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Comments (9)

gekomad avatar gekomad commented on September 24, 2024

do you have a "file not found" yet?

my test is ok:

setoption name GaviotaTbPath value c:\chess
No 3-pc TBs available
No 4-pc TBs available
No 5-pc TBs available

from cinnamon.

tpoppins avatar tpoppins commented on September 24, 2024

The v2.2-beta exec now appears to detect Gaviota TBs properly. In console it now instantly finds the drawing move 1.f4 in my KPK test position and follows up with correct moves without thinking:

                /o o\
           _\/  \   / \/_
            \\._/  /_.//
            `--,  ,----'
              /   /
    ,        /    \
   /|       (      )
  / |     ,__\    /__,
  \ \   _//---,  ,--\\_
   \ \   /\  /  /   /\
    \ \.___,/  /
     \.______,/           Cinnamon 2.2-beta UCI chess engine by Giuseppe Cannell
64-bit popcnt bsf compiled Mar 27 2019 with GNU GCC 8.1.0
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>

id name Cinnamon 2.2-beta
id author Giuseppe Cannella
option name Hash type spin default 64 min 1 max 1000
option name Clear Hash type button
option name Nullmove type check default true
option name Book File type string default cinnamon.bin
option name OwnBook type check default false
option name Ponder type check default false
option name Threads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
option name GaviotaTbPath type string default <empty>
option name GaviotaTbCache type spin default 32 min 1 max 1024
option name GaviotaTbScheme type combo default cp4 var none var cp1 var cp2 var
cp3 var cp4
option name TB Pieces installed type combo default 3 var none var 3 var 4 var 5
option name TB Restart type button
option name PerftThreads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
option name PerftHashSize type spin default 0 min 0 max 100000
option name PerftDumpFile type string
setoption name GaviotaTbPath value e:\gaviota
3-pc TBs complete
4-pc TBs complete
5-pc TBs complete

setoption name Hash value 512
position fen 8/8/8/5p2/8/8/5Pk1/4K3 w - - 0 1
go movetime 3000
bestmove f2f4
position fen 8/8/8/5p2/8/8/5Pk1/4K3 w - - 0 1 moves f2f4 g2f3
go movetime 3000
bestmove e1f1
position fen 8/8/8/5p2/8/8/5Pk1/4K3 w - - 0 1 moves f2f4 g2f3 e1f1 f3f4
go movetime 3000
bestmove f1f2
position fen 8/8/8/5p2/8/8/5Pk1/4K3 w - - 0 1 moves f2f4 g2f3 e1f1 f3f4 f1f2 f4e
go movetime 3000
bestmove f2e2

However it plays 1.Ke2? and gets mated under Cute Chess GUI. I suspect that its options are not initialized properly on startup (even though CC correctly detects its UCI options in the engine config dialog box) and Cinnamon has to play without TBs.

It's possible that all the text (including the cute ASCII picture) Cinnamon automatically prints on startup (bfore receiving the "uci" command) causes miscommunication between it and CC GUI. I have an idea how to test if this is indeed the case. Could you please make a test exec that disables automatic printing on startup or a "-uci" command-line switch that does the same?

edit: cleaned up the debug log.

from cinnamon.

gekomad avatar gekomad commented on September 24, 2024

from cinnamon.

gekomad avatar gekomad commented on September 24, 2024

from cinnamon.

tpoppins avatar tpoppins commented on September 24, 2024

There's no automatic printing at startup now but that didn't fix the problem under CC GUI.

Since for some reason it still doesn't display completely the initialization in the debug log I ran Cinnamon via InBetween and got this for the above-mentioned KPK draw:

