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CircuitPython module for the TLC59711 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver.


This driver depends on:

Please ensure all dependencies are available on the CircuitPython filesystem. This is easily achieved by downloading the Adafruit library and driver bundle.

Installing from PyPI

On supported GNU/Linux systems like the Raspberry Pi, you can install the driver locally from PyPI. To install for current user:

pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-tlc59711

To install system-wide (this may be required in some cases):

sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-tlc59711

To install in a virtual environment in your current project:

mkdir project-name && cd project-name
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-tlc59711

Usage Example

See examples/ for a demo of the usage.


API documentation for this library can be found on Read the Docs.

For information on building library documentation, please check out this guide.


Contributions are welcome! Please read our Code of Conduct before contributing to help this project stay welcoming.

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adafruit_circuitpython_tlc59711's Issues

Chain Multiple TLC59711 Chips?

There doesn't seem to be any way to address additional TLC59711 chips/boards on the same bus. This needs to be added as that chainability is one of the main advantages of the TLC59711.

Changing the spi baudrate does not work.

Using Adafruit_Blinka on Jetson Xavier and
Following: instruction, the SPI baudrate stay at 10Mhz instead of the new specified value.
sample test code will print 10000000 instead of 500000

spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI)
while not spi.try_lock():

leds = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi)
leds[0] = (0, 0, 0)
print(f'*** SPI Clk: {spi._spi.baudrate} ******')

The problem comes from the _write(self) function (line 177):

self._spi.configure(baudrate=10000000, polarity=0, phase=0)

It's not using the previously set baudrate. The line could be instead:

self._spi.configure(baudrate=self._spi._spi.baudrate, polarity=0, phase=0)

but that feels incomplete as polarity and phase are not kept.

Should the values be kept in SPI class and calling configure without parameter will reuse the previously set? I have no idea of the impact on other project and will let you decide the best course of action.

Missing Type Annotations

There are missing type annotations for some functions in this library.

The typing module does not exist on CircuitPython devices so the import needs to be wrapped in try/except to catch the error for missing import. There is an example of how that is done here:

    from typing import List, Tuple
except ImportError:

Once imported the typing annotations for the argument type(s), and return type(s) can be added to the function signature. Here is an example of a function that has had this done already:

def wrap_text_to_pixels(
    string: str, max_width: int, font=None, indent0: str = "", indent1: str = ""
) -> List[str]:

If you are new to Git or Github we have a guide about contributing to our projects here:

There is also a guide that covers our CI utilities and how to run them locally to ensure they will pass in Github Actions here: In particular the pages: Sharing docs on ReadTheDocs and Check your code with pre-commit contain the tools to install and commands to run locally to run the checks.

If you are attempting to resolve this issue and need help, you can post a comment on this issue and tag both @FoamyGuy and @kattni or reach out to us on Discord: in the #circuitpython-dev channel.

The following locations are reported by mypy to be missing type annotations:


TLC59711 driver not working with CircuitPython 7.1 on small int boards

The TLC59711 library example "" fails to run on Trinket M0 with CircuitPython 7.1.

This issue has been discussed on the Adafruit forum:

2 issues have been identified:

  1. Memory Allocation error
    It seems the library is too big to be loaded in memory on the Trinket M0.
    This could be fixed by shortening the library (e.g. removing the TLC59711AutoShow class if not used) and recompiling the mpy.

  2. Small Int Overflow
    An OverflowError is thrown by the TLC59711 class constructor.
    It seems the driver assumes it can use 32-bit integers as the following trace suggests:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 23, in
    File "", line 306, in init
    File "", line 315, in _init_buffer
    File "", line 438, in _chip_set_WriteCommand
    File "", line 327, in set_chipheader_bits_in_buffer
    OverflowError: small int overflow

The library was working fine with CircuitPython 3.1.1, version shipped with the Trinket M0.

Variable definitions for const values out of scope?

Hi Guys,

I have just recently been testing TLC59711 on my nVidia Xavier NX dev board (might be worth mentioning that all other circuitpython libraries work fine on it).

Anyway when I tried to run the example code after setting everything up I have encountered a following error:

pawel@devxavier:~/Code$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 18, in <module>
    pixels = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi, pixel_count=16)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/", line 292, in __init__
    self._buffer = bytearray(_CHIP_BUFFER_BYTE_COUNT * self.chip_count)
NameError: name '_CHIP_BUFFER_BYTE_COUNT' is not defined
Cleaning up pins

It seems that the defined variables with const values are out of scope for the functions below, simply moving the definitions above the class definition fixed the error and I was able to successfully test the board.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Stefan Krüger
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


CircuitPython module for the
TLC59711 or TLC5971 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver.
See examples/ for a demo of the usage.

