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adyen-dotnet-api-library's Introduction

NET api

Adyen .NET API Library

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This is the officially supported .NET library for using Adyen's APIs.

Supported API versions

The library supports all APIs under the following services:

API Description Service Name Supported version
Checkout API Adyen Checkout API provides a simple and flexible way to initiate and authorise online payments. You can use the same integration for payments made with cards (including 3D Secure), mobile wallets, and local payment methods (for example, iDEAL and Sofort). Checkout v71
Payments API A set of API endpoints that allow you to initiate, settle, and modify payments on the Adyen payments platform. You can use the API to accept card payments (including One-Click and 3D Secure), bank transfers, ewallets, and many other payment methods. Payments v68
Recurring API The Recurring APIs allow you to manage and remove your tokens or saved payment details. Tokens should be created with validation during a payment request. Recurring v68
Payouts API A set of API endpoints that allow you to store payout details, confirm, or decline a payout. Payouts v68
Adyen BinLookup API Endpoints for retrieving information, such as cost estimates, and 3D Secure supported version based on a given BIN. Current supported version BinLookup v54
Stored Value API Manage both online and point-of-sale gift cards and other stored-value cards. StoredValue v46
Legal Entity Management API The Legal Entity Management API enables you to manage legal entities that contain information required for verification LegalEntityManagement v3
Management API Configure and manage your Adyen company and merchant accounts, stores, and payment terminals. Management v3
Transfers API The Transfers API provides endpoints that you can use to get information about all your transactions, move funds within your balance platform or send funds from your balance platform to a transfer instrument. Transfers v4
Configuration API The Configuration API enables you to create a platform where you can onboard your users as account holders and create balance accounts, cards, and business accounts. BalancePlatform v2
Balance Control API The Balance Control API lets you transfer funds between merchant accounts that belong to the same legal entity and are under the same company account. BalanceControl v1
Data Protection API Our Data Protection API allows you to process Subject Erasure Requests as mandated in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). DataProtection v1
Terminal API (Cloud communications) Our point-of-sale integration. Cloud-based Terminal API Cloud-based Terminal API
Terminal API (Local communications) Our point-of-sale integration. Local-based Terminal API Local-based Terminal API
POS Terminal Management API This API provides endpoints for managing your point-of-sale (POS) payment terminals. You can use the API to obtain information about a specific terminal, retrieve overviews of your terminals and stores, and assign terminals to a merchant account or store. POSTerminalManagement v1
Classic Platforms Account API This API is used for the classic integration. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead. PlatformsAccount v6
Classic Platforms Fund API This API is used for the classic integration. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead. PlatformsFund v6
Classic Platforms Hosted Onboarding Page API This API is used for the classic integration. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead. PlatformsHostedOnboardingPage v6
Classic Platforms Notification Configuration API This API is used for the classic integration. If you are just starting your implementation, refer to our new integration guide instead. PlatformsNotificationConfiguration v6
Disputes API You can use the Disputes API to automate the dispute handling process so that you can respond to disputes and chargebacks as soon as they are initiated. The Disputes API lets you retrieve defense reasons, supply and delete defense documents, and accept or defend disputes. Disputes v30
POS Mobile API The POS Mobile API is used in the mutual authentication flow between an Adyen Android or iOS POS Mobile SDK and the Adyen payments platform. The POS Mobile SDK for Android or iOS devices enables businesses to accept in-person payments using a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) device like a phone. For example, Tap to Pay transactions, or transactions on a mobile device in combination with a card reader POS Mobile v68

Supported Webhook versions

The library supports all webhooks under the following model directories:

Webhooks Description Model Name Supported Version
Authentication Webhooks You can use the same integration for payments made with cards (including 3D Secure), mobile wallets, and local payment methods (for example, iDEAL and Sofort). AcsWebhooks v1
Configuration Webhooks You can use these webhooks to build your implementation. For example, you can use this information to update internal statuses when the status of a capability is changed. ConfigurationWebhooks v2
Transfer Webhooks You can use these webhooks to build your implementation. For example, you can use this information to update balances in your own dashboards or to keep track of incoming funds. TransferWebhooks v4
Transaction Webhooks Adyen sends webhooks to inform your system about incoming and outgoing transfers in your platform. You can use these webhooks to build your implementation. For example, you can use this information to update balances in your own dashboards or to keep track of incoming funds. TransactionWebhooks v4
Report Webhooks You can download reports programmatically by making an HTTP GET request, or manually from your Balance Platform Customer Area ReportWebhooks v1
Management Webhooks Adyen uses webhooks to inform your system about events that happen with your Adyen company and merchant accounts, stores, payment terminals, and payment methods when using Management API. ManagementWebhooks v3
Notification Webhooks We use webhooks to send you updates about payment status updates, newly available reports, and other events that you can subscribe to. For more information, refer to our documentation Notification v1
Classic Platform Webhooks The Notification API sends notifications to the endpoints specified in a given subscription. Subscriptions are managed through the Notification Configuration API. The API specifications listed here detail the format of each notification. PlatformWebhooks v6

For more information, refer to our documentation or the API Explorer.