0.000: - Starting server: cinnamon_2.2_beta2.exe
0.000: - Priority class set to normal
0.000: - Thread priority set to normal
0.000: > uci
0.031: < id name Cinnamon 2.2-beta
0.031: < id author Giuseppe Cannella
0.031: < option name Hash type spin default 64 min 1 max 1000
0.031: < option name Clear Hash type button
0.031: < option name Nullmove type check default true
0.031: < option name Book File type string default cinnamon.bin
0.031: < option name OwnBook type check default false
0.031: < option name Ponder type check default false
0.031: < option name Threads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
0.031: < option name GaviotaTbPath type string default <empty>
0.031: < option name GaviotaTbCache type spin default 32 min 1 max 1024
0.031: < option name GaviotaTbScheme type combo default cp4 var none var cp1 var cp2 var cp3 var cp4
0.031: < option name TB Pieces installed type combo default 3 var none var 3 var 4 var 5
0.031: < option name TB Restart type button
0.031: < option name PerftThreads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
0.031: < option name PerftHashSize type spin default 0 min 0 max 100000
0.031: < option name PerftDumpFile type string
0.031: < uciok
0.031: > setoption name Book File value cinnamon.bin
0.031: > setoption name GaviotaTbCache value 32
0.031: < cinnamon.bin not found
0.031: > setoption name GaviotaTbPath value e:\gaviota
0.031: > setoption name GaviotaTbScheme value cp4
0.031: > setoption name Hash value 512
0.031: > setoption name Nullmove value true
0.031: > setoption name OwnBook value false
0.031: > setoption name PerftDumpFile
0.031: > setoption name PerftHashSize value 0
0.031: > setoption name PerftThreads value 1
0.031: > setoption name TB Pieces installed value 5
0.031: > setoption name Threads value 1
0.031: > isready
0.203: < 3-pc TBs complete
0.203: < 4-pc TBs complete
0.203: < 5-pc TBs complete
0.203: < 
0.889: < Unknown command: setoption name PerftDumpFile
0.889: < readyok
0.889: > ucinewgame
0.889: > setoption name Ponder value false
0.889: > position fen 8/8/8/5p2/8/8/5Pk1/4K3 w - - 0 1
0.889: > isready
0.905: < readyok
0.905: > go wtime 120000 btime 120000 movestogo 40
0.921: < info score cp 6 depth 1 nodes 1 time 1 knps 1 pv e1e2 
0.921: < info score cp 7 depth 2 nodes 7 time 1 knps 7 pv e1e2 f5f4 
0.921: < info score cp 2 depth 3 nodes 14 time 1 knps 14 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 
0.921: < info score cp 5 depth 4 nodes 37 time 1 knps 37 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 g2g3 
0.921: < info score cp -94 depth 5 nodes 103 time 1 knps 103 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1f1 f3f4 f1g2 
0.921: < info score cp -97 depth 6 nodes 224 time 1 knps 224 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1d2 f3f4 d2d3 f4e5 
0.921: < info score cp -97 depth 7 nodes 387 time 1 knps 387 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1d2 f3f4 d2d3 f4e5 d3e3 
0.921: < info score cp -121 depth 8 nodes 446 time 1 knps 446 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 g2g3 e2d3 g3f3 d3d4 f3g2 
0.921: < info score cp -121 depth 9 nodes 407 time 1 knps 407 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 g2g3 e2d3 g3f3 d3d4 f3g2 d4e4 
0.921: < info score cp -130 depth 10 nodes 985 time 1 knps 985 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1d2 f3f4 d2d3 f4e5 d3e3 f5f4 e3f3 e5f5 f3g2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 11 nodes 1348 time 1 knps 1348 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 12 nodes 324 time 1 knps 324 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 13 nodes 999 time 1 knps 999 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 14 nodes 1048 time 1 knps 1048 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 15 nodes 826 time 1 knps 826 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 16 nodes 1021 time 1 knps 1021 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 17 nodes 1970 time 11 knps 179 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 18 nodes 2640 time 11 knps 240 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 19 nodes 2137 time 11 knps 194 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 20 nodes 3724 time 11 knps 338 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.921: < info score cp 0 depth 21 nodes 3622 time 11 knps 329 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
0.936: < info score cp 0 depth 22 nodes 12830 time 21 knps 610 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
0.952: < info score cp 0 depth 23 nodes 9055 time 31 knps 292 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
0.952: < info score cp 0 depth 24 nodes 11192 time 41 knps 272 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
0.952: < info score cp 0 depth 25 nodes 12420 time 41 knps 302 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
0.967: < info score cp 0 depth 26 nodes 15489 time 51 knps 303 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
0.983: < info score cp 0 depth 27 nodes 24551 time 71 knps 345 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 f5f4 e3f4 g1f2 
1.014: < info score cp 0 depth 28 nodes 37855 time 101 knps 374 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 f5f4 e3f4 g1f2 
1.030: < info score cp 0 depth 29 nodes 40596 time 121 knps 335 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 f5f4 e3f4 g1f2 
1.092: < info score cp 0 depth 30 nodes 66758 time 171 knps 390 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
1.123: < info score cp 0 depth 31 nodes 58094 time 211 knps 275 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
1.326: < info score cp 0 depth 32 nodes 282535 time 411 knps 687 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
1.404: < info score cp 0 depth 33 nodes 110244 time 491 knps 224 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
1.560: < info score cp 0 depth 34 nodes 207917 time 641 knps 324 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 g1g2 e3f4 g2g1 f4f5 g1f2 
4.243: < bestmove e1e2

