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deft-funnel's Introduction

Derivative-free Trust FUNNEL


DEFT-FUNNEL is a free open-source solver written in Matlab that searches for the global minima of grey-box and black-box optimization problems as defined below:

min f(x)
subject to:
lc <= c(x) <= uc,
lh <= h(x) <= uh,
lx <= x <= ux,
where f(x) might be or not a black box, c(x)=(c_1(x), ..., c_q(x)) are black-box constraint functions, h(x)=(h_1(x), ..., h_l(x)) are white-box constraint functions (i.e. their analytical expressions as well as their derivatives are available), lc, lh, uc and uh are vectors defining the lower and upper bounds of c(x) and h(x), and lx and ux are lower and upper bounds on x.

DEFT-FUNNEL builds local (at most fully quadratic) interpolation models from known function values for the black-box functions. It solves the nonlinear problem using a SQP trust-region-based algorithm where an active-set method is applied for handling the bound constraints and where the convergence is driven by a funnel bound on the constraint violation.

In order to find the global minimum, it makes use of a clustering-based multistart technique called Multi-Level Single Linkage (MLSL) to select the starting points of the local searches done by the SQP algorithm.

Table of contents

Author and maintainer

Phillipe Rodrigues Sampaio
Veolia Research and Innovation (VERI)
sampaio.phillipe at

Main references

Please refer to the following paper if you make use of any part of this code in your research:

Other references:


Philippe L. Toint (UNamur), Serge Gratton (CERFACS) and Anke Troeltzsch (German Aerospace Center, DLR).


This software is released under the MIT license. See for more info.

DEFT-FUNNEL without multistart

Inputs and outpus for local optimization

If global minima are not required and the user has a good initial guess x0 for a local minimum, DEFT-FUNNEL can be called at the Matlab command window by typing:

>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] = deft_funnel(@f, @c, @h, ...
@dev_f, @dev_h, x0, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h)

Mandatory input:

  • f : function handle of the objective function

  • c : function handle of the black-box constraints if any or an empy array [] otherwise

  • h : function handle of the white-box constraints if any or an empy array [] otherwise

  • dev_f : function handle of the derivatives of f if it is a white box or an empy array [] otherwise

  • dev_h : function handle of the derivatives of h if any or an empy array [] otherwise

  • x0 : starting point (no need to be feasible)

  • nb_cons_c : number of black-box constraints (bound constraints not included)

  • nb_cons_h : number of white-box constraints (bound constraints not included)


The output of dev_f must be a cell array containing two cells, one for each component below:

  • gf : the gradient of f with dimensions n x 1.

  • Hf : the hessian matrix with dimensions n x n.

The output of dev_h must be a cell array containing two cells, one for each component below:

  • Jh : the Jacobian matrix of h with dimensions nb_cons_h x n.

  • Hh : a matrix containing the hessians of each constraint put side by side, i.e. a matrix with dimensions n x ( nb_cons_h * n ).

See some examples of functions dev_f and dev_h in the testset/greybox directory.

Optional input:

  • lsbounds : vector of lower bounds for all the constraints (black boxes first, then white boxes)

  • usbounds : vector of upper bounds for all the constraints (black boxes first, then white boxes)

  • lxbounds : vector of lower bounds for the x variables

  • uxbounds : vector of upper bounds for the x variables

  • maxeval : maximum number of evaluations (default: 500*n)

  • type_f : string 'BB' if f is a black box (default) or 'WB' otherwise

  • whichmodel : approach to build the surrogate models:

    • 0: Subbasis model

    • 1: Frobenius-norm model

    • 2: minimum l2-norm (default)

    • 3: regression (recommended for noisy functions)

A few examples of usage with optional inputs are given below. Other parameters can be set directly within deft_funnel_set_parameters.m.


  • x : the best approximation found to a local minimum,

  • fx : the value of the objective function at x,

  • mu : local estimates for the Lagrange multipliers

  • indicators : feasibility and optimality indicators

  • evaluations : number of calls to the objective function and constraints

  • iterate : more info related to the best point found as well as the coordinates of all past iterates

  • exit_algo : output signal (0: terminated with success; -1: terminated with errors)

Examples of usage for local optimization

If f is a black box, dev_f is expected to be an empty array:

>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] = deft_funnel(@f, @c, @h, ...
[], @dev_h, x0, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h)

If f is a white box, the user must indicate it through the input argument type_f as in the example below. By default, type_f='BB'. In this case, dev_f is expected to be a valid function that computes the derivatives of f.