  • Adyen test account
  • API key. For testing, your API credential needs to have the API PCI Payments role.
  • Adyen dotnet API Library supports .net standard 2.0 and above
  • In order for Adyen dotnet API Library to support local terminal api certificate validation the application should be set to .net core 2.1 and above or .net framework 4.6.1 and above


Simply download and restore nuget packages or install it from package manager

PM> Install-Package Adyen -Version x.x.x

Using the library

In order to submit http request to Adyen API you need to initialize the client. The following example makes a checkout payment request:

    using Adyen;
    using Adyen.Model.Checkout;
    using Adyen.Service.Checkout;
    using Environment = Adyen.Model.Environment;

            var config = new Config()
                XApiKey = "your-api-key",
                Environment = Environment.Test
            var client = new Client(config);
            var paymentsService = new PaymentsService(client);
            var amount = new Model.Checkout.Amount("USD", 1000);
            var cardDetails = new CardDetails
                EncryptedCardNumber = "test_4111111111111111",
                EncryptedSecurityCode = "test_737",
                EncryptedExpiryMonth = "test_03",
                EncryptedExpiryYear = "test_2030",
                HolderName = "John Smith",
                Type = CardDetails.TypeEnum.Card
            var paymentsRequest = new Model.Checkout.PaymentRequest
                Reference = "Your order number ",
                ReturnUrl = @"",
                MerchantAccount = "your-merchant-account",
                Amount = amount,
                PaymentMethod = new CheckoutPaymentMethod(cardDetails)
            var paymentResponse = paymentsService.Payments(paymentsRequest);

Or in case you would like to make an asynchronous /payments call with idempotency key and cancellation token, the last line would be instead:

Task<PaymentResponse> paymentResponse = checkout.PaymentsAsync(
                requestOptions: myIdempotencyKey, 
                cancellationToken: myCancellationToken);

Deserializing JSON Strings

In some setups you might need to deserialize JSON strings to request objects. For example, when using the libraries in combination with Dropin/Components. Please use the built-in deserialization functions:

// Import the required model class
using Adyen.Model.Checkout;

// Deserialize using built-in function
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = PaymentRequest.FromJson("YOUR_JSON_STRING");

Running the tests

Navigate to adyen-dotnet-api-library folder and run the following commands.

dotnet build
dotnet test

Using the Cloud Terminal API

In order to submit POS request with Cloud Terminal API you need to initialize the client with the Endpoints that it is closer to your region. The Endpoints are available as contacts in ClientConfig For more information please read our documentation

//Example for EU based Endpoint Syncronous
using Adyen;
using Adyen.Constants;

var config = new Config
    XApiKey = "Your merchant XAPI key",
    CloudApiEndPoint = ClientConfig.CloudApiEndPointEULive
var client = new Client(config);

To parse the terminal API notifications, please use the following custom deserializer. This method will throw an exception for non-notification requests.

var serializer = new SaleToPoiMessageSerializer();
var saleToPoiRequest = serializer.DeserializeNotification(your_terminal_notification);

Example Cloud Terminal API integration

using System;
using Adyen.Model.TerminalApi;
using Adyen.Model.TerminalApi.Message;
using Adyen.Service;
using Environment = Adyen.Model.Environment;
namespace Adyen.Terminal
   public static class Program
        private static string XApiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY";
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var client = new Client(XApiKey, Environment.Test);
            TerminalCloudApi terminalCloudApi = new TerminalCloudApi(client);
            SaleToPOIResponse response = terminalCloudApi.TerminalRequestSync(PaymentRequest());
            PaymentResponse paymentResponse = (PaymentResponse) response.MessagePayload;
        private static SaleToPOIRequest PaymentRequest()
            var serviceID = "SERVICE_ID"; // ServiceId should be unique for every request
            var saleID = "SALE_ID";
            var POIID = "SERIAL_NUMBER";
            var transactionID = "123459";
            var saleToPOIRequest = new SaleToPOIRequest()
                MessageHeader = new MessageHeader()
                    MessageClass = MessageClassType.Service,
                    MessageCategory = MessageCategoryType.Payment,
                    MessageType = MessageType.Request,
                    ServiceID = serviceID,
                    SaleID = saleID,
                    POIID = POIID
                MessagePayload = new PaymentRequest()
                    SaleData = new SaleData()
                        SaleTransactionID = new TransactionIdentification()
                            TransactionID = transactionID,
                            TimeStamp = DateTime.Now
                    PaymentTransaction = new PaymentTransaction()
                        AmountsReq = new AmountsReq()
                            Currency = "EUR",
                            RequestedAmount = new decimal(10.9)
            return saleToPOIRequest;

