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tnt4j-streams's Introduction


TNT4J Streams allows data streaming, parsing from various data sources into TNT4J event sinks.

Why TNT4J-Streams

  • TNT4J-Streams can be run out of the box for a large set of data streaming without writing no additional code. All You need is to define Your data format mapping to TNT4J event mapping in TNT4J-Streams configuration.

  • Supports the following data sources:

    • File
    • Character stream over TCP/IP
    • HDFS
    • MQTT
    • HTTP
    • JMS
    • Apache Kafka (as Consumer and as Server/Consumer)
    • Apache Flume
    • Logstash
    • WMQ (IBM MQ)
    • OS pipes
    • Zipped files (HDFS also)
    • Standard Java InputStream/Reader
    • JAX-RS service (JSON/XML)
    • JAX-WS service
    • System command
    • MS Excel document
  • Files (also HDFS) can be streamed:

    • as "whole at once" - when stream starts, it reads file contents line by line meaning single file line hols data of single activity event. After file reading completes - stream stops.
    • using file polling - when some application uses file to write data at runtime, stream waits for file changes. When file changes, changed (appended) lines are read by stream and interpreted as single line is single activity event. Stream stops only when application gets terminated or some critical runtime error occurs.
  • Customized parser for Apache Access Logs.

  • Customized IBM MQ Trace Events stream (and parser).

  • It can be integrated with:

    • Logstash
    • Apache Flume
    • Angulartics
    • AJAX
    • Node.js
    • Collectd
    • Nagios
    • Fluentd

    just by applying configuration and without additional coding.

  • Redirect streamed data from different TNT4J based producer APIs like tnt4j-stream-* - to be TNT4J based streams concentrator.

Importing TNT4J-Streams project into IDE


  • Select File->Import...->Maven->Existing Maven Projects
  • Click 'Next'
  • In 'Root directory' field select path of directory where You have downloaded (checked out from git) TNT4J-Streams project
  • Click 'OK'
  • Dialog fills in with project modules details
  • Click 'Finish'

Running TNT4J-Streams

Running TNT4J-Streams

  • As standalone application
    • write streams configuration file. See 'Streams configuration' chapter for more details
    • configure Your loggers
    • use bin/tnt4j-streams.bat or bin/ to run standalone application
  • As API integrated into Your product
    • Write streams configuration file. See 'Streams configuration' chapter for more details
    • use StreamsAgent.runFromAPI(configFileName) in Your code

TNT4J Events field mappings

Mapping of streamed data to activity event fields are performed by parser. To map field value You have to define field tag in parser configuration:

  • name attribute defines activity event field name
  • locator attribute defines location of data value from streamed data
  • format attribute defines format of data value
  • value attribute defines predefined (hardcoded) value of field
  • field-map tag is used to perform manual mapping from streamed data value source to field value target.


    <parser name="TokenParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityTokenParser">
        <field name="StartTime" locator="1" format="dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="ServerIp" locator="2"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="orders"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="3"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="4"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="5"/>
        <field name="EventType" locator="5">
            <field-map source="Order Placed" target="START"/>
            <field-map source="Order Received" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processing" target="OPEN"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processed" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="Order Shipped" target="END"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="8"/>

Predefined fields set

     * Name of application associated with the activity.

     * Host name of server to associate with activity.

     * IP Address of server to associate with activity.

     * Name to assign to activity entry. Examples are operation, method, API call, event, etc.

     * Type of activity - value must match values in {@link com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.OpType} enumeration.

     * Time action associated with activity started.

     * Time action associated with activity ended.

     * Elapsed time of the activity.

     * Identifier of process where activity event has occurred.

     * Identifier of thread where activity event has occurred.

     * Indicates completion status of the activity - value must match values in {@link com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.OpCompCode} enumeration.

     * Numeric reason/error code associated with the activity.

     * Error/exception message associated with the activity.

     * Indicates completion status of the activity - value can either be label from {@link com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.OpLevel} enumeration 
     * or a numeric value.

     * Location that activity occurred at.

     * Identifier used to correlate/relate activity entries to group them into logical entities.

     * User-defined label to associate with the activity, generally for locating activity.

     * Name of user associated with the activity.

     * Name of resource associated with the activity.

     * User data to associate with the activity.

     * Identifier used to uniquely identify the data associated with this activity.

     * Length of activity event message data.

     * MIME type of activity event message data.

     * Encoding of activity event message data.

     * CharSet of activity event message data.

     * Activity event category name.

     * Identifier used to uniquely identify parent activity associated with this activity.

NOTE: EventType field is mandatory and can't have value null. If this field value resolves to null then streams automatically sets value to EVENT.

NOTE: Custom fields values can be found as activity event properties:


    <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
    <field name="Topic" locator="TopicName" locator-type="Label"/>

Field locator types

     * Indicates that raw data value is the value of a named property of the current stream.

     * Indicates that raw data value is at a specified index location, offset, etc. This is a generic index/offset value whose 
     * interpretation is up to the specific parser applying the locator.

     * Indicates that raw data value is the value of a particular key or label. Examples of this are XPath expressions for XML elements, 
     * and where each element of a raw activity data string is a name/value pair.

     * Indicates that raw data value is the value of a specific regular expression group, for parsers that interpret the raw activity data 
     * using a regular expression pattern defined as a sequence of groups.

     * Indicates that raw data value is the value of a specific regular expression match, for parsers that interpret the raw activity data 
     * using a regular expression pattern defined as a sequence of repeating match patterns.

     * Indicates that raw data value is the value of a specific regular expression group, for parsers that interpret the raw activity data 
     * using a regular expression pattern defined as a sequence of groups.

     * Indicates that data value is the value from stream stored cache with specified cache entry key.

     * Indicates that data value is the value from currently processed activity data entity with specified entity field name.

NOTE: Index is default value and may be suppressed in field/locator definition:


    <field name="UserName" locator="4"/>

is same as:

    <field name="UserName" locator="4" locator-type="Index"/>

Stacked parsers

In stream parsers configuration You are allowed to use stacked parsers technique: it is when some field data parsed by one parser can be forwarded to another parser to make more detailed parsing: envelope-message approach.

To define stacked parser You have to define parser-ref tag in parser field or embedded-activity definition.

NOTE: embeded-activity is tag field alias, used to define set of locator resolved data transparent to parent activity, but useful to make separate set of related child activities.



    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">

    <parser name="SampleJMSParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJMSMessageParser">
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>
        <embedded-activity name="InternalActivity" locator="OtherActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon" aggregation="Join"/>

    <stream name="SampleJMStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.JMSStream">
        <!--<property name="TurnOutActivityChildren" value="true"/>-->
        <parser-ref name="SampleJMSParser"/>

See 'JMS text message' sample for full configuration definition.

In this sample stream named SampleJMStream has primary parser reference SampleJMSParser. It parses data received as JMS message (envelope). Field MsgBody carries JMS message payload data (message). In this sample consider we are sending Apache Access log entry as JMS message payload. So to parse that Apache access log entry we use stacked parser named AccessLogParserCommon.

After processing one JMS message TNT4J activity event will contain fields mapped by both SampleJMSParser and AccessLogParserCommon in the end.

Resolved activity entities aggregation

Stacked parsers sample configuration tag <parser-ref> has attribute aggregation. This attribute defines method of resolved activity data aggregation into parent activity. Attribute has two possible values:

  • Merge - resolved activity entity fields are merged into parent activity. NOTE: Parent activity entity will contain all fields processed by all stacked parsers. This is default value when attribute aggregation definition is missing in configuration.
  • Join - resolved activity entities are collected as children of parent activity. As a result there will be one parent activity entity having collection of child activities resolved by stacked parsers.

For a Join type aggregation there is related stream output parameter TurnOutActivityChildren:

    <stream name="SampleJMStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.JMSStream">
        <property name="TurnOutActivityChildren" value="true"/>
        <parser-ref name="SampleJMSParser"/>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <java-object name="StreamOutput" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.outputs.JKCloudActivityOutput">
        <property name="TurnOutActivityChildren" value="true"/>
    <stream name="SampleJMStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.JMSStream">
        <parser-ref name="SampleJMSParser"/>
        <reference name="StreamOutput"/>

It allows to sent as many activity entities to JKool as there are child activity entities resolved by stacked parsers, merging those child activity entities with data from parent activity entity.

Field value transformations

In streams configuration You can define field or locator resolved values transformations. In general transformations performs resolved activity value post-processing before sending it to JKool Cloud: e.g., extracts file name from resolved activity file path.

To pass resolved field/locator value to transformation script/expression use predefined variable placeholder $fieldValue.

Transformation definition

To define transformations stream configuration token <field-transform> shall be used. Attributes:

  • name - name of transformation (optional)
  • lang - transformation script/expression language. Can be one of groovy, javascript or xpath. Default value - javascript.
  • beanRef - transformation implementing bean reference

Token body is used to define transformation script/expression code.

Valid transformation configuration should define beanRef, or have script/expression code defined in token body data (<![CDATA[]]>).

TNT4J-Streams predefined custom XPath functions

To use TNT4J-Streams predefined functions namespace ts: shall be used.

Streams predefined custom XPath functions to be used in transformation expressions:

  • ts:getFileName(filePath) - implemented by transformation bean com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.transform.FuncGetFileName. Retrieves file name from provided file path.
  • ts:getObjectName(objectFQN, options) - implemented by transformation bean com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.transform.FuncGetObjectName. Retrieves desired object name from provided fully qualified object name. Function supported options:
    • resolution options: DEFAULT, BEFORE, AFTER, REPLACE, FULL. (Optional)
    • search symbols. (Optional)
    • replacement symbols. (Optional)

You may also define your own customized XPath functions. To do this Your API has to:

  • implement interface javax.xml.xpath.XPathFunction
  • register function by invoking com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.utils.StreamsXMLUtils.registerCustomFunction(functionName, function).


public class YourTransform implements XPathFunction {
   public Object evaluate(List args) {
    // retrieve expression code provided arguments and make transformation here. 
StreamsXMLUtils.registerCustomFunction("yourTransformation", new YourTransform());

then You can use it from stream configuration:

<field name="InvoiceFileFromFunction" locator="7">
    <field-transform name="fileNameF" lang="xpath">
        ts:yourTransformation($fieldValue, "arg2", "arg3")

NOTE: those functions can be also used in XPath expressions of ActivityXMLParser (or MessageActivityXMLParser) field locators. For example:

    <parser name="XMLParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <field name="MFT_SRC_FILE_NAME" locator="ts:getFileName(/transaction/transferSet/item/source/file)" locator-type="Label"/>

Use samples of ts:getObjectName() (consider XPath /transaction/transferSet/item/source/queue points to queue named SomeQueueName@Agent1):

    <parser name="XMLParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <!-- to get queue name without agent: 'SomeQueueName' -->
        <field name="MFT_SRC_QUEUE_NAME" locator="ts:getObjectName(/transaction/transferSet/item/source/queue)" locator-type="Label"/>
        <!-- to get queue name without agent (part before FQN delimiter): 'SomeQueueName'-->
        <field name="MFT_SRC_QUEUE_NAME" locator="ts:getObjectName(/transaction/transferSet/item/source/queue, 'BEFORE', '@')" locator-type="Label"/>
        <!-- to get agent name (part after FQN delimiter): 'Agent1'-->
        <field name="MFT_SRC_AGENT_NAME" locator="ts:getObjectName(/transaction/transferSet/item/source/queue, 'AFTER', '@')" locator-type="Label"/>
        <!-- to get queue fully qualified name with '@' replaced to '_': 'SomeQueueName_Agent1' -->
        <field name="MFT_SRC_QUEUE_FQN_REPLACED" locator="ts:getObjectName(/transaction/transferSet/item/source/queue, 'REPLACE', '@', '_')" locator-type="Label"/>
        <!-- to get queue fully qualified: 'SomeQueueName@Agent1'-->
        <field name="MFT_SRC_QUEUE_FQN" locator="ts:getObjectName(/transaction/transferSet/item/source/queue, 'FULL')" locator-type="Label"/>

Stream elements transformations

  • Field value transformation
<field name="Field" separator=",">
    <field-transform name="toUpper" lang="groovy">
    <field-locator locator="loc1" locator-type="Label"/>
    <field-locator locator="loc2" locator-type="Label"/>

When transformation is defined for a field containing multiple locators, field value transformation is applied to all field locators aggregated field value.

Sample above states that field value combined from locators loc1 and loc2 and separated by , should be upper cased. For example locator loc1 resolves value value1, locator loc2 resolves value vaLue2. Then field value before transformations is value1,vaLue2 and field value after transformation is VALUE1,VALUE2.

  • Field locator value transformation
<field name="Field" separator=",">
    <field-locator locator="loc1" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field-transform name="toUpper" lang="groovy">
    <field-locator locator="loc2" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field-transform name="toUpperConcat" lang="groovy">
            $fieldValue.toUpperCase() + "_transformed"

Sample above states that locator loc1 resolved value should be upper cased and locator loc2 resolved value should be upper cased and concatenated with string _transformed. Then those transformed values should be aggregated to field value separated by , symbol. For example locator loc1 resolved value value1, then after transformation value is changed to VALUE1. Locator loc2 resolved value value2, then after transformation value is changed to VALIUE2_transformed. Field aggregates those locators values to VALUE1,VALUE2_transformed.


  • transformations are applied after field/locator value formatting.
  • locator defined transformations are applied before field value transformations.
  • it is possible to define multiple transformations for same stream element (field/locator). In that case transformations are applied sequentially where input of applied transformation is output of previous transformation.
  • it is allowed to combine field and locators transformations within same stream field scope setting transformations for both field and locators independently.
  • when "short form" of field-locator configuration is used, transformation is bound to locator (because field-locator relation is 1:1 and resolved value is same for locator and for field). Example:
<field name="Correlator" locator="3">
    <field-transform name="concat">
        "corel_" + $fieldValue

Transformation definition samples

  • Groovy script/expression
<field name="ApplName" value="orders">
    <field-transform name="toUpper" lang="groovy">

This sample upper case resolved value and makes "centred" (padded and tailed with space symbols) 30 symbols length string.

  • JavaScript script/expression
<field name="UserName" locator="4">
    <field-transform name="toUpper" lang="javascript">

This sample upper case resolved value.

Or (using default attribute lang value)

<field name="Correlator" locator="3">
    <field-transform name="concat">
        "corel_" + $fieldValue

This sample concatenates string corel_ and resolved value.

  • XPath expression
<field name="InvoiceFileFromFunction" locator="7">
    <field-transform name="fileNameF" lang="xpath">
        concat(ts:getFileName($fieldValue), "_cust")

This sample retrieves file name from resolved file path (contained in $fieldValue) and concatenates it with string _cust.

  • Transformation bean

To make custom Java Bean based transformations Your API should implement interface com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.transform.ValueTransformation<V, T>.

    <java-object name="getFileNameTransform" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.transform.FuncGetFileName"/>
    <field name="InvoiceFileFromBean">
        <field-locator locator="7">
            <field-transform beanRef="getFileNameTransform"/>

This sample shows how to invoke Java Bean defined transformation. Class com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.transform.FuncGetFileName implements custom XPath function to get file name from provided file path. Field/locator value mapping to function arguments is performed automatically and there is no need to define additional mapping.

Stream elements filtering


Use of dynamic locators

TNT4J-Streams allows to dynamically define field/field-locator parameters. Dynamic reference variable placeholder is defined using ${XXXXX} format, where XXXXX is name or identifier of another data source configuration entity.

Defining dynamic field parameters sample:

    <parser name="CollectdStatsDataParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SNAPSHOT"/>
        <field name="${FieldNameLoc}" locator="values" locator-type="Label" value-type="${ValueTypeLoc}" split="true">
            <field-locator id="FieldNameLoc" locator="dsnames" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator id="ValueTypeLoc" locator="dstypes" locator-type="Label"/>

Sample shows how how to dynamically define filed name and value-type parameters referencing values resolved by FieldNameLoc and ValueTypeLoc locators.

There is also field attribute split stating that if field/locator resolved value is array/collection, then it should make as many activity fields as there are array/collection items available. In this case if field name is static (or makes same name from dynamically resolved values), name gets appended with sequential numbering to make fields names unique.

