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Comments (9)

restacksyj avatar restacksyj commented on June 13, 2024 2

Ohh gotcha, thanks for such a great explanation. I might have to work with kitty_mod+h for now :)
Thanks @mikesmithgh once again, I hope we see a great tmux support soon
Yeah you can close this issue!

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

restacksyj avatar restacksyj commented on June 13, 2024 1

Hey @mikesmithgh, here are the details
Nvim version: 0.9.5
Kitty version: 0.32.1

I restarted the mac to see if that helps and it worked. Now kitty_mod + h is working but with g it's not. What might be the issue here?

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

restacksyj avatar restacksyj commented on June 13, 2024 1

Hey @mikesmithgh , I tried with mod+g here still the result is same
I think the last command output is working but triggering with mod+g is not

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

mikesmithgh avatar mikesmithgh commented on June 13, 2024

Hey, thanks for reporting. The config looks good to me, could you answer the following questions?

  • what version of Neovim are you using?
  • what version of Kitty are you using?
  • Could you please try the following commands in Neovim and provide the output.
    • You may need to expand the fold after :checkhealth (.e.g, type zR in normal mode)
:checkhealth kitty-scrollback
  • Could you try kitty_mod+h and post a screenshot?

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

mikesmithgh avatar mikesmithgh commented on June 13, 2024

@restacksyj awesome

kitty_mod+g is equivalent to kitty @ get-text --extent=last_cmd_output.

last_cmd_output means the output of the last command that was run in the window.

Watching your video, I see previous commands but no resulting output of those commands.

Could you try:

  • Run the command ls in Kitty
  • Press kitty_mod+g

This should open the results of the ls command in kitty-scrollback.nvim.

This should be the same as running the command:

ls; kitty @ get-text --extent=last_cmd_output


Please let me know if that works

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

mikesmithgh avatar mikesmithgh commented on June 13, 2024

Hey @mikesmithgh , I tried with mod+g here still the result is same

I think the last command output is working but triggering with mod+g is not

It looks like kitty @ get-text --extent=last_cmd_output isn't working as expected for you. I would have expected it to repeat your ls output. I see you are using fish, I use bash so that may be why we are seeing a difference.

Could you provide the output of
:KittyScrollbackCheckHealth ?

I'll test with fish later today. Most likely this is an upstream bug, but I'd like to try and reproduce on my side.

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

mikesmithgh avatar mikesmithgh commented on June 13, 2024

@restacksyj I am having trouble reproducing the issue.

Could you do the following to help me troubleshoot:

  • Provide the output of :KittyScrollbackCheckHealth
  • Provide the version of fish fish --version
  • change the shell to bash or zsh and test
    • update the line in your kitty.conf to shell bash or shell zsh
    • completely close kitty
    • Reattempt:
      • Run the command ls -la in Kitty
      • Press kitty_mod+g
      • close kitty-scrollback.nvim
      • Run the command ls -la; kitty @ get-text --extent=last_cmd_output
    • If this is successful, then it is a fish/kitty specific issue

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

restacksyj avatar restacksyj commented on June 13, 2024

Hey @mikesmithgh

  1. : KittyScrollbackCheckHealth output

kitty-scrollback: require("").check()

kitty-scrollback: Neovim version 0.9+ ~
- OK NVIM 0.9.5
- If you are using a version of nvim that is less than 0.10, then formatting on this checkhealth may be malformed

kitty-scrollback: kitty-scrollback.nvim version ~
- OK        `|`\___/`|`       *kitty-scrollback.nvim* @ `93b4286`
  =) `^`Y`^` (=
  \  *^*  /       If you have any issues or questions using *kitty-scrollback.nvim* then     
  ` )=*=( `       please create an issue at                                                    
  /     \ and              
  |     |       provide the `KittyScrollbackCheckHealth` report.                               
  /| | | |\                                                                                    
  \| | `|`_`|`/\
  /_// ___/     *Bonus* *points* *for* *cat* *memes*