Using the Local Terminal API

The request and response payloads are identical to the Cloud Terminal API, however an additional encryption details object is required to send the requests.

var encryptionCredentialDetails = new EncryptionCredentialDetails
        AdyenCryptoVersion = 1,
        KeyIdentifier = "CryptoKeyIdentifier12345",
        Password = "p@ssw0rd123456"
var config = new Config
        Environment = Model.Environment.Live,
        LocalTerminalApiEndpoint = @"https://_terminal_:8443/nexo/"
var client = new Client(config);
var terminalLocalApi = new TerminalLocalApi(client);
var saleToPOIResponse = terminalLocalApi.TerminalRequest(paymentRequest, encryptionCredentialDetails);

Alternatively one can use the local terminal API without encryption. This is only allowed in the TEST environment and in order for this to work one has to remove any encryption details from the Customer Area.

var client = new Client(config);
var terminalLocalApiUnencrypted = new TerminalLocalApiUnencrypted(client);
var saleToPOIResponse = terminalLocalApiUnencrypted.TerminalRequest(paymentRequest);

To parse the terminal API notifications, please use the following custom deserializer. This method will throw an exception for non-notification requests.

var serializer = new SaleToPoiMessageSerializer();
var saleToPoiRequest = serializer.DeserializeNotification(your_terminal_notification);

Since the terminal API CardAcquisition AdditionalResponse could be either based64 encoded string or key-value pair, there is a helper class to deserialise it to a custom model AdditionalResponse.

AdditionalResponse additionalResponse = CardAcquisitionUtil.AdditionalResponse(jsonString);

Parsing BalancePlatform and Management Webhooks

In order to parse banking webhooks, first validate the webhooks (recommended) by retrieving the hmac key from the webhook header and the hmac signature from the Balance Platform CA configuration page respectively.

using Adyen.Model.ConfigurationWebhooks;
using Adyen.Webhooks;
using Adyen.Util;

var hmacValidator = new HmacValidator();
var handler = new BalancePlatformWebhookHandler();
bool isValid = hmacValidator.IsValidWebhook("yourHmacKey", "yourHmacSignature", webhookPayload);

if (isValid) {
    dynamic webhook = handler.GetGenericBalancePlatformWebhook(webhookPayload);

If you want to handle specific webhook types you're expecting to receive, check the type and retrieve if the type is correct:

var handler = new BalancePlatformWebhookHandler();
bool isAccountHolderNotification = handler.GetAccountHolderNotificationRequest(json_payload, out AccountHolderNotificationRequest webhook)
// Your logic here based on whether the webhook parsed correctly or not

Validating management webhooks is identical to validating the balance platform webhooks. To parse the management webhooks, however, one calls the following handler:

var handler = new ManagementWebhookHandler();
if(handler.GetMerchantCreatedNotificationRequest(json_payload, out MerchantCreatedNotificationRequest webhook))
    // Your logic here using the passed through webhook variable


We value your input! Help us enhance our API Libraries and improve the integration experience by providing your feedback. Please take a moment to fill out our feedback form to share your thoughts, suggestions or ideas.


We encourage you to contribute to this repository, so everyone can benefit from new features, bug fixes, and any other improvements. Have a look at our contributing guidelines to find out how to raise a pull request.


If you have a feature request, or spotted a bug or a technical problem, create an issue here.

For other questions, contact our Support Team.


This repository is available under the MIT license.

See also

adyen-dotnet-api-library's People


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adyen-dotnet-api-library's Issues

Adyen payment gateway integration error 401.(The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.)

Hi guys!

