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Comments (9)

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

Can you set the environment variable: RUST_LOG=trace
and show me the log?

from martypc.

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024

How do I set that variable?

from martypc.

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

in windows, open a command prompt and CD to where MartyPC is installed. Type

set RUST_LOG=trace

from martypc.

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3155]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

d:\emulators\martypc>set RUST_LOG=trace

[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::config] toml_config: ConfigFileParams { emulator: Emulator { basedir: "./", auto_poweron: true, cpu_autostart: true, headless: false, fuzzer: false, warpspeed: true, correct_aspect: true, debug_mode: false, debug_warn: true, no_bios: false, run_bin: None, run_bin_seg: None, run_bin_ofs: None, trace_on: false, trace_mode: Cycle, trace_file: None, video_trace_file: None, video_frame_debug: false, pit_output_file: None, pit_output_int_trigger: true }, gui: Gui { gui_disabled: false, theme_color: Some(3681625) }, input: Input { reverse_mouse_buttons: false }, machine: Machine { model: IBM_XT_5160, rom_override: None, raw_rom: false, turbo: false, video: CGA, composite: false, hdc: None, drive0: None, drive1: None, floppy0: None, floppy1: None }, cpu: Cpu { wait_states_enabled: true, off_rails_detection: false, instruction_history: false }, validator: Validator { vtype: Some(Arduino8088), trigger_address: Some(1048560), trace_file: Some("./traces/validator_trace.log") } }
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Found BIOS file for machine IBM_XT_5160: "./roms\GLABIOS_0.2.5_8XC.ROM" MD5: f36c2dd29344eff6f55135f8b3014b81
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Found complete rom set, priority 2
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Highest priority BASIC: 0
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Loaded 0 checkpoints for active ROM set.
Using ROM: ./roms\GLABIOS_0.2.5_8XC.ROM
Loaded 1 roms in romset.
Found floppy image: "./floppy\8088MPH (Final Version).img" size: 737280
Found floppy image: "./floppy\Area 5150 (Compo Version).img" size: 737280
Found floppy image: "./floppy\cgacomp.img" size: 737280
Found floppy image: "./floppy\FreeDOS 1.3 Disk 1 (Boot me).img" size: 368640
Found floppy image: "./floppy\FreeDOS 1.3 Disk 2.img" size: 368640
Found floppy image: "./floppy\Marty Utilities.img" size: 368640
Found floppy image: "./floppy\Ratillery (CGA).img" size: 368640
Found floppy image: "./floppy\Stellar Roads (CGA).img" size: 368640
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Found serial port: SerialPortInfo { port_name: "COM1", port_type: Unknown }
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Found serial port: SerialPortInfo { port_name: "COM2", port_type: Unknown }
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z INFO wgpu_hal::vulkan::instance] Instance version: 0x4030f1
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z INFO wgpu_hal::vulkan::instance] Enabling device properties2
[2023-07-08T16:52:29Z INFO wgpu_hal::gles::egl] Unable to open libEGL: Library(LoadLibraryExW { source: Os { code: 127, kind: Uncategorized, message: "The specified procedure could not be found." } })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::instance] Adapter Dx12 AdapterInfo { name: "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600", vendor: 32902, device: 1042, device_type: IntegratedGpu, driver: "", driver_info: "", backend: Dx12 }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953eb6abb0: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953eb6abb0: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created texture Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) with TextureDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_source_texture"), size: Extent3d { width: 640, height: 480, depth_or_array_layers: 1 }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: D2, format: Rgba8UnormSrgb, usage: TextureUsages(COPY_DST | TEXTURE_BINDING), view_formats: [] }[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 0: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (0, 1, Dx12) filters usages to TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = LocalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [3], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = AccessIndex { base: [2], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Compose { ty: [1], components: [[4], [5]] } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Compose { ty: [1], components: [[7], [8]] } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Math { fun: Fma, arg: [1], arg1: Some([6]), arg2: Some([9]), arg3: None } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = AccessIndex { base: [2], index: 1 } : Value(Pointer { base: [2], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [5], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_locals"), space: Uniform, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 2 }), ty: [5], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_color"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 0 }), ty: [6], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_sampler"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 1 }), ty: [7], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("out"), ty: [3], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_vertex_buffer"), size: 24, usage: BufferUsages(VERTEX), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 0: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (0, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295414c1bd0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295414c0d20: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((1, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_matrix_uniform_buffer"), size: 64, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | UNIFORM), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 1: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (1, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295414c2e50: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295414c2970: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((0, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Creating Root Signature 'pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline_layout'
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[0] = views (vis = ShaderStages(VERTEX | FRAGMENT), count = 2)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[1] = samplers (vis = ShaderStages(FRAGMENT), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[2] = special
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] [
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 0,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 2,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 5,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 3,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Constants {
binding: Binding {
space: 0,
register: 1,
num: 3,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Bindings {
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 0,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 1,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 2,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] raw = WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295414d1040 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "vs_main" at Vertex:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    row_major float4x4 transform;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 position : LOC0)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = mad(position, float2(0.5, -0.5), float2(0.5, 0.5));
    float4x4 _expr13 = r_locals.transform;
    out_.position = mul(float4(position, 0.0, 1.0), _expr13);
    VertexOutput _expr18 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr18;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
    float2 tex_coord = fragmentinput_fs_main.tex_coord_2;
    float4 _expr3 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, tex_coord);
    return _expr3;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "fs_main" at Fragment:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    row_major float4x4 transform;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 position : LOC0)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = mad(position, float2(0.5, -0.5), float2(0.5, 0.5));
    float4x4 _expr13 = r_locals.transform;
    out_.position = mul(float4(position, 0.0, 1.0), _expr13);
    VertexOutput _expr18 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr18;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
    float2 tex_coord = fragmentinput_fs_main.tex_coord_2;
    float4 _expr3 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, tex_coord);
    return _expr3;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created render pipeline Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) with RenderPipelineDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline"), layout: Some((0, 1, Dx12)), vertex: VertexState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 1, Dx12), entry_point: "vs_main" }, buffers: [VertexBufferLayout { array_stride: 8, step_mode: Vertex, attributes: [VertexAttribute { format: Float32x2, offset: 0, shader_location: 0 }] }] }, primitive: PrimitiveState { topology: TriangleList, strip_index_format: None, front_face: Ccw, cull_mode: None, unclipped_depth: false, polygon_mode: Fill, conservative: false }, depth_stencil: None, multisample: MultisampleState { count: 1, mask: 18446744073709551615, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false }, fragment: Some(FragmentState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 1, Dx12), entry_point: "fs_main" }, targets: [Some(ColorTargetState { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, blend: Some(BlendState { color: BlendComponent { src_factor: SrcAlpha, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add }, alpha: BlendComponent { src_factor: One, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add } }), write_mask: ColorWrites(RED | GREEN | BLUE | ALPHA) })] }), multiview: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] pipeline layout (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] bind group layout (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] sampler (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] shader module (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture view (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 640, height: 530, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG egui_winit::clipboard] Initializing arboard clipboard…
