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Comments (6)

alecthomas avatar alecthomas commented on July 17, 2024

Actually, sorry, I think this is protoc generating this warning. Disregard!

from protobuf-swift.

alecthomas avatar alecthomas commented on July 17, 2024

Reopening because after I resolved the imports it did indeed fail (at compile time) with:


Unresolved identifier.

I'm not sure this is expected or not?

from protobuf-swift.

alexeyxo avatar alexeyxo commented on July 17, 2024

When google protoc compiler sees an unknown value, it stopped and part of the file is not generated - why this error occurs.

Give an example .proto file where it is repeated? The import file should be re-generated.

from protobuf-swift.

alecthomas avatar alecthomas commented on July 17, 2024

Taking the proto example from here:

package test;

import "";

message A {
  optional string Description = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
  optional int64 Number = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
  optional bytes Id = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];

Results in the following generated Swift code (no errors). Note the line GogoRoot.sharedInstance.registerAllExtensions(extensionRegistry).

// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!

import Foundation
import ProtocolBuffers

struct HelloRoot {
  static var sharedInstance : HelloRoot {
   struct Static {
       static let instance : HelloRoot = HelloRoot()
   return Static.instance
  var extensionRegistry:ExtensionRegistry

  init() {
    extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry()
  func registerAllExtensions(registry:ExtensionRegistry) {

func == (lhs: A, rhs: A) -> Bool {
  if (lhs === rhs) {
    return true
  var fieldCheck:Bool = (lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue)
  fieldCheck = fieldCheck && (lhs.hasDescription == rhs.hasDescription) && (!lhs.hasDescription || lhs.description == rhs.description)
  fieldCheck = fieldCheck && (lhs.hasNumber == rhs.hasNumber) && (!lhs.hasNumber || lhs.number == rhs.number)
  fieldCheck = fieldCheck && (lhs.hasId == rhs.hasId) && (!lhs.hasId || ==
  return (fieldCheck && (lhs.unknownFields == rhs.unknownFields))

final class A : GeneratedMessage {
  private(set) var hasDescription:Bool = false
  private(set) var description:String = ""

  private(set) var hasNumber:Bool = false
  private(set) var number:Int64 = Int64(0)

  private(set) var hasId:Bool = false
  private(set) var id:Array<Byte> = [Byte]()

  required internal init() {
  override internal func isInitialized() -> Bool {
   return true
  override internal func writeToCodedOutputStream(output:CodedOutputStream) {
    if hasDescription {
      output.writeString(1, value:description)
    if hasNumber {
      output.writeInt64(2, value:number)
    if hasId {
      output.writeData(3, value:id)
  override internal func serializedSize() -> Int32 {
    var size:Int32 = memoizedSerializedSize
    if size != -1 {
     return size

    size = 0
    if hasDescription {
      size += WireFormat.computeStringSize(1, value:description)
    if hasNumber {
      size += WireFormat.computeInt64Size(2, value:number)
    if hasId {
      size += WireFormat.computeDataSize(3, value:id)
    size += unknownFields.serializedSize()
    memoizedSerializedSize = size
    return size
  internal class func parseFromData(data:[Byte]) -> A {
    return A.builder().mergeFromData(data).build()
  internal class func parseFromData(data:[Byte], extensionRegistry:ExtensionRegistry) -> A {
    return A.builder().mergeFromData(data, extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry).build()
  internal class func parseFromInputStream(input:NSInputStream) -> A {
    return A.builder().mergeFromInputStream(input).build()
  internal class func parseFromInputStream(input:NSInputStream, extensionRegistry:ExtensionRegistry) ->A {
    return A.builder().mergeFromInputStream(input, extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry).build()
  internal class func parseFromCodedInputStream(input:CodedInputStream) -> A {
    return A.builder().mergeFromCodedInputStream(input).build()
  internal class func parseFromCodedInputStream(input:CodedInputStream, extensionRegistry:ExtensionRegistry) -> A {
    return A.builder().mergeFromCodedInputStream(input, extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry).build()
  internal class func builder() -> ABuilder {
    return A.classBuilder() as ABuilder
  internal func builder() -> ABuilder {
    return classBuilder() as ABuilder
  internal override class func classBuilder() -> MessageBuilder {
    return ABuilder()
  internal override func classBuilder() -> MessageBuilder {
    return A.builder()
  internal func toBuilder() -> ABuilder {
    return A.builderWithPrototype(self)
  internal class func builderWithPrototype(prototype:A) -> ABuilder {
    return A.builder().mergeFrom(prototype)
  override internal func writeDescriptionTo(inout output:String, indent:String) {
    if hasDescription {
      output += "\(indent) description: \(description) \n"
    if hasNumber {
      output += "\(indent) number: \(number) \n"
    if hasId {
      output += "\(indent) id: \(id) \n"
    unknownFields.writeDescriptionTo(&output, indent:indent)
  override internal var hashValue:Int {
      get {
          var hashCode:Int = 7
          if hasDescription {
             hashCode = (hashCode &* 31) &+ description.hashValue
          if hasNumber {
             hashCode = (hashCode &* 31) &+ number.hashValue
          if hasId {
             for value in id {
                 hashCode = (hashCode &* 31) &+ value.hashValue
          hashCode = (hashCode &* 31) &+  unknownFields.hashValue
          return hashCode

  //Meta information declaration start

  override internal class func className() -> String {
      return "A"
  override internal func className() -> String {
      return "A"
  override internal func classMetaType() -> GeneratedMessage.Type {
      return A.self

  //Meta information declaration end


final class ABuilder : GeneratedMessageBuilder {
  private var builderResult:A

  required override internal init () {
     builderResult = A()
  var hasDescription:Bool {
       get {
            return builderResult.hasDescription
  var description:String {
       get {
            return builderResult.description
       set (value) {
           builderResult.hasDescription = true
           builderResult.description = value
  func clearDescription() -> ABuilder{
       builderResult.hasDescription = false
       builderResult.description = ""
       return self
  var hasNumber:Bool {
       get {
            return builderResult.hasNumber
  var number:Int64 {
       get {
            return builderResult.number
       set (value) {
           builderResult.hasNumber = true
           builderResult.number = value
  func clearNumber() -> ABuilder{
       builderResult.hasNumber = false
       builderResult.number = Int64(0)
       return self
  var hasId:Bool {
       get {
            return builderResult.hasId
  var id:Array<Byte> {
       get {
       set (value) {
           builderResult.hasId = true
  = value
  func clearId() -> ABuilder{
       builderResult.hasId = false = [Byte]()
       return self
  override internal var internalGetResult:GeneratedMessage {
       get {
          return builderResult
  internal override func clear() -> ABuilder {
    builderResult = A()
    return self
  internal override func clone() -> ABuilder {
    return A.builderWithPrototype(builderResult)
  internal override func build() -> A {
       return buildPartial()
  internal func buildPartial() -> A {
    var returnMe:A = builderResult
    return returnMe
  func mergeFrom(other:A) -> ABuilder {
    if (other == A()) {
     return self
    if other.hasDescription {
         description = other.description
    if other.hasNumber {
         number = other.number
    if other.hasId {
         id =
    return self
  internal override func mergeFromCodedInputStream(input:CodedInputStream) ->ABuilder {
       return mergeFromCodedInputStream(input, extensionRegistry:ExtensionRegistry())
  internal override func mergeFromCodedInputStream(input:CodedInputStream, extensionRegistry:ExtensionRegistry) -> ABuilder {
    var unknownFieldsBuilder:UnknownFieldSetBuilder = UnknownFieldSet.builderWithUnknownFields(self.unknownFields)
    while (true) {
      var tag = input.readTag()
      switch tag {
      case 0: 
        self.unknownFields =
        return self

      case 10 :
        description = input.readString()

      case 16 :
        number = input.readInt64()

      case 26 :
        id = input.readData()

        if (!parseUnknownField(input,unknownFields:unknownFieldsBuilder, extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry, tag:tag)) {
           unknownFields =
           return self

//Class extensions: NSData

internal extension A {
    class func parseFromNSData(data:NSData) -> A {
        var bytes = [Byte](count: data.length, repeatedValue: 0)
        return A.builder().mergeFromData(bytes).build()
    class func parseFromNSData(data:NSData, extensionRegistry:ExtensionRegistry) -> A {
        var bytes = [Byte](count: data.length, repeatedValue: 0)
        return A.builder().mergeFromData(bytes, extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry).build()

// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)

from protobuf-swift.

alexeyxo avatar alexeyxo commented on July 17, 2024

Now everything is clear. You need to compile the file «» and add it to xcode project. This file describes extensions. All imported files must be compiled and added to the project.
In gogoproto folder I compiled file example.proto, gogo.proto, descriptor.proto. I put them in one folder.
All compiled.
Read about the "import" at documentation:


package test;

import "gogo.proto";

option (gogoproto.gostring_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.equal_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.verbose_equal_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer_all) = false;
option (gogoproto.stringer_all) =  true;
option (gogoproto.populate_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.testgen_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.benchgen_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;

message A {
    option (gogoproto.face) = true;
    option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;
    optional string Description = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    optional int64 Number = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    optional bytes Id = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];

message B {
    option (gogoproto.description) = true;
    optional A A = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.embed) = true];
    repeated bytes G = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];

message C {
    optional int64 size = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "MySize"];

message U {
    option (gogoproto.onlyone) = true;
    optional A A = 1;
    optional B B = 2;

message E {
    option (gogoproto.goproto_extensions_map) = false;
    extensions 1 to max;


package gogoproto;

import "descriptor.proto";

extend google.protobuf.EnumOptions {
    optional bool goproto_enum_prefix = 62001;
    optional bool goproto_enum_stringer = 62021;
    optional bool enum_stringer = 62022;

extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
    optional bool goproto_getters_all = 63001;
    optional bool goproto_enum_prefix_all = 63002;
    optional bool goproto_stringer_all = 63003;
    optional bool verbose_equal_all = 63004;
    optional bool face_all = 63005;
    optional bool gostring_all = 63006;
    optional bool populate_all = 63007;
    optional bool stringer_all = 63008;
    optional bool onlyone_all = 63009;

    optional bool equal_all = 63013;
    optional bool description_all = 63014;
    optional bool testgen_all = 63015;
    optional bool benchgen_all = 63016;
    optional bool marshaler_all = 63017;
    optional bool unmarshaler_all = 63018;
    optional bool bufferto_all = 63019;
    optional bool sizer_all = 63020;

    optional bool goproto_enum_stringer_all = 63021;
    optional bool enum_stringer_all = 63022;

    optional bool unsafe_marshaler_all = 63023;
    optional bool unsafe_unmarshaler_all = 63024;

    optional bool goproto_extensions_map_all = 63025;

extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
    optional bool goproto_getters = 64001;
    optional bool goproto_stringer = 64003;
    optional bool verbose_equal = 64004;
    optional bool face = 64005;
    optional bool gostring = 64006;
    optional bool populate = 64007;
    optional bool stringer = 67008;
    optional bool onlyone = 64009;

    optional bool equal = 64013;
    optional bool description = 64014;
    optional bool testgen = 64015;
    optional bool benchgen = 64016;
    optional bool marshaler = 64017;
    optional bool unmarshaler = 64018;
    optional bool bufferto = 64019;
    optional bool sizer = 64020;

    optional bool unsafe_marshaler = 64023;
    optional bool unsafe_unmarshaler = 64024;

    optional bool goproto_extensions_map = 64025;

extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
  optional bool nullable = 65001;
  optional bool embed = 65002;
  optional string customtype = 65003;
  optional string customname = 65004;
  optional string jsontag = 65005;
  optional string moretags = 65006;

and descriptor.proto

from protobuf-swift.

alecthomas avatar alecthomas commented on July 17, 2024

Aaah, I didn't realise I had to individually compile imports. Thanks for the help!

from protobuf-swift.

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