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Comments (169)

basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 4

I am really going to put in an effort this week, but a the start of an academic year, my time is always very limited.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 3

These are the steps:

  1. On any PC/Mac on the same network as your Kodi device: browse to
  2. Open de Developer Console: F12 or CTRL+SHIFT+i.
  3. Go to the tab: Application.
  4. Select Cookies on the right hand side.
  5. Select from the list.
  6. Find the cookie called tv4-refresh-token.
  7. The value of that cookie (starting with ey) needs to inserted into Retrospect.
  8. Copy the full value (it is rather long).
  9. Now browse to the URL Retrospect is showing and insert the value into the Retrospect webdialogue (without quotes).


If you want you can validate the value using, It will show you the decoded content.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 2

I get "No items found for the selected item" on all shows. Installed from the latest zip file above and entered the refresh-token in the ip-address:3145. What have I not done right?

That is completely correct. Haven't gotten there yet. 'Bay steps' at the moment. Have very little time.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 2

I update the code and it should work again.

Should i download the latest zip -or?

Yes, redownload the zip that posted before (it's just the export of sources of that branch) and install via the install from zip.


s0rk avatar s0rk commented on September 26, 2024 2

I have also tried this fix now. Followed your instructions and can now experience apparent success. :) @basrieter , you never fail to surprise me with your devotion and helpfulness to this community. Sincerely, thanks a lot for your great work!


tux2000 avatar tux2000 commented on September 26, 2024 2

@basrieter, I just wanted to express my gratitude for you taking the time to develop this great plugin and supporting the ever changing portals of tv stations you probably don't even consume yourself! The updates worked great for me and i'm looking forward to the official release.


create-issue-branch avatar create-issue-branch commented on September 26, 2024 1

Branch bug-1714 was created for issue: "SE TV4 Play: Missing movies, series and seasons in series"


cabban avatar cabban commented on September 26, 2024 1

@basrieter 😀😣
Cmore have moved all Webplay to tv4 so that's why none of new shows from tv4 play is added.
I hope we can have this working soon
😀 so tv4 and cmore is tv4play
Tv4play+ is paid
Keep up the great work😀


Kooperx avatar Kooperx commented on September 26, 2024 1

Perhaps it is possible to implement by capturing the returned token from the
weblogin and insert it into the configuration, like this:

See also

The refresh_token seems to be valid for a year.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 1

Possibly some bot guard, and may be difficult to bypass...

That is what I am afraid of.

Perhaps it is possible to implement by capturing the returned token from the weblogin and insert it into the configuration, like this:

See also

The refresh_token seems to be valid for a year.

Could be, but this is very user unfriendly in Kodi. Tech-savvy people can manage that. But it has a very low WAF (wife acceptance factor).


matsarv avatar matsarv commented on September 26, 2024 1

Can you all redownload and try again?

Super! The videos are now playing after the latest change.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 1

hope so I made it work on my macbook after a lot of googling about what webGUI and refresh cookies was. I made a fresh installation of kodi before it worked. On my tv i use raspberry and libreelec and i dont know how the same process would be done there. On the raspberry i think i would need a noob-manual or something.

You just go to the url the GUI gives you from your PC/Mac and do the same.

You mean that everything is working like before with the new update? Like every tv-show?

Nope, working on that.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024 1

Tried "Greenland" on my computer and they moved this movie to the Plus-content. It was therefore not supposed to work.Seems you solved it good!


jonsag avatar jonsag commented on September 26, 2024 1


Follow the instructions on to obtain the token.



basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 1

Works for me. I would also be happy for categories etc. Thanks for your work! I spend a lot of time by the TV and this is worth a lot. The refresh coocie value: is it something that has to be updated daily or?

Nope, the refresh token is valid for 1 year!


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024 1

I changed the "localhost" to my rasberry pi´s ip. It worked for me.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 1

No, it does not matter. Just open a browser on any pc on the same network as your Android TV.
From that browser browse to TV4, get the cookie and them browse to the URL Retrospect shows you on your Android TV.
EDIT: I updated the steps in my previous post.

"The URL provided by my Android TV is http://localhost:3145/, but when I tried it, it didn't work. Should I actually change 'localhost' to the IP address of my Android TV?"I apologize for my clumsiness

If you redownload it should be better now. It then uses the IP that Kodi uses.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 1

I have no problems with "solsidan" season 8 part 1 and 2. the others in my list (3-5) are not available yet i think. The other seasons is also working for me.

