencyNotificationGroup
        CreatedBy = "samwise"

Get Groups

var result = await EmergencyNotification.GetGroups(client, id);

List Groups

var result = await EmergencyNotification.ListGroups(client, new Dictionary<string, Object>
    {"EnrDetails", "true" },
    {"EnrEmailAddress", "[email protected]" }

Get Endpoint Order

var result = await EmergencyNotification.GetEndpointOrders(client, id);

List Endpoint Orders

var result = await EmergencyNotification.ListEndpointOrders(client, new Dictionary<string, Object>
    {"EepTns", "404" }

Create Endpoint Order

var result = await EmergencyNotification.CreateEndpointOrders(client, endpointOrder);


Get Aeui

var response = await Aeui.Get(client, id);

List Aeui

var response = await Aeui.List(client);

TN Options

Create TN Option

Create TN Option order(s) to assign line features to the telephone number

Add PortOutPasscode

var order = new TnOptionOrder
    CustomerOrderId = "customerOrderId",
    TnOptionGroups = new List<TnOptionGroup>
        new TnOptionGroup {
            PortOutPasscode = "a1b2c3",
            TelephoneNumbers = new List<string>

var result = await TnOptions.Create(client, order);

Enable SMS

var order = new TnOptionOrder
    CustomerOrderId = "customerOrderId",
    TnOptionGroups = new List<TnOptionGroup>
        new TnOptionGroup {
            Sms = "on",
            TelephoneNumbers = new List<string>

var result = await TnOptions.Create(client, order);

Add CallForward Number

var order = new TnOptionOrder
    CustomerOrderId = "customerOrderId",
    TnOptionGroups = new List<TnOptionGroup>
        new TnOptionGroup {
            CallForward = "6042661720",
            TelephoneNumbers = new List<string>

var result = await TnOptions.Create(client, order);

Get Tn Option Order

Get Tn Option Order (No Error)

TnOptionOrder response = null;
response = await TnOptions.Get(client, orderId);
} catch (Exception ex) {
    //No error thrown

Console.WriteLine(response.OrderCreateDate); //"2016-01-15T11:22:58.789Z"

Get Tn Option Order (With Error)

TnOptionOrder response = null;
    response = await TnOptions.Get(client, orderId);
} catch (Exception ex) {
    if (ex.InnerException is BandwidthIrisException)
        var exInner = (BandwidthIrisException)ex.InnerException;
        Console.WriteLine(exInner.Message); //"Telephone number is not available"
        Console.WriteLine(exInner.Body); // <TnOptionOrders><TotalCount>2</TotalCount><TnOptionOrder>..........</TnOptionOrder></TnOptionOrders>

List Tn Option Orders

var result = await TnOptions.List(client, new Dictionary<string, Object>
        {"status", "9199918388" }

csharp-bandwidth-iris's People


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csharp-bandwidth-iris's Issues

[BUG] AllowAutoRedirect should be false


  • Have you provided a description of the bug?
  • Have you provided your Environment information?
  • Have you provided a sample code snippet?
  • Have you provided a stack trace?
  • Have you outlined the expected behavior?


I'm calling InServiceNumber.List(client) without specifying any parameter. In this API, Bandwidth return Redirect 303, but with AllowAutoRedirect = true, Client will auto redirect to the Location header in the 303 response without adding Authorization header then it lead to 401 Unauthorized response.

AllowAutoRedirect should be set to false, redirect response would already be handled in Client.MakeGetRequest()
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.RedirectMethod)

Environment Information

  • OS Version: Mac M1
  • SDK Version: 4.0.1
  • Environment: .NET 6

Sample Code Snippet

private HttpClient CreateHttpClient()
      UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(this._apiEndpoint)
        Path = string.Format("/{0}/", (object) this._apiVersion)
      HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient((HttpMessageHandler) new HttpClientHandler()
        AllowAutoRedirect = true,
      httpClient.BaseAddress = uriBuilder.Uri;
      httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}:{1}", (object) this._userName, (object) this._password))));
      httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", Client.USER_AGENT);
      return httpClient;

Stack Trace

Bandwidth.Iris.BandwidthIrisException: Http code Unauthorized
   at Bandwidth.Iris.Client.MakeGetRequest(String path, IDictionary`2 query, String id, Boolean disposeResponse)
   at Bandwidth.Iris.Client.MakeGetRequest[TResult](String path, IDictionary`2 query, String id)
   at Bandwidth.Iris.Model.InServiceNumber.List(Client client, IDictionary`2 query)

Expected Behavior

Add Authorization into redirect request

Suggested Fix

Set AllowAutoRedirect = false like it was before merged

TnReservation does not support multiple TN reservations

var item = await TnReservation.Create(new TnReservation()
AccountId = "accountId",
ReservedTn = "9195551212",
ReservationExpires = 0

Am I correct in thinking the TnReservation does not support the passing of an array of numbers to reserve? The API appears to support this.