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [2] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Binary { op: Less, left: [1], right: [3] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Bool, width: 1 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [5] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [1], right: [6] } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Constant([3]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [8] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Binary { op: Add, left: [1], right: [9] } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Constant([4]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [11] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [10], right: [12] } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = Constant([5]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Constant([6]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [2] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Binary { op: Less, left: [1], right: [3] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Bool, width: 1 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [5] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [1], right: [6] } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Constant([4]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [8] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Constant([7]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Constant([5]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [10], right: [11] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [12] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = Math { fun: Pow, arg: [1], arg1: Some([13]), arg2: None, arg3: None } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [15] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [9], right: [14] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [16] = Constant([3]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [17] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [16] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Swizzle { size: Tri, vector: [1], pattern: [X, Y, Z, X] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = CallResult([2]) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 3 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Constant([8]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = Binary { op: And, left: [1], right: [2] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = As { expr: [3], kind: Float, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([9]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Binary { op: ShiftRight, left: [1], right: [5] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Constant([8]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Binary { op: And, left: [6], right: [7] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = As { expr: [8], kind: Float, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Constant([10]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Binary { op: ShiftRight, left: [1], right: [10] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = Constant([8]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Binary { op: And, left: [11], right: [12] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = As { expr: [13], kind: Float, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [15] = Constant([11]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [16] = Binary { op: ShiftRight, left: [1], right: [15] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [17] = Constant([8]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [18] = Binary { op: And, left: [16], right: [17] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [19] = As { expr: [18], kind: Float, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [20] = Compose { ty: [2], components: [[4], [9], [14], [19]] } : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [21] = Constant([12]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Constant([13]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 0 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [2], right: [3] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [5], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = AccessIndex { base: [5], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = AccessIndex { base: [6], index: 0 } : Value(ValuePointer { size: None, kind: Float, width: 4, space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Load { pointer: [7] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [4], right: [8] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Constant([7]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Binary { op: Subtract, left: [9], right: [10] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = Constant([7]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Constant([13]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 1 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [15] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [13], right: [14] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [16] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [5], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [17] = AccessIndex { base: [16], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [18] = AccessIndex { base: [17], index: 1 } : Value(ValuePointer { size: None, kind: Float, width: 4, space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [19] = Load { pointer: [18] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [20] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [15], right: [19] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = FunctionArgument(1) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = FunctionArgument(2) : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = LocalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [3], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([3])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([9])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([10])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 0 } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = ImageSample { image: [2], sampler: [3], gather: None, coordinate: [4], array_index: None, offset: None, level: Auto, depth_ref: None } : Value(Vector { size: Quad, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = CallResult([3]) : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 1 } : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [7], right: [6] } : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Swizzle { size: Tri, vector: [8], pattern: [X, Y, Z, X] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = CallResult([1]) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = AccessIndex { base: [8], index: 3 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([3])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([9])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([10])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_locals"), space: Uniform, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 0 }), ty: [5], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_color"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 1, binding: 0 }), ty: [9], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_sampler"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 1, binding: 1 }), ty: [10], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("out"), ty: [3], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((2, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("egui_uniform_buffer"), size: 16, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | UNIFORM), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (2, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415e4c60: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415e2c70: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((1, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Creating Root Signature 'egui_pipeline_layout'
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[0] = views (vis = ShaderStages(VERTEX), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[1] = views (vis = ShaderStages(FRAGMENT), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[2] = samplers (vis = ShaderStages(FRAGMENT), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[3] = special
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] [
RootParameter {
visibility: 1,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 2,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 5,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 0,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 5,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 3,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Constants {
binding: Binding {
space: 0,
register: 1,
num: 3,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Bindings {
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 0,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 1,
binding: 0,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 1,
binding: 1,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] raw = WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295415eee80 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z WARN egui_wgpu::renderer] Detected a linear (sRGBA aware) framebuffer Bgra8UnormSrgb. egui prefers Rgba8Unorm or Bgra8Unorm
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "vs_main" at Vertex:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 color : LOC1;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    float2 screen_size;
    uint2 _padding;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 color_1 : LOC1;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 color_2 : LOC1;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;
    float4 color_3 : LOC1;
    float4 position_2 : SV_Position;