>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] = deft_funnel(@f, @c, @h, ...
@dev_f, @dev_h, x0, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h, 'type_f', 'WB')

If there are no black-box constraints but only white-box ones, an empty array must be used in the place of @c and nb_cons_c must equal 0:

>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] = deft_funnel(@f, [], @h, ...
@dev_f, @dev_h, x0, 0, nb_cons_h, 'type_f', 'WB')

If there are no white-box constraints but only black-box ones, an empty array must be used in the place of @h and @dev_h; moreover, nb_cons_h must equal 0:

>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] = deft_funnel(@f, @c, [], ...
@dev_f, [], x0, nb_cons_c, 0)

Setting the optional input maxeval to 300:

>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] = deft_funnel(@f, @c, @h, ...
@dev_f, @dev_h, x0, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h, 'maxeval', 300)

Black-box test problems for local optimization

Some of the black-box (BB) test problems included in this package are:

  • Problem HS21 (see files problem_hs21_obj.m and problem_hs21_cons.m):
>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] =  ...
deft_funnel(@problem_hs21_obj, @problem_hs21_cons,             ...
[], [], [], [-1 -1], 1, 0, 'lsbounds', 0, 'usbounds', Inf,     ...
'lxbounds', [2 -50], 'uxbounds', [50 50])
  • Problem HS23 (see files problem_hs23_obj.m and problem_hs23_cons.m):
>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] =  ...
deft_funnel(@problem_hs23_obj, @problem_hs23_cons,             ...
[], [], [], [3 1], 5, 0, 'lsbounds', [0 0 0 0 0],              ...
'usbounds', [Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf],                             ...
'lxbounds', [-50 -50], 'uxbounds', [50 50])

A collection of 9 BB test problems may be solved by typing

>> startup

within the testset directory and then

>> run_deft_funnel_all_bb_test_probs

A log file is then written for every test problem containing info about the resolution of the problem. All the BB test problems are found in the directory testset/blackbox. The startup function adds the folder of test problems to the path and run_deft_funnel_all_bb_test_probs calls DEFT-FUNNEL within a loop to solve those problems.

In order to solve a specific test problem, type

>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] =  ...

where nprob is a number from 1 to 9. An associated log file is then written.

The files run_deft_funnel_all_bb_test_probs.m and run_deft_funnel_single_bb_test_prob.m make use of 6 other files that describe the test problems:

  1. deft_funnel_problem_init.m : entry parameters,
  2. deft_funnel_problem_obj.m : objective function,
  3. deft_funnel_problem_cons_c.m : black-box constraint function(s).
  4. deft_funnel_problem_cons_h.m : white-box constraint function(s).
  5. deft_funnel_problem_dev_f.m : derivatives of the objective function.
  6. deft_funnel_problem_dev_h.m : derivatives of the white-box constraints.

The file deft_funnel_problem_init.m also defines if a constraint in deft_funnel_problem_cons_c.m and deft_funnel_problem_cons_h.m is an equality or an inequality through the lower bounds ls and the upper bounds us.

Finally, the test problems defined in deft_funnel_problem_init.m ranging from 10 to 28 are designed for global optimization, so they should be solved with multistart. In particular, the problems 24-28 are of grey-box type.

DEFT-FUNNEL with multistart

Inputs and outpus for global optimization

Running DEFT-FUNNEL with multistart is recommended in the following scenarii:

  • global minima are required;
  • the objective function is known to be multimodal;
  • previous trials with a specific starting point were not successful;
  • the shape of the objective function is unknown but something in your heart says that it is nonlinear.

DEFT-FUNNEL with multistart can be called by typing:

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@f, @c, @h, @dev_f,         ...
@dev_h, n, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h)

Mandatory input:

  • f : function handle of the objective function

  • c : function handle of the black-box constraints if any or an empy array [] otherwise

  • h : function handle of the white-box constraints if any or an empy array [] otherwise

  • dev_f : function handle of the derivatives of f if it is a white box or an empy array [] otherwise

  • dev_h : function handle of the derivatives of h if any or an empy array [] otherwise

  • n : number of decision variables

  • nb_cons_c : number of black-box constraints (bound constraints not included)

  • nb_cons_h : number of white-box constraints (bound constraints not included)

No starting point is required from the user in the multistart case. The number of decision variables is required as input instead.


The output of dev_f must be a cell array containing two cells, one for each component below:

  • gf : the gradient of f with dimensions n x 1.

  • Hf : the hessian matrix with dimensions n x n.

The output of dev_h must be a cell array containing two cells, one for each component below:

  • Jh : the Jacobian matrix of h with dimensions nb_cons_h x n.

