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data-confirm-modal's People


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data-confirm-modal's Issues

Not working on Heroku

This is working perfectly locally, but when pushed to Heroku, confirms are still using the browser default.

Herkou appears to have found the gem correctly:
Using data-confirm-modal 1.1.0 from git:// (at master)

Modal class name between _fade_ and _in_

If the option modalClass is used, the class name sits in between the class fade and the class in.

It does not affect any functionality, but it is unaesthetic.

screen shot 2016-09-26 at 16 00 04

MODAL: Option "backdrop" provided type "undefined"

I'm getting this with bootstrap 4:

MODAL: Option "backdrop" provided type "undefined" but expected type "(boolean|string)"

The link is just

link_to 'Cancel account', registration_path(resource_name), method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger', data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }

I'm thinking the version of BS 4 I'm running changed the argument requirements. Looking at data-confirm-modal.js, it looks like it plugs the data attributes directly into the BS modal function without conferring with defaults. Should backdrop, keyboard and show be using ||= instead?

Push to RubyGems?

Is there any option that you push that gem into RubyGems? I have very unfortuate server that can't do bundle install if there are any dependencies directly from git (some kind of git error. And git binaries are quite old...)

Does it work with rails 5.1 and Bootstrap 4?

Hi, I've installed your library, then I've pasted it in application.js

//= require jquery3 //= require popper //= require bootstrap //= require data-confirm-modal

but it doesn't work. Every time I'm getting old, browser window just like without using your lib. Console is clear, without errors.

model not showing

I installed this using yarn for rails 6. I have this in my application.js

import 'bootstrap'

However, when I try to test it, there is no modal coming up. it just shows a blank. Any reason why?

Call from javascript

Is there a way to call this inside a js or coffee file instead of using the js confirm?

for example, I want to use this instead of the confirm below:

$(document).on "click", "div.people-snippet", (e) ->
  $this = $(this)
  url = $(this).data("url")
  if $this.hasClass('selected')
    if confirm "Are you sure you want to remove this invitee?"
      $.get url if url
    $.get url if url

Problem with data-verify-text in Rails 4 / Bootstrap 3

I can get the verify box working, but I can't see how to get the verify-text option working in rails, i have the following without the label:

<%= link_to('Delete', leave_type, title: 'Delete Transaction Type', data: { method: 'delete', verify: 'Yes', commit: "Yes, Delete it", confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete the Transaction Type for <b>#{}</b>?" })  %>

I'm a bit lost on how to get the verify-text option in there as Rails won't accept just putting verify-text: 'Type Yes to confirm' into this option.

data-confirm-modal: The bootstrap modal plugin does not appear to be loaded

I asked this question on stackoverflow... but perhaps the question better should be asked here.

I have been at this for a day now, i seem to be running in circels.

Rails 6 project with webpacker using bootstrap and jquery

ruby 2.7.4
jquery 3.6.0
bootstrap 5.1.0
and data-confirm-modal 1.6.2

When the page loads the chrome debugger tells me: Uncaught Error: The bootstrap modal plugin does not appear to be loaded.

  if ($.fn.modal == undefined) {
    throw new Error("The bootstrap modal plugin does not appear to be loaded.");

Jquery is working.
Also i can see $ and $.fn are defined.
modal is missing from the properties of $.fn


const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')

const webpack = require('webpack')
    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
      $: 'jquery/src/jquery',
      jQuery: 'jquery/src/jquery'

module.exports = environment


//require("turbolinks").start()  // gave reload bug... remove ?

//import "./gems.js.erb"  # needs bundle exec rails webpacker:install:erb !
//import "./direct_uploads"



window.jQuery = $;
window.$ = $;

import 'data-confirm-modal'

What am i missing ?

verifyLabel should create a label tag instead of paragraph

options.verifyLabel should create a <label> tag referencing the <input>. The input will need also need a id attribute as well.

var verification = $('<input/>', {"type": 'text', "id": "confirm", "class": settings.verifyClass}).on('keyup', function () {
  commit.prop('disabled', !isMatch($(this).val()));


if (options.verifyLabel)
        body.append($('<label>', {text: options.verifyLabel, for: 'confirm' }))

options.text vs options.verifyLabel

options.text is added to modal as follows:

$.each((options.text||'').split(/\n{2}/), function (i, piece) {

However options.verifyLabel is added like:

if (options.verifyLabel)
  body.append($('<p>', {text: options.verifyLabel}))