float3 linear_from_gamma_rgb(float3 srgb)
    bool3 cutoff = (srgb < (0.040449999272823334).xxx);
    float3 lower = (srgb / (12.920000076293945).xxx);
    float3 higher = pow(((srgb + (0.054999999701976776).xxx) / (1.0549999475479126).xxx), (2.4000000953674316).xxx);        return (cutoff ? lower : higher);

float3 gamma_from_linear_rgb(float3 rgb)
    bool3 cutoff_1 = (rgb < (0.0031308000907301903).xxx);
    float3 lower_1 = (rgb * (12.920000076293945).xxx);
    float3 higher_1 = (((1.0549999475479126).xxx * pow(rgb, ((1.0 / 2.4000000953674316)).xxx)) - (0.054999999701976776).xxx);
    return (cutoff_1 ? lower_1 : higher_1);

float4 gamma_from_linear_rgba(float4 linear_rgba)
    const float3 _e2 = gamma_from_linear_rgb(;
    return float4(_e2, linear_rgba.w);

float4 unpack_color(uint color)
    return (float4(float((color & 255u)), float(((color >> 8u) & 255u)), float(((color >> 16u) & 255u)), float(((color >> 24u) & 255u))) / (255.0).xxxx);

float4 position_from_screen(float2 screen_pos)
    float _expr7 = r_locals.screen_size.x;
    float _expr18 = r_locals.screen_size.y;
    return float4((((2.0 * screen_pos.x) / _expr7) - 1.0), (1.0 - ((2.0 * screen_pos.y) / _expr18)), 0.0, 1.0);

