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Comments (17)

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Starting with a Python example like this:

class Foo(Bar):
    def __init__(self, x):
        self._x = x
    def x(self):
        return self._x

Option 1, explicit pairs

class: Foo: Bar
    __init__:lambda: :: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
    x:property:lambda: :: self

This looks a lot like the dict that it is. Lambdas don't get their name metadata, even though the left of the pair names it. Maybe we want an additional macro that expands to a pair?

Option 2, rewrite def: in class body to the dict pairs.

class: Foo: Bar
    def: __doc__ """docstring"""
    def: __init__: self x
        setattr: self "x" x
        x property:lambda: :: self

Methods look very Python. Class attributes not so much, but it's consistent with the globals. Docstring could be special-cased, but not other class attributes. The method lambdas could get their name metadata. Decorators look pretty awkward. Because this is expanding to a dict, you can't access any attrs set in the body later in the body, so the decorator can't be after the method either.

Option 3, use := keyword to designate pairs. It looks like the new walrus operator, but isn't.

class: Foo: Bar
    __doc__ := """docstring"""
    __init__ := lambda: :: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
    x := property:lambda: :: self

This doesn't look much better than the explicit pairs, and we can't use helper macros that expand to pairs now. But anything not adjacent to a := can be executed for side effects. This doesn't seem that useful without a namespace. And we could have used a progn for side effects before.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Option 4, allow a mix of 2 and 3.

class: Foo: Bar
    __doc__ =: """docstring"""
    def: __init__: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
    :@ property
    def: x: self

With special-cased docstring, and a new class attr.

class: Foo: Bar
    __slots__ := "_x"
    def: __init__: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
    :@ property
    def: x: self

Looks very Python. But it's over-complicating the macro maybe. Also, the keyword decorators make no sense at the top level, so we lose the symmetry there.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Option 5, control words :=, :def, :@.

class: Foo: Bar
    __slots__ := "_x"
    :def __init__: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
    :@ property
    :def x: self

It's kind of a DSL now. Again we lose the top-level symmetry, now with def as well as decorators.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Option 6, explicit pairs, but def expands to pair. Decorators go inside

    :@ some_class_decorator
    :@ another_one
    Foo: Bar
    def: __init__: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
        :@ property
        x: self

Decorators could go inside def: like this even at the top level, so we'd keep symmetry. The class/function/method names get a little harder to find. With syntax highlighting I think you'd get used to it. Editor searches for class/function/method is likewise more difficult. Regex could help a bit. Simple code folding based on indents would also probably hide the name.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Option 7, Decorators go inside the args tuple

        :@ some_class_decorator
        :@ another_one
    def: __init__: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
            :@ property

This looks worse.

Option 8, Name goes outside the args tuple when there are decorators.

class: Foo
    :@ some_class_decorator
    :@ another_one
    :: Bar
    def: __init__: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
    def: x
        :@ property
        :: self

Code folding, searching, and visual inspection should find the names more easily this way, but I'd almost rather use lambdas at this point.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Option 9,

class: :@ some_class_decorator: another_one: Foo: Bar
    def: __init__: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
    def: :@ property: x: self

This kind of makes more sense, but what if the decorators have arguments?

class: :@
    :: some_class_decorator: arg1 arg2
        another_one: Foo: Bar

Again it makes sense, but the name is getting lost again. I'd rather not even have decorator syntax at this point, and just call them after. But this doesn't work in a class body that expands to a simple dict. There's no namespace to get it back from. Option 6 seems less bad.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Other considerations:

  • Add implicit arguments to super()?
  • Mangle __symbols? (Macros can totally do that.)
  • Metaclasses?

Do we need classes at all? It's not the style I'd want to encourage for a functional Lisp. But unlike Lissp most of the time, Hebigo does need the operator magic methods.

We have type() and whatever metaclass callables you like already.

You could start with an empty class body and dynamically add attributes, like vanilla Javascript. (Or Smalltalk.)

