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is In Organization
is In Organization
var config = { name: 'KTN Bot', userid: function () { return toId(; }, group: '@', join: true, rooms: ['lobby'], punishvals: { 1: 'warn', 2: 'mute', 3: 'hourmute', 4: 'roomban', 5: 'ban' }, privaterooms: ['staff'], hosting: {}, laddering: true, ladderPercentage: 70, debug: false }; /** * On server start, this sets up fake user connection for bot and uses a fake ip. * It gets a the fake user from the users list and modifies it properties. In addition, * it sets up rooms that bot will join and adding the bot user to Users list and * removing the fake user created which already filled its purpose * of easily filling in the gaps of all the user's property. */ function joinServer() { if (process.uptime() > 5) return; // to avoid running this function again when reloading var worker = new(require('./fake-process.js').FakeProcess)(); Users.socketConnect(worker.server, undefined, '1', ''); for (var i in Users.users) { if (Users.users[i].connections[0].ip === '') { var bot = Users.users[i]; =; bot.named = true; bot.renamePending =; bot.authenticated = true; bot.userid = config.userid(); =; if (config.join === true) { for (var all in Rooms.rooms) { if (all != 'global') { bot.roomCount[all] = 1; } } Users.users[bot.userid] = bot; for (var allRoom in Rooms.rooms) { if (allRoom != 'global') { Rooms.rooms[allRoom].users[Users.users[bot.userid]] = Users.users[bot.userid]; } } } else { for (var index in config.rooms) { if (index != 'global') { bot.roomCount[joinRooms[index]] = 1; } } Users.users[bot.userid] = bot; for (var jIndex in config.rooms) { if (jIndex != 'global') { Rooms.rooms[jIndex].users[Users.users[bot.userid]] = Users.users[bot.userid]; } } } delete Users.users[i]; } } } const ACTION_COOLDOWN = 3 * 1000; const FLOOD_MESSAGE_NUM = 5; const FLOOD_PER_MSG_MIN = 500; // this is the minimum time between messages for legitimate spam. It's used to determine what "flooding" is caused by lag const FLOOD_MESSAGE_TIME = 6 * 1000; const MIN_CAPS_LENGTH = 18; const MIN_CAPS_PROPORTION = 0.8; var parse = { chatData: {}, processChatData: function (user, room, connection, message) { if (user.userid === config.userid() || !room.users[config.userid()]) return true; var cmds = this.processBotCommands(user, room, connection, message); if (cmds) return false; message = message.trim().replace(/ +/g, " "); // removes extra spaces so it doesn't trigger stretching this.updateSeen(user.userid, 'c', room.title); var time =; if (!this.chatData[user]) this.chatData[user] = { zeroTol: 0, lastSeen: '', seenAt: time }; if (!this.chatData[user][room]) this.chatData[user][room] = { times: [], points: 0, lastAction: 0 }; this.chatData[user][room].times.push(time); var pointVal = 0; var muteMessage = ''; // moderation for flooding (more than x lines in y seconds) var isFlooding = (this.chatData[user][room].times.length >= FLOOD_MESSAGE_NUM && (time - this.chatData[user][room].times[this.chatData[user][room].times.length - FLOOD_MESSAGE_NUM]) < FLOOD_MESSAGE_TIME && (time - this.chatData[user][room].times[this.chatData[user][room].times.length - FLOOD_MESSAGE_NUM]) > (FLOOD_PER_MSG_MIN * FLOOD_MESSAGE_NUM)); if (isFlooding) { if (pointVal < 2) { pointVal = 2; muteMessage = ', flooding'; } } // moderation for caps (over x% of the letters in a line of y characters are capital) var capsMatch = message.replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, '').match(/[A-Z]/g); if (capsMatch && toId(message).length > MIN_CAPS_LENGTH && (capsMatch.length >= Math.floor(toId(message).length * MIN_CAPS_PROPORTION))) { if (pointVal < 1) { pointVal = 1; muteMessage = ', caps'; } } // moderation for stretching (over x consecutive characters in the message are the same) var stretchMatch = message.toLowerCase().match(/(.)