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tsc's Issues

CasparCG Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting 2020-06-18


Thu, 18 June 2020 at 11:00 UTC

Timezone Date/Time
London Thu, 18 June 2020 at 12:00 BST
Stockholm Thu, 18 June 2020 at 13:00 CEST

You can also find your local time by following the link: check my local time


Google Meet, a link will be sent to attendes prior to the meeting.


The agenda will be formed prior to the meeting and will consist of issues and pull requests from the CasparCG organization with the tsc-agenda label. Comments posted on this issue will also be a part of the agenda.


  • Proposal: Invite one more developer as maintainer
  • Milestone v2.3.0 LTS
  • CasparCG Server v2.3.0 LTS Beta 2
  • CasparCG Server v2.3.0 LTS RC
  • CasparCG Server v2.3.0 LTS release
Issues/Pull requests


  • Merge available pull requests so it works with CasparCG Server v2.3.0 LTS



In the future we will be able to invite guests and observers, but we have to form the processes around the technical steering committee first before we can invite others to participate.


The agenda is formed by issues and pull requests labelled with tsc-agenda across all of the repositories in the CasparCG organization. Please label any additional issues or pull requests that we need to bring up for discussion before the meeting starts.

CasparCG Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting 2020-05-28


Thu, 28 May 2020 at 14:00 UTC

Timezone Date/Time
London Thu, 28 May 2020 at 15:00 BST
Stockholm Thu, 28 May 2020 at 16:00 CEST

You can also find your local time by following the link: check my local time


Google Meet, a link will be sent to attendes prior to the meeting.


The agenda will be formed prior to the meeting and will consist of issues and pull requests from the CasparCG organization with the tsc-agenda label. Comments posted on this issue will also be a part of the agenda.



  • Announcement repository
  • TSC repository



In the future we will be able to invite guests and observers, but we have to form the processes around the technical steering committee first before we can invite others to participate.


The agenda is formed by issues and pull requests labelled with tsc-agenda across all of the repositories in the CasparCG organization. Please label any additional issues or pull requests that we need to bring up for discussion before the meeting starts.