When I play Solsidan, the screen goes black, and it seems like it's playing backward. No episode works for me.

Wat Kodi version? And what platform. Seems to me that Retrospect had finished its work as soon as a stream plays. If that stream plays incorrect, it is a Kodi or platform (linux/android) thing.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024 1

Dont know if it is relevant but: i have two favorites under "favorites": Robinson and Idol and if i access these the show starts fine. But if i try to access the same shows by going through the addon, retrospect,national... tree i cannot start these shows.

Ok. did not se your last post


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024 1

I've been using the bug fix for some days and it fixed the original issue for me. I was however still often getting the "no episodes found" message but reloading the folder a couple of times fixed it. Today I decided to get rid of that issue as well and downloaded the latest zip, and now TV4 Play in Retrospect won't work at all. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Retrospect but as soon as I install the latest bug fix it's the same. I'm guessing I messed up somewhere but can't figure out what to do. Log:

Please download again. Fixed your issue.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

UPDATE after closing the issue: I added a tutorial to the Retrospect WIKI page with the process of setting the refresh token:


matsarv avatar matsarv commented on September 26, 2024

My test code changes in to get the images and fanart back:
If it's API changes, maybe this doesn't apply?

Possible fix for line 282

Line 282

        item.thumb = result_set.get("image")
        if item.thumb is not None:
            item.thumb = "" \
                         "&quality=70&resize=520x293&source={}" \

        item.fanart = result_set.get("image")
        if item.fanart is not None:
            item.fanart = "" \
                          "&quality=70&resize=1280x720&source={}" \
        item.isPaid = result_set.get("is_premium", False)

        item.thumb = result_set.get("image")
        item.fanart = result_set.get("image")
        item.isPaid = result_set.get("is_premium", False)

Possible fix for line 440

Line 440

        # some images need to come via a proxy:
        if thumb_url and "://" in thumb_url:
            item.thumb = "" \
                         "&quality=70&resize=520x293&source={}" \
            item.thumb = thumb_url
        # some images need to come via a proxy:
        if thumb_url and "://" in thumb_url:
            item.thumb = "{}".format(HtmlEntityHelper.url_encode(thumb_url))
            item.thumb = thumb_url


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

The issue is the API, seems they moved to a new one and are no longer updating the old one. I will have to dive into it a bit more. But my time is very limited at the moment.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I will have to look into it. But the timing sucks, as I am really busy with RL things at the moment. Will try to do my best.


telgetok avatar telgetok commented on September 26, 2024

Hope there is a update coming soon so the family can watch "idol" without commercials again 😉.
Donation coming.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I need to rewrite the whole integration from scratch is crappy timing, as I am very very busy IRL at the moment.


telgetok avatar telgetok commented on September 26, 2024

Ah too bad for us , donation done anyway.
And great job i think i speak for all of us when i say we appreciate the job you do !


huey-smart avatar huey-smart commented on September 26, 2024

I believe this is the first time that you have not fixed an issue immediately, and you are very much forgiven. :)
Any updated ETA on it?


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I know it has been taking some time. The problem lies in my current real-life that is very/too busy. And because I need to rewrite most of the code for TV4, it will take up more then just 15 minutes to do.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

50 E from me. Hoping for swedish tv4play to work soon.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Thanks! I was planning on putting some effort in this the next couple of days. So I hope it will work out.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Managed to get lists of shows/movies again. However I am running into an issue with logging in. Seems like they changed it and currently, I can't figure it out. Any pointers would be nice.


Kooperx avatar Kooperx commented on September 26, 2024

It seems that you need to include a "akamai-bm-telemetry" header to /oauth/authorize when sending the login request. At least for me.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

That was my conclusion, but I have no clue how to generate one!


Kooperx avatar Kooperx commented on September 26, 2024

Possibly some bot guard, and may be difficult to bypass...


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Can somebody test for me?

  • Please open TV4 Play in Retrospect and scroll down until you get to the video files (you can't browse series/folders yet).
  • Select one that you normally could play in your browsers.
  • Follow the instructions to input the refresh token via a webgui:




jonsag avatar jonsag commented on September 26, 2024


Tried watching "Beck - Lockpojken" as it is in the free section, but after pasting my token it still didn't work.
"Could not log on to the selected channel"
I entered the token without quotes ("), and perhaps that was wrong?
If it was, how do I reset the token?
Also, is the login/password not required wihen using the token?