Defining combined field parameters values:

    <parser name="AttributesParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <field name="${FieldNameLoc}_attr" locator="/entry/*[2]/text()" locator-type="Label" split="true">
            <field-locator id="FieldNameLoc" locator="/entry/*[1]/text()" locator-type="Label"/>

In this sample field name value is combined from dynamic ${FieldNameLoc} and static _attr parts.

Sample of using another field resolved value in locator definition:

     <parser name="TransferSetParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <field name="Direction" locator="name(//*[1])" locator-type="Label" transparent="true"/>

        <field name="ResourceName" formattingPattern="{0}={1};Agent={2}">
            <!--resolves FILE or QUEUE-->
            <field-locator locator="name(//*/*)" locator-type="Label">
                <field-map-ref resource="MFT_MAPPINGS.Resource"/>
            <!--resolves file or queue name -->
            <field-locator locator="ts:getFileName(/${Direction}/file)" locator-type="Label" required="false"/>
            <field-locator locator="ts:getObjectName(/${Direction}/queue)" locator-type="Label" required="false"/>
            <!-- agent-->
            <field-locator locator="/transaction/${Direction}Agent/@agent" locator-type="Label" required="false"/>

Sample configuration defines parser field Direction resolving value e.g., source or destination. Then field ResourceName locators use this value when constructing actual XPath expression e.g., /transaction/${Direction}Agent/@agent to resolve value from XML data.

NOTE: when using field/field-locator attribute locator-type="Activity" define field name as locator value without ${}, i.e.:

    <parser name="TransferSetParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <field name="Checksum" locator="//*/checksum" locator-type="Label" required="false"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="Checksum" locator-type="Activity" required="false"/>

Caching of streamed data field values

TNT4J-Streams provides temporary storage (i.e., cache) for a resolved activity fields values. It is useful when there are some related activities streamed and particular JKool prepared activity entity requires data values form previously streamed activities.

Sample streamed values caching configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="EventParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="EVENT"/>

        <field name="EventName" locator="$.event" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="LastEvent" locator="CachedEventName" locator-type="Cache"/>

        <field name="Correlator" locator="$.transaction" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Transaction" locator="$.transaction" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="SecretValue" locator="$.secret" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="LastSecret" locator="SecretCache" locator-type="Cache"/>

        <field name="Message" locator="$.message" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Resource" locator="$.resource" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="MultipleEvents" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.CharacterStream">
        <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/cached-values/event*.json"/>

        <property name="StreamCacheMaxSize" value="300"/>
        <property name="StreamCacheExpireDuration" value="15"/>

        <parser-ref name="EventParser"/>

            <entry id="CachedEventName">
                <value>${EventName} in ${Transaction}</value>
            <entry id="SecretCache">


Sample configuration defines stream MultipleEvents reading data from JSON files using filename mask event*.json and referencing parser EventParser. Stream defines two cache related properties StreamCacheMaxSize and StreamCacheExpireDuration. Definitions of those properties can be found in chapter Stream cache related parameters.

Stream definition has cache section, defining stored cache entries. Entry key and value can be configured using static values (e.g, <key>EventName</key>), dynamic activity value references (e.g., <value>${SecretValue}</value>) referencing activity entity field name, or combined static and dynamic values (e.g., <value>${EventName} in ${Transaction}</value>). Using dynamic value references in <key> definition will result having multiple cache entries filled in with values resolved from streamed activity data.

Parser EventParser has two fields having locator-type="Cache". This means that values from those fields are resolved from stream cache entries referenced by locator="SecretCache" where locator value points to cache entry identifier. Having reference to cache entry, stream takes entry key definition and pre-fills it with current activity entity fields values making actual cache key value and thus mapping to particular cached value.


Running samples

When release assemblies are built, samples are located in samples directory, e.g., ../build/tnt4j-streams/tnt4j-streams-1.0.0/samples. To run particular sample:

  • go to sample directory
  • run run.bat or depending on Your OS

For more detailed explanation of streams and parsers configuration and usage see chapter 'Configuring TNT4J-Streams' and JavaDocs.

Single Log file

This sample shows how to stream activity events (orders) data from single log file.

Sample files can be found in samples/single-log directory.

orders.log file contains set of order activity events. Single file line defines data of single order activity event.

NOTE: records in this file are from year 2011 e.g., 12 Jul 2011, so then getting events data in JKool Cloud please do not forget to just to dashboard time frame to that period!

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="TokenParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityTokenParser">
        <property name="FieldDelim" value="|"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="1" format="dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="ServerIp" locator="2"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="orders"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="3"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="4"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="5"/>
        <field name="EventType" locator="5">
            <field-map source="Order Placed" target="START"/>
            <field-map source="Order Received" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processing" target="OPEN"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processed" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="Order Shipped" target="END"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="8"/>

    <stream name="FileStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.FileLineStream">
        <property name="FileName" value="orders.log"/>
        <!--<property name="RangeToStream" value="1:"/>-->

        <parser-ref name="TokenParser"/>

Stream configuration states that FileLineStream referencing TokenParser shall be used.

FileStream reads data from orders.log file.

TokenParser uses | symbol as fields delimiter and maps fields to TNT4J event fields using field index locator.

NOTE: StartTime fields defines format and locale to correctly parse field data string. EventType uses manual field string mapping to TNT4J event field value.

Multiple Log files

This sample shows how to stream activity events (orders) data from multiple log files using file name matching wildcard pattern.

Sample files can be found in samples/multiple-logs directory.

orders-in.log and orders-out.log files contains set of order activity events. Single file line defines data of single order activity event.

NOTE: records in this file are from year 2011 e.g., 12 Jul 2011, so then getting events data in JKool Cloud please do not forget to just to dashboard time frame to that period!

Sample configuration and sample idea is same as 'Single Log file' with one single difference:

    <property name="FileName" value="orders-*.log"/>

meaning that stream should process not one single file, but file set matching orders-*.log wildcard pattern.

OS piped stream

This sample shows how to stream activity events (orders) data received over OS pipe from another application or OS command.

Sample files can be found in samples/piping-stream directory.

orders.log file contains set of order activity events. Single file line defines data of single order activity event.

NOTE: records in this file are from year 2011 e.g., 12 Jul 2011, so then getting events data in JKool Cloud please do not forget to just to dashboard time frame to that period!

jk-pipe.bat or files are wrappers to bin/tnt4j-streams executables to minimize parameters. All what you need is to pass file name of stream parsers configuration, e.g., parsers.xml

run.bat or files uses OS piping to run sample.

Sample parser configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="TokenParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityTokenParser">
        <property name="FieldDelim" value="|"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="1" format="dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="ServerIp" locator="2"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="orders"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="3"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="4"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="5"/>
        <field name="EventType" locator="5">
            <field-map source="Order Placed" target="START"/>
            <field-map source="Order Received" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processing" target="OPEN"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processed" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="Order Shipped" target="END"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="8"/>

For details on parser configuration see sample named 'Single Log file'.

Zipped file lines

This sample shows how to stream activity events (Apache access log records) data from zipped file entries.

Sample files can be found in samples/zip-stream directory. and sample.gz files contains set of compressed Apache access log files.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserExt" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %D"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*r=(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+))?)|(-))"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*i=(.*?)"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="15" locator-type="REGroupNum" datatype="Number" format="#####0.000"
               locale="en-US" units="Seconds"/>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*r=(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+))?)|(-))"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*i=(.*?)"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <stream name="SampleZipFileStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.ZipLineStream">
        <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/zip-stream/"/>
        <!--<property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/zip-stream/!2/*.txt"/>-->
        <!--<property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/zip-stream/sample.gz"/>-->
        <!--<property name="ArchType" value="GZIP"/>-->

        <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserExt"/>
        <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

Stream configuration states that ZipLineStream referencing AccessLogParserExt and AccessLogParserCommon shall be used.

ZipLineStream reads all entries lines from file.

To filter zip file entries use zip entry name wildcard pattern, e.g.,!2/*.txt. In this case stream will read just zipped files having extension txt from internal zip directory named 2 (from sub-directories also).

Details on AccessLogParserCommon (or ApacheAccessLogParser in general) can be found in samples section 'Apache Access log single file' and parsers configuration section 'Apache access log parser'.

Standard Java InputStream/Reader

This sample shows how to stream activity events (Apache access log records) data read from standard Java input.

Sample files can be found in samples/java-stream directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserExt" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %D"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*r=(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+))?)|(-))"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*i=(.*?)"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="15" locator-type="REGroupNum" datatype="Number" format="#####0.000"
               locale="en-US" units="Seconds"/>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*r=(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+))?)|(-))"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*i=(.*?)"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <java-object name="SampleFileStream" class="">
        <param name="fileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/zip-stream/sample.gz" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <java-object name="SampleZipStream" class="">
        <param name="stream" value="SampleFileStream" type=""/>
    <!--java-object name="SampleFileReader" class="">
        <param name="fileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/apache-access-single-log/access.log"

    <stream name="SampleJavaInputStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.JavaInputStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>

        <reference name="SampleZipStream"/>
        <!--reference name="SampleFileReader"/-->

        <reference name="AccessLogParserExt"/>
        <reference name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

Stream configuration states that SampleJavaInputStream referencing AccessLogParserExt and AccessLogParserCommon shall be used.

SampleJavaInputStream reads all lines from SampleZipStream referring FileInputStream SampleFileStream which reads file sample.gz.

NOTE: that java-object/param@value value may be reference to configuration already defined object like SampleFileStream in this particular sample.

To use Reader as input you should uncomment configuration lines defining and referring SampleFileReader and comment out SampleZipStream reference.

Details on AccessLogParserCommon (or ApacheAccessLogParser in general) can be found in samples section 'Apache Access log single file' and parsers configuration section 'Apache access log parser'.

Apache Access log single file

This sample shows how to stream Apache access log records as activity events from single log file.

Sample files can be found in samples/apache-access-single-log directory.

access.log is sample Apache access log file depicting some HTTP server activity.

NOTE: records in this file are from year 2004 e.g., 07/Mar/2004, so then getting events data in JKool Cloud please do not forget to just to dashboard time frame to that period!

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserExt" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %D"/>
        <!--property name="Pattern"
                  value="^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[([\w:/]+\s[+\-]\d{4})\] &quot;(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+)|()))|(-))&quot; (\d{3}) (\d+|-)( (\S+)|$)"/-->
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*r=(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+)|()))|(-))"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*i=(.*?)"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="15" locator-type="REGroupNum" datatype="Number" format="#####0.000" locale="en-US" units="Seconds"/>


    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*r=(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+)|()))|(-))"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*i=(.*?)"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>


    <stream name="FileStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.FileLineStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="FileName" value="access.log"/>
        <!--<property name="RangeToStream" value="1:"/>-->

        <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserExt"/>
        <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

Stream configuration states that FileLineStream referencing AccessLogParserExt and AccessLogParserCommon shall be used. Note that multiple parsers can be used to parse stream entries data, meaning that activity event data will be made by first parser capable to parse entry data.

FileStream reads data from access.log file. HaltIfNoParser property states that stream should skip unparseable entries and don't stop if such situation occurs.

AccessLogParserCommon parser is dedicated to parse Apache access log entries made using default logging configuration.

LogPattern defines logger pattern used to log entries to log file. Using this property parser is capable to automatically build RegEx to parse log entry fields.

User is also allowed to manually define RegEx for log entry line using Pattern property.

ConfRegexMapping properties are used to allow user override default log pattern token-RegEx mappings and define those manually to improve automatically build entry line RegEx.

Activity event fields mapping is performed using locator identifying RegEx pattern group index.

AccessLogParserExt is differs from AccessLogParserCommon just by having one additional log token %D in LogPattern property.

So if for example half of log file was made using log pattern defined in AccessLogParserCommon parser LogPattern property and the second part using log pater defined in AccessLogParserExt parser LogPattern property - stream should be able to handle whole log file with no problems.

NOTE: StartTime fields defines format and locale to correctly parse field data string. CompCode uses manual field string mapping to TNT4J event field value.

Apache Access log single file - named RegEx groups mappings

Sample does all the same as Apache Access log single file, but uses named RegEx group mapping for a parser defined fields.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserExt" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %D"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping"><![CDATA[%*r=(?<request>((?<method>\S+) (?<uri>.*?)( (?<version>\S+))?)|(-))]]></property>

        <field name="Location" locator="hostname" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="user" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="time" locator-type="REGroupName" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="method" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="uri" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="status" locator-type="REGroupName">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="status" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="sizeClf" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="reqTime" locator-type="REGroupName" datatype="Number" format="#####0.000" locale="en-US"

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>
        <property name="ConfRegexMapping"><![CDATA[%*r=(?<request>((?<method>\S+) (?<uri>.*?)( (?<version>\S+))?)|(-))]]></property>

        <field name="Location" locator="hostname" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="user" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="time" locator-type="REGroupName" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="method" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="uri" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="status" locator-type="REGroupName">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="status" locator-type="REGroupName"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="sizeClf" locator-type="REGroupName"/>

    <stream name="FileStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.FileLineStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/apache-access-single-log/access.log"/>
        <property name="RestoreState" value="false"/>
        <!--<property name="RangeToStream" value="1:"/>-->

        <!--<property name="UseExecutors" value="true"/>-->
        <!--<property name="ExecutorThreadsQuantity" value="5"/>-->
        <!--<property name="ExecutorsTerminationTimeout" value="20"/>-->
        <!--<property name="ExecutorsBoundedModel" value="false"/>-->
        <!--<property name="ExecutorRejectedTaskOfferTimeout" value="20"/>-->

        <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserExt"/>
        <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

See parsers configuration section 'Apache access log parser' for a default RegEx group names used by ApacheAccessLogParser.

Apache Access log multiple files

This sample shows how to stream Apache access log records as activity events from multiple log files using file name matching wildcard pattern.

Sample files can be found in samples/apache-access-multi-log directory.

localhost_access_log.[DATE].txt is sample Apache access log files depicting some HTTP server activity.

NOTE: records in this file are from year 2015 ranging from April until November, so then getting events data in JKool Cloud please do not forget to just to dashboard time frame to that period!

Sample configuration and sample idea is same as 'Apache Access log single file' with one single difference:

    <property name="FileName" value="*_access_log.2015-*.txt"/>

meaning that stream should process not one single file, but file set matching *_access_log.2015-*.txt wildcard pattern.

Log file polling

This sample shows how to stream Apache access log records as activity events from file which is used for logging at runtime. File polling technique may be used for any text file. File rolling is also supported.

Sample files can be found in samples/log-file-polling directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %D"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="14" locator-type="REGroupNum" datatype="Number" format="#####0.000" locale="en-US" units="Seconds"/>


    <stream name="SampleFilePollingStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.FileLineStream">
        <property name="FileName"
        <property name="FilePolling" value="true"/>
        <property name="FileReadDelay" value="20"/>
        <property name="StartFromLatest" value="true"/>
        <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

Stream configuration states that FilePollingStream referencing AccessLogParserCommon shall be used.

FileStream reads data from access.log file. HaltIfNoParser property states that stream should skip unparseable entries and don't stop if such situation occurs.

AccessLogParserCommon is same as in 'Apache Access log single file' sample, so refer it for more details.

FileName property defines that stream should watch for files matching localhost_access_log.*.txt wildcard pattern. This is needed to properly handle file rolling.

FilePolling property indicates that stream polls files for changes.

FileReadDelay property indicates that file changes are streamed every 20 seconds.

StartFromLatest property indicates that stream should start from latest entry record in log file. Setting this property to false would stream all log entries starting from oldest file matching wildcard pattern.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.


These samples shows how to read or poll HDFS files contents. Samples are very similar to 'Log file polling' or 'Apache Access log single file'. Difference is that specialized stream classes are used.

  • Simple HDFS file streaming

Sample files can be found in tnt4j-streams/tnt4j-streams-hdfs/samples/hdfs-file-stream directory.

    <stream name="SampleHdfsFileLineStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HdfsFileLineStream">
        <property name="FileName" value="hdfs://*"/>

To stream HDFS file lines HdfsFileLineStream shall be used. FileName is defined using URI starting hdfs://.

  • HDFS file polling

Sample files can be found in tnt4j-streams/tnt4j-streams-hdfs/samples/hdfs-log-file-polling directory.

    <stream name="SampleHdfsFilePollingStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HdfsFileLineStream">
        <property name="FileName"
        <property name="FilePolling" value="true"/>

To poll HDFS file HdfsFileLineStream shall be used with property FilePolling value set to true. FileName is defined using URI starting hdfs://.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

  • Zipped HDFS file streaming

Sample files can be found in tnt4j-streams/tnt4j-streams-hdfs/samples/hdfs-zip-stream directory.

