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widget-swift-86's Introduction

KyberWidget iOS Library

The KyberWidget iOS lib allows developers to easily add crytocurrency payment and swapping features to iOS apps.

What does it do

The library enables 3 use cases:

  • Pay: Allow users to buy goods or services from within your app, paying with any tokens supported by KyberNetwork
  • Swap: Allow users to swap between token pairs supported by KyberNetowrk
  • Buy: Allow users to buy a given token that is supported by KyberNetwork within your app, paying with any tokens supported by KyberNetwork.

The lib shipped with a standard, ready-to-use UI. It also let developers to customize many aspects of UI to fit their needs.

How to add KyberWidget into your project.

Currently you have to manually add KyberWidget into your project (Cocoapods will be available soon).

Download the zip file here (then unzip to get KyberWidget.framework) or clone this repo to get KyberWidget.framework from KyberWidget or example project and add it into your project.

Go to your project General settings, add KyberWidget into Embedded Binaries.

Add these dependency frameworks below into your project via (Cocoapods):

  pod 'Moya', '~> 10.0.1'
  pod 'BigInt', '~> 3.0'
  pod 'APIKit'
  pod 'MBProgressHUD'
  pod 'TrustKeystore', '~> 0.4.2'
  pod 'TrustCore', '~> 0.0.7'
  pod 'JSONRPCKit', :git=> ''
  pod 'IQKeyboardManager'
  pod 'KeychainSwift'
  pod 'QRCodeReaderViewController', :git=>'', :branch=>'master'
  pod 'JavaScriptKit', '~> 1.0'

NOTE: It is important to put the following codes into pod file as well:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    if ['JSONRPCKit'].include?
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.0'
    if ['TrustKeystore'].include?
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL'] = '-Owholemodule'


  • Please select version Swift 4 for APIKit framework.
  • Please enable iCloud in your Capabilities as the framework is using document picker (for importing JSON file).


Import KyberWidget

import KyberWidget

Define KWCoodinator instance

fileprivate var coordinator: KWCoordinator?

Create KWCoordinator instance

First, you need to create and initialize the KWCoordinator instance. There are 3 sub-classes KWPayCoordinator, KWSwapCoordinator, and KWBuyCoordinator corresponding to 3 use cases. You should only use these 3 classes depend on your purpose.

To use the widget for pay use case:

do {
  self.coordinator = try KWPayCoordinator(
    baseViewController: self,
    receiveAddr: "0x2262d4f6312805851e3b27c40db2c7282e6e4a49",
    receiveToken: "ETH",
    receiveAmount: 0.001604,
    pinnedTokens: "ETH_KNC_DAI",
    network: KWEnvironment.ropsten, // ETH network, default ropsten
    signer: nil,
    commissionId: nil,
    productName: "",
    productQty: nil, // quantity/number of products
    productAvatar: "",
    productAvatarImage: nil,
    paymentData: "PERM" // put empty string if you don't want to pass any value
} catch {}

To use the widget for swap use case:

do {
  self.coordinator = try KWSwapCoordinator(
    baseViewController: self,
    pinnedTokens: "ETH_KNC_DAI",
    defaultPair: "ETH_KNC",
    network: KWEnvironment.ropsten, // ETH network, default ropsten
    signer: nil,
    commissionId: nil
} catch {}

To use the widget for buy use case:

do {
  self.coordinator = try KWBuyCoordinator(
    baseViewController: self,
    receiveToken: "ETH",
    receiveAmount: 0.001604,
    pinnedTokens: "ETH_KNC_DAI",
    network: KWEnvironment.ropsten, // ETH network, default ropsten
    signer: nil,
    commissionId: nil
} catch {}

NOTE: The values are for example only, check out the parameter details below.

Parameter details:

  • baseViewController (UIViewController) - required - This is the base view controller, used to present the navigation controller of the widget.

  • receiveAddr (String) - required - For payment use case, this is the vendor's Ethereum wallet address with 0x prefix which user's payment will be sent there. Must double check this param very carefully. For swap or buy, please don't set this parameter.

  • receiveToken (String) - required for payment, it is the token that you (vendor) want to receive, for swap or buy, it is the token that you want to receive/buy. It can be one of supported tokens (such as ETH, DAI, KNC...).

  • receiveAmount (Double) - the amount of receiveToken you (vendor) want your user to pay (for pay widget) or amount you want to buy (for buy widget), not support for swap widget. If you leave it blank or missing, the users can specify it in the widget interface. It could be useful for undetermined payment or pay-as-you-go payment like a charity, ICO or anything else. This param is ignored if you do not specify receiveToken. To make a transaction, amount must NOT be less than (equivalent) 0.001ETH.

