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Comments (4)

dbarrosop avatar dbarrosop commented on May 20, 2024

I'd suggest you to console.log locally and in the cloud and compare if there are any differences.

from nhost.

wollerman avatar wollerman commented on May 20, 2024

To test locally with Stripe I set up the local forwarder. Here's the output of initializing and when making successful round trip requests to my nhost function that it forwards to:

❯ stripe listen --forward-to
> Ready! You are using Stripe API Version [2022-11-15]. Your webhook signing secret is **redacted** (^C to quit)
2023-07-08 08:23:49   --> payment_intent.created [evt_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0ciK9GxH]
2023-07-08 08:23:49  <--  [200] POST [evt_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0ciK9GxH]
2023-07-08 08:23:53   --> payment_intent.succeeded [evt_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0wwPGlPE]
2023-07-08 08:23:53  <--  [200] POST [evt_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0wwPGlPE]
2023-07-08 08:23:53   --> charge.succeeded [evt_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0qXI3dEO]
2023-07-08 08:23:53  <--  [200] POST [evt_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0qXI3dEO]

Below are the logs from the function printing the following lines locally:

const sig = request.headers["stripe-signature"] as string;

nhost-api-functions-1  | POST /payment/stripe_hook 200 - - 18.825 ms
nhost-api-functions-1  | t=1688819033,v1=1352785f9c3d953997f35b6418c49312613a9edf767d02e3c1359389fca16aee,v0=baca6be05c23934c2e812a5b2c8bd2a3e1b824f86c563ccd8683c4e70f4a2f81
nhost-api-functions-1  | rawBody:
nhost-api-functions-1  | {
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "id": "evt_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0wwPGlPE",
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "object": "event",
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "api_version": "2022-11-15",
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "created": 1688819033,
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "data": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |     "object": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "id": "pi_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0nwftizJ",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "object": "payment_intent",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "amount": 299,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "amount_capturable": 0,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "amount_details": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "tip": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |         }
nhost-api-functions-1  |       },
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "amount_received": 299,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "application": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "application_fee_amount": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "automatic_payment_methods": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "allow_redirects": "always",
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "enabled": true
nhost-api-functions-1  |       },
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "canceled_at": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "cancellation_reason": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "capture_method": "automatic",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "client_secret": "pi_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0nwftizJ_secret_J6htv5i5RTYfDRmgmNbQIuULb",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "confirmation_method": "automatic",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "created": 1688819029,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "currency": "usd",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "customer": "cus_O4UuYZ8WOom6OJ",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "description": "10 token(s)",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "invoice": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "last_payment_error": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "latest_charge": "ch_3NRaAzKE0B3nGMSO0b8ljNAF",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "livemode": false,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "metadata": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "tokens": "10",
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "userId": "e265349c-6fe9-471a-b68c-a700cffa22ee"
nhost-api-functions-1  |       },
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "next_action": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "on_behalf_of": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "payment_method": "pm_1NIiW8KE0B3nGMSOp2IMSUhf",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "payment_method_options": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "card": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |           "installments": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |           "mandate_options": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |           "network": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |           "request_three_d_secure": "automatic"
nhost-api-functions-1  |         },
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "cashapp": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |         },
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "link": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |           "persistent_token": null
nhost-api-functions-1  |         }
nhost-api-functions-1  |       },
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "payment_method_types": [
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "card",
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "link",
nhost-api-functions-1  |         "cashapp"
nhost-api-functions-1  |       ],
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "processing": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "receipt_email": "[email protected]",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "review": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "setup_future_usage": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "shipping": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "source": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "statement_descriptor": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "statement_descriptor_suffix": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "status": "succeeded",
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "transfer_data": null,
nhost-api-functions-1  |       "transfer_group": null
nhost-api-functions-1  |     }
nhost-api-functions-1  |   },
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "livemode": false,
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "pending_webhooks": 3,
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "request": {
nhost-api-functions-1  |     "id": "req_KsnPyKXE0DKsHu",
nhost-api-functions-1  |     "idempotency_key": "redacted"
nhost-api-functions-1  |   },
nhost-api-functions-1  |   "type": "payment_intent.succeeded"
nhost-api-functions-1  | }

This looks correctly formatted and is output across multiple lines. This is different than the output from the nhost cloud logs tab (obviously ids will be different for another request):