The token I used is the same as when I use svtplay-dl, and it works there. With quotes.



jonsag avatar jonsag commented on September 26, 2024

As a clarification, the message to open the webpage and pasting the token worked as it should (I suppose)

And of course, thanks for all your work!


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Nope, no quotes. Edit the settings.json in the Retrospect userdata folder and remote the refresh token from the section. The try again.

If it actually works, I will, of course, make it more user friendly so you can reset it more easily.

Also, is the login/password not required wihen using the token?

A refresh token is a signed token that was already validated and obtained when you signed in with your username and password. It be used (until expired) to get an actual access token without re-entering a username or password.


jonsag avatar jonsag commented on September 26, 2024

Yeah, Found it and fiddled around a bit. Noticed I had left out the last character.

Meanwhile I had logged out of so got a new token I had to add in.

After correcting everything I sometimes, but not every time, get an error screen "Playback Failed. One or more items ...", and also every time "The selected Item does not have any streams associated".

Tried "Aurora Teagarden.. A game of..." this time

Haven't check the log.



jonsag avatar jonsag commented on September 26, 2024

Have to get some sleep now.
Don't stay up too late! :-)



mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

I would love to help but need a bit more information.
Where/how do i open webgui?
I tried to open it in chrome on my mac but i suspect that is not right


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I would love to help but need a bit more information. Where/how do i open webgui? I tried to open it in chrome on my mac but i suspect that is not right

You open the Retrospect Webgui on a PC/Mac where you already logged on to TV4Play. On that device you retrieve a refresh token by:

  • Going to the TV4Play site
  • Logging in (if not logged in)
  • Get the content of the tv4-refresh-token cookie
  • Paste it in the Retrospect GUI and click OK


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

I got the refresh token and tried it but no luck.
I just tried it once.
I tried the movie: Linje 1 2 3 kapad.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

If it fails, please enable debug logging in Retrospect, try again, use Retrospect to upload the log and post the link here.

Only then I van see what is wrong.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Can you all redownload and try again?


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

I have tried it several times.
Tried to start the movie Greenloand.
I only get "cant logon to the selected..."
I have checked my login on Tv4play and it seems right.

Also. i have never uploaded a log-file before. Do i risk my password or something by doing so?


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Nope, I don't even use the password anymore. Just the refresh token. So please provide a debug logfile.

I now get errors about my IP not being in Sweden, so it should work from Sweden.

EDIT: Does Greenland play from your browser?


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I have tried it several times. Tried to start the movie Greenloand. I only get "cant logon to the selected..." I have checked my login on Tv4play and it seems right.

Also. i have never uploaded a log-file before. Do i risk my password or something by doing so?

Please check that your Refresh-token was provided WITHOUT quotes!


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Can you all redownload and try again?

Super! The videos are now playing after the latest change.

That is super news! Let me go and fine tune all of this then and continue with the folders and stuff.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

I have also made it work!
Greenland played perfectly


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Great! So this is a doable method?


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

hope so
I made it work on my macbook after a lot of googling about what webGUI and refresh cookies was.
I made a fresh installation of kodi before it worked.
On my tv i use raspberry and libreelec and i dont know how the same process would be done there.
On the raspberry i think i would need a noob-manual or something.


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

You mean that everything is working like before with the new update? Like every tv-show?


jonsag avatar jonsag commented on September 26, 2024

Works for me too now.
Great job!



basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I tweaked the webdialogue a bit and added an option under the TV4 settings (in the Retrospect add-on settings) that allows you to set the refresh token manually.

Please try

I haven't had the time to add the TV shows yet. Will happen soon.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

I have a problem. LibreELEC does not seem to have a web-browser and no addon to install. Therefore i cannot go to the URL that pops up. If i do it on the mac it does not work.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I have a problem. LibreELEC does not seem to have a web-browser and no addon to install. Therefore i cannot go to the URL that pops up. If i do it on the mac it does not work.