* Author(s): Tony DiCola, Stefan Kruger

Implementation Notes


* Adafruit `12-Channel 16-bit PWM LED Driver - SPI Interface - TLC59711
  <>`_ (Product ID: 1455)
  or TLC5971

**Software and Dependencies:**

* The API is mostly compatible to the DotStar / NeoPixel Libraries
    and is therefore also compatible with FancyLED.

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

# pylint - globally disable
# 'invalid-name' check to allow for datasheet conform short channel and register names.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# 'undefined-variable' to allow for micropython const definitions
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
# 'too-many-lines' with the extra class and the api backwards compatibel things i have ~1100 lines..
# and as it was wished to not alter the .pylint file to limit to 1100 i disable it here..
# and yes - this code is very detailed commented. but i think that this is a good thing -
# as hopefully this way it is easier to understand desicions &
# what is going on and learn the backgrounds..
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

import struct

from micropython import const

# Workaround for the undefined name error

PIXEL_PER_CHIP = const(4)


_BC_BIT_COUNT = const(3 * 7)
_FC_BIT_COUNT = const(5)

_WC_BIT_COUNT = const(6)


class TLC59711:
    """TLC5971 & TLC59711 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver.

    The TLC59711 & TLC5971 chip is designed to drive 4 RGB LEDs with 16-bit PWM per Color.
    This Library can control 1..many chips.
    The class has an interface compatible with the FancyLED library -
    and the API is similar to the NeoPixel and DotStar Interfaces.

    :param ~busio.SPI spi: An instance of the SPI bus connected to the chip.
        The clock and MOSI/outout must be set, the MISO/input is unused.
        Maximal data clock frequence is:
        - TLC59711: 10MHz
        - TLC5971: 20MHz
    :param bool pixel_count: Number of RGB-LEDs (=Pixels) that are connected. (default=4)

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    # it just does make senes to have the chip params as attributes.

    # """
    # TLC5971 data / register structure
    # some detailed information on the protocol based on
    # 8.5.4 Register and Data Latch Configuration (page 23ff)
    # How to Control the TLC5971 (page27)
    # How to send:
    # the first data we send are received by the last device in chain.
    # Device Nth (244Bit = 28Byte)
    # Write Command (6Bit)
    #     WRCMD (fixed: 25h)
    # Function Control Data (5 x 1Bit = 5Bit)
    #     OUTTMG 1bit
    #         GS clock edge select
    #         1=rising edge, 0= falling edge
    #     EXTGCK 1bit
    #         GS reference clock select
    #         1=SCKI clock, 0=internal oscillator
    #     TMGRST 1bit
    #         display timing reset mode
    #         1=OUT forced of on latchpulse, 0=no forced reset
    #     DSPRPT 1bit
    #         display repeat mode
    #         1=auto repeate
    #         0=Out only turned on after Blank or internal latchpulse
    #     BLANK 1bit;
    #         1=blank (outputs off)
    #         0=Out on - controlled by GS-Data
    #         ic power on sets this to 1
    # BC-Data (3 x 7Bits = 21Bit)
    #     BCB 7bit;
    #     BCG 7bit;
    #     BCR 7bit;
    # GS-Data (12 x 16Bits = 192Bit)
    #     GSB3 16bit;
    #     GSG3 16bit;
    #     GSR3 16bit;
    #     GSB2 16bit;
    #     GSG2 16bit;
    #     GSR2 16bit;
    #     GSB1 16bit;
    #     GSG1 16bit;
    #     GSR1 16bit;
    #     GSB0 16bit;
    #     GSG0 16bit;
    #     GSR0 16bit;
    # Device Nth-1 (244Bit = 28Byte)
    #     Device ..
    #     Device 2
    #     Device 1
    #     short break of 8x period of clock (666ns .. 2.74ms)
    #     to generate latchpulse
    #     + 1.34uS
    #     than next update.
    # """

    # helper

    # pylama:ignore=E0602
    # ugly workaround for pylama not knowing of micropython const thing
    _CHIP_BUFFER_BYTE_COUNT = const(28)

    COLORS_PER_PIXEL = const(3)
    PIXEL_PER_CHIP = const(4)