2023-07-08 08:18:20 | functions | {"log":"{\n \"id\": \"evt_3NRa5OKE0B3nGMSO0CFqJ2EW\",\n \"object\": \"event\",\n \"api_version\": \"2022-11-15\",\n \"created\": 1688818685,\n \"data\": {\n \"object\": {\n \"id\": \"pi_3NRa5OKE0B3nGMSO0RSvJ72Q\",\n \"object\": \"payment_intent\",\n \"amount\": 299,\n \"amount_capturable\": 0,\n \"amount_details\": {\n \"tip\": {\n }\n },\n \"amount_received\": 299,\n \"application\": null,\n \"application_fee_amount\": null,\n \"automatic_payment_methods\": {\n \"allow_redirects\": \"always\",\n \"enabled\": true\n },\n \"canceled_at\": null,\n \"cancellation_reason\": null,\n \"capture_method\": \"automatic\",\n \"client_secret\": \"pi_3NRa5OKE0B3nGMSO0RSvJ72Q_secret_nqCSEpOz7QQIJnvZ5pp2cauSQ\",\n \"confirmation_method\": \"automatic\",\n \"created\": 1688818682,\n \"currency\": \"usd\",\n \"customer\": \"cus_O5mktKeMXk9TjT\",\n \"description\": \"10 token(s)\",\n \"invoice\": null,\n \"last_payment_error\": null,\n \"latest_charge\": \"ch_3NRa5OKE0B3nGMSO0FZhYWu3\",\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"tokens\": \"10\",\n \"userId\": \"0291f8fc-9698-4792-89fb-cca9c04e1e84\"\n },\n \"next_action\": null,\n \"on_behalf_of\": null,\n \"payment_method\": \"pm_1NJbSAKE0B3nGMSOCNC0m6Xq\",\n \"payment_method_options\": {\n \"card\": {\n \"installments\": null,\n \"mandate_options\": null,\n \"network\": null,\n \"request_three_d_secure\": \"automatic\"\n },\n \"cashapp\": {\n },\n \"link\": {\n \"persistent_token\": null\n }\n },\n \"payment_method_types\": [\n \"card\",\n \"link\",\n \"cashapp\"\n ],\n \"processing\": null,\n \"receipt_email\": \"[email protected]\",\n \"review\": null,\n \"setup_future_usage\": null,\n \"shipping\": null,\n \"source\": null,\n \"statement_descriptor\": null,\n \"statement_descriptor_suffix\": null,\n \"status\": \"succeeded\",\n \"transfer_data\": null,\n \"transfer_group\": null\n }\n },\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"pending_webhooks\": 1,\n \"request\": {\n \"id\": \"req_zJXgP2ie9gn3X9\",\n \"idempotency_key\": \"redacted\"\n },\n \"type\": \"payment_intent.succeeded\"\n}","path":"/payment/stripe_hook","requestId":"9488c853-511f-41f8-b714-2279eaef4abe","level":"INFO"}
-- | -- | --
2023-07-08 08:18:20 | functions | {"log":"rawBody:","path":"/payment/stripe_hook","requestId":"9488c853-511f-41f8-b714-2279eaef4abe","level":"INFO"}

If I strip the \n and replace \" with just " the content are the same. So it seems that there is some processing happening. It's also not clear how much of that escaping is from the wrapper that puts the log data into the console or if it's also applying to the function.

@dbarrosop I'm not sure what else to verify, so let me know if you have any other suggestions!

from nhost.

wollerman avatar wollerman commented on May 20, 2024

I had an idea to validate the content can be parsed as json. Here's the local output:

nhost-api-functions-1  | bodyIsValidJson: false
nhost-api-functions-1  | rawBodyIsValidJson: true

And here's cloud output:

2023-07-08 08:49:24 | functions | {"log":"rawBodyIsValidJson: true","path":"/payment/stripe_hook","requestId":"e61a3175-44a3-4392-b17b-940b2460194b","level":"INFO"}
-- | -- | --
2023-07-08 08:49:24 | functions | {"log":"bodyIsValidJson: false","path":"/payment/stripe_hook","requestId":"e61a3175-44a3-4392-b17b-940b2460194b","level":"INFO"}

So formatting differences are definitely just from console and it should be valid.

That means the rawBody is fine and this is a red herring for stripe failure. The only other input to that validate function is the secret which I've pasted back in a few different times.

So I finally just logged my stripe secret (for the test mode), and now it's working?

Maybe I had some weird step where the secret was wrong, but I don't know what a good way to validate when it's set correctly because the nhost console doesn't show the value.

Closing this issue, but hopefully anyone running into this in the future will see this and triple check secret values.

from nhost.

wollerman avatar wollerman commented on May 20, 2024

Even though this is closed, I wonder @dbarrosop is there any way to verify that secret changes are picked up by just setting them in the console? Or does a full deploy need to be triggered?

from nhost.

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