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goko's Introduction

Goko Build Status Discuss

Current version : 0.3.5


Goko is a Java based GCode sender and CNC control software. It can be used to control a controller board based CNC machine.

Supported controllers :

  • TinyG v0.97 - doc
  • G2 Core v0.99 - doc
  • Grbl v1.1 - doc
  • Grbl v0.9 - doc
  • Grbl v0.8c - doc

Getting started

See documentation

Report a bug

You can use the Issues tracker

You can also discuss on the forum Discuss

Changelog - Version 0.3.5 [2017-11-04]


  • Zero probe tool, allowing to zero using touch probe, including tool offset,
  • Forcing TinyG status report format on connection,
  • Added mouse position coordinate display in 3d viewer,
  • Added Gcode colorization mode allowing to colorize by motion mode, spindle state, or feedrate,
  • Added support for Radius Mode G2/G3 motions,
  • Added customizable arc specification check in GCode preferences,
  • Reworked command panel for better button layout,


  • Fixed G92 export,
  • Fixed G53 support,
  • Fixed a bug preventing from switching jog axis when using Shuttle Xpress devices,
  • Fixed spindle state display for Grbl,
  • Fixed broken spindle buttons in command panel,
  • Fixed Grbl not properly handling the end of a token execution,
  • Fixed TinyG not properly handling the end of a token execution,

goko's People


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goko's Issues

bug in gcode viewer

hi and thanks
gcode viewer have bug when i change home position in grbl. please solve it.

Obversations & Questions - Spindle Control

Hope I'm not doing something wrong - I'm having a bunch of questions about Goko spindle control -

  1. In the Command panel, the Spindle On / Off buttons appear to be greyed out no matter what.
  2. In the DRO panel, I have Spindle, Spindle Speed, and Spindle Dir added to the panel. Great customization tools by the way... Anyway, Spindle indicates Off, no matter what. Spindle dir. indicates blank no matter what. However, spindle speed indicates the correct speed when Snnnn commands are encountered in gcode - either instream or via MDI.
  3. In the Grbl Override panel the Toggle Spindle button is enabled, but it has no effect, either on the DRO Spindle indication, or on the Arduino hardware and machine. (Gerbl and the hardware are OK, since the spindle is controlled fine by other interfaces). It appears the Toggle Flood and Toggle Mist controls behave the same way.

Many thanks in advance for your advise about my spindle problems.

Kind Regards, Jere

Not able to control anything after connecting

I'm not sure if this is a problem with goko, the tinyg2 fw, or my own ignorance. I've got the latest tinyg2 flashed onto my due. I currently don't have anything hooked up to the due other my host computer, I don't know if that is my problem but I'm coming from grbl and I know that will connect and show info when nothing else is connected. So when I connect to the due in goko it shows up in the lower left corner that its connected on com10 at 115200 but no controls are available and in the g2 configuration menu it has 0 for firmware version and all other fields,also the serial monitor shows the info that is being pushed by goko but I don't believe its receiving anything back. I've tried installing g2 a few times on 2 different boards with no luck. Please help!!

64bit install

I have a newly configured 64 bit machine and I cant install the latest build, I get a JAVA error.
-Windows Home Premium 64 bit
-8 gigs ram
-Java 8 installed
The 32 bit installs and runs just fine...
goko error

Another couple issues-
-Keyboard Jog enabled does not appear to work *if it did I could possible hook up a ShuttlExpress)
-In the TinyG config we need a checkbox to enable/disable the "Soft Limits". I discovered with it enabled it has caused some issues with the DRO not working and no limit errors showing up.

GCode parsing - End line comments wrongly parsed

Comments at the end of a GCode line can be wrongly parsed.
For instance the input line :

G1 F800.0 Y-35.8164 ;M3 S1000

Will be parsed and transformed to :


Notice that the ; is gone.
This causes error when sending them to the board.

Motor settings in TinyG configuration do not persist.

When trying to modify the motor settings (for instance, trying to configure a dual Y motor setup) in the TinyG configuration panel, changes are not made nor do edits persist when the panel is reopened. At this point, motor outputs cannot be assigned to correct axes nor can their characteristics be modified to calibrate the machine.

