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dingo's Issues

For Begginer

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Modernize LP solver interface

This a feature request for how dingo is handling and solving LPs. Now it is using lp-solve library by default and Gurobi solver optionally.

The interface can be more modern and modular if a package like optlang is used. Many different solvers can be then used through optlang's interface (such as cplex, gurobipy, scipy).

dingo crashes with various metabolic models

Describe the bug
The following piece of code

import unittest
import os
import scipy
import numpy as np
from dingo import MetabolicNetwork, PolytopeSampler
from dingo.gurobi_based_implementations import fast_inner_ball

current_directory = os.getcwd()
input_file_json = current_directory + "/ext_data/iAB_RBC_283.json"

model = MetabolicNetwork.from_json(input_file_json)

sampler = PolytopeSampler(model)

steady_states = sampler.generate_steady_states()


  File "tests/", line 20, in <module>
    model = MetabolicNetwork.from_json(input_file_json)
  File "/home/workspace/dingo/dingo/", line 74, in from_json
    return cls(tuple_args)
  File "/home/workspace/dingo/dingo/", line 56, in __init__
    or (self._biomass_index < 0)
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'

iAB_RBC_283.json is downloaded from

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
  • python: Python 3.8.5 [GCC 9.3.0]

Tutorial is outdated

Python Version

Google Colab currently uses Python 3.10, while the dingo project requires Python 3.8, making it difficult to install dingo on Google Colab.

Outdated content

  1. Dependence and installation:

    "!apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev &> /dev/null\n",
    "%pip install sparseqr &> /dev/null\n",
    "%pip install Cython &> /dev/null\n",
    "%pip install cobra &> /dev/null\n",
    "%pip install kaleido &> /dev/null\n",
    "%pip install pyoptinterface[highs] &> /dev/null"

    "!python install --user &> /dev/null\n",

    The README recommends using poetry.


    Lines 60 to 62 in e89128c

    curl -sSL | python3 - --version 1.3.2
    poetry shell
    poetry install

  2. Ignored lpsolve Library:


    Lines 44 to 49 in e89128c

    You will also need to download and unzip the lpsolve library:
    tar xzvf lp_solve_5.5.2.11_source.tar.gz
    rm lp_solve_5.5.2.11_source.tar.gz

Read `.mat` models

Metabolic models is common to be available in .mat format.

At the moment dingo is able to read a .mat model once someone
run the matlab_model_wrapper.m.
That makes MATLAB a pre-requisite for a number of cases.

It would benefit the dingo library to support .mat files without this step.

Read `.xml` models

To address the challenges that come along with the metabolic network reconstruction process,
the metabolic modeling community has adopted the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML)
to a great extent.

Therefore, most metabolic models are in a .xml format and this is the reason that supporting
this format would benefit dingo the most.

To this end, dingo could make use of the libsbml library via its Python interface.

Update README installation instructions to be more user friendly

I encountered difficulties setting up the Dingo project completely for the first time and discussed the issues on Gitter. After repeatedly configuring the entire project over the past few weeks, particularly while addressing issue #83, I am convinced that making minor modifications to the README file can greatly streamline the setup process, ultimately saving considerable time and effort for new users

Challenges Faced:

  • Version incompatibility due to Python and project-dependent libraries.
  • Unclear instructions on the Poetry version for setup.


Proposed Change in instructions:

  • Make sure the Python version is 3.8 workflows

  • Install a specific version of poetry workflows

curl -sSL | python3 - --version 1.3.2
  • Install the dependencies for the PySPQR library using
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libsuitesparse-dev

Proposal for trial
For a quick and hassle-free Dingo project trial, consider using GitHub Codespaces. It provides an instant cloud-based development environment with limited free usage every month. Regardless of your operating system, you can set up and run experiments in under 10 minutes(depends on internet speed), thanks to its streamlined installation process. Additionally, consider utilizing another tab to include screenshots with installation steps and examples, which are mostly done.

