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rtfm's Introduction


A project start for practicing using Firebase with AngularJS.

We're going to create a multi-user, real-time forum (RTFM).

Step 1: Create project

  1. Using Yeoman, create an Angular app. Don't check Sass, use Bootstrap, and don't use any of the Angular-generator defaults.
  2. Install your NPM dependencies npm install.
  3. Install firebase, angularfire and angular-ui-router using bower: bower install --save firebase angularfire angular-ui-router. If Bower asks you to 'find a suitable version for angular', pick the latest version of Angular and persist your selection with a !.
Unable to find a suitable version for angular, please choose one:
    1) angular#1.2.6 which resolved to 1.2.6 and is required by angular-mocks#1.2.6, angular-scenario#1.2.6, rtfm
    2) angular#>= 1.0.8 which resolved to 1.2.6 and is required by angular-ui-router#0.2.10
    3) angular#1.2.21 which resolved to 1.2.21 and is required by angularfire#0.8.0

Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json

[?] Answer: 3!
  1. Run grunt serve to make sure that your boilerplate install is working. You should see a Yeoman welcome page.

Step 2: Configure Module

  1. Open up app/scripts/app.js and add firebase and ui.router to your module dependencies.
  2. Add a .config function and include $stateProvider and $urlRouterProvider to your injections.
  3. Stub in routes for /login, /threads and /threads/:threadId.
  4. Use $urlRouterProvider.otherwise() to configure a default URL.
// app.js

'use strict';

angular.module('rtfmApp', ['firebase', 'ui.router']).config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

    .state('login', {
      url: '/login'
    .state('threads', {
      url: '/threads'
    .state('thread', {
      url: '/thread/:threadId'

Step 3: Create Login View

  1. Open up index.html and switch Yeoman's default views/main.html view with a ui-view attribute.


<!-- Add your site or application content here -->
    <div class="container" ng-include="'views/main.html'" ng-controller="MainCtrl"></div>


<!-- Add your site or application content here -->
    <div class="container" ui-view></div>
  1. Create a login view and a login controller using Yeoman. yo angular:view login, yo angular:controller login
  2. Include your new view and controller in your login state.
    .state('login', {
      url: '/login',
      templateUrl: '/views/login.html',
      controller: 'LoginCtrl'
  1. Make sure grunt serve is still running so that you can see your new view. The Yeoman boilerplate view should be replaced with the text 'This is the login view.'

Step 3: Set Up Environment Variables

  1. Create a new file at /app/env.js and set it up like so...
window.env = {
  "environment": "development",
  "firebase": ""

Feel free to use my rtfm-demo firebase, or create you own at If you use my firebase, please change the base to reflect your name rather than 'chris'. For example you could use All this will do is nest your firebase data under supermario so that your data doesn't mix with the rest of the group's.

  1. Import env.js in your index.html file so that window.env is created before the rest of your JS files load.
<!--Environment vars attached to window.env-->
    <script src="env.js"></script>

<!-- build:js scripts/vendor.js -->
<!-- bower:js -->
  <script src="bower_components/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
  <script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
  <script src="bower_components/firebase/firebase.js"></script>
  <script src="bower_components/firebase-simple-login/firebase-simple-login.js"></script>
  <script src="bower_components/angularfire/dist/angularfire.min.js"></script>
  <script src="bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js"></script>
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- endbuild -->
  1. Create an EnvironmentService to make your environment variables injectable into any Angular module using yeoman: yo angular:service environment-service
'use strict';

  .service('EnvironmentService', function EnvironmentService($window) {
    return {
      getEnv: function () {
        return $window.env;
  1. Inject EnvironmentService into your LoginCtrl and assign your environment to $scope.env, then read out {{ env }}} in your login.html view to confirm that your environment variables are injecting correctly. You should see your window.env object logged out onto your login view.

  2. Add app/env.js to your

// Login.js

'use strict';

  .controller('LoginCtrl', function ($scope, EnvironmentService) {
    $scope.env = EnvironmentService.getEnv();

// view/login.html

 <p>This is the login view.</p>

     {{ env }}

Step 4: Create a Login Form

  1. Open up login.html and create a text input bound to $scope.username and a button that calls logMeIn(username) when clicked.
<p>This is the login view.</p>

    <input type="text" ng-model="username"/>
    <button ng-click="logMeIn(username)">Log In</button>
  1. Create the logMeIn function in your LoginCtrl. Have it alert the username for now.

  2. Create a function in EnvironmentService called saveUsername that accepts a username and saves it to local storage using $window.localStorage.setItem('username', username);.

  3. Create another function in EnvironmentSerice called getUsername that returns the username with $window.localStorage.getItem('username');

  4. Inject $state into LoginCtrl and use it to forward the user to the threads state after login.

  5. Use Yeoman to create a views/threads.html view and a ThreadsCtrl controller. Add the new view and controller to the threads state in app.js.

  6. Test your login and make sure that it forwards you to the stubbed threads view.

Step 5: Create A Logged In Abstract State

You're going to want access to the uesrname through the logged-in sections of the app, and you're not going to want a user to access the logged-in portions of the app without having a saved username. An abstract state is a quick and easy way to accomplish this.