Flow control ($ex)

Nice work!! Glad to see some work going on with GOKO, this will be the first offline software to work with the TinyG.

I've upgraded to your latest and I'm not able to send a file. I get a "No execution control enabled." error.

TinyG with the latest 440.2 firmware
Goko Alpha 0.0.2

goko warning

TinyG - Configuration auto correction does not apply new values

When detecting a change in the TinyG configuration, values qv and jv are checked to make sure they match the settings required for correct communication.

When a change is detected and fixes are proposed, after clicking the Yes button, the corrected values are not applied.

Affected version : 0.3.3

Saving and executing Macros


When I tried to use the Macro feature for the first time, I could not edit its name because all buttons were disabled while typing the new name and there was no way for me to save it. So, I was stuck with a Macro that is called "New Macro". Another issue is that the Macro was edited and saved, but could not able to execute it.

I done a Macro with G0 X0 Y0 Z0 and simply could not execute it.

Maybe, I am messing something here.

TinyG - MSG response not handled

Following message response from TinyG should be handled :
{"r":{"msg":"Homing error - Z axis settings misconfigured"},"f":[1,240,0,6844]}

Pendant Idea

I needed a way of controlling my machine while the computer is away
so I had a wireless numpad laying around. I tried it with the software, but
it only jogged the machine! I couldn't use fast jog, slow jog, pause,
resume or abort. I head on to settings and I
couldn't find anything related.

So, I came up with a new idea. Why not implement a way of assigning
keyboard keys in the settings to control the machine?

Maybe this will help people that don't have the ShuttleXpress like me!

unable to start on macOS, platform metadata area could not be written

Goko will not start for me on macOS Mojave.

The stack backtrace contains the following message (see link below for complete log file).

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The platform metadata area could not be written: /private/var/folders/ks/kyzjq8fn3d12732z49tr3_5h005b65/T/AppTranslocation/51990801-4371-4C43-8419-8F9330B47A4A/d/ By default the platform writes its content
under the current working directory when the platform is launched. Use the -data parameter to
specify a different content area for the platform.

I have not tried using the -data parameter because I don't know how to add command-line params when running an app on macOS.

Installed from
Java version "1.8.0_171"
Log file: $HOME/.eclipse/1398918656_macosx_cocoa_x86_64/configuration/1543953314547.log

Removing and adding an execution to the execution queue breaks execution listener

Removing and adding an execution to the execution queue breaks visual execution update

Step to reproduce :

  1. Open a GCode file and add it to execution queue,
  2. Start execution. Command state is updated in viewer,
  3. Remove the token from execution queue,
  4. Add it again,
  5. Start execution again
  6. Command state is no longer updated in viewer

Archlinux 64bit SISEGV

I am getting this error on an archlinux 64bit system. Any ints as to the problem?

(Goko:10227): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_style_context_add_provider: assertion 'GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context)' failed

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f52de1562d7, pid=10227, tid=0x00007f531f87e700
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_162-b01) (build 1.8.0_162-b01)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.162-b01 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  []  gtk_css_provider_load_from_data+0x27```

Viewer Custom Colors


Recently, I was on another G-code sender specific for laser engravers and I found that it showed the engraving paths (where the laser is on) with a color and another color for the jogging paths (where the laser is off). I thought why Goko does not have such feature where different colors for spindle ON/OFF states.

See example photo with light gray and red colored paths


Time estimation fails when use "raster" g-code

When machining a job using a "raster" mode (I use 3dpBurner-Image2Gcode) the estimated time is far away from the actual machining time. Example:


Here a small extract of the g-code:

G0 X0 Y133.5 G1 M03 S0 G1 X0 G1 Y133 M03 S152 G1 X0.5 G1 X1 M03 S153 G1 X1.5 G1 X2 M03 S152 G1 X2.5 G1 X3 G1 X3.5 G1 X4 G1 X4.5 M03 S151 G1 X5 G1 X5.5 G1 X6 G1 X6.5 G1 X7 G1 X7.5 M03 S150 G1 X8 G1 X8.5 M03 S149

