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Comments (37)

brancz avatar brancz commented on June 12, 2024 11

@Nexucis kube-prometheus was created without ever intending to build a helm chart out of it :)

@scottrigby As I said before, my condition is that the "prometheus-operator" chart as it exists today with that name must change. It does not just deploy the prometheus operator, it deploys an entire cluster monitoring stack, that includes many many other components. I'm not against having a chart like that, but it must not be called prometheus operator, this naming has hurt the prometheus operator maintainers tremendously over the years as everyone opens issues directly on the prometheus operator repository about things that have nothing to do with the prometheus operator. I am ok with that chart being called kube-prometheus, because that is exactly what that helm chart was derived from. I am also ok with having a minimal helm chart called prometheus-operator, like the bitnami one, that truly just deploys the prometheus operator. I actually have exactly the same issue with the "prometheus" chart as it is based off of a very old version of kube-prometheus, that predates kube-prometheus using the prometheus operator.

I am perfectly happy with having all of these charts in general, as well as the two "meta" charts (prometheus and prometheus-operator as they are called today), but their name must accurately reflect their content.

from community.

brancz avatar brancz commented on June 12, 2024 10

Thank you so much @scottrigby for taking the lead on this! I think we're in a much better place now than we were before.

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scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024 9

This is done! πŸŽ‰

For maintainers, there's this GH "project" if you want to see the remaining post-transfer steps:

Closing this now. Thanks to @brancz and @SuperQ as well as all the prometheus community charts maintainers πŸ¦„ πŸ’–

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SuperQ avatar SuperQ commented on June 12, 2024 3

I've created @prometheus-community/helm-charts GitHub team to manage things.

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scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024 2

@SuperQ re #28 (comment) if you would like to add me to the @prometheus-community/helm-charts GitHub team I'm more than happy to help configure the initial repo, move over the initial version of the charts, set up the standard helm repo CI/CD etc. There may also be other helm maintainers who would be willing to help with ongoing repo-level administration help, though I think after initial setup the prometheus-community members can also take over this part.

We can also discuss the process of adding chart maintainers, who will require git repo write access. I would recommend asking the current maintainers of the existing charts if they would like to be added to this. If there is a reason to differentiate maintainers of each of the individual charts, this can be done with a GitHub CODEOWNERS file (I'm not assuming that's necessary, just noting this is a good solution if it becomes a need through discussion about chart maintenance moving forward).

Please just lmk when this is ready and I will hop on it. If I miss replies about that here I'd appreciate if someone wouldn't mind pinging me in Slack or IRC. Thanks!

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Hokwang avatar Hokwang commented on June 12, 2024 2

looking forward this done

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hickeyma avatar hickeyma commented on June 12, 2024 1

Just to add some feedback that we have received in the Helm community in the last few months. There has been a lot of questions wrt prometheus Helm charts and if they will be supported by the prometheus community going forward. The other question been asked is, when will the charts be Helm 3 compatible.

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stuart-c avatar stuart-c commented on June 12, 2024 1

@hickeyma what do you mean by Helm 3 compatible? I've been using Helm 3 with the charts for 6 months so far...

from community.

hickeyma avatar hickeyma commented on June 12, 2024 1

IIRC, someone mentioned that it was not compatible at some stage.

Ah, my bad. Checking the operator chart, I can see that it has indeed been updated for Helm 3 CRDs. Thanks for the heads up @stuart-c

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brancz avatar brancz commented on June 12, 2024 1

I'm specifically talking about what is in the upstream charts repo referred to as the prometheus-operator chart.

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stuart-c avatar stuart-c commented on June 12, 2024 1

I'd be happy to lend a hand if you would like an additional maintainer...

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stuart-c avatar stuart-c commented on June 12, 2024 1

As part of this will the existing charts in the helm org be deprecated and their README files updated to point here?

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matthiasr avatar matthiasr commented on June 12, 2024 1

I think this is a good move, from an ecosystem standpoint it makes sense. I'm not 100% sure what the governance model is now (#7) but if we need a formal sponsor from -team I am willing to take that. Unless we have someone who actually uses Helm day-to-day, that would be even better then?

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naseemkullah avatar naseemkullah commented on June 12, 2024 1

On a related note, I notice there is no alertmanager chart in stable repo, I've prepared one here: and would be glad to move it to the new repo in efforts to modularize the components into subcharts.

Though this would be more for vanilla prometheus, as I think alertmanager is a CRD in prometheus-operator.

