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mooshimeter-androidapp's Issues

Arbitrary math

It would be helpful to users to have an interface for perform simple operations on meter readings in real time. This is already implemented to some extent in math calculations like "Apparent Power" and "Thermocouple K", which simply apply formulas in the app to readings coming in from the meter, but there is no way for the user to plug in his own formulas.

Make Logs available outside of device Settings

Currently it is only possible to share the logs when you are connected to your mooshimeter.

Which is unfortunate if you download the log from your mooshimeter out in the field and at home you have no way to share/send it to your PC.

Therefore it would be good to have a log section in the welcome screen of app, where you could view and select a log to share it.


Andreas: It would be nice to have a MIN/MAX function in DMM Mode, which holds the lowest and highest values during a measurement. There is enough space to display Min and Max with a small font below the actual value. And, maybe a button between ZERO and SOUND to enable/disable MIN/MAX (which resets also the MIN/MAX values when enabled again).

Rapid mode switching after closing graph causes hang

On my Nexus 5 with Android 6.0.1, (At commit 854ba5f) the following steps cause sampling to (visually) stop:

  • Start the app
  • Connect to a mooshimeter (Diode Drop mode preselected on CH1 and Voltage DC on CH2)
  • Open the graph
  • Close the graph and immediately switch CH1 to Current AC

The UI becomes less responsive (Some 1s response time on buttons) and new samples stop coming in on both channels.

Here is an excerpt from the run log at the time of the malfunction:

D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:CCHANGE
D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:0.0015884066
D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:2.3814559E-4
D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:3.931136E-7
D/ConfigTree: RECV: 220 16 bytes
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:CCHANGE
D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:0.0015863872
D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:-2.3814559E-4
D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:-3.6322962E-7
D/ConfigTree: RECV: 221 16 bytes
D/com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.GraphingActivity: onPause
D/PeripheralWrapper: WRITE
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:WRITE
D/PeripheralWrapper: RELEASED
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:CCHANGE
D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:0.0016308142
D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:4.7629117E-4
D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:7.565551E-7
D/ConfigTree: RECV: 222 16 bytes
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:CCHANGE
D/ConfigTree: RECV: 223 3 bytes
D/com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.DeviceActivity: What do I do with this?
D/com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.DeviceActivity: onStart
D/com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.DeviceActivity: onResume
D/PeripheralWrapper: WRITE
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:WRITE
D/PeripheralWrapper: RELEASED
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:CCHANGE
D/ConfigTree: RECV: 224 3 bytes
I/DeviceActivity: Stream requested
I/DeviceActivity: soundrefresh
I/DeviceActivity: zerorefresh
I/DeviceActivity: soundrefresh
I/DeviceActivity: zerorefresh
D/com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.GraphingActivity: onStop
D/com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.GraphingActivity: onDestroy
D/PeripheralWrapper: READRSSI
D/BluetoothGatt: readRssi() - device: 68:9E:19:CB:DE:AE
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:RSSI
D/PeripheralWrapper: RELEASED
I/DeviceActivity: onCh1InputSetClick
D/PeripheralWrapper: WRITE
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:CCHANGE
D/ConfigTree: PCB_VERSION:8
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:WRITE
D/PeripheralWrapper: RELEASED
D/ConfigTree: RECV: 225 3 bytes
D/PeripheralWrapper: WRITE
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:WRITE
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:CCHANGE
D/PeripheralWrapper: RELEASED
D/PeripheralWrapper: GATTCB:CCHANGE
D/ConfigTree: CH1:ANALYSIS:0
D/ConfigTree: CH1:RANGE_I:0
E/DISPATCH: Exception in callback dispatched from:
W/System.err: java.lang.Exception
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.common.Dispatcher.dispatch(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.common.Util.dispatchCb(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.devices.PeripheralWrapper$2.onCharacteristicChanged(
W/System.err: at android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt$1.onNotify(
W/System.err: at android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGattCallback$Stub.onTransact(
W/System.err: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
E/DISPATCH: Exception details: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
W/System.err: android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
W/System.err: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.checkThread(
W/System.err: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.requestLayout(
W/System.err: at android.view.View.requestLayout(
W/System.err: at android.view.View.requestLayout(
W/System.err: at android.view.View.requestLayout(
W/System.err: at android.view.View.requestLayout(
W/System.err: at android.view.View.requestLayout(
W/System.err: at android.view.View.requestLayout(
W/System.err: at android.widget.TextView.setRawTextSize(
W/System.err: at android.widget.TextView.setTextSize(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.DeviceActivity.autoButtonRefresh(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.DeviceActivity.rangeButtonRefresh(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.activities.DeviceActivity.onRangeChange(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.devices.MooshimeterDevice$18.onReceived(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.devices.ConfigTree$ConfigNode.notify(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.devices.ConfigTree.interpretAggregate(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.devices.ConfigTree.access$500(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.devices.ConfigTree$1.serviceBufferList(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.devices.ConfigTree$1.onReceived(
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.devices.PeripheralWrapper$2$
W/System.err: at com.mooshim.mooshimeter.common.Dispatcher$
W/System.err: at
W/System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
W/System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
W/System.err: at