  • pinnedTokens (String) - default: "ETH_KNC_DAI". This param help to show priority tokens in list select tokens.

  • defaultPair (string) - default: "ETH_KNC". This param only take effect for Swap, it indicates default token pair will show in swap layout.

  • network (KWEnvironment - default ropsten) - Ethereum network that the widget will run. Possible value: mainnet, production, test, ropsten, rinkeby. test and ropsten will run on Ropsten network, rinkeby will run on Rinkeby network, production, mainnet will run on Mainnet ethereum. Be carefull for this param!

  • signer (String) - concatenation of a list of Ethereum address by underscore _, eg. 0xFDF28Bf25779ED4cA74e958d54653260af604C20_0xFDF28Bf25779ED4cA74e958d54653260af604C20 - If you pass this param, the user will be forced to pay from one of those addresses. If you ignore or pass nil value, all addresses are accepted.

  • commissionId - (String - Ethereum address) - your Ethereum wallet to get commission of the fees for the transaction. Your wallet must be whitelisted by KyberNetwork (the permissionless registration will be available soon) in order to get the commission, otherwise it will be ignored.

  • productName - (String?) - your product name you want to display (only for pay widget).

  • productQty - (Int?) - your product quatity you want to buy (only for pay widget).

  • productAvatar - (String?) - url string to your product avatar (only for pay widget).

  • productAvatarImage - (UIImage?) - image for your product avatar (only for pay widget). You should either provide productAvatar or productAvatarImage (prefer productAvatarImage for faster displaying). If you provide both, productAvatar will be ignored.

  • paymentData - (String) - A piece of additional information attached to the payment after broadcasted on the blockchain (*Note: This param only takes effect when type=pay)

An error will be throw via delegation if parameters are invalid.

Check our Valid use cases for more details.

If you want to customize the widget UI, please check Customize color theme and string section later on this page.

After that, set delegate and show the widget.

// set delegate to receive transaction data
self.coordinator?.delegate = self

// show the widget

Delegation - KWCoordinatorDelegate

The delegate class should implement the following 3 functions.

func coordinatorDidCancel() {
  // TODO: handle user cancellation

This function is called when user cancelled the action.

func coordinatorDidFailed(with error: KWError) {
  // TODO: handle errors

This function is called when something went wrong, some possible errors (please check our Valid Use cases below for more details)

  • unsupportedToken: the token you set is not supported by Kyber, or you are performing payment but not set the receiveToken value.
  • invalidAddress(errorMessage: String): the receive address is not set as self or a valid ETH address, check errorMessage for more details.
  • invalidToken(errorMessage: String): the receive token symbol is not set for Pay or Buy. Or receive token is not supported by Kyber. Check errorMessage for more information.
  • invalidPinnedToken(errorMessage: String): One of pinned token symbol is invalid (not supported by Kyber Network), or pinnedTokens is not in a correct format TOKEN_TOKEN_TOKEN. Check errorMessage for more information.
  • invalidAmount(errorMessage: String): the receive amount is not valid (negative, zero, ...), or if you are performing swap, the receive amount must be empty.
  • invalidDefaultPair(errorMessage: String): defaultPair param for Swap is not set correctly. It should contain exactly 2 supported token symbols by Kyber Network with format A_B in uppercased. E.g: ETH_KNC. Check errorMessage for more information.
  • invalidSignerAddress(errorMessage: String): Invalid signer address. Either it is not in a correct format address_address.. or address is not a valid ETH address. Check errorMessage for more information.
  • invalidCommisionAddress(errrorMessage: String): Invalid commission ID address: Not a correct ETH address.
  • invalidProductAvatarURL(errorMessage: String): Invalid product avatar (for Pay use case). It is not a correct URL format.
  • failedToLoadSupportedToken(errorMessage: String): something went wrong and we could not load supported tokens by Kyber.
  • failedToSendTransaction(errorMessage: String): Could not send the transaction request. Check errorMessage for more information.

In most cases, we provide a meaningful error message for you to either display it to user directly, or use the message to test/debug.

func coordinatorDidBroadcastTransaction(with txHash: String) {
  // TODO: poll blockchain to check for transaction's status and validity

This function is called when the transaction was broadcasted to Ethereum network. Read here for How to check and confirm payment status.

Customize color theme and string


Get current KWThemeConfig instance.

let config = KWThemeConfig.current

From here you could config the color by your own choice. Go to KWThemeConfig class to see all available attributes that you could change the color.