So in the situation where the end user retrieves 20 numbers and wants to reserve and order 'All' - we would need to call this 20 times?

[BUG] No OrderId is returned when using the Lidb class


  • Have you provided a description of the bug?
  • Have you provided your Environment information?
  • Have you provided a sample code snippet?
  • Have you provided a stack trace?
  • Have you outlined the expected behavior?


No OrderId property is returned when using the Lidb class. This was initially discovered using Lidb.Create() method, but the same behavior occurs with Lidb.Get();


Environment Information

  • OS Version: macOS Ventura 13.2.1
  • SDK Version: 6.0.0
  • Environment: .NET Core 6.0

Sample Code Snippet

Any regular call to Lidb should reproduce the error:

var result = await Lidb.Create(Client, new Lidb
    CustomerOrderId = "<any-customer-order-id>",
    LidbTnGroups = new LidbTnGroup[]
            TelephoneNumbers = new[]
            SubscriberInformation = "<any-sub-info>",
            UseType = "RESIDENTIAL", 
            Visibility = "PUBLIC" 


var result = await Lidb.Get(Client, "<order-id>");

Stack Trace

This bug does not throw an error or exception.

Expected Behavior

The API call from Postman returns the orderId correctly, as shown:

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 10 49 13 AM

Lidb class should mirror this behavior.

Suggested Fix

Going through the code, one can see that Lidb's orderId has a potential issue regarding case sensitivity. In the API result shown above, OrderId is returned in PascalCase, not camelCase. Removing the annotation might solve this.

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 10 56 01 AM

ExistingTelephoneNumberOrderType and Reservation support

When using reserved TNs there is an additional possible element in this type called ReservationIdList. See example:
<Order> <Name>Available Telephone Number order</Name> <SiteId>385</SiteId> <CustomerOrderId>123456789</CustomerOrderId> <ExistingTelephoneNumberOrderType> <TelephoneNumberList> <TelephoneNumber>9193752369</TelephoneNumber> <TelephoneNumber>9193752720</TelephoneNumber> <TelephoneNumber>9193752648</TelephoneNumber> </TelephoneNumberList> <ReservationIdList> <ReservationId>[GUID]</ReservationId> <ReservationId>[GUID]</ReservationId> </ReservationIdList> </ExistingTelephoneNumberOrderType> </Order>

[BUG] Callback Subscription Expiry overflows int32


  • Have you provided a description of the bug?
  • Have you provided a stack trace?
  • Have you outlined the expected behavior?


I've created some new subscriptions in the Dashboard that were set to never expire. When listing subscriptions using the C# SDK I now encounter a deserialization error:

Calling the Subscriptions API directly with Postman, I see the new subscription:

        <Status>200 OK - </Status>

Given that expiry value and running in DotNetFiddle you can see it throws the same expection:

Stack Trace

System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 4528). ---> System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.
   at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(ParsingStatus status, TypeCode type)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderSubscriptionsResponse.Read4_CallbackSubscription(bool isNullable, bool checkType)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderSubscriptionsResponse.Read5_Subscription(bool isNullable, bool checkType)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderSubscriptionsResponse.Read6_SubscriptionsResponse(bool isNullable, bool checkType)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderSubscriptionsResponse.Read7_SubscriptionsResponse()   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, string encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(Stream stream)
   at Bandwidth.Iris.Client+<MakeGetRequest>d__16<TResult>.MoveNext()
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Bandwidth.Iris.Model.Subscription+<List>d__3.MoveNext()
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter<TResult>.GetResult()

