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3ako's Introduction

Online Learning System 3AKO


Table of Contents

Project Description


Advanced Computer Lab (CSEN 704/ DMET 706), Winter 2022


The theme of the project, is to create an Online Learning System. An Online Learning System is a web application through which trainees can enroll in online courses and Instructors can add courses to the system for trainees which they get paid for. Such websites include and


This project followed the Agile Methodology; meaning it was splited into Sprints, with each Sprint lasting a set amount of time and a fully functioning version of the project with the specified System Requirements should be submitted and evaluated.


  • Learn how to properly use the Agile Methodology to plan out a project and develop the software.
  • Learn the process of following a given set of System Requirements to develop a software.
  • Learn to research and master the use of the MERN Stack.
  • Learn how to work together as a team on GitHub.

Tools and Frameworks


What is the MERN Stack?

MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node, after the four key technologies that make up the stack.

  • MongoDB - document database
  • Express(.js) - Node.js web framework
  • React(.js) - a client-side JavaScript framework
  • Node(.js) - the premier JavaScript web server

Express and Node make up the middle (application) tier. Express.js is a server-side web framework, and Node.js the popular and powerful JavaScript server platform. Regardless of which variant you choose, ME(RVA)N is the ideal approach to working with JavaScript and JSON, all the way through.

How does the MERN stack work?

The MERN architecture allows you to easily construct a 3-tier architecture (frontend, backend, database) entirely using JavaScript and JSON.


- React.js Front End

The top tier of the MERN stack is React.js, the declarative JavaScript framework for creating dynamic client-side applications in HTML. React lets you build up complex interfaces through simple Components, connect them to data on your backend server, and render them as HTML.

React’s strong suit is handling stateful, data-driven interfaces with minimal code and minimal pain, and it has all the bells and whistles you’d expect from a modern web framework: great support for forms, error handling, events, lists, and more.

- Express.js and Node.js Server Tier

The next level down is the Express.js server-side framework, running inside a Node.js server. Express.js bills itself as a “fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js,” and that is indeed exactly what it is. Express.js has powerful models for URL routing (matching an incoming URL with a server function), and handling HTTP requests and responses.

By making XML HTTP Requests (XHRs) or GETs or POSTs from your React.js front-end, you can connect to Express.js functions that power your application. Those functions in turn use MongoDB’s Node.js drivers, either via callbacks for using Promises, to access and update data in your MongoDB database.

- MongoDB Database Tier

If your application stores any data (user profiles, content, comments, uploads, events, etc.), then you’re going to want a database that’s just as easy to work with as React, Express, and Node.

That’s where MongoDB comes in: JSON documents created in your React.js front end can be sent to the Express.js server, where they can be processed and (assuming they’re valid) stored directly in MongoDB for later retrieval. Again, if you’re building in the cloud, you’ll want to look at Atlas. If you’re looking to set up your own MERN stack, read on!


To get started, you will need to do the following:

Install Node

Have or Install a Code Editor

  • You can use any code editor of your choice for this tutorial. However, for the sake of demonstration, we will be using VS Code editor with the plugin prettier and vscode icons.

Install dependencies

  • Run script npm i in the frontend and backend directories using the terminal



  • Register as a new user. Register

  • View most popular and most viewed courses Most popular

  • Search for courses by title, subject or instructor name and filter them on subject, price and rating Search for courses

  • Change their country which reflects on courses price country

General User

Users can search and view the most popular and most viewed courses same as the guest and have more features.

  • Log in using his username and password. Login

  • Forget his password and recieve an E-mail to change it. forget password

Individual Trainee

  • see his enrolled courses courses

  • Download certificates for his/her completed courses download certificate

  • Refund a course if they didn't complete 50% of the course refund course

  • Report a problem with a course report course

  • View his reports and add follow ups for them if they still face problems view reports

  • View the lessons of courses they are enrolled in lessons

  • Take notes, save them and download them notes

  • Take exams in courses they are enrolled in take exam

  • Edit their personal info edit info

  • See a course preview after searching including course title, preview video, subtitles, outlines, price and instructor preview

  • See course ratings in the preview page rating

  • Pay for courses to enroll in them pay

Corporate Trainee

Corporate trainees have the same features as individual ones except they don't deal with payments and request courses from admin instead