kitty-scrollback: Kitty remote control ~
- OK `kitty @ ls` exited with code *0*

kitty-scrollback: Kitty data ~
- OK Kitty data available
  columns = 124,
  cursor_x = 1,
  cursor_y = 38,
  kitty_config_dir = "/Users/restacksyj/.config/kitty",
  kitty_opts = {
  allow_remote_control = "yes",
  listen_on = "unix:/tmp/kitty",
  scrollback_fill_enlarged_window = false,
  scrollback_lines = 2000,
  scrollback_pager = { "less", "--chop-long-lines", "--RAW-CONTROL-CHARS", "+INPUT_LINE_NUMBER" },
  scrollback_pager_history_size = 0,
  shell_integration = { "enabled" }
  kitty_path = "/Applications/",
  kitty_scrollback_config = "ksb_builtin_checkhealth",
  kitty_version = { 0, 32, 1 },
  ksb_dir = "/Users/restacksyj/.local/share/nvim/lazy/kitty-scrollback.nvim",
  lines = 40,
  scrolled_by = 0,
  tmux = vim.empty_dict(),
  window_id = 1,
  window_title = "zsh"

kitty-scrollback: Kitty version 0.29+ ~
- OK kitty 0.32.1

kitty-scrollback: clipboard ~
- OK Clipboard tool found: *pbcopy*

kitty-scrollback: sed ~
- OK `sed -E -e s/\r//g -e s/$/\x1b[0m/g` exited with code *0* and stdout `expected�[0m`
  `sed: /usr/bin/sed`

kitty-scrollback: Kitty debug config ~
- OK kitty 0.32.1 (08d88af2fb) created by Kovid Goyal
  Darwin yash-macbook-pro 23.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.2.0: Wed Nov 15 21:54:10 PST 2023; root:xnu-10002.61.3~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
  ProductName:		macOS ProductVersion:		14.2.1 BuildVersion:		23C71
  `Frozen:` True
  `Paths:  kitty:` /Applications/
  `  base dir:` /Applications/
  `  extensions dir:` /Applications/
  `  system shell:` /bin/zsh
  `Loaded config files:`
  Config options different from defaults:
  allow_remote_control       yes
  cursor_beam_thickness      5.0
  dynamic_background_opacity True
  font_family                Berkeley Mono
  font_size                  22.0
  hide_window_decorations    2
  initial_window_height      (40, 'cells')
  initial_window_width       (110, 'cells')
  kitty_mod                  cmd
  listen_on                  unix:/tmp/kitty
  paste_actions              frozenset({'confirm-if-large'})
  shell                      fish
  sync_to_monitor            False
  `Changed mouse actions:`
  ctrl+shift+right press ungrabbed →  combine : mouse_select_command_output : kitty_scrollback_nvim --config ksb_builtin_last_visited_cmd_output
  `Added shortcuts:`
  ctrl+enter →  send_text normal,application \x1b[13;5u
  f5 →  load_config ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
  shift+enter →  send_text normal,application \x1b[13;2u
  `Removed shortcuts:`
  cmd++ →  change_font_size all +2.0
  cmd+, →  edit_config_file
  cmd+- →  change_font_size all -2.0
  cmd+0 →  change_font_size all 0
  cmd+1 →  first_window
  cmd+2 →  second_window
  cmd+3 →  third_window
  cmd+4 →  fourth_window
  cmd+5 →  fifth_window
  cmd+6 →  sixth_window
  cmd+7 →  seventh_window
  cmd+8 →  eighth_window
  cmd+9 →  ninth_window
  cmd+= →  change_font_size all +2.0
  cmd+c →  copy_to_clipboard
  cmd+down →  scroll_line_down
  cmd+end →  scroll_end
  cmd+enter →  new_window
  cmd+h →  hide_macos_app
  cmd+home →  scroll_home
  cmd+k →  clear_terminal to_cursor active
  cmd+m →  minimize_macos_window
  cmd+n →  new_os_window
  cmd+page_down →  scroll_page_down
  cmd+page_up →  scroll_page_up
  cmd+q →  quit
  cmd+r →  start_resizing_window
  cmd+t →  new_tab
  cmd+up →  scroll_line_up
  cmd+v →  paste_from_clipboard
  cmd+w →  close_tab
  ctrl+cmd+, →  load_config_file
  ctrl+cmd+f →  toggle_fullscreen
  kitty_mod+enter →  new_window
  kitty_mod+f2 →  edit_config_file
  kitty_mod+k →  scroll_line_up
  kitty_mod+n →  new_os_window
  kitty_mod+q →  close_tab
  kitty_mod+t →  new_tab
  kitty_mod+w →  close_window
  opt+cmd+h →  hide_macos_other_apps
  opt+cmd+r →  clear_terminal reset active
  opt+cmd+s →  toggle_macos_secure_keyboard_entry
  shift+cmd+/ →  open_url
  shift+cmd+[ →  previous_tab
  shift+cmd+] →  next_tab
  shift+cmd+d →  close_window
  shift+cmd+w →  close_os_window
  `Changed shortcuts:`
  ctrl+shift+tab →  send_text normal,application \x1b[9;6u
  ctrl+tab →  send_text normal,application \x1b[9;5u
  kitty_mod+, →  edit_config_file
  kitty_mod+0 →  change_font_size all 0
  kitty_mod+g →  kitty_scrollback_nvim --config ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output
  kitty_mod+h →  kitty_scrollback_nvim
  active_tab_background      #26233a 
  active_tab_foreground      #e0def4 
  background                 #191724 
  color0                     #26233a 
  color1                     #eb6f92 
  color10                    #31748f 
  color11                    #f6c177 
  color12                    #9ccfd8 
  color13                    #c4a7e7 
  color14                    #ebbcba 
  color15                    #e0def4 
  color2                     #31748f 
  color3                     #f6c177 
  color4                     #9ccfd8 
  color5                     #c4a7e7 
  color6                     #ebbcba 
  color7                     #e0def4 
  color8                     #6e6a86 
  color9                     #eb6f92 
  cursor                     #524f67 
  cursor_text_color          #e0def4 
  foreground                 #e0def4 
  inactive_tab_background    #191724 
  inactive_tab_foreground    #6e6a86 
  selection_background       #403d52 
  selection_foreground       #e0def4 
  url_color                  #c4a7e7 
  `Important environment variables seen by the kitty process:`
  PATH                                `/Applications/`
  LANG                                `en_US.UTF-8`
  SHELL                               `/bin/zsh`
  USER                                `restacksyj`
  1. fish version 3.7.0
  2. changed shell to zsh from fish ( Now both kitty_mod+g and kitty_mod+h is working)