Similar to KWThemeConfig, using KWStringConfig to config the string.

let config = KWStringConfig.current
config.youAreAboutToPay = "You are going to buy"

The string "You are about to pay" should be changed to "You are going to buy"

Create your own UIs

You could also create your own UIs and use our helper functions to get list of supported tokens, get expected rate between tokens, get balance of ETH/token given the address, sign the transaction and send transfer/trade functions.

Supported Tokens

To get Kyber supported tokens, call:

KWSupportedToken.shared.fetchTrackerSupportedTokens(network: KWEnvironment, completion: @escaping (Result<[KWTokenObject], AnyError>) -> Void)

Return list of supported tokens by Kyber or error otherwise.

Current gas price

Get current fast/standard/slow gas price using our server cache

func performFetchRequest(service: KWNetworkProvider, completion: @escaping (Result<JSONDictionary, AnyError>) -> Void)

Use _KWNetworkProvider.gasGasPrice_ as service.


Create a KWKeystore instance to help import wallet, get current account, sign transaction, etc

let keystore = try KWKeystore()

Available functions in KWKeystore:

var accounts: [Account] // list of accounts imported
var account: Account? // return first imported account
func removeAllAccounts(completion: @escaping () -> Void)//  remove all imported accounts
func importWallet(type: KWImportType, completion: @escaping (Result<Account, KWKeystoreError>) -> Void) // import an account of *KWImportType* (Check this file)
func delete(account: Account, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, KWKeystoreError>) -> Void) // delete an account
func signTransaction(transaction: KWDraftTransaction) -> Result<Data, KWKeystoreError> // sign a transaction

External Provider

let externalProvider = KWExternalProvider(keystore: keystore, network: network): init KWExternalProvider with an instance of keystore and network.

External Provider provides all functions needed to perform a payment, or to use KyberSwap.

Some useful functions:

func getETHBalance(address: String, completion: @escaping (Result<BigInt, AnyError>) -> Void)
func getTokenBalance(for contract: Address, address: Address, completion: @escaping (Result<BigInt, AnyError>) -> Void)
func getTransactionCount(for address: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Int, AnyError>) -> Void)
func transfer(transaction: KWTransaction, completion: @escaping (Result<String, AnyError>) -> Void)
func exchange(exchange: KWTransaction, completion: @escaping (Result<String, AnyError>) -> Void)
func pay(transaction: KWTransaction, completion: @escaping (Result<String, AnyError>) -> Void)
func getAllowance(token: KWTokenObject, address: Address, isPay: Bool, completion: @escaping (Result<BigInt, AnyError>) -> Void)
func sendApproveERC20Token(exchangeTransaction: KWTransaction, isPay: Bool, completion: @escaping (Result<Bool, AnyError>) -> Void)
func getExpectedRate(from: KWTokenObject, to: KWTokenObject, amount: BigInt, completion: @escaping (Result<(BigInt, BigInt), AnyError>) -> Void)
func getTransferEstimateGasLimit(for transaction: KWTransaction, completion: @escaping (Result<BigInt, AnyError>) -> Void)
func getSwapEstimateGasLimit(for transaction: KWTransaction, completion: @escaping (Result<BigInt, AnyError>) -> Void)
func getPayEstimateGasLimit(for transaction: KWTransaction, completion: @escaping (Result<BigInt, AnyError>) -> Void)
func estimateGasLimit(from: String, to: String?, gasPrice: BigInt, value: BigInt, data: Data, defaultGasLimit: BigInt, completion: @escaping (Result<BigInt, AnyError>) -> Void)

Please check KWExternalProvider and KWGeneralProvider for more details.

Valid use cases

Pay Widget
  • receiveAddr - required: must be a valid ETH address with 0x prefix
  • receiveToken - required: must be a supported token symbol by KyberNetwork
Swap Widget
  • receiveAddr, receiveToken and receiveAmount are all ignored
Buy Widget
  • receiveToken - required: must be a supported token symbol by KyberNetwork

Other parameters are optional.


  • In any cases, receiveAmount will be ignored if receiveToken is empty.
  • func coordinatorDidFailed(with error: KWError) will be immediately called after you start the coordinator if any parameters are invalid.

Supported tokens

See all supported tokens here


The KyberWidget iOS uses following open source softwares:

Special thank to TrustWallet team for their awesome works


KyberWidget is available under MIT License, see LICENSE file for more information.

Bugs/Features report

Please feel free to submit bugs report or any features you want to have in our KyberWidget by opening a Github issue.

Swift 4.2, Xcode 10

Please upgrade your pod by using commands:

pod repo update
pod install

Please note that some frameworks are compiling in Swift 4 or lower.

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