  1. Open app.js and create a new state, just after the login state. Call this state secure. It will be an abstract state with one resolved injection and one controller. The injection will be called username and the controller will be SecureCtrl.
// app/scripts/app.js

.state('secure', {
      abstract: true,
      controller: 'SecureCtrl',
      resolve: {
        username: function (EnvironmentService) {
          return EnvironmentService.getUsername();

  1. Use Yeoman to create SecureCtrl.
  2. Open up app/scripts/controller/secure.js and inject username and $state into the SecureCtrl.
  3. If username is missing, use $state.go to redirect to the login state.
  4. Assign username to $scope.username.
// app/scripts/controllers/secure.js

'use strict';

  .controller('SecureCtrl', function ($scope, $state, username) {
    if (!username) {

    $scope.username = username;
  1. Open up app.js and make the threads route and the thread route child routes to secure. Child routes are only instantiated after all parent routes have resolved, and child routes have access to their parent's scope, so we can now secure any route by making it a child to secure.
.state('secure', {
      abstract: true,
      controller: 'SecureCtrl',
      resolve: {
        username: function (EnvironmentService) {
          return EnvironmentService.getUsername();
    .state('secure.threads', {
      url: '/threads',
      templateUrl: 'views/threads.html',
      controller: 'ThreadsCtrl'
    .state('secure.thread', {
      url: '/thread/:threadId'
  1. Open up threads.html and log out {{ username }} to make sure that the username has resolved correctly.

  2. Notice that when you log in, you get a warning stating Error: Could not resolve 'threads' from state 'login'. This is because your old threads view has been replaced with secure.threads, so open up login.js and fix your redirect to look like this: $state.go('secure.threads');

  3. When you succeed in hitting the /threads state, you'll get a blank screen, because we forgot to add a template with a ui-view to our secure abstract state. Parent templates need to know where to render their children, so you'll need to add a template to the secure state. It can be as simple as <div ui-view></div>, or you can create a new template file with a ui-view and include it with templateUrl.

// Add the simplest template to give 'secure' a place to inject it's child templates
.state('secure', {
  abstract: true,
  template: '<div ui-view>',
  controller: 'SecureCtrl',
  resolve: {
    username: function (EnvironmentService) {
      return EnvironmentService.getUsername();

Step 4: Create a Thread Service and Use Firebase Refs

  1. Use yeoman to create the ThreadService yo angular:service thread-service.
  2. Create methods named getThreads and getThread to generate AngularFire references to all threads and any individual thread. You'll need to inject EnvironmentService to get your Firebase url and you'll need to inject $firebase to generate Firebase references (heretofore referred to as "refs").
// app/scripts/controllers/thread-service.js

'use strict';

  .service('ThreadService', function ThreadService(EnvironmentService, $firebase) {
    var firebaseUrl = EnvironmentService.getEnv().firebase;

    return {
      getThreads: function () {
        return $firebase(new Firebase(firebaseUrl + '/threads'));

      getThread: function (threadId) {
        return $firebase(new Firebase(firebaseUrl + '/threads/' + threadId));
  1. Inject the threadsRef into the ThreadsCtrl using a resolve attribute in your router.
.state('secure.threads', {
  url: '/threads',
  templateUrl: 'views/threads.html',
  controller: 'ThreadsCtrl',
  resolve: {
    threadsRef: function (ThreadService) {
      return ThreadService.getThreads();
  1. Open up your ThreadsCtrl located in threads.js. Add threadsRef to its injections and bind threads.$asArray() to scope.
// app/scripts/controllers/threads.js

'use strict';

  .controller('ThreadsCtrl', function ($scope, threadsRef) {
    $scope.threads = threadsRef.$asArray();

Why $asArray()???

If you read the docs, you'll see that AngularFire refs generated with $firebase are meant for certain kinds of low-level Firebase transactions. You don't want to use raw AngularFire refs very often... you want to use $asArray() or $asObject() to convert the ref into an AngularFire array or an AngularFire object. These "arrays" and objects are designed very specifically to work with Angular views.

AngularFire "arrays" are not true JavaScript arrays (hence the quotation marks), but they are as close as you'll get to an array with Firebase. Firebase doesn't support JavaScript arrays for some very fundamental reasons related to data integrity... but AngularFire "arrays" provide functionality that is very similar to the JS arrays with which you are familiar.

You'll use $asObject() when you want to interact with the individual keys of the Firebase ref like you would with a JS object. For instance, a single thread would be treated as an object so that you could do things like this:

var thread = threadRef.$asObject();
thread.title = "This is a new thread";

Notice that we you could set the object property thread.title just as you would any JS object.

Step 5: Set up Threads view

  1. Let's set up threads.html with a list of threads, an input and a button to create a new thread, and links to each thread's unique page.

