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Comments (20)

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024 1

Sunday sounds great to me - I'll also keep you abreast of any pertinent planning info we receive from the mentors in this first week. Have a great week yourself!

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024 1

Okay , here is the link

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024 1

Thanks on the grid layout clarification.

The video upload task is on me, No worries. Please don't forget to help me with the UI for panning and zooming before the internship ends.

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024 1

I sent you an invite to collaborate on my fork of the repo. Hopefully, it'll be easier for you to fork/clone/copy the code from there.

The most current working draft includes additions/corrections from the current index2.html file on PL's Infragram (PR#426) (I'm still receiving errors as I figure out how to connect all the functions) and is the v2_functions_connect branch.

For some reason I'm running into trouble with github-pages not loading npm. Hopefully this is a fluke or something simple on my end, but it is rendering correctly from my editor.

It's late here, I have to take a break; maybe a fresh mind will prove helpful 💤

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024 1

thank you

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

Hi, @Forchapeatl &&& CONGRATS to you, too! First, I'm sorry it took me a while to get back to you...I'm traveling and have been behind the wheel most of the day. Second, of course - I will absolutely help with that design.

I did have a chance to look over your proposal yesterday and I'm hoping to study all of them a bit more this weekend, I'm certain there are some excellent ideas we should consider including.

I noticed that you are about 6 hours ahead of me. I'm in Texas, US and it's 10:30pm here so (if I'm correct) it should be about 4:30 in the morning where you're at. I'm hoping we can find some good overlap for those times we'll be working more closely.

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024

Yeah, our time lapse is interesting but no worries. Could we also connect on linkedin? Are you free on Sunday (any time), we could work on our miles stones and planing issues ,Or maybe a 30 mins kickoff zoom meeting would be nice at 6/7pm CST? If it's okay with you?

Please, I 'm a bit confused does the outreachy coding period start on 10th of June 2022?

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

Hi, Forcha :)

First, let me apologize for not getting back to you sooner - I'm at a family function, on the road a lot these past few days, and won't get back to my uninterrupted-internet/home/computer/desk...until Monday. I am trying to study up a bit where I can, but I will not be available on Sunday to collaborate as I'll be traveling home. Sorry about that, but let's do schedule one for this week(?).

So, the Outreachy start date is actually this Tue, May 31st (two weeks before GSOC). I know your part is going to be functionality/javaScript heavy, so it's my hope/plan/goal to already have the sandbox UI implemented (the grid that houses each element in its place) by the GSOC start date so you will have no delay in getting started. Of course, your input to the design will be cherished!!

So, just as a starting point, the gist of my proposed timeline is/was:

  • get the layout setup so each part/element is ready for your focus (canvas, camera, drag/drop...), where ever you need/like to begin
  • design/implement the important-but-less-tedious home page
  • spend the remaining time (the BULK of the internship) working on each individual tool of the sandbox (the idea being that each tool, at least on smaller screens, will be a modal or pop-up and we can focus on each as time progresses) - Is this feasible?

I'm just uncertain of what Jeff prefers on the design. I proposed that the mobile and desktop versions should differ so that we can maximize the canvas on smaller screens to 100vw, but that would mean more code and Jeff and I left it as a point of discussion. Here's the VERY ROUGH mock-up.

Do you already have a design or any specific ideas that you're considering? I'll be spending what time I can find between now and Tue on going over the other proposals and the material that Jeff sent to us. Please let me know your thoughts and I very much look forward to working with you. I'm hoping we can do even more that we've initially set out to do. Have a great (rest of) your weekend :)

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024

Thanks for the response Let's talk Sunday next week ? I will draw up our milestone and planning Infragram issue which you are free to modify. I love your mock up ,hopefully I will have more ideas when testing out the UI. Have a great week!

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024

Hello @stephaniequintana are you free today (Sunday) 6:00 pm CST?

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

Yes, that works for me :)

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

@Forchapeatl, sorry we didn't get to dive deep into the planning last night - I figured the hour was going to be inconvenient for you, but it was the earliest I was available. Still, no worries, we will find a good time to collaborate.

Also, you have another week before gsoc officially begins - so please don't feel pressured to jump in until then. Below is just a few of my thoughts.

For now, I just wanted to clarify that I had, obviously, just picked through your proposal and randomly added your tasks into my planning. I understand that it needs a lot of fine-tuning and that the tasks are not in any meaningful order. I think once your tasks are outlined we can combine our two plans into one overall project and then each work off our separate plans.

What makes most sense to me is to get the grid layout down this week. Where you begin depends heavily on how far I get with that. Jeff recommends not hooking up any functionality until all of the html is in place so we will just see how far I can get with it.

Please let me know what you think that you and I need to both work on together.

I've never coded a drag-and-drop - I think this feature should be the first thing we tackle once all the features are connected and perhaps after this is complete we can move on to our individual goals? What do you think?

I put the Welcome modal at the bottom of my list, to do towards the end, so that we can make sure to incorporate any changes in content into the welcome modal - but this is just a thought, we can work on it early and update changes to it later if we need.

Also, I had proposed that we take the entire Q&A section and just add it to the home-page. This is b/c Jeff preferred no vertical scroll on the page. We can achieve this still by your proposal of adding it to a help menu; either way works. We have not revisited this yet, but I wanted to let you know it's something to consider.

