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Comments (41)

vishalmelmatti avatar vishalmelmatti commented on July 18, 2024 2

Hi All,

I am using multiple entity managers for different databases, below is my configuration

    auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
    default_entity_manager: default
            connection: default
              MyDemoBundle : ~
              MyMessagingBundle: ~
              SonataNotificationBundle: ~
              ApplicationSonataNotificationBundle: ~
              MyCustome1Bundle : ~
            connection: custom1
              MyCustome1Bundle : ~
              MyDemoBundle : ~

If you see MyCustome1Bundle and MyDemoBundle are under both entity managers. I had to add them under both as I was not able to access Custom bundle repositories under Demo bundle and vise versa. There is associations between entities in different entity managers so I have to access them in bundles in different entity managers.

I works but the problem is, doctrine schema features doesn't works as it tries to find tables under custom entity managers in default database and vise versa.

What is the best way to handle fix this issue ?

from doctrinebundle.

helmut-hoffer-von-ankershoffen avatar helmut-hoffer-von-ankershoffen commented on July 18, 2024 1

Would be really great if auto_mapping would be allowed when using multiple entity managers by marking one of the entity managers as the default one.

The current solution (having to manually specify all mappings) is very failure prone in large sf2 projects e.g. when requiring new bundles - as we have to check if those bundles add additional ones as a dependency and if those bundles use mappings ...

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

How would you determine which bundles are mapped to each entity manager ?

from doctrinebundle.

goetas avatar goetas commented on July 18, 2024

If a bundle is listed inside an entity manager definition, then associate it to that entity manager, else associate it to entity manager that uses "auto_mapping" attribute.

from doctrinebundle.

goetas avatar goetas commented on July 18, 2024

should also decide what to do if two or more entity managers use auto_mapping" attribute...

  1. prohibit this auto_mapping combination
  2. allow, bundle will be associated to the last entity manager that appears in the list

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

2 entity managers using auto_mapping should be prohibited to avoid WTF for the user. Associating bundles to the entity manager using auto_mapping if they are not used by others would make the code far more complex in the DI extension as we would need to look at all other managers to be able to find the bundles instead of simply getting the full list. I'm not sure how much complexity it will add (especially as the code handling the mapping is partially in the bridge to be shared).

Thus, how would you consider a bundle listed in another entity manager but setting the mapping to false to disable it ?

from doctrinebundle.

goetas avatar goetas commented on July 18, 2024

I also consider that allow 2 two EM with auto_mapping should be a bad idea.

Regarding a bundle listed in another entity manager, we have to skip always that bundle.
To do this, we need to change

   continue 2;


if($name2 === $name || isset($entityManager2['mappings'][$bundle])){
   continue 2;

from doctrinebundle.

goetas avatar goetas commented on July 18, 2024

About complexity, your are talking about performance or about 'code complexity'?

(sorry for my bad english)

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

code complexity. Performance is not an issue as the DI extension code is only used when building the container (i.e. only when deploying for the prod environment)

from doctrinebundle.

goetas avatar goetas commented on July 18, 2024

all code complexity is enclosed inside collectAutoMappings() method...

should be added this feature (or something similar) inside DoctrineBundle? What about AbstractDoctrineExtension that is enclosed inside Symfony2?

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

@goetas but the code calling collectAutoMappings only knows about the config of the entity manager being configured. It does not have access to the config of others currently

from doctrinebundle.

goetas avatar goetas commented on July 18, 2024

collectAutoMappings requires the entire $config['entity_managers'] array to work, as explained at point (5) of my first post

from doctrinebundle.

HadesArchitect avatar HadesArchitect commented on July 18, 2024

Hi. I have this problem too. Do you have any simple solutions, or i should make a PR with @goetas changes?

from doctrinebundle.

goetas avatar goetas commented on July 18, 2024

I'm waiting for some inputs from symfony community... currently i'm using the suggested implementation inside my forked version of symfony/doctrine bundle

from doctrinebundle.