Could both of these inserts be normalized? I am trying to add a class wrapper around some text in these inserted paragraphs to word break their content as my file names tend to be long and I'd rather not make the modal bigger if possible, instead just word breaking using css. If possible I'd like to do this specifically on file name rather then targeting the parent paragraph, as I don't want the the paragraphs to break on less long words.

confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete <span class='confirm-filename'>`#{file.filename}`</span>?  This is a permanent action an can not be undone.",
verify: "#{entity.filename}",
verify_text: "Type <span class='confirm-filename'>`#{file.filename}`</span> to confirm"},`

Could be fixed by using .html() instead of .. {text: 'options.verifyLabel'}

$.each((options.text||'').split(/\n{2}/), function (i, piece) {

if (options.verifyLabel)

Let me know if there is any issues with this approach?

Bootstrap 4 support?

I tried to use it with Rails 5.1 and Bootstrap 4 but the default alert messages is showing instead of the modal. There are no JS errors in the console. Do you have any plan to support Bootstrap 4 and Rails 5?

How to override the default close icon?

I would like to override the default close icon to use google material icon <i class='material-icons'>clear</i>. Is there any callbacks before the modal is shown so that I could inject the above html code. Or do you have any suggestions to do so?

Appreciate your response!

Changing confirmation text only works once


I'm trying to dynamically change confirmation text. But dialog actually changes only the first time I change data-confirm value. Is there anything else I'm doing wrong or some event I need to trigger for this to work correctly?

I'm using v.1.3.0.

UPD. Updating to 1.6.1 made no effect.

Modal isn't on top of everything

The current js checks if there is any other elements with class "" and sets the z-index to be on top of this one but if there are other elements with higher z-indexes it remains on "z-index:1".

That's the function. I would remove it and leave it using a high z-index set via CSS or check all elements and setup the z-index to be on top of all of them or at set the "highest" value to something bigger.

// Make sure it's always the top zindex
    var highest = current = 0;
    $('').not('#'+id).each(function() {
      current = parseInt($(this).css('z-index'), 10);
      if(current > highest) {
        highest = current
    modal.css('z-index', parseInt(highest) + 1);

Button size

Is it possible to add btn-sm to the buttons? And change the red color for example?

Duplicate alert rails 5

Hi guys, thanks for this gem I love it !!
I've just updated to rails 5 and I'm encountering a problem since that. The template is working but when I click on continue, the default modal (not deigned) appear. So I have to click two times on validate. Someone has already had the same problem ?

data-title not working

I try to set title with this code <%= link_to 'Delete', data: {title: "test", confirm: 'Are you sure?'} %>
It not work and alway show "Are you sure?"
So i looking in your code and i suspect this line

title: element.attr('title') ||'original-title')

Then i test it with this code <%= link_to 'Delete', title: "test", data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'} %> and it work

sorry about my english language

Triggering twice without refresh doesn't work

I have a subscribe/unsubscribe link that looks a little like this:

<%= link_to 'Subscribe', subscribe_deck_path(@deck), class: "subscribe_action subscribe #{@deck.subscribed? ? '' : 'active'}", remote: true %>
<%= link_to 'Unsubscribe', unsubscribe_deck_path(@deck), method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, class: "subscribe_action unsubscribe #{@deck.subscribed? ? 'active' : ''}", remote: true %>

Switching the display state of the links based on subscription status.
If I Unsubscribe once, I get the correct modal.
If I then subscribe and unsubscribe again without refreshing the page, I get the browser dialog. It's as if the event is being attached with jQuery's one() function..

I'm also using if that's a conflict.

Uncaught Error: The bootstrap modal plugin does not have its version defined ?!?

I've had an app running for a long time, but just started getting this error out of the blue


At first, it was breaking functionality in my app. I then moved data-confirm-modal to the bottom of my application.js and things started working again, but I'm still getting the error in the js console.