Try: http://ip-address:3145/

where ip-address is the IP address of LibreElec.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

Worked and didn´t.
Got to the page where i input the value ( just so that i understand, the value is the loong sets of numerals under the box value?)On my kodi device on raspberryn got the message: value imported.
But the movie did not play. Tried it a few times and reboted.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

It's the value of the refresh token. Validate it here:

Please provide a DEBUG log file as state above: enable debug logging in Retrospect, try again, use Retrospect to upload the log and post the link here.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

Ok. tried it again, verifyed the refresh value=ok.
Updloaded it to tv4 in retrospect and tried Greenland-did not work.
But tried two other movies: "Linje 123 kapad" och "hundraaringen som gick....." and they worked!
First time uploading logfile but here is a try:


pererikl avatar pererikl commented on September 26, 2024

I get "No items found for the selected item" on all shows.
Installed from the latest zip file above and entered the refresh-token in the ip-address:3145.
What have I not done right?


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I just added the TV Shows, Seasons and videos:

Let me know.

With my limited time at the moment, I am taking it step by step. Please confirm what is working and what not and also: what is missing or what should more be added.


jonsag avatar jonsag commented on September 26, 2024

The things I've checked work as they should.

The alphabetical listing is enough for me. If you want to add categories and such would be nice, but I'm satisfied as it is.
Also it lists all content, even the ones that is not free, "plus content".
A bit annoying but no biggie.

Thanks for all your hard work of course!


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

The things I've checked work as they should.

The alphabetical listing is enough for me. If you want to add categories and such would be nice, but I'm satisfied as it is. Also it lists all content, even the ones that is not free, "plus content". A bit annoying but no biggie.

Thanks for all your hard work of course! /jon

The non-free items should have a yellow "a" behind them. You can filter them in the Retrospect settings:



jonsag avatar jonsag commented on September 26, 2024

Never bothered to check that out actually, but thanks for pointing that out.

Will go throught the settings.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

Works for me. I would also be happy for categories etc. Thanks for your work!
I spend a lot of time by the TV and this is worth a lot.
The refresh coocie value: is it something that has to be updated daily or?


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

I really got lost in the technical part of finding the token; my technical knowledge is not sufficient, I'm sorry. I don't like to bother any one, but is there someone who can give me a guide for beginners? Thanks


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

Thank you for being patient with me. It's already working on my PC, now I have to try it on my Android TV.


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

As I mentioned before, I was going to try to solve the same issue on my Android TV. Anyone who has done it, because I can't seem to solve it either. Do I need to have the TV4 play app installed on my TV? Because my Android TV doesn't have that app.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

No, it does not matter. Just open a browser on any pc on the same network as your Android TV.

From that browser browse to TV4, get the cookie and them browse to the URL Retrospect shows you on your Android TV.

EDIT: I updated the steps in my previous post.


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

No, it does not matter. Just open a browser on any pc on the same network as your Android TV.

From that browser browse to TV4, get the cookie and them browse to the URL Retrospect shows you on your Android TV.

EDIT: I updated the steps in my previous post.

"The URL provided by my Android TV is http://localhost:3145/, but when I tried it, it didn't work. Should I actually change 'localhost' to the IP address of my Android TV?"I apologize for my clumsiness


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

I changed the "localhost" to my rasberry pi´s ip. It worked for me.

Tack! It worked for me too! Thanks


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I changed the "localhost" to my rasberry pi´s ip. It worked for me.

It is difficult to get an IP for the device Kodi is running on. Let me see if I can fix that.


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

Anyone having issues with the serie "Solsidan", it's not working. Should I discuss it here or should I have started a new thread?


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

I have no problems with "solsidan" season 8 part 1 and 2. the others in my list (3-5) are not available yet i think.
The other seasons is also working for me.


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

I have no problems with "solsidan" season 8 part 1 and 2. the others in my list (3-5) are not available yet i think. The other seasons is also working for me.

When I play Solsidan, the screen goes black, and it seems like it's playing backward. No episode works for me.


Espancor avatar Espancor commented on September 26, 2024

I have no problems with "solsidan" season 8 part 1 and 2. the others in my list (3-5) are not available yet i think. The other seasons is also working for me.

When I play Solsidan, the screen goes black, and it seems like it's playing backward. No episode works for me.

Wat Kodi version? And what platform. Seems to me that Retrospect had finished its work as soon as a stream plays. If that stream plays incorrect, it is a Kodi or platform (linux/android) thing.