  • Search and filter his courses search

  • Create a new course create

  • Add subtitles in his unpublished course addsubtitles

  • Add lessons in his unpublished course addlesson

  • Add exams in his unpublished course addexercise


  • Add users to the system including instructors, admins and corporate trainees. addUser

  • Add discount to a set of courses addDisc

  • Resolve complaints resolve

  • Accept or reject Corporate trainees' requests to join courses requests

  • Accept or reject Individual trainees' refund requests refund

API Reference

General trainee APIs

enroll a trainee in a course

  patch /trainee/addCourseToTrainee/:id
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of the trainee
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course to be enrolled in

mark a lesson as seen to update the course progress

  patch /trainee/addLessonRecord
Parameter Type Description
lessonId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the lesson that has been seen
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course to be enrolled in

checks if the exercise is passed or not given the trainee's answers for it to update the course progress.

  patch /trainee/addExerciseRecord
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course containing the exercise
subtitleId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the subtitle containing the exercise
exerciseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the exercise
answers list Required. list of answers to the questions of the exercise

report a complaint to the admins

  patch /trainee/addComplaint
Parameter Type Description
title string Required. title of the complaint
body string Required. content of the complaint
reportedCourse mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course to be reported
reportType string Required. type of the report

view the contents of a subtitle

  POST /trainee/loadSubtitle
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course containing the subtitle
subtitleId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the Required subtitle

view the answers to a given exercise

  POST /trainee/loadExamAnswers
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course containing the exercise
subtitleId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the subtitle containing the exercise
exerciseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the Required exercise that has the answers

view all the courses currently enrolled in

  GET /trainee/myCourses

does not take Parameters.

view all subtitles of a given course

  GET /trainee/getSubtitles
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course containing the exercise

view my information

  GET /trainee/getMyInfo

does not take Parameters.

edit my information

  PATCH /trainee/editTraineeInfo
Parameter Type Description
name String Required. new name to be set
gender String Required. new gender to be set
email email Required. new email to be set

edit my Password

  PATCH /trainee/editPassword
Parameter Type Description
oldPassword String Required. old password to be replaced
newPassword String Required. new password to be set

add a side note to a lesson

  PATCH /trainee/addNote
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of course containing the lesson
lessonId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of lesson that contains the note
note String Required. content of the note

load all the lessons that I viewed

  GET /trainee/getLessonsList/:courseId
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of course containing the lesson

load an instructor's profile

  POST /trainee/viewInstructor
Parameter Type Description
instructorId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of instructor to be viewed

download all the notes in a course

  GET /trainee/downloadNotes/:courseId
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of course containing notes to be download

download the certificate of completion of a completed course

  GET /trainee/downloadCertificate/:courseId
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of a completed course to download its certificate

instructor's APIs

create a course

  POST /instructor/createCourse
Parameter Type Description
title string Required. course title
outlines list Required. list of course outlines
summary string Required. course summary
previewVideo URL Required. youtube link to the preview video
subject string Required. the subject of the course
subtitles list Required. list of course subtitles
price Int Required. price of the course (0 means free course)
totalHours int the total hours of the course
imageURL URL Required. link to course image

Get instructor's info

  GET /instructor/getInstructor

does not take parameters.

Get instructor's courses

  GET /instructor/viewMyCourses

does not take parameters.

Get all instructor's Subjects in which he gave courses

  GET /instructor/viewMySubjects

does not take parameters.

Get instructor's contract state

  GET /instructor/getContractState

does not take parameters.

set instructor's contract state

  PATCH /instructor/setContractState
Parameter Type Description
state boolean Required. the state of the instructor's contract

set instructor's info

  patch /instructor/editMyInfo
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. name of the instructor
gender string Required. gender of the instructor
biography string Required. biography of the instructor
email string Required. email of the instructor

add new lesson to a course

  patch /instructor/addLesson
Parameter Type Description
vidUrl URL Required. youtube link for the lesson
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of the course containing the lesson
subtitleId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of the subtitle containing the lesson
title string Required. lesson title
readings string Required. lesson readings
description string Required. lesson description

add an exercise to a subtitle

  patch /instructor/addExercise
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of course containing the exercise
title string Required. Id of item to fetch
subtitleId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of subtitle containing the exercise
questions List Required. List of questions in the exercise

load all questions of an Exercise

  POST /instructor/loadExercise
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of course containing the exercise
subtitleId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of subtitle containing the exercise
exerciseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of exercise

add a promotion to a course

  patch /instructor/addPromotion
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of course that is getting the discount
discount int Required. discount amount
date Date Required. date of discount expiry date