    _BUFFER_BYTES_PER_COLOR = const(2)

    # @staticmethod
    # def set_bit_with_mask(v, mask, x):
    #     """Set bit with help of mask."""
    #     # clear
    #     v &= ~mask
    #     if x:
    #         # set
    #         v |= mask
    #     return v
    # @staticmethod
    # def set_bit(v, index, x):
    #     """Set bit - return new value.
    #     Set the index:th bit of v to 1 if x is truthy,
    #     else to 0, and return the new value.
    #     """
    #     # Compute mask, an integer with just bit 'index' set.
    #     mask = 1 << index
    #     # Clear the bit indicated by the mask (if x is False)
    #     v &= ~mask
    #     if x:
    #         # If x was True, set the bit indicated by the mask.
    #         v |= mask
    #     # Return the result, we're done.
    #     return v

    # class _BC():
    # BC-Data (3 x 7Bits = 21Bit).
    # BCB 7bit;
    # BCG 7bit;
    # BCR 7bit;
    _BC_BIT_COUNT = const(3 * 7)
    # this holds the chip offset and
    _BC_FIELDS = {
        "BCR": {
            "offset": 0,
            "length": 7,
            "mask": 0b01111111,
        "BCG": {
            "offset": 7,
            "length": 7,
            "mask": 0b01111111,
        "BCB": {
            "offset": 14,
            "length": 7,
            "mask": 0b01111111,

    # class _FC():
    # """
    # Function Control Data (5 x 1Bit = 5Bit).
    # OUTTMG 1bit
    #     GS clock edge select
    #     1 = rising edge
    #     0 = falling edge
    # EXTGCK 1bit
    #     GS reference clock select
    #     1 = SCKI clock
    #     0 = internal oscillator
    # TMGRST 1bit
    #     display timing reset mode
    #     1 = OUT forced of on latchpulse
    #     0 = no forced reset
    # DSPRPT 1bit
    #     display repeat mode
    #     1 = auto repeate
    #     0 = Out only turned on after Blank or internal latchpulse
    # BLANK 1bit;
    #     ic power on sets this to 1
    #     1 = blank (outputs off)
    #     0 = Out on - controlled by GS-Data
    # """

    _FC_BIT_COUNT = const(5)
    _FC_FIELDS = {
        "BLANK": {
            "offset": 0,
            "length": 1,
            "mask": 0b1,
        "DSPRPT": {
            "offset": 1,
            "length": 1,
            "mask": 0b1,
        "TMGRST": {
            "offset": 2,
            "length": 1,
            "mask": 0b1,
        "EXTGCK": {
            "offset": 3,
            "length": 1,
            "mask": 0b1,
        "OUTTMG": {
            "offset": 4,
            "length": 1,
            "mask": 0b1,

    # class _WRITE_COMMAND():
    # """WRITE_COMMAND."""

    _WC_BIT_COUNT = const(6)
    _WC_FIELDS = {
        "WRITE_COMMAND": {
            "offset": 0,
            "length": 6,
            "mask": 0b111111,
    WRITE_COMMAND = const(0b100101)



    def __init__(self, spi, *, pixel_count=4):
        self._spi = spi
        self.pixel_count = pixel_count
        self.channel_count = self.pixel_count * self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL
        # calculate how many chips are connected
        self.chip_count = self.pixel_count // 4

        # The chips are just a big 28 byte long shift register without any fancy update protocol.
        # Blast out all the bits to update, that's it! → create raw output data
        self._buffer = bytearray(_CHIP_BUFFER_BYTE_COUNT * self.chip_count)

        # Initialize the brightness channel values to max (these are 7-bit values).
        self.bcr = 127 = 127
        self.bcb = 127

        # Initialize external user-facing state for the function control bits of the chip.
        # These aren't commonly used but available and match the nomenclature from the datasheet.
        # you must manually call update_fc() after changing them
        # (reduces the need to make frivolous memory-hogging properties).
        # Default set: OUTTMG, TMGRST, and DSPRPT to on; like in Arduino library.
        # these are set for all chips the same
        self.outtmg = True
        self.extgck = False
        self.tmgrst = True
        self.dsprpt = True
        self.blank = False

