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Comments (3)

muemmel avatar muemmel commented on September 27, 2024
Hint: used config file '/home/pk/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.8/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file '/home/pk/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.8/config/config.nims' [Conf]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/system_logger.nim(26, 14) Hint: 'native_log' should be: 'nativeLog' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(194, 14) Hint: 'VERTEX_SHADER' should be: 'Vertex_Shader' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(195, 14) Hint: 'FRAGMENT_SHADER' should be: 'Fragment_Shader' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(196, 14) Hint: 'TEXTURE_2D' should be: 'Texture_2d' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(197, 14) Hint: 'CONSTANT_COLOR' should be: 'Constant_Color' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(198, 14) Hint: 'ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR' should be: 'One_Minus_Src_Color' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(199, 14) Hint: 'ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA' should be: 'One_Minus_Src_Alpha' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(200, 14) Hint: 'ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA' should be: 'One_Minus_Dst_Alpha' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(201, 14) Hint: 'SRC_ALPHA' should be: 'Src_Alpha' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(202, 14) Hint: 'DST_ALPHA' should be: 'Dst_Alpha' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(203, 14) Hint: 'DST_COLOR' should be: 'Dst_Color' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(204, 14) Hint: 'ONE' should be: 'one' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(205, 14) Hint: 'BLEND' should be: 'blend' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(206, 14) Hint: 'TRIANGLES' should be: 'triangles' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(207, 14) Hint: 'TRIANGLE_FAN' should be: 'Triangle_Fan' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(208, 14) Hint: 'TRIANGLE_STRIP' should be: 'Triangle_Strip' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(209, 14) Hint: 'LINES' should be: 'lines' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(210, 14) Hint: 'LINE_LOOP' should be: 'Line_Loop' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(211, 14) Hint: 'COLOR_BUFFER_BIT' should be: 'Color_Buffer_Bit' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(212, 14) Hint: 'STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT' should be: 'Stencil_Buffer_Bit' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(213, 14) Hint: 'DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT' should be: 'Depth_Buffer_Bit' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(214, 14) Hint: 'TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER' should be: 'Texture_Min_Filter' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(215, 14) Hint: 'TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER' should be: 'Texture_Mag_Filter' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(216, 14) Hint: 'TEXTURE_WRAP_S' should be: 'Texture_Wrap_S' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(217, 14) Hint: 'TEXTURE_WRAP_T' should be: 'Texture_Wrap_T' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(218, 14) Hint: 'LINEAR' should be: 'linear' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(219, 14) Hint: 'NEAREST' should be: 'nearest' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(220, 14) Hint: 'CLAMP_TO_EDGE' should be: 'Clamp_To_Edge' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(221, 14) Hint: 'LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST' should be: 'Linear_Mipmap_Nearest' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(222, 14) Hint: 'PACK_ALIGNMENT' should be: 'Pack_Alignment' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(223, 14) Hint: 'UNPACK_ALIGNMENT' should be: 'Unpack_Alignment' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(224, 14) Hint: 'FRAMEBUFFER' should be: 'framebuffer' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(225, 14) Hint: 'RENDERBUFFER' should be: 'renderbuffer' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(226, 14) Hint: 'ARRAY_BUFFER' should be: 'Array_Buffer' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(227, 14) Hint: 'ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER' should be: 'Element_Array_Buffer' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(228, 14) Hint: 'RED' should be: 'red' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(229, 14) Hint: 'R16F' should be: 'r16f' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(230, 14) Hint: 'R32F' should be: 'r32f' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(231, 14) Hint: 'RGBA' should be: 'rgba' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(232, 14) Hint: 'RGBA16F' should be: 'rgba16f' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(233, 14) Hint: 'ALPHA' should be: 'alpha' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(234, 14) Hint: 'LUMINANCE' should