So, again, these are just a few of my thoughts - we can change up whatever you see fit. Although it was quick, it was great talking to you - let me know what you think & I'll be in touch soon 😉

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024

Thank you @stephaniequintana . Great catch!

  1. using Bootstrap 4; the current version is [Bootstrap 3]>(

The grid layout is fine but I think it's better to start with the Bootstrap 4 upgrade. Thus avoiding dependency issues.

  1. I've never coded a drag-and-drop - I think this feature should be the first thing we tackle once all the features are connected and perhaps after this is complete we can move on to our individual goals? What do you think?

No worries, My issue with the drag and drop is the video upload. Please Drop the video file on a hidden video element, I will take it from there.

  1. Just to mention the fullscreen UI . I has to be edge to edge like this. Reference.Please work on this early so that I can run/test the results on video.


  1. I need access to your implementation whenever possible. Do you intend to continue with this repository ? You could make me a contributor so that I can work on files with ease.

  2. Also, I had proposed that we take the entire Q&A section and just add it to the home-page. This is b/c Jeff preferred no vertical scroll on the page. We can achieve this still by your proposal of adding it to a help menu; either way works. We have not revisited this yet, but I wanted to let you know it's something to consider.

I suppose either way works image

  1. Here is an image of my time line . I need yours too

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

@Forchapeatl, I didn't expect to be up this early, but I am so I'm just going to start working 😄 Thanks for your reply - it feels good to have a dialog going.

The grid layout is fine but I think it's better to start with the Bootstrap 4 upgrade. Thus avoiding dependency issues.

Yes, I agree. It may have been lost in translation - to clarify , yes, we will be working with Bootstrap 4. I loosely refer to it as a "grid layout" (bc Bootstrap is based on a grid).

Yes , My issue with the drag and drop is the video upload. Can you upload video to WebGL canvas ?

I'm not exactly clear on what you're asking. "Can I, personally, do it?" I have never worked with WebGL. I am looking forward to learning about it and working with it, from what I've read it's very interesting. I've found some great resources and if I need to, I can absolutely help. "Is it possible?" From what I've read, yes (but I think you know that) - however, there are security issues we need to remain aware of when allowing video upload. I think this topic should be a point of discussion to include Jeff on. Certainly we can code up the image drag-and-drop and return to the video once we discuss it more (?)

(Fullscreen) Please work on this early so that I can run/test the results on video.

I'll make this a priority once the layout is complete.

I need access to your implementation whenever possible. Do you intend to continue with this repository ? You could make me a contributor so that I can work on files with ease.

As I understand it, I will be working in a branch off of my own fork of the Infragram repository, beginning with an html2.index (in parallel to the html.index). We will add an html2.index file to the PL/Infragram repository. It is this file that I will merge the new layout into. It is not clear to me, but I assume we will connect the existing javascript files to the html2.index (?)

Again, I will work diligently to complete the implementation. In the interim, I believe you should be able to start working independently, in your own branch, if you like. Yes, there are many things you cannot move forward on until my implementation is in place, but I will not be changing the functionality of any of the tools, only their placement on the page. So some of the changes you are going to make (like adding file filters or enabling image mirroring...) can be done without affecting the layout. Your fork will have all the code so you should have what you need and then you can incorporate your changes at the best, most logical time.

Does this make sense? It's just a suggestion; might this work for you? I know it is not ideal, but Jeff would like all the html to be complete before we begin to connect the functionality of each tool. I imagine there will be testing of each of those steps before moving forward so I expect it to be a process, which may take some time.

I see Outreahy ends much earlier then GSoC. Here's the schedule they gave us:

May 30, 2022 Internships starts
June 6, 2022 Feedback #1 due
July 5, 2022 Feedback #2 due
July 25, 2022 Feedback #3 due
Aug 23, 2022 Feedback #4 due
Aug 26, 2022 Internships end

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024

Hello @stephaniequintana ,Please for an approximate date to your project completion. so we could merge our projects together while getting familiar with each others code base and UI testing.

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

I just left a short message on my initial PR for you... ultimately, I hit a few merge conflicts and hope to have everything ironed out and merged by mid-week. I'll then begin hooking up the functions so that we can test the UI and begin adding features. Sorry it seems to be taking longer than I expected - but now that we have a good base we should be able to move forward more quickly.

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

Forchapeatl avatar Forchapeatl commented on June 27, 2024

Hello @stephaniequintana . I hope you are doing well. I have replecated the new infragram ui Please is this the expected look and font.I just wanted to be clear that I'm not missing anything. The UI looks great. congratulations. It's just that my font-size appears to be small. I can't read most of the text, please is this the same at your end.
I seem to be having two errors, please help me out here.

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

Hi, @Forchapeatl - I've been working at connecting all the functions and have hit a brick wall. It's very frustrating, but I'm doing well otherwise 😄 😆 Sigh.

This is an older version. I'm not certain where you copied it from...let me take a closer look at the code on file vs. the current one that I have...

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

ok, I didn't inspect the specific code, but the latest one was merged about a week ago. It's the index2.html file on PL's Infragram page. I separated out the CSS into dist/infragram2.css and this version/copy is not connected to javascript.

Screen Shot 2022-06-29 at 9 26 14 PM

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

stephaniequintana avatar stephaniequintana commented on June 27, 2024

Screen Shot 2022-06-29 at 9 56 39 PM

from infragram-bootstrap-mockup.

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