Everything looks OK, so why does it want to play 1.Ke2? Apparently the engine is not initialized properly, and not just TB support but also the hash size (still ~100 MB Commit Size).

No problem under Arena v3.5.1 -- 1.f4 is found instantly, no searching:

283.002*1*----------------Starting engine 1 Cinnamon_2.2_beta2 64-bit-----------------
283.002*1*Configured Engine 1 Type:   UCI
283.002*1*Engine 1 dir: C:\Program Files\ChessBase\Engines.x64\CCRL\a-c\cinnamon
283.002*1*Engine 1 commandline: "C:\Program Files\ChessBase\Engines.x64\CCRL\a-c\cinnamon\cinnamon_2.2_beta2.exe" 
283.111*1*Engine 1 ProcessID: 20108
283.111*1*Engine 1 Prio:32 ThreadPrio:0
283.158<--1:id name Cinnamon 2.2-beta
283.158<--1:id author Giuseppe Cannella
283.158<--1:option name Hash type spin default 64 min 1 max 1000
283.158<--1:option name Clear Hash type button
283.158<--1:option name Nullmove type check default true
283.158<--1:option name Book File type string default cinnamon.bin
283.158<--1:option name OwnBook type check default false
283.158<--1:option name Ponder type check default false
283.158<--1:option name Threads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
283.158<--1:option name GaviotaTbPath type string default <empty>
283.158<--1:option name GaviotaTbCache type spin default 32 min 1 max 1024
283.158<--1:option name GaviotaTbScheme type combo default cp4 var none var cp1 var cp2 var cp3 var cp4
283.158<--1:option name TB Pieces installed type combo default 3 var none var 3 var 4 var 5
283.158<--1:option name TB Restart type button
283.158<--1:option name PerftThreads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
283.158<--1:option name PerftHashSize type spin default 0 min 0 max 100000
283.158<--1:option name PerftDumpFile type string
283.158-->1:setoption name TB Pieces installed value 5
283.158-->1:setoption name GaviotaTbPath value E:\gaviota
283.158-->1:setoption name Hash value 512
283.329<--1:3-pc TBs complete
283.345<--1:4-pc TBs complete
283.345<--1:5-pc TBs complete
347.212*1*Start calc, move no: 0
347.321-->1:position fen 8/8/8/5p2/8/8/5Pk1/4K3 w - - 0 69
347.321-->1:go wtime 2400000 btime 2400000 winc 0 binc 0 movestogo 40
347.368<--1:bestmove f2f4
347.368*1*Found move:f2-f4

So the TB support works properly under Arena and so does setting hash -- Task Manager shows Commit Size ~ 540 MB.

What is the problem with CC then? We already ruled out the text on startup. Perhaps it has trouble with some of the UCI options received from Cinnamon? Note that Arena appears to send Cinnamon only three "setoption" commands compared to Cute Chess' 12. I'll experiment with removing the options from CC's engines.json config file, one at a time.

from cinnamon.

tpoppins avatar tpoppins commented on September 24, 2024

I found it! It's the Threads option.

