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Comments (32)

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024 1

Hey there,
following the process described in the last bullet point of the recommendations section here should resolve your problem.

ctb-tile will resample data from the source dataset when generating tilesets for the various zoom levels. This can lead to performance issues and datatype overflows at lower zoom levels (e.g. level 0) when the source dataset is very large....

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024 1
  1. Tile your input dataset:
    ctb-tile -f GTiff -o folder -s 18 -e 18 inputRaster.gtiff
  2. Build virtual raster for the tileset from step 1:
    gdalbuildvrt lvl18.vrt folder/*/*.tif
  3. Build Cesium terrain for current zoom level using virtual raster from step 2:
    ctb-tile -f Mesh -C -N -o cesiumTerrainFolder -s 18 -e 18 lvl18.vrt

Redo this process for each zoom level. Usually, this is only requried for the higher zoom levels.
Run ctb-tile -f Mesh -N -C -s 21 -e 0 with a range of zoom levels to find out what the first level that fails is.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024 1

From my understanding, the input .tif dataset in your first step is a single .tif file. Am I correct?
Hence, I have to merge multiple .tif files into one single .tif file:
gdalwarp input1.tif input2.tif input3.tif input4.tif output_merge.tif

No, you don't have to merge the tif files to a single file. Create a GDAL vrt and use this as input to ctb instead.

Then, I follow your steps. But in step 2, I got the following error:
gdalbuildvrt level18.vrt tif_tilesets/18//.tif
bash: /usr/bin/gdalbuildvrt: Argument list too long

Try the -input_file_list my_list.txt option of gdalbuildvrt instead of listing all files as arguments. You can easily create a the file list using e.g. find /tiles/folder -type f -name "*.tif" > file_list.txt.

Another question is that we need to generate a layer.json in the end according to the command below:
ctb-tile -f Mesh -C -N -l -o terrain tiles.vrt
Should I just simply run this command ctb-tile -f Mesh -C -N -l -o terrain level16.vrt ?

No, I usually create the layer file from the input dataset, not one of the zoom levels.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

SurajitChowbey avatar SurajitChowbey commented on June 22, 2024

export GDAL_CACHEMAX=4000

to increasing the RAM use.

Hope it may help someone.

Thank you for quick response.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

Hey there,
I recommend to re-project your data to WGS84 before using CTB. This might avoid the gdal warp memory issue you are facing as well. Moreover, make sure to grant enough main memory to Docker (Docker right-click menu -> Settings -> Advanced), when increasing GDAL_CACHEMAX.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

SurajitChowbey avatar SurajitChowbey commented on June 22, 2024

Thank you for your suggestion.

Unfortunately now I'm getting the following error

root@a1db04a328db:/data# ctb-tile -R -f Mesh -s 21 -e 0 -C -N -o ./tilesets_new2 ./a/a.tif
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...ERROR 2: gdalwarpoperation.cpp, 1574: cannot allocate 900553132 bytes
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0
ERROR 1: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 0
ERROR 1: Attempt to call CreateSimilar on a non-GTI2 transformer.
Segmentation fault

I have used the following steps:

  1. docker -m 8g run -v "${PWD}:/data" -it --name ctb tumgis/ctb-quantized-mesh
  2. export GDAL_CACHEMAX=4000 I think it's in mb
  3. ctb-tile -f Mesh -s 21 -e 0 -C -N -o ./tilesets_new2 ./a/a.tif

And as suggested I have converted the data to WGS84.

Please help me on this.

Thank you

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

Have you tried this approach (as described here)? For large datasets this always worked for me sor far.

  • ctb-tile will resample data from the source dataset when generating tilesets for the various zoom levels. This can lead to performance issues and datatype overflows at lower zoom levels (e.g. level 0) when the source dataset is very large. To overcome this the tool can be used on the original dataset to only create the tile set at the highest zoom level (e.g. level 18) using the --start-zoom and --end-zoom options. Once this tileset is generated it can be turned into a GDAL Virtual Raster dataset for creating the next zoom level down (e.g. level 17). Repeating this process until the lowest zoom level is created means that the resampling is much more efficient (e.g. level 0 would be created from a VRT representation of level 1). Because terrain tiles are not a format supported by VRT datasets you will need to perform this process in order to create tiles in a GDAL DEM format as an intermediate step. VRT representations of these intermediate tilesets can then be used to create the final terrain tile output.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

SurajitChowbey avatar SurajitChowbey commented on June 22, 2024

Still no luck.
Getting the same issue.