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SuperQ avatar SuperQ commented on June 12, 2024 1

@scottrigby Setting up the new github repo and then moving it sounds like a good solution.

from community.

brancz avatar brancz commented on June 12, 2024 1

Thank you @scottrigby! This gives me hope! :)

You have my approval and sponsorship. (I'm soon on vacation so unfortunately I don't think I will be very helpful with actually doing the move, but it appears that @SuperQ might be able to help :) )

from community.

brancz avatar brancz commented on June 12, 2024 1

@naseemkullah kube-prometheus is literally a subproject of prometheus-operator. Of course you can change that, but that wouldn't be kube-prometheus anymore. Let's keep discussions about changes to the helm charts out of this thread I would say.

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zanhsieh avatar zanhsieh commented on June 12, 2024 1

Let me know what else I could do with stable/prometheus chart.

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sachinmsft avatar sachinmsft commented on June 12, 2024 1

@scottrigby Is migration of prometheus-operator chart complete ? I wanted to shoot a PR to add optional Windows dashboards and rules once migration is done.

from community.

sachinmsft avatar sachinmsft commented on June 12, 2024 1

Thanks @scottrigby . I can wait couple of days till this is done.

from community.

SuperQ avatar SuperQ commented on June 12, 2024

Anyone volunteer to be the maintainer sponsor? @bwplotka @brancz @gouthamve ?

from community.

brancz avatar brancz commented on June 12, 2024

I'm happy with sponsoring the chart for the prometheus-community org, under the condition that:

  • It is renamed to kube-prometheus-chart to actually reflect its content, and confuse users less
  • There are at least 2 maintainers (I would only sponsor, not be maintainer, now or ever)
  • The maintainers actively try to minimize the differences between the chart and kube-prometheus (I believe this is already happening but I would like to see it be an explicit goal)

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stuart-c avatar stuart-c commented on June 12, 2024

@brancz when you say "the chart" are you referring to the prometheus operator chart, as the repo would be home to all the prometheus related charts (prom operator, node exporter, alertmanager, other exporters, etc)?

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Nexucis avatar Nexucis commented on June 12, 2024

It is renamed to kube-prometheus-chart to actually reflect its content, and confuse users less

Sorry by advance for the dummy question, but what is the point of putting kube in the name of the repo ?

Helm-charts is for sure for kube. People that doesn't make the link probably shouldn't use it.

And you already have the name prometheus in prometheus-community.
IMHO prometheus-community/helm-charts is obviously the different helm charts relative to the different prometheus repositories which then should be used into kube

from community.

scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

@brancz OK, I updated the issue description to say it was decided that the prometheus-operator chart should move to the prometheus-community org, per prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator#3169 (comment) πŸ‘Œ

Simplifying charts

Regarding this note from that thread:

Aside from that, I'm excited to see how what you mentioned @scottrigby works out in practice around minimal helm charts, and hope to see the chart evolve in that direction.

Yes! I'm happy to continue the discussion with chart maintainers to help this happen. One potentially valuable direction could be to create new, minimal charts at some point once refactoring/consolidation/renaming is agreed upon as chart API v2 charts (the default when using helm create with Helm 3). These could be a breaking MAJOR version to the same charts after Helm 2 is officially deprecated in November, or we could start earlier and these could live alongside the legacy ones until the old charts are deprecated. The only thing we can't do is have two charts with the same name in the same helm repo.

Multi-step process

Clarifying, do you agree we should follow the multi-step process I summarized in this issue description above? If it's not clear, I'll expand on it a bit here:

Step 1. Move over all existing stable prometheus-related charts to a new space:

These are the prometheus related charts:

  1. stable/prometheus
  2. stable/prometheus-adapter
  3. stable/prometheus-blackbox-exporter
  4. stable/prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter
  5. stable/prometheus-consul-exporter
  6. stable/prometheus-couchdb-exporter
  7. stable/prometheus-mongodb-exporter
  8. stable/prometheus-mysql-exporter
  9. stable/prometheus-nats-exporter
  10. stable/prometheus-node-exporter
  11. stable/prometheus-operator
  12. stable/prometheus-postgres-exporter
  13. stable/prometheus-pushgateway
  14. stable/prometheus-rabbitmq-exporter
  15. stable/prometheus-redis-exporter
  16. stable/prometheus-snmp-exporter
  17. stable/prometheus-to-sd

Step 2. Collaborate with prometheus devs to refactor/rename and simplify charts as appropriate

  • This can be done in-place, or in new charts within the same repo alongside the legacy ones
  • Starting by moving over the legacy charts first will not preclude however this is decided on a chart-by-chart basis
  • Helm also has a built-in mechanism to deprecate charts, so this will aid in clarifying which charts will be best to retire or rename as opposed to updating in-place
  • It is fine, and in fact advisable for charts to be located in a subdirectory of a git repo. They can also be placed into different subdirectories (as incubator and stable currently are) in order to differentiate or group them. So we can also keep this in mind if this is a concern during the subsequent refactoring work
  • In case it's not clear, there are a few benefits of starting with the existing charts in step 1, and incrementally improving them in step 2 (as opposed to rearchitecting/renaming to begin with). First is to keep the git history (including all lessons learned from years of past chart maintenance). Second so that legacy users not able to update yet to the newer versions can continue to download the initial version of the charts from your repo when the stable and incubator helm repos are no longer available (this is due to the object storage buckets being owned by Google, which will not necessarily be maintained after the November deprecation date)

Does this make sense?