TinyG g2 on Arduino Due - Crash when receiving a null parameter

A (probably stupid) question:
I am testing Goko 0.0.2 with TinyG g2 on an Arduino Due and a gShield.
The firmware is v0.98 build 87.01 (grabbed and flashed from Chilipeppr).
So far I can connect to the board (parameters are read in the serial console when the connection is established) and jog all the axes, but nothing more. The TinyG configuration window doesn't see the board, it shows no version or ID and all parameters are at 0.
As far as I understood, the "original" TinyG and g2 are pretty much identical, except that g2 does not support parameters ec,ee,ex and baud.
Is it why I can't get it to work, or are there some more incompatibilities?
Or am I doing something else wrong?

Observations & Questions - ShuttleExpress

Wow - I'm really pleased you are supporting the ShuttleExpress pendant. Once you get used to one, its a really effective HMI. The ability to twist fast jogs and then thumb-wheel spin tiny increments is really productive.

I built a profile for Goko.exe and imported your 4-axis .pref file. The Shuttle was indeed recognized just fine in Goko. Here are my problems / questions.

  1. The inner wheel works perfectly as a precision jog of X. Really nice! Pressing buttons 2, 3, 4 & 5 - for X, Y, Z, & A doesn't do a thing. The inner wheel precision jogs X no matter what.
  2. The outer ring is supposed to proportionately rapid jog. It likewise only moves X, but it jerks and stops at all ring positions equally. It does correctly reverse direction however. I've tried running a range of rapid jog settings in the ShuttleExpress panel in Goko, but nothing seems to change. The precise jog parameters have the expected effect on the inner wheel. That seems to work fine.

I really hope you can help me sort this out. Goko has the potential of being a very big help to me. It's close. Thanks again for what you are doing.

Sincerely, Jere

GLException Not a GL3 implementation on MacOSX

I get no 3d rendering of the tool path and I get the following error when starting Goko from the command line.

I've tried this on OSX 10.9 and 10.11

Exception in thread "main-FPSAnimator-Timer0" Not a GL3 implementation
	at jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl.getGL3(
	at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.init(
	at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.init(
	at com.jogamp.opengl.swt.GLCanvas$
	at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGLImpl(
	at jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper.invokeGL(
	at com.jogamp.opengl.swt.GLCanvas$
	at com.jogamp.opengl.swt.GLCanvas.runInGLThread(
	at com.jogamp.opengl.swt.GLCanvas.display(
	at com.jogamp.opengl.util.DefaultAnimatorImpl.display(
	at com.jogamp.opengl.util.AnimatorBase.display(
	at com.jogamp.opengl.util.FPSAnimator$
	at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(

Any Help would be appreciated.

Obversation - The character ? is not a valid expression in Serial Console Filters

The serial filter feature is really powerful. I used a <.*. filter to squelch the GRBL status traffic. Without it, the serial console is just about unusable. I would also like to suppress the "?" requests. When I tried to set up this filter, Goko complained that for ?, "Pattern is not a valid expression". Hope I'm not missing something simple. Kindly advise at your convenience.

Stuttering while moving


I have noticed lately that the machine had stuttering while moving through arcs. This also happens while executing any type of gcode; there are small stutters, nearly less than a second, through arcs.

This happened when GOKO asked me to overwrite some settings in GRBL for it work properly right after the update. Do not know what is going on here.

Error when connecting


I found that when connecting to grbl 1.1 on a nano, Goko (0.3.4) was not able to communicate with it. DRO's state is 'undefined', queue can not be started, I can not send serial commands and command panel buttons are grayed out. See attached image.

I did not change any of the serial communication preferences.

Problems starting on MacOSX

I have problems starting Goko on a Mac where the first window won't allow me to select controller. The drop down menu and the ok/cancel buttons are unresponsive and nothing happens when I click on them.

Also tried cloning the project, building and running it with the latest source with the same result.

screen shot 2018-06-29 at 13 00 15

Grbl Preferences Editor Issue


I found that Grbl preferences are not sent to Grbl after changin and then closing the Grbl preferences editor. I have to manually type in the commands in the console. Afterwards, it will not update in Grbl preferences editor until I reset Grbl.

using Grbl 1.1

Hello and Thanks !!