    <stream name="SampleHdfsZipLineStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HdfsZipLineStream">
        <property name="FileName"
        <property name="ArchType" value="ZIP"/>

To stream HDFS zipped file lines HdfsZipLineStream shall be used. FileName is defined using URI starting hdfs://.

Apache Flume RAW data

This sample shows how to stream activity events from redirected Apache Flume output RAW data. Apache Flume output is configured to send RAW output data as JSON to localhost:9595. Sample also shows how to use stacked parsers technique to extract log entry data from JSON envelope.

Sample files can be found in samples/apache-flume directory.

How to install plugin into Apache Flume and configure, see samples/apache-flume/

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <parser name="JSONEnvelopeParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <!--<property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>-->

        <field name="MsgBody" locator="$.body" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>
        <field name="sinkName" locator="$.sinkName" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="chanelName" locator="$.chanelName" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="headers" locator="$.headers" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleFlumeStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.CharacterStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="Port" value="9595"/>
        <parser-ref name="JSONEnvelopeParser"/>

Stream configuration states that CharacterStream referencing JSONEnvelopeParser shall be used.

CharacterStream starts server socket on port defined using Port property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries.

JSONEnvelopeParser transforms received JSON data package to Map with entries MsgBody, sinkName, chanelName and headers. MsgBody entry value is passed to stacked parser named AccessLogParserCommon. ReadLines property indicates that every line in parsed string represents single JSON data package.

Details on AccessLogParserCommon (or ApacheAccessLogParser in general) can be found in samples section 'Apache Access log single file' and parsers configuration section 'Apache access log parser'.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

Apache Flume Parsed Data

This sample shows how to stream activity events from Apache Flume parsed log entry output data. Apache Flume output is configured to send parsed log entry data as JSON to localhost:9595.

Sample files can be found in samples/apache-flume-parsed directory.

How to install plugin into Apache Flume and configure, see samples/apache-flume-parsed/

messages.json file contains sample Apache Flume output JSON data package prepared using configuration of this sample. This sample JSON is for you to see and better understand parsers mappings. Do not use it as Apache Flume input!

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="FlumeJSONParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <!--<property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>-->

        <field name="Location" locator="$.headers.clientip" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="$.headers.auth" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="$.headers.logtime" locator-type="Label" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z"
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="$.headers.method" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="$.headers.param" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="$.headers.response" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="$.headers.response" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="$.headers.bytes" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Message" locator="$.body" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Tag" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="$.sinkName" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="$.chanelName" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleFlumeStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.CharacterStream">
        <property name="Port" value="9595"/>
        <parser-ref name="FlumeJSONParser"/>

Stream configuration states that CharacterStream referencing FlumeJSONParser shall be used.

CharacterStream starts server socket on port defined using Port property.

FlumeJSONParser transforms received JSON data package to Map entries. Note that some entries like headers in map has inner map as value. Fields of such entries can be accessed defining field name using . as field hierarchy separator. ReadLines property indicates that every line in parsed string represents single JSON data package.

Details on AccessLogParserCommon (or ApacheAccessLogParser in general) can be found in samples section 'Apache Access log single file' and parsers configuration section 'Apache access log parser'.

Logstash RAW data

This sample shows how to stream activity events from redirected Logstash output RAW data. Logstash output is configured to send RAW output data as JSON to localhost:9595. Sample also shows how to use stacked parsers technique to extract log entry data from JSON envelope.

Sample files can be found in samples/logstash directory.

How to setup sample environment see samples/logstash/README.MD

messages.json file contains sample Logstash output JSON data package prepared using configuration of this sample. This sample JSON is for you to see and better understand parsers mappings. Do not use it as Logstash input!

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser"
            tags="Normal server,Delayed server">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <parser name="JSONEnvelopeParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <!--<property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>-->

        <field name="MsgBody" locator="$.message" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>
        <field name="path" locator="$.path" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Tag" locator="$.tags" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="host" locator="$.host" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleLogstashStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.CharacterStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="RestartOnInputClose" value="true"/>
        <property name="Port" value="9595"/>
        <parser-ref name="JSONEnvelopeParser"/>

Stream configuration states that CharacterStream referencing JSONEnvelopeParser shall be used.

CharacterStream starts server socket on port defined using Port property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries.

JSONEnvelopeParser transforms received JSON data package to Map with entries MsgBody, path, Tag and host. MsgBody entry value is passed to stacked parser named AccessLogParserCommon. ReadLines property indicates that every line in parsed string represents single JSON data package.

Details on AccessLogParserCommon (or ApacheAccessLogParser in general) can be found in samples section 'Apache Access log single file' and parsers configuration section 'Apache access log parser'.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

Logstash parsed data

This sample shows how to stream activity events from parsed by Logstash. Logstash Grok output plugin is configured to send parsed Apache Access log entry data as JSON to localhost:9595.

Sample files can be found in samples/logstash-parsed directory.

How to setup sample environment see samples/logstash-parsed/README.MD

messages.json file contains sample Logstash output JSON data package prepared using configuration of this sample. This sample JSON is for you to see and better understand parsers mappings. Do not use it as Logstash input!

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="LogstashJSONParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <!--<property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>-->

        <field name="Location" locator="$.clientip" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="$.auth" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="$.timestamp" locator-type="Label" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z"
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="$.verb" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="$.request" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="$.response" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="$.response" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="$.bytes" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Message" locator="$.message" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Tag" locator="$.tags" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleLogstashStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.CharacterStream">
        <property name="Port" value="9595"/>
        <parser-ref name="LogstashJSONParser"/>

Stream configuration states that CharacterStream referencing LogstashJSONParser shall be used.

CharacterStream starts server socket on port defined using Port property.

LogstashJSONParser transforms received JSON data package to Map data structure and maps map entries to activity event fields using map entry key labels. ReadLines property indicates that every line in parsed string represents single JSON data package.

HTTP request file

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over HTTP request as file. Sample also shows how to use stacked parsers technique to extract message payload data.

Sample files can be found in samples/http-file directory.

Over HTTP sent sample file is log.txt - snapshot of Apache access log depicting some HTTP server activity.

How to send file data over HTTP see samples/http-file/

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <parser name="SampleHttpReqParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

    <stream name="SampleHttpStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HttpStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="Port" value="8080"/>
        <!--<property name="UseSSL" value="true"/>-->
        <!--<property name="Keystore" value="path_to_keystore_file"/>-->
        <!--<property name="KeystorePass" value="somePassword"/>-->
        <!--<property name="KeyPass" value="somePassword"/>-->
        <parser-ref name="SampleHttpReqParser"/>

Stream configuration states that HttpStream referencing SampleHttpReqParser shall be used.

HttpStream starts HTTP server on port defined using Port property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. Stream puts received request payload data as byte[] to map using key ActivityData.

SampleHttpReqParser by default converts byte[] for entry ActivityData to string and uses stacked parser named AccessLogParserCommon to parse format.

AccessLogParserCommon is same as in 'Apache Access log single file' sample, so refer it for more details.

NOTE: to parse some other data instead of Apache Access Log, replace AccessLogParserCommon with parser which complies Your data format.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

HTTP request form

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over HTTP request as form data.

Sample files can be found in samples/http-form directory.

How to send HTTP form data see samples/http-form/

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="SampleFormDataParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Location" locator="clientip" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="auth" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="timestamp" locator-type="Label" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z"
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="verb" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="request" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="response" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="response" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="bytes" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleHttpStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HttpStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="Port" value="8080"/>
        <!--<property name="UseSSL" value="true"/>-->
        <!--<property name="Keystore" value="path_to_keystore_file"/>-->
        <!--<property name="KeystorePass" value="somePassword"/>-->
        <!--<property name="KeyPass" value="somePassword"/>-->
        <parser-ref name="SampleFormDataParser"/>

Stream configuration states that HttpStream referencing SampleFormDataParser shall be used.

HttpStream starts HTTP server on port defined using Port property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. Stream puts received form parameters data to map and passes it to parser.

SampleFormDataParser performs form data mapping to TNT4J activity event data using form data parameters name labels.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

JMS text message

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over JMS transport as text messages. Sample also shows how to use stacked parsers technique to extract message payload data.

Sample files can be found in samples/jms-mapmessage directory.

NOTE: in jms module pom.xml file uncomment activemq-all dependency if You want to use ActiveMQ as JMS service

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <parser name="SampleJMSParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJMSMessageParser">
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="Correlator" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleJMStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.JMSStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="ServerURI" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
        <!--<property name="Queue" value="queue.SampleJMSQueue"/>-->
        <property name="Topic" value="topic.SampleJMSTopic"/>
        <property name="JNDIFactory" value="org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"/>
        <property name="JMSConnFactory" value="ConnectionFactory"/>
        <parser-ref name="SampleJMSParser"/>

Stream configuration states that JMSStream referencing SampleJMSParser shall be used.

JMSStream connects to server defined using ServerURI property, and takes messages from topic defined Topic property. To define wanted queue use Queue property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. JNDIFactory property defines that ActiveMQ shall be used. Stream puts received message data to map and passes it to parser.

SampleJMSParser maps metadata to activity event data. ActivityData entry value is passed to stacked parser named AccessLogParserCommon.

Details on AccessLogParserCommon (or ApacheAccessLogParser in general) can be found in samples section 'Apache Access log single file' and parser configuration section 'Apache access log parser'.

NOTE: to parse some other data instead of Apache Access Log, replace AccessLogParserCommon with parser which complies Your data format.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

JMS map message

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over JMS transport as map messages.

Sample files can be found in samples/jms-textmessage directory.

NOTE: in jms module pom.xml file uncomment activemq-all dependency if You want to use ActiveMQ as JMS service

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="SampleJMSParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJMSMessageParser">
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Location" locator="clientip" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="auth" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="timestamp" locator-type="Label" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z"
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="verb" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="request" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="response" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="response" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="bytes" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="Correlator" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleJMStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.JMSStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="ServerURI" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
        <!--<property name="Queue" value="queue.SampleJMSQueue"/>-->
        <property name="Topic" value="topic.SampleJMSTopic"/>
        <property name="JNDIFactory" value="org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"/>
        <property name="JMSConnFactory" value="ConnectionFactory"/>
        <parser-ref name="SampleJMSParser"/>

Stream configuration states that JMSStream referencing SampleJMSParser shall be used.

JMSStream connects to server defined using ServerURI property, and takes messages from topic defined Topic property. To define wanted queue use Queue property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. JNDIFactory property defines that ActiveMQ shall be used. Stream puts received message data to map and passes it to parser.

SampleJMSParser maps activity event data from JMS map message using map entries key labels.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

JMS object message

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over JMS transport as serializable object messages. Sample also shows how to use stacked parsers technique to extract message payload data.

Sample files can be found in samples/jms-objectmessage directory.

NOTE: in jms module pom.xml file uncomment activemq-all dependency if You want to use ActiveMQ as JMS service

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="SampleObjectParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJavaObjectParser">
        <field name="Location" locator="clientip" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="auth" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="timestamp" locator-type="Label" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z"
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="verb" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="request" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="response" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="response" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="bytes" locator-type="Label"/>

    <parser name="SampleJMSParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJMSMessageParser">
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="SampleObjectParser"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="Correlator" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleJMStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.JMSStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="ServerURI" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
        <!--<property name="Queue" value="queue.SampleJMSQueue"/>-->
        <property name="Topic" value="topic.SampleJMSTopic"/>
        <property name="JNDIFactory" value="org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"/>
        <property name="JMSConnFactory" value="ConnectionFactory"/>
        <parser-ref name="SampleJMSParser"/>

Stream configuration states that JMSStream referencing SampleJMSParser shall be used.

JMSStream connects to server defined using ServerURI property, and takes messages from topic defined Topic property. To define wanted queue use Queue property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. JNDIFactory property defines that ActiveMQ shall be used. Stream puts received message data to map and passes it to parser.

SampleJMSParser maps metadata to activity event data. ActivityData entry value is passed to stacked parser named SampleObjectParser.

SampleObjectParser is able to map activity event fields values from serialized object declared fields using field names as labels.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

Kafka client stream

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over Apache Kafka transport as messages. Sample also shows how to use stacked parsers technique to extract message payload data.

Stream runs as Apache Kafka consumer.

Sample files can be found in samples/kafka directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <parser name="KafkaMessageParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Topic" locator="ActivityTopic" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

    <stream name="SampleKafkaStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.KafkaStream">
            <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
            <property name="Topic" value="TNT4JStreams"/>

            <!-- Kafka consumer properties -->
            <property name="zookeeper.connect" value=""/>
            <property name="" value="TNT4JStreams"/>

            <parser-ref name="KafkaMessageParser"/>

Stream configuration states that KafkaStream referencing KafkaMessageParser shall be used.

KafkaStream connects to server defined using zookeeper.connect property, and takes messages from topic defined Topic property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. Stream puts received message data to map and passes it to parser.

Details on 'Apache Kafka configuration'.

KafkaMessageParser maps metadata to activity event data. ActivityData entry value is passed to stacked parser named AccessLogParserCommon.

Details on AccessLogParserCommon (or ApacheAccessLogParser in general) can be found in samples section 'Apache Access log single file' and parsers configuration section 'Apache access log parser'.

NOTE: to parse some other data instead of Apache Access Log, replace AccessLogParserCommon with parser which complies Your data format.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

Kafka server stream

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over Apache Kafka transport as messages. Sample also shows how to use stacked parsers technique to extract message payload data.

Stream starts Apache Kafka server and binds consumer to it to receive and process messages.

Sample files can be found in samples/kafka-server directory.

tnt4j-streams-kafka/config directory contains default configuration properties files for ZooKeeper (zookeeper.propertoes) and Kafka ( servers. Kafka stream is using those files referenced over Java system properties -Dtnt4j.zookeeper.config=tnt4j-streams-kafka/config/ for ZooKeeper server and -Dtnt4j.kafka.srv.config=tnt4j-streams-kafka/config/ for Kafka server (see samples/kafka-server/run.bat or .sh files as sample). NOTE: those file defined Kafka server properties gets merged with ones defined in stream configuration.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <parser name="KafkaMessageParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Topic" locator="ActivityTopic" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

    <stream name="SampleKafkaStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.KafkaStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="Topic" value="TNT4JStreams"/>
        <property name="StartServer" value="true"/>
        <property name="StartZooKeeper" value="true"/>

        <!-- Common Kafka server/consumer properties -->
        <property name="zookeeper.connect" value=""/>
        <property name="" value="5000"/>

        <!-- Kafka consumer properties -->
        <property name="" value="TNT4JStreams"/>
        <!--<property name="" value="6000"/>-->
        <property name="" value="1000"/>
        <property name="" value="1000"/>

        <!-- Kafka server properties -->
        <property name="" value="684231"/>
        <property name="" value="localhost"/>
        <property name="server:port" value="9092"/>
        <!--<property name="server:log.flush.interval.messages" value="1"/>-->
        <!--<property name="" value="1000"/>-->
        <property name="" value="4000"/>
        <!--<property name="" value="3000"/>-->
        <property name="" value="200"/>

        <parser-ref name="KafkaMessageParser"/>

Stream configuration in general is mostly same as for 'Kafka client stream'.

Difference is StartServer stream property set to true stating that Apache Kafka server should be started by stream and messages consumer has to bind to it. StartZooKeeper stream property set to true states that ZooKeeper server shall be started on stream startup.

Also there is extended set of Apache Kafka configuration properties used by server and consumer. Kafka server dedicated properties starts with prefix server: while Kafka consumer properties - with consumer:. Properties having no prefix (or prefixes :, common:) are applied for both - server and consumer. Those properties gets merged with ones defined in properties files. NOTE: Stream configuration defined properties has priority over property files defined properties - thus property files defines default values used by stream.

Details on 'Apache Kafka configuration'.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.


This sample shows how to stream activity events received over MQTT transport as MQTT messages. Sample also shows how to use stacked parsers technique to extract message payload data.