Expected Behavior

Enumerating shouldn't fail

Suggested Fix

Change CallbackSubscription from int32 to int64

Actual response from Lnp check

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><NumberPortabilityResponse><PortableNumbers><Tn>9195551212</Tn><Tn>9195551213</Tn></PortableNumbers><SupportedRateCenters><RateCenterGroup><RateCenter>RALEIGH</RateCenter><City>RALEIGH</City><State>NC</State><LATA>426</LATA><Tiers><Tier>0</Tier></Tiers><TnList><Tn>9195551212</Tn><Tn>9195551213</Tn></TnList></RateCenterGroup></SupportedRateCenters><UnsupportedRateCenters/><SupportedLosingCarriers><LosingCarrierTnList><LosingCarrierSPID>6214</LosingCarrierSPID><LosingCarrierName>Cingular</LosingCarrierName><TnList><Tn>9195551212</Tn><Tn>9195551213</Tn></TnList></LosingCarrierTnList></SupportedLosingCarriers><UnsupportedLosingCarriers/></NumberPortabilityResponse>

Note the additional undocumented elements

[BUG] ImportTnCheckerPayload has missing SiteId and SipPeerId parameters, and produces XML that doesn't conform API documentation


  • Have you provided a description of the bug?
  • Have you provided your Environment information?
  • Have you provided a sample code snippet?
  • Have you provided a stack trace?
  • Have you outlined the expected behavior?


ImportTnChecker model do not match API documentation. As a result, 400 Bad Request is returned by api/accounts/{accountId}/importTnChecker API endpoint.
Specifically, there are two issues:

  1. SiteId and SipPeerId parameters are missing in ImportTnCheckerPayload class
  2. TelephoneNumbers array is being serialized in a way that doesn't match API documentation. This in turn prevents API from recognizing numbers client is sending.

Environment Information

  • OS Version: Windows 10
  • SDK Version: 3.1.0
  • Environment: .NET Core 6.0

Sample Code Snippet

            var checkerRequest = new ImportTnCheckerPayload
                TelephoneNumbers = new TelephoneNumber[]
                    new TelephoneNumber
                        FullNumber = "5105551122"

            var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(checkerRequest.GetType());
            using Utf8StringWriter writer = new Utf8StringWriter();
            xmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, checkerRequest);
            string content = writer.ToString();

Expected Behavior

API documentation at suggests that expected request format is:


Actual behavior

The payload being produced by XmlSerializer off the defined model classes is:


Notice extra FullNumber element.

Suggested Fix

  1. Fix XML serialization hints for TelephoneNumbers .
  2. Add SiteId and SipPeerId properties
    public class ImportTnCheckerPayload
        public string SiteId { get; set; } 
        public string SipPeerId { get; set; }
        public string[] TelephoneNumbers { get; set; }

        public ImportTnError[] ImportTnErrors { get; set; }

PeerId missing from `Order.Create`

Perhaps this is the wrong forum for this type of question but here goes anyway.

Playing with the C# iris SDK. The Order.Create seems to lack PeerId

var result = await Bandwidth.Iris.Model.Order.Create(client, new Bandwidth.Iris.Model.Order
      Name = "Test Order",
      SiteId = "1234",
      PeerId = "5626",
      CustomerOrderId = "",
       LataSearchAndOrderType = new LataSearchAndOrderType
          Lata = "224",
          Quantity = 1

PeerId is not defined in Order.Create? Curious why that restriction exists.

Also if I do submit the order above, to the correct SiteId & without the peerid, the call is successful but no number is added. And the response seems to imply that NULL was passed as the LATA

  "order": {
    "id": "e3702599-d3e8-4104-9f30-6bdc30aefb50",
    "orderId": "e3702599-d3e8-4104-9f30-6bdc30aefb50",
    "name": "Test Order",
    "siteId": "****",
    "backOrderRequested": false,
    "orderCreateDate": "2018-02-21T17:38:56.285Z",
    "customerOrderId": "",
    "partialAllowed": true,
    "closeOrder": false,
    "existingTelephoneNumberOrderType": null,
    "areaCodeSearchAndOrderType": null,
    "rateCenterSearchAndOrderType": null,
    "npaNxxSearchAndOrderType": null,
    "tollFreeVanitySearchAndOrderType": null,
    "tollFreeWildCharSearchAndOrderType": null,
    "stateSearchAndOrderType": null,
    "citySearchAndOrderType": null,
    "zipSearchAndOrderType": null,
    "lataSearchAndOrderType": {
      "lata": null,
      "quantity": 1
  "createdByUser": null,
  "completedQuantity": 0,
  "failedQuantity": 0,
  "pendingQuantity": 0,
  "orderCompleteDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "orderStatus": "RECEIVED",
  "completedNumbers": null

If I search for the order on the dashboard - no order is found.