If it's removed from the config file Cinnamon finds 1.f4! instantly under CC, and the hash size is ~500 MB in Task Manager:

0.000: - Starting server: cinnamon_2.2_beta2.exe
0.000: - Priority class set to normal
0.000: - Thread priority set to normal
0.000: > uci
0.047: < id name Cinnamon 2.2-beta
0.047: < id author Giuseppe Cannella
0.047: < option name Hash type spin default 64 min 1 max 1000
0.047: < option name Clear Hash type button
0.047: < option name Nullmove type check default true
0.047: < option name Book File type string default cinnamon.bin
0.047: < option name OwnBook type check default false
0.047: < option name Ponder type check default false
0.047: < option name Threads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
0.047: < option name GaviotaTbPath type string default <empty>
0.047: < option name GaviotaTbCache type spin default 32 min 1 max 1024
0.047: < option name GaviotaTbScheme type combo default cp4 var none var cp1 var cp2 var cp3 var cp4
0.047: < option name TB Pieces installed type combo default 3 var none var 3 var 4 var 5
0.047: < option name TB Restart type button
0.047: < option name PerftThreads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
0.047: < option name PerftHashSize type spin default 0 min 0 max 100000
0.047: < option name PerftDumpFile type string
0.047: < uciok
0.047: > setoption name Book File value cinnamon.bin
0.047: > setoption name GaviotaTbCache value 32
0.047: < cinnamon.bin not found
0.047: > setoption name GaviotaTbPath value e:\gaviota
0.047: > setoption name GaviotaTbScheme value cp4
0.047: > setoption name Hash value 512
0.047: > setoption name Nullmove value true
0.047: > setoption name OwnBook value false
0.047: > setoption name PerftDumpFile
0.047: > setoption name PerftHashSize value 0
0.047: > setoption name PerftThreads value 1
0.047: > setoption name TB Pieces installed value 5
0.047: > isready
0.203: < 3-pc TBs complete
0.203: < 4-pc TBs complete
0.219: < 5-pc TBs complete
0.219: < 
0.905: < Unknown command: setoption name PerftDumpFile
0.905: < readyok
0.905: > ucinewgame
0.905: > setoption name Ponder value false
0.905: > position fen 4k3/5pK1/8/8/5P2/8/8/8 b - - 0 1
0.905: > isready
1.061: < readyok
1.061: > go wtime 120000 btime 120000 movestogo 40
1.061: < bestmove f7f5

In the Arena log from my previous post there were only three "setoption" commands sent to the engine because Arena apparently only sends those options whose value is different from global Arena settings.

Now if we force Arena to use "setoption" on Threads by changing Arena's default to 4 cores/threads we can see the same buggy behavior as under CC:

694.267*1*----------------Starting engine 1 Cinnamon_2.2_beta2 64-bit-----------------
694.267*1*Configured Engine 1 Type:   UCI
694.267*1*Engine 1 dir: C:\Program Files\ChessBase\Engines.x64\CCRL\a-c\cinnamon
694.267*1*Engine 1 commandline: "C:\Program Files\ChessBase\Engines.x64\CCRL\a-c\cinnamon\cinnamon_2.2_beta2.exe" 
694.376*1*Engine 1 ProcessID: 4932
694.376*1*Engine 1 Prio:32 ThreadPrio:0
694.392<--1:id name Cinnamon 2.2-beta
694.392<--1:id author Giuseppe Cannella
694.392<--1:option name Hash type spin default 64 min 1 max 1000
694.392<--1:option name Clear Hash type button
694.392<--1:option name Nullmove type check default true
694.392<--1:option name Book File type string default cinnamon.bin
694.392<--1:option name OwnBook type check default false
694.392<--1:option name Ponder type check default false
694.392<--1:option name Threads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
694.392<--1:option name GaviotaTbPath type string default <empty>
694.392<--1:option name GaviotaTbCache type spin default 32 min 1 max 1024
694.392<--1:option name GaviotaTbScheme type combo default cp4 var none var cp1 var cp2 var cp3 var cp4
694.392<--1:option name TB Pieces installed type combo default 3 var none var 3 var 4 var 5
694.392<--1:option name TB Restart type button
694.392<--1:option name PerftThreads type spin default 1 min 1 max 64
694.392<--1:option name PerftHashSize type spin default 0 min 0 max 100000
694.392<--1:option name PerftDumpFile type string
694.407-->1:setoption name TB Pieces installed value 5
694.407-->1:setoption name GaviotaTbPath value E:\gaviota
694.407-->1:setoption name Hash value 512
694.407-->1:setoption name Threads value 4
694.563<--1:3-pc TBs complete
694.563<--1:4-pc TBs complete
694.563<--1:5-pc TBs complete
697.637*1*Start calc, move no: 0
697.668-->1:position fen 8/8/8/5p2/8/8/5Pk1/4K3 w - - 0 69
697.668-->1:go wtime 240000 btime 240000 winc 0 binc 0 movestogo 40
697.668<--1:info score cp 6 depth 1 nodes 1 time 1 knps 1 pv e1e2 
697.668<--1:info score cp 7 depth 2 nodes 7 time 1 knps 7 pv e1e2 f5f4 
697.668<--1:info score cp 2 depth 3 nodes 14 time 1 knps 14 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 
697.668<--1:info score cp 5 depth 4 nodes 58 time 1 knps 58 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 g2g3 
697.668<--1:info score cp -94 depth 5 nodes 167 time 1 knps 167 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1d1 f3f4 d1e2 
697.668<--1:info score cp -97 depth 6 nodes 413 time 1 knps 413 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1d2 f3f4 d2d3 f4e5 
697.668<--1:info score cp -97 depth 7 nodes 221 time 1 knps 221 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1d2 f3f4 d2d3 f4e5 d3e3 
697.683<--1:info score cp -118 depth 8 nodes 1826 time 1 knps 1826 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1d2 f3f4 d2d3 f4g3 d3d4 f5f4 
697.683<--1:info score cp -117 depth 9 nodes 1704 time 1 knps 1704 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 g2g1 e2d3 g1g2 d3d4 g2f3 d4e5 
697.683<--1:info score cp 0 depth 10 nodes 1657 time 1 knps 1657 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
697.683<--1:info score cp -117 depth 11 nodes 3814 time 11 knps 346 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 g2g1 e2d3 g1g2 d3e4 g2g3 e4d4 g3f3 d4e5 
697.683<--1:info score cp 0 depth 12 nodes 1183 time 11 knps 107 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
697.683<--1:info score cp 0 depth 13 nodes 2593 time 11 knps 235 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
697.699<--1:info score cp 0 depth 14 nodes 1424 time 11 knps 129 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
697.699<--1:info score cp 0 depth 15 nodes 6252 time 11 knps 568 pv e1e2 g2h1 e2e3 h1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
