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Comments (6)

zw-su avatar zw-su commented on September 26, 2024

#1 0x0000555eea159fee in Master::_OnSignal (s=) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/mangosd/Master.cpp:627
exc = {M_exception_object = 0x0}
anticrashOptions =
st = {static SYMBUFSIZ = 4096,
= "/wow/run/bin/mangosd(ZNK14dtNavMeshQuery8findPathEmmPKfS1_PK13dtQueryFilterPmPii+0x3d2) [0x555eeaa088d2]\n/wow/run/bin/mangosd(ZN8PathInfo13BuildPolyPathERKN3G3D7Vector3ES3+0x49f) [0x555eea3aac1f]\n/"..., buflen = 1298}
No locals.
#3 0x0000555eeaa088d2 in dtQueryFilter::passFilter (poly=0x1a460, this=0x7f32f0b547e4)
at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/dep/recastnavigation/Detour/Source/DetourNavMeshQuery.cpp:91
No locals.
#4 dtNavMeshQuery::findPath (this=0x7f3220017d80, startRef=startRef@entry=36028814198836512,
endRef=endRef@entry=36028814198836003, startPos=startPos@entry=0x7f32f0b52e20, endPos=endPos@entry=0x7f32f0b52e30,
filter=filter@entry=0x7f32f0b547e4, path=, pathCount=, maxPath=)
at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/dep/recastnavigation/Detour/Source/DetourNavMeshQuery.cpp:1037
neighbourRef = 27021597764226339
neighbourTile = 0x7f32000011d0
neighbourPoly = 0x1a460
crossSide =
neighbourNode =
cost =
heuristic =
total =
i =
bestNode = 0x7f3220017e30
bestRef =
bestTile = 0x7f3200001510
bestPoly = 0x7f320002e3d0
parentRef =
parentTile = 0x0
parentPoly = 0x0
startNode =
lastBestNode = 0x7f3220017e30
lastBestNodeCost = 17.4562378
outOfNodes = false
--Type for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--c
status =

from core.

zw-su avatar zw-su commented on September 26, 2024

#5 0x0000555eea3aac1f in PathInfo::BuildPolyPath (this=0x7f32f0b53f70, startPos=..., endPos=...) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Maps/PathFinder.cpp:363
dtResult =
distToStartPoly = 0.5
distToEndPoly =
startPoint = {210.760086, -4.39600849, -17.7675858}
endPoint = {213.484665, -4.91812134, -35.0196762}
canSwimToDestination =
startPoly = 36028814198836512
endPoly = 36028814198836003
farFromPoly =
startPolyFound =
endPolyFound =
pathStartIndex =
pathEndIndex =
FUNCTION = "BuildPolyPath"
#6 0x0000555eea3acbc0 in PathInfo::calculate (offsets=, forceDest=, dest=..., start=..., this=0x7f32f0b53f70) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Maps/PathFinder.cpp:126
oldDest =
mmap =
dist =
oldDest =
mmap =
dist =
#7 PathInfo::calculate (this=this@entry=0x7f32f0b53f70, destX=, destY=213.484665, destZ=-4.91812134, forceDest=forceDest@entry=false, offsets=offsets@entry=false) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Maps/PathFinder.cpp:61
x = -17.7675858
y = 210.760086
z = -4.39600849

from core.