        # preparation done → now initialize buffer to default values
        self._buffer_index_lookuptable = []

    def _init_buffer(self):
        for chip_index in range(self.chip_count):
            # set Write Command (6Bit) WRCMD (fixed: 25h)
            self.chip_set_BCData(chip_index, bcr=self.bcr,, bcb=self.bcb)

    def set_chipheader_bits_in_buffer(
        self, *, chip_index=0, part_bit_offset=0, field=None, value=0
        """Set chip header bits in buffer."""
        if field is None:
            field = {"mask": 0, "length": 0, "offset": 0}
        offset = part_bit_offset + field["offset"]
        # restrict value
        value &= field["mask"]
        # move value to position
        value = value << offset
        # calculate header start
        header_start = chip_index * _CHIP_BUFFER_BYTE_COUNT
        # get chip header
        header = struct.unpack_from(">I", self._buffer, header_start)[0]
        # 0xFFFFFFFF == 0b11111111111111111111111111111111
        # create/move mask
        mask = field["mask"] << offset
        # clear
        header &= ~mask
        # set
        header |= value
        # write header back
        struct.pack_into(">I", self._buffer, header_start, header)


    def chip_set_BCData(self, chip_index, bcr=127, bcg=127, bcb=127):
        Set BC-Data.

        :param int chip_index: Index of Chip to set.
        :param int bcr: 7-bit value from 0-127 (default=127)
        :param int bcg: 7-bit value from 0-127 (default=127)
        :param int bcb: 7-bit value from 0-127 (default=127)
        # set all bits

    def update_BCData(self):
        Update BC-Data for all Chips in Buffer.

        need to be called after you changed on of the BC-Data Parameters. (bcr, bcg, bcb)
        for chip_index in range(self.chip_count):
            self.chip_set_BCData(chip_index, bcr=self.bcr,, bcb=self.bcb)

    def _chip_set_FunctionControl(self, chip_index):
        Set Function Control Bits in Buffer.

        values from object global parameters are used.

        :param int chip_index: Index of Chip to set.
        # set all bits

    def update_fc(self):
        Update Function Control Bits for all Chips in Buffer.

        need to be called after you changed on of the Function Control Bit Parameters.
        (outtmg, extgck, tmgrst, dsprpt, blank)
        for chip_index in range(self.chip_count):

    def _chip_set_WriteCommand(self, chip_index):
        """Set WRITE_COMMAND."""
        # set all bits

    def _init_lookuptable(self):
        for channel_index in range(self.channel_count):
            buffer_index = (_CHIP_BUFFER_BYTE_COUNT // _BUFFER_BYTES_PER_COLOR) * (
                channel_index // self.CHANNEL_PER_CHIP
            ) + channel_index % self.CHANNEL_PER_CHIP
            buffer_index *= _BUFFER_BYTES_PER_COLOR
            buffer_index += _CHIP_BUFFER_HEADER_BYTE_COUNT


    def _write(self):
        # Write out the current state to the shift register.
            # Lock the SPI bus and configure it for the shift register.
            while not self._spi.try_lock():
            self._spi.configure(baudrate=self._spi.frequency, polarity=0, phase=0)
            # Ensure the SPI bus is unlocked.

    def show(self):
        """Write out the current LED PWM state to the chip."""


    def calculate_Ioclmax(*, Riref=2.48):
        Calculate Maximum Constant Sink Current Value.

        8.4.1 Maximum Constant Sink Current Setting,0,524

        Riref = (Viref / Ioclmax) * 41
        Ioclmax = (41 / Riref) * Viref

        :param float Riref: resistor value (kΩ) (default=20)
        :return tuple: Ioclmax (mA)
        # Riref                 = (Viref / Ioclmax) * 41    | / 41
        # Riref / 41            = Viref / Ioclmax           | switch
        # 41 / Riref            = Ioclmax / Viref           | * Viref
        # (41 / Riref) * Viref  = Ioclmax
        if not 0.8 <= Riref <= 24.8:
            raise ValueError("Riref {} not in range: 0.8kΩ..25kΩ".format(Riref))
        Viref = 1.21
        Ioclmax = (41 / Riref) * Viref
        if not 2.0 <= Ioclmax <= 60.0:
            raise ValueError("Ioclmax {} not in range: 2mA..60mA".format(Ioclmax))
        return Ioclmax

    def calculate_Riref(*, Ioclmax=20):
        Calculate Maximum Constant Sink Current Value.