edit instructor's password

  patch /instructor/editPassword
Parameter Type Description
oldPassword string Required. current account password
newPassword string Required. new password

send a complaint to the admins

  POST /instructor/addComplaint
Parameter Type Description
title string Required. complaint title
body string Required. the content of the complaint
reportedCourse mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of reported course
reportType string Required. type of report

add new subtitle to a course

  patch /instructor/addSubtitleToCourse
Parameter Type Description
title string Required. title of the new subtitle
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course containing the subtitle
totalHours int Required. estimate required hours to complete the subtitle

get all contents of a subtitle

  POST /instructor/loadSubtitle
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course containing the subtitle
subtitleId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the required subtitle

publish a non-published course

  POST /instructor/publishCourse
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course to be published

close a published course

  POST /instructor/closeCourse
Parameter Type Description
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. Id of the course to be closed

Admin APIs

add a new admin to the system, with a given username and password

  GET /admin/addAdmin
Parameter Type Description
username String Required. username of the new admin
password String Required. password of the new admin

add a new instructor to the system, with a given username and password

  GET /admin/addInstructor
Parameter Type Description
username String Required. username of the new instructor
password String Required. password of the new instructor

add a new Corporate Trainee to the system, with a given username and password

  GET /admin/addCorporateTrainee
Parameter Type Description
username String Required. username of the new Corporate Trainee
password String Required. password of the new Corporate Trainee

add a new Corporate Trainee to the system, with a given username and password

  PATCH /admin/addCourseToTrainee
Parameter Type Description
id mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of the Corporate Trainee to whom we will add the course
courseId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of the course to be added to the trainee

view all pending complaints

  GET /admin/getPendingComplaints

does not take Parameters.

view the contents of complaint given its id

  PATCH /admin/loadComplaint
Parameter Type Description
complaintId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of the complaint to be viewed

resolve a complaint given its id

  PATCH /admin/resolveComplaint
Parameter Type Description
complaintId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of the complaint to be resolved

mark a specific as pending if needs further follow ups

  PATCH /admin/markComplaintPending
Parameter Type Description
complaintId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of the complaint to be resolved

get all Corporate trainees requests to get access to courses

  PATCH /admin/getCourseRequests

does not take parameters.

view all course refund requests

  GET /admin/getRefundRequests

does not take parameters.

mark a specific as pending if needs further follow ups

  PATCH /admin/answerRefundRequest
Parameter Type Description
requestId mongoose.ObjectId Required. id of the request to be handled
response String Required. reply to request whether accepted or rejected


API testing was done using Postman, a request was sent with a given body and a specific response was expected. various test cases were used in the process of testing these APIs, cases where the body is valid, not valid, with user authentication, or without user authentication. In this section, different outcomes of API responses will be shown.

Trainee Routes Testing

header POST /user/login
body {"username": "ahmed","password" : "123"}
response {"name": "Ahmed","type": "individual trainee","courseList": []}
header POST /user/login
body {"username": "ahme","password" : "123"}
response {"error": "Invalid username"}
header POST /user/login
body {"username": "","password" : ""}
response {"error": "Must fill username and password"}

testing logout with user logged in

header POST /user/logout
response {"message": "loged out successfully"}

testing logout with user not logged in

header POST /user/logout
response {"error": "Token required"}
header PATCH /trainee/addCourseToTrainee/:id
body {"courseId" : "6382cf852a928dbf577f1888"}
response {course data}
header PATCH /trainee/addCourseToTrainee/:id
body {"courseId" : "6382cf852a928dbf577f1889"}
response {"error" : "invalid course id"}
header PATCH /trainee/addTraineeInfo
body { "name" : "ahmed", "gender": "male" }
response {updated trainee document}

testing while logged in

header PATCH /trainee/addTraineeInfo
body { "name" : "ahmed", "gender": "male" }
response {updated trainee document}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /trainee/addTraineeInfo
body { "name" : "ahmed", "gender": "male" }
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in

header GET /trainee/myCourses
response [{"title": "corurse title","courseId": "course id","progress": number,"status": "coures status"},...]