HadesArchitect avatar HadesArchitect commented on July 18, 2024

Well, I'm got it. I don't see any problems to make a PR, but i don't want to do it if it will be declined =)

Waiting for decision...

from doctrinebundle.

stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com avatar stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com commented on July 18, 2024

While I see this hasn't received any traction recently, here is a commit against a forked branch from the v1.2.0 tag. It is completely self-contained and requires no modification of AbstractDoctrineExtension, and it also handles the logic if auto_mapping is on in two entity manager at the same time.


from doctrinebundle.

lsmith77 avatar lsmith77 commented on July 18, 2024

I very much agree that we should make this easier. I think its a very common case to need one EntityManager for most Bundles and only another EM for a few other Bundles.

@stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com I would recommend to open a PR, its always easier to provide feedback with an open PR

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

@lsmith77 Can you find a way to make the auto_mapping work for multiple managers without registering the same entity in several managers ?
I don't wan tto push users into the broken cases by default (managing the same class with several managers causes all sorts of weird issues later)

from doctrinebundle.

lsmith77 avatar lsmith77 commented on July 18, 2024

I have not dug into it .. but why can we not simply have a step before the current call that is aware of the entire config of all managers, that finds out which Bundles are manually mapped and then automatically maps all others to a default EM?

from doctrinebundle.

stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com avatar stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com commented on July 18, 2024

@lsmith77 I will look into providing a PR request for this as soon as time permits. As I recall the commit was clean and self-contained. I applied it against 1.2.0, since that requires Doctrine 2.4, whereas the work on 1.3.0 requires Doctrine 2.5, which is something I am not prepared to support on the application I am working on. What branch/tag would you prefer the PR to be against? Thanks.

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

@stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com the PR should be based on the master branch of the bundle (and btw, it is still compatible with Doctrine 2.4)

from doctrinebundle.

stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com avatar stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com commented on July 18, 2024

@stof Thanks, I will try to work up a PR against master as soon as time permits. If the commit I referenced earlier applies cleanly against master, I will submit a PR as soon as I can. If not, it may take me a little more time to do so.

FYI, I think the issue I encountered in 1.3.0 (beta1 last I looked) was trying to use the support for entity listener resolvers that is present in 1.3.0 (a separate issue entirely not related to this issue), and every time I tried to use 1.3.0, composer tried to pull in Doctrine 2.5 (which may or may not have been from master, I forget now; I've tried to sleep since then). Since I had no desire to use Doctrine from master or an unreleased version, I simply back-ported the support into a forked version of doctrine-bundle instead against the tagged 1.2.0 version.

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

the beta1 is indeed broken with 2.4. the master rbanch works

from doctrinebundle.

lsmith77 avatar lsmith77 commented on July 18, 2024


from doctrinebundle.

stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com avatar stephen-leavitt-sonyatv-com commented on July 18, 2024

@lsmith Sorry, I just haven't had much time this last week to work up the PR, my apologies. It's still on my radar to do time permitting... :)

from doctrinebundle.

lsmith77 avatar lsmith77 commented on July 18, 2024

+1 for @helmuthva suggestion

from doctrinebundle.

lsmith77 avatar lsmith77 commented on July 18, 2024

see #322

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

what do you mean by I was not able to access Custom bundle repositories under Demo bundle and vise versa ?

from doctrinebundle.

lsmith77 avatar lsmith77 commented on July 18, 2024

#321 will hopefully soon be merged which will enable auto mapping with multiple entity managers in symfony 2.6+

from doctrinebundle.

vishalmelmatti avatar vishalmelmatti commented on July 18, 2024

@stof Sorry, I will explain use case in detail.