`generate_steady_states` fails when you edit a model's optimal percentage twice

model = dingo.MetabolicNetwork.from_json("ext_data/e_coli_core.json")

sampler = dingo.PolytopeSampler(model)

sampler = dingo.PolytopeSampler(model)

would return:

phase 1: number of correlated samples = 500, effective sample size = 3, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 4548.22
phase 2: number of correlated samples = 500, effective sample size = 123, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 3.07681
phase 3: number of correlated samples = 500, effective sample size = 148, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 2.8596
phase 4: number of correlated samples = 1900, effective sample size = 754
[5]total ess 1028: number of correlated samples = 3400

[5]maximum marginal PSRF: 1.03027

UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
[/home/]( Cell 26 line 8
      [6](vscode-notebook-cell:/home/ model.set_opt_percentage(20)
      [7](vscode-notebook-cell:/home/ sampler = dingo.PolytopeSampler(model)
----> [8](vscode-notebook-cell:/home/ sampler.generate_steady_states()

File [~/github_repos/GeomScale/dingo/dingo/](, in PolytopeSampler.generate_steady_states(self, ess, psrf, parallel_mmcs, num_threads)
    [149]( def generate_steady_states(
    [150](     self, ess=1000, psrf=False, parallel_mmcs=False, num_threads=1
    [151]( ):
    [152](     """A member function to sample steady states.
    [154](     Keyword arguments:
    [158](     num_threads -- the number of threads to use for parallel mmcs
    [159](     """
--> [161](     self.get_polytope()
    [163](     P = HPolytope(self._A, self._b)
    [165](     if self._parameters["fast_computations"]:

File [~/github_repos/GeomScale/dingo/dingo/](, in PolytopeSampler.get_polytope(self)
     [66]( """A member function to derive the corresponding full dimensional polytope
     [67]( and a isometric linear transformation that maps the latter to the initial space.
     [68]( """
     [70]( if (
     [71](     self._A == []
     [72](     or self._b == []
     [76](     or self._T_shift == []
     [77]( ):
     [79](     (
     [80](         max_biomass_flux_vector,
     [81](         max_biomass_objective,
---> [82](     ) = self._metabolic_network.fba()
     [84](     if (
     [85](         self._parameters["fast_computations"]
     [86](         and self._parameters["remove_redundant_facets"]
     [87](     ):
     [89](         A, b, Aeq, beq = fast_remove_redundant_facets(
     [90](   ,
     [91](             self._metabolic_network.ub,
     [94](             self._parameters["opt_percentage"],
     [95](         )

File [~/github_repos/GeomScale/dingo/dingo/](, in MetabolicNetwork.fba(self)
    [114]( """A member function to apply the FBA method on the metabolic network."""
    [116]( if self._parameters["fast_computations"]:
--> [117](     return fast_fba(self._lb, self._ub, self._S, self._biomass_function)
    [118]( else:
    [119](     return slow_fba(self._lb, self._ub, self._S, self._biomass_function)

File [~/github_repos/GeomScale/dingo/dingo/](, in fast_fba(lb, ub, S, c)
    [109](     v = model.getVars()
    [111]( for i in range(n):
--> [112](     optimum_sol.append(v[i].x)
    [114]( optimum_sol = np.asarray(optimum_sol)
    [116]( return optimum_sol, optimum_value

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'v' referenced before assignment

It seems the error is related to the
and the status == GRB.OPTIMAL that is not the case in the second edit.
where the status is INF_OR_UNBD for some reason (

include volume approximation

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I am slicing a polytope into orthants and need to approximate the volume of each orthant to correct a likelihood computed for flux samples drawn from each orthant.