be: 'luminance' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(235, 14) Hint: 'UNSIGNED_BYTE' should be: 'Unsigned_Byte' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(236, 14) Hint: 'COLOR_ATTACHMENT0' should be: 'Color_Attachment0' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(237, 14) Hint: 'DEPTH_ATTACHMENT' should be: 'Depth_Attachment' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(238, 14) Hint: 'STENCIL_ATTACHMENT' should be: 'Stencil_Attachment' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(239, 14) Hint: 'DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT' should be: 'Depth_Stencil_Attachment' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(240, 14) Hint: 'DEPTH_COMPONENT16' should be: 'Depth_Component16' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(241, 14) Hint: 'STENCIL_INDEX8' should be: 'Stencil_Index8' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(242, 14) Hint: 'DEPTH_STENCIL' should be: 'Depth_Stencil' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(243, 14) Hint: 'DEPTH24_STENCIL8' should be: 'Depth24Stencil8' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(246, 14) Hint: 'STENCIL_TEST' should be: 'Stencil_Test' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(247, 14) Hint: 'DEPTH_TEST' should be: 'Depth_Test' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(248, 14) Hint: 'SCISSOR_TEST' should be: 'Scissor_Test' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(249, 14) Hint: 'MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE' should be: 'Max_Texture_Size' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(250, 14) Hint: 'BLEND_SRC_RGB' should be: 'Blend_Src_Rgb' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(251, 14) Hint: 'BLEND_SRC_ALPHA' should be: 'Blend_Src_Alpha' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(252, 14) Hint: 'BLEND_DST_RGB' should be: 'Blend_Dst_Rgb' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(253, 14) Hint: 'BLEND_DST_ALPHA' should be: 'Blend_Dst_Alpha' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(254, 14) Hint: 'NEVER' should be: 'never' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(255, 14) Hint: 'LESS' should be: 'less' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(256, 14) Hint: 'LEQUAL' should be: 'lequal' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(257, 14) Hint: 'GREATER' should be: 'greater' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(258, 14) Hint: 'GEQUAL' should be: 'gequal' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(259, 14) Hint: 'EQUAL' should be: 'equal' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(260, 14) Hint: 'NOTEQUAL' should be: 'notequal' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(261, 14) Hint: 'ALWAYS' should be: 'always' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(263, 14) Hint: 'KEEP' should be: 'keep' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(264, 14) Hint: 'ZERO' should be: 'zero' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(265, 14) Hint: 'REPLACE' should be: 'replace' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(266, 14) Hint: 'INCR' should be: 'incr' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(267, 14) Hint: 'INCR_WRAP' should be: 'Incr_Wrap' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(268, 14) Hint: 'DECR' should be: 'decr' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(269, 14) Hint: 'DECR_WRAP' should be: 'Decr_Wrap' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(270, 14) Hint: 'INVERT' should be: 'invert' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(272, 14) Hint: 'STREAM_DRAW' should be: 'Stream_Draw' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(273, 14) Hint: 'STREAM_READ' should be: 'Stream_Read' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(274, 14) Hint: 'STREAM_COPY' should be: 'Stream_Copy' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(275, 14) Hint: 'STATIC_DRAW' should be: 'Static_Draw' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(276, 14) Hint: 'STATIC_READ' should be: 'Static_Read' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(277, 14) Hint: 'STATIC_COPY' should be: 'Static_Copy' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(278, 14) Hint: 'DYNAMIC_DRAW' should be: 'Dynamic_Draw' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(279, 14) Hint: 'DYNAMIC_READ' should be: 'Dynamic_Read' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(280, 14) Hint: 'DYNAMIC_COPY' should be: 'Dynamic_Copy' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(282, 14) Hint: 'FLOAT' should be: 'float' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(283, 14) Hint: 'UNSIGNED_SHORT' should be: 'Unsigned_Short' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(285, 14) Hint: 'TEXTURE0' should be: 'texture0' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(287, 14) Hint: 'CULL_FACE' should be: 'Cull_Face' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(288, 14) Hint: 'FRONT' should be: 'front' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(289, 14) Hint: 'BACK' should be: 'back' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(290, 14) Hint: 'FRONT_AND_BACK' should be: 'Front_And_Back' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/portable_gl.nim(292, 14) Hint: 'BUFFER_SIZE' should be: 'Buffer_Size' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/load_image_impl.nim(7473, 58) Hint: 'req_comp' should be: 'reqComp' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/load_image_impl.nim(7474, 90) Hint: 'req_comp' should be: 'reqComp' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/load_image_impl.nim(7477, 54) Hint: 'req_comp' should be: 'reqComp' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/load_image_impl.nim(7477, 6) Hint: 'stbi_load' should be: 'stbiLoad' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/load_image_impl.nim(7480, 86) Hint: 'req_comp' should be: 'reqComp' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/load_image_impl.nim(7480, 6) Hint: 'stbi_load_from_memory' should be: 'stbiLoadFromMemory' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/load_image_impl.nim(7483, 6) Hint: 'stbi_image_free' should be: 'stbiImageFree' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/write_image_impl.nim(1545, 78) Hint: 'stride_in_bytes' should be: 'strideInBytes' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/write_image_impl.nim(1551, 74) Hint: 'stride_in_bytes' should be: 'strideInBytes' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/write_image_impl.nim(1551, 6) Hint: 'stbi_write_png' should be: 'stbiWritePng' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/write_image_impl.nim(1554, 6) Hint: 'stbi_write_bmp' should be: 'stbiWriteBmp' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/write_image_impl.nim(1557, 6) Hint: 'stbi_write_tga' should be: 'stbiWriteTga' [Name]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/write_image_impl.nim(1560, 6) Hint: 'stbi_write_hdr' should be: 'stbiWriteHdr' [Name]
/home/pk/.nimble/pkgs/async_http_request-0.1.4/async_http_request.nim(157, 34) template/generic instantiation of `request` from here
/home/pk/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.8/lib/pure/httpclient.nim(1086, 14) Warning: Deprecated since v1.5; use HttpMethod enum instead; string parameter httpMethod is deprecated [User]
/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(657, 24) Error: type mismatch: got <array[0..8, string], proc (url: string, handler: proc (i: Image){.closure, gcsafe.}){.locks: 0.}>
but expected one of:
proc registerAssetLoader(fileExtensions: openArray[string];
                         loader: UrlLoaderProc)
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type for loader: UrlLoaderProc
  but expression 'proc (url: string; handler: proc (i: Image) {.gcsafe.}) =
  var ctx: ImageLoadingCtx
  ctx.url = url
  ctx.completionCallback = handler
  let curWnd = glGetCurrentWindow()
  if isNil(threadCtx):
    let curCtx = glGetCurrentContext()
    threadCtx = glCreateContext(curWnd)
    discard glMakeCurrent(curWnd, curCtx)
  ctx.glCtx = threadCtx
    loc`gensym87 = (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671,
      column: 24)
    ploc`gensym87 = "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25)"
  bind instantiationInfo
  mixin failedAssertImpl
  {.line: (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671, column: 24).}:
    if not not isNil(ctx.glCtx):
      failedAssertImpl("/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25) `not ctx.glCtx.isNil` ")
  ctx.wnd = curWnd
  if isNil(loadingQueue):
    loadingQueue = newWorkerQueue(1)
  addTask(loadingQueue, loadResourceThreaded, cast[pointer](ctx))' is of type: proc (url: string, handler: proc (i: Image){.closure, gcsafe.}){.locks: 0.}
  Pragma mismatch: got '{..}', but expected '{.gcsafe.}'.
  This expression is not GC-safe. Annotate the proc with {.gcsafe.} to get extended error information.
proc registerAssetLoader(fileExtensions: openArray[string];
                         streamLoader: StreamLoaderProc)
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type for streamLoader: StreamLoaderProc
  but expression 'proc (url: string; handler: proc (i: Image) {.gcsafe.}) =
  var ctx: ImageLoadingCtx
  ctx.url = url
  ctx.completionCallback = handler
  let curWnd = glGetCurrentWindow()
  if isNil(threadCtx):
    let curCtx = glGetCurrentContext()
    threadCtx = glCreateContext(curWnd)
    discard glMakeCurrent(curWnd, curCtx)
  ctx.glCtx = threadCtx
    loc`gensym87 = (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671,
      column: 24)
    ploc`gensym87 = "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25)"
  bind instantiationInfo
  mixin failedAssertImpl
  {.line: (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671, column: 24).}:
    if not not isNil(ctx.glCtx):
      failedAssertImpl("/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25) `not ctx.glCtx.isNil` ")
  ctx.wnd = curWnd
  if isNil(loadingQueue):
    loadingQueue = newWorkerQueue(1)
  addTask(loadingQueue, loadResourceThreaded, cast[pointer](ctx))' is of type: proc (url: string, handler: proc (i: Image){.closure, gcsafe.}){.locks: 0.}
  Pragma mismatch: got '{..}', but expected '{.gcsafe.}'.
  This expression is not GC-safe. Annotate the proc with {.gcsafe.} to get extended error information.
proc registerAssetLoader(urlSchemes: openArray[string];
                         fileExtensions: openArray[string];
                         loader: UrlLoaderProc)
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type for fileExtensions: openArray[string]
  but expression 'proc (url: string; handler: proc (i: Image) {.gcsafe.}) =
  var ctx: ImageLoadingCtx
  ctx.url = url
  ctx.completionCallback = handler
  let curWnd = glGetCurrentWindow()
  if isNil(threadCtx):
    let curCtx = glGetCurrentContext()
    threadCtx = glCreateContext(curWnd)
    discard glMakeCurrent(curWnd, curCtx)
  ctx.glCtx = threadCtx
    loc`gensym87 = (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671,
      column: 24)
    ploc`gensym87 = "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25)"
  bind instantiationInfo
  mixin failedAssertImpl
  {.line: (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671, column: 24).}:
    if not not isNil(ctx.glCtx):
      failedAssertImpl("/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25) `not ctx.glCtx.isNil` ")
  ctx.wnd = curWnd
  if isNil(loadingQueue):
    loadingQueue = newWorkerQueue(1)
  addTask(loadingQueue, loadResourceThreaded, cast[pointer](ctx))' is of type: proc (url: string, handler: proc (i: Image){.closure, gcsafe.}){.locks: 0.}
proc registerAssetLoader[T](fileExtensions: openArray[string];
                            loader: SimpleUrlLoaderProc[T])
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type for loader: SimpleUrlLoaderProc[registerAssetLoader.T]
  but expression 'proc (url: string; handler: proc (i: Image) {.gcsafe.}) =
  var ctx: ImageLoadingCtx
  ctx.url = url
  ctx.completionCallback = handler
  let curWnd = glGetCurrentWindow()
  if isNil(threadCtx):
    let curCtx = glGetCurrentContext()
    threadCtx = glCreateContext(curWnd)
    discard glMakeCurrent(curWnd, curCtx)
  ctx.glCtx = threadCtx
    loc`gensym87 = (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671,
      column: 24)
    ploc`gensym87 = "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25)"
  bind instantiationInfo
  mixin failedAssertImpl
  {.line: (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671, column: 24).}:
    if not not isNil(ctx.glCtx):
      failedAssertImpl("/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25) `not ctx.glCtx.isNil` ")
  ctx.wnd = curWnd
  if isNil(loadingQueue):
    loadingQueue = newWorkerQueue(1)
  addTask(loadingQueue, loadResourceThreaded, cast[pointer](ctx))' is of type: proc (url: string, handler: proc (i: Image){.closure, gcsafe.}){.locks: 0.}
proc registerAssetLoader[T](fileExtensions: openArray[string];
                            streamLoader: SimpleStreamLoaderProc[T])
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type for streamLoader: SimpleStreamLoaderProc[registerAssetLoader.T]
  but expression 'proc (url: string; handler: proc (i: Image) {.gcsafe.}) =
  var ctx: ImageLoadingCtx
  ctx.url = url
  ctx.completionCallback = handler
  let curWnd = glGetCurrentWindow()
  if isNil(threadCtx):
    let curCtx = glGetCurrentContext()
    threadCtx = glCreateContext(curWnd)
    discard glMakeCurrent(curWnd, curCtx)
  ctx.glCtx = threadCtx
    loc`gensym87 = (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671,
      column: 24)
    ploc`gensym87 = "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25)"
  bind instantiationInfo
  mixin failedAssertImpl
  {.line: (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671, column: 24).}:
    if not not isNil(ctx.glCtx):
      failedAssertImpl("/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25) `not ctx.glCtx.isNil` ")
  ctx.wnd = curWnd
  if isNil(loadingQueue):
    loadingQueue = newWorkerQueue(1)
  addTask(loadingQueue, loadResourceThreaded, cast[pointer](ctx))' is of type: proc (url: string, handler: proc (i: Image){.closure, gcsafe.}){.locks: 0.}
proc registerAssetLoader[T](urlSchemes: openArray[string];
                            fileExtensions: openArray[string];
                            simpleLoader: SimpleUrlLoaderProc[T])
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type for fileExtensions: openArray[string]
  but expression 'proc (url: string; handler: proc (i: Image) {.gcsafe.}) =
  var ctx: ImageLoadingCtx
  ctx.url = url
  ctx.completionCallback = handler
  let curWnd = glGetCurrentWindow()
  if isNil(threadCtx):
    let curCtx = glGetCurrentContext()
    threadCtx = glCreateContext(curWnd)
    discard glMakeCurrent(curWnd, curCtx)
  ctx.glCtx = threadCtx
    loc`gensym87 = (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671,
      column: 24)
    ploc`gensym87 = "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25)"
  bind instantiationInfo
  mixin failedAssertImpl
  {.line: (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671, column: 24).}:
    if not not isNil(ctx.glCtx):
      failedAssertImpl("/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25) `not ctx.glCtx.isNil` ")
  ctx.wnd = curWnd
  if isNil(loadingQueue):
    loadingQueue = newWorkerQueue(1)
  addTask(loadingQueue, loadResourceThreaded, cast[pointer](ctx))' is of type: proc (url: string, handler: proc (i: Image){.closure, gcsafe.}){.locks: 0.}

expression: registerAssetLoader(["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "tif", "tiff", "tga", "pvr",
                     "webp"], proc (url: string;
                                    handler: proc (i: Image) {.gcsafe.}) =
  var ctx: ImageLoadingCtx
  ctx.url = url
  ctx.completionCallback = handler
  let curWnd = glGetCurrentWindow()
  if isNil(threadCtx):
    let curCtx = glGetCurrentContext()
    threadCtx = glCreateContext(curWnd)
    discard glMakeCurrent(curWnd, curCtx)
  ctx.glCtx = threadCtx
    loc`gensym87 = (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671,
      column: 24)
    ploc`gensym87 = "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25)"
  bind instantiationInfo
  mixin failedAssertImpl
  {.line: (filename: "/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim", line: 671, column: 24).}:
    if not not isNil(ctx.glCtx):
      failedAssertImpl("/home/pk/Git/nimx/nimx/image.nim(671, 25) `not ctx.glCtx.isNil` ")
  ctx.wnd = curWnd
  if isNil(loadingQueue):
    loadingQueue = newWorkerQueue(1)
  addTask(loadingQueue, loadResourceThreaded, cast[pointer](ctx)))

from nimx.

yglukhov avatar yglukhov commented on September 27, 2024

Thanks for the report, please update both nimx (5289150) and async_http_request (yglukhov/async_http_request@351e687) and try again

from nimx.

muemmel avatar muemmel commented on September 27, 2024

@yglukhov Thank you! That fixes the issue.

from nimx.

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