Settings button crashes app

With a Nexus 4 on Android 5.0.1 tapping the settings button crashes the app. This didn't happen before I updated to this latest version.

Orientation off by 90*

On some Android devices the orientation sensor reports 90* off, meaning the app goes portrait when it should be landscape and vice versa.

Fails to build from source (Error: No resource found that matches the given name 'divider')

I just tried updating the repo and get the following error while building the app (using gradlew assemble):

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> Failed to run command:
    /path/to/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/21.1.1/aapt package -f --no-crunch -I /path/to/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-19/android.jar -M /path/to/Mooshimeter-AndroidApp/app/build/intermediates/manifests/full/debug/AndroidManifest.xml -S /path/to/Mooshimeter-AndroidApp/app/build/intermediates/res/debug -A /path/to/Mooshimeter-AndroidApp/app/build/intermediates/assets/debug -m -J /path/to/Mooshimeter-AndroidApp/app/build/generated/source/r/debug -F /path/to/Mooshimeter-AndroidApp/app/build/intermediates/res/resources-debug.ap_ --debug-mode --custom-package com.mooshim.mooshimeter -0 apk --output-text-symbols /path/to/Mooshimeter-AndroidApp/app/build/intermediates/symbols/debug
  Error Code:
    /path/to/Mooshimeter-AndroidApp/app/build/intermediates/res/debug/layout/fragment_scan.xml:26: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'divider' with value '@drawable/divider').

According to git bisect 0aea1b5 is the first commit, that broke the build, previous versions build just fine.
Am I doing something wrong here, or are there perhaps some files missing from the github repo?

App still maintained?

Is the app still maintained as open-source? I wonder as the last tag is release_37 from 11/2017 and no commit since 8/2017 (and the last APK in the repo is release_32 from 9/2016) – while Playstore has a version 38 from 1/2018. So did your app go commercial, and is no longer open source? Will we see at least the v37 APK here?

Broadcast intents

Have the Mooshimeter app broadcast intents (in Android) so that other apps can record and process the data without having to interact with the Mooshimeter app itself.

Status: Implemented by Duane for Android, awaiting merge to main app.

Selectable resolution

I think the Mooshimeter more often than not shows too much resolution. It would be nice if the resolution was user selectable. For instance by swiping the displayed values left or right.

Loading Mooshimeter-AndroidApp

Hey folks -
I'm running into issues when trying to import the Mooshimeter-AndroidApp package into Android Studio. I would profoundly appreciate if you could provide some guidelines.
I tried re-arrangeing directories in many different ways, but still no luck.

Thank you in advance

Internal temperature bug

Greg writes:

I did notice a possible bug when reading the internal temperature.