    <form name="newThreadForm">
        <input type="text" ng-model="newThreadTitle" placeholder="New thread title..." required/>
        <button ng-disabled="newThreadForm.$invalid" ng-click="createThread(username, newThreadTitle)">Add Thread</button>

        <li ng-repeat="thread in threads">
            <a ui-sref="secure.thread({threadId: thread.$id})">
                <span>{{ thread.title }}</span>
                <span>(by {{ thread.username }})</span>
  1. You'll need to create a function in your ThreadsCtrl named createThread. This function must be attached to $scope and should accept a username and a thread title as arguments. It will then use the AngularFire "array" $add function to add the new thread to the threads array. Once you get this working, you'll be able to add threads in your view and watch them automatically add themselves to the threads list.
'use strict';

  .controller('ThreadsCtrl', function ($scope, threadsRef) {

    $scope.threads = threadsRef.$asArray();

    $scope.threads.$loaded().then(function (threads) {

    $scope.createThread = function (username, title) {
        username: username,
        title: title



Step 6: Set Up Individual Thread Views

  1. Create a ThreadCtrl and app/views/thread.html using Yeoman: yo angular:controller thread, and yo angular:view thread.
  2. Add the new controller and view to the thread state in app.js. Also create a resolve for thread that uses $stateParams.threadId and ThreadService.getThread() to inject each thread's AngularFire ref into your new ThreadCtrl.
.state('secure.thread', {
  url: '/thread/:threadId',
  templateUrl: 'views/thread.html',
  controller: 'ThreadCtrl',
  resolve: {
    threadRef: function (ThreadService, $stateParams) {
      return ThreadService.getThread($stateParams.threadId);
  1. Inject threadRef into your ThreadCtrl and use AngularFire's $asObject and $bindTo methods to bind the thread to $scope.thread.
// app/scripts/controllers/thread.js

'use strict';

  .controller('ThreadCtrl', function ($scope, threadRef) {
    var thread = threadRef.$asObject();

    thread.$bindTo($scope, 'thread');

Why $asObject and $bindTo???

AngularFire refs can get converted into AngularFire "objects". These "objects" can be bound to $scope using AngularFire's $bindTo function. This sets up 3-way binding from your view, through $scope and all the way back to your Firebase data store. You can edit these AngularFire "objects" in place in your view and watch the changes propagate throughout your entire app.

  1. Edit app/views/thread.html to create a inputs to add comments under the thread as well as read out all existing comments.
    <h1>{{ thread.title }} (by {{ thread.username }})</h1>

    <form name="newCommentForm">
        <input type="text" ng-model="newCommentText" placeholder="Write a comment..." required/>
        <button ng-disabled="newCommentForm.$invalid" ng-click="createComment(username, newCommentText)">Add Comment</button>

        <li ng-repeat="comment in comments">{{ comment.username }}: {{ comment.text }}</li>

Notice how we're looping through comment in comments? We're going to want each thread to have an "array" of comments in its Firebase data structure. We haven't created the comments "array" yet, but we can create an AngularFire ref to it anyway. Firebase will treat that ref as if it already exists, so we can loop through it and add to it seamlessly. This will require creating a new getComments method in ThreadService and injecting this new commentsRef into ThreadCtrl using a resolve in your secure.thread state.

This may seem like a lot of steps, but you've already gone through these steps twice with threadsRef and threadRef. The new commentsRef follows the same pattern.

// app/scripts/services/thread-service.js

'use strict';

  .service('ThreadService', function ThreadService(EnvironmentService, $firebase) {
    var firebaseUrl = EnvironmentService.getEnv().firebase;

    return {
      getThreads: function () {
        return $firebase(new Firebase(firebaseUrl + '/threads'));

      getThread: function (threadId) {
        return $firebase(new Firebase(firebaseUrl + '/threads/' + threadId));

      getComments: function (threadId) {
        return $firebase(new Firebase(firebaseUrl + '/threads/' + threadId + '/comments'));

// app/scripts/app.js

.state('secure.thread', {
  url: '/thread/:threadId',
  templateUrl: 'views/thread.html',
  controller: 'ThreadCtrl',
  resolve: {
    threadRef: function (ThreadService, $stateParams) {
      return ThreadService.getThread($stateParams.threadId);
    commentsRef: function (ThreadService, $stateParams) {
      return ThreadService.getComments($stateParams.threadId);
// app/scripts/controllers/thread.js

'use strict';

  .controller('ThreadCtrl', function ($scope, threadRef, commentsRef) {
    var thread = threadRef.$asObject();

    thread.$bindTo($scope, 'thread');

    $scope.comments = commentsRef.$asArray();

    $scope.createComment = function (username, text) {
        username: username,
        text: text

Notice that we've added a new $scope.createComment function. This will get called from the thread.html view and add a comment to your AngularFire comments "array".

Black Diamond

This is the seed of a functioning Angular + Firebase application. You could really take it anywhere, but a great first step would be to use FirebaseSimpleLogin to create a real login system rather than the localStorage hack that we've used here.

You'll want to create users, get the logged in user and offer a "log out" button.

Check out this example user-service if you get stuck. It's got some more advanced code that may look confusing at first, but read through each function and try to understand what it's doing. If you can't understand the function, skip it and circle back later. The important functions in this example are the simple ones.

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