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 a_pos : LOC0, float2 a_tex_coord : LOC1, uint a_color : LOC2)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = a_tex_coord;
    const float4 _e6 = unpack_color(a_color);
    out_.color = _e6;
    const float4 _e8 = position_from_screen(a_pos);
    out_.position = _e8;
    VertexOutput _expr9 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr9;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.color, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main_linear_framebuffer(FragmentInput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer) : SV_Target0
    VertexOutput in_ = { fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.tex_coord_1, fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.color_2, fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.position_1 };
    float4 tex_linear = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, in_.tex_coord);
    const float4 _e5 = gamma_from_linear_rgba(tex_linear);
    float4 out_color_gamma = (in_.color * _e5);
    const float3 _e9 = linear_from_gamma_rgb(;
    return float4(_e9, out_color_gamma.w);

float4 fs_main_gamma_framebuffer(FragmentInput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer) : SV_Target0
    VertexOutput in_1 = { fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.tex_coord_2, fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.color_3, fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.position_2 };
    float4 tex_linear_1 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, in_1.tex_coord);
    const float4 _e5 = gamma_from_linear_rgba(tex_linear_1);
    float4 out_color_gamma_1 = (in_1.color * _e5);
    return out_color_gamma_1;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "fs_main_linear_framebuffer" at Fragment:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 color : LOC1;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    float2 screen_size;
    uint2 _padding;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 color_1 : LOC1;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 color_2 : LOC1;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;
    float4 color_3 : LOC1;
    float4 position_2 : SV_Position;

float3 linear_from_gamma_rgb(float3 srgb)
    bool3 cutoff = (srgb < (0.040449999272823334).xxx);
    float3 lower = (srgb / (12.920000076293945).xxx);
    float3 higher = pow(((srgb + (0.054999999701976776).xxx) / (1.0549999475479126).xxx), (2.4000000953674316).xxx);        return (cutoff ? lower : higher);

float3 gamma_from_linear_rgb(float3 rgb)
    bool3 cutoff_1 = (rgb < (0.0031308000907301903).xxx);
    float3 lower_1 = (rgb * (12.920000076293945).xxx);
    float3 higher_1 = (((1.0549999475479126).xxx * pow(rgb, ((1.0 / 2.4000000953674316)).xxx)) - (0.054999999701976776).xxx);
    return (cutoff_1 ? lower_1 : higher_1);

float4 gamma_from_linear_rgba(float4 linear_rgba)
    const float3 _e2 = gamma_from_linear_rgb(;
    return float4(_e2, linear_rgba.w);

float4 unpack_color(uint color)
    return (float4(float((color & 255u)), float(((color >> 8u) & 255u)), float(((color >> 16u) & 255u)), float(((color >> 24u) & 255u))) / (255.0).xxxx);

float4 position_from_screen(float2 screen_pos)
    float _expr7 = r_locals.screen_size.x;
    float _expr18 = r_locals.screen_size.y;
    return float4((((2.0 * screen_pos.x) / _expr7) - 1.0), (1.0 - ((2.0 * screen_pos.y) / _expr18)), 0.0, 1.0);