Set channel 1 to Amps DC and channel 2 to resistance.
Short channel 2 leads together for a few seconds so resistance reads zero and then open leads again.
Now switch channel 1 to INT and you get OVERLOAD.
Switch channel 2 to INT and channel 2 reads correct temperature.
Toggle Channel 1 a few times and it will read normally as well for INT.

Now if you repeat the above procedure but initially set channel 1 to Amps AC you will get a internal temp reading of -271 or 0×000000.
Also you need to go back to Amps DC before channel 1 can correctly read internal temperature.

I am using a Nexus 7 (2012) with CM11.0 (Kitkat 4.4.4)

Prevent Android Standby when downloading logs

While in the "multimeter mode" the display on the android device stays on (no standby), which is fine and expected.

However when d'ling the logging data from the mooshi, the android device goes into standby (time depends on the android settings) and thus interrupts the log data transfer.

Pitch varying tone

Copying from [ a post in the support forum]: Diode beeper: if drop voltage is below x volts beep (x is user adjustable)
Voltage : beep if reading is below or above set value
Same idea for resistance, current and even temperature.

This would be very useful in debugging scenarios, for example when checking supply voltage to be in a specific range.

Another idea would be to change the tone pitch depending on the reading.
Example: 0V would produce a tone of 100Hz and max scale would make 2kHz tone.
Maybe also let the user select voltage range (instead of 0V to max scale, something like 5V to 15V) and frequency range.

Just imagine a situation where you have a multimeter and a mobile phone in a pocket while measuring some voltages and listening to the tones trough headphones (from mobile), no need to look at the screen and it’s much faster than reading to speech. Maybe not as accurate, but good enough for most cases where you cant look at the screen.

PT100 and P1000

It would be nice to be able to read temperatures directly using PT100 or PT1000 sensors.

Tap and hold

It would be nice to have a tap and hold feature. Tap the screen and all readings freeze, or are memorized to a list which can be browsed later.

Connection is delayed 6 seconds by ADMIN:DIAGNOSTIC:BADREAD

Connecting to my Mooshimeter rev1 takes about 12 seconds, and the profiler indicates that most of this is during configuration. I was curious if it could be sped up somehow (it makes the app feel unresponsive and discourages "impulsive" use of the meter).

Three of the many calls to ConfigNode.reqValue() take the full two seconds (the awaitMilli() call is never aborted by a finished read, but rather time out), which accounts for half of this time.

This happens for the three codes 16, 17 and 18 (see attached LogCat), which as far as I can tell are for LOG.INFO.[INDEX, END_TIME, N_BYTES].

I don't have an SD card to test with, in case this issue only appears for users with no log data.

LogCat output:

08-13 00:45:21.866 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CMD: ADMIN:CRC32
08-13 00:45:22.000 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: ADMIN:CRC32:343497802
08-13 00:45:22.002 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 6 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.010 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: ADMIN:TREE:[B@7dd0aff
08-13 00:45:22.012 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: java.nio.ByteArrayBuffer[position=0,limit=790,capacity=790]
08-13 00:45:22.043 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   ADMIN
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     0:CRC32
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     1:TREE
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     2:DIAGNOSTIC
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   3:PCB_VERSION
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   4:NAME
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   5:TIME_UTC
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   6:TIME_UTC_MS
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   7:BAT_V
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   8:REBOOT
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     NORMAL
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     SHIPMODE
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   SAMPLING
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     9:RATE
08-13 00:45:22.044 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       125
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       250
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       500
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       1000
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       2000
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       4000
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       8000
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     10:DEPTH
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       32
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       64
08-13 00:45:22.045 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       128
08-13 00:45:22.046 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       256
08-13 00:45:22.046 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     11:TRIGGER
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       OFF
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       SINGLE
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       CONTINUOUS
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   LOG
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     12:ON
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     13:INTERVAL
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     14:STATUS
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     15:POLLDIR
08-13 00:45:22.047 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     INFO
08-13 00:45:22.048 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       16:INDEX
08-13 00:45:22.048 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       17:END_TIME
08-13 00:45:22.048 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       18:N_BYTES
08-13 00:45:22.048 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     STREAM
08-13 00:45:22.048 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       19:INDEX
08-13 00:45:22.048 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       20:OFFSET
08-13 00:45:22.048 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       21:DATA
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   CH1
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     22:MAPPING
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       CURRENT
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:         10
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       TEMP
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:         350
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       SHARED
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     23:RANGE_I
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     24:ANALYSIS
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       MEAN
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       RMS
08-13 00:45:22.049 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       BUFFER
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     25:VALUE
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     26:OFFSET
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     27:BUF
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     28:BUF_BPS
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     29:BUF_LSB2NATIVE
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   CH2
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     30:MAPPING
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       VOLTAGE
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:         60
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:         600
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       TEMP
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:         350
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       SHARED
08-13 00:45:22.050 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     31:RANGE_I
08-13 00:45:22.051 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     32:ANALYSIS
08-13 00:45:22.051 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       MEAN
08-13 00:45:22.051 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       RMS
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       BUFFER
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     33:VALUE
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     34:OFFSET
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     35:BUF
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     36:BUF_BPS
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     37:BUF_LSB2NATIVE
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   38:SHARED
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     AUX_V
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       0.1
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       0.3
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       1.2
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     RESISTANCE
08-13 00:45:22.052 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       1000.0
08-13 00:45:22.053 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       10000.0
08-13 00:45:22.053 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       100000.0
08-13 00:45:22.053 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       1000000.0
08-13 00:45:22.053 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       10000000.0
08-13 00:45:22.053 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:     DIODE
08-13 00:45:22.053 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:       1.2
08-13 00:45:22.053 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree:   39:REAL_PWR
08-13 00:45:22.053 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CALC CRC: 14795c4a
08-13 00:45:22.063 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CMD: ADMIN:CRC32 343497802
08-13 00:45:22.159 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: ADMIN:CRC32:343497802
08-13 00:45:22.159 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 7 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.160 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 3
08-13 00:45:22.257 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: PCB_VERSION:8
08-13 00:45:22.257 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 8 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.257 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 4
08-13 00:45:22.356 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: NAME:Muschi�������"�����
08-13 00:45:22.357 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 5
08-13 00:45:22.357 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 9 20 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.453 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC:1502577921
08-13 00:45:22.454 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 6
08-13 00:45:22.455 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 10 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.557 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC_MS:220
08-13 00:45:22.558 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 11 4 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.560 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 7
08-13 00:45:22.681 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: BAT_V:2.6574023
08-13 00:45:22.681 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 12 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.682 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 8
08-13 00:45:22.746 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: REBOOT:0
08-13 00:45:22.746 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 13 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.747 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 9
08-13 00:45:22.847 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: SAMPLING:RATE:0
08-13 00:45:22.847 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 14 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.847 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 10
08-13 00:45:22.948 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: SAMPLING:DEPTH:1
08-13 00:45:22.949 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 15 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:22.950 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 11
08-13 00:45:23.037 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: SAMPLING:TRIGGER:0
08-13 00:45:23.037 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 16 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:23.037 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 12
08-13 00:45:23.135 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: LOG:ON:0
08-13 00:45:23.135 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 17 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:23.135 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 13
08-13 00:45:23.247 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: LOG:INTERVAL:10
08-13 00:45:23.248 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 18 4 bytes
08-13 00:45:23.250 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 14
08-13 00:45:23.329 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: LOG:STATUS:1
08-13 00:45:23.329 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 19 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:23.330 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 15
08-13 00:45:23.477 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: LOG:POLLDIR:0
08-13 00:45:23.478 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 20 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:23.478 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 16
08-13 00:45:23.582 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: ADMIN:DIAGNOSTIC:BADREAD