error when unloading ffmpeg

[2020-05-28 15:22:02.131] [info]    Sent message to PLAY OK\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.132] [info]    ffmpeg[|0/9223372036854775807] Destroyed.
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_multiple=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_persistent=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.657] [info]    Received message from LOAD 1-10 AF ANULL\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.658] [info]    Sent message to LOAD OK\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.739] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_multiple=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.739] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_persistent=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   Exception: C:\Code\casparcg\official-master\src\modules\ffmpeg\producer\av_input.cpp(142): Throw in function void __cdecl caspar::ffmpeg::Input::internal_reset(void)
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct caspar::ffmpeg::ffmpeg_error_t>
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   [struct boost::errinfo_api_function_ * __ptr64] = avformat_open_input(&ic, filename_.c_str(), input_format, &options)
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   [struct boost::errinfo_errno_ * __ptr64] = 0, "No error"
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   [struct caspar::tag_stacktrace_info * __ptr64] =  0# ILT+82560(??0?$allocatorU?$recursion_infoV?$match_resultsV?$_String_const_iteratorV?$_String_valU?$_Simple_types_WstdstdstdV?$allocatorU?$sub_matchV?$_String_const_iteratorV?$_String_valU?$_Simple_types_Wstdstdstdboost in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    1# ILT+211730(?_Grow_to?$vectorV?$shared_ptrUplurallambdagnu_gettextlocaleboostboostV?$allocatorV?$shared_ptrUplurallambdagnu_gettextlocaleboostbooststdstdIEBA_K_KZ) in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    2# boost::make_shared<boost::log::v2s_mt_nt5::sinks::synchronous_sink<`caspar::log::add_preformatted_line_sink'::`2'::sink_backend>,std::function<void __cdecl(std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >)> > at c:\program files (x86)\jenkins\jobs\casparcg_server_2.1.0\workspace\dependencies64\boost\boost\smart_ptr\make_shared_object.hpp:254
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    3# caspar::log::my_formatter<boost::log::v2s_mt_nt5::basic_formatting_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > at c:\program files (x86)\jenkins\jobs\casparcg_server_2.1.0\workspace\common\log.cpp:141
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    4# std::_Adjust_heap<std::pair<boost::typeindex::stl_type_index,void * __ptr64> * __ptr64,__int64,std::pair<boost::typeindex::stl_type_index,void * __ptr64>,boost::log::v2s_mt_nt5::aux::dispatching_map_order> at c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\algorithm:2429
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    5# boost::detail::heap_new<boost::thread_specific_ptr<std::shared_ptr<caspar::thread_info> >::delete_data> in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    6# std::_Func_impl<<lambda_3e59b102a22d47a1cc4b18f88293530d>,std::allocator<int>,void>::_Delete_this at c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\functional:226
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    7# beginthreadex in ucrtbase
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    8# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    9# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    0# ILT+82560(??0?$allocatorU?$recursion_infoV?$match_resultsV?$_String_const_iteratorV?$_String_valU?$_Simple_types_WstdstdstdV?$allocatorU?$sub_matchV?$_String_const_iteratorV?$_String_valU?$_Simple_types_Wstdstdstdboost in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    1# ILT+81180(?_Get?$_Func_implV<lambda_3fe371b7c5ba2617b346427a013bbb9c>V?$allocatorHstdV?$shared_ptrVcg_proxycorecasparsplcasparAEBV?$shared_ptrVframe_producercorecaspar in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    2# caspar::core::image_transform::tween at c:\program files (x86)\jenkins\jobs\casparcg_server_2.1.0\workspace\core\frame\frame_transform.cpp:172
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    3# 0x00007FF8B5351080 in VCRUNTIME140_1
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    4# _NLG_Return2 in VCRUNTIME140_1
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    5# RtlCaptureContext in ntdll
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    6# boost::detail::heap_new<boost::thread_specific_ptr<std::shared_ptr<caspar::thread_info> >::delete_data> in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    7# std::_Func_impl<<lambda_3e59b102a22d47a1cc4b18f88293530d>,std::allocator<int>,void>::_Delete_this at c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\functional:226
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    8# beginthreadex in ucrtbase
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    9# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   10# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   
[2020-05-28 15:22:06.861] [info]    Received message from PLAY 1-10\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:06.861] [info]    Sent message to PLAY OK\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.364] [info]    Received message from LOAD 2-10 AF ANULL\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.365] [info]    Sent message to LOAD OK\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.365] [info]    ffmpeg[|248/395] Destroyed.
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.442] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_multiple=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.443] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_persistent=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:10.410] [info]    Received message from PLAY 2-10\r\n