        8.4.1 Maximum Constant Sink Current Setting,0,697

        Riref = (Viref / Ioclmax) * 41

        :param float Ioclmax: target max output current (mA) (default=20)
        :return tuple: Riref (kΩ)
        if not 2.0 <= Ioclmax <= 60.0:
            raise ValueError("Ioclmax {} not in range: 2mA..60mA".format(Ioclmax))
        Viref = 1.21
        Riref = (Viref / Ioclmax) * 41
        if not 0.8 <= Riref <= 24.8:
            raise ValueError("Riref {} not in range: 0.8kΩ..25kΩ".format(Riref))
        return Riref

    def calculate_BCData(*, Ioclmax=18, IoutR=17, IoutG=15, IoutB=9):
        Calculate Global Brightness Control Values.

        8.5.1 Global Brightness Control (BC) Function (Sink Current Control),0,697

        Iout = Ioclmax * (BCX / 127)
        BCX = Iout / Ioclmax * 127

        :param float Ioclmax: max output current set by Riref (mA) (default=20)
        :param float IoutR: max output current for red color group (mA)
        :param float IoutG: max output current for green color (mA)
        :param float IoutB: max output current for blue color (mA)
        :return tuple: (bcr, bcg, bcb)
        # Iout                 =  Ioclmax * (BCX / 127)  | / Ioclmax
        # Iout / Ioclmax       =  BCX / 127              | * 127
        # Iout / Ioclmax * 127 =  BCX
        if not 2.0 <= Ioclmax <= 60.0:
            raise ValueError("Ioclmax {} not in range: 2mA..60mA" "".format(Ioclmax))
        if not 0.0 <= IoutR <= Ioclmax:
            raise ValueError("IoutR {} not in range: 2mA..{}mA".format(IoutR, Ioclmax))
        if not 0.0 <= IoutG <= Ioclmax:
            raise ValueError("IoutG {} not in range: 2mA..{}mA".format(IoutG, Ioclmax))
        if not 0.0 <= IoutB <= Ioclmax:
            raise ValueError("IoutB {} not in range: 2mA..{}mA".format(IoutB, Ioclmax))
        bcr = int((IoutR / Ioclmax) * 127)
        bcg = int((IoutG / Ioclmax) * 127)
        bcb = int((IoutB / Ioclmax) * 127)
        if not 0 <= bcr <= 127:
            raise ValueError("bcr {} not in range: 0..127".format(bcr))
        if not 0 <= bcg <= 127:
            raise ValueError("bcg {} not in range: 0..127".format(bcg))
        if not 0 <= bcb <= 127:
            raise ValueError("bcb {} not in range: 0..127".format(bcb))
        return (bcr, bcg, bcb)


    def _convert_01_float_to_16bit_integer(value):
        """Convert 0..1 Float Value to 16bit (0..65535) Range."""
        # check if value is in range
        if not 0.0 <= value[0] <= 1.0:
            raise ValueError("value[0] {} not in range: 0..1".format(value[0]))
        # convert to 16bit value
        return int(value * 65535)

    def _convert_if_float(cls, value):
        """Convert if value is Float."""
        if isinstance(value, float):
            value = cls._convert_01_float_to_16bit_integer(value)
        return value

    def _check_and_convert(value):
        # loop
        # mega slow
        # for i, val in enumerate(value):
        #     # check if we have float values
        #     if isinstance(val, float):
        #         # check if val is in range
        #         if not 0.0 <= val <= 1.0:
        #             raise ValueError(
        #                 "value[{}] {} not in range: 0..1".format(i, val))
        #         # convert to 16bit val
        #         value[i] = int(val * 65535)
        #     else:
        #         if not 0 <= val <= 65535:
        #             raise ValueError(
        #                 "value[{}] {} not in range: 0..65535".format(i, val))
        # discreet is way faster
        # (compared with pixels.set_all_black())
        # check if we have float values
        if isinstance(value[0], float):
            # check if value is in range
            if not 0.0 <= value[0] <= 1.0:
                raise ValueError("value[0] {} not in range: 0..1".format(value[0]))
            # convert to 16bit value
            value[0] = int(value[0] * 65535)
            if not 0 <= value[0] <= 65535:
                raise ValueError("value[0] {} not in range: 0..65535".format(value[0]))
        if isinstance(value[1], float):
            if not 0.0 <= value[1] <= 1.0:
                raise ValueError("value[1] {} not in range: 0..1".format(value[1]))
            value[1] = int(value[1] * 65535)
            if not 0 <= value[1] <= 65535:
                raise ValueError("value[1] {} not in range: 0..65535".format(value[1]))
        if isinstance(value[2], float):
            if not 0.0 <= value[2] <= 1.0:
                raise ValueError("value[2] {} not in range: 0..1".format(value[2]))
            value[2] = int(value[2] * 65535)
            if not 0 <= value[2] <= 65535:
                raise ValueError("value[2] {} not in range: 0..65535".format(value[2]))


    def _get_channel_16bit_value(self, channel_index):
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[channel_index]
        return struct.unpack_from(">H", self._buffer, buffer_start)[0]

    def set_pixel_16bit_value(self, pixel_index, value_r, value_g, value_b):
        Set the value for pixel.