  • Hh : a matrix containing the hessians of each constraint put side by side, i.e. a matrix with dimensions n x ( nb_cons_h * n ).

See some examples of functions dev_f and dev_h in the testset/greybox directory.

Optional input:

  • lsbounds : vector of lower bounds for all the constraints (black boxes first, then white boxes)

  • usbounds : vector of upper bounds for all the constraints (black boxes first, then white boxes)

  • lxbounds : vector of lower bounds for the x variables

  • uxbounds : vector of upper bounds for the x variables

  • maxeval : maximum number of evaluations (default: 5000*n)

  • maxeval_ls : maximum number of evaluations per local search (default: maxeval*0.7)

  • type_f : string 'BB' if f is a black box (default) or 'WB' otherwise

  • whichmodel : approach to build the surrogate models:

    • 0: Subbasis model

    • 1: Frobenius-norm model

    • 2: minimum l2-norm (default)

    • 3: regression (recommended for noisy functions)

  • f_global_optimum : known objective function value of the global optimum


  • best_sol : best feasible solution found when one of the stopping criteria is satisfed (does not include the case where the budget is attained)

  • best_feval : objective function value of best_sol

  • best_indicators : indicators of best_sol

  • best_iterate : best feasible solution found so far with the given budget (same as best_sol when convergence is attained)

  • total_eval : number of evaluations used

  • nb_local_searches : number of local searches done

  • fL : objective function values of all local minima found

Examples of usage for global optimization

If f is a black box, dev_f is expected to be an empty array:

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@f, @c, @h,                 ...
[], @dev_h, n, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h)

If f is a white box, the user must indicate it through the input argument type_f as in the example below. By default, type_f='BB'. In this case, dev_f is expected to be a valid function that computes the derivatives of f.

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@f, @c, @h,                 ...
@dev_f, @dev_h, n, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h, 'type_f', 'WB')

If there are no black-box constraints but only white-box ones, an empty array must be used in the place of @c and nb_cons_c must equal 0:

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@f, [], @h,                 ...
@dev_f, @dev_h, n, 0, nb_cons_h, 'type_f', 'WB')

If there are no white-box constraints but only black-box ones, an empty array must be used in the place of @h and @dev_h; moreover, nb_cons_h must equal 0:

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@f, @c, [],                 ...
@dev_f, [], n, nb_cons_c, 0)

Setting the optional input maxeval to 400 and maxeval_ls to 90:

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@f, @c, @h,                 ...
@dev_f, @dev_h, x0, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h, 'maxeval', 400, 'maxeval_ls', 90)

Black-box test problems for global optimization

A collection of well-known test problems for constrained global optimization are included in this package. In the examples below, all the functions are black boxes. In order to run DEFT-FUNNEL on any of those problems, first type:

>> startup

within the testset directory.

Some of the test problems collected from the literature are the following:

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_hesse_obj,         ...
@problem_hesse_cons, [], [], [], 6, 5, 0,                                   ...
'lsbounds', [4 4 -Inf -Inf 2], 'usbounds', [Inf Inf 2 2 6],                 ...
'lxbounds', [0 0 1 0 1 0], 'uxbounds', [Inf Inf 5 6 5 10])

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_gomez_pb3_obj,     ...
@problem_gomez_pb3_cons, [], [], [], 2, 1, 0, 'lsbounds', -Inf,             ...
'usbounds', 0, 'lxbounds', [-1 -1], 'uxbounds', [1 1])

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_G3_obj,            ...
@problem_G3_cons, [], [], [], 2, 1, 0, 'lsbounds', 0, 'usbounds', 0,        ...
'lxbounds', [0 0], 'uxbounds', [1 1])

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_G6_obj,            ...
@problem_G6_cons, [], [], [], 2, 2, 0, 'lsbounds', [0 0], 'usbounds',       ...
[Inf Inf], 'lxbounds', [13 0], 'uxbounds', [100 100])

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_G8_obj,            ...
@problem_G8_cons, [], [], [], 2, 2, 0, 'lsbounds', [-Inf -Inf],             ...
'usbounds', [0 0], 'lxbounds', [0 0], 'uxbounds', [10 10])

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_G9_obj,            ...
@problem_G9_cons, [], [], [], 7, 4, 0, 'lsbounds', [-Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf],   ...
'usbounds', [0 0 0 0], 'lxbounds', -10*ones(1,7),                           ...
'uxbounds', 10*ones(1,7))

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_G11_obj,           ...
@problem_G11_cons, [], [], [], 2, 1, 0, 'lsbounds', 0, 'usbounds', 0,       ...
'lxbounds', -1*ones(1,2), 'uxbounds', ones(1,2))

