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Comments (58)

dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

Note that any of this does not belong in the jshttp org, i.m.o, since that org is just a collection of HTTP utilities--we probably need a new org for the higher level things to live in, but for now it can just be expressjs.


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

Just migrate it to here for now, maybe.


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

Sounds good guys. Hoping to have some more work done on that inventory of the modules in this org soon, barely got to get started this weekend. It's a gist for now, but I'll move it in the wiki once it's got enough content to be helpful

Mike's phone

On Aug 4, 2014, at 13:11, Jeremiah Senkpiel [email protected] wrote:

Just migrate it to here for now, maybe.

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rlidwka avatar rlidwka commented on July 28, 2024

req/res Prototype extension

Something like this?:


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

@rlidwka yep, pretty much :) Really the only differences I had in mind was tests, jumping out of the wrapped would remove the prototype extensions, and and it would inject the prototype into the existing chain rather than replacing it (all to make it must more flexible as a stand alone :) )


rlidwka avatar rlidwka commented on July 28, 2024

Well, tests are the same. It's a bit annoying to replace var express = require('../') with var router = require('./support/router') everywhere, but otherwise all req.*.js and res.*.js should work with minimal changes.

Prototype chain is the same as in express (with possibility of monkey-patching with require('express').request.__proto__ = ...). I don't know how to do it otherwise, since different requests could have different chains in theory, and actually creating new prototype for each request could be too expensive.


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

It's a bit annoying

lol, tell me about it. I have a repo that is just the express 4 router but I think so far 85% of the time has just been cleaning up the tests from express for it (though they will be some pretty awesome tests compared to the router tests currently in express).


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

ok guys I started here in a gist but realized I needed to do things a cleaner way.

So I did this:

It's generated by hitting the github api to get the latest list of repos, then merging that w/ a manually-curated JSON file w/ extra metadata on the repo (this could be extrapolated/federated into each individual module's package.json eventually)

Haven't done too much of the aforementioned "manual curation" yet-- I'm going to keep going through and start putting it together, but now at least there's an automated thing, and I wanted to show you guys/get feedback/see if you had any ideas/etc.


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

@mikermcneil that is awesome. In fact, I know some other people were like "eh" but I though it would be cool to have a dashboard page of the modules, where it would list all the modules in a able and just have like columns of badges. Simple example of a "dashboard" page (it would be a separate page from what you're doing):

module version dependencies downloads
body-parser NPM version Dependencies Downloads


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

@dougwilson sorta like

Can use the same templating system. I copy and pasted some of that from what I'm doing to compile Travis.yml files when stuff needs to be encrypted, so I can just publish some of those standalones. Would be trivial to make a version with build status/latest npm release badges. Happy to do that


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

haha, yea, though stuff like the Davis badges are the most useful to me :) The Travis badges are OK, but not completely necessary on a dashboard, since the only time it would change is if you're committing to the repo, and you should be watching Travis anyway :)


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

ha well travis always makes sure to find his way into my inbox- I'm sure
it's no different for you guys :)

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Douglas Christopher Wilson <
[email protected]> wrote:

haha, yea, though stuff like the Davis badges are the most useful to me :)
The Travis badges are OK, but not completely necessary on a dashboard,
since the only time it would change is if you're committing to the repo,
and you should be watching Travis anyway :)

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Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

I talked with @dougwilson And we are going to be moving all this migration talk, tracking and files to a it's own repo and keep this for the website.

Name ideas: expressjs/: future, migration, project, project-status, project-tracker

I prefer project-tracker.


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

Sounds sensible to me. In that case, want me to spit out the npm/travis badges in a table and send a PR w/ that to this repo? And I'll PR the stuff to wherever y'all tell me to.


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

Or if you want a private repo I can set up a neutral org account (happy to cover costs for that for the time being)


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

@mikermcneil I'd rather you sent a pr to the new repo when we make it.

It can be public, and it can just be in this repo org, we just need a name for it. (see above)


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

And you can just push to it directly :) Even to a branch if you want to be super cautious or something.


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

Well, tests are the same. It's a bit annoying to replace var express = require('../') with var router = require('./support/router') everywhere, but otherwise all req..js and res..js should work with minimal changes.

I'm using mockreq and mockres at the moment:

Prototype chain is the same as in express (with possibility of monkey-patching with require('express').request.proto = ...). I don't know how to do it otherwise, since different requests could have different chains in theory, and actually creating new prototype for each request could be too expensive.

But I'm doing exactly that-- I guess what you guys are saying is that maybe we should have a modified version of the HTTP server that exposes a hook of some kind to allow you to modify the dna of the req/res objects that it produces?


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

@mikermcneil I'd rather you sent a pr to the new repo when we make it.

ah sorry I misread earlier- thought you meant this would be the project tracker (travis, etc) and the new repo would be for the migration stuff. I'm on the same page now.


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

I'm using mockreq and mockres at the moment

cool, through at least in our repos, we don't mock things, because it has bitten us a bunch of times in the past. I don't even mock HTTPS servers any more, instead checking in a cert and key for it to use.

have a modified version of the HTTP server that exposes a hook

naw :) I mean when you have an object in javascript, it has a prototype chain. For example, you have something like req -> IncomingMessage -> Readable -> EventEmitter. The way express currently does the replacement is to make it's prototypes chain to IncomingMessage directly, then takes the req and replaces it's chain with the express req chain. This is not very flexible and basically stomps on whatever the chain on req actually is.