zw-su avatar zw-su commented on September 26, 2024

#8 0x0000555eea3d4dc9 in Movement::MoveSplineInit::MoveTo (this=0x7f32f0b54980, dest=..., options=) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Movement/spline/MoveSplineInit.h:132
path = {m_pathPolyRefs = {1292533105940241299, 1292533105940235440, 1292533105940235437, 1292533105940235438, 1292533105940235428, 1292533105940235431, 1, 139850864161872, 139856763503584, 93866147235893, 139856763502580, 139856763503608, 139850914197152, 139856763502624, 376, 400, 4898515072369819104, 4752339275024040511, 139850946511104, 139850946457664, 139848430125057, 139856763503105, 4895978215651870081, 9223372037961266020, 13799029258263199744, 9187343244122390528, 59047411712, 18428729679490842624, 9223372041141354496, 9187343239835811840, 18410715280981360640, 9187343244126584832, 4895978215651870081, 0, 0, 0, 162, 751260438399, 11, 13799029261476036608, 3212836864, 13081290564288868608, 139856763504192, 13081290564288868608, 139856763504192, 139852080304712, 139856763503136, 139856763502976, 139856763504156, 0, 0, 93866147226892, 139850914193792, 93866151200513, 1107014500, 13081290564288868608, 139856763503136, 93866148960112, 139856763504320, 13081290564288868608, 139856763504320, 139856763502960, 4895978215651926721, 139853832106852, 1073741575, 3212836864, 4895978215651926721, 9223372037961790308, 13799029258263199744, 9187343244122390528, 59047411712, 18428729679490842624, 9223372041141354496, 9187343239835811840, 18410715280981360640, 9187343244126584832, 4895978215651926721, 13081290564288868608, 4901559336675647265, 93863314967274, 139850939961984, 13081290564288868608, 3012, 139856763504192, 139856763504156, 139850864161840, 139856763503288, 139856763503284, 139856763504232, 139856763504344, 139856763503304, 93866147227146, 139850914193792, 139850914197152, 4575655088948772864, 2147483648, 139855937929216, 13081290564288868608, 139852080304712, 139856763504232, 3012, 1, 139851368480008, 93866148960524, 4575655088948772864, 4895978215651926721, 4776067405932901220, 2147483648, 139851642961920, 13081290564288868608, 3012, 139856763504224, 3548, 93866148953442, 0, 139856763504232, 4895978214511348394, 12950432363364, 2147483648, 139851642961920, 0, 4294967295, 139850868858624, 13081290564288868608, 139850868858600, 0, 139856763504320, 93866148954463, 139848430127786, 12953364809024, 139850939961472, 93862215287030, 888660175141736696, 13081290564288868608, 139850939961472, 139850864161840, 139856763503688, 139856763503684, 139856763504632, 139856763504744, 139856763503704, 93866147227146, 139850914193792, 139850914197152, 4575654887085309952, 2147483648, 139851642961920, 13081290564288868608, 139852080304712, 139856763504632, 3012, 1, 139851368480008, 93866148960524, 4575654888998923904, 4895978215651870081, 139853831582564, 2147483648, 761144432132096, 13081290564288868608, 139850939961472, 139856763504624, 3548, 93866148953442, 139850939961472, 139856763504632, 2730, 12953220509952, 139856279806208, 139857020059687, 1060238932864, 139852233912576, 139852233921144, 139856763504064, 139856781337600, 13081290564288868608, 5, 31, 139856763504040, 93866145599423, 139850917532544, 13081290564288868608, 511, 1984, 139852518007040, 510, 139856763504040, 93866145545286, 139850868854120, 13081290560394756129, 21474836512, 139856763504032, 139856763504036, 12884901898, 2241972929045, 12884902407, 139850868854136, 139857155421584, 89042716540577760, 139856763504064...}, m_polyLength = 0, m_pathPoints = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, m_type = 0, m_useStraightPath = false, m_forceDestination = false, m_pointPathLimit = 256, m_startPosition = {x = -17.7675858, y = 210.760086, z = -4.39600849}, m_endPosition = {x = -35.0196762, y = 213.484665, z = -4.91812134}, m_actualEndPosition = {x = -35.0196762, y = 213.484665, z = -4.91812134}, m_transport = 0x0, m_sourceUnit = 0x7f31945f5980, m_navMesh = 0x7f3200001170, m_navMeshQuery = 0x7f3220017d80, m_targetAllowedFlags = 0, m_filter = {m_areaCost = {1 <repeats 64 times>}, m_includeFlags = 15, m_excludeFlags = 16}}
#9 0x0000555eea3d572a in Movement::MoveSplineInit::MoveTo (options=129, z=, y=, x=, this=0x7f32f0b54980) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Movement/spline/MoveSplineInit.h:120
v = {x = -35.0196762, y = 213.484665, z = -4.91812134}

from core.