So, I was trying all of this inside tmux. Trying it without tmux and fish shell kitty_mod g and h are working
Details in the video

Seems like a tmux issue?
In tmux, kitty listen_on is listening to /tmp/kitty-806 instead of /tmp/kitty

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 9 12 35 PM

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

mikesmithgh avatar mikesmithgh commented on June 13, 2024


So, I was trying all of this inside tmux. Trying it without tmux and fish shell kitty_mod g and h are working

🤦 ahhh I should have caught that in the video. I'm used to seeing the bright green status from tmux 😂

That makes total sense.

This is not a bug, it is expected behavior. When Kitty has shell-integration enabled, it adds prompt marks to the beginning and end of the prompts. See shell-integration no-prompt-mark

no-prompt-mark Turn off marking of prompts. This disables jumping to prompt, browsing output of last command and click to move cursor functionality.

tmux has its own pty, basically its own session that Kitty has no knowledge of. So in this case, when you have tmux open, Kitty can no longer add those prompt marks. So when you hit kitty_mod+g it attempts to get the last command output, but there are no prompt marks to determine that value. Resulting in the empty response/blank screen.

To demonstrate this, you can also do kitty_mod+h when tmux is open, then try to scroll to the top of the history (or press gg in Normal mode). If you are in tmux, it only shows the current screen and does not have access to the history.

I currently have experimental support for tmux to see the entire history. See tmux experimental. With this is setup you can use the tmux key binding (defaults to <ctrl-b>[) to open the entire tmux scrollback buffer history in kitty-scrollback.nvim.

tmux does not offer the ability to capture the last command output out of the box (that I am aware of). So, as of now, kitty-scrollback.nvim won't be able to do that. It does look like there is a plugin tmux_capture_last_command_output that captures it based on a regex of your PS1 which I could look into possibility integrating after tmux support is considered stable.

FYI there are some other Kitty features that may not play friendly with Kitty according to the Kitty FAQ tmux i-am-using-tmux-and-have-a-problem.

Thanks for all the videos and troubleshooting steps, it was really helpful 👍. I'll plan to close this issue out unless you have any other questions/concerns.

from kitty-scrollback.nvim.

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