Sample files can be found in samples/mqtt directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="AccessLogParserCommon" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.parsers.ApacheAccessLogParser">
        <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b"/>

        <field name="Location" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="3" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="4" locator-type="REGroupNum" format="dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss z" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SEND"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="7" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="8" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="12" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="13" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <parser name="MqttMessageParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Topic" locator="ActivityTopic" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="AccessLogParserCommon"/>

    <stream name="SampleMQTTStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.MqttStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="ServerURI" value="tcp://localhost:1883"/>
        <property name="TopicString" value="TNT4JStreams"/>
        <!--<property name="UserName" value="someUser"/>-->
        <!--<property name="Password" value="somePassword"/>-->
        <!--<property name="UseSSL" value="true"/>-->
        <!--<property name="Keystore" value="path_to_keystore_file"/>-->
        <!--<property name="KeystorePass" value="somePassword"/>-->

        <parser-ref name="MqttMessageParser"/>

Stream configuration states that MqttStream referencing MqttMessageParser shall be used.

MqttStream connects to server defined using ServerURI property, and takes messages from topic defined TopicString property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. Stream puts received message data to map and passes it to parser.

MqttMessageParser maps metadata to activity event data. ActivityData entry value is passed to stacked parser named AccessLogParserCommon.

Details on AccessLogParserCommon (or ApacheAccessLogParser in general) can be found in samples section 'Apache Access log single file' and parsers configuration section 'Apache access log parser'.

NOTE: to parse some other data instead of Apache Access Log, replace AccessLogParserCommon with parser which complies Your data format.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

WMQ Message broker

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over WMQ as message broker event messages.

Sample files can be found in samples/message-broker directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <java-object name="MQMsgToStringPreParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.preparsers.MQMessageToStringPreParser"/>

    <parser name="EventParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.MessageActivityXmlParser">
        <property name="SignatureDelim" value="#!#"/>
        <property name="Namespace"

        <reference name="MQMsgToStringPreParser"/>

        <!--field name="ServerName" value="host-name-for-broker"/--> <!-- defaults to host name where jKool LLC TNT4J-Streams is running -->
        <!--field name="ServerName" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/wmb:messageFlowData/wmb:broker/@wmb:hostName" locator-type="Label"/--> <!-- when broker supports this -->
        <!--field name="ServerIp" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/ServerIp" locator-type="Label"/-->
        <field name="ApplName"
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/wmb:messageFlowData/wmb:node/@wmb:nodeLabel"
        <field name="Message" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:bitstreamData/wmb:bitstream" locator-type="Label"
        <field name="EventName" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/wmb:eventData/wmb:eventIdentity/@wmb:eventName"
        <field name="EventType" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/wmb:messageFlowData/wmb:node/@wmb:nodeType"
            <field-map source="ComIbmMQInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmMQOutputNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmMQGetNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmJMSClientInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmJMSClientOutputNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmJMSClientReplyNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmJMSClientReceive" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmJMSHeader.msgnode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmHTTPAsyncRequest" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmHTTPAsyncResponse" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmHTTPHeader" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmWSInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmWSReplyNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmWSRequestNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmSOAPInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmSOAPReplyNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmSOAPRequestNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmSOAPAsyncRequestNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmSOAPAsyncResponseNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmSOAPWrapperNode" target="CALL"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmSOAPExtractNode" target="CALL"/>
            <field-map source="SRRetrieveEntityNode" target="CALL"/>
            <field-map source="SRRetrieveITServiceNode" target="CALL"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmDatabaseInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmDatabaseNode" target="CALL"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmDatabaseRetrieveNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmDatabaseRouteNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmFileInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmFileReadNode" target="CALL"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmFileOutputNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmFTEInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmFTEOutputNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmTCPIPClientInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmTCPIPClientOutputNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmTCPIPClientRequestNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmTCPIPServerInputNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmTCPIPServerOutputNode" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmTCPIPServerRequestNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="ComIbmCORBARequestNode" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="" target="CALL"/>
        <field name="Correlator"
        <field name="ElapsedTime" value="0" datatype="Number"/>
        <field name="EndTime" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/wmb:eventData/wmb:eventSequence/@wmb:creationTime"
               datatype="DateTime" format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS'Z'" timezone="GMT"/>
        <!--field name="ReasonCode" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/ReasonCode" locator-type="Label" datatype="Number"/-->
        <!-- *** Use following signature definition for WMQ messages ***
        <field name="TrackingId" separator="#!#">
          <field-locator locator="/wmb:event/wmb:applicationData/wmb:simpleContent[@wmb:name='MsgType']/@wmb:value" locator-type="Label" datatype="Number"/>
          <field-locator locator="/wmb:event/wmb:applicationData/wmb:simpleContent[@wmb:name='Format']/@wmb:value" locator-type="Label"/>
          <field-locator locator="/wmb:event/wmb:applicationData/wmb:simpleContent[@wmb:name='MsgId']/@wmb:value" locator-type="Label" datatype="Binary" format="hexBinary"/>
          <field-locator locator="/wmb:event/wmb:applicationData/wmb:simpleContent[@wmb:name='UserIdentifier']/@wmb:value" locator-type="Label"/>
          <field-locator locator="/wmb:event/wmb:applicationData/wmb:simpleContent[@wmb:name='PutApplType']/@wmb:value" locator-type="Label"/>
          <field-locator locator="/wmb:event/wmb:applicationData/wmb:simpleContent[@wmb:name='PutApplName']/@wmb:value" locator-type="Label"/>
          <field-locator locator="/wmb:event/wmb:applicationData/wmb:simpleContent[@wmb:name='PutDate']/@wmb:value" locator-type="Label"/>
          <field-locator locator="/wmb:event/wmb:applicationData/wmb:simpleContent[@wmb:name='PutTime']/@wmb:value" locator-type="Label"/>
        <!--field name="StartTime" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/wmb:eventData/wmb:eventSequence/@wmb:creationTime" locator-type="Label" datatype="DateTime" format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS'Z'" timestamp="GMT"/-->
        <field name="CompCode" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/wmb:eventData/wmb:eventIdentity/@wmb:eventName"
            <field-map source="FlowRollback" target="ERROR"/>
            <field-map source="" target="SUCCESS"/>
        <!--field name="Tag" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/Tag" locator-type="Label"/-->
        <!--field name="UserName" locator="/wmb:event/wmb:eventPointData/UserName" locator-type="Label"/-->

    <stream name="EventStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.WmqStream">
        <property name="QueueManager" value="QMGR"/>
        <property name="Queue" value="EVENT.QUEUE"/>
        <parser-ref name="EventParser"/>

Stream configuration states that WmqStream referencing EventParser shall be used. Stream deserialize message to string and passes it to parser.

QueueManager property defines name of queue manager and Queue property defines name of queue to get messages.

EventParser is of type MessageActivityXmlParser meaning that it will parse messages de-serialized into XML strings.

SignatureDelim property defines that #!# should be used as signature delimiter.

Namespace property adds wmb namespace definition mapping to mapping

WMQ PCF messages streaming

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over WMQ as PCF messages.

Sample files can be found in samples/pcf-message directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="PCFEventsParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityPCFParser">
        <property name="TranslateNumValues" value="true"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="EVENT"/>

        <!-- header fields -->
        <field name="Command" locator="MQCFH.Command" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgSeqNumber" locator="MQCFH.MsgSeqNumber" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Control" locator="MQCFH.Control" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="MQCFH.CompCode" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="0" target="SUCCESS"/>
            <field-map source="1" target="WARNING"/>
            <field-map source="MQCC_OK" target="SUCCESS"/>
            <field-map source="MQCC_WARNING" target="WARNING"/>
            <field-map source="" target="ERROR"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="MQCFH.Reason" locator-type="Label" datatype="Number"/>
        <field name="ParameterCount" locator="MQCFH.ParameterCount" locator-type="Label"/>

        <!-- message fields -->
        <field name="QMgrName" locator="MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ServerName" locator="MQCACF_HOST_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="StartTime" separator=" " datatype="DateTime" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">
            <field-locator locator="MQCAMO_START_DATE" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="MQCAMO_START_TIME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EndTime" separator=" " datatype="DateTime" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">
            <field-locator locator="MQCAMO_END_DATE" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="MQCAMO_END_TIME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CommandLevel" locator="MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="SequenceNumber" locator="MQIACF_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplName" locator="MQCACF_APPL_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplType" locator="MQIA_APPL_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ProcessId" locator="MQIACF_PROCESS_ID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserId" locator="MQCACF_USER_IDENTIFIER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApiCallerType" locator="MQIACF_API_CALLER_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApiEnv" locator="MQIACF_API_ENVIRONMENT" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplFunction" locator="MQCACF_APPL_FUNCTION" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplFunctionType" locator="MQIACF_APPL_FUNCTION_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="TraceDetail" locator="MQIACF_TRACE_DETAIL" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="TraceDataLength" locator="MQIACF_TRACE_DATA_LENGTH" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="PointerSize" locator="MQIACF_POINTER_SIZE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Platform" locator="MQIA_PLATFORM" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="MQBACF_CORREL_ID" locator-type="Label" datatype="Binary"/>

    <stream name="WmqStreamPCF" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.WmqStreamPCF">
        <property name="Host" value="[YOUR_MQ_HOST]"/>
        <property name="Port" value="[YOUR_MQ_PORT]"/>
        <property name="QueueManager" value="[YOUR_QM_NAME]"/>
        <property name="Queue" value="[YOUR_Q_NAME]"/>
        <property name="StripHeaders" value="false"/>

        <parser-ref name="PCFEventsParser"/>

Stream configuration states that WmqStreamPCF referencing PCFEventsParser shall be used. Stream takes MQ message from QM, transforms it to PCF message and passes it to parser.

Host property defines MQ server host name or IP. Port property defines MQ server port.

QueueManager property defines name of queue manager and Queue property defines name of queue to get messages.

StripHeaders property states that MQ message headers shall be preserved.

PCFEventsParser is of type ActivityPCFParser meaning that it will parse PCF messages.

TranslateNumValues property defines that parser should translate resolved numeric values to corresponding MQ constant names if possible.

WMQ Trace Events streaming

This sample shows how to stream activity events received over WMQ as MQ Trace Events.

Sample files can be found in samples/trace-events directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="TraceEventsParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityPCFParser">
        <property name="TranslateNumValues" value="true"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="EVENT"/>

        <!-- message fields -->
        <field name="QMgrName" locator="MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ServerName" locator="MQCACF_HOST_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="StartTime" separator=" " datatype="DateTime" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">
            <field-locator locator="MQCAMO_START_DATE" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="MQCAMO_START_TIME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EndTime" separator=" " datatype="DateTime" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">
            <field-locator locator="MQCAMO_END_DATE" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="MQCAMO_END_TIME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CommandLevel" locator="MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="SequenceNumber" locator="MQIACF_SEQUENCE_NUMBER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplName" locator="MQCACF_APPL_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplType" locator="MQIA_APPL_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ProcessId" locator="MQIACF_PROCESS_ID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserId" locator="MQCACF_USER_IDENTIFIER" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApiCallerType" locator="MQIACF_API_CALLER_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApiEnv" locator="MQIACF_API_ENVIRONMENT" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplFunction" locator="MQCACF_APPL_FUNCTION" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplFunctionType" locator="MQIACF_APPL_FUNCTION_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="TraceDetail" locator="MQIACF_TRACE_DETAIL" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="TraceDataLength" locator="MQIACF_TRACE_DATA_LENGTH" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="PointerSize" locator="MQIACF_POINTER_SIZE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Platform" locator="MQIA_PLATFORM" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="MQBACF_CORREL_ID" locator-type="Label" datatype="Binary"/>

        <!-- activity trace fields -->
        <field name="EventName" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_OPERATION_ID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ThreadId" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_THREAD_ID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="OperationTime" separator=" " datatype="DateTime" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">
            <field-locator locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_OPERATION_DATE" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_OPERATION_TIME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ObjType" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_OBJECT_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" separator="/">
            <field-locator locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_RESOLVED_Q_MGR" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_OBJECT_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ObjQMgrName" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_OBJECT_Q_MGR_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ObjHandle" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_HOBJ" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_COMP_CODE" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="0" target="SUCCESS"/>
            <field-map source="1" target="WARNING"/>
            <field-map source="MQCC_OK" target="SUCCESS"/>
            <field-map source="MQCC_WARNING" target="WARNING"/>
            <field-map source="" target="ERROR"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_REASON_CODE" locator-type="Label" datatype="Number"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ConnectOptions" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_CONNECT_OPTIONS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.OpenOptions" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_OPEN_OPTIONS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.GetOptions" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_GET_OPTIONS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.PutOptions" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_PUT_OPTIONS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.CloseOptions" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_CLOSE_OPTIONS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ResolvedQName" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_RESOLVED_Q_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ResolvedLocalQName" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_RESOLVED_LOCAL_Q_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ResolvedLocalQMgr" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_RESOLVED_LOCAL_Q_MGR" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ResolvedType" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_RESOLVED_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.DynamicQName" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_DYNAMIC_Q_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.MsgLength" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_MSG_LENGTH" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.HighresTime" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIAMO64_HIGHRES_TIME" locator-type="Label" datatype="Timestamp"
        <field name="MQTrace.BufferLength" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_BUFFER_LENGTH" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.Report" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_REPORT" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.MsgType" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_MSG_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.Expiry" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_EXPIRY" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.FormatName" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACH_FORMAT_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.Priority" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_PRIORITY" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.Persistence" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_PERSISTENCE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.MsgId" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQBACF_MSG_ID" locator-type="Label" datatype="Binary"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQBACF_CORREL_ID" locator-type="Label" datatype="Binary"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ReplyToQ" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_REPLY_TO_Q" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ReplyToQMgr" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_REPLY_TO_Q_MGR" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.CodedCharsetId" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIA_CODED_CHAR_SET_ID" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.Encoding" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_ENCODING" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="PutTime" separator=" " datatype="DateTime" format="yyyyMMdd HHmmss">
            <field-locator locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_PUT_DATE" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_PUT_TIME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.SelectorCount" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_SELECTOR_COUNT" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.Selectors" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_SELECTORS" locator-type="Label"/> <!-- int array -->
        <field name="MQTrace.ConnectionId" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQBACF_CONNECTION_ID" locator-type="Label" datatype="Binary"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.QMgrName" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.ObjNameRecsPresent" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_RECS_PRESENT" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.CallType" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_CALL_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.CtlOperation" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_CTL_OPERATION" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.MQCallbackType" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_MQCB_TYPE" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.MQCallbackName" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQCACF_MQCB_NAME" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.MQCallbackFunction" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQBACF_MQCB_FUNCTION" locator-type="Label"
        <field name="MQTrace.MQCallbackOptions" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_MQCB_OPTIONS" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.MQCallbackOperation" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_MQCB_OPERATION" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.InvalidDestCount" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_INVALID_DEST_COUNT" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.UnknownDestCount" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACF_UNKNOWN_DEST_COUNT" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MQTrace.MaxMsgLength" locator="MQGACF_ACTIVITY_TRACE.MQIACH_MAX_MSG_LENGTH" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="WmqActivityTraceStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.custom.inputs.WmqTraceStream">
        <property name="Host" value="[YOUR_MQ_HOST]"/>
        <property name="Port" value="[YOUR_MQ_PORT]"/>
        <property name="QueueManager" value="[YOUR_QM_NAME]"/>
        <property name="Queue" value="SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ACTIVITY.QUEUE"/>
        <property name="StripHeaders" value="false"/>

        <property name="TraceOperations" value="*"/>
        <!--<property name="TraceOperations" value="MQXF_*"/>-->
        <!--<property name="TraceOperations" value="MQXF_(GET|PUT|CLOSE)"/>-->
        <!--<property name="ExcludedRC" value="MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE|30737"/>-->
        <property name="SuppressBrowseGets" value="true"/>

        <parser-ref name="TraceEventsParser"/>

Stream configuration states that WmqActivityTraceStream referencing TraceEventsParser shall be used. Stream takes MQ message from QM, transforms it to PCF message and passes it to parser. If PCF message contains multiple MQ Trace Events, then multiple activity events will be made from it.

Host property defines MQ server host name or IP. Port property defines MQ server port.

QueueManager property defines name of queue manager and Queue property defines name of queue to get messages.

StripHeaders property states that MQ message headers shall be preserved.

TraceOperations property defines set of traced operation names (using RegEx or wildcard). MQ Trace Events referencing operations not covered by this set will be filtered out from activities stream.