zw-su avatar zw-su commented on September 26, 2024

#10 RandomMovementGenerator::_setRandomLocation (this=0x7f31eb1bcd40, creature=...) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Movement/RandomMovementGenerator.cpp:65
dest = {x = -35.0196762, y = 213.484665, z = -4.91812134}
init = {args = {path = std::vector of length 0, capacity 16, facing = {f = {x = -6.20048057e+25, y = 3.06239766e-41, z = 2.84548267e-36}, target = 93866146211869, angle = -6.20048057e+25}, flags = {done = false, falling = false, unknown3 = false, unknown4 = false, unknown5 = false, unknown6 = false, unknown7 = false, unknown8 = false, runmode = false, flying = false, no_spline = false, unknown12 = false, unknown13 = false, unknown14 = false, unknown15 = false, unknown16 = false, final_point = false, final_target = false, final_angle = false, unknown19 = false, cyclic = false, enter_cycle = false, frozen = false, unknown23 = false, unknown24 = false, unknown25 = false, unknown26 = false, unknown27 = false, unknown28 = false, unknown29 = false, unknown30 = false, unknown31 = false}, path_Idx_offset = 0, velocity = 0, splineId = 0, transportGuid = 0, uninterruptible = false}, unit = @0x7f31945f5980, movementType = 0x555eeaa59bf9 "RandomMovementGenerator"}
#11 0x0000555eea3d5abb in RandomMovementGenerator::UpdateAsync (this=0x7f31eb1bcd40, creature=..., diff=200) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Movement/RandomMovementGenerator.cpp:156
guard =
#12 0x0000555eea4f8fab in Unit::Update (p_time=200, update_diff=200, this=) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Objects/Unit.cpp:326
victim =
victim =
myPet =
base_att =
base_att =
ranged_att =
#13 Unit::Update (this=this@entry=0x7f31945f5980, update_diff=update_diff@entry=200, p_time=p_time@entry=200) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Objects/Unit.cpp:214
victim =
myPet =
base_att =
base_att =
ranged_att =
#14 0x0000555eea402aba in Creature::Update (this=0x7f31945f5980, update_diff=200, diff=200) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Objects/Creature.cpp:809
hpPercent =
unreachableTarget =
leash =
#15 0x0000555eea390605 in WorldObject::UpdateHelper::UpdateRealTime (time_diff=, now=40219752, this=) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Objects/Object.h:674
No locals.
#16 MaNGOS::ObjectUpdater::Visit (m=..., this=0x7f32f0b54b78) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/game/Maps/GridNotifiersImpl.h:55
helper =
it = @0x7f31dafcd6d8: 0x7f31945f5980
__for_range = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0x7f319e859a40, 0x7f31945f5980}
__for_begin =
__for_end =
creaturesToUpdate = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0x7f319e859a40, 0x7f31945f5980}
creaturesToUpdate =
iter =
__for_range =
__for_begin =
__for_end =
it =
__for_range =
__for_begin =
__for_end =
helper =
#17 VisitorHelper<MaNGOS::ObjectUpdater, Creature> (c=..., v=...) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/framework/GameSystem/TypeContainerVisitor.h:53
No locals.
#18 VisitorHelper<MaNGOS::ObjectUpdater, Creature, TypeList<DynamicObject, TypeList<Corpse, TypeNull> > > (c=..., v=...) at /wow/vmmangos/vm23/src/framework/GameSystem/TypeContainerVisitor.h:60
No locals.

from core.

SandWind avatar SandWind commented on September 26, 2024

how to fix the bug

from core.

ratkosrb avatar ratkosrb commented on September 26, 2024

Update to latest version and set this in config:

mmap.randomMovement = 0

from core.

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