        This is a Fast UNPROTECTED function:
        no error / range checking is done.

        :param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
        :param int value_r: 0..65535
        :param int value_g: 0..65535
        :param int value_b: 0..65535
        # optimized for speed.
        # the struct version leads to very slow runtime behaivor if you set
        # lots of pixels. that is the reason the discreet version is used.
        # you can check with the file.
        # most prominent this is visible at the set_pixel_all_16bit_value func:
        #  struct 157ms to 16ms (@144pixel on ItsyBitsy M4)
        pixel_start = pixel_index * self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
        # struct.pack_into('>H', self._buffer, buffer_start, value_b)
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_b >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_b & 0xFF
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
        # struct.pack_into('>H', self._buffer, buffer_start, value_g)
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_g >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_g & 0xFF
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
        # struct.pack_into('>H', self._buffer, buffer_start, value_r)
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_r >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_r & 0xFF

    def set_pixel_float_value(self, pixel_index, value_r, value_g, value_b):
        Set the value for pixel.

        This is a Fast UNPROTECTED function:
        no error / range checking is done.

        :param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
        :param int value_r: 0..1
        :param int value_g: 0..1
        :param int value_b: 0..1
        # self.set_pixel_16bit_value(
        #     pixel_index,
        #     int(value_r * 65535),
        #     int(value_g * 65535),
        #     int(value_b * 65535)
        # )
        #  this is again a speed optimized version:
        #  this cuts down from 228ms to 22ms (@144pixel on ItsyBitsy M4)
        value_r = int(value_r * 65535)
        value_g = int(value_g * 65535)
        value_b = int(value_b * 65535)
        pixel_start = pixel_index * self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_b >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_b & 0xFF
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_g >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_g & 0xFF
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_r >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_r & 0xFF

    def set_pixel_16bit_color(self, pixel_index, color):
        Set color for pixel.

        This is a Fast UNPROTECTED function:
        no error / range checking is done.
        its a little bit slower as `set_pixel_16bit_value`

        :param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
        :param int color: 3-tuple of R, G, B;  0..65535
        # self.set_pixel_16bit_value(
        #     pixel_index,
        #     color[0],
        #     color[1],
        #     color[2]
        # )
        # speed optimization: 140ms to 24ms (@144pixel on ItsyBitsy M4)
        # the `color = list(color)` is the key here! (don't ask me why..)
        color = list(color)
        pixel_start = pixel_index * self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[2] >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[2] & 0xFF
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[1] >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[1] & 0xFF
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[0] >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[0] & 0xFF

    def set_pixel_float_color(self, pixel_index, color):
        Set color for pixel.

        This is a Fast UNPROTECTED function:
        no error / range checking is done.
        its a little bit slower as `set_pixel_16bit_value`

        :param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
        :param tuple/float color: 3-tuple of R, G, B;  0..1
        # self.set_pixel_16bit_value(
        #     pixel_index,
        #     int(color[0] * 65535),
        #     int(color[1] * 65535),
        #     int(color[2] * 65535)
        # )
        # speed optimization: 140ms to 30ms (@144pixel on ItsyBitsy M4)
        color = list(color)
        color[0] = int(color[0] * 65535)
        color[1] = int(color[1] * 65535)
        color[2] = int(color[2] * 65535)
        pixel_start = pixel_index * self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[2] >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[2] & 0xFF
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[1] >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[1] & 0xFF
        buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[0] >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[0] & 0xFF

    def set_pixel(self, pixel_index, value):
        Set the R, G, B values for the pixel.

        this funciton hase some advanced error checking.
        it is much slower than the other provided 'bare' variants..
        but therefor gives clues to what is going wrong.. ;-)