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 a_pos : LOC0, float2 a_tex_coord : LOC1, uint a_color : LOC2)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = a_tex_coord;
    const float4 _e6 = unpack_color(a_color);
    out_.color = _e6;
    const float4 _e8 = position_from_screen(a_pos);
    out_.position = _e8;
    VertexOutput _expr9 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr9;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.color, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main_linear_framebuffer(FragmentInput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer) : SV_Target0
    VertexOutput in_ = { fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.tex_coord_1, fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.color_2, fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.position_1 };
    float4 tex_linear = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, in_.tex_coord);
    const float4 _e5 = gamma_from_linear_rgba(tex_linear);
    float4 out_color_gamma = (in_.color * _e5);
    const float3 _e9 = linear_from_gamma_rgb(;
    return float4(_e9, out_color_gamma.w);

float4 fs_main_gamma_framebuffer(FragmentInput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer) : SV_Target0
    VertexOutput in_1 = { fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.tex_coord_2, fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.color_3, fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.position_2 };
    float4 tex_linear_1 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, in_1.tex_coord);
    const float4 _e5 = gamma_from_linear_rgba(tex_linear_1);
    float4 out_color_gamma_1 = (in_1.color * _e5);
    return out_color_gamma_1;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created render pipeline Valid((1, 1, Dx12)) with RenderPipelineDescriptor { label: Some("egui_pipeline"), layout: Some((1, 1, Dx12)), vertex: VertexState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 2, Dx12), entry_point: "vs_main" }, buffers: [VertexBufferLayout { array_stride: 20, step_mode: Vertex, attributes: [VertexAttribute { format: Float32x2, offset: 0, shader_location: 0 }, VertexAttribute { format: Float32x2, offset: 8, shader_location: 1 }, VertexAttribute { format: Uint32, offset: 16, shader_location: 2 }] }] }, primitive: PrimitiveState { topology: TriangleList, strip_index_format: None, front_face: Ccw, cull_mode: None, unclipped_depth: false, polygon_mode: Fill, conservative: false }, depth_stencil: None, multisample: MultisampleState { count: 1, mask: 18446744073709551615, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false }, fragment: Some(FragmentState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 2, Dx12), entry_point: "fs_main_linear_framebuffer" }, targets: [Some(ColorTargetState { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, blend: Some(BlendState { color: BlendComponent { src_factor: One, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add }, alpha: BlendComponent { src_factor: OneMinusDstAlpha, dst_factor: One, operation: Add } }), write_mask: ColorWrites(RED | GREEN | BLUE | ALPHA) })] }), multiview: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((3, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("egui_vertex_buffer"), size: 20480, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | VERTEX), mapped_at_creation: false }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: insert BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(0x0)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((4, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("egui_index_buffer"), size: 12288, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | INDEX), mapped_at_creation: false }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: insert BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(0x0)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] pipeline layout (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] bind group layout (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] shader module (0, 2, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] wgpu using adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, backend: Dx12
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Given machine type IBM_XT_5160 got machine description: MachineDescriptor { machine_type: IBM_XT_5160, system_crystal: 14.318181818181818, timer_crystal: None, bus_crystal: 14.318181818181818, cpu_type: Intel8088, cpu_factor: Divisor(3), cpu_turbo_factor: Divisor(2), bus_type: Isa8, bus_factor: Divisor(1), timer_divisor: 12, have_ppi: true, kb_controller: Ppi, pit_type: Model8253, pic_type: Single, dma_type: Single, conventional_ram: 1048576, conventional_ram_speed: 200.0, num_floppies: 2, serial_ports: true, serial_mouse: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting TraceLoggingEnabled(false) to: false
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting OffRailsDetection to: false
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE marty_core::machine] Sample rate: 192000 pit_ticks_per_sample: 6.214489583333333
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Mounted rom "./roms\GLABIOS_0.2.5_8XC.ROM" at location 0FE000
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting EnableWaitStates to: true
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting InstructionHistory to: false
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting TraceLoggingEnabled(false) to: false
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Current monitor resolution: 1920x1080
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing window to 768x576
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Reiszing render buffer to 768x472
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel buffer to 768x576
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created texture Valid((1, 1, Dx12)) with TextureDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_source_texture"), size: Extent3d { width: 768, height: 576, depth_or_array_layers: 1 }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: D2, format: Rgba8UnormSrgb, usage: TextureUsages(COPY_DST | TEXTURE_BINDING), view_formats: [] }[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (1, 1, Dx12) filters usages to TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = LocalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [3], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = AccessIndex { base: [2], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Compose { ty: [1], components: [[4], [5]] } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Compose { ty: [1], components: [[7], [8]] } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Math { fun: Fma, arg: [1], arg1: Some([6]), arg2: Some([9]), arg3: None } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = AccessIndex { base: [2], index: 1 } : Value(Pointer { base: [2], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [5], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_locals"), space: Uniform, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 2 }), ty: [5], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_color"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 0 }), ty: [6], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_sampler"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 1 }), ty: [7], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("out"), ty: [3], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((5, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_vertex_buffer"), size: 24, usage: BufferUsages(VERTEX), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 5: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (5, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d4a30: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d4550: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((6, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_matrix_uniform_buffer"), size: 64, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | UNIFORM), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (6, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415da2a0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((2, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Creating Root Signature 'pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline_layout'