Make public modifier to Client class endpoint methods

Is it possible to make modifiers internal to public for get, post, etc. methods? This will allow implementing models that are not yet in this repository (for example, e911order), but the user needs them. As a result, when the model is ready, clients will be able to make a pull request to this repository, and not fork this repository.
If you don't mind, then I'll make an pull request. Thank you.

[BUG] De-serialization of null Tn dates


  • Have you provided a description of the bug?
  • Have you provided your Environment information?
  • Have you provided a sample code snippet?
  • Have you provided a stack trace?
  • Have you outlined the expected behavior?


Deserialization of Tns will fail if a datetime from Bandwidth is not provided.

Environment Information

  • OS Version: macOs Ventura 13.4
  • SDK Version: 5.0
  • Environment: .NET Core 6.0

Sample Code Snippet

Calling Bandwidth.Iris.Model.Tn.Get(client, phoneNumber)

Text response from api:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Fails at Bandwidth.Iris.Client.MakeGetRequest(path, query, id):

XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof (TResult));
return stream.Length > 0L ? (TResult) xmlSerializer.Deserialize(stream) : default (TResult);

Stack Trace

System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 190).
 ---> System.FormatException: The string '' is not a valid AllXsd value.
   at System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToDateTime(String s, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode dateTimeOption)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCustomFormatter.ToDateTime(String value)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader.ToDateTime(String value)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderTn.Read2_Tn(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderTn.Read3_TelephoneNumberResponse()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(Stream stream)
   at Bandwidth.Iris.Client.MakeGetRequest[TResult](String path, IDictionary`2 query, String id)
   at Bandwidth.Iris.Model.Tn.Get(Client client, String number)

Expected Behavior

The telephone number is de-serialized with a null LastModifiedDate.

Suggested Fix

Make the datetime fields nullable.

LnpChecker Updates `/accounts/{accountId}/lnpchecker`

There is a mismatch between the API and SDK. The SDK has a PortType property while the SDK doesn't.
The NumberPortabilityResponse class of the SDK is out of date compare to the response the returns:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

See the docs for under POST /accounts/{accountId}/lnpchecker

The NumberPortabilityResponse class has the structure which is

public class NumberPortabilityResponse 
  public NumberPortabilityResponse();
  public RateCenterGroup[] SupportedRateCenters { get; set; } 
  public RateCenterGroup[] UnsupportedRateCenters { get; set; } 
  public RateCenterGroup[] PartnerSupportedRateCenters { get; set; } 
  public string[] PortableNumbers { get; set; } 
  public LosingCarriers SupportedLosingCarriers { get; set; } 
  public LosingCarriers UnsupportedLosingCarriers { get; set; } 

Is it any reason for that? if so, Is there anyway I can get the PortType property's value with the SDK?

Missing elements in LnpOrderResponse

Check the documentation. There are additional elements not in the request that are in the response. Also, things like ProcessingStatus are not in the response, only in the request

Section 12

Need to code section 12 of the API doc: Managing Orders

MANUAL_TOLLFREE needs added to PortType (and maybe some others)

After submitting an initial bulk port request in a DRAFT status with tollfree numbers, I perform a GetOrder() on the first generated portin order ID and I get the following exception when the object is cast to an LnpOrderResponse "Instance validation error: 'MANUAL_TOLLFREE' is not a valid value for PortType.". I added MANUAL_TOLLFREE to the PortType enum and it's working now. I haven't fully tested porting a toll free number in production, so I'm not sure if it's actually a valid value. But I think it's safe to say that MANUAL_TOLLFREE is a newer valid PortType. Out of the existing three (AUTOMATED, INTERNAL, MANUALOFFNET) , there may be more to add found in the chart located here:

Manual Off-Net
Manual On-Net
Manual Toll Free
Automated On-Net
Automated Off-Net Pre FOC
Automated Off-Net Post FOC

AvailableNumbers with enableTNDetail=true

If I call AvailableNumbers with enableTNDetail=false I get:

TelephoneNumberList = list of telephone numbers
TelephoneNumberDetailList = NULL

If I call AvailableNumbers with enableTNDetail=true I get:

TelephoneNumberList =NULL
TelephoneNumberDetailList = detailed list of of telephone numbers BUT BUT the actual TelephoneNumber field is NULL

BW v2 API?

Are there any plans to update this to work with BW's newer "v2" APIs?

Last Sections (For now)


I will warn you that the responses in these sections will make you want to cry. The organization of the data is "interesting"

I created a Tns type in Java and just put static methods there because the response data is so varied. You can see my code in the Java project, along with sample xml for all of the responses.

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