ExcludedRC property defines set of excluded MQ traces reason codes (delimited using | character). MQ Trace Events having reason codes defined by this set will be filtered out from activities stream. Set entries may be defined using both numeric and MQ constant name values.

SuppressBrowseGets property defines flag indicating whether to exclude WMQ BROWSE type GET operation traces from streaming.

TraceEventsParser is of type WmqTraceParser meaning that it will parse PCF messages containing MQ Trace Events data contained within MQCFGR PCF structures.

TranslateNumValues property defines that parser should translate resolved numeric values to corresponding MQ constant names if possible.

Angulartics (AngularJS tracing)

This sample shows how to stream JavaScript events traces from Angulartics. TNT4J-Angulartics-plugin sends trace data over HTTP request http://localhost:9595. Thus to process this we will need HttpStream running on port 9595.

Sample files can be found in samples/angular-js-tracing directory.

How to setup sample environment see samples/angular-js-tracing/

Sample trace data is available in messages.json file.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="JSONPayloadParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>

        <field name="StartTime" locator="$.timestamp" locator-type="Label" datatype="Timestamp" units="Milliseconds"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="$.url" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="$.sid" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="$.rid" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="$.eventName" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="EVENT"/>
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="$.pageLoad" locator-type="Label" datatype="Number" format="#####0"/>
        <field name="Browser" locator="$.browser" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventProperties" locator="$.properties" locator-type="Label"/>

    <parser name="AngularticsReqParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="JSONPayloadParser"/>

    <stream name="AngularticsHttpStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HttpStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="Port" value="9595"/>
        <parser-ref name="AngularticsReqParser"/>

Stream configuration states that HttpStream referencing AngularticsReqParser shall be used.

HttpStream starts HTTP server on port defined using Port property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. Stream puts received request payload data as byte[] to map using key ActivityData.

AngularticsReqParser by default converts byte[] for entry ActivityData to JSON format string and uses stacked parser named JSONPayloadParser to parse it.

JSONPayloadParser transforms received JSON data string to Map and fills in activity event fields values from that map.


This sample shows how to stream JavaScript events traces from AJAX. TNT4J-AJAX-interceptor sends trace data over HTTP request http://localhost:9595. Thus to process this we will need HttpStream running on port 9595.

Sample files can be found in samples/ajax directory.

How to setup sample environment see samples/ajax/

Sample trace data is available in messages.json file.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="JSONPayloadParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>

        <field name="StartTime" locator="$.startOfLoading" locator-type="Label" datatype="Timestamp"
        <field name="ResourceName" locator="$.url" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="$.eventType" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Message" locator="$.message" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Tag" locator="$.eventType" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="CompCode" locator="$.statuss" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="100:206" target="SUCCESS" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="300:308" target="WARNING" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="400:417" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
            <field-map source="500:511" target="ERROR" type="Range"/>
        <field name="ReasonCode" locator="$.statuss" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="EVENT"/>
        <field name="EndTime" locator="$.endOfLoading" locator-type="Label" datatype="Timestamp"
        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="$.elapsedTime" locator-type="Label" datatype="Number" format="#####0"/>
        <field name="ContentSize" locator="$.contentSize" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="IsError" locator="$.error" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="IsAborted" locator="$.abort" locator-type="Label"/>

    <parser name="AjaxEventParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="JSONPayloadParser"/>

    <stream name="AjaxEventStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HttpStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="Port" value="9595"/>
        <parser-ref name="AjaxEventParser"/>

Stream configuration states that HttpStream referencing AjaxEventParser shall be used.

HttpStream starts HTTP server on port defined using Port property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. Stream puts received request payload data as byte[] to map using key ActivityData.

AjaxEventParser by default converts byte[] for entry ActivityData to JSON format string and uses stacked parser named JSONPayloadParser to parse it.

JSONPayloadParser transforms received JSON data string to Map and fills in activity event fields values from that map.


This sample shows how to stream JavaScript events traces from Node.js. TNT4J-njsTrace-plugin sends trace data over HTTP request http://localhost:9595. Thus to process this we will need HttpStream running on port 9595.

Sample files can be found in samples/node.js directory.

How to setup sample environment see samples/node.js/

Sample trace data is available in messages.json file.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="JSONPayloadParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>

        <field name="ElapsedTime" locator="$.span" locator-type="Label" datatype="Number" units="Milliseconds" required="false"/>
        <field name="ResourceName" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="$.file" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="$.line" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="Method" locator="$.name" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Message" locator="$.returnValue" locator-type="Label" required="false"/>
        <field name="EventName" value="node.js Trace"/>
        <field name="EventType" locator="$.method" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="$.stack[*]" locator-type="Label" separator=","/>

        <field name="Exception" locator="$.exception" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="CompCode" locator="$.exception" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="false" target="SUCCESS"/>
            <field-map source="true" target="ERROR"/>
            <field-map source="Function timed out" target="ERROR"/>


    <parser name="njstraceParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="JSONPayloadParser"/>

    <stream name="njstraceHttpStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HttpStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="Port" value="9596"/>
        <parser-ref name="njstraceParser"/>

Stream configuration states that HttpStream referencing njstraceParser shall be used.

HttpStream starts HTTP server on port defined using Port property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. Stream puts received request payload data as byte[] to map using key ActivityData.

njstraceParser by default converts byte[] for entry ActivityData to JSON format string and uses stacked parser named JSONPayloadParser to parse it.

JSONPayloadParser transforms received JSON data string to Map and fills in activity event fields values from that map.

Node.js blocking event loop

This extended 'Node.js' sample shows how to trace blocking event loop occurrences.

Sample files can be found in samples/node.js-blocking-event-loop directory.

How to setup sample environment see samples/node.js-blocking-event-loop/

Sample stream configuration is same as in 'Node.js' sample.


This sample shows how to stream responses from JAX-WS (SOAP) services as SOAP compliant XML data.

Sample files can be found in samples/ws-stream directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="WsResponseParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <property name="Namespace" value="s="/>
        <property name="Namespace" value="a="/>
        <property name="Namespace" value="i="/>
        <property name="Namespace" value="b="/>

        <field name="EventType" value="Event"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="weather"/>
        <field name="GeoLocation" separator=",">
        <field name="Temperature"
        <field name="Humidity"
        <field name="Wind Speed"

    <stream name="WsSampleStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.WsStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>

        <scenario name="Sample WS stream scenario">
            <step name="Step 1"
                <schedule-simple interval="35" units="Seconds" repeatCount="10"/>
                        <tem:GetCurrentWeatherInformationByStationID xmlns:tem="">

        <parser-ref name="WsResponseParser"/>

Stream configuration states that WsStream referencing WsResponseParser shall be used. Stream takes response received SOAP compliant XML string and passes it to parser.

HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries.

Streaming scenario consists of one step defining service request URL, scheduler definition: 10 times with 35 seconds interval. request definition contains SOAP request header SOAPAction and SOAP request body data tem:GetCurrentWeatherInformationByStationID.

WsResponseParser maps XML data values to activity event fields GeoLocation, Temperature, Humidity and Wind Speed. Parser property Namespace adds additional namespaces required to parse received JAX-WS XML response using XPath.



This sample shows how to stream responses from JAX-RS as JSON data.

Sample files can be found in samples/restful-stream-json directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="RESTResponseParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="Event"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="weather"/>
        <field name="Location" locator="$.name" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="GeoLocation" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="$.coord.lon" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="$" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Temperature" locator="$.main.temp" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Humidity" locator="$.main.humidity" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Wind Speed" locator="$.wind.speed" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="RESTfulSampleJSONStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.RestStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>

        <scenario name="Sample REST stream scenario">
            <step name="Step Kaunas"
                <schedule-cron expression="0/15 * * * * ? *"/>
            <step name="Step Vilnius"
                <schedule-cron expression="0/30 * * * * ? *"/>
            <step name="Step Klaipeda"
                <schedule-simple interval="45" units="Seconds" repeatCount="10"/>

        <parser-ref name="RESTResponseParser"/>

Stream configuration states that RestStream referencing RESTResponseParser shall be used. Stream takes response received JSON string and passes it to parser.

HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries.

Streaming scenario consists of three steps defining service request URL's, request methods (all GET) and scheduler definitions. Step named Step Kaunas defines Cron scheduler expression stating: invoke every 15 seconds. Step named Step Vilnius defines Cron scheduler expression stating: invoke every 30 seconds. Step named Step Klaipeda defines simple scheduler expression stating: 10 times with 45 seconds interval.

RESTResponseParser maps JSON data values to activity event fields Location, GeoLocation, Temperature, Humidity and Wind Speed. Parser property ReadLines indicates that whole parsed string represents single JSON data package.


This sample shows how to stream responses from JAX-RS as XML data.

Sample files can be found in samples/restful-stream-xml directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="RESTResponseParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <field name="EventType" value="Event"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="weather"/>
        <field name="Location" locator="/current/city/@name" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="GeoLocation" separator=",">
            <field-locator locator="/current/city/coord/@lon" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="/current/city/coord/@lat" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Temperature" locator="/current/temperature/@value" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Humidity" locator="/current/humidity/@value" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Wind Speed" locator="/current/wind/speed/@value" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="RESTfulSampleXMLStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.RestStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>

        <scenario name="Sample REST stream scenario">
            <step name="Step Kaunas"
                <schedule-cron expression="0/15 * * * * ? *"/>
            <step name="Step Vilnius"
                <schedule-cron expression="0/30 * * * * ? *"/>
            <step name="Step Klaipeda"
                <schedule-simple interval="45" units="Seconds" repeatCount="10"/>

        <parser-ref name="RESTResponseParser"/>

Stream configuration states that RestStream referencing RESTResponseParser shall be used. Stream takes response received XML string and passes it to parser.

HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries.

Streaming scenario consists of three steps defining service request URL's, request methods (all GET) and scheduler definitions. Step named Step Kaunas defines Cron scheduler expression stating: invoke every 15 seconds. Step named Step Vilnius defines Cron scheduler expression stating: invoke every 30 seconds. Step named Step Klaipeda defines simple scheduler expression stating: 10 times with 45 seconds interval.

RESTResponseParser maps XML data values to activity event fields Location, GeoLocation, Temperature, Humidity and Wind Speed.

System command


This sample shows how to stream responses from executed Windows OS command.

Sample files can be found in samples/win-cmd-stream directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="ResponseParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityRegExParser">
        <property name="Pattern"
                  value="(\s*)&quot;\((.*)\)&quot;,&quot;(.*)&quot; &quot;(.*)&quot;,&quot;(.*)&quot;(.*)"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="SNAPSHOT"/>
        <field name="ProcessorTime" locator="5" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <stream name="WinCmdStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.CmdStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>

        <scenario name="Sample Win Cmd stream scenario">
            <step name="Step Windows">
                <request>typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 1</request>
                <schedule-simple interval="25" units="Seconds" repeatCount="-1"/>

        <parser-ref name="ResponseParser"/>

Stream configuration states that CmdStream referencing ResponseParser shall be used. Stream takes command response output string and passes it to parser.

HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries.

Streaming scenario consists of one step defining system command to execute as request tag data and scheduler definition stating execute endlessly every 25 seconds.

ResponseParser parses command output string using Pattern property defined RegEx and produces activity snapshot containing field ProcessorTime.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.


This sample shows how to stream responses from executed *nix type OS command.

Sample files can be found in samples/unix-cmd-stream directory.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="ResponseParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityRegExParser">
        <property name="Pattern" value="(.*)"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="SNAPSHOT"/>
        <field name="TomcatActive" locator="1" locator-type="REGroupNum"/>

    <stream name="UnixCmdStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.CmdStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>

        <scenario name="Sample *nix Cmd stream scenario">
            <step name="Step Is Active Tomcat">
                <request>systemctl is-active tomcat7.servicesystemctl is-active tomcat7.service</request>
                <schedule-simple interval="45" units="Seconds" repeatCount="-1"/>

        <parser-ref name="ResponseParser"/>

Stream configuration states that CmdStream referencing ResponseParser shall be used. Stream takes command response output string and passes it to parser.

HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries.

Streaming scenario consists of one step defining system command to execute as request tag data and scheduler definition stating execute endlessly every 45 seconds.

ResponseParser parses command output string using Pattern property defined RegEx and produces activity snapshot containing field TomcatActive.

NOTE: Stream stops only when critical runtime error/exception occurs or application gets terminated.

Redirecting TNT4J streams

This sample shows how to redirect tnt4j-stream-jmx (may be from multiple running instances) produced trackables to JKool Cloud over single TNT4J-Streams stream instance.

Sample files can be found in samples/stream-jmx directory.

To redirect tnt4j-stream-jmx (or any other TNT4J based producer) produced trackables, producer configuration file should contain such stanza:

    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.sink.impl.SocketEventSinkFactory
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.eventSinkFactory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.sink.impl.NullEventSinkFactory
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Host: IP_OF_STREAMS_RUNNING_MACHINE
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Port: 9009
    event.formatter: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.format.JSONFormatter

NOTE: change IP_OF_STREAMS_RUNNING_MACHINE to IP of machine running TNT4J-Streams RedirectTNT4JStream.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <java-object name="JMXRedirectOutput" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.outputs.JKCloudJsonOutput"/>

    <stream name="SampleJMXRoutingStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.RedirectTNT4JStream">
        <property name="RestartOnInputClose" value="true"/>
        <property name="Port" value="9009"/>

        <reference name="JMXRedirectOutput"/>

            <property name="event.formatter" value="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.utils.RedirectTNT4JStreamFormatter"/>

Stream configuration states that SampleJMXRoutingStream referencing JMXRedirectOutput shall be used. Stream takes starts server socket on port defined by stream property Port. Stream listens server socket for inbound connections (accepts multiple). When connection gets accepted, stream reads incoming data from connection dedicated socket.

RestartOnInputClose property indicates that stream should initiate new instance of server socket if listened one gets closed or fails to accept inbound connection.

Stream referenced object JMXRedirectOutput sends JSON formatted data to JKool Cloud.

Stream also additionally sets one TNT4J framework property event.formatter. This allows us to use customized JSON formatter and avoid additional JSON reformatting in default TNT4J data flow.

NOTE: you may also re-stream any TNT4J based producer logged trackables from file. Only requirement - trackables must be serialized in JSON format.

To do re-streaming from file, change sample configuration by replacing SampleJMXRoutingStream stream property Port to FileName referring file containing logged trackables in JSON format:

    <stream name="SampleJMXRoutingStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.RedirectTNT4JStream">
        <property name="FileName" value="tnt4j-stream-activities.log"/>

        <reference name="JMXRedirectOutput"/>

            <property name="event.formatter" value="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.utils.RedirectTNT4JStreamFormatter"/>

MS Excel document


This sample shows how to stream MS Excel workbook rows as activity events.

Sample files can be found in samples/xlsx-rows directory.

NOTE: records in this file are from year 2010 e.g., 12 Jul 2010, so then getting events data in JKool Cloud please do not forget to just to dashboard time frame to that period!

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="ExcelRowParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityExcelRowParser">
        <field name="StartTime" locator="A" locator-type="Label" format="dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="ServerIp" locator="B" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="orders"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="C" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="D" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="E" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventType" locator="E" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="Order Placed" target="START"/>
            <field-map source="Order Received" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processing" target="OPEN"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processed" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="Order Shipped" target="END"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="H" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleExcelRowsStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.ExcelRowStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-msoffice/samples/xlsx-rows/sample.xlsx"/>
        <property name="RangeToStream" value="1:"/>
        <property name="SheetsToProcess" value="Sheet*"/>

        <parser-ref name="ExcelRowParser"/>

Stream configuration states that SampleExcelRowsStream referencing ExcelRowsParser shall be used. Stream takes workbook sheet row and passes it to parser.

HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable rows.

SampleExcelRowsStream reads data from ./tnt4j-streams-msoffice/samples/xlsx-rows/sample.xlsx file.

RangeToStream defines range of rows to be streamed from each matching sheet - from firs row to the end.

SheetsToProcess property defines sheet name filtering mask using wildcard string. It is also allowed to use RegEx like Sheet(1|3|5) (in this case just sheets with names Sheet1, Sheet3 and Sheet5 will be processed).

ExcelRowParser parser uses literal sheet column indicators as locators (e.g., A, D, AB).