The size of the tiff image was 2.72 GB and the size of build terrain data is around 150 MB.

Is the size looks right?

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024

Hey @BWibo

I have multiple .tif files, which consist of a city. The size of them is 6.3 GB.

The following is my pipeline:

  1. translate the coordinate reference system to EPSG:4326 for each .tif file
    gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 input.tif output.tif

  2. create a GDAL virtual dataset for them
    gdalbuildvrt tiles.vrt *.tif

  3. create cesium terrain files
    ctb-tile -f Mesh -C -N -o terrain tiles.vrt

Then, unfortunately I'm getting the following error:

root@399224581a8e:/data# ctb-tile -f Mesh -C -N -o terrain tiles.vrt 
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585
ERROR 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: Integer overflow : nSrcXSize=41494, nSrcYSize=16585

Although the size of my dataset is also large, they are multiple .tif files. And my situation is different from the solution you list above

In your solution, the data is just a large single .tif file and it is able to process for each zoom level but it is not suitable for my case.

Please give some hints, thanks :)

PS: How about processing lots of .tif files that cover the whole country? The size of them would be up to 1TB


from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

Hey there,
I have had theses integer overflows as well. Check the last bullet point of this list. For large datasets this always worked for me so far. I was able to create large terrain tilessets of e.g. ~ 200km x 400km extent without any problems.
When processing several TIF files make use of GDAL virtual rasters, as described above: gdalbuildvrt tiles.vrt /path/to/all/my/tiles/*.tif

ctb-tile will resample data from the source dataset when generating tilesets for the various zoom levels. This can lead to performance issues and datatype overflows at lower zoom levels (e.g. level 0) when the source dataset is very large. To overcome this the tool can be used on the original dataset to only create the tile set at the highest zoom level (e.g. level 18) using the --start-zoom and --end-zoom options. Once this tileset is generated it can be turned into a GDAL Virtual Raster dataset for creating the next zoom level down (e.g. level 17). Repeating this process until the lowest zoom level is created means that the resampling is much more efficient (e.g. level 0 would be created from a VRT representation of level 1). Because terrain tiles are not a format supported by VRT datasets you will need to perform this process in order to create tiles in a GDAL DEM format as an intermediate step. VRT representations of these intermediate tilesets can then be used to create the final terrain tile output.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024

Hey @BWibo,

Thanks for your reply.

From my understanding, the input .tif dataset in your first step is a single .tif file. Am I correct?

Hence, I have to merge multiple .tif files into one single .tif file:
gdalwarp input1.tif input2.tif input3.tif input4.tif output_merge.tif

Then, I follow your steps. But in step 2, I got the following error:

gdalbuildvrt level18.vrt tif_tilesets/18/*/*.tif

bash: /usr/bin/gdalbuildvrt: Argument list too long

It seems because there are too many tiled .tif files in the folder.

Then, I tried to increase stack size:
ulimit -s 65536
It worked for level 16 but failed on level 17 and 18.

If I increased the stack size again, to e.g 131072 KB, it reported:
bash: ulimit: stack size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
I am wondering how did you handle with this issue when you were processing large dataset?

So my zoom level range is just from 0 to 16 right now.

Another question is that we need to generate a layer.json in the end according to the command below:
ctb-tile -f Mesh -C -N -l -o terrain tiles.vrt

Should I just simply run this command ctb-tile -f Mesh -C -N -l -o terrain level16.vrt ?


from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024

Hi @BWibo,

Thanks for your answers.

Everything was going well except building terrain tilesets on high zoom level 18:

ctb-tile -f Mesh -C -N -o terrain -s 18 -e 18 level18.vrt


The command was killed and I guess it may be related to low warp memory? I am not sure.

  • Setting GDAL runtime configuration options will also affect Cesium Terrain Builder. Specifically the GDAL_CACHEMAX environment variable should be set to a relatively high value, in conjunction with the warp memory, if required (see next recommendation).
  • If warping the source dataset then set the warp memory to a relatively high value. The correct value is system dependent but try starting your benchmarks from a value where the combined value of GDAL_CACHEMAX and the warp memory represents about 2/3 of your available RAM.

I don't know very clearly about the instruction/explanation above and don't know how to set these two options correctly. My OS is ubuntu 16.04.

Please give me some hints. Thanks again :)


from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

Hey there,
sadly, just the word Killed ist not very helpful in finding the reason for the crash. I'm afraid I can't help you without more detailed information on the error.
This looks like the process has been forcefully determined by yourself (accidentally) or your system (maybe e.g. because of a memory leak). It is unlikely that the options above have anything to do with this.