        :param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
        :param tuple value: 3-tuple of R, G, B;
            each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
        if 0 <= pixel_index < self.pixel_count:
            # convert to list
            value = list(value)
            # repr(value)
            if len(value) != self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL:
                raise IndexError(
                    "length of value {} does not match COLORS_PER_PIXEL (= {})"
                    "".format(len(value), self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL)
            # tested:
            # splitting up into variables to not need the list..
            # this is about 0.25ms slower..
            # value_r = value[0]
            # value_g = value[1]
            # value_b = value[2]

            # check if we have float values
            # this modifies 'value' in place..

            # update buffer
            # we change channel order here:
            # buffer channel order is blue, green, red
            # pixel_start = pixel_index * self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL
            # buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
            # self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value[2] >> 8) & 0xFF
            # self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value[2] & 0xFF
            # buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
            # self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value[1] >> 8) & 0xFF
            # self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value[1] & 0xFF
            # buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
            # self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value[0] >> 8) & 0xFF
            # self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value[0] & 0xFF
            # simpliefy code
            self.set_pixel_16bit_value(pixel_index, value[0], value[1], value[2])
            raise IndexError(
                "index {} out of range [0..{}]" "".format(pixel_index, self.pixel_count)

    def set_pixel_all_16bit_value(self, value_r, value_g, value_b):
        Set the R, G, B values for all pixels.

        fast. without error checking.

        :param int value_r: 0..65535
        :param int value_g: 0..65535
        :param int value_b: 0..65535
        for i in range(self.pixel_count):
            self.set_pixel_16bit_value(i, value_r, value_g, value_b)

    def set_pixel_all(self, color):
        Set the R, G, B values for all pixels.

        :param tuple 3-tuple of R, G, B;  each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
        for i in range(self.pixel_count):
            self.set_pixel(i, color)

    def set_all_black(self):
        """Set all pixels to black."""
        for i in range(self.pixel_count):
            self.set_pixel_16bit_value(i, 0, 0, 0)

    # channel access
    def set_channel(self, channel_index, value):
        Set the value for the provided channel.

        :param int channel_index: 0..channel_count
        :param int value: 0..65535
        if 0 <= channel_index < (self.channel_count):
            # check if values are in range
            if not 0 <= value <= 65535:
                raise ValueError("value {} not in range: 0..65535")
            # temp = channel_index
            # we change channel order here:
            # buffer channel order is blue, green, red
            pixel_index_offset = channel_index % self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL
            if pixel_index_offset == 0:
                channel_index += 2
            elif pixel_index_offset == 2:
                channel_index -= 2
            # set value in buffer
            buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[channel_index]
            struct.pack_into(">H", self._buffer, buffer_start, value)
            raise IndexError(
                "channel_index {} out of range (0..{})".format(
                    channel_index, self.channel_count

    # Define index and length properties to set and get each pixel as
    # atomic RGB tuples.  This provides a similar feel as using neopixels.
    def __len__(self):
        """Retrieve TLC5975 the total number of Pixels available."""
        return self.pixel_count

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Retrieve the R, G, B values for the provided channel as a 3-tuple.

        Each value is a 16-bit number from 0-65535.
        if 0 <= key < self.pixel_count:
            pixel_start = key * self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL
            return (
                self._get_channel_16bit_value(pixel_start + 0),
                self._get_channel_16bit_value(pixel_start + 1),
                self._get_channel_16bit_value(pixel_start + 2),
        # else:
        raise IndexError("index {} out of range [0..{}]".format(key, self.pixel_count))

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        Set the R, G, B values for the pixel.

        this funciton hase some advanced error checking.
        it is much slower than the other provided 'bare' variants..
        but therefor gives clues to what is going wrong.. ;-)
        this shortcut is identicall to `set_pixel`

        :param int key: 0..(pixel_count)
        :param tuple 3-tuple of R, G, B;  each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
        # for a more detailed version with all the debugging code and
        # comments look at set_pixel
        if 0 <= key < self.pixel_count:
            value = list(value)
            if len(value) != self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL:
                raise IndexError(
                    "length of value {} does not match COLORS_PER_PIXEL (= {})"
                    "".format(len(value), self.COLORS_PER_PIXEL)
            # _check_and_convert modifies value in place..
            self.set_pixel_16bit_value(key, value[0], value[1], value[2])
            raise IndexError(
                "index {} out of range [0..{}]" "".format(key, self.pixel_count)

    class _ChannelDirekt:
        # Internal decorator to simplify mapping.