NOTE: StartTime fields defines format and locale to correctly parse field data string. EventType uses manual field string mapping to TNT4J event field value.


This sample shows how to stream MS Excel workbook sheets as activity events.

Sample files can be found in samples/xlsx-sheets directory.

NOTE: records in this file are from year 2010 e.g., 12 Jul 2010, so then getting events data in JKool Cloud please do not forget to just to dashboard time frame to that period!

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="ExcelSheetParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityExcelSheetParser">
        <field name="StartTime" locator="B2" locator-type="Label" format="dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="ServerIp" locator="B3" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="orders"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="B4" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="B5" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="B6" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="EventType" locator="B6" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map source="Order Placed" target="START"/>
            <field-map source="Order Received" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processing" target="OPEN"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processed" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="Order Shipped" target="END"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="B9" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="SampleExcelSheetsStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.ExcelSheetStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-msoffice/samples/xlsx-sheets/sample.xlsx"/>
        <property name="SheetsToProcess" value="Sheet*"/>

        <parser-ref name="ExcelSheetParser"/>

Stream configuration states that SampleExcelSheetsStream referencing ExcelSheetParser shall be used. Stream takes workbook sheet and passes it to parser.

HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable sheets.

SampleExcelRowsStream reads data from ./tnt4j-streams-msoffice/samples/xlsx-sheets/sample.xlsx file.

SheetsToProcess property defines sheet name filtering mask using wildcard string. It is also allowed to use RegEx like Sheet(1|3|5) (in this case just sheets with names Sheet1, Sheet3 and Sheet5 will be processed).

ExcelSheetParser parser uses literal sheet cell indicators as locators (e.g., A1, D5, AB12 where letters identifies column and number identifies row).

NOTE: StartTime fields defines format and locale to correctly parse field data string. EventType uses manual field string mapping to TNT4J event field value.

Collectd performance metrics streaming

This sample shows how to stream collectd monitoring reports data as activity events.

Sample files can be found in samples/collectd-json directory (tnt4j-streams-core module).

NOTE: to use this sample collectd should be running Write HTTP plugin. See Collectd Wiki for details.

Sample report data is available in stats.json file.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="CollectdStatsDataParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="SNAPSHOT"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="type|type_instance" locator-type="Label" separator=" "/>
        <field name="Category" locator="plugin|plugin_instance" locator-type="Label" separator=" "/>
        <field name="ServerName" locator="host" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="${FieldNameLoc}" locator="values" locator-type="Label" value-type="${ValueTypeLoc}" split="true">
            <field-locator id="FieldNameLoc" locator="dsnames" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator id="ValueTypeLoc" locator="dstypes" locator-type="Label"/>

        <field name="StartTime" locator="time" locator-type="Label" datatype="Timestamp" units="Seconds"/>

     <parser name="CollectdReqBodyParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>

        <field name="MsgBody" locator="$" locator-type="Label" transparent="true" split="true">
            <parser-ref name="CollectdStatsDataParser" aggregation="Join"/>
        <field name="EventType" value="Activity"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="collectd"/>

    <parser name="CollectdReqParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityMapParser">
        <field name="Transport" locator="ActivityTransport" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="MsgBody" locator="ActivityData" locator-type="Label">
            <parser-ref name="CollectdReqBodyParser"/>

    <stream name="CollectdStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.HttpStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>
        <property name="Port" value="9595"/>

        <parser-ref name="CollectdReqParser"/>

Stream configuration states that HttpStream referencing CollectdReqParser shall be used. Stream takes HTTP request received from collectd server and passes it to parser.

HttpStream starts HTTP server on port defined using Port property. HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries. Stream puts received request payload data as byte[] to map using key ActivityData.

CollectdReqParser by default converts byte[] for entry ActivityData to string and uses stacked parser named CollectdReqBodyParser to parse HTTP request contained JSON format data.

CollectdReqBodyParser maps collectd report JSON data to activity (field EventType) containing set of snapshots (field MsgBody) carrying system metrics data. Each snapshot is parsed using stacked CollectdStatsDataParser parser (map parser because parent JSON parser already made map data structures from RAW collectd report JSON data).

CollectdStatsDataParser maps map entries to snapshot fields EventName, Category, ServerName, StartTime. Also this parser uses dynamic field named ${FieldNameLoc}. Attribute values containing variable expressions ${} indicates that these attributes can have dynamic values resolved from streamed data. Such variable expressions has to reference locators identifiers (field-locator attribute id) to resolve and fill actual data. Field attribute split, that if field value locator resolves collection (list or array) of values, values of that collection should be split into separate fields of produced activity.

Nagios reports streaming

This sample shows how to stream Nagios monitoring reports data as activity events.

Sample files can be found in samples/nagios-nagios2json directory (tnt4j-streams-ws module).

NOTE: to use this sample Nagios should be running extension nagios2json. See Sample README for details. nagios2json extension works as CGI script, but can be handled as simple RESTful service.

Sample report data is available in report.json file.

Sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="SnapshotParser"

        <field name="EventType" value="Snapshot"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="Nagios"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="service" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Status" locator="status" locator-type="Label" value-type="enum"/>
        <field name="Message" locator="plugin_output" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Category" locator="hostname" locator-type="Label"/>
        <field name="Duration" locator="duration" locator-type="Label" value-type="age"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="last_state_change" locator-type="Label" datatype="Timestamp" units="Seconds"/>

    <parser name="ResponseParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityJsonParser">
        <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>

        <field name="MsgBody" locator="$.data" locator-type="Label" transparent="true" split="true">
            <parser-ref name="SnapshotParser" aggregation="Join"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="Activity"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="$.created" locator-type="Label" datatype="Timestamp" units="Seconds"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="nagios2json"/>
        <field name="Message" separator=", ">
            <field-locator locator="$.version" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="$.running" locator-type="Label"/>
            <field-locator locator="$.servertime" locator-type="Label" datatype="Timestamp" units="Seconds"/>
            <field-locator locator="$.localtime" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="RESTfulSampleNagiosStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.RestStream">
        <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="false"/>

        <scenario name="Nagios2JSON stream scenario">
            <step name="Step 1"
                <schedule-cron expression="0/15 * * * * ? *"/>

        <parser-ref name="ResponseParser"/>

Stream configuration states that RestStream referencing ResponseParser shall be used. Stream takes response received JSON string and passes it to parser.

HaltIfNoParser property indicates that stream should skip unparseable entries.

Streaming scenario step defines:

  • Nagios service request URL and nagios2json parameters (e.g., servicestatustypes=31)
  • request method GET to comply cgi.
  • Nagios service user credentials - user name and password
  • Scheduler is set to Cron expression every 15 seconds.

You may also add additional steps to retrieve different reports defining different nagios2json parameters.

Nagios sends report as activity wrapping multiple metrics (snapshots).

ResponseParser maps Nagios report JSON data to activity (field EventType) containing set of snapshots (field MsgBody) carrying system state/metrics data. Each snapshot is parsed using stacked SnapshotParser parser (map parser because parent JSON parser already made map data structures from RAW Nagios report JSON data).

SnapshotParser maps map entries to snapshot fields ApplName, EventName, Status, Message, Category, Duration and StartTime. Status and Duration fields also defines value types: Status is enum, Duration is age.

Fluentd logs streaming


Integrating TNT4J-Streams into custom API

See of tnt4j-streams-samples module.

How to use TNT4J loggers


  • in config/ file change log appender to log4j.appender.tnt4j=com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.logger.log4j.TNT4JAppender. Note that there should be on line like log4j.appender.tnt4j= in this file, so please comment or remove all others if available.
  • in pom.xml file of core change dependencies - uncomment:
  • when running TNT4J-Streams use system property -Dlog4j.configuration to define file location, e.g.: -Dlog4j.configuration="file:./config/".


  • make logback configuration file config/logback.xml.
  • in pom.xml file of core change dependencies - uncomment:

and comment out log4j dependencies

  • when running TNT4J-Streams use system property -Dlogback.configurationFile to define logback.xml file location, e.g.: -Dlog4j.configuration="file:./config/logback.xml". Change bin/tnt-streams.bat or bin/ file to pass logback configuration to Java:

bat file:

set LOGBACKOPTS=-Dlogback.configurationFile="file:%RUNDIR%..\config\logback.xml"

sh file:


Configuring TNT4J-Streams

TNT4J-Streams configuration sources may be:

  • configuration files - like,, tnt-data-source.xml, etc.
  • ZooKeeper nodes data - see ZooKeeper stored configuration chapter for more details.

Configuration data format is same for all sources now.

TNT4J configuration

Because TNT4J-Streams is based on TNT4J first You need to configure TNT4J (if have not done this yet). Default location of file is in project config directory. At least You must make one change: event.sink.factory.Token:YOUR-TOKEN replace YOUR-TOKEN with JKool Cloud token assigned for You.

To define file location use system property -Dtnt4j.config, e.g., -Dtnt4j.config="./config/".

For more information on TNT4J and see TNT4J Wiki page and TNT4J README.

Details on JESL related configuration can be found in JESL README.

Basic TNT4J configuration of TNT4J-Streams

Filling in configuration template:

  • Replace <YOUR XXXX> value placeholder with actual value corresponding to your environment.
  • Replace <YOUR EVENT SINK CONFIGURATION> placeholder with actual configuration of streamed activity events sink you wish to use.

NOTE: It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use BufferedEventSinkFactory (or any other asynchronous sinks) with TNT4J-Streams. Streams and sinks are meant to act in sync, especially when sink (e.g., JKCloud, Mqtt, Kafka) consumer uses network communication.

# Stanza used for TNT4J-Streams sources
	source: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams
	source.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.source.SourceFactoryImpl
	source.factory.GEOADDR: <YOUR GEO ADDRESS>
	source.factory.RootSSN: tnt4j-streams

	tracker.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.tracker.DefaultTrackerFactory
	dump.sink.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.dump.DefaultDumpSinkFactory
	tracker.default.snapshot.category: TNT4J-Streams-event-snapshot

	# event sink configuration: destination and data format

	event.formatter: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.format.JSONFormatter
	#event.formatter.Newline: true

	# Configure default sink filter based on level and time (elapsed/wait)
	##event.sink.factory.Filter: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.filters.EventLevelTimeFilter
	##event.sink.factory.Filter.Level: TRACE
	# Uncomment lines below to filter out events based on elapsed time and wait time
	# Timed event/activities greater or equal to given values will be logged
	##event.sink.factory.Filter.ElapsedUsec: 100
	##event.sink.factory.Filter.WaitUsec: 100

	tracking.selector: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.selector.DefaultTrackingSelector
	tracking.selector.Repository: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.repository.FileTokenRepository

JKoolCloud sink configuration

    #### JKool Cloud event sink factory configuration ####
    event.sink.factory: com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory
    event.sink.factory.Filename: logs/tnt4j-streams-activities.log

    event.sink.factory.Token: <YOUR TOKEN>
    #### JKool Cloud event sink factory configuration end ####

Kafka sink configuration

    #### Kafka event sink factory configuration ####
    event.sink.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.sink.impl.kafka.KafkaEventSinkFactory
    event.sink.factory.propFile: <YOUR PATH>/
    event.sink.factory.topic: <YOUR TOPIC>
    #### Kafka event sink factory configuration end ####

MQTT sink configuration

    #### MQTT event sink factory configuration ####
    event.sink.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.sink.impl.mqtt.MqttEventSinkFactory
    event.sink.factory.mqtt-server-url: <YOUR MQTT SERVER ULR> #
    event.sink.factory.mqtt-topic: <YOUR TOPIC> #
    event.sink.factory.mqtt-user: <MQTT-USER> #
    event.sink.factory.mqtt-pwd: <MQTT-PWD>
    #### MQTT event sink factory configuration end ####

Streams configuration

Streams can be configured using XML document having root element tnt-data-source. Definition of XML configuration can be found in tnt-data-source.xsd file located in project config directory.

To define streams data source configuration file location, use program argument -f: e.g.:

     tnt4j-streams -f:./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/single-log/tnt-data-source.xml

Or you can refer streams data source configuration file over System property named tnt4j.streams.config e.g.:


Program argument -p: is used in common with PipedStream and only parsers configuration from <tnt-data-source/> definition is used. See OS piped stream.

Program argument -z: is used to define configuration file for ZooKeeper based TNT4J-Streams configuration. See Loading ZooKeeper stored configuration data and Streams registry.

sample stream configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <parser name="TokenParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityTokenParser">
        <property name="FieldDelim" value="|"/>
        <field name="StartTime" locator="1" format="dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" locale="en-US"/>
        <field name="ServerIp" locator="2"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="orders"/>
        <field name="Correlator" locator="3"/>
        <field name="UserName" locator="4"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="5"/>
        <field name="EventType" locator="5">
            <field-map source="Order Placed" target="START"/>
            <field-map source="Order Received" target="RECEIVE"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processing" target="OPEN"/>
            <field-map source="Order Processed" target="SEND"/>
            <field-map source="Order Shipped" target="END"/>
        <field name="MsgValue" locator="8"/>

    <stream name="FileStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.FileLineStream">
        <property name="FileName" value="orders.log"/>
        <!--<property name="RangeToStream" value="1:"/>-->

        <parser-ref name="TokenParser"/>

As You can see from sample configuration, there are two major configuration elements defined parser and stream. Because streams configuration is read using SAX parser referenced entities should be initialized before it is used. Note that stream uses parser reference:

    <stream name="FileStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.FileLineStream">
        <parser-ref name="TokenParser"/>

That is why sequence of configuration elements is critical and can't be swapped.

Generic streams parameters

Stream executors related parameters

These parameters are applicable to all types of streams.

  • UseExecutors - identifies whether stream should use executor service to process activities data items asynchronously or not. Default value - false. (Optional)

    • ExecutorThreadsQuantity - defines executor service thread pool size. Default value - 4. (Optional) Actual only if UseExecutors is set to true
    • ExecutorsTerminationTimeout - time to wait (in seconds) for a executor service to terminate. Default value - 20sec. (Optional) Actual only if UseExecutors is set to true
    • ExecutorsBoundedModel - identifies whether executor service should use bounded tasks queue model. Default value - false. (Optional) Actual only if UseExecutors is set to true
      • ExecutorRejectedTaskOfferTimeout - time to wait (in seconds) for a task to be inserted into bounded queue if max. queue size is reached. Default value - 20sec. (Optional) Actual only if ExecutorsBoundedModel is set to true.


    <property name="UseExecutors" value="true"/>
    <property name="ExecutorThreadsQuantity" value="5"/>
    <property name="ExecutorsTerminationTimeout" value="20"/>
    <property name="ExecutorsBoundedModel" value="true"/>
    <property name="ExecutorRejectedTaskOfferTimeout" value="20"/>
Stream cache related parameters
  • StreamCacheMaxSize - max. capacity of stream resolved values cache. Default value - 100. (Optional)

  • StreamCacheExpireDuration - stream resolved values cache entries expiration duration in minutes. Default value - 10. (Optional)


    <property name="StreamCacheMaxSize" value="500"/>
    <property name="StreamCacheExpireDuration" value="30"/>
Parseable streams parameters

These parameters are applicable to streams which uses parsers to parse incoming RAW activity data.

  • HaltIfNoParser - if set to true, stream will halt if none of the parsers can parse activity object RAW data. If set to false - puts log entry and continues. Default value - false. (Optional)


    <property name="HaltIfNoParser" value="true"/>
Buffered streams parameters
  • BufferSize - maximal buffer queue capacity. Default value - 512. (Optional)

  • BufferOfferTimeout - how long to wait if necessary for space to become available when adding data item to buffer queue. Default value - 45sec. (Optional)


    <property name="BufferSize" value="1024"/>
    <property name="BufferOfferTimeout" value="90"/>

File line stream parameters (and Hdfs)

  • FileName - the system-dependent file name or file name pattern defined using wildcard characters * and ?. (Required)

  • FilePolling - flag true/false indicating whether files should be polled for changes or not. If not, then files are read from oldest to newest sequentially one single time. Default value - false. (Optional)

    • FileReadDelay - delay in seconds between file reading iterations. Actual only if FilePolling property is set to true. Default value - 15sec. (Optional)
  • RestoreState - flag true/false indicating whether files read state should be stored and restored on stream restart. Note, if StartFromLatest is set to false - read state storing stays turned on, but previous stored read state is reset (no need to delete state file manually). Default value - false. (Optional)

  • StartFromLatest - flag true/false indicating that streaming should be performed from latest file entry line. If false - then all lines from available files are streamed on startup. Actual only if FilePolling or RestoreState properties are set to true. Default value - true. (Optional)

  • RangeToStream - defines streamed data lines index range. Default value - 1:. (Optional)


   <property name="FileName" value="C:/Tomcat_7_0_34/logs/localhost_access_log.*.txt"/>
   <property name="FileReadDelay" value="5"/>
   <property name="StartFromLatest" value="true"/>
   <property name="FilePolling" value="true"/>
   <property name="RestoreState" value="true"/>
   <property name="RangeToStream" value="12:125"/>

In case using Hdfs file name is defined using URL like hdfs://[host]:[port]/[path]. Path may contain wildcards.