Look out for ways to monitor your system resources and see if they overflow when using the tool.
Moreover, look out for more detailed logging/debug messages.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024

Hi @BWibo,

Yes, you are right. The process was forcefully killed by my system and I got the error below:

Out of memory: Kill process 45064 (ctb-tile) score 853 or sacrifice child.
Killed process 45064 (ctb-tile) total-vm:229898268kB, anon-rss:224757176kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB

Moreover, I also observed that the usage of CPU and memory was increased to 3125% and 85.2+%, respectively. Then stuck there and process would be killed after a while.

Could you please give some advice? Thanks again!


from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

Apparently you are reaching a hardware memory limit.
If you are running this in a virtual machine you may be able to increase the memory limit, if not, you may need as system offering more memory. I have never faced such issues. Look into memory optimization with cesium terrain builder. Memory limits of Docker could also be the cause of this issue.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024

Hi @BWibo,

Thanks for your advice.

I checked the docker container's hardware configuration:

$ docker stats

CONTAINER ID    NAME     CPU %           MEM USAGE / LIMIT         MEM %       NET I/O          BLOCK I/O              PIDS
399224581a8e    ctb      2848.05%        212.2GiB  /  250.6GiB     84.68%      2.31MB / 0B      13.6GB / 8.6MB         51

which indicated that the ctb container had already been assigned enough memory (250GB) and should not be the cause of docker memory limits issue.

Hence, I should look into memory optimization with cesium terrain builder as you mentioned above.

More information about my dataset:

After tiling my input dataset on level 18, I got 1141140 .tif files and their size was 19.8GB
ctb-tile -f GTiff -o tif_tilesets -s 18 -e 18 input.vrt
One point I feel strange is that the size of my original .tif dataset is 6.3GB (around 40km x 35km extend and 1m resolution DTM), but now I get 19.8GB file size after tiling. Is that normal?

I remember you were able to create large terrain tilessets of e.g. ~ 200km x 400km extent without any problems. How did you manage to do that? Could you please provide more detailed information to me? Thanks a lot again!


from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

One point I feel strange is that the size of my original .tif dataset is 6.3GB (around 40km x 35km extend and 1m resolution DTM), but now I get 19.8GB file size after tiling. Is that normal?

The file size may increase due to tiling, but I have no experience to what extent.

I did it just the way it is described here: #3 (comment)

I worked with 1m DTMs as well, but for a much larger extent. What seems strange to me is the memory consumption.
As fas as I remember I did this on a machine with ~32GB RAM.

Just one note:
First, I determined the zoom level where my process failed. (lets assume the ctb crashed at level 10)
For the lower zoom level, e.g. 18 to 11 I used ctb on the original input data.
Then I tiled the gtif files for one level below the level the crash occured, hence level 11 in this example.
After that I created the remaining levels (10 to 0) from tiled gtifs as descirbed in the link up top.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

@predictwise Did you manage to resolve your issue? If yes, how?

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024


Not yet. I temporarily put it aside and focus on my other work.

There must be certain step that I missed. Otherwise, I could manage to build terrain.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

Another option is a problem with the inut data. Check your original input TIFs and the tiled TIFs you create with CTB for errors.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024

Hi @BWibo,

How about I share you a google drive link with my original input TIFs data and you test it from your side?

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

Please post the output of gdalinfo first:

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024

Hi @BWibo,

The following is the output of gdalinfo on one of original TIF files:

$ gdalinfo -json original_input.tif

    "wkt":"PROJCS[\"ETRS_1989_UTM_Zone_33N\",\n    GEOGCS[\"ETRS89\",\n        DATUM[\"European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989\",\n            SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.2572221010042,\n                AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7019\"]],\n            AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6258\"]],\n        PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],\n        UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],\n        AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4258\"]],\n    PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],\n    PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",0],\n    PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",15],\n    PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",0.9996],\n    PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",500000],\n    PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],\n    UNIT[\"metre\",1,\n        AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9001\"]],\n    AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"25833\"]]"

The following is the output of gdalinfo on projected (EPSG:4326) TIF file:

$ gdalinfo -json 4326_input.tif

    "wkt":"GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\",\n    DATUM[\"WGS_1984\",\n        SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,\n            AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]],\n        AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]],\n    PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],\n    UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],\n    AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]]"

This is the output of gdalinfo on one of tiled TIF files that I create with CTB on level 18:

$ gdalinfo -json 223575.tif

    "wkt":"GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\",\n    DATUM[\"WGS_1984\",\n        SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,\n            AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]],\n        AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]],\n    PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],\n    UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],\n    AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]]"

Have you found out something wrong on my data?


from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

I can't spot anything problematic from a quick look on the output.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

predictwise avatar predictwise commented on June 22, 2024

Hi @BWibo,

Yes, I also can't find out anything problematic from the output.