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Option 10, decorators go in body before docstring

class: Foo: Bar
    :@ some_class_decorator
    :@ another_one
    def: __init__: self x
        setattr: self "_x" x
    def: x: self
        :@ property

This works at the top level, keeps easy visual/editor search, and allows folding without hiding the name. The :@ control word can be special cased as easily as the docstring is. It makes a lot of sense in a function def, which is analogous to a key/value def. You assign the "key" (like x: self), which resembles an invocation, to the body "value" like self._x. The decorators appear to be functions modifying the "value".

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Going with Option 10's decorators.

The def macro currently creates a global binding, even when nested, like Clojure's defn (it would have to be rewritten inside class macros). This behavior is probably surprising for Pythonistas. Racket's behavior of creating a locally-scoped definition is more Pythonic. Unfortunately, it's also harder to implement. The globals() dict is write-through, but (in Python 3) the locals() dict is not. (Unless it happens to be at the top level anyway.)

Because we're limited to expressions, that means only way left to update locals is in a comprehension, which seems pretty awkward. Introducing new locals, on the other hand, can be done with a lambda.

But the @property decorator requires access to the decorated function again to add a setter or deleter. This isn't possible in a simple dict() call, because the arguments are not in scope yet. This also means that new lambda locals probably aren't good enough to implement something like letrec.

That leaves us with verbose incremental external updates to the class after construction (Javascript-style) or the new walrus operator := from 3.8. Making def a text macro for the walrus seems like a good fit, but that means dropping 3.7 support before 3.8 is even out yet (it's not like Hebigo is ready for release either). We could pretty much expand the class body to a lambda body. I'm still not sure about metaclasses in some cases though.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

Metaclasses can have a __prepare__ attribute. So the behavior of getting and setting class attributes during the execution of the class body can be overridden in pretty much arbitrary ways. That leaves us with external updates accessing the namespace via [] or .; or passing the namespace to eval() or exec().

With external updates, the macro could hide top-level writes, but it really can't do that to reads, because the variables may appear in bracketed expressions that can't be rewritten short of parsing AST.

With eval() or exec(), we can control the local namespace, so reads inside bracketed expressions can still work. It's not as simple as passing the result of __prepare__, because the class body and its method still need access to the surrounding lexical scope. Globals are easy. Perhaps a ChainMap starting with the prepared namespace could work for the locals. But simply adding locals() to the chain still isn't good enough if the class definition is nested in more than one function. Locals won't appear in the innermost scope unless they are referenced in the function body directly:

>>> def foo():
...     a=1
...     def bar():
...         b=2
...         print(locals())
...     bar()
>>> foo()
{'b': 2}
>>> def foo():
...     a=1
...     def bar():
...         a
...         b=2
...         print(locals())
...     bar()
>>> foo()
{'b': 2, 'a': 1}

A macro could add these, but can't know they exist. Perhaps we have to restrict class definitions to top-level only. It would eliminate these crazy scoping issues, but I don't like it.

The class macro basically has to do all the steps the Python interpreter does when executing a class body:

  • MRO entries are resolved;
  • the appropriate metaclass is determined;
  • the class namespace is prepared;
  • the class body is executed;
  • the class object is created.

I'm not sure how to do all of these.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

It's possible to make the compiler put things in locals by defining a function without calling it.

>>> def foo():
...     a=1
...     def bar():
...         lambda: [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]
...         print(eval('a'))
...     bar()
>>> foo()
>>> def foo():
...     a=1
...     def bar():
...         print(eval('a'))
...     bar()
>>> foo()
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'a' is not defined

The macro could try to put every symbol in the class definition and every identifier in bracket expressions into the locals() this way, just by lexing the words with a regex. No need for AST. This seems like a hack, but it could work. Obviously, reserved words would have to be excluded.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

I've been playing around with more possibilities.

It would be nice if def: could assign to an attribute of something, (like setattr()). This way it's not forced to only use globals() and you could def things directly into _macro_ or a class object. But now the basic form needs a third argument (the namespace object).

def: namespace key value

def: namespace name: args

It looks like this works, but

def: foo bar: x

Does this mean something like setitem(globals(), 'foo', bar(x)) or more like setattr(foo, 'bar', lambda x:())? It's ambiguous. There are a lot of possible ways to deal with this problem.