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[0] = views (vis = ShaderStages(VERTEX | FRAGMENT), count = 2)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[1] = samplers (vis = ShaderStages(FRAGMENT), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[2] = special
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] [
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 0,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 2,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 5,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 3,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Constants {
binding: Binding {
space: 0,
register: 1,
num: 3,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Bindings {
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 0,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 1,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 2,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] raw = WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295414d1040 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "vs_main" at Vertex:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    row_major float4x4 transform;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 position : LOC0)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = mad(position, float2(0.5, -0.5), float2(0.5, 0.5));
    float4x4 _expr13 = r_locals.transform;
    out_.position = mul(float4(position, 0.0, 1.0), _expr13);
    VertexOutput _expr18 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr18;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
    float2 tex_coord = fragmentinput_fs_main.tex_coord_2;
    float4 _expr3 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, tex_coord);
    return _expr3;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "fs_main" at Fragment:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    row_major float4x4 transform;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 position : LOC0)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = mad(position, float2(0.5, -0.5), float2(0.5, 0.5));
    float4x4 _expr13 = r_locals.transform;
    out_.position = mul(float4(position, 0.0, 1.0), _expr13);
    VertexOutput _expr18 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr18;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
    float2 tex_coord = fragmentinput_fs_main.tex_coord_2;
    float4 _expr3 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, tex_coord);
    return _expr3;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created render pipeline Valid((2, 1, Dx12)) with RenderPipelineDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline"), layout: Some((2, 1, Dx12)), vertex: VertexState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 3, Dx12), entry_point: "vs_main" }, buffers: [VertexBufferLayout { array_stride: 8, step_mode: Vertex, attributes: [VertexAttribute { format: Float32x2, offset: 0, shader_location: 0 }] }] }, primitive: PrimitiveState { topology: TriangleList, strip_index_format: None, front_face: Ccw, cull_mode: None, unclipped_depth: false, polygon_mode: Fill, conservative: false }, depth_stencil: None, multisample: MultisampleState { count: 1, mask: 18446744073709551615, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false }, fragment: Some(FragmentState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 3, Dx12), entry_point: "fs_main" }, targets: [Some(ColorTargetState { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, blend: Some(BlendState { color: BlendComponent { src_factor: SrcAlpha, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add }, alpha: BlendComponent { src_factor: One, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add } }), write_mask: ColorWrites(RED | GREEN | BLUE | ALPHA) })] }), multiview: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] pipeline layout (2, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] bind group layout (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] sampler (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] shader module (0, 3, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture view (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] buffer (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] buffer (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] bind group (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] render pipeline (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel surface to 1424x750
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 1424, height: 750, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Waiting for idle with value 1
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415db6e0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel surface to 640x530
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 640, height: 530, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Waiting for idle with value 2
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415dc100: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel surface to 640x530
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 640, height: 530, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Waiting for idle with value 3
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415dc610: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel surface to 768x576
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 768, height: 576, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Waiting for idle with value 4
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415db1d0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO martypc_pixels_desktop] CPU clock has changed to 4.7727272727272725Mhz; new cycle target: 79545
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE marty_core::devices::ppi] PPI: Write to command port: 99
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: transition simple TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED) -> TextureUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d40c0: usage TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)..TextureUses(COPY_DST), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e59c2f0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (2, 1, Dx12) filters usages to TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::render] Encoding render pass begin in command buffer (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Reset signature WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295414d1040 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: insert BufferUses(UNIFORM)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: insert start TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::bind] Binding [0] = group Valid((2, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Set group[0]
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[0] = view
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[1] = sampler