I am trying to implement the adyen api( into my project and I am encountering the following issue:

An exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in AdyenPaymentGatewaySample.dll but was not handled in user code Additional information: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

Here is a code sample of the callback file:

var config = new Config();
config.MerchantAccount = "MyMerchantAccountName";
config.Password = "mypassword";
config.Username = "test";
config.Endpoint = "";
config.ApplicationName = "MyServername";
config.Environment = Test;
config.SkinCode = "7A26B737";//test
config.HmacKey = "7A26B737AN79CSpV87A7A26B737AN79CSpV87A7A26B737AN79CSpV87A";//test

    var client = new Client(config);
    var payment = new Payment(client);
    var paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest
        MerchantAccount = "MyMerchantAccountName",
        Amount = new Amount("CAD", 5),
        Card = new Card(Number: "4111111111111111", ExpiryMonth: "08", ExpiryYear: "2018", Cvc: "737", HolderName: "John Smith"),
        Reference = "Merchant reference",
        AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, string>()

    var paymentResult = payment.Authorise(paymentRequest);
    return paymentResult;

Thanks in advance,

PaymentData is a required property for PaymentsDetailsRequest

There is a check in the ctor of Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Checkout.PaymentsDetailsRequest

if (PaymentData == null)
throw new InvalidDataException("PaymentData is a required property for PaymentsDetailsRequest and cannot be null");

However, various bits of documentation such as show that you can submit with just a payload.

The work-around is to pass an empty string into the ctor but this guard clause should be updated/removed

Shopper Interaction serialization serializing incorrectly


Found an issue with the serialization for the getCostEstimate call in BinLookup.

When making a call to BinLookup -> CostEstimate the field shopperInteraction is getting converted to the enum value and not the string representation.


  "amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "value": 1000
  "assumptions": {
    "assume3DSecureAuthenticated": true,
    "assumeLevel3Data": true
  "cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
  "merchantAccount": "<MERCHANT_ACCOUNT>",
  "merchantDetails": {
    "countryCode": "NL",
    "enrolledIn3DSecure": true,
    "mcc": "7411"
  "shopperInteraction": 0

As you can see the example above serializes the shopperInteraction to 0, this errors out when calling the api endpoint, returning:

    "status": 422,
    "errorCode": "000",
    "message": "Invalid shopperInteraction provided",
    "errorType": "validation"

It should be the following:

  "amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "value": 1000
  "assumptions": {
    "assume3DSecureAuthenticated": true,
    "assumeLevel3Data": true
  "cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
  "merchantAccount": "<MERCHANT_ACCOUNT>",
  "merchantDetails": {
    "countryCode": "NL",
    "enrolledIn3DSecure": true,
    "mcc": "7411"
  "shopperInteraction": "Ecommerce"

As this returns a valid getCostEstimate response:

    "cardBin": {
        "bin": "411111",
        "issuingBank": "ADYEN TEST BANK",
        "issuingCountry": "NL",
        "paymentMethod": "visa"
    "resultCode": "Unsupported",
    "surchargeType": "ZERO"

Commented out code

So, Adyen.EcommLibrary/Notification/NotificationHandler.cs has a bunch of uncommented code. What's wrong with deleting the file in its entirety if it's only returning null? We're supposed to put people's payment information (well - but you know what I mean) through this codebase, and commented out code, in master, isn't inspiring confidence.

Missing properties from /payments Request/Response

Hello, in the 3DS2 /payments response, I don't see any properties to store the action and authentication objects.


Also, I don't see any properties to store the data for payment methods like Giropay, Sepa, or Ideal for example.

Here is a sample request for Giropay,


And I'm assuming the Github class I should use to post to the /payments API is DefaultPaymentMethodDetails. But I don't see any properties there that reference "bic".

And same thing for Sepa payments,

{ type: "sepadirectdebit", "sepa.ownerName": "A. Klaassen", "sepa.ibanNumber": "NL13 TEST 0123 4567 89" }

There isn't a property that references sepa.ownerName or sepa.ibanNumber.

Originkeys URL is wrong

The way it is implemented now in CheckoutUtility, it uses originkeys, when it should be originKeys.

Because this is not implemented properly, it is impossible to implement Checkout using solely the library.

This is how it's supposed to work

curl \                                                                                                                                                                                                      
-H "X-API-key: <api-key>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{

This is what's called by the library

curl \                                                                                                                                                                                                      
-H "X-API-key: <api-key>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{

(Results in 500 bad request)

Remove property validation in PaymentSessionRequest

in class PaymentSessionRequest in constructor is validation logic for some class properties. So when I want to create a new PaymentSessionRequest then I need to specify all properties via constructor although I need to set only several properties.

Could you put validation logic somewhere else?

Library compatibility with API v49

Implementing the new drop-in solution requires API version 49. This .NET library still targets v40 however and renders it incompatible with the drop-in solution. This is because the /payments endpoint response has been changed in v49.