        def __init__(self, channel):
            self._channel = channel

        def __get__(self, obj, obj_type):
            # Grab the 16-bit value at the offset for this channel.
            return obj._get_channel_16bit_value(self._channel)

        def __set__(self, obj, value):
            # Set the 16-bit value at the offset for this channel.
            assert 0 <= value <= 65535
            obj.set_channel(self._channel, value)
            # if obj.auto_show:
            #     obj._write()

    # Define explicit channels for first IC.
    # → this is only for api backwards compliance.
    # not recommended for new use - use *set_channel*
    b0 = _ChannelDirekt(0)
    g0 = _ChannelDirekt(1)
    r0 = _ChannelDirekt(2)
    b1 = _ChannelDirekt(3)
    g1 = _ChannelDirekt(4)
    r1 = _ChannelDirekt(5)
    b2 = _ChannelDirekt(6)
    g2 = _ChannelDirekt(7)
    r2 = _ChannelDirekt(8)
    b3 = _ChannelDirekt(9)
    g3 = _ChannelDirekt(10)
    r3 = _ChannelDirekt(11)


class TLC59711AutoShow(TLC59711):
    """TLC59711 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver with Auto-Show.

    This chip is designed to drive 4 RGB LEDs with 16-bit PWM per Color.
    The class has an interface compatible with the FancyLED library.
    and with this is similar to the NeoPixel and DotStar Interfaces.

    this TLC59711AutoShow is a subclass of TLC59711 that adds automatically
    sending changed data to the chips.
    this creates very slows responses on big changes.
    It is mainly usefull if you only have a very small number of pixels.

    :param ~busio.SPI spi: An instance of the SPI bus connected to the chip.
        The clock and MOSI/outout must be set, the MISO/input is unused.
        Maximal data clock frequence is:
        - TLC59711: 10MHz
        - TLC5971: 20MHz
    :param bool pixel_count: Number of RGB-LEDs (=Pixels) that are connected.

    def __init__(self, spi, pixel_count=4):
        super().__init__(spi, pixel_count=pixel_count)


    def set_pixel(self, pixel_index, value):
        Set the R, G, B values for the pixel.

        this funciton hase some advanced error checking.
        it is much slower than the other provided 'bare' variants..
        but therefor gives clues to what is going wrong.. ;-)

        :param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
        :param tuple value: 3-tuple of R, G, B;
            each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
        super().set_pixel(pixel_index, value)

    def set_pixel_all(self, color):
        Set the R, G, B values for all pixels.

        :param tuple 3-tuple of R, G, B;  each int 0..65535 or float 0..1

    def set_all_black(self):
        """Set all pixels to black."""

    # channel access
    def set_channel(self, channel_index, value):
        Set the value for the provided channel.

        :param int channel_index: 0..channel_count
        :param int value: 0..65535
        super().set_channel(channel_index, value)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        Set the R, G, B values for the pixel.

        this funciton hase some advanced error checking.
        it is much slower than the other provided 'bare' variants..
        but therefor gives clues to what is going wrong.. ;-)
        this shortcut is identicall to `set_pixel`

        :param int key: 0..(pixel_count)
        :param tuple 3-tuple of R, G, B;  each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
        super().__setitem__(key, value)

    class _ChannelDirektAutoShow:
        # Internal decorator to simplify mapping.

        def __init__(self, channel):
            self._channel = channel

        def __get__(self, obj, obj_type):
            # Grab the 16-bit value at the offset for this channel.
            return obj._get_channel_16bit_value(self._channel)

        def __set__(self, obj, value):
            # Set the 16-bit value at the offset for this channel.
            assert 0 <= value <= 65535
            obj.set_channel(self._channel, value)

    # Define explicit channels for first IC.
    # → this is only for api backwards compliance.
    # not recommended for new use - use *set_channel*
    b0 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(0)
    g0 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(1)
    r0 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(2)
    b1 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(3)
    g1 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(4)
    r1 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(5)
    b2 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(6)
    g2 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(7)
    r2 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(8)
    b3 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(9)
    g3 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(10)
    r3 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(11)

Its just a workaround. I am assuming, but it is weird that no-one caught it?

Also as a smaller secondary issue - the printed breakout board numbers the RGB pins from 0 to 3 but the lib works in reverse. So if you want to address R0 on the board you need to address pixel.r3 in code. This might be a simple manufacturing error with my batch tho, and at best is a minor inconvenience - but at the same time I can see someone scratching their head if they connected a single LED to say R0 G0 B0 and are getting no output because its actually outputting to R3 G3 and B3 on the board.

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