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 5: insert BufferUses(VERTEX)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::render] Merging renderpass into cmd_buf (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 5: insert BufferUses(VERTEX)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: insert BufferUses(UNIFORM)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: insert start TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5b6640 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5b6640 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created texture Valid((3, 1, Dx12)) with TextureDescriptor { label: Some("egui_texid_Managed(0)"), size: Extent3d { width: 8192, height: 256, depth_or_array_layers: 1 }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: D2, format: Rgba8UnormSrgb, usage: TextureUsages(COPY_DST | TEXTURE_BINDING), view_formats: [Rgba8UnormSrgb] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (3, 1, Dx12) filters usages to TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((3, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture view (3, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: transition simple TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED) -> TextureUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x29541435a00: usage TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)..TextureUses(COPY_DST), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e59aeb0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e59bde0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415e2c70: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: transition BufferUses(0x0) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e597c10: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415f8f10: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: transition BufferUses(0x0) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e59c800: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415f2100: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::render] Encoding render pass begin in command buffer (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Reset signature WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295415eee80 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: insert BufferUses(UNIFORM)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::bind] Binding [0] = group Valid((1, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Set group[0]
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[0] = view
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: insert start TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::bind] Binding [1] = group Valid((3, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Set group[1]
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[1] = view
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[2] = sampler
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: insert BufferUses(INDEX)..BufferUses(INDEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: insert BufferUses(VERTEX)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::render] Merging renderpass into cmd_buf (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: insert BufferUses(UNIFORM)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: insert BufferUses(VERTEX)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: insert BufferUses(INDEX)..BufferUses(INDEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: insert start TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5cc380 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5cc380 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command] Command buffer (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(PRESENT)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::device::queue] Stitching command buffer (0, 1, Dx12) before submission
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(INDEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 5: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: transition simple TextureUses(COPY_DST) -> TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: transition simple TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED) -> TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: transition simple TextureUses(COPY_DST) -> TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5d6b00 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415e2c70: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415f2100: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415f8f10: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(INDEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d4550: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5d6b00 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d40c0: usage TextureUses(COPY_DST)..TextureUses(RESOURCE), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415dd330: usage TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)..TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x29541435a00: usage TextureUses(COPY_DST)..TextureUses(RESOURCE), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: transition simple TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET) -> TextureUses(PRESENT)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5e1a90 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415dd330: usage TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)..TextureUses(PRESENT), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::device::queue] Device after submission 1
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Bind group Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Texture view Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Texture Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Sampler Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Render pipeline Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Pipeline layout Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::device::life] Active submission 1 is done
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::present] Removing swapchain texture Valid((2, 1, Dx12)) from the device tracker
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z DEBUG wgpu_core::present] Presented. End of Frame
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture view (2, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z ERROR wgpu_hal::auxil::dxgi::result] Create command list failed: 0x887A0005
thread 'main' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: Lost', C:\Users\Daniel.cargo\registry\src\\wgpu-core-0.16.1\src\device\
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z INFO wgpu_core::hub] Dropping Global
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Destroying 0 command encoders

from martypc.

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

Looks like an upstream wgpu issue.

What are your system specs? CPU/Graphics card?

from martypc.

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024

An old gtx 1080 and a i7 4790k.
on a laptop with i7 6700 and gtx 1060 it runs with no issues

from martypc.

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

are they both laptops?

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::instance] Adapter Dx12 AdapterInfo { name: "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600", vendor: 32902, device: 1042, device_type: IntegratedGpu, driver: "", driver_info: "", backend: Dx12 }

^^ this shows that the integrated graphics is being initialized, not your GTX 1080.

try this before running martypc:


from martypc.

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024

Now it boots fine, despite error message. Appreciated!

The gtx 1080 is on the desktop and I connected the monitor to this gpu. but motherboard has an older integrated Intel HD 4600 gpu which I have not deactivated in the bios.

from martypc.

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

Thanks for confirming. I will see if I can have MartyPC request the high-power GPU by default

from martypc.

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