The way it should work is get a request, hook the express proto to chain off the req's existing chain, then swap the req chain for this new chain. Basically, it should inject itself into the prototype chain as the first in line, rather than completely replace the chain. One benefit is that you could then compose proto modules, for instance making res.send, res.json, etc their own module and req.ip, req.protocol, etc. their own module and you can compose both together or not, as you wish.

This is the dream of the framework of frameworks :)


jonathanong avatar jonathanong commented on July 28, 2024

why not just use this repo o.O would be nice for * to be a list of modules and their badges.


jonathanong avatar jonathanong commented on July 28, 2024

we could just rename this organization so it isn't associated to express anymore. github will handle all the redirects


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

github will handle all the redirects

ha! redirects would be awesome to show that we as "express" moved somewhere else ;)


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

@jonathanong hmm maybe not for that then?

Just doug and I didn't think issues for tracking the migration (like this one) belonged here.


jonathanong avatar jonathanong commented on July 28, 2024

oh refactoring express doesn't really need a dashboard or anything complicated. that really only concerns us. i was thinking of a dashboard thing for the modules refactored out of express, i.e. the stable stuff.


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

@Fishrock123 for docs if it helps, the router will be landing as the npm module router :D


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

\o/ (I just assumed it anyways haha)


jonathanong avatar jonathanong commented on July 28, 2024

oh damn niCE!!!!!!


jonathanong avatar jonathanong commented on July 28, 2024

would be freaking awesome if we got all the semantic names.


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

Speaking of redirects I can make the #express irc redirect to whatever channel we want. :p


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

And it's thanks to @mafintosh for this one :) He was gracious to let us continue on the name.


jonathanong avatar jonathanong commented on July 28, 2024

one thing though is i don't like having deprecated libraries in the org. should we have a expressjs-deprecated org or something? lol


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

should we have a expressjs-deprecated org or something?

this sounds reasonable to me. it's always possible we could revive them in some way later as well, but at least they won't be around with the others, being all confusing. GitHub should totally add tags or something for repos in orgs.


Twipped avatar Twipped commented on July 28, 2024

While these migrations are happening, would it be possible to setup the webhooks for the active repos so that commits and issues/comments show up in the irc channel?


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

@ChiperSoft all that may be a bit much. Perhaps a summery every hour?


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

Yea, there are times where there are probably way too many commits, especially a bunch of force pushes.


Twipped avatar Twipped commented on July 28, 2024

Ok, well, for pushes it could be summarized. I'm mostly interested in issues, since you guys tend to use these things like chats anyway, and I'd rather see it in irc than my inbox :)


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

Thanks to @cpsubrian we have the npm module views as a place to land the views subsystem!


Twipped avatar Twipped commented on July 28, 2024

Holy shit, dude, that's awesome.


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

Hey I came up with a name for our generator / scaffold if no one has it yet: Wizard. ;)


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024



jonathanong avatar jonathanong commented on July 28, 2024



dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

How do we feel about "wizard"? I can see if we can capture that one.


Twipped avatar Twipped commented on July 28, 2024

it's not very web-centric... I mean, unless you're planning to build a generic generator tool like yo.


Twipped avatar Twipped commented on July 28, 2024

Here's an idea:

You know, like santa's workshop elf? Assembles all the toys.


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

Well, node is kinda a web-server software, mainly. And installers used to be called "wizards", and quite frankly, I think it fits with how "magic" this entire build-your-own-framework might seem. :3


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

are you a wizard?


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

Have you never asked one to install software for you? Clearly we are (or could be). :P


Twipped avatar Twipped commented on July 28, 2024

God, Doug, you don't just ask someone if he's a wizard!


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

I've got this thing that works well

Could work off of that

Mike's phone

On Aug 7, 2014, at 22:06, Jarvis Badgley [email protected] wrote:

God, Doug, you don't just ask someone if he's a wizard!

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dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

npm packages that start with node- are kind of lame :(


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

I just mean the code inside :)

Mike's phone

On Aug 8, 2014, at 9:28, Douglas Christopher Wilson [email protected] wrote:

npm packages that start with node- are kind of lame :(

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Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

I'm going to have my hand at extracting the view engine thing, unless someone else already is.


dougwilson avatar dougwilson commented on July 28, 2024

I'm going to have my hand at extracting the view engine thing

go for it :)


Twipped avatar Twipped commented on July 28, 2024

I thought somebody had already started on that. Someone showed me a repo that was in progress, maybe @defunctzombie?

edit: never mind, I was thinking of templation.


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

So I've been running into this semantics issue while porting the view engine.

var views = require('views')
// so lets make some views

var views = views()
// umm

var view = views()
// but it's not just one??

var ??? = views()
// yeah


Fishrock123 avatar Fishrock123 commented on July 28, 2024

@dougwilson What is the status on expressjs/express#2218?


mikermcneil avatar mikermcneil commented on July 28, 2024

@jonathanong would it make sense for me to put that orgs-in-repo+metadata markdown table builder thing in repo-utils?


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