testing while logged out

header GET /trainee/myCourses
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in, owning the course and first time correctly solving the exercise

header PATCH /trainee/addExerciseRecord
body { "courseId":"course id of this exercise", "subtitleId": " subititle of this exercise", "exerciseId": "exercise id", "answers": "array of numbers" }
response {"grade": "grade from this exercise"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /trainee/addExerciseRecord
body { "courseId":"course id of this exercise", "subtitleId": " subititle of this exercise", "exerciseId": "exercise id", "answers": "array of numbers" }
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in, but not owning the course

header PATCH /trainee/addExerciseRecord
body { "courseId":"course id of this exercise", "subtitleId": " subititle of this exercise", "exerciseId": "exercise id", "answers": "array of numbers" }
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged in, owning the course, but failing the exam

header PATCH /trainee/addExerciseRecord
body { "courseId":"course id of this exercise", "subtitleId": " subititle of this exercise", "exerciseId": "exercise id", "answers": "array of numbers" }
response {"grade": "Exam Failed"}

testing while logged in as a trinee

header PATCH /trainee/addComplaint
body {"title" : "title of the complaint", "body": "body of the complaint", "reportedCourse": "id of the reported course", "reportType":"type"}
response {"message": "successful"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /trainee/addComplaint
body {"title" : "title of the complaint", "body": "body of the complaint", "reportedCourse": "id of the reported course", "reportType":"type"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as a trinee and owning the course

header GET /loadSubtitle/:courseId/:subtitleId
response {subtitle data without answers}

testing while logged in as a trinee and not owning the course

header GET /loadSubtitle/:courseId/:subtitleId
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged out

header GET /loadSubtitle/:courseId/:subtitleId
response {"error": "Token required"}
header POST /trainee/loadExamAnswers
body { "courseId":"course id of this exercise", "subtitleId": " subititle of this exercise", "exerciseId": "exercise id", "answers": "array of numbers" }
response {array of exam answers}

testing with invalid course id

header POST /trainee/loadExamAnswers
body { "courseId":"course id of this exercise", "subtitleId": " subititle of this exercise", "exerciseId": "exercise id", "answers": "array of numbers" }
response {"error":"null does not have a property subtitles"}

testing while logged in as a trinee and owning the course

header GET /trainee/getSubtitles
body { "courseId":"course id"}}
response {course subitles}

testing while logged in as a trinee and not owning the course

header GET /trainee/getSubtitles
body { "courseId":"course id"}
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged out

header GET /trainee/getSubtitles
body { "courseId":"course id"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as a trainee

header GET /trainee/getMyInfo
response {"name"","gender","email"}

testing while logged out

header GET /trainee/getMyInfo
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in with correct old password

header PATCH /trainee/editPassword
body { "oldPassword":"old value of the password", "newPassword":"the updated password"}
response {user data}

testing while logged in with incorrect old password

header PATCH /trainee/editPassword
body { "oldPassword":"old value of the password", "newPassword":"the updated password"}
response {"error":"Wrong Password"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /trainee/editPassword
body { "oldPassword":"old value of the password", "newPassword":"the updated password"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as a trainee while owning the course

header PATCH /trainee/addNote
body {"courseId":"id of the course of this note", "lessonId":"id of the lesson of this note", "note":"note text"}
response {updated date}

testing while logged in as a trainee and not owning the coures

header PATCH /trainee/addNote
body {"courseId":"id of the course of this note", "lessonId":"id of the lesson of this note", "note":"note text"}
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /trainee/addNote
body {"courseId":"id of the course of this note", "lessonId":"id of the lesson of this note", "note":"note text"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as a trainee while owning the course

header GET /trainee/getLessonsList/:courseId
response {list of lessons this trainee opened and their notes}

testing while logged in as a trainee and not owning the course

header GET /trainee/getLessonsList/:courseId
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged in as a trainee and not owning the course

header GET /trainee/getLessonsList/:courseId
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged out

header GET /trainee/getLessonsList/:courseId
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as a trainee

header POST /trainee/viewInstructor
body {"instructorId":"id of the instructor"}
response {instructor data}

testing with correct

header POST /trainee/viewInstructor
body {"instructorId":"id of the instructor"}
response {instructor data}

testing while logged in as a trainee

header POST /trainee/viewInstructor
body {"instructorId":"id of the instructor"}
response {instructor data}

testing while logged in as a trainee and owning the coures

header GET /trainee/downloadNotes/:courseId
response {notes pdf file}

testing while logged in as a trainee and not owning the coures

header GET /trainee/downloadNotes/:courseId
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged out or as another user type

header GET /trainee/downloadNotes/:courseId
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as a trainee and owning the coures