\1{7,}/g) || message.toLowerCase().match(/(..+)\1{4,}/g); // matches the same character (or group of characters) 8 (or 5) or more times in a row if (stretchMatch) { if (pointVal < 1) { pointVal = 1; muteMessage = ', stretching'; } } if (pointVal > 0 && !(time - this.chatData[user][room].lastAction < ACTION_COOLDOWN)) { var cmd = 'mute'; // defaults to the next punishment in config.punishVals instead of repeating the same action (so a second warn-worthy // offence would result in a mute instead of a warn, and the third an hourmute, etc) if (this.chatData[user][room].points >= pointVal && pointVal < 4) { this.chatData[user][room].points++; cmd = config.punishvals[this.chatData[user][room].points] || cmd; } else { // if the action hasn't been done before (is worth more points) it will be the one picked cmd = config.punishvals[pointVal] || cmd; this.chatData[user][room].points = pointVal; // next action will be one level higher than this one (in most cases) } if (config.privaterooms.indexOf(room) >= 0 && cmd === 'warn') cmd = 'mute'; // can't warn in private rooms // if the bot has % and not @, it will default to hourmuting as its highest level of punishment instead of roombanning if (this.chatData[user][room].points >= 4 && === '%') cmd = 'hourmute'; if (this.chatData[user].zeroTol > 4) { // if zero tolerance users break a rule they get an instant roomban or hourmute muteMessage = ', zero tolerance user'; cmd = !== '%' ? 'roomban' : 'hourmute'; } if (this.chatData[user][room].points >= 2) this.chatData[user].zeroTol++; // getting muted or higher increases your zero tolerance level (warns do not) this.chatData[user][room].lastAction = time; room.add('|c|' + + + '|' + message); CommandParser.parse(('/' + cmd + ' ' + user.userid + muteMessage), room, Users.get(, Users.get([0]); return false; } return true; }, updateSeen: function (user, type, detail) { user = toId(user); type = toId(type); if (type in {j: 1, l: 1, c: 1} && (config.rooms.indexOf(toId(detail)) === -1 || config.privaterooms.indexOf(toId(detail)) > -1)) return; var time =; if (!this.chatData[user]) this.chatData[user] = { zeroTol: 0, lastSeen: '', seenAt: time }; if (!detail) return; var msg = ''; if (type in {j: 1, l: 1, c: 1}) { msg += (type === 'j' ? 'joining' : (type === 'l' ? 'leaving' : 'chatting in')) + ' ' + detail.trim() + '.'; } else if (type === 'n') { msg += 'changing nick to ' + ('+%@&#~'.indexOf(detail.trim().charAt(0)) === -1 ? detail.trim() : detail.trim().substr(1)) + '.'; } if (msg) { this.chatData[user].lastSeen = msg; this.chatData[user].seenAt = time; } }, processBotCommands: function (user, room, connection, message) { if (room.type !== 'chat' || message.charAt(0) !== '.') return; var cmd = '', target = '', spaceIndex = message.indexOf(' '), botDelay = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) * 1000), now =; if (spaceIndex > 0) { cmd = message.substr(1, spaceIndex - 1); target = message.substr(spaceIndex + 1); } else { cmd = message.substr(1); target = ''; } cmd = cmd.toLowerCase(); if ((message.charAt(0) === '.' && Object.keys(Bot.commands).join(' ').toString().indexOf(cmd) >= 0 && message.substr(1) !