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scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

@stuart-c Yes that would be the process, along with steps in πŸ‘ Then in we'll link to the helm/charts repo PR where that deprecation and notes to the new repo are added, just to help users keep track all in one place.

@matthiasr great πŸ™Œ

@brancz Those conditions make sense. I can also understand the frustration that came over time from that chart naming choice. I agree this seems like a good time to correct that once and for all. If we deprecate the chart before it's published to the new helm repo, it won't appear in the hub aggregators either.

One path forward is I could create a temporary git repo under my namespace, so that you can look it over before approving, then transfer it to the That way we can adjust names as needed without confusing end users before fully approving and moving over the repo as the new starting point. What do you think?

from community.

scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

I set up an initial version of this a few days ago, and took a first stab at renaming the prometheus-operator chart to kube-prometheus (also linked above) prometheus-community/helm-charts#1

Would someone be willing to review/test/fix whatever I broke by doing this? I added some detailed questions in the PR. Thanks!

I’d like to put PRs to at least stable/prometheus on hold in the stable until this is resolved, but we don’t have any good automated way to ensure that. So hopefully we can get this done ASAP. Thanks in advance for any help on this πŸ™‚

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scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

I’ve added hold/do-not-merge label to all open PRs for stable/prometheus-operator. If anyone sees a new PR there that I miss, please feel free to /hold it and link to this issue. Thanks!

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naseemkullah avatar naseemkullah commented on June 12, 2024

@brancz Can you confirm that kube-prometheus should be able to swap in vanilla prometheus/alertmanager as a replacement to prometheus-operator?

from community.

scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

Let's keep discussions about changes to the helm charts out of this thread I would say.

@brancz I agree this makes sense. Want to move discussions about chart changes over to

I added issues and an (automated) kanban project board to help everyone track steps and progress. Everyone: please let me know if I've missed anything there.

Current chart maintainers (how you can help):

  1. I'll be adding you as collaborators now per prometheus-community/helm-charts#12 Please see the maintainers poll on that issue and weigh in. I'll start by reproducing the same access we have on the stable repo prometheus charts, unless there's overwhelming consensus not to (we can always change it afterwards). Once this is done, we can enable branch protection requiring reviews on PRs
  2. Also please see another maintainers poll about README update pattern here prometheus-community/helm-charts#14

Thanks everyone!

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gkarthiks avatar gkarthiks commented on June 12, 2024

@scottrigby @brancz @SuperQ this is awesome initiative, count me in if you need additional maintainers to the new Prometheus Community repo.

from community.

scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

@gkarthiks Do you mean for additional charts? Since you're already added to the initial git repo as the maintainer of prometheus-couchdb-exporter you will continue to be added once the repo moves back to the prometheus-community org (see prometheus-community/helm-charts#20 for next steps πŸ˜„ We are nearly there!). For helping maintain other prometheus charts, you would need to ask the existing maintainers of those the chart(s) you want to help with, and have that convo. I've made an issue for discussion on thisΒ  prometheus-community/helm-charts#21 so we can follow-up there.

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QuentinBisson avatar QuentinBisson commented on June 12, 2024

I can help as well if a chart maintainer is needed

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scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

@omegas27 Would you mind also replying on this issue? prometheus-community/helm-charts#21

For everyone else as well: mainly I'm trying to respect @brancz request to move discussion related to the charts to that repo. The discussion will persist when the repo is transferred to the prometheus-community org. Thanks!

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scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

Update: I believe we are ready to transfer! See prometheus-community/helm-charts#11 for a maintainers poll.

@brancz your final approval is especially important here as you're sponsoring the move. I outlined the questions as I see them in that issue.

@SuperQ In order to transfer I'll DM you about team/permission details in IRC

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scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

@sachinmsft There is a pull request in progress for the rename prometheus-community/helm-charts#1. If you wish you can make a PR against the PR branch there (rename-prometheus-operator-kube-prometheus). Let's move further discussion about that one either to an issue in that repo or on your Pull Request itself.

Note: merging that PR has not been identified as a blocker to transferring the repo to prometheus-community. See prometheus-community/helm-charts#11

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scottrigby avatar scottrigby commented on June 12, 2024

My pleasure!

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