HttpUrlConnectionClient - StatusCode 100 continue

Hi, there is a problem with receiving of response when StatusCode 100 Continue is sended by your server. Example:
Call TerminalApiCloudAsync with SaleToPOIRequest
`public string Request(string endpoint, string json, Config config, bool isApiKeyRequired, RequestOptions requestOptions = null)
string responseText = null;

        var httpWebRequest = GetHttpWebRequest(endpoint, config, isApiKeyRequired, requestOptions);

        using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse())
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), _encoding))
                    responseText = reader.ReadToEnd();

        catch (WebException e)
            var response = (HttpWebResponse)e.Response;
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                responseText = sr.ReadToEnd();
            throw new HttpClientException((int)response.StatusCode, e.Message, response.Headers, responseText);
        return responseText;

When i run request on Linux platform with .net core, this code raise exception (over 10MB debug file, realy??), when i raised only WebException, then i get
{ "ClassName": "System.Net.WebException", "Message": "The remote server returned an error: (100) Continue.", "Data": null, "InnerException": null, "HelpURL": null, "StackTraceString": " at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()\n at Adyen.EcommLibrary.HttpClient.HttpUrlConnectionClient.Request(String endpoint, String json, Config config, Boolean isApiKeyRequired, RequestOptions requestOptions) in /app/gapatoadyen/src/Adyen.EcommLibrary/HttpClient/HttpURLConnectionClient.cs:line 51\n at Adyen.EcommLibrary.Service.PosPaymentCloudApi.TerminalApiCloudAsync(SaleToPOIMessage saleToPoiRequest) in /app/gapatoadyen/src/Adyen.EcommLibrary/Service/PosPaymentCloudApi.cs:line 30\n

No usual repairs doesnt work
System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;, settings of Expect header, ...
after 30 hours i found a solution

public HttpWebRequest GetHttpWebRequest(string endpoint, Config config, bool isApiKeyRequired, RequestOptions requestOptions = null)
//Add default headers
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(endpoint);
 httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;

HTTP 1.0 doesnt support StatusCode 100, so magicly work.

Please repair receiving of response when 100 status is sended by your server.

Card Acquisition Transaction - bad request

Hi, i just want use CardAcquisitionTransaction,I made a request according to the documentation

var request = new SaleToPOIRequest()
                MessageHeader = new MessageHeader()
                    ProtocolVersion = "3.0",
                    MessageType = "Request",
                    MessageClass = "Service",
                    MessageCategory = "CardAcquisition",
                    SaleID = "USER" + input.SaleId,
                    POIID = input.POIID,
                    ServiceID = "AC" + input.TerminalTransactionID.ToString()
                MessagePayload = new CardAcquisitionRequest()
                    SaleData = new SaleData()
                        SaleTransactionID = new TransactionIdentification()
                            TransactionID = "AC" + input.TerminalTransactionID.ToString(),
                            TimeStamp = DateTime.Now
                        TokenRequested = "Customer"*/
                    CardAcquisitionTransaction = new CardAcquisitionTransaction()

                SecurityTrailer = new ContentInformationType() { }

but response is with errors:

"MessagePayload": {
    "Response": {
      "AdditionalResponse": "tid=75102760&transactionType=GOODS_SERVICES&backendGiftcardIndicator=false&expiryYear=2028&posAmountGratuityValue=0&giftcardIndicator=false&paymentMethodVariant=maestro&expiryDate=2%2f2028&cardHolderName=N%2fA&applicationPreferredName=ms%20en&txtime=08%3a57%3a59&iso8601TxDate=2019-05-20T06%3a57%3a59.0000000%2b0000&cardType=maestro&posOriginalAmountValue=0&txdate=20-05-2019&paymentMethod=mc&merchantReference=AC77&applicationLabel=ms%20en&expiryMonth=02&cardSummary=9990&warnings=At%20SaleToPOIRequest.CardAcquisitionRequest.CardAcquisitionTransaction%2c%20field%20LoyaltyHandling%3a%20Field%20not%20supported%0aAt%20SaleToPOIRequest.CardAcquisitionRequest.CardAcquisitionTransaction%2c%20field%20ForceCustomerSelectionFlag%3a%20Field%20not%20supported%0aAt%20SaleToPOIRequest.CardAcquisitionRequest.CardAcquisitionTransaction%2c%20field%20CashBackFlag%3a%20Field%20not%20supported&posAuthAmountCurrency=EUR&posAmountCashbackValue=0&posEntryMode=ICC&cardScheme=maestro&cardBin=679999&posAuthAmountValue=0",
      "Result": "Success",
      "ErrorCondition": null

TotalAmount is not supported and many others fields
Can you please fix this problem

Payment API and recurring processing model

Hi guys,

we would like to use this library in our projects. According to the Payment API (, there should be a recurringProcessingModel member. I can only see that in the Checkout API ( Is there a plan to add it also in the Payment API client? Or, what's your suggested way to use your API in a .NET Core project? We are currently using a generated client using Swagger code generator, but that used the old OpenAPI spec. We tried generating for the latest version but the generated client wasn't working properly...thanks.