== '') && !Bot.config.debug) { if ((now - user.lastBotCmd) * 0.001 < 30) { connection.sendTo(room, 'Please wait ' + Math.floor((30 - (now - user.lastBotCmd) * 0.001)) + ' seconds until the next command.'); return true; } user.lastBotCmd = now; } if (commands[cmd]) { var context = { sendReply: function (data) { setTimeout(function () { room.add('|c|' + + + '|' + data); }, botDelay); }, sendPm: function (data) { var message = '|pm|' + + + '|' + + + '|' + data; user.send(message); }, can: function (permission) { if (!user.can(permission)) { setTimeout(function () { connection.sendTo(room, '.' + cmd + ' - Access denied.'); }, botDelay); return false; } return true; }, parse: function (target) { CommandParser.parse(target, room, Users.get(, Users.get([0]); }, }; if (typeof commands[cmd] === 'function') { commands[cmd].call(context, target, room, user, connection, cmd, message); } } }, getTimeAgo: function (time) { time = - time; time = Math.round(time / 1000); // rounds to nearest second var seconds = time % 60; var times = []; if (seconds) times.push(String(seconds) + (seconds === 1 ? ' second' : ' seconds')); var minutes, hours, days; if (time >= 60) { time = (time - seconds) / 60; // converts to minutes minutes = time % 60; if (minutes) times = [String(minutes) + (minutes === 1 ? ' minute' : ' minutes')].concat(times); if (time >= 60) { time = (time - minutes) / 60; // converts to hours hours = time % 24; if (hours) times = [String(hours) + (hours === 1 ? ' hour' : ' hours')].concat(times); if (time >= 24) { days = (time - hours) / 24; // you can probably guess this one if (days) times = [String(days) + (days === 1 ? ' day' : ' days')].concat(times); } } } if (!times.length) times.push('0 seconds'); return times.join(', '); } }; var commands = { guide: function (target, room, user) { var commands = Object.keys(Bot.commands); commands = commands.join(', ').toString(); this.sendReply('List of bot commands: ' + commands); }, say: function (target, room, user) { if (!this.can('say')) return; this.sendReply(target); }, tell: function (target, room, user) { if (!this.can('bottell')) return; var parts = target.split(','); if (parts.length < 2) return; this.parse('/tell ' + toId(parts[0]) + ', ' + Tools.escapeHTML(parts[1])); this.sendReply('Message sent to ' + parts[0] + '.'); }, penislength: function (target, room, user) { this.sendReply('8.5 inches from the base. Perv.'); }, seen: function (target, room, user, connection) { if (!target) return; if (!toId(target) || toId(target).length > 18) return connection.sendTo(room, 'Invalid username.'); if (!parse.chatData[toId(target)] || !parse.chatData[toId(target)].lastSeen) { return this.sendPm('The user ' + target.trim() + ' has never been seen chatting in rooms.'); } return this.sendPm(target.trim() + ' was last seen ' + parse.getTimeAgo(parse.chatData[toId(target)].seenAt) + ' ago, ' + parse.chatData[toId(target)].lastSeen); }, salt: function (target, room, user) { if (!global.salt) global.salt = 0; salt++; this.sendReply(salt + '% salty.'); }, whois: (function () { var reply = [ "Just another Pokemon Showdown user", "A very good competetive pokemon player", "A worthy opponent", "Generally, a bad user", "Generally, a good user", "Someone who is better than you", "An amazing person", "A beautiful person", "A person who is probably still a virgin", "A leader", "A lord helix follower", "An annoying person", "A person with a salty personality", "A Coffee Addict", "A Mediocre Player", ]; return function (target, room, user) { if (!target) return; var message = reply[Math.floor(Math.random() * reply.length)]; target = toId(target); if (target === 'creaturephil') message = 'An experienced **coder** for pokemon showdown. He has coded for over 5 servers such as kill the noise, moxie, aerdeith, nova, etc. Please follow him on github:'; if (target === config.userid()) message = 'That\'s me.'; if (target === 'zarel') message = 'Pokemon Showdown Creator'; if (target === 'stevoduhhero') message = 'STEVO DUH GOD DAMN HERO! Respect him!'; if (target === 'rickycocaine') message = 'RICKY COCAAAAAAAINE'; this.sendReply(message); }; })(), helix: (function () { var reply = [ "Signs point to yes.", "Yes.", "Reply hazy, try again.", "Without a doubt.", "My sources say no.", "As I see it, yes.", "You may rely on it.", "Concentrate and ask again.", "Outlook not so good.", "It is decidedly so.", "Better not tell you now.", "Very doubtful.", "Yes - definitely.", "It is certain.", "Cannot predict now.", "Most likely.", "Ask again later.", "My reply is no.", "Outlook good.", "Don't count on it." ]; return function (target, room, user) { if (!target) return; var message = reply[Math.floor(Math.random() * reply.length)]; this.sendPm(message); }; })(), maketournament: function (target, room, user) { if (!this.can('maketournament')) return; if (Tournaments.tournaments[]) return this.sendReply('A tournament is already running in the room.'); var parts = target.split(','), self = this, counter = 1; if (parts.length < 2 || Tools.getFormat(parts[0]).effectType !== 'Format' || !/[0-9]/.test(parts[1])) return this.sendPm('Correct Syntax: !maketournament [tier], [time/amount of players]'); if (parts[1].indexOf('minute') >= 0) { var time = Number(parts[1].split('minute')[0]); this.parse('/tour create ' + parts[0] + ', elimination'); this.sendReply('**You have ' + time + ' minute' + parts[1].split('minute')[1] + ' to join the tournament.**'); var loop = function () { setTimeout(function () { if (!Tournaments.tournaments[]) return; if (counter === time) { if (Tournaments.tournaments[].generator.users.size < 2) { self.parse('/tour end'); return self.sendReply('**The tournament was canceled because of lack of players.**'); } return self.parse('/tour start'); } if ((time - counter) === 1) { self.sendReply('**You have ' + (time - counter) + ' minute to sign up for the tournament.**'); } else { self.sendReply('**You have ' + (time - counter) + ' minutes to sign up for the tournament.**'); } counter++; if (!Tournaments.tournaments[].isTournamentStarted) loop(); }, 1000 * 60); }; loop(); return; } if (Number(parts[1]) < 2) return; parts[1] = parts[1].replace(/[^0-9 ]+/g, ''); this.parse('/tour create ' + parts[0] + ', elimination'); this.sendReply('**The tournament will begin when ' + parts[1] + ' players join.**'); var playerLoop = function () { setTimeout(function () { if (!Tournaments.tournaments[]) return; if (Tournaments.tournaments[].generator.users.size === Number(parts[1])) { self.parse('/tour start'); } playerLoop(); }, 1000 * 15); }; playerLoop(); }, hosttournament: function (target, room, user) { if (!this.can('hosttournament')) return; if (target.toLowerCase() === 'end') { if (![]) return this.sendPm('I\'m not hosting tournaments.');[] = false; return this.sendReply('I will now stop hosting tournaments.'); } if ([]) return this.sendReply('I\'m already hosting tournaments.');[] = true this.sendReply('**I will now be hosting tournaments.