header GET /trainee/downloadCertificate/:courseId
response {certificate pdf file}

testing while logged in as a trainee and not owning the coures

header GET /trainee/downloadCertificate/:courseId
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged out or as another user type

header GET /trainee/downloadCertificate/:courseId
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in, owning the course and first time viewing this lesson

header PATCH /trainee/addExerciseRecord
body { "courseId":"course id of this lesson", "lessonId": " lesson id"}
response { "message": "Successful" }

testing while logged in, not owning the course

header PATCH /trainee/addExerciseRecord
body { "courseId":"course id of this lesson", "lessonId": " lesson id"}
response {"error": "You do not own this course"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /trainee/addExerciseRecord
body { "courseId":"course id of this lesson", "lessonId": " lesson id"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

Instructor Routes Testing

testing while logged in as an instructor

header PATCH /admin/answerRefundRequest
body {"title","outlines","summary","previewVideo","subject","price","totalHours","imageURL"}
response {created course id}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /admin/answerRefundRequest
body {"title","outlines","summary","previewVideo","subject","price","totalHours","imageURL"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in not as an instructor

header PATCH /admin/answerRefundRequest
body {"title","outlines","summary","previewVideo","subject","price","totalHours","imageURL"}
response {"error": ""You are not an authorized instructor"}

testing while logged in as an instructor

header GET /instructor/getInstructor
response {instructor data}

testing while logged out

header GET /instructor/getInstructor
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor

header GET /instructor/viewMyCourses
response {instructor courses data}

testing while logged out

header GET /instructor/viewMyCourses
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor

header GET /instructor/viewMySubjects
response {instructor courses subjects}

testing while logged out

header GET /instructor/viewMySubjects
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor

header GET /instructor/getContractState
response {instructor contract state accepted or not yet }

testing while logged out

header GET /instructor/getContractState
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor

header PATCH /instructor/setContractState
body {"state"}
response {updated instructor data}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /instructor/setContractState
body {"state"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor

header PATCH /instructor/editMyInfo
body {"name", "gender", "biography", "email"}
response {updated instructor data}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /instructor/editMyInfo
body {"name", "gender", "biography", "email"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is the author the course

header PATCH /instructor/addLesson
body {"vidUrl", "courseId", "subtitleId", "title", "readings', "description"}
response {updated course data}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is not the author the course

header PATCH /instructor/addLesson
body {"vidUrl", "courseId", "subtitleId", "title", "readings', "description"}
response {"error":"You do not have access to this Course"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /instructor/addLesson
body {"vidUrl", "courseId", "subtitleId", "title", "readings', "description"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is the author the course

header PATCH /instructor/addExercise
body {"courseId", "title", "subtitleId", "questions"}
response {updated course data}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is not the author the course

header PATCH /instructor/addExercise
body {"courseId", "title", "subtitleId", "questions"}
response {"error":"You do not have access to this Course"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /instructor/addExercise
body {"courseId", "title", "subtitleId", "questions"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is the author the course

header POST /instructor/loadExercise
body {"courseId", "subtitleId", "exerciseId"}
response {exercise data}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is not the author the course

header POST /instructor/loadExercise
body {"courseId", "subtitleId", "exerciseId"}
response {"error":"You do not have access to this Course"}

testing while logged out

header POST /instructor/loadExercise
body {"courseId", "subtitleId", "exerciseId"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is the author the course

header PATCH /instructor/addPromotion
body {"courseId", "discount", "date"}
response {updated course data}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is not the author the course

header PATCH /instructor/addPromotion
body {"courseId", "discount", "date"}
response {"error":"You do not have access to this Course"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /instructor/addPromotion
body {"courseId", "discount", "date"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in with correct old password

header PATCH /instructor/editPassword
body { "oldPassword":"old value of the password", "newPassword":"the updated password"}
response {user data}

testing while logged in with incorrect old password

header PATCH /instructor/editPassword
body { "oldPassword":"old value of the password", "newPassword":"the updated password"}
response {"error":"Wrong Password"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /instructor/editPassword
body { "oldPassword":"old value of the password", "newPassword":"the updated password"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as a trinee

header PATCH /instructor/addComplaint
body {"title" : "title of the complaint", "body": "body of the complaint", "reportedCourse": "id of the reported course", "reportType":"type"}
response {"message": "successful"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /instructor/addComplaint
body {"title" : "title of the complaint", "body": "body of the complaint", "reportedCourse": "id of the reported course", "reportType":"type"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is the author the course