Describe the solution you'd like
It would be massively helpful if dingo would include volume computation

Error with biomass index handling after parsing json files

The following piece of code

import unittest
import os
import scipy
import numpy as np
from dingo import MetabolicNetwork, PolytopeSampler
from dingo.gurobi_based_implementations import fast_inner_ball

current_directory = os.getcwd()
input_file_json = current_directory + "/ext_data/iAB_RBC_283.json"

model = MetabolicNetwork.from_json(input_file_json)

sampler = PolytopeSampler(model)

steady_states = sampler.generate_steady_states()


  File "tests/", line 20, in <module>
    model = MetabolicNetwork.from_json(input_file_json)
  File "/home/workspace/dingo/dingo/", line 74, in from_json
    return cls(tuple_args)
  File "/home/workspace/dingo/dingo/", line 56, in __init__
    or (self._biomass_index < 0)
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'

iAB_RBC_283.json is downloaded from


OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
python: Python 3.8.5 [GCC 9.3.0]

`NameError` when using the `sample_from_polytope` function

For a A and b numpy objects, the sample_from_polytope function of dingo's PolytopeSampler class
returns a NameError: name 'self' is not defined.

Here is an example case that will lead you to this error:

from dingo import PolytopeSampler
import numpy as np

# Build a random A matrix and a b vecrtor to use them to build a polytope
A = np.random.random([32,21])
b = np.random.random([32,])

# Now, try to sample using the sample_from_polytope method of the PolytopeSampler class
samples = PolytopeSampler.sample_from_polytope(A,b)

And here is the full error message returned:

   173         P = HPolytope(A, b)
--> 175         if self._parameters["fast_computations"]:
    176             A, b, Tr, Tr_shift, samples = P.fast_mmcs(
    177                 ess, psrf, parallel_mmcs, num_threads

We probably need to add a check for gurobi as in line 52.

Error importing MetabolicNetwork class from dingo package in Google Colab (GSoC 2023)

Describe the bug
When running the cell provided in the README of the "" project on Google Colab, an error message appears stating that the name 'MetabolicNetwork' cannot be imported from 'dingo' at an unknown location.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the following link: ""
  2. Run all cells until the point where it is written "from dingo import MetabolicNetwork".

Expected behavior
The code should be able to import the MetabolicNetwork class from the dingo package without any errors.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows
  • Browser: Google Chrome
  • Version: 110.0.5481.178 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional context
I am working on task 1 for applying to GSoC on this project and I need assistance in resolving this issue so that I can complete my task.

Error using fva after sampling

The following code

import dingo
dingo_model = dingo.MetabolicNetwork.from_sbml("ext_data/e_coli_core.xml")
sampler = dingo.PolytopeSampler(dingo_model)
samples = sampler.generate_steady_states()
fva_output = dingo_model.fva()

returns an error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "workspace/dingo_vfisikop/", line 16, in <module>
    fva_output = dingo_model.fva()
  File "workspace/dingo_vfisikop/dingo/", line 111, in fva
    return fast_fva(
  File "workspace/dingo_vfisikop/dingo/", line 162, in fast_fva
    max_biomass_flux_vector, max_biomass_objective = fast_fba(lb, ub, S, c)
  File "workspace/dingo_vfisikop/dingo/", line 112, in fast_fba
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'v' referenced before assignment

Add volume computation support and motivation

This is a feature request for volume computation (implemented in volesti) to be included in dingo.

Apart from being a fundamental computation there is resent motivation from the area of metabolic networks [1] where they compute the volume of a V-polytope (a polytope given as the convex hull of its vertices). There are also computations of the intersection and union of V-polytopes.

[1] Régimbeau et al. - Contribution of genome-scale metabolic modelling to niche theory

Modify model's medium

Modify both MetabolicNetwork and PolytopeSampler classes to change the bounds of the medium reactions

sampling using the maximum entropy probability distribution

Up to now, dingo supports sampling using the uniform, the
multivariate exponential and the multivariate Gaussian distributions.

A quite interesting addition from the biologist-point-of-view would be
to enable sampling using the maximum entropy probability distribution.

You may see more about why this would be the case under this study.

"In addition to accounting for fluctuations, the maximum entropy construction provides a principled interpolation between two extremal regimes of metabolic network function. In the “uniform” (no-optimization) limit, no control is exerted over metabolic fluxes: they are selected at random as long as they are permitted by stoichiometry, resulting in broad yet non-trivial flux distributions that support a small, non-zero growth rate. In
the FBA limit, fluxes are controlled precisely to maximize the growth rate, with zero fluctuations. "

For more about max entropy distribution:

Add examples and use-cases

dingo currently has a limited number of examples of use, mainly in tests.