Could you please test my dataset on level 18 from your side? If yes, I will send you a google drive dataset link.

Thank you very much.


from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

No, I'm sorry.
I am maintaining this Docker image but this issue seems not to be related with the image itself. This seems to be an issue of either the CesiumTerrainBuilder application, your data, something in your data pipeline/your process or with the system/hardware you are using.

Taking a closer look into your data or doing the processing for you is something I cannot provide without an official assignment. If you are interested, let me know.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

jailln avatar jailln commented on June 22, 2024


Thanks @BWibo for maintaining this docker image and @homme and @ahuarte47 for the work on ctb!

Sorry for digging up this issue but I also have the data overflow issue when working with large datasets and I have found two different tips for solving this issue: (let's take an example where the generation fails at level 8)

  • Tile the input file as a gtiff file at level 8 with ctb-tile, create a vrt at level 8 and use ctb-tile to create the terrain files from level 8 to 0 with the -s and -e respectively set to 8 and 0 (as explained in one of your comments)
  • Tile the input file as a gtiff file at level 9 with ctb-tile, create a vrt at level 9 and use ctb-tile to create the terrain files from level 8 to 0 with the -s and -e respectively set to 8 and 0 (as explained in one of your comments, in one comment on ctb github and in the last recommendation of ctb github)

Which one is the correct way to go and why ?


from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

Hey there, I think there is no right or wrong here, it depends on your data set. In fact, I don't know exactly what influcences at which level ctb-tile crashes. It could be the extent of your input data.

For me, the level where to start tiling the GTIFF files just depends on the level where ctb-tile crashes. As mentioned before, I first usually first run ctb-tile -s 18 -e 0 to determine the level where ctb-tile crashes.
The I tile the input GTIFF with one level higher. For instance, if level 10 crashed, I tile the input GTIFF at level 11.
After that I proceed as described above. I create a lvl-11.vrt from the tiled GTIFFs and use it to create level 10 with ctb-tile.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

jailln avatar jailln commented on June 22, 2024

Thanks for your answer;
in the context of your example, my question was more about why would you first tile the input GTIFF at level 11 to build the level 10 terrain (versus tiling it at level 10 to build the level 10 terrain)? @homme and @ahuarte47 maybe ? (since this seems to be the recommendation given on the cesium-terrain-builder github)

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

ahuarte47 avatar ahuarte47 commented on June 22, 2024


Thanks @BWibo for maintaining this docker image and @homme and @ahuarte47 for the work on ctb!

Sorry for digging up this issue but I also have the data overflow issue when working with large datasets and I have found two different tips for solving this issue: (let's take an example where the generation fails at level 8)

  • Tile the input file as a gtiff file at level 8 with ctb-tile, create a vrt at level 8 and use ctb-tile to create the terrain files from level 8 to 0 with the -s and -e respectively set to 8 and 0 (as explained in one of your comments)
  • Tile the input file as a gtiff file at level 9 with ctb-tile, create a vrt at level 9 and use ctb-tile to create the terrain files from level 8 to 0 with the -s and -e respectively set to 8 and 0 (as explained in one of your comments, in one comment on ctb github and in the last recommendation of ctb github)

Which one is the correct way to go and why ?


These overflow issues are raised by GDAL when for lower levels CTB tries to create overviews from input data. If input data is big, GDAL throws an exception. I have always avoided this overflow issue for lower levels using a simplified version of input data with a lower resolution. I process with gdal_translate the original input data to output a set of rasters with lower resolutions (x2, x4, x8....) and then I use for each level those that do not throw any error, starting from level 0 to upper levels, one by one. The higher levels your are processing, the higher resolution raster you use.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

jailln avatar jailln commented on June 22, 2024

Ok, thanks for both of your answers πŸ‘

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

BWibo avatar BWibo commented on June 22, 2024

@ahuarte47 Thx, for the clarification.
@predictwise this could be a possible solution for your issue as well. Please let us know if this works for you, if you try it out.

from cesium-terrain-builder-docker.

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