Also see 'Generic streams parameters' and 'Buffered streams parameters'.

Character stream parameters

  • FileName - the system-dependent file name. (Required - just one FileName or Port)

  • Port - port number to accept character stream over TCP/IP. (Required - just one FileName or Port)

  • RestartOnInputClose - flag indicating to restart stream if input socked gets closed. Default value - false. (Optional)


    <property name="FileName" value="messages.json"/>


    <property name="Port" value="9595"/>
    <property name="RestartOnInputClose" value="true"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters'.

NOTE: there can be ony one parser referenced to this stream.

Standard Java input stream parameters

  • InputCloseable - flag indicating if stream has to close input when stream is closing. Default value - true. (Optional)


    <property name="InputCloseable" value="false"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters' and 'Parseable streams parameters'.

OS Piped stream parameters

This stream does not have any additional configuration parameters.

Also see ['Standard Java input stream parameters'](#standard-java-input-stream parameters).

Http stream parameters

  • Port - port number to run Http server. Default value - 8080. (Optional)

  • UseSSL - flag indicating to use SSL. Default value - false. (Optional)

    • Keystore - keystore path. (Optional) Actual only if UseSSL is set to true.
    • KeystorePass - keystore password. (Optional) Actual only if UseSSL is set to true.
    • KeyPass - key password. (Optional) Actual only if UseSSL is set to true.


    <property name="Port" value="8081"/>
    <property name="UseSSL" value="true"/>
    <property name="Keystore" value="path_to_keystore_file"/>
    <property name="KeystorePass" value="somePassword"/>
    <property name="KeyPass" value="somePassword"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters' and 'Buffered streams parameters'.

JMS stream parameters

  • ServerURI - JMS server URL. (Required)

  • Queue - queue destination name. (Required - just one of Queue or Topic)

  • Topic - topic destination name. (Required - just one of Queue or Topic)

  • JNDIFactory - JNDI context factory name. (Required)

  • JMSConnFactory - JMS connection factory name. (Required)


    <property name="ServerURI" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
    <property name="Topic" value="topic.SampleJMSTopic"/>
    <property name="JNDIFactory" value="org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"/>
    <property name="JMSConnFactory" value="ConnectionFactory"/>
    <parser-ref name="SampleJMSParser"/>


    <property name="ServerURI" value="tcp://localhost:61616"/>
    <property name="Queue" value="queue.SampleJMSQueue"/>
    <property name="JNDIFactory" value="org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"/>
    <property name="JMSConnFactory" value="ConnectionFactory"/>
    <parser-ref name="SampleJMSParser"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters' and 'Buffered streams parameters'.

Kafka stream parameters

  • Topic - topic name to listen. (Required)

  • StartServer - flag indicating if stream has to start Kafka server on startup. Default value - false. (Optional)

  • StartZooKeeper - flag indicating if stream has to start ZooKeeper server on startup. Default value - false. (Optional)

  • List of properties used by Kafka API, e.g., zookeeper.connect, See kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig class for more details on Kafka consumer properties.


    <property name="Topic" value="TNT4JKafkaTestTopic"/>
    <property name="StartServer" value="true"/>
    <property name="StartZooKeeper" value="true"/>
    <property name="zookeeper.connect" value=""/>
    <property name="" value="TNT4JStreams"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters' and 'Parseable streams parameters'.

MQTT stream parameters

  • ServerURI - Mqtt server URI. (Required)

  • TopicString - the topic to subscribe to, which can include wildcards. (Required)

  • UserName - authentication user name. (Optional)

  • Password - user password. (Optional)

  • UseSSL - flag indicating to use SSL. Default value - false. (Optional)

    • Keystore - keystore path. (Optional) Actual only if UseSSL is set to true.
    • KeystorePass - keystore password. (Optional) Actual only if UseSSL is set to true.


    <property name="ServerURI" value="tcp://localhost:1883"/>
    <property name="Topic" value="TNT4JStreams"/>
    <property name="UserName" value="someUser"/>
    <property name="Password" value="somePassword"/>
    <property name="UseSSL" value="true"/>
    <property name="Keystore" value="path_to_keystore_file"/>
    <property name="KeystorePass" value="somePassword"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters' and 'Buffered streams parameters'.

WMQ Stream parameters

  • QueueManager - Queue manager name. (Optional)

  • Queue - Queue name. (Required - at least one of Queue, Topic, Subscription, TopicString)

  • Topic - Topic name. (Required - at least one of Queue, Topic, Subscription, TopicString)

  • Subscription - Subscription name. (Required - at least one of Queue, Topic, Subscription, TopicString)

  • TopicString - Topic string. (Required - at least one of Queue, Topic, Subscription, TopicString)

  • Host - WMQ connection host name. (Optional)

  • Port - WMQ connection port number. Default value - 1414. (Optional)

  • UserName - WMQ user identifier. (Optional)

  • Password - WMQ user password. (Optional)

  • Channel - Server connection channel name. Default value - SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN. (Optional)

  • StripHeaders - identifies whether stream should strip WMQ message headers. Default value - true. (Optional)

  • StreamReconnectDelay - delay in seconds between queue manager reconnection or failed queue GET iterations. Default value - 15sec. (Optional)


    <property name="QueueManager" value="QMGR"/>
    <property name="Queue" value="SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ACTIVITY.QUEUE"/>
    <property name="Host" value=""/>
    <property name="Port" value="1420"/>
    <property name="UserName" value="Administrator"/>
    <property name="Password" value="someUserPass"/>
    <property name="Channel" value="SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN2"/>
    <property name="StripHeaders" value="false"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters'.

WMQ Trace Events Stream parameters
  • TraceOperations - defines traced MQ operations name filter mask (wildcard or RegEx) to process only traces of MQ operations which names matches this mask. Default value - *. (Optional)

  • ExcludedRC - defines set of excluded MQ trace events reason codes (delimited using | character) to process only MQ trace events having reason codes not contained in this set. Set entries may be defined using both numeric and MQ constant name values. Default value - ``. (Optional)

  • SuppressBrowseGets - flag indicating whether to exclude WMQ BROWSE type GET operation traces from streaming. Default value - false. (Optional)


    <property name="TraceOperations" value="MQXF_(GET|PUT|CLOSE)"/>
    <property name="ExcludedRC" value="MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE|30737"/>
    <property name="SuppressBrowseGets" value="true"/>

Also see 'WMQ Stream parameters'.

Zipped file line stream parameters (and Hdfs)

  • FileName - defines zip file path and concrete zip file entry name or entry name pattern defined using characters * and ?. Definition pattern is zipFilePath!entryNameWildcard. I.e.: ./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/zip-stream/!2/*.txt. (Required)

  • ArchType - defines archive type. Can be one of: ZIP, GZIP, JAR. Default value - ZIP. (Optional)


    <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/zip-stream/sample.gz"/>
    <property name="ArchType" value="GZIP"/>

In case using Hdfs file name is defined using URL like hdfs://[host]:[port]/[path]. Zip entry name may contain wildcards.

Also see 'Generic streams parameters'.

Ws Stream parameters

This kind of stream (Rest/WS/Cmd) has no additional configuration parameters.

But has special configuration section - scnario. Streaming scenarios allows define step's. Step defines request/invocation/execution parameters and scheduler. Steps are invoked/executed independently of each other.

  • scenario tag has required attribute - name (any string).

    • step tag has required attribute - name (any string) and optional attributes url (service request URL), method (GET/POST - default value GET).
      • schedule-cron tag has required attribute expression (Cron expression).
      • schedule-simple tag has required attribute interval (positive integer numeric value) and optional attributes units (time units - default value MILLISECONDS), repeatCount (integer numeric value - default value 1, -1 means endless).
      • request is XML tag to define string represented request data (e.g., system command with parameters). To define XML contents it is recommended to use CDATA.


    <!-- Sample scenario for RESTful services request -->
    <scenario name="Sample REST stream scenario">
        <step name="Step Kaunas"
            method="GET" >
            <schedule-cron expression="0/15 * * * * ? *"/>
        <step name="Step Klaipeda"
            <schedule-simple interval="45" units="Seconds" repeatCount="10"/>
    <!-- Sample scenario for SOAP services request -->
    <scenario name="Sample WS stream scenario">
        <step name="Step 1"
            <schedule-simple interval="35" units="Seconds" repeatCount="10"/>
                    <tem:GetCurrentWeatherInformationByStationID xmlns:tem="">
    <!-- Sample scenario for System Cmd invocation -->
    <scenario name="Sample CMD stream scenario">
        <step name="Step Windows">
            <request>typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 1</request>
            <schedule-simple interval="25" units="Seconds" repeatCount="-1"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters' and 'Buffered streams parameters'.

Redirect TNT4J Stream parameters

  • FileName - the system-dependent file name. (Required - just one FileName or Port)

  • Port - port number to accept character stream over TCP/IP. (Required - just one FileName or Port)

  • RestartOnInputClose - flag indicating to restart Server Socket (open new instance) if listened one gets closed or fails to accept connection. (Optional)

  • BufferSize - maximal buffer queue capacity. Default value - 512. (Optional)

  • BufferOfferTimeout - how long to wait if necessary for space to become available when adding data item to buffer queue. Default value - 45sec. (Optional)


    <property name="FileName" value="tnt4j-stream-activities.log"/>


    <property name="Port" value="9009"/>
    <property name="RestartOnInputClose" value="true"/>
    <property name="BufferSize" value="1024"/>
    <property name="BufferOfferTimeout" value="65"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters'.

Ms Excel Stream parameters

  • FileName - the system-dependent file name of MS Excel document. (Required)

  • SheetsToProcess - defines workbook sheets name filter mask (wildcard or RegEx) to process only sheets which names matches this mask. Default value - ``. (Optional)


    <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-msoffice/samples/xlsx-rows/sample.xlsx"/>
    <property name="SheetsToProcess" value="Sheet(1|8|12)"/>

Also see 'Generic streams parameters' and 'Parseable streams parameters'.

Ms Excel Rows Stream parameters
  • RangeToStream - defines streamed data rows index range. Default value - 1:. (Optional)


    <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-msoffice/samples/xlsx-rows/sample.xlsx"/>
    <property name="SheetsToProcess" value="Sheet(1|8|12)"/>
    <property name="RangeToStream" value="5:30"/>

Parsers configuration

Generic parser parameters

  • UseActivityDataAsMessageForUnset - flag indicating weather RAW activity data shall be put into field Message if there is no mapping defined for that field in stream parser configuration or value was not resolved by parser from RAW activity data. NOTE: it is recommended to use it for DEBUGGING purposes only. For a production version of your software, remove this property form stream parser configuration. Default value - false. (Optional)


    <property name="UseActivityDataAsMessageForUnset" value="true"/>

Activity Name-Value parser

  • FieldDelim - fields separator. Default value - ,. (Optional)

  • ValueDelim - value delimiter. Default value - =. (Optional)

  • Pattern - pattern used to determine which types of activity data string this parser supports. When null, all strings are assumed to match the format supported by this parser. Default value - null. (Optional)

  • StripQuotes - whether surrounding double quotes should be stripped from extracted data values. Default value - true. (Optional)


    <property name="FieldDelim" value=";"/>
    <property name="ValueDelim" value="-"/>
    <property name="Pattern" value="(\S+)"/>
    <property name="StripQuotes" value="false"/>

Also see Generic parser parameters.

Activity RegEx parser

  • Pattern - contains the regular expression pattern that each data item is assumed to match. (Required)


  • index-capturing groups:

    <property name="Pattern" value="((\S+) (\S+) (\S+))"/>
  • named-capturing groups:
    <property name="Pattern"><![CDATA[

Also see Generic parser parameters.

Activity token parser

  • FieldDelim - fields separator. Default value - ,. (Optional)

  • Pattern - pattern used to determine which types of activity data string this parser supports. When null, all strings are assumed to match the format supported by this parser. Default value - null. (Optional)

  • StripQuotes - whether surrounding double quotes should be stripped from extracted data values. Default value - true. (Optional)


    <property name="FieldDelim" value=";"/>
    <property name="Pattern" value="(\S+)"/>
    <property name="StripQuotes" value="false"/>

Also see Generic parser parameters.

Activity XML parser

This parser uses XPath expressions as field locators. You may also use TNT4J-Streams predefined custom XPath functions.

  • Namespace - additional XML namespace mappings. Default value - null. (Optional)

  • RequireDefault - indicates that all attributes are required by default. Default value - false. (Optional)


    <property name="Namespace" value="xsi="/>
    <property name="Namespace" value="tnt4j="/>
    <property name="RequireDefault" value="true"/>

Also see Generic parser parameters.

Message activity XML parser

  • SignatureDelim - signature fields delimiter. Default value - ,. (Optional)


    <property name="SignatureDelim" value="#"/>

Also see 'Activity XML parser' and Generic parser parameters.

Apache access log parser

  • LogPattern - access log pattern. (Optional, if RegEx Pattern property is defined)

  • ConfRegexMapping - custom log pattern token and RegEx mapping. (Optional, actual only if LogPattern property is used)


    <property name="LogPattern" value="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %D"/>
    <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%h=(\S+)"/>
    <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*s=(\d{3})"/>
    <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*r=(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+)|()))|(-))"/>
    <property name="ConfRegexMapping" value="%*i=(.*?)"/>

or defining complete RegEx pattern to match log lines:

    <property name="Pattern"
              value="^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[([\w:/]+\s[+\-]\d{4})\] &quot;(((\S+) (.*?)( (\S+)|()))|(-))&quot; (\d{3}) (\d+|-)( (\S+)|$)"/>

or defining named RegEx group mapping for log pattern token:

    <property name="ConfRegexMapping"><![CDATA[%*r=(?<request>((?<method>\S+) (?<uri>.*?)( (?<version>\S+))?)|(-))]]></property>

RegEx group names and log pattern tokens mapping:

REGroupName Formatย String Description
address %a Client IP address of the request (see theย mod_remoteipย module).
local_address %A Local IP-address.
size %B Size of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers.
size_clf %b Size of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers. In CLF format,ย e.g.,ย a '-' rather than a 0 when no bytes are sent.
cookie %{VARNAME}C The contents of cookieย VARNAMEย in the request sent to the server. Only version 0 cookies are fully supported.
req_time %D The time taken to serve the request, in microseconds.
env_variable %{VARNAME}e The contents of the environment variableย VARNAME.
filename %f Filename.
hostname %h Remote hostname. Will log the IP address ifย HostnameLookupsย is set toย Off, which is the default. If it logs the hostname for only a few hosts, you probably have access control directives mentioning them by name. Seeย the Require host documentation.
protocol %H The request protocol.
variable %{VARNAME}i The contents ofย VARNAME:ย header line(s) in the request sent to the server. Changes made by other modules (e.g.ย mod_headers) affect this. If you're interested in what the request header was prior to when most modules would have modified it, useย mod_setenvifย to copy the header into an internal environment variable and log that value with theย %{VARNAME}edescribed above.
keep_alive %k Number of keepalive requests handled on this connection. Interesting ifย KeepAliveย is being used, so that, for example, a '1' means the first keepalive request after the initial one, '2' the second, etc...; otherwise this is always 0 (indicating the initial request).
logname %l Remote logname (from identd, if supplied). This will return a dash unlessย mod_identย is present andย IdentityCheckย is setย On.
method %m The request method.
note %{VARNAME}n The contents of noteย VARNAMEย from another module.
header_var %{VARNAME}o The contents ofย VARNAME:ย header line(s) in the reply.
port %{format}p The canonical port of the server serving the request, or the server's actual port, or the client's actual port. Valid formats areย canonical,ย local, orย remote.
process %{format}P The process ID or thread ID of the child that serviced the request. Valid formats areย pid,ย tid, andย hextid.ย hextidย requires APR 1.2.0 or higher.
query %q The query string (prepended with aย ?ย if a query string exists, otherwise an empty string).
line %r First line of request.
resp_handler %R The handler generating the response (if any).
status %s Status. For requests that have been internally redirected, this is the status of theย originalย request. Useย %>sย for the final status.
time %{format}t The time, in the form given by format, which should be in an extendedย strftime(3)ย format (potentially localized). If the format starts withย begin:ย (default) the time is taken at the beginning of the request processing. If it starts withย end:ย it is the time when the log entry gets written, close to the end of the request processing. In addition to the formats supported byย strftime(3), the following format tokens are supported:
req_time_ext %{UNIT}T The time taken to serve the request, in a time unit given byย UNIT. Valid units areย msย for milliseconds,ย usย for microseconds, andย sย for seconds. Usingย sย gives the same result asย %Twithout any format; usingย usย gives the same result asย %D. Combiningย %Tย with a unit is available in 2.4.13 and later.
user %u Remote user if the request was authenticated. May be bogus if return status (%s) is 401 (unauthorized).
uri %U The URL path requested, not including any query string.
server_name %v The canonicalย ServerNameย of the server serving the request.
server_name_ext %V The server name according to theย UseCanonicalNameย setting.
con_status %X Connection status when response is completed:
received %I Bytes received, including request and headers. Cannot be zero. You need to enableย mod_logioย to use this.
sent %O Bytes sent, including headers. May be zero in rare cases such as when a request is aborted before a response is sent. You need to enableย mod_logioย to use this.