697.699<--1:info score cp -255 depth 16 nodes 30397 time 11 knps 2763 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1f1 f3f4 f1g2 f4e4 g2f2 f5f4 f2g2 f4f3 g2g3 e4f5 g3f3 
697.715<--1:info score cp -255 depth 17 nodes 37634 time 21 knps 1792 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1f1 f3f4 f1f2 f4e4 f2g1 f5f4 g1f2 f4f3 f2f1 e4e3 g3h2 f3f2 h2g2 e3e2 g2h2 
697.715<--1:info score cp -1014 depth 18 nodes 35405 time 31 knps 1142 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1d1 f3f4 d1e2 f4g3 e2d2 f5f4 d2e2 g3g2 e2d2 f4f3 d2e3 f3f2 e3e4 f2f1 e4d5 f1f4 
697.715<--1:info score cp 0 depth 19 nodes 9902 time 41 knps 241 pv e1e2 g2h1 e2e3 h1g2 e3f4 g2f2 f4f5 
697.715<--1:info score cp 0 depth 20 nodes 2949 time 41 knps 71 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
697.715<--1:info score cp 0 depth 21 nodes 6388 time 41 knps 155 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2f3 f5f4 f3f4 g1f2 
697.730<--1:info score cp 0 depth 22 nodes 9329 time 41 knps 227 pv e1e2 g2g1 e2e3 f5f4 e3f4 g1f2 
697.855<--1:info score cp -1050 depth 23 nodes 544405 time 191 knps 2850 pv e1d2 f5f4 d2e1 f4f3 e1d2 g2f2 d2d1 f2g3 d1c2 f3f2 c2c3 g3g2 c3b2 f2f1 b2c3 g2f3 c3b4 f3f4 b4a5 f1c4 a5b6 f4e5 b6a5 
697.871<--1:info score cp -1050 depth 24 nodes 87349 time 211 knps 413 pv f2f4 g2g3 e1f1 g3f4 f1g1 f4e4 g1f1 f5f4 f1e1 f4f3 e1f1 e4e3 f1g1 f3f2 g1g2 e3e2 g2h3 f2f1 h3g4 e2d3 g4g5 d3e3 g5h4 f1f4 h4h5 f4f3 h5g5 f3d5 g5h4 
697.886<--1:info score cp -1050 depth 25 nodes 49541 time 221 knps 224 pv e1e2 f5f4 e2d2 g2f1 f2f3 f1g1 d2c3 g1f2 c3d4 f2f3 d4c5 f3g3 c5d6 f4f3 d6d7 f3f2 d7e6 f2f1 e6d6 f1f6 d6d5 f6f3 d5c4 f3c6 c4b4 g3f4 b4a3 c6d5 
698.151<--1:info score cp -1045 depth 26 nodes 902880 time 491 knps 1838 pv f2f4 g2f3 e1f1 f3f4 f1e2 f4g3 e2d3 g3g2 d3e3 g2g3 e3d3 f5f4 d3d4 f4f3 d4d5 f3f2 d5c4 g3f4 c4c5 f2f1 c5c6 f1a6 c6d7 f4e3 d7c7 a6b5 c7d8 
698.183<--1:info score mate 1 depth 27 nodes 169745 time 531 knps 319 pv f2f3 g2g1 f3f4 g1g2 e1e2 g2g1 e2d3 g1h2 d3d4 h2g3 d4e5 g3g4 e5f6 g4f4 f6g6 f4e4 g6f6 f5f4 f6g6 f4f3 g6f6 f3f2 f6e6 f2f1 e6d6 f1f6 d6c6 
698.495<--1:info score mate 1 depth 28 nodes 1149172 time 831 knps 1382 pv e1e2 f5f4 f2f3 g2h2 e2d2 h2g2 d2c3 g2h2 c3d4 h2g2 d4e5 g2f3 e5d4 f3g4 d4c4 f4f3 c4b4 f3f2 b4a4 f2f1 a4b3 f1b5 b3a3 b5a5 a3b2 a5b4 b2c1 b4c4 c1d2 g4f3 d2e1 c4c1 
699.041<--1:info score cp -1049 depth 29 nodes 1595804 time 1381 knps 1155 pv f2f4 g2g3 e1d2 g3f4 d2d3 f4g3 d3c2 g3f4 c2c3 f4g3 c3b4 f5f4 b4a4 f4f3 a4a5 g3g2 a5b5 f3f2 b5b6 g2f3 b6b5 f2f1 b5b4 f3e4 b4c5 f1f5 c5d6 f5d5 d6c7 d5e6 c7b7 e6d7 b7a6 
699.321<--1:info score cp 0 depth 30 nodes 856457 time 1661 knps 515 pv e1e2 g2h2 e2e3 h2h3 e3f4 h3g2 f4e5 g2f2 e5f5 
701.100<--1:info score cp -1050 depth 31 nodes 5005199 time 3441 knps 1454 pv f2f4 g2g3 e1d2 g3f4 d2d3 f4g3 d3c3 g3f4 c3b2 f4f3 b2c2 f3f2 c2c1 f5f4 c1d2 f4f3 d2c3 f2g3 c3b2 f3f2 b2c2 f2f1 c2d2 g3f4 d2c3 f1a1 c3d2 a1d4 d2e2 d4c3 e2f2 c3f3 f2g1 f4e5 
701.115<--1:info score cp 0 depth 32 nodes 62169 time 3461 knps 17 pv e1e2 g2h3 e2f3 h3h2 f3e3 h2g2 e3e2 g2g1 e2f3 g1h2 f3e3 h2g2 e3e2 
703.986<--1:info score mate 1 depth 33 nodes 8362550 time 6331 knps 1320 pv e1d2 f5f4 f2f3 g2g3 d2d3 g3f3 d3c2 f3e2 c2b1 e2f1 b1a2 f1e2 a2a1 f4f3 a1b1 f3f2 b1a2 e2e3 a2b1 f2f1 b1b2 f1b5 b2c3 b5a5 c3c2 a5a2 c2c1 a2f2 c1d1 f2d2 
704.329<--1:bestmove e1d2
704.329*1*Found move:Ke1-d2

It no longer finds 1.f4 and the user-specified Hash size is also ignored.

Weird but it does look like the Threads option is the culprit.

from cinnamon.

gekomad avatar gekomad commented on September 24, 2024

Great!! I'll debug!

from cinnamon.

gekomad avatar gekomad commented on September 24, 2024

here a new version

from cinnamon.

tpoppins avatar tpoppins commented on September 24, 2024

Fixed! There only remains the hash issue now.

from cinnamon.

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