header patch /instructor/addSubtitleToCourse
body {"courseId", "title", "totalHourse"}
response {updated course data}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is not the author the course

header patch /instructor/addSubtitleToCourse
body {"courseId", "title", "totalHourse"}
response {"error":"You do not have access to this Course"}

testing while logged out

header patch /instructor/addSubtitleToCourse
body {"courseId", "title", "totalHourse"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is the author the course

header POST /instructor/loadSubtitle
body {"courseId", "subtitleId"}
response {subtitle data}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is not the author the course

header POST /instructor/loadSubtitle
body {"courseId", "subtitleId"}
response {"error":"You do not have access to this Course"}

testing while logged out

header POST /instructor/loadSubtitle
body {"courseId", "subtitleId"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is the author the course

header POST /instructor/publishCourse
body {"courseId"}
response { "message": "successful" }

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is not the author the course

header POST /instructor/publishCourse
body {"courseId"}
response {"error":"You do not have access to this Course"}

testing while logged out

header POST /instructor/publishCourse
body {"courseId"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is the author the course

header POST /instructor/closeCourse
body {"courseId"}
response { "message": "successful" }

testing while logged in as an instructor and he/she is not the author the course

header POST /instructor/closeCourse
body {"courseId"}
response {"error":"You do not have access to this Course"}

testing while logged out

header POST /instructor/closeCourse
body {"courseId"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

Admin Routes Testing

testing while logged in as an admin and username given is unique

header POST /admin/addAdmin
body { "username", "password"}
response {created document}

testing while logged in as an admin and username given is not unique

header POST /admin/addAdmin
body { "username", "password"}
response {"error":"This username already exists"}

testing while logged out

header POST /admin/addAdmin
body { "username", "password"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin and username given is unique

header POST /admin/addInstructor
body { "username", "password"}
response {created document}

testing while logged in as an admin and username given is not unique

header POST /admin/addInstructor
body { "username", "password"}
response {"error":"This username already exists"}

testing while logged out

header POST /admin/addInstructor
body { "username", "password"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin and username given is unique

header POST /admin/addCorporateTrainee
body { "username", "password"}
response {created document}

testing while logged in as an admin and username given is not unique

header POST /admin/addCorporateTrainee
body { "username", "password"}
response {"error":"This username already exists"}

testing while logged out

header POST /admin/addCorporateTrainee
body {"courseId" : "6382cf852a928dbf577f1888"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin

header PATCH /admin/answerRequest
body {"requestId":"id of the course request", "response":"not accept or reject"}
response {"message": "successful"}

testing while logged in as an admin but with a response that isn't accept or reject

header PATCH /admin/answerRequest
body {"requestId":"id of the course request", "response":"not accept or reject"}
response {"error": "No such request"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /admin/answerRequest
body {"requestId":"id of the course request", "response":"not accept or reject"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin

header GET /admin/getPendingComplaints
response {list of unresolved complaints}

testing while logged out

header GET /admin/getPendingComplaints
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin

header PATCH /admin/loadComplaint
body {"complaintId"}
response {complaint content}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /admin/loadComplaint
body {"complaintId"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin

header PATCH /admin/resolveComplaint
body {"complaintId"}
response {"success": true }

testing while logged out

header PATCH /admin/resolveComplaint
body {"complaintId"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin

header PATCH /admin/markComplaintPending
body {"complaintId"}
response {"success": true }

testing while logged out

header PATCH /admin/markComplaintPending
body {"complaintId"}
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin

header GET /admin/getCourseRequests
response {all pending course requests}

testing while logged out

header GET /admin/getCourseRequests
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin

header GET /admin/getRefundRequests
response {all pending refund requests}

testing while logged out

header GET /admin/getRefundRequests
response {"error": "Token required"}

testing while logged in as an admin

header PATCH /admin/answerRefundRequest
body {"requestId":"id of the course request", "response":"not accept or reject"}
response {"message": "successful"}

testing while logged in as an admin but with a response that isn't accept or reject

header PATCH /admin/answerRefundRequest
body {"requestId":"id of the course request", "response":"not accept or reject"}
response {"error": "No such request"}

testing while logged out

header PATCH /admin/answerRefundRequest
body {"requestId":"id of the course request", "response":"not accept or reject"}
response {"error": "Token required"}


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