08-13 00:45:23.583 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 21 11 bytes
08-13 00:45:25.583 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 17
08-13 00:45:25.673 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: ADMIN:DIAGNOSTIC:BADREAD
08-13 00:45:25.674 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 22 11 bytes
08-13 00:45:25.869 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: BAT_V:2.6592188
08-13 00:45:25.870 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 23 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:25.875 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: LOG:STATUS:1
08-13 00:45:25.876 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 24 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:27.670 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 18
08-13 00:45:27.766 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: ADMIN:DIAGNOSTIC:BADREAD
08-13 00:45:27.766 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 25 11 bytes
08-13 00:45:29.765 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 19
08-13 00:45:29.872 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: LOG:STREAM:INDEX:0
08-13 00:45:29.873 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 26 4 bytes
08-13 00:45:29.876 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 20
08-13 00:45:29.959 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: LOG:STREAM:OFFSET:0
08-13 00:45:29.960 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 27 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:29.960 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 21
08-13 00:45:29.960 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 22
08-13 00:45:30.057 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:MAPPING:2
08-13 00:45:30.057 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 28 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.057 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 23
08-13 00:45:30.162 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:RANGE_I:4
08-13 00:45:30.162 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 29 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.163 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 24
08-13 00:45:30.259 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:ANALYSIS:0
08-13 00:45:30.259 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 30 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.260 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 25
08-13 00:45:30.354 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:-1.6312618E10
08-13 00:45:30.355 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 31 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.355 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 26
08-13 00:45:30.457 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:OFFSET:6.1646715E-33
08-13 00:45:30.458 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 32 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.459 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 27
08-13 00:45:30.459 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 28
08-13 00:45:30.553 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:BUF_BPS:8
08-13 00:45:30.554 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 33 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.556 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 29
08-13 00:45:30.691 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:BUF_LSB2NATIVE:0.0
08-13 00:45:30.691 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 34 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.691 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 30
08-13 00:45:30.788 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:MAPPING:0
08-13 00:45:30.789 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 35 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.789 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 31
08-13 00:45:30.890 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:RANGE_I:0
08-13 00:45:30.890 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 36 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.892 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 32
08-13 00:45:30.984 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:ANALYSIS:0
08-13 00:45:30.984 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 37 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:30.985 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 33
08-13 00:45:31.084 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:1.4655113E-4
08-13 00:45:31.084 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 38 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:31.085 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 34
08-13 00:45:31.187 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:OFFSET:0.0
08-13 00:45:31.188 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 39 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:31.189 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 35
08-13 00:45:31.189 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 36
08-13 00:45:31.276 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:BUF_BPS:8
08-13 00:45:31.276 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 40 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:31.277 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 37
08-13 00:45:31.374 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:BUF_LSB2NATIVE:0.0
08-13 00:45:31.374 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 41 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:31.374 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 38
08-13 00:45:31.475 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: SHARED:1
08-13 00:45:31.479 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 42 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:31.480 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Requesting config code 39
08-13 00:45:31.569 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:-207.55301
08-13 00:45:31.569 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 43 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:31.569 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CMD: TIME_UTC 1502577931
08-13 00:45:31.666 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC:1502577931
08-13 00:45:31.666 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 44 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:31.823 16399-16958/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CMD: SAMPLING:TRIGGER 2
08-13 00:45:31.910 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: SAMPLING:TRIGGER:2
08-13 00:45:31.910 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 45 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:32.699 16399-16399/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CMD: PCB_VERSION
08-13 00:45:32.787 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: PCB_VERSION:8
08-13 00:45:32.787 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 46 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:35.371 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC:1502577934
08-13 00:45:35.372 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC_MS:123
08-13 00:45:35.372 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:-1.3435257E10
08-13 00:45:35.378 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:1.8318891E-4
08-13 00:45:35.381 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Underflow caught
08-13 00:45:35.381 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 47 20 bytes
08-13 00:45:35.382 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:-203.65964
08-13 00:45:35.383 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 48 5 bytes
08-13 00:45:35.859 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: BAT_V:2.6583107
08-13 00:45:35.862 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 49 6 bytes
08-13 00:45:35.907 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: LOG:STATUS:1
08-13 00:45:35.909 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 50 3 bytes
08-13 00:45:36.005 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC:1502577934
08-13 00:45:36.005 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC_MS:766
08-13 00:45:36.006 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:-1.3948619E10
08-13 00:45:36.008 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:1.6487003E-4
08-13 00:45:36.011 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Underflow caught
08-13 00:45:36.011 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 51 20 bytes
08-13 00:45:36.012 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:-204.27502
08-13 00:45:36.012 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 52 5 bytes
08-13 00:45:36.639 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC:1502577935
08-13 00:45:36.639 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC_MS:410
08-13 00:45:36.640 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:-1.4374339E10
08-13 00:45:36.644 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:1.6487003E-4
08-13 00:45:36.664 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Underflow caught
08-13 00:45:36.664 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 53 20 bytes
08-13 00:45:36.664 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:-205.66626
08-13 00:45:36.666 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 54 5 bytes
08-13 00:45:37.273 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC:1502577936
08-13 00:45:37.273 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC_MS:55
08-13 00:45:37.273 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:-1.4887503E10
08-13 00:45:37.283 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:1.6487003E-4
08-13 00:45:37.295 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Underflow caught
08-13 00:45:37.295 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 55 20 bytes
08-13 00:45:37.313 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:-203.946
08-13 00:45:37.315 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 56 5 bytes
08-13 00:45:37.955 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC:1502577936
08-13 00:45:37.956 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC_MS:697
08-13 00:45:37.956 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:-1.5051107E10
08-13 00:45:37.962 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:1.8318891E-4
08-13 00:45:37.967 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: Underflow caught
08-13 00:45:37.967 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 57 20 bytes
08-13 00:45:37.968 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: REAL_PWR:-203.52199
08-13 00:45:37.968 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: RECV: 58 5 bytes
08-13 00:45:38.589 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC:1502577937
08-13 00:45:38.589 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: TIME_UTC_MS:340
08-13 00:45:38.589 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH1:VALUE:-1.5341907E10
08-13 00:45:38.592 16399-16983/com.mooshim.mooshimeter D/ConfigTree: CH2:VALUE:1.8318891E-4