The simplest would be to add a dot between the names. This is how attributes are accessed, and it's also how they are assigned in Python, so this is sensible.

def: foo bar: x
# This one is the lambda.
def: x

The option most resembling Python would be an namespace anaphor. That way the third argument is whatever _ns_ (or something) happens to be in the current scope. The class macro would set this to its own namespace. You could also !let it :be something else and not have to repeat the argument when defining multiple functions in the same namespace.

def: foo bar: x
# This one is the lambda.
!let: _ns_ :be foo
    def: bar: x

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

The anaphor has problems. It can cause surprises if someone happens to define one in the global scope. You might think you're defining a global, but are actually defining an attribute.

While you might save words when def:ing multiple attributes, the overhead of the !let doesn't seem worth it for just one.

If there's no _ns_ in scope at all (maybe typical at the top level), trying to use it would raise a NameError.

The def: macro could require this to be defined to work. Options,

  • have an ns macro like Clojure does instead of imports, which initializes _ns_ and _macro_. Awkward, but the repl/kernel could define this for you.
  • add _ns_ to builtins. Set it to None or something. Bad form perhaps, but not unheard of. Some import (like bootstrap) would do this. (Using the def: macro implicitly imports this.)

The def: macro could just catch the NameError when it happens, but this is a performance hit since it requires an additional lambda and call every time. This is not much worse than a lot of things Hebigo is already doing, honestly. Not really a problem at the top level, but inner def:s might get a noticeable hit.

Hebigo lacks mutable local scope. !let only introduces new variables; it cannot reassign them. Namespaces you can def: into can compensate for this, but they won't automatically nest like normal lexical scope does. This is more likely to cause confusion when the namespace is used implicitly.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

I'm currently leaning towards a compromise solution: require an explicit name, but allow an abbreviation, so

def: a b c

could also be written as

!let: _at_ :be _macro_
    def: @foo: a b c

The namespace anaphor is _at_ (for "attribute"), but it's only used when the name starts with @, so it's an abbreviation for

!let: _at_ :be _macro_
    def: a b c

Not much of an abbreviation, but it looks a lot nicer in a hypothetical class: macro. It could also work for decorators. And the class: macro could also assign the new class to an attribute.

class: Foo: Bar Baz : metaclass spam
    :@ glitter
    :@ sparkle: 777
    def: @eggs None
    def: @foo: self
        :@ property
        """ doc """
    def: @foo: self val
        :@ @foo.setter  # note double @
        def: self._foo val
    def: @foo: self
        :@ @foo.deleter
        del: self._foo
    class: @Inner: Quux

The class object doesn't exist until after the class is built, so _at_ would have to be set to the dict used to build the class instead. But that would need setitem() instead of setattr(). This is easy to fix with a proxy object wrapping the dict. We can't just use SimpleNamespace because metaclasses might make some other mapping type instead of a plain dict, but Drython already has something that should work.

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

This form kind of resembles Ruby's sigils. It sort of conflicts with the decorator syntax visually. Any bracketed expression would have to use _at_ instead. This seems acceptable. We could also have a del: macro that works the same way (i.e. del: foo or del: or del: @foo).

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

We can't start a symbol with @ because then it's not a valid identifier. I thought maybe the macro would be able to get to it first and it would be fine as long as we don't emit such a name. But the parser itself will reject it before the macro can get to it. I was a little tempted to adjust the parser, but I think it's just as well. Allowing invalid identifiers to be symbols (without read-time munging) could create incompatibilities with Lissp.

But we could use : instead and make it a control word. (:@foo could also work, but : seems sufficient, since we don't need any other control words in that position. Yet. I'm still considering supporting type annotations, but these are lambdas.)

from hebigo.

gilch avatar gilch commented on June 14, 2024

I discovered that the types.new_class() function will make supporting metaclasses correctly much easier. It also uses the explicit namespace approach in the exec_callback, so I think this approach is correct and preferable to using exec() or locals(). I think I'll also adjust Lissp's deftype and Hissp's FAQ to use this function as well.

from hebigo.

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