Also see Generic parser parameters.

Activity map parser

  • LocPathDelim - locator path in map delimiter. Empty value means locator value should not be delimited into path elements. Default value - .. (Optional)


    <property name="LocPathDelim" value="/"/>

Also see Generic parser parameters.

Activity JSON parser

  • ReadLines - indicates that complete JSON data package is single line. Default value - true. (Optional)


    <property name="ReadLines" value="false"/>

Also see Generic parser parameters.

Activity JMS message parser

  • ConvertToString - flag indicating whether to convert message payload byte[] data to string. Applicable to BytesMessage and StreamMessage. Default value - false. (Optional)


    <property name="ConvertToString" value="true"/>

Also see 'Activity map parser' and Generic parser parameters.

Activity PCF parser

  • TranslateNumValues - indicates that parser should translate resolved numeric values to corresponding MQ constant names if possible and field/locator data type is String (meaning translated value can be assigned to field). If value of particular field should be left as number (e.g., ReasonCode), use field/locator attribute datatype="Number". Default value - true. (Optional)


    <property name="TranslateNumValues" value="false"/>

Also see Generic parser parameters.


TNT4J-Streams architecture has entity pre-parser defining data transformation algorithm to convert RAW activity data to format, supported by stream used parser. Pre-parsers shall implement ActivityDataPreParser interface.

Sample stream configuration using pre-parsers:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <java-object name="XMLFromRFH2PreParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.preparsers.XMLFromBinDataPreParser">
        <!--<param name="format" value="base64Binary" type="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.fields.ActivityFieldFormatType"/>-->
        <!--<param name="format" value="base64Binary" type="java.lang.String"/>-->

    <parser name="RFH2XMLParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <reference name="XMLFromRFH2PreParser"/>

        <field name="EventType" value="Event"/>
        <field name="ApplName" value="Sample"/>
        <field name="ADPCount" locator="/root/usr/ADPSegCont" locator-type="Label"/>

    <stream name="FileStream" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.inputs.BytesInputStream">
        <property name="FileName" value="./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/XML-from-bin-data/RFH2.dump"/>
        <property name="RestoreState" value="false"/>

        <parser-ref name="RFH2XMLParser"/>

Sample configuration defines FileStream reading binary data from RFH2.dump file. Stream refers activity xml parser RFH2XMLParser.

RFH2XMLParser parser has reference to XMLFromRFH2PreParser. This pre-parser builds valid XML from provided binary data having fragmented XML data like RFH2 structure from IBM MQ.

NOTE: If RAW activity data is not byte[] but appears to be encoded (e.g., BASE64), use pre-parser property foramat to define RAW activity data format. It may be one of ActivityFieldFormatType enumeration values:

  • base64Binary - BASE64 encoded binary data
  • hexBinary - binary data represented as bytes HEX codes sequence
  • string - binary data represented as plain string
  • bytes - binary data as byte[] (default format value).

External resources import into stream configuration

TNT4J-Streams allows to have external resources importer to stream data source configuration.

External values mapping resources import sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <resource-ref id="MFT_MAPPINGS" type="ValuesMap" uri="./tnt4j-streams-wmq/samples/mft_fte/mft_mappings.json"/>
    <!--<resource-ref id="MFT_MAPPINGS_COMPCODE" type="ValuesMap" uri="./tnt4j-streams-wmq/samples/mft_fte/CompCode.csv" separator=","/>-->

    <parser name="ResMappingParser" class="com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.parsers.ActivityXmlParser">
        <field name="EventType" locator="name(//*[1])" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map-ref resource="MFT_MAPPINGS.EventType"/>
        <field name="EventName" locator="name(//*[1])" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map-ref resource="MFT_MAPPINGS.EventName"/>

        <field name="Direction" locator="name(//*[1])" locator-type="Label" transparent="true"/>

        <field name="ResourceName" formattingPattern="{0}={1};Agent={2}">
            <!--resolves FILE or QUEUE-->
            <field-locator locator="name(//*/*)" locator-type="Label">
                <field-map-ref resource="MFT_MAPPINGS.Resource"/>
            <!--resolves file or queue name -->
            <field-locator locator="ts:getFileName(/${Direction}/file)" locator-type="Label" required="false"/>
            <field-locator locator="ts:getObjectName(/${Direction}/queue)" locator-type="Label" required="false"/>
            <!-- agent-->
            <field-locator locator="/transaction/${Direction}Agent/@agent" locator-type="Label" required="false"/>
        <field name="CompCode" locator="/transaction/status/@resultCode" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map-ref resource="MFT_MAPPINGS.CompCode"/>
        <field name="CompCode2" locator="/transaction/status/@resultCode" locator-type="Label">
            <field-map-ref resource="MFT_MAPPINGS.CompCode2"/>

    <stream name="ResMappingStream">
        <parser-ref name="ResMappingParser"/>

Sample shows how stream data source configuration imports (over resource-ref tag) external resource file ./tnt4j-streams-wmq/samples/mft_fte/mft_mappings.json using relative file path.

resource-ref tag attributes:

  • id - is resource identifier and mus be unique. Required.

  • type - defines type of imported resource, and currently there is only one available value - ValuesMap meaning resource file defines source-target values mapping. Required.

  • uri - defines absolute URL or relative path of referenced resource. Required. Supported external resource values mapping definition formats:

    • JSON
        "EventType": {
            "destination": "SEND",
            "source": "RECEIVE",
            "": "NOOP"
        "EventName": {
            "destination": "process_destination",
            "source": "process_source",
            "": "N/A"
        "Resource": {
            "file": "FILE",
            "queue": "QUEUE"
        "CompCode": {
            "0": "SUCCESS",
            "40": "WARNING",
            "": "ERROR"
        "CompCode2": {
            "0": "SUCCESS",
            "40": "WARNING",
            "1": "FAILURE",
            "": "ERROR"
    • CSV
    , ERROR
    • Properties
    : ERROR

    NOTE: JSON can have multiple mapping definition sets, while CSV and Properties formats supports only one mapping set definition.

  • separator - defines source and target values delimiter and is applicable to CSV and Properties formatted resources. Optional.

ZooKeeper stored configuration

TNT4J-Streams has ability to load configuration not only from configuration files, but either from ZooKeeper nodes stored data. ZooKeeper allows handle configuration data in more centralized way.

TNT4J-Streams is able to load ZooKeeper stored configuration on application startup and also to monitor referenced ZooKeeper nodes for configuration data changes, making it possible to apply new configuration on runtime.

Uploading configuration data to ZooKeeper

To upload files contained TNT4J-Streams configuration to ZooKeeper nodes there is utility called ZKConfigInit. It has those program arguments:

  • -f: - defines file reference containing uploader utility configuration. (Required)
  • -c - indicates to clean ZooKeeper nodes contained TNT4J-Streams configuration. (Optional)

To run it use ./bin/zk-init-cfg.bat or ./bin/ files. It uses uploader configuration file ./config/

Uploader configuration properties file contents:

# ZooKeeper server parameters

# generic app configurations

# core module samples configurations

zk.* properties defines ZK connection configuration settings.

NOTE: zk.streams.path property defines root ZK node of streams configuration. All other configuration data nodes will be uploaded under this initial ZK path.

NOTE: Do not start you configuration files referencing properties with zk.. Such streams configuration reference definition properties will be ignored and files referenced by these properties wont be used in upload process.

config.* and samples.* properties defines streams configuration files data mapping to ZK nodes.

Mapping works this way: property name defines ZK node path (under root configuration node defined using zk.streams.path property) and property value is reference to a file containing configuration data to be uploaded to ZK.

So in upload process property name like samples.core.single-log turns to ZK node path /samples/core/single-log (full upload ZK path would be /tnt4j-streams/samples/core/single-log). You can freely name properties according to your environment organization, but it must comply properties naming specification to handle it as property and also must comply ZK node path specification after "translation".

Loading ZooKeeper stored configuration data

To make TNT4J-Streams load configuration from ZooKeeper use program argument -z: referencing TNT4J-Streams ZooKeeper configuration file, e.g., -z:./tnt4j-streams-core/samples/zookeeper-cfg/

Program argument -z: can be used in common with -f: argument. Then streams will try to load ZooKeeper stored configuration first and if fails - then loads configuration from file referenced by -f: argument.

Sample streams ZooKeeper configuration contents:

# ZooKeeper server parameters

# logger configuration: log4j properties, logback xml/groovy

# TNT4J configuration: properties

# Stream configuration: XML containing <tnt-data-source/>

zk.* properties defines ZK connection configuration settings.

config.logger.zk.path property defines ZK node path containing logger configuration data. If absent system property -Dlog4j.configuration (or -Dlogback.configurationFile - depending on logging framework used) defined configuration file will be used. NOTE: currently supports log4j, JUL and Logback logging frameworks configuration handling.

config.tnt4j.zk.path property defines ZK node path containing TNT4J configuration data. If absent system property -Dtnt4j.config defined configuration file will be used.

config.tnt4j-kafka.zk.path property is reserved to define ZK node path containing TNT4J-Kafka configuration data. It is not currently used. //TBD property defines ZK node path containing stream configuration data. If absent program argument -f: defined configuration file will be used.

Streams registry

TNT4J-Streams also able to contain all ZooKeeper configuration in one single file. See

File consists of ZK configuration registry entities every entity having two properties (except zk.* properties set used to configure ZK connection):

  • + .zk.path - defines ZK node path containing entity configuration data. NOTE: actual path in ZK ensemble may not necessarily exist and will be created on demand.
  • + .cfg.file - defines configuration file path to upload configuration data to ZK node in case ZK node does not exist or is empty.

Sample streams ZooKeeper configuration registry stile contents:

########################### ZooKeeper server parameters ###########################
# ZooKeeper connection string
# ZooKeeper connection timeout
# ZooKeeper path of TNT4J-Streams root node location

########################### Generic app configurations ###########################
# Logger configuration: log4j properties, logback xml/groovy

# TNT4J configuration

# TNT4J-Kafka configuration (used by KafkaEventSink)

########################### Sample Streams configurations ###########################
### core module samples configurations
# sample stream: samples.core.ajax

# sample stream: samples.core.multiple-logs

# sample stream: samples.core.piping-stream

# sample stream: samples.core.single-log

zk.* properties defines ZK connection configuration settings.

config.* properties defines configuration entities for logger, tnt4j and tnt4j-kafka.

samples.* properties defines configuration entities for sample steams.

Also see Loading ZooKeeper stored configuration data.

When using registry style ZooKeeper configuration, missing configuration entities ZK nodes data is automatically uploaded on demand from entity configuration file property (ending .cfg.file) referenced file.

To run TNT4J-Streams using registry style ZooKeeper configuration define those program arguments: -z:<cfg_file> -sid:<stream_id>, e.g.,

-z:.\config\ -sid:samples.core.single-log

Streams will run sample stream single-log. See Single Log file for sample details.

How to Build TNT4J-Streams


  • (M) marked modules are mandatory
  • (O) marked modules are optional
  • (U) marked modules are utility modules (e.g., performs compiled assemblies packaging)

Modules list:

  • Core (M)
  • Flume-Plugin (O)
  • Hdfs (O)
  • JMS (O)
  • Kafka (O)
  • Mqtt (O)
  • WMQ (O)
  • Ws (O)
  • MsOffice (O)
  • Samples (O)
  • Distribution (OU)

All optional modules (extensions) depends to core module and can't be build and run without it.

NOTE: Samples module provides no additional features to TNT4J streaming framework. It contains only streams API use samples. NOTE: Distribution module performs maven post build release assemblies delivery to ../build/tnt4j-streams directory.


All other required dependencies are defined in project modules pom.xml files. If maven is running online mode it should download these defined dependencies automatically.

Manually installed dependencies

Some of required and optional dependencies may be not available in public Maven Repository. In this case we would recommend to download those dependencies manually into module's lib directory and install into local maven repository by running maven script lib/pom.xml with install goal. For example see tnt4j-streams/tnt4j-streams-wmq/lib/pom.xml how to do this.

WMQ module

NOTE: Because this module requires manually downloaded libraries, it is commented out in main project pom file tnt4j-streams/pom.xml by default. If You want to use it uncomment this line of pom.xml file. But WMQ module will be ready to build only when manually downloaded libraries will be installed to local maven repository.

What to download manually or copy from your existing IBM MQ installation:

  • IBM MQ 8.0 or 9.0

Download the above libraries and place into the tnt4j-streams/tnt4j-streams-wmq/lib directory like this:

         |- fscontext.jar
         |- jms.jar
         |- JSON4J.jar
         |- providerutil.jar
         |- bcpkix-jdk15on-152.jar
         |- bcprov-jdk15on-152.jar
         |- fscontext.jar
         |- jms.jar
         |- JSON4J.jar
         |- providerutil.jar

(O) marked libraries are optional


  • to build project and make release assemblies run maven goals clean package
  • to build project, make release assemblies and install to local repo run maven goals clean install

By default maven will build all modules defined in tnt4j-streams/pom.xml file.

If You do not want to build some of optional modules, comment those out like WMQ module is. Or You can define maven to build your preferred set of modules using -pl, --projects argument (comma separated modules list) together with -am, --also-make argument, e.g.:

mvn -pl tnt4j-streams-core,tnt4j-streams-samples,tnt4j-streams--distribution -am clean install


mvn --projects tnt4j-streams-core,tnt4j-streams-samples,tnt4j-streams--distribution --also-make clean install

NOTE: modules list should be without spaces after comma!

Issuing these commands, maven will build only tnt4j-streams-core, tnt4j-streams-samples and tnt4j-streams--distribution modules.

Release assemblies are built to ../build/tnt4j-streams directory.

NOTE: sometimes maven fails to correctly handle dependencies. If dependency configuration looks fine, but maven still complains about missing dependencies try to delete local maven repository by hand: e.g., on MS Windows delete contents of c:\Users\[username]\.m2\repository directory.

Running samples

See 'Running TNT4J-Streams' chapter section 'Samples'.

Testing of TNT4J-Streams


Testing using maven

Maven tests run is disabled by default. To enable Maven to run tests set Maven command line argument -DskipTests=false.

Running manually from IDE

  • in core module run JUnit test suite named AllStreamsCoreTests
  • in flume-plugin module run JUnit test suite named AllFlumeTests
  • in hdfs module run JUnit test suite named AllHdfsStreamTests
  • in jms module run JUnit test suite named AllJMSStreamTests
  • in kafka module run JUnit test suite named AllKafkaStreamTests
  • in mqtt module run JUnit test suite named AllMqttStreamTests
  • in wmq module run JUnit test suite named AllWmqStreamTests
  • in ws module run JUnit test suite named AllWsStreamTests
  • in msoffice module run JUnit test suite named AllMsOfficeStreamTests

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