Adding a restricted header causes an exception

When we tried to use this library we recieved errors when calling the HttpUrlConnectionClient.Request method.

The error is thrown as the code is trying to set the paramenter User-Agent in the call on line 99 but I think you should set the user agent by calling HttpWebRequest .UserAgent

Issue is mentioned here

Serialization Exception

Hello, I have added a property on my existing class which is marked as [Serializable] since it's stored session. The new property is, public PaymentRequest AdyenPaymentRequest { get; set; }

Since the PaymentRequest class is not marked as [Serializable], I get the following exception:

SerializationException: Type 'Adyen.Model.Checkout.PaymentRequest' in Assembly 'Adyen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.

The only way I know to fix this is to add the [Serializable] attribute to the PaymentRequest class, is that something you guys can do? Or do you have any suggestions to get around this issue?


Not passing 'liveEndpointUrlPrefix' to client in live environment results in ambiguous error

Hey, just recently encountered this small issue when I was using your library.

When newing up a Client class I was using the constructor:

Client(string xapikey, Environment environment) 

for both Test and Live environments, this worked fine for Test.

However, for Live I was getting this error when I was calling the Checkout.PaymentMethods method:

System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
   at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
   at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
   at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(String requestUriString)
   at Adyen.EcommLibrary.HttpClient.HttpUrlConnectionClient.GetHttpWebRequest(String endpoint, Config config, Boolean isApiKeyRequired, RequestOptions requestOptions)
   at Adyen.EcommLibrary.HttpClient.HttpUrlConnectionClient.Request(String endpoint, String json, Config config, Boolean isApiKeyRequired, RequestOptions requestOptions)
   at Adyen.EcommLibrary.Service.ServiceResource.Request(String json, RequestOptions requestOptions)
   at Adyen.EcommLibrary.Service.Checkout.PaymentMethods(PaymentMethodsRequest paymentMethodsRequest)

Obviously this was because I wasn't using the constructor:

Client(string xapikey, Environment environment, string liveEndpointUrlPrefix) 

to declare the data center correctly for Live. However, this wasn't picked up until we released to our Staging environment. As the Live URL was malformed since it was missing the liveEndpointUrlPrefix.

I feel that ideally it would be nice to have had a more descriptive error before the code made it to a method call. I don't really understand the reason behind the config value not setting the CheckoutEndpoint if the liveEndpointUrlPrefix is null in this switch statement? is this Possibly a bug?

switch (environment)
    case Environment.Test:
        Config.Endpoint = ClientConfig.EndpointTest;
        Config.HppEndpoint = ClientConfig.HppTest;
        Config.CloudApiEndPoint = ClientConfig.CloudApiEndPointTest;
        Config.CheckoutEndpoint = ClientConfig.CheckoutEndpointTest;
    case Environment.Live:
        Config.Endpoint = ClientConfig.EndpointLive;
        Config.HppEndpoint = ClientConfig.HppLive;
        Config.CloudApiEndPoint = ClientConfig.CloudApiEndPointLive;
        //set live endpoint for checkout api
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(liveEndpointUrlPrefix))
            Config.Endpoint = ClientConfig.EndpointProtocol + liveEndpointUrlPrefix + ClientConfig.EndpointLiveSuffix;
            Config.CheckoutEndpoint = ClientConfig.EndpointProtocol + liveEndpointUrlPrefix + ClientConfig.CheckoutEndpointLiveSuffix;

If this is intended, please dirsregard. I'm happy to push a fix if you think it should throw here, or use a default CheckoutEndpoint instead? Thanks for taking the time to humor my issue and thanks for a great library!

Terminal API AbortRequest results in exception

The integrator of one of our merchants reported an exception when sending a Terminal API AbortRequest through the library:

"An exception occured when trying to abort :
Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Path '', line 0, position 0."

In your "ecommlibrary" and file "SaleToPoiMessageSecuredSerializer.cs" and method "internal SaleToPoiMessageSecured Deserialize(string saleToPoiMessageSecuredJSon)"
The argument saleToPoiMessageSecuredJSon = "" and throws the exception when trying to parse the "JObject".

The terminal gives an empty response body (with HTTP 200) in case of an AbortRequest, so I think the problem is caused by an attempt to parse that empty response into an object.