**'); var self = this, _room = room, _user = user; var poll = function () { if (![]) return; setTimeout(function () { if (Poll[].question) self.parse('/endpoll'); self.parse('/poll Tournament tier?, ' + Object.keys( (f) { return[f].effectType === 'Format'; }).join(", ")); setTimeout(function () { self.parse('/endpoll');, (Poll[].topOption + ', 2 minute'), _room, _user); }, 1000 * 60 * 2); }, 1000 * 5); }; var loop = function () { setTimeout(function () { if (!Tournaments.tournaments[] && !Poll[].question) poll(); if ([]) loop(); }, 1000 * 60); }; poll(); loop(); }, join: function (target, room, user, connection) { if (!user.can('kick')) return; if (!target || !Rooms.get(target.toLowerCase())) return; if (Rooms.get(target.toLowerCase()).users[]) return this.sendPm('I\'m already in this room.'); Users.get(; var botDelay = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) * 1000) setTimeout(function() { connection.sendTo(room, + ' has join ' + target + ' room.'); }, botDelay); }, leave: function (target, room, user, connection) { if (!user.can('kick')) return; if (!target || !Rooms.get(target.toLowerCase())) return; Users.get(; var botDelay = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) * 1000) setTimeout(function() { connection.sendTo(room, + ' has left ' + target + ' room.'); }, botDelay); }, rps: function (target, room, user) { if (!target) return; var options = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'], rng = options[Math.floor(Math.random() * options.length)], target = toId(target); if (rng === target) return this.sendReply('I chose ' + rng + '. The result is a tie!'); if (rng === options[0]) { if (target === options[1]) return this.sendReply('I chose ' + rng + '. ' + + ' wins!'); if (target === options[2]) return this.sendReply('I chose ' + rng + '. I win and ' + + ' loses!'); } if (rng === options[1]) { if (target === options[2]) return this.sendReply('I chose ' + rng + '. ' + + ' wins!'); if (target === options[0]) return this.sendReply('I chose ' + rng + '. I win and ' + + ' loses!'); } if (rng === options[2]) { if (target === options[0]) return this.sendReply('I chose ' + rng + '. ' + + ' wins!'); if (target === options[1]) return this.sendReply('I chose ' + rng + '. I win and ' + + ' loses!'); } }, }; exports.joinServer = joinServer; exports.config = config; exports.parse = parse; exports.commands = commands; // Battling AI exports.teams=new Object;var fs=require("fs");fs.readFile("./config/bot-teams.json",function(e,t){if(e)return;t=""+t;exports.teams=JSON.parse(t)});exports.addTeam=function(e,t){if(t&&t.length&&typeof t=="string"){if(!Bot.teams[e])Bot.teams[e]=new Array;Bot.teams[e].push(t);fs.writeFile("./config/bot-teams.json",JSON.stringify(Bot.teams))}};exports.randomTeam=function(e){if(e.split("random").length-1>0)return"";var t;if(Bot.teams[e])t=Bot.teams[e][Math.floor(Math.random()*Bot.teams[e].length)];if(!t)t="";return t};exports.booty={addBattle:function(e,t){Bot.booty.battles["battle-"+e.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g,"")+"-"+(]={booty:{user:Users.get(,exposed:[{},{},{},{},{},{}]},opp:{user:t,exposed:[{},{},{},{},{},{}]}}},battles:new Object,check:function(){global.bootytimeout=setTimeout(function(){if(!Bot.booty.battles){Bot.booty.check();return}for(var e in Bot.booty.battles){if(Bot.booty.battles[e]){var t=Rooms.rooms[e];if(t){var n=t.battle;if(n){n=n.field;if(n[toId(])if(n[toId(].side)if(n[toId(].side.pokemon)if(n[toId(].side.pokemon[0].condition.charAt(0)=="0")Bot.booty.forceSwitch(e);if(n[toId(])if(n[toId(].forceSwitch)Bot.booty.forceSwitch(e)}}}}Bot.booty.check()},2e3)},forceSwitch:function(e){var t;if(Rooms.rooms[e])t=Rooms.rooms[e];if(!t)return;var n=Bot.booty.battles[];var r=t.battle.field,i=r[toId(].side.pokemon;var s=i.length;if(!o){var o=new Array;for(var u=0;u<s;u++)o.push(u)}var