Create an example directory and add analysis for networks from public datasets e.g.

Other use cases using FVA, FBA or sampling for metabolic models are welcome to be added there too.

non-uniqueness issue in dynamic FBA

In dynamic FBA (dFBA) [doi: 10.1016/S0006-3495(02)73903-9] we have an issue when going from a step to the next regarding the non uniqueness of the FBA solutions. In the DFBAlab approach they address this challenge using lexicographic LP [doi: 10.1186/s12859-014-0409-8].

In dingo we could give it a shot for a dFBA module where the non-uniqueness challenge would be addressed by sampling at each cycle and select/pick the sample that is closest to the flux distribution of the previous one.
The boundaries and the biomass are then updated as in all the dFBA implementations.
For the first cycle, we could get the mean of the flux samples.

You may also have a look at the COMETS papers for applications and alternative implementations of the dFBA

fast_inner_ball computes negative radius

Describe the bug
The following code:

import unittest
import os
import scipy
import numpy as np
from dingo import MetabolicNetwork, PolytopeSampler
from dingo.gurobi_based_implementations import fast_inner_ball

current_directory = os.getcwd()
input_file_json = current_directory + "/ext_data/iSB619.json"

model = MetabolicNetwork.from_json(input_file_json)

sampler = PolytopeSampler(model)

steady_states = sampler.generate_steady_states()


The radius calculated has negative value. The polytope is infeasible or something went wrong with the solver
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tests/", line 27, in <module>
    steady_states = sampler.generate_steady_states()
  File "/home/vissarion/workspace/dingo/dingo/", line 136, in generate_steady_states
    self._A, self._b, Tr, Tr_shift, samples = P.fast_mmcs(
  File "dingo/volestipy.pyx", line 219, in volestipy.HPolytope.fast_mmcs
    temp_center, radius = fast_inner_ball(self._A, self._b)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable


OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
python: Python 3.8.5 [GCC 9.3.0]

sampler does not converge with iLJ478 model

The following piece of code

import unittest
import os
import scipy
import numpy as np
from dingo import MetabolicNetwork, PolytopeSampler
from dingo.gurobi_based_implementations import fast_inner_ball

current_directory = os.getcwd()
input_file_json = current_directory + "/ext_data/iLJ478.json"

model = MetabolicNetwork.from_json(input_file_json)

sampler = PolytopeSampler(model)

steady_states = sampler.generate_steady_states()


phase 1: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 8, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 4470.89
phase 2: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 8, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 2341.2
phase 3: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 8, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 2240.94
phase 4: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 8, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 738.163
phase 5: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 9, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 30.622
phase 6: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 38, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 17.2763
phase 7: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 277, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 3.276
phase 8: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 7, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 27.1693
phase 9: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 9, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 612.636
phase 10: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 9, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 8242.79
phase 11: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 9, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 3117.12
phase 12: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 8, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 28234.6
phase 13: number of correlated samples = 1200, effective sample size = 8, ratio of the maximum singilar value over the minimum singular value = 6980.29
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

iLJ478.json is downloaded from


OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
python: Python 3.8.5 [GCC 9.3.0]


To model a community, we will need to track down the reactions and their corresponding metabolites, that
take place in the extracellular space.

It is my belief that it would benefit our efforts the most, to use models in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML)
format to this end.

This means both to implement a function for reading such files (the libSBML library will probably be of help for this, but also
to add an attribute in our model, e.g. model.extracellular to keep track of these metabolites.

@TolisChal @vissarion what 's your thoughts?

loopless sampling

Thermodynamics constraints are rather important in metabolic modeling.
If not considered, they would lead to thermodynamically infeasible/implausible flux loops within flux sample.

Loopless space though is a non-convex one.
Approaches such as the LooplessFluxSampler could be used for more valid sampling from the biological point of view.

Further literature:

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