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_WB4_obj,           ...
@problem_WB4_cons, [], [], [], 4, 6, 0, 'lsbounds',                         ...
[-Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf], 'usbounds', [0 0 0 0 0 0],                 ...
'lxbounds', [0.125 0.1 0.1 0.1], 'uxbounds', 10*ones(1,4))

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_PVD4_obj,          ...
@problem_PVD4_cons, [], [], [], 4, 3, 0, 'lsbounds', [-Inf -Inf -Inf],      ...
'usbounds', [0 0 0], 'lxbounds', [0 0 0 0], 'uxbounds', [1 1 50 240])

The collection of 23 BB test problems may be solved with multistart by typing

>> startup

within the testset directory and then

>> run_deft_funnel_multistart_all_bb_test_probs

A log file is then written for every test problem containing info about the resolution of the problem. All the BB test problems are found in the directory testset/blackbox. The startup function adds the folder of test problems to the path and run_deft_funnel_multistart_all_bb_test_probs calls DEFT-FUNNEL in multistart mode within a loop to solve those problems.

In order to solve a specific test problem with multistart, type

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = run_deft_funnel_multistart_single_bb_test_prob(nprob)

where nprob is a number from 1 to 23. An associated log file is then written.

Grey-box test problems for global optimization

The 5 grey-box test problems included here were constructed from the BB test problems either by making the objective function white box or by transforming some of the BB constraints into white boxes. They are found at the directory testset/greybox.

In order to run DEFT-FUNNEL on them, you must type

>> startup

within the testset directory.

Two of the 5 test problems available are:

  • Problem HS21 with the objective function as white box (see files problem_greybox_hs21_obj.m, problem_greybox_hs21_cons_c.m and problem_greybox_hs21_dev_f.m):
[best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,           ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_greybox_hs21_obj,  ...
@problem_greybox_hs21_cons_c, [], @problem_greybox_hs21_dev_f, [],          ...
2, 1, 0, 'lsbounds', 0, 'usbounds', Inf, 'lxbounds', [2 -50],               ...
'uxbounds', [50 50], 'type_f', 'WB')
  • Problem HS23 with the objective function and some of the constraints as white boxes (see files problem_greybox_hs23_obj.m, problem_greybox_hs23_cons_c.m, problem_greybox_hs23_cons_h.m, problem_greybox_hs23_dev_f.m and problem_greybox_hs23_dev_h.m):
[best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,           ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_greybox_hs23_obj,  ...
@problem_greybox_hs23_cons_c, @problem_greybox_hs23_cons_h,                 ...
@problem_greybox_hs23_dev_f, @problem_greybox_hs23_dev_h, 2, 2, 3,          ...
'lsbounds', [0 0 0 0 0], 'usbounds', [Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf],                 ...
'lxbounds', [-50 -50], 'uxbounds', [50 50], 'type_f', 'WB')

In order to solve a specific grey-box test problem with multistart, type

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = run_deft_funnel_multistart_single_gb_test_prob(nprob)

where nprob is a number from 24 to 28. An associated log file is then written.

Evaluation of objective and black-box constraints from a single black-box call

In this case, the first argument must contain the black-box function handle and the second argument must be the string 'combined' as in the examples below:

>> [x, fx, mu, indicators, evaluations, iterate, exit_algo] =               ...
deft_funnel(@blackbox, 'combined', @h, [], @dev_h, x0, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h)

>> [best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,        ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@blackbox, 'combined',      ...
@h, [], @dev_h, n, nb_cons_c, nb_cons_h)

The solver assumes that the first output of @blackbox contains the objective function evaluation while the remaining outputs are the BB constraint functions evaluations.

Two test problems of this type are provided in testset/blackbox. For solving them, see the examples below:

  • Problem G6 (see file problem_G6_combined.m):
[best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,            ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_G6_combined,        ...
'combined', [], [], [], 2, 2, 0, 'lsbounds', [0 0], 'usbounds', [Inf Inf],   ...
'lxbounds', [13 0], 'uxbounds', [100 100])
  • Problem G8 (see file problem_G8_combined.m):
[best_sol, best_feval, best_indicators, best_iterate, total_eval,            ...
nb_local_searches, fL] = deft_funnel_multistart(@problem_G8_combined,        ...
'combined', [], [], [], 2, 2, 0, 'lsbounds', [-Inf -Inf], 'usbounds', [0 0], ...
'lxbounds', [0 0], 'uxbounds', [10 10])

CONDITIONS OF USE: Use at your own risk! No guarantee of any kind given.

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