I use Kodi on my PC and on my Android TV. I will update my Kodi on my PC even though I have seen that there are no more updated versions on my Android TV. Thanks anyway!


pererikl avatar pererikl commented on September 26, 2024

After update to v21.Beta1 i'm back to "no episodes found for the selected item"
It worked in v21alpha
Re downloaded and updated the plugin.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

After update to v21.Beta1 i'm back to "no episodes found for the selected item" It worked in v21alpha Re downloaded and updated the plugin.

Please attach a full debug retrospect.log.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

I have the same thing here. "no episodes found....." . I have not made any updates.
I would very much like to help with a log-file. Can someone tell me how this is done?


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I have the same thing here. "no episodes found....." . I have not made any updates. I would very much like to help with a log-file. Can someone tell me how this is done?


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Use the auto upload from within Retrospect


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

The issue lies within the way GraphQL works with persistent-queries, which seem to be not so persistent at all:



basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I update the code and it should work again.


mangebest avatar mangebest commented on September 26, 2024

I update the code and it should work again.

Should i download the latest zip -or?


huey-smart avatar huey-smart commented on September 26, 2024

I've been using the bug fix for some days and it fixed the original issue for me. I was however still often getting the "no episodes found" message but reloading the folder a couple of times fixed it. Today I decided to get rid of that issue as well and downloaded the latest zip, and now TV4 Play in Retrospect won't work at all. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Retrospect but as soon as I install the latest bug fix it's the same.
I'm guessing I messed up somewhere but can't figure out what to do.


huey-smart avatar huey-smart commented on September 26, 2024

Yes you did, Thank you! I'll continue testing and see if the "no episodes found" message is still there or not. It's been showing up randomly for me.


nickot1 avatar nickot1 commented on September 26, 2024

Hello can somebody do tutorial step by step how to fix this on android box. PLEASE AND THANKS


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Hello can somebody do tutorial step by step how to fix this on android box. PLEASE AND THANKS

The same way as on any Kodi install: for now install it from zip. I will release an official update soon, but are just to swamped to complete all the last details.


nickot1 avatar nickot1 commented on September 26, 2024

Which file????


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

Which file????

Please read back a bit:


nickot1 avatar nickot1 commented on September 26, 2024

How i find refresh token on android box please help me


tux2000 avatar tux2000 commented on September 26, 2024

@nickot1: #1714 (comment)


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I added Categories, Recents, News etc. Please redownload the zip and re-install.

I think this covers most of it?


stiffes avatar stiffes commented on September 26, 2024

I added Categories, Recents, News etc. Please redownload the zip and re-install.

I think this covers most of it?

Awesome! Works great. There is no live sport right now. But would it be possible to get a listing of live sports in the plugin? "sports > live broadcoast"


stiffes avatar stiffes commented on September 26, 2024

IP of kodi:
You can get the ip of your kodi installation "settings > system information > network"

Refresh token:
Login with your web browser to (you'll get a cookie with your refresh token. check your cookie settings or inspect code to get your refresh token)

  1. Download
  2. Install addon from zip. Browse to directory containing the zip-file and install it (retrospect will be updated)
  3. Add tv4play to settings in retrospect
  4. Under "Kanalinställningar" "set refresh token" for tv4 (this will enable a temporary web ui for refresh token <kodi_ip>:3145)
  5. Point your browser http://<ip_of_kodi>:3145 and nter the token (beginning with ey) and save


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

IP of kodi: You can get the ip of your kodi installation "settings > system information > network"

Refresh token: Login with your web browser to (you'll get a cookie with your refresh token. check your cookie settings or inspect code to get your refresh token)

  1. Download
  2. Install addon from zip. Browse to directory containing the zip-file and install it (retrospect will be updated)
  3. Add tv4play to settings in retrospect
  4. Under "Kanalinställningar" "set refresh token" for tv4 (this will enable a temporary web ui for refresh token <kodi_ip>:3145)
  5. Point your browser http://<ip_of_kodi>:3145 and nter the token (beginning with ey) and save

@nickot1 needs to read a bit back in the thread. It was already there.


basrieter avatar basrieter commented on September 26, 2024

I added Categories, Recents, News etc. Please redownload the zip and re-install.
I think this covers most of it?

Awesome! Works great. There is no live sport right now. But would it be possible to get a listing of live sports in the plugin? "sports > live broadcoast"

Where can I find that on


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  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.