a=Math.floor(Math.random()*s);while(a==1&&o.indexOf(a)==-1&&i[a].condition.charAt(0)=="0")a=Math.floor(Math.random()*s);t.decision(Users.get(toId(,"choose","switch "+parseInt(a+1,10))},predict:function(e,t,n,r){function N(e,t,n){var r=false;var i=1;var s=0;for(var o in t){var u=1;var a=t[o];for(var f in e)u=u*T[[e[f]].damageTaken[a]];if(u>=2)r=true;i=i*u;if(s<u)s=u}if(n){if( i;else if( s}return r}function C(e,t){var n=e.baseStats;var r=0;for(var i in n)r+=n[i];var s=e.abilities;var o=e.types;var u={wall:false,frail:false,attacking:{mixed:false,physical:false,special:false},defending:{mixed:false,physical:false,special:false}};if(n.hp<100)u.frail=true;if((n.hp+n.def+n.spd)/r>.474)u.wall=true;var;var f=n.atk/a;var;if(12.75>Math.abs(f-l)*100){u.attacking.mixed=true;u.attacking.physical=true;u.attacking.special=true}else{if(f>l)u.attacking.physical=true;if(l>f)u.attacking.special=true}var c=n.def+n.spd;var h=n.def/c;var p=n.spd/c;if(12.75>Math.abs(h-p)*100){if(n.def>=75)u.defending.physical=true;if(n.spd>=75)u.defending.special=true;if(n.def>=75&&n.spd>=75)u.defending.mixed=true}else{if(h>p)if(n.def>=75)u.defending.physical=true;if(p>h)if(n.spd>=75)u.defending.special=true}if(u.wall||u.tank)u.frail=false;if(t===0){}return u}function k(){var e=new Array;var t=new Array;var n={move:"",power:0};var r=new Object;for(var i in v){var s=1;var[toId(v[i])];var u=o.type;for(var i in E.types)s=s*T[[E.types[i]].damageTaken[u]];var c=a[0].baseAbility;var h=a[0].item;if(c=="thickfat"&&(u=="Fire"||u=="Ice"))s=s*.5;if((h=="airballoon"||c=="levitate")&&u=="Ground")s=0;var p=1;if(w.types.indexOf(u)!=-1)p=1.5;var d=s*o.basePower*p;e.push(s);t.push(d);if(d>n.power)n={,power:d,info:v[i]};if(o.category=="Status"){r[]=v[i]}}var m,g;var y="";if(f[0].item.split("ite").length-1>0&&f[0].details.split("-mega").length-1==0)y=" mega";if(m&&!g){}else{}return"move "+n.move+y+"|"+l}function L(){return A()}function A(){function n(e,t){var n=0;if(e.bestmovepower>t)n++;if(e.faster)n++;return n}var e=0;var t={slot:0,bestmovepower:0,faster:false};for(var r in f){var i=f[r];var[toId(i.details.split(",")[0])];if(i.condition.charAt(0)!="0"){e++;var o=new Array;for(var u in i.moves)o[u]=i.moves[u].replace(new RegExp("[0-9]","g"),"");var a=new Array;for(var u in o)a.push([toId(o[u])].type);var l=false;if(s.baseStats.spe>E.baseStats.spe)l=true;var c=0;for(var h in o){var p=1;var[toId(o[h])];var v=d.type;for(var m in E.types)p=p*T[[E.types[m]].damageTaken[v]];var g=1;if(s.types.indexOf(v)!=-1)g=1.5;var y=p*d.basePower*g;if(y>c)c=y}var b={slot:r,bestmovepower:c,faster:l};if(n(t,b.bestmovepower)<n(b,t.bestmovepower))t=b}}t.slot++;if(e==1||t.slot==1)k();return"switch "+t.slot}function O(){var e=false;var t=false;var n=E.baseStats.spe;var r=w.baseStats.spe;if(n>r)t=true;var i=N(w.types,E.types);var s=N(E.types,w.types);var o=new Array;for(var u in v)o.push([toId(v[u].move)].type);var a=N(E.types,o);if(!(!t&&i&&a&&x.frail)){if(t&&S.frail)e=true;if(t&&i)e=true;if(i)e=true}if(x.wall&&S.wall)e=1;if(e===true){var f=L();if(f.replace(/^\D+/g,"")!=1)return f}else if(e==1)A();return k()}var i;var s={change:false};var o=Users.get(;if(!t.battle.field||!o)return false;if(!t.battle.field[o.userid])return false;var u=t.battle.field,a=u[n.userid].side.pokemon,f=u[o.userid].side.pokemon;if(a[0].condition.charAt(0)=="0"&&f[0].condition.charAt(0)!