FFMPEG unload error

[2020-05-28 15:22:02.131] [info]    Sent message to PLAY OK\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.132] [info]    ffmpeg[|0/9223372036854775807] Destroyed.
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_multiple=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_persistent=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.657] [info]    Received message from LOAD 1-10 AF ANULL\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.658] [info]    Sent message to LOAD OK\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.739] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_multiple=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.739] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_persistent=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   Exception: C:\Code\casparcg\official-master\src\modules\ffmpeg\producer\av_input.cpp(142): Throw in function void __cdecl caspar::ffmpeg::Input::internal_reset(void)
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct caspar::ffmpeg::ffmpeg_error_t>
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   [struct boost::errinfo_api_function_ * __ptr64] = avformat_open_input(&ic, filename_.c_str(), input_format, &options)
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   [struct boost::errinfo_errno_ * __ptr64] = 0, "No error"
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   [struct caspar::tag_stacktrace_info * __ptr64] =  0# ILT+82560(??0?$allocatorU?$recursion_infoV?$match_resultsV?$_String_const_iteratorV?$_String_valU?$_Simple_types_WstdstdstdV?$allocatorU?$sub_matchV?$_String_const_iteratorV?$_String_valU?$_Simple_types_Wstdstdstdboost in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    1# ILT+211730(?_Grow_to?$vectorV?$shared_ptrUplurallambdagnu_gettextlocaleboostboostV?$allocatorV?$shared_ptrUplurallambdagnu_gettextlocaleboostbooststdstdIEBA_K_KZ) in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    2# boost::make_shared<boost::log::v2s_mt_nt5::sinks::synchronous_sink<`caspar::log::add_preformatted_line_sink'::`2'::sink_backend>,std::function<void __cdecl(std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >)> > at c:\program files (x86)\jenkins\jobs\casparcg_server_2.1.0\workspace\dependencies64\boost\boost\smart_ptr\make_shared_object.hpp:254
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    3# caspar::log::my_formatter<boost::log::v2s_mt_nt5::basic_formatting_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > at c:\program files (x86)\jenkins\jobs\casparcg_server_2.1.0\workspace\common\log.cpp:141
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    4# std::_Adjust_heap<std::pair<boost::typeindex::stl_type_index,void * __ptr64> * __ptr64,__int64,std::pair<boost::typeindex::stl_type_index,void * __ptr64>,boost::log::v2s_mt_nt5::aux::dispatching_map_order> at c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\algorithm:2429
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    5# boost::detail::heap_new<boost::thread_specific_ptr<std::shared_ptr<caspar::thread_info> >::delete_data> in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    6# std::_Func_impl<<lambda_3e59b102a22d47a1cc4b18f88293530d>,std::allocator<int>,void>::_Delete_this at c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\functional:226
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    7# beginthreadex in ucrtbase
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    8# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    9# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    0# ILT+82560(??0?$allocatorU?$recursion_infoV?$match_resultsV?$_String_const_iteratorV?$_String_valU?$_Simple_types_WstdstdstdV?$allocatorU?$sub_matchV?$_String_const_iteratorV?$_String_valU?$_Simple_types_Wstdstdstdboost in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    1# ILT+81180(?_Get?$_Func_implV<lambda_3fe371b7c5ba2617b346427a013bbb9c>V?$allocatorHstdV?$shared_ptrVcg_proxycorecasparsplcasparAEBV?$shared_ptrVframe_producercorecaspar in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    2# caspar::core::image_transform::tween at c:\program files (x86)\jenkins\jobs\casparcg_server_2.1.0\workspace\core\frame\frame_transform.cpp:172
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    3# 0x00007FF8B5351080 in VCRUNTIME140_1
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    4# _NLG_Return2 in VCRUNTIME140_1
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    5# RtlCaptureContext in ntdll
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    6# boost::detail::heap_new<boost::thread_specific_ptr<std::shared_ptr<caspar::thread_info> >::delete_data> in casparcg
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    7# std::_Func_impl<<lambda_3e59b102a22d47a1cc4b18f88293530d>,std::allocator<int>,void>::_Delete_this at c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\functional:226
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    8# beginthreadex in ucrtbase
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]    9# BaseThreadInitThunk in KERNEL32
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   10# RtlUserThreadStart in ntdll
[2020-05-28 15:22:02.174] [error]   
[2020-05-28 15:22:06.861] [info]    Received message from PLAY 1-10\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:06.861] [info]    Sent message to PLAY OK\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.364] [info]    Received message from LOAD 2-10 AF ANULL\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.365] [info]    Sent message to LOAD OK\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.365] [info]    ffmpeg[|248/395] Destroyed.
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.442] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_multiple=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:07.443] [warning] av_input[] Unused option http_persistent=0
[2020-05-28 15:22:10.410] [info]    Received message from PLAY 2-10\r\n
[2020-05-28 15:22:10.411] [info]    Sent message to PLAY OK\r\n

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