Absolute Value

For the purposes of characterizing the power of bidirectional DC motors, it would be ideal if I had options for |V| and |I| to compare the response going clockwise vs counterclockwise.

I want to buy a mooshiemeter, when will it be back in stock?

I'd email you but there isnt a contact page on the website and the comments field seem abandoned and the captcha hates me.

I cant even buy an alternative because there is no alternative to a small, pocket meter like this that doesnt even bother with knobs or displays and uses the phone exclusively.

Does not work on new phone

I can't connect using my OnePlus 8 Pro using the app. It stalls at "Initializing -2".

Can this be fixed? I'd hoped that this device was a bit more future proof...

Scan page shows negative resistances

In the scan page, if resistance is shown and nothing is connected to the leads, the resistance momentarily shows OVERLOAD, but then it shows values around -5600 ohms (negative values).

Allow Description Field for Logs

In the logging page of the app we need a field to enter a description (or comment if you will) for the next recorded log. The text of this field will then be saved in the header of the log, e.g.

PCB: 007
ASM: 000
LOT: 00000
FW: 1477971088
SMPL: 0064 0125Hz
1501494691.885, 0.000000E000, 3.549508E001
The position doesn't matter, but it would be nice if you could take over the "DESC: " indicator, since I have already a script for that.

I'm measuring different but similar devices (e.g. battery #1 to #4). However I cannot immediately transfer these logs (which span some hours) to my pc. So at the end of the day, I have problems assigning the logs to the respective battery w/o handwritten notes.

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