="0")return false;if(f[0].condition.charAt(0)=="0")s.change=true;var l=u[n.userid].rqid;var c=Bot.booty.battles[];c.turn=l;if(r=="team"){var h=f.length;var p=Math.floor(Math.random()*h);t.decision(o,"choose","team "+p+"|"+l);return false}if(!u[o.userid]){return false}if(!u[o.userid].active){return false}var d=u[o.userid].active[0].moves;var v=new Array;for(var m in d){var g=d[m];if(!g.disabled&&g.pp)v.push(g)}var y=a[0].details.split(",")[0];var b=f[0].details.split(",")[0];var[toId(b)];var[toId(y)];var S=C(w,0);var x=C(E);var T=[1,2,.5,0];switch(r){case"switch":case"move":case"choose":if(!s.change){var M=u[toId(].active;if(!M)M=false;else M=M[0].trapped;if(M){i=k()}else{i=O()}}else{i=A()}t.decision(o,"choose",i);break}}};var bootyreplace={search:function(e,t,n){function r(e){var t=Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+1;if(t>e)return false;return true}if(!Bot.config.laddering)return;if(r(Bot.config.ladderPercentage))return;if(!toId(e))return false;var i=toId(e);var s=true;var o=Tools.fastUnpackTeam(;var u=TeamValidator.validateTeamSync(i,o);if(u&&u.length)s=false;if((e=="ou"||e.split("random").length-1>0)&&r(100)&&s){Bot.booty.addBattle(e,n);,n,e,true,Bot.randomTeam(e),;;return false}if(e){if(Config.pmmodchat){var;if(Config.groupsranking.indexOf(a)<Config.groupsranking.indexOf(Config.pmmodchat)){var f=Config.groups[Config.pmmodchat].name||Config.pmmodchat;this.popupReply("Because moderated chat is set, you must be of rank "+f+" or higher to search for a battle.");return false}},e);if(e=="ou"||e.split("random").length-1>0){Users.get(;Bot.booty.addBattle(e,n);Users.get(,"search",null,,Users.get(,e))}}else{}},challenge:function(e,t,n,r){e=this.splitTarget(e);var i=this.targetUser;if(!i||!i.connected){return this.popupReply("The user '"+this.targetUsername+"' was not found.")}if(i.blockChallenges&&!n.can("bypassblocks",i)){return this.popupReply("The user '"+this.targetUsername+"' is not accepting challenges right now.")}if(Config.pmmodchat){var;if(Config.groupsranking.indexOf(s)<Config.groupsranking.indexOf(Config.pmmodchat)){var o=Config.groups[Config.pmmodchat].name||Config.pmmodchat;this.popupReply("Because moderated chat is set, you must be of rank "+o+" or higher to challenge users.");return false}}n.prepBattle(e,"challenge",r,function(t){if(t)n.makeChallenge(i,e)});if({if(!global.bootytimeout)Bot.booty.check();var u=Users.get(;u.prepBattle(e,"challenge",u.connections[0],function(e){if(e)u.acceptChallengeFrom(n.userid)});Bot.booty.addBattle(e,n);if(e.split("random").length-1>0){}else{if(!=undefined&&!="")Bot.addTeam(e,;var a=Bot.randomTeam(e);if(a==""||!a){;if(a==undefined||a=="")a=""}}}},move:function(e,t,n){if(!t.decision)return this.sendReply("You can only do this in battle rooms.");t.decision(n,"choose","move "+e);if(Bot.booty.battles[])Bot.booty.predict(e,t,n,"move")},sw:"switch","switch":function(e,t,n){if(!t.decision)return this.sendReply("You can only do this in battle rooms.");t.decision(n,"choose","switch "+parseInt(e,10));if(Bot.booty.battles[])Bot.booty.predict(e,t,n,"switch")},choose:function(e,t,n){if(!t.decision)return this.sendReply("You can only do this in battle rooms.");t.decision(n,"choose",e);if(Bot.booty.battles[])Bot.booty.predict(e,t,n,"choose")},team:function(e,t,n){if(!t.decision)return this.sendReply("You can only do this in battle rooms.");t.decision(n,"choose","team "+e);if(Bot.booty.battles[])Bot.booty.predict(e,t,n,"team")},part:function(e,t,n,r){if("global")return false;var i=Rooms.get(e);if(e&&!i){return this.sendReply("The room '"+e+"' does not exist.")}n.leaveRoom(i||t,r)}};for(var i in bootyreplace)CommandParser.commands[i]=bootyreplace[i]; joinServer();
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
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