PaymentRequest does not seem to set ShopperInteraction correctly

Doing the following

var p = new Payment(client);      
p.Authorise(new PaymentRequest
	SelectedRecurringDetailReference = "LATEST",
	Reference = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
	MerchantAccount = "HIDDEN",
	ShopperReference = "HIDDEN",
	Amount = new Amount("SEK", 5000),
	ShopperInteraction = ShopperInteractionEnum.Contauth,
	Recurring = new Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Reccuring.Recurring(Contract: Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Enum.Contract.Recurring),

I get an error 807 Invalid combination of shopper interaction and recurring-contract
where it looks like it received shopperinteraction Ecommerce (or most likely none at all)

However it works fine when I manually create the JSON myself with

var auth = new Authorise(new Payment(client))
		selectedRecurringDetailReference = "LATEST",
		reference = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
		merchantAccount = "HIDDEN",
		shopperReference = "HIDDEN",
		amount = new
			currency = "SEK",
			value = 5000
		shopperInteraction = "ContAuth",
		recurring = new
			contract = "RECURRING"

which leads me to believe something is wrong with how the PaymentRequest class handles
the serialization of ShopperInteraction

Env is Test btw if that matters

Feature Request: Allow ClientConfig constants to be pulled from configuration

Hosting an application in the cloud across multiple environments can cause requests to be made from instances that have an IP which hasn't been whitelisted (i.e. when scaling up/down the number of instances), resulting in unauthorised request errors from Adyen.

To lessen this impact I propose enabling consumers of the API Library to be able to provide their own set of configuration values, so that for example, requests can be made to a proxy endpoint that is whitelisted, which can handle the forwarding of requests to Adyen from any number of application instances.

Adding async/await to IClient interface

Have you thought to add asynchronous versions of the Request() and Post() methods of the various operations?

Currently it's possible to provide a seperate implementation of the IClient interface, but since it currently doesn't have methods that return Tasks it's difficult to use this library with an async flow from end-to-end.

Disable Recurring Card

Recurring service call the wrong object _listRecurringDetails in this line [the wrong endpoint] instead of _disable object

Please fix the bug

Error converting value "IdentifyShopper"

The class Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Checkout.PaymentsResponse has it's own Enum for ResultCodeEnum (instead of using Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Enum.ResultCodeEnum) so when making a 3DS call to Adyen.EcommLibrary.Service.Payments you get the error:

Error converting value "IdentifyShopper" to type 'System.Nullable`1[Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Checkout.PaymentsResponse+ResultCodeEnum]'. Path 'resultCode', line 1, position 31.

More robust exception-handling by HttpUrlConnectionClient

Note: this may be a duplicate of issue #28?

Currently, HttpUrlConnectionClient is vulnerable to Exceptions being thrown both when sending the request and also when handling WebExceptions thrown when retrieving the response (particularly if WebException.Response happens to be null, which .NET documentation says is possible).

I have seen a few NullReferenceExceptions thrown for different endpoints (very infrequently, once a day or less) and it seems to always be happening in this HttpUrlConnectionClient.Request(...) method, but I can't pinpoint exactly where it's occurring at because I'm currently using the NuGet package. From .NET documentation, the only place I can see this type of exception potentially occurring is at the handling of the WebException. Here is the stack trace, though I don't know that it'll be very helpful:

Stack trace:
   at Adyen.EcommLibrary.HttpClient.HttpUrlConnectionClient.Request(String endpoint, String json, Config config, Boolean isApiKeyRequired, RequestOptions requestOptions)
   at Adyen.EcommLibrary.Service.ServiceResource.Request(String json, RequestOptions requestOptions)
   at Adyen.EcommLibrary.Service.Payment.Authorise(PaymentRequest paymentRequest, RequestOptions requestOptions)
   at FooBar.MyApp.AuthoriseRequest.Execute(PaymentRequest paymentRequest)
   at FooBar.MyApp.Authorise.Execute(PaymentProcessRequest paymentProcessRequest, PaymentInfo paymentInfo)

Is this intended behavior? Is the merchant responsible for handling these exceptions, and if so, how should they be handled?

Error: The 'Expect' header must be modified using the appropriate property or method.


I'm getting the error from title when executing payment.Authorise(paymentRequest); and I believe it comes from this line.

httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Expect", "100-continue");

I think it has to be req.Expect = "100-continue"; (

Thank you.

Adyen Terminal Api using Local communications features


I'm trying to integrate Adyen to our POS application using Terminal API over local communications.
I'm currently able to do a basic sale request and refund and tipping. I would like to know if manual capture and tokenization of card details could be done using Terminal API over local area network.