Here are all the pertinent files (I think)

## Gemfile
source ''

gem 'aasm'
gem 'active_model_serializers'
gem 'activejob-retry'
gem 'acts-as-taggable-on'
gem 'aes'
gem 'animalcodes', git: ''
gem 'aws-sdk'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.1.1'
gem 'burgundy'
gem 'capistrano', '~> 2.15.9'
gem 'cells-rails'
gem 'cells-slim'
gem 'charlock_holmes'
gem 'coffee-rails'
gem 'delayed_job_active_record'
gem 'delayed_job_web'
gem 'devise'
gem 'devise-authy'
gem 'devise-encryptable'
gem 'devise_invitable', '~> 1.5.2'
gem 'enum_help'
gem 'enumerize'
gem 'escape_utils'
gem 'figaro'
gem 'flag_shih_tzu'
gem 'font-awesome-sass', '~> 4.5.0'
gem 'gon'
gem 'gretel'
gem 'httparty'
gem 'iconv'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.4.0'
gem 'jquery-rails', '4.1'
gem 'json', '~> 1.8.3'
gem 'kaminari'
gem 'kaminari-bootstrap', '~> 3.0.1'
gem 'kaminari-cells'
gem 'nilify_blanks'
gem 'oj', '~> 2.12.14'
gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2', '~> 0.4.1'
gem 'paperclip', git: ''
gem 'paranoia', '~> 2.2'
gem 'pg'
gem 'pundit'
gem 'rack-cors', require: 'rack/cors'
gem 'rails', '4.2.9'
gem 'rails-observers', git: ''
gem 'ranked-model'
gem 'ransack', '~> 1.8.8'
gem 'react-bootstrap-rails'
gem 'react-flux-rails'
gem 'react-rails', '~> 1.5.0'
gem 'redcarpet'
gem 'roadie-rails'
gem 'rollbar'
gem 'rubyXL'
gem 'rubyzip'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0', '>= 5.0.6'
gem 'schema_plus_views'
gem 'select2-rails'
gem 'simple_form'
gem 'slim-rails'
gem 'spreadsheet'
gem 'thin'
gem 'tinymce-rails'
gem 'uglifier'
gem 'underscore-rails'
gem 'whenever', require: false

# keep these at the bottom
gem 'data-confirm-modal', git: ''

group :production do
  gem 'newrelic_rpm'

group :test, :development do
  gem 'annotate'
  gem 'fantaskspec'
  gem 'pry-byebug'
  gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.4.2'

group :development do
  gem 'better_errors'
  gem 'binding_of_caller'
  gem 'foreman'
  gem 'letter_opener'
  gem 'quiet_assets'
  gem 'rubocop', '~> 0.37.2', require: false

group :test do
  gem 'capybara', '~> 2.6'
  gem 'capybara-email'
  gem 'database_cleaner'
  gem 'factory_girl_rails'
  gem 'poltergeist'
  gem 'shoulda-matchers'
  gem 'simplecov', require: false
  gem 'timecop'
  gem 'webmock'
## application.js
#= require jquery
#= require jquery_ujs
#= require bootstrap
#= require react
#= require react_ujs
#= require react-flux
#= require underscore
#= require react_bootstrap
#= require_tree ./components/shared
#= require_tree ./components/app
#= require ./pickadate/picker
#= require ./pickadate/
#= require ./pickadate/picker.time
#= require ./pickadate/legacy
#= require jsoneditor
#= require ./epiceditor.min
#= require select2
#= require_tree ./shared
#= require_tree ./application
#= require data-confirm-modal


XSS Vulnerability when the modal body is user-controlled

If the contents of the data-confirm attribute contain user-generated content, this library opens up the app to possible XSS vulnerabilities, which makes sense given the use of the html() function here.

Is it by design to allow script tags to execute if passed into the body? I understand the desire to pass in HTML that is rendered properly in the modal body, but perhaps we can work to prevent these script tags from also executing. Thoughts?

Crude Example:

<% # Assumption: = "<script>alert('oops')</script>" %>

<%= link_to("Open", "#", data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to open this #{}?" }) %>

Control the confirmation event, to close the modal only when it succeeds

How can I control the confirmation event, to close the modal only when it succeeds?
Do not have any option to set the backdrop and keyboard?

$('#myModal').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false})

I noticed that every time he makes a confirmation executed

  modal.find('.commit').on('click', function () {
    if (options.onConfirm &&;


Focus on the verify input


It would be nice to automatically focus on the verify input when opening a confirm modal with the verify feature !

Published npm package includes unwanted data

  • Gemfile.lock
  • pkg folder with previous versions of the gem (from 1.3.0 to 1.6.2)
$ npm pack --dry-run
npm notice 
npm notice πŸ“¦  [email protected]
npm notice === Tarball Contents === 
npm notice 1.1kB  LICENSE                                        
npm notice 5.3kB                                      
npm notice 364B   package.json                                   
npm notice 11.3kB vendor/assets/javascripts/data-confirm-modal.js
npm notice === Tarball Details === 
npm notice name:          data-confirm-modal                      
npm notice version:       1.6.2                                   
npm notice filename:      data-confirm-modal-1.6.2.tgz            
npm notice package size:  6.3 kB                                  
npm notice unpacked size: 18.0 kB                                 
npm notice shasum:        bb9d143254d6a47fd08a91da949b517973d2acf6
npm notice integrity:     sha512-Tat63oGHW/FTz[...]Yl7Dt3A+hWRDg==
npm notice total files:   4                                       
npm notice 

v1.5.0 break Bootstrap 3 modals

Hi, thanks for this gem, it made replacing confirm alerts with modals a breeze.

The latest version brought Rails 5 and Bootstrap 4 support. In the pull #55 you where wondering about the backward compatibility and said that everything is fine. But I noticed the Bootstrap 4 modal change break the Bootstrap 3 modals.
v1.5.0 with Bootstrap 3 looks like this: Broken Bootstrap 3 modal
Here a jsfiddle(your example with the latest version) to demonstrate:

Downgrading solved it for me, but maybe you should create a Bootstrap 3 compatible version and add a notice in the readme.

Modal is "visible" before spawning Since chrome now prevents alert dialogs from embedded applications, I'm trying to use data-confirm-modal to replace all dialogs from my application.

I could install the gem but, at first, it removed the dialog but the modal didn't show up, and the action was confirmed even without the user accepting it.

I did some investigation and found out the problem at this part of the code:

The modal responds to true even before it's spawned. I've spawned it manually through the console and it worked. The modal shows up and the user can confirm the action as it should be.

The modal object:

  class="modal false fade" 
  aria-hidden="true" style="z-index: 1051;"
  <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Γ—</button>
        <h5 id="confirm-modal-216530675292821Label" class="modal-title">Entfernen</h5> 
      <div class="modal-body"><p>Do you really want to remove this service?</p></div>
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <button class="btn cancel btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Cancel</button>
        <button class="btn commit btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">Confirm</button>

Do you have any idea on why the modal is responding to true? If you need any other info, I'll be glad to bring it

"form-control" as default for verifyClass

First of all: thanks for this gem! I was about to build something similar when I found it 😁

I was wondering: why isn't "form-control" set as default for verifyClass, being this a bootstrap styled gem? I know I can set it like this:

verifyClass: 'form-control',

but I would have thought this to be the default already, again, being this a bootstrap styled gem.

I was going to do a pull request with this, but I thought I ask first, in case there is something I'm missing here.



//= require data-confirm-modal does not work after installing the gem

I installed them gem and inserted the //= require data-confirm-modal in application.js
This resulted in a Sprocket error with message:
couldn't find file 'data-confirm-modal' with type 'application/javascript'

So I had to add the data-confirm-modal.js manually to my assets/javascripts directory :-(

Console error: The bootstrap modal plugin does not appear to be loaded

I am migrating from Rails 5.2 with the asset pipeline to Rails 6.1.3 with webpacker.

I want to use Bootstrap 5.0.0-beta2 and data-confirm-modal 1.6.2.

I believe I have the proper configuration according to the docs, but I keep getting this in my browser console:

data-confirm-modal.js:80 Uncaught Error: The bootstrap modal plugin does not appear to be loaded.
    at data-confirm-modal.js:80
    at Object.<anonymous> (data-confirm-modal.js:307)
    at Object../node_modules/data-confirm-modal/vendor/assets/javascripts/data-confirm-modal.js (data-confirm-modal.js:307)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:63)
    at Module../app/javascript/packs/application.js (application.js:28)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:63)
    at Object.0 (log.js:56)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:63)
    at bootstrap:198
    at bootstrap:198

But the modal plugin is available, because I can trigger modals. Any idea what is happening?