I mean, entity in other namespace is not accessible if we try to map them (cross bundle entity association in case where bundles are configured in different namespaces) . I get this type of error e.g

The class 'Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User' was not found in the chain configured namespaces Acme\DemoBundle\Entity

To demonstrate the use case I have created sample symfony project with AcmeDemoBundle (Comment Entity) and AcmeUserBundle (Use Entity)

# Doctrine Configuration
        default_connection: default
                driver:   "%database_driver%"
                host:     "%database_host%"
                port:     "%database_port%"
                dbname:   "%database_name%"
                user:     "%database_user%"
                password: "%database_password%"
                charset:  UTF8
                driver:   "%database_driver%"
                host:     "%database_host%"
                port:     "%database_port%"
                dbname:   "%database_name1%"
                user:     "%database_user%"
                password: "%database_password%"
                charset:  UTF8

        default_entity_manager: default
                connection: default
                    AcmeDemoBundle:  ~
                connection: user_db
                    AcmeUserBundle: ~

For this use case, none of the doctrine commands work. It fails with above error.

if I add both bundles (AcmeDemoBundle, AcmeUserBundle) under both namespaces (default, user_db), like this

        default_entity_manager: default
                connection: default
                    AcmeDemoBundle:  ~
                    AcmeUserBundle: ~
                connection: user_db
                    AcmeUserBundle: ~
                    AcmeDemoBundle:  ~

It tries to create or find both tables (fos_user and comment) in both databases. if we create table manually, It also creates problem at the time of loading fixtures as it tries to find tables in both databases to truncate them.

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

Well, if you use different entity managers for both entities, you indeed cannot map associations between them. But if you use separate DB connections, you won't be able to map relations either (unless both connections are pointing to the same DB, in which case things may work)

from doctrinebundle.

CharlyPoppins avatar CharlyPoppins commented on July 18, 2024


I tried to enable auto_mapping on multiple EM but I've got this error :

You cannot enable "auto_mapping" on more than one manager at the same time (found in "default" and client1").

Did I miss something in the config.yml ?

        default_connection:   default
        auto_generate_proxy_classes: true
        default_entity_manager: default
                connection: default
                auto_mapping: true
                connection: client1
                auto_mapping: true

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

@CharlyPoppins which version of DoctrineBundle are you using ? Use composer show -i doctrine/doctrine-bundle to get it if you use composer

from doctrinebundle.

stof avatar stof commented on July 18, 2024

And which version of Symfony ? This feature requires Symfony 2.6+

from doctrinebundle.

CharlyPoppins avatar CharlyPoppins commented on July 18, 2024

Hi, I'm on Symfony 2.8.0 and I'm using Doctrine :

name     : doctrine/doctrine-bundle
descrip. : Symfony DoctrineBundle
keywords : database, dbal, orm, persistence
versions : * dev-master, 1.6.x-dev
type     : symfony-bundle

from doctrinebundle.

xabbuh avatar xabbuh commented on July 18, 2024

@CharlyPoppins What is the output of composer show -i symfony/symfony and composer show -i symfony/doctrine-bridge?

from doctrinebundle.

CharlyPoppins avatar CharlyPoppins commented on July 18, 2024

*php composer.phar show -i symfony/symfony *

name     : symfony/symfony
descrip. : The Symfony PHP framework
keywords : framework
versions : * v2.8.0
type     : library
license  : MIT License (MIT) (OSI approved)
source   : [git] 5615b92cd452cd54f1433a3f53de87c096a1107f
dist     : [zip] 5615b92cd452cd54f1433a3f53de87c096a1107f
names    : symfony/symfony, symfony/asset, symfony/browser-kit, symfony/class-loader, symfony/config, symfony/console, symfony/css-selector, symfony/debug, symfony/debug-bundle, symfony/dependency-injection, symfony/doctrine-bridge, symfony/dom-crawler, symfony/event-dispatcher, symfony/expression-language, symfony/filesystem, symfony/finder, symfony/form, symfony/framework-bundle, symfony/http-foundation, symfony/http-kernel, symfony/intl, symfony/ldap, symfony/locale, symfony/monolog-bridge, symfony/options-resolver, symfony/process, symfony/property-access, symfony/property-info, symfony/proxy-manager-bridge, symfony/routing, symfony/security, symfony/security-bundle, symfony/security-core, symfony/security-csrf, symfony/security-guard, symfony/security-http, symfony/serializer, symfony/stopwatch, symfony/swiftmailer-bridge, symfony/templating, symfony/translation, symfony/twig-bridge, symfony/twig-bundle, symfony/validator, symfony/var-dumper, symfony/web-profiler-bundle, symfony/yaml

Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\ => src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/
Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\ => src/Symfony/Bridge/Monolog/
Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\ => src/Symfony/Bridge/ProxyManager/
Symfony\Bridge\Swiftmailer\ => src/Symfony/Bridge/Swiftmailer/
Symfony\Bridge\Twig\ => src/Symfony/Bridge/Twig/
Symfony\Bundle\ => src/Symfony/Bundle/
Symfony\Component\ => src/Symfony/Component/

doctrine/common ~2.4
php >=5.3.9
psr/log ~1.0
symfony/polyfill-intl-icu ~1.0
symfony/polyfill-mbstring ~1.0
symfony/polyfill-php54 ~1.0
symfony/polyfill-php55 ~1.0
symfony/polyfill-php56 ~1.0
symfony/polyfill-php70 ~1.0
symfony/polyfill-util ~1.0
symfony/security-acl ~2.7
twig/twig ~1.23|~2.0

requires (dev)
doctrine/data-fixtures 1.0.*
doctrine/dbal ~2.4
doctrine/doctrine-bundle ~1.2
doctrine/orm ~2.4,>=2.4.5
egulias/email-validator ~1.2
monolog/monolog ~1.11
ocramius/proxy-manager ~0.4|~1.0
phpdocumentor/reflection ^1.0.7

phpdocumentor/reflection <1.0.7

symfony/asset self.version
symfony/browser-kit self.version
symfony/class-loader self.version
symfony/config self.version
symfony/console self.version
symfony/css-selector self.version
symfony/debug self.version
symfony/debug-bundle self.version
symfony/dependency-injection self.version
symfony/doctrine-bridge self.version
symfony/dom-crawler self.version
symfony/event-dispatcher self.version
symfony/expression-language self.version
symfony/filesystem self.version
symfony/finder self.version
symfony/form self.version
symfony/framework-bundle self.version
symfony/http-foundation self.version
symfony/http-kernel self.version
symfony/intl self.version
symfony/ldap self.version
symfony/locale self.version
symfony/monolog-bridge self.version
symfony/options-resolver self.version
symfony/process self.version
symfony/property-access self.version
symfony/property-info self.version
symfony/proxy-manager-bridge self.version
symfony/routing self.version
symfony/security self.version
symfony/security-bundle self.version
symfony/security-core self.version
symfony/security-csrf self.version
symfony/security-guard self.version
symfony/security-http self.version
symfony/serializer self.version
symfony/stopwatch self.version
symfony/swiftmailer-bridge self.version
symfony/templating self.version
symfony/translation self.version
symfony/twig-bridge self.version
symfony/twig-bundle self.version
symfony/validator self.version
symfony/var-dumper self.version
symfony/web-profiler-bundle self.version
symfony/yaml self.version

With command php composer.phar show -i symfony/doctrine-bridge

  Package symfony/doctrine-bridge not found

from doctrinebundle.

xabbuh avatar xabbuh commented on July 18, 2024

This looks weird to me. Can you debug locally why this code gets executed?

from doctrinebundle.

CharlyPoppins avatar CharlyPoppins commented on July 18, 2024

I replace my DoctrineExtension.php by the one you linked but I've still the same exception.

from doctrinebundle.

xabbuh avatar xabbuh commented on July 18, 2024

Well, I meant that you try to figure out why that code is executed on your system thus triggering the error message (which should not happen with the version of the packages you have installed).

from doctrinebundle.

Padam87 avatar Padam87 commented on July 18, 2024

The exception is not thrown from

fixManagersAutoMappings calls validateAutoMapping, which throws the exception at

from doctrinebundle.

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