PaymentRequest.AdditionalData should be Dictionary<string, object>

AdyenECommerceLibrary.Model.Checkout.PaymentRequest has a property of AdditionalData with type Dictionary<string, string>
The documentation shows setting a boolean: "allow3DS2" : true
The documentation shows setting an int: "RequestedTestAcquirerResponseCode":6

PaymentRequest.AdditionalData should be changed to type Dictionary<string, object>

Setting restricted headers on HttpWebRequest causes an exception

The following line of code is causing this library to throw an exception when used in a NET Framework project:

httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Expect", "100-continue");

The exception thrown is:
System.ArgumentException: 'The 'Expect' header must be modified using the appropriate property or method.'

You can refer to this article for further explanation of the issue:

Can this line of code be removed and a new version of the library published?

PaymentRequest missing in PosPaymentLocalApi


I'm using Terminal API through LAN communication to communicate with the terminal.

My code fails on this particular line in PosPaymentLocalApi.cs
var response = _terminalApiLocal.Request(serializeSaleToPoiRequestMessageSecured, remoteCertificateValidationCallback);

The error message (HTTP Exception) I receive is:

{ "errors": [ "At SaleToPOIRequest, field PaymentRequest: Missing", "At SaleToPOIRequest: Missing" ], "warnings": [ "At SaleToPOIRequest.MessageHeader, field SecurityTrailer: Unexpected", "At SaleToPOIRequest.MessageHeader, field NexoBlob: Unexpected" ] }

I see that when the message is being serialized MessagePayload does change to PaymentRequest and then the encryption happens.

Please let me know why does it still consider MessagePayload instead of PaymentRequest.

Readme with how to perform proper Exception Handling


I like what you guys have done regarding the response codes from the Adyen API, however I think the exception name has room for improvement as it may be confused with a native .net exception.

A readme document regarding exception handling along with a possible renaming of the exception thrown to be more "Proprietary" would be great, as the main methods (Payments, PaymentDetails, etc) for the Adyen checkout also don't mention exceptions thrown.

What do you think? :)

IdealIssuer property not mapped in DefaultPaymentMethodDetails


I'm trying to make a new payment using web drop-in ( Using AJAX i'm calling my WebAPI controller which in turn should create a payment using the Adyen nuget package.

In my WebAPI controller I'm using the DefaultPaymentMethodDetails object as parameter (which I think is the right type?) to map the incoming JSON. Which works for creditcard, Klarna, etc. But for iDeal the issuer doesn't get mapped because the drop-in javascript library sends the issuer in the "issuer" property and the DefaultPaymentMethodDetails object doesn't have an "issuer" property but instead has an "idealIssuer" property. Am I missing something?

I could ofcourse create my own object which correctly maps the incoming "issuer" property to the "idealIssuer" property of the DefaultPaymentMethodDetails object. But I do not want to update my own models every time the properties in the Adyen package are changed.

AJAX call

        url: "/api/adyen",
        data: JSON.stringify(state.paymentMethod),
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json", 
        success: (result) => {
        error: (error) => {

JSON that's being sent to WebAPI controller


WebAPI controller

public void Post([FromBody]Adyen.Model.Checkout.DefaultPaymentMethodDetails paymentMethod)

3D secure version 2.0

Are there any plans to support the new 3d secure 2.0 API. It will be required in Europe by sept 2019 I believe.

Error converting value "PresentToShopper" to type ResultCodeEnum


Version: 2.0.0
PaymentType: Boleto Bancario

I am trying to implement the adyen api integration into my project (.net core 2.0) and I am encountering the following issue when my application tries to read a PaymentResponse:

Error converting value "PresentToShopper" to type 'System.Nullable1[Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Checkout.PaymentsResponse+ResultCodeEnum]'. Path 'resultCode', line 1, position 66.`

And Here is My Method:

public async Task<PaymentsResponse> PayBrokerageViaBoleto(EntityDto<long> input)
            var brokerage = await _brokerageRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(input.Id);

            if (!brokerage.BoletoUrl.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new Abp.UI.UserFriendlyException(L("Error"), L("ThisBrokerageHasBoleto"));

            var vendor = await _vendorRepository.GetAsync(brokerage.VendorId);
            var user = await _userRepository.GetAsync(AbpSession.UserId.Value);
            var result = new PaymentsResponse();

                var address = new Address(
                    City: vendor.City,
                    Country: "BR",
                    HouseNumberOrName: vendor.Number.ToString(),
                    StateOrProvince: vendor.State,
                    PostalCode: vendor.ZipCode,
                    Street: vendor.Address
                { };
                var client = new Client(AdyenConsts.ApiKey, Environment.Test);
                var checkout = new Checkout(client);
                var deliveryDate = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

                var amount = new Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Checkout.Amount("BRL", 9990); //brokerage.FeeAmount
                var details = new Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Checkout.DefaultPaymentMethodDetails
                    Type = "boletobancario_santander"                   

                var paymentsRequest = new Adyen.EