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Comments (23)

SylvianHemus avatar SylvianHemus commented on June 14, 2024 3

Just wanted to thank all contributors for posting updates

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024 2

Interesting – this appears to be an active branch of Arcadia ahead of the main branch, and one of the main devs (@timsgardner) actually contributed to it as recent as last November. Does this branch have the same issues as the main one?

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024 1

That's strange. I've heard from @ekhart that Arcadia no longer works for him. Perhaps he can give us some more info.

from arcadia.

darthdeus avatar darthdeus commented on June 14, 2024 1

Okay so I tried it, I ran into one error after adding Arcadia in Unity 2022.1.17f1 (just downloaded the latest release zip and copy pasted into assets). The error was

PrecompiledAssemblyException: Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name Ionic.Zip.dll included on the current platform. Only one assembly with the same name is allowed per platform.

I clicked on the Ionic.Zip.dll in the arcadia folder, disabled it, and the error went away and it seems to start nREPL that I can connect to from emacs? I'm not entirely sure if it's working because I kinda ran out of time and needed to do different things for a few days, but I wonder if this is the error others ran into, or if there are other problems?

from arcadia.

darthdeus avatar darthdeus commented on June 14, 2024 1

A little update, after a little bit of fiddling I got it to somewhat work, basically just ran this

user> (use 'arcadia.core)
user> (import '[UnityEngine GameObject Time Mathf Transform Vector3])
user> (set! (.. (object-named "Player") transform position) (Vector3.))

and saw the player move. All it took was disabling the Ionic.Zip, which I configured like this for Arcadia to compile

Seems there's a lot of errors from fiddling with the REPL though


Here's the two stacktraces for anyone who wants to look into things

TypeNotFoundException: Unable to find type: clojure.stacktrace
clojure.lang.RT.classForNameE (System.String p) (at <fb1204dbf0b848beaab1559f81f1b22c>:0)
clojure.lang.CljCompiler.Ast.HostExpr.MaybeType (System.Object form, System.Boolean stringOk) (at <fb1204dbf0b848beaab1559f81f1b22c>:0)
clojure.lang.Compiler.MacroexpandSeq1 (clojure.lang.ISeq form) (at <fb1204dbf0b848beaab1559f81f1b22c>:0)
clojure.lang.Compiler.macroexpand1 (System.Object form) (at <fb1204dbf0b848beaab1559f81f1b22c>:0)
clojure.lang.Compiler.Macroexpand (System.Object form) (at <fb1204dbf0b848beaab1559f81f1b22c>:0)
clojure.lang.Compiler.eval (System.Object form) (at <fb1204dbf0b848beaab1559f81f1b22c>:0)
clojure$core$eval__3112.invokeStatic (System.Object ) (at <f25e268922394fd0aa90bd66a9e9327d>:0)
clojure$core$eval__3112.invoke (System.Object ) (at <f25e268922394fd0aa90bd66a9e9327d>:0)
clojure.lang.Var.invoke (System.Object arg1) (at <fb1204dbf0b848beaab1559f81f1b22c>:0)
Arcadia.NRepl+EvalFn.invoke () (at Assets/Plugins/Arcadia/Editor/NRepl.cs:299)
arcadia$internal$callbacks$run_callbacks__28828.invokeStatic (System.Object , System.Object ) (at <f25e268922394fd0aa90bd66a9e9327d>:0)
arcadia$internal$callbacks$run_callbacks__28828.invoke (System.Object , System.Object ) (at <f25e268922394fd0aa90bd66a9e9327d>:0)
arcadia$internal$editor_callbacks$run_callbacks__28922.invokeStatic () (at <f25e268922394fd0aa90bd66a9e9327d>:0)
arcadia$internal$editor_callbacks$run_callbacks__28922.invoke () (at <f25e268922394fd0aa90bd66a9e9327d>:0)
clojure.lang.Var.invoke () (at <fb1204dbf0b848beaab1559f81f1b22c>:0)
Arcadia.EditorCallbacks.RunCallbacks () (at Assets/Plugins/Arcadia/Editor/EditorCallbacks.cs:24)

and second one

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Arcadia.NRepl.HandleMessage (BencodeNET.Objects.BDictionary message, System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client) (at Assets/Plugins/Arcadia/Editor/NRepl.cs:471)
Arcadia.NRepl+<>c__DisplayClass36_0.<StartServer>b__1 () (at Assets/Plugins/Arcadia/Editor/NRepl.cs:580)
Arcadia.<>c__DisplayClass36_0:<StartServer>b__1() (at Assets/Plugins/Arcadia/Editor/NRepl.cs:584)

In either case, I'm a little scared to proceed, so I'll just put my Arcadia exploration on hold until/if the situation stabilizes a bit :) I'm currently a little scared to play with it more since this is a non-trivially sized game that'll be released in a few months at most.

from arcadia.

benjamin-asdf avatar benjamin-asdf commented on June 14, 2024 1
Arcadia.NRepl.HandleMessage (BencodeNET.Objects.BDictionary message, System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client) (at Assets/Arcadia/Editor/NRepl.cs:398)
Arcadia.NRepl+<>c__DisplayClass36_0.<StartServer>b__1 () (at Assets/Arcadia/Editor/NRepl.cs:580)
Arcadia.<>c__DisplayClass36_0:<StartServer>b__1() (at Assets/Arcadia/Editor/NRepl.cs:584)

This is when cider asks for eldoc or info. I have fixed and improved this #389

  • TypeNotFoundException: Unable to find type: clojure.stacktrace

This is because cider tries to pretty print a stacktrace but resolving clojure.stacktrace/print-cause-trace throws an error at that point.

(defun cider-default-err-eval-handler ()
  "Display the last exception without middleware support."
    "(clojure.stacktrace/print-cause-trace *e)")))

This should be somewhat fixed with a recent version of cider because it has a check:

 (defun cider-default-err-handler ()
  "This function determines how the error buffer is shown.
It delegates the actual error content to the eval or op handler."
  (cond ((cider-nrepl-op-supported-p "analyze-last-stacktrace")
        ((cider-library-present-p "clojure.stacktrace")
        (t (cider-default-err-eval-print-handler)))) 
    With a recent cider, you will get error overlays by default because it detects no stacktrace support. 
    This currently brings another rought edge with Arcadia nrepl, because it outputs an empty string to stdout for eval. 

A current workaround would be to redefine cider-interactive-eval-handler like so:

(defun cider-interactive-eval-handler (&optional buffer place)
  "Make an interactive eval handler for BUFFER.
PLACE is used to display the evaluation result.
If non-nil, it can be the position where the evaluated sexp ends,
or it can be a list with (START END) of the evaluated region.
Update the cider-inspector buffer with the evaluation result
when `cider-auto-inspect-after-eval' is non-nil."

  (let* ((eval-buffer (current-buffer))
         (beg (car-safe place))
         (end (or (car-safe (cdr-safe place)) place))
         (beg (when beg (copy-marker beg)))
         (end (when end (copy-marker end)))
         (fringed nil)
         (res ""))
    (nrepl-make-response-handler (or buffer eval-buffer)
                                 (lambda (_buffer value)
                                   (setq res (concat res value))
                                   (cider--display-interactive-eval-result res end))
                                 (lambda (_buffer out)
                                   (cider-emit-interactive-eval-output out))
                                 (lambda (_buffer err)
                                   (cider-emit-interactive-eval-err-output err)

                                   (when (not (string-empty-p err))
                                     (when (or (not cider-show-error-buffer)
                                               (not (cider-connection-has-capability-p 'jvm-compilation-errors)))

                                       ;; Display errors as temporary overlays
                                       (let ((cider-result-use-clojure-font-lock nil))
                                          err end 'cider-error-overlay-face))))
                                   (cider-handle-compilation-errors err eval-buffer))
                                 (lambda (buffer)
                                   (if beg
                                       (unless fringed
                                         (cider--make-fringe-overlays-for-region beg end)
                                         (setq fringed t))
                                     (cider--make-fringe-overlay end))
                                   (when (and cider-auto-inspect-after-eval
                                              (boundp 'cider-inspector-buffer)
                                              (windowp (get-buffer-window cider-inspector-buffer 'visible)))
                                     (select-window (get-buffer-window buffer)))
                                   (when cider-eval-register
                                     (set-register cider-eval-register res))))))


from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024 1

Oh, wait. I just saw your edit.