This is my configuration:

// app/javascript/packs/application.js

require.context("../images", true)
import Rails from "@rails/ujs"
import { Turbo } from "@hotwired/turbo-rails"
window.Turbo = Turbo
import "../stylesheets/bootstrap_overrides"
import "../stylesheets/application"
import "../javascripts/shared"
import "jquery"
import "bootstrap"
window.bootstrap = require('bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.js')
/* app/javascript/stylesheets/application.scss */

@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
// config/webpack/environment.js

const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const webpack         = require('webpack')

  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    $: 'jquery',
    jQuery: 'jquery',
    Rails: '@rails/ujs',
    Popper: ['popper.js', 'default']

module.exports        = environment
// package.json

  "dependencies": {
    "@hotwired/turbo-rails": "^7.0.0-beta.5",
    "@popperjs/core": "^2.9.0",
    "@rails/ujs": "^6.1.3",
    "@rails/webpacker": "5.2.1",
    "bootstrap": "5.0.0-beta2",
    "data-confirm-modal": "^1.6.2",
    "jquery": "^3.6.0",

This Github issue may touch on the subject, but not sure.

how to send the click event to #foo in the 'without rails, without data attributes' implementation

The version that you illustrate for using this without rails and without data attributes, shows the onConfirm and onCancel events popping alert messages. Is it possible to show what would be the correct callbacks to use to get the behavior of a normal confirmation: i.e. onConfirm would send the click event to #foo, and the onCancel event would simply close the confirmation dialog.

I'm sure I'm missing something here, but I just cannot get this to work, and unfortunately cannot use the other implementations because I cannot figure a way to set the 'text:' dynamically in any of the other implementations.

Not Following Link After Confirm

I am using rails, and after clicking the link and confirming it does not follow the link. Here's the link code:

<td><%= link_to 'Cancel Appt', cancel_appointment_path(appointment), class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs btn-danger btn-disable-after-click', data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to cancel the appointment?", commit: 'Yes', cancel: 'No' } %></td>

This is called after_click so that the button cannot accidentally be clicked twice by an impatient user:

$('.btn-disable-after-click').on 'click', (e) ->

Also, I need to not disable the button if 'Cancel' is clicked. How can I implement this? How can I reference the modal's after-confirm or after-cancel events from javascript? What is the modal's class/id?


Suggestion for the documentation

Hey guys, can I suggest adding a "how to use it" example to the documentation? Specifically the need to include the method in the link stumped me for a bit, hehe. :p Might help someone else to have it noted explicitly. Thanks for the great gem!

Rails 6 compatibility (webpacker)

This gem checks if if (window.Rails || $.rails) are defined. Which doesn't appear to be the case for Rails 6.

I updated app/javascript/packs/application.js to make window.Rails globally available:

const Rails = require("@rails/ujs")
window.Rails = Rails

Hope it helps.

Modal not showing with Rails 3.2 / Bootstrap 2.3.2 with latest version

I did a bundle update today and noticed that the lastest version does not show the modal dialog for me. Debugging revealed that the div is added to the DOM, but it does not get displayed (zindex issue?).

Rails 3.2.x
Bootstrap 2.3.2

Pointing the gem entry specifically at the bootstrap2 branch works fine.

Is this expected?

My current gem entry:
gem 'data-confirm-modal', github: 'ifad/data-confirm-modal', branch: 'bootstrap2'



Remove use of `$.rails` to avoid silent initialization errors

(Continued from twbs/bootstrap-rubygem#127...)

In integrating data-confirm-modal into my Rails app, I accidentally used this ordering in my application.js file:

//= require rails-ujs
//= require turbolinks
//= require jquery3
//= require popper
//= require bootstrap
//= require_tree .

With this ordering data-confirm-modal doesn't perform Rails initialization, because $.rails wasn't set. I resolved the issue by moving the //= require jquery3 to the top. With jQuery included first, data-confirm-modal initialized without any problems.

I had originally created this as a documentation issue for bootstrap-rubygem (which explains the application.js setup), but @glebm has suggested that this be resolved by changing data-confirm-modal to stop using $.rails.

What do you think? Would an alternative to $.rails help make the initial setup of data-confirm-modal easier?

data-title attribute don't work


= link_to destroy_user_session_path, data: {title: t(:confirm_action), confirm: t(:are_you_sure_logout), commit: t('yes'), cancel: t('not')}

Is used in the link attribute data-title, but the title he did not appear.
Everything else works fine. Thanks

Using webpacker and yarn, can't get confirm modal

I'm using the NPM package since I'm using webpacker. When the jQuery selector works and the dataConfirmModal object exists, I'm still getting $(...).confirmModal is not a function when calling $('#delete_link').confirmModal();. I'm also loading rails-ujs though webpacker, although not including data-confirm-modal isn't giving me a browser confirm. Does this mean I have a rails-ujs loading issue? I would have thought data-confirm-modal would be a function regardless of the presence of rails-ujs.

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