I was delighted that you have included GRBL 1.1 support in Goko. I looked at it a while back, but I was committed to 1.1, so I passed over Goko. I've been working with V0.3.4 for a few days under Win10, and I must say - it's the best and most comprehensive GRBL interface I've seen...

Thank you for writing it, and making it available to us! I hope to help spread the word and help build your user community.

I know it's a work in progress, and I gladly accept that. I have some "observations" to contribute. I don't want to call them bugs, because I'm not yet experienced.

I'll list them in subsequent posts.

Again, Kind Thanks for the excellent work. I know something like this is a lot of work.

Sincere Regards,


G0 command

Not sure if this is a TinyG issue or something in your code.
When running a file, I issue G0Z12.000 to bring the tool to the start point of the cut and when finished I use G0Z12.000 to clear the part to return the tool to home. On sample below the ending G0Z12.000 does not get executed, but the following line G0X0.000Y0.000 does.

M03 S11000

This is not related to the latest build, but it still exists with the latest.

Grbl 1.1f not recognised

I have Grbl 1.1f running on my arduino.
Goko will connect to it and I see the Grbl prompt

Grbl 1.1f ['$' for help]

in the terminal window, but Goko doesn't allow any further operations with it.

As an aside I can't sign up to the discussion page. I was going to report this issue there.
And I'm also having trouble building it within Maven. To attempt to resolve this issue and the GL3 issue. I wouldn't mind discussing these issues in the community.


Camera blinks with black flashes

I've tried different webcams at different resolutions, but all show an annoying black flash every few seconds, randomly. Is it a known behavior? What should I check?

Option to invert orbit controls in gcode viewer

Not sure if youre continuing dev, see the last commit was ~4 months ago, but might as well suggest nonetheless. Oh. I see the dev branch has an update a few days ago. Good to see.

Add an option to invert the orbit controls in the gcode viewer, as it stands, it is completely inverse of every single program with ant sort of 3D view that Ive ever seen.

Anyway, this looks awesome, Id love to see it completed/I dont know. I just know I dont care for Chilipeppr.

Err... I dont know how to add labels. I barely use github as it is. My bad. :)

Sign-up failure on when using GitHub as auth provider

Note - this probably isn't really exactly the right place to report this failure, but I'm not seeing any better options and putting it here should still get in front of the right people. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Just tried to sign up for, mainly to ask what you're using for generating 4th axis G-Code for TinyG (eg Fusion360? something else? etc). Mainly because it's the current task I'm working through (eg getting a Fusion 360 post processor to output 4th axis G-Code for g2core).

Anyway... the sign up process for errors out when choosing GitHub as the auth provider:

discuss goko fr github auth signup failure1

Is it expected to work? ๐Ÿ˜„

High CPU while connected to serial (TinyG)

Not a high priority as it works, but when I connect to the TinyG, the CPU pops up to 25% on a quad core, 50% on a dual core, even while the system is idle.
Disconnecting drops the CPU down normal levels.
It also seems if the system is left idle for a minute then disconnected/reconnected the CPU will not drop and when reconnected it will double (50% on Quad, 100% on dual)

TinyG support - I18N file issue

Hi, I've just downloaded the 64bit version and it auto updated, but in the preferences the only target board is Grbl, how do I tell it to use the TinyG controller?



Issues upon start - Coordinate system issue


A couple of times I run Goko and connect, I find that my G54 origin is thrown away to the bottom left of the top view away from the normal origin; in the - X and - Y region. Temporary workaround I found is to reset the EEPROM by sending a command $RST=#.

Also, upon connecting, sometimes I find that the machine position is very far away through X and Y; not even close to the origin. I have to zero it out everytime that happens.

Console filtering feature question


I love the new feature of filtering the console. However, I do not know how to use arguments. Is there any thing I can read somewhere to help me? I could not find it anywhere. Maybe using predefned buttons for these arguments that a user can click on to add them in the "Parameter" box would be quite handy.

GShield support

I'd like to request for compatible ility using the Syntheos gshield!


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