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Comments (8)

MorenoIgor avatar MorenoIgor commented on June 3, 2024

Was going to report a similar thing for the Master System core. It only started working again when I set it to debug mode:
EJS_DEBUG_XX = true;

from emulatorjs.

ethanaobrien avatar ethanaobrien commented on June 3, 2024

@MorenoIgor can I get a log of the console without debug enabled

from emulatorjs.

Earth231 avatar Earth231 commented on June 3, 2024

How do you do that? This is just the html file, nothing else, so how do you get the console log? Please list the steps to do this.

from emulatorjs.

ethanaobrien avatar ethanaobrien commented on June 3, 2024
To collect a log of the console.
1. Add the following line to your code
EJS_DEBUG_XX = true;
2. Right click and click `inspect`.
3. Select the `console` tab at the top.
4. then reload the broken page.
5. Right click on the console and click `Save as...`

from emulatorjs.

MorenoIgor avatar MorenoIgor commented on June 3, 2024

@ethanaobrien Sorry for the delay. First, this is the error reported when running it not on debug mode:

emulator.js:1225 Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: GamepadHandler is not defined at EmulatorJS.bindListeners (emulator.js:1225:28) at new EmulatorJS (emulator.js:284:14) at loader.js:127:27

And this is the full log on debug mode:

emulator.js:1952 {playPause: false, restart: true, mute: false, settings: false, fullscreen: true, …} emulator.js:1088 (2) ['-v', '/vania.sms'] emulator.js:1062 Built for EmulatorJS Version 4.0.6 emulator.js:1062 Download a copy from emulator.js:1062 View the licence here: emulator.js:1067 [INFO] RetroArch 1.16.0 (Git a6bd6ff8a6) emulator.js:1067 [INFO] === Build ======================================= emulator.js:1067 [INFO] Capabilities: emulator.js:1067 [INFO] Version: 1.16.0 emulator.js:1067 [INFO] Git: a6bd6ff8a6 emulator.js:1067 [INFO] Built: Oct 2 2023 emulator.js:1067 [INFO] ================================================= emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: "emulatorjs". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: GET_CORE_OPTIONS_VERSION. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_V2_INTL. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: SET_CONTROLLER_INFO. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS: emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CONTENT_INFO_OVERRIDE. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: 'mdx' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: ' md' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: 'bin' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: 'smd' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: 'gen' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: 'bms' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: 'sms' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: ' gg' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: ' sg' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: '68k' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content Override]: File Extension: 'sgd' - need_fullpath: FALSE, persistent_data: FALSE emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: GET_VFS_INTERFACE. Core requested version >= V2, providing V3. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: GET_LED_INTERFACE. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save file to "/data/saves/Genesis Plus GX/vania.srm". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save state to "/home/web_user/retroarch/userdata/states/Genesis Plus GX/vania.state". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: 1. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: GET_LOG_INTERFACE. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: 7. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: SET_SERIALIZATION_QUIRKS. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: SET_DISK_CONTROL_INTERFACE. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Content]: Loading content file: "/vania.sms". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_GAME_INFO_EXT. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565. emulator.js:1067 [libretro INFO] Frontend supports RGB565 - will use that instead of XRGB1555. emulator.js:1067 [WARN] [Environ]: SYSTEM DIR is empty, assume CONTENT DIR /vania.sms emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: "". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: GET_SAVE_DIRECTORY. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: SET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATUS_CALLBACK. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Replay]: Found last replay slot: #0 emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Core]: Version of libretro API: 1, Compiled against API: 1 emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Core]: Geometry: 256x192, Aspect: 1.524, FPS: 59.92, Sample rate: 44100.00 Hz. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 44156.86 Hz. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Video]: Set video size to: 879x576. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [EGL] Falling back to eglGetDisplay emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [EGL]: EGL version: 1.4 emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [EGL]: Current context: 0xf234. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [EMSCRIPTEN/EGL]: Dimensions: 300x150 emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GL]: Found GL context: "egl_emscripten". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GL]: Detecting screen resolution: 300x150. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GL]: Vendor: WebKit, Renderer: WebKit WebGL. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GL]: Version: OpenGL ES 2.0 (WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2.0 Chromium)). emulator.js:1067 [WARN] [GL]: GLES implementation does not have BGRA8888 extension. emulator.js:1067 [GL]: 32-bit path will require conversion. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GL]: Using resolution 300x150. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend. emulator.js:1067 [WARN] [GL]: Stock GLSL shaders will be used. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GL]: Using 4 textures. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s). emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Video]: Found display server: "null". 12The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. <URL> emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [OpenAL]: Using 11 buffers of 1024 bytes. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Audio]: Started synchronous audio driver. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "gl". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Config]: Saved new config to "/home/web_user/retroarch/userdata/retroarch.cfg". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "/home/web_user/retroarch/userdata/". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "/home/web_user/retroarch/userdata/". emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading favorites file: "/home/web_user/retroarch/userdata/". emulator.js:1067 [ERROR] Cannot push NULL or empty core path into the playlist. emulator.js:3752 shader disabled emulator.js:1067 [ERROR] [GL]: none shader not supported, falling back to stock GLSL emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend. emulator.js:1067 [WARN] [GL]: Stock GLSL shaders will be used. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program. emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Shaders]: Applying shader: "". emulator.js:3752 fps hide emulator.js:3752 ff-ratio 3.0 emulator.js:1062 invalid core option ff-ratio. This is not an error. emulator.js:3752 sm-ratio 3.0 emulator.js:1062 invalid core option sm-ratio. This is not an error. emulator.js:3752 fastForward disabled emulator.js:1062 invalid core option fastForward. This is not an error. emulator.js:3752 slowMotion disabled emulator.js:1062 invalid core option slowMotion. This is not an error. emulator.js:3752 rewindEnabled disabled emulator.js:1062 invalid core option rewindEnabled. This is not an error. emulator.js:3752 rewind-granularity 6 emulator.js:1062 invalid core option rewind-granularity. This is not an error. emulator.js:3752 save-state-slot 1 emulator.js:1062 invalid core option save-state-slot. This is not an error. emulator.js:3752 save-state-location download emulator.js:1062 invalid core option save-state-location. This is not an error. emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_frameskip_threshold 33 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_lowpass_range 60 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_psg_preamp 150 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_fm_preamp 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_cdda_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_pcm_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_audio_eq_low 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_audio_eq_mid 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_audio_eq_high 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_enhanced_vscroll_limit 8 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_psg_channel_0_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_psg_channel_1_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_psg_channel_2_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_psg_channel_3_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_md_channel_0_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_md_channel_1_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_md_channel_2_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_md_channel_3_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_md_channel_4_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_md_channel_5_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_0_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_1_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_2_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_3_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_4_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_5_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_6_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_7_volume 100 emulator.js:3752 genesis_plus_gx_sms_fm_channel_8_volume 100 emulator.js:4065 Available core options {shader: {…}, fps: {…}, ff-ratio: {…}, sm-ratio: {…}, fastForward: {…}, …} emulator.js:1067 [INFO] [Environ]: RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MINIMUM_AUDIO_LATENCY.

from emulatorjs.

ethanaobrien avatar ethanaobrien commented on June 3, 2024

Oh I think I know why this happens, I'll get this changed

from emulatorjs.

Earth231 avatar Earth231 commented on June 3, 2024

Thank you so much

from emulatorjs.

ethanaobrien avatar ethanaobrien commented on June 3, 2024

Fix just pushed. Might take a second for the website to update. Be sure to clear your cache.

from emulatorjs.

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