Yeah, I figured that "log" is a real function, and that it doesn't work. I'm in my exam period right now, so my schedule is a bit crammed; but as soon as I find a bit of free time I'll take a look at my install of Arcadia to see what's wrong. What do you suggest I do?

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024

It seems to have been abandoned by the developers, although it still works as it should on Unity 2021.3 LTS (not on 2022.1 though). Some people in the community have considered forking it for continued maintenance, but nothing has come of it so far. I do not have the experience to do that at the moment and others seem not to have the time.

For now, Arcadia is largely abandonware, but I hope that this will change in the future. If I ever get to a point where I have both the skill and the time to fork/maintain it, I will, but for now I can't do much.

from arcadia.

darthdeus avatar darthdeus commented on June 14, 2024

Any idea how difficult it would be to make it work on 2022.1, or what are the reasons for it not working there? I'm relatively new to Clojure but know a bit about Unity, so I'm curious what change Unity introduced that caused Arcadia to break.

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024

I don't know the details. All I can tell you is that Arcadia is now prevented from running play mode. I wish I could help you more.

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024

@darthdeus I have asked around in the Arcadia chatroom over at Gitter for you. I highly recommend joining it if you are interested in Arcadia, even if the group isn't super active. It'll make coordination a bit easier :)

from arcadia.

kamisori avatar kamisori commented on June 14, 2024

i mean, have you seen what tims is working on now? live edit games as they run

from arcadia.

Folcon avatar Folcon commented on June 14, 2024

@darthdeus so I had a project working with unity 2021.2.1f1, not seen any issues.

Just tried it with 2022.1.20f1 with the instructions here.

It seems to load and work fine?


What problems are you seeing?

I'm not an arcadia core dev, but I have been keeping an eye on the project =)...

from arcadia.

Folcon avatar Folcon commented on June 14, 2024

Hi @darthdeus, possible? I think I've seen that error before.

The reason I pointed specifically to the instructions I used previously is that I know they produce a working output on my side. It would be good to shake out any issues with the process and fix them.

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024

My pleasure! =)

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024

Interesting – this appears to be an active branch of Arcadia ahead of the main branch, and one of the main devs (@timsgardner) actually contributed to it as recent as last November. Does this branch have the same issues as the main one?

Has anyone tried out this branch, out of curiosity?

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024

I tried using Arcadia myself. It is currently completely unusable for me in every possible way.

I can't attach Arcadia scripts to components with Arcadia Behaviours (it just says "No functions"), and I can't use the REPL either, because anything I do nets me an error:


At this point, I am very close to giving up completely. Arcadia no longer works and no one seems to have both the time and the interest to maintain the repository. It's really just sad, since using Clojure in Unity is so much cooler than C#. :(

from arcadia.

kamisori avatar kamisori commented on June 14, 2024

as i also said on gitter: the REPL works fine, there is no function "log", but you can try println.

though more as a joke, admittedly. you get something out of that (use 'arcadia.core), and the REPL does what its supposed to... idk whats wrong on your machine but to be sure im not making a fool out of myself, (i was pretty certain arcadia would still work) so just downloaded their hubby app, installed unity, checked out arcadia, started sublimetext, updated my nrepl checkout, badda boom badda bam, im an idiot, log is there, something is wrong on your machine but arcadia aint it checked out from 9fbc2fd.

so, what exactly are talking about? i'll try out some of my old projects in the mean time

the long startup times of this is not worth figuring out how i figured my toy projects should work... i dont know what is wrong with arcadia, but yeah unity version and arcadia commit. is neccessary to have a coherent discussion: up there i see now i had tried 9fbc2fd with 2020.1.11f1 which isnt as ancient as with the projects running in a 2019.3.5f1.. but still seem to compile and start up fine with 9fbc i will try current LTS 2021.3.24f1 next and try to come up with some sort of example project i could leave here. it's been a while.

from arcadia.

TheWitheredStriker avatar TheWitheredStriker commented on June 14, 2024

as i also said on gitter: the REPL works fine, there is no function "log", but you can try println

Also as said on Gitter :P

Strange, I could've sworn I saw people use a function "log" before. Thanks for the reply! I'll give Arcadia another go soon.

from arcadia.

kamisori avatar kamisori commented on June 14, 2024

o hi

i would check your unity version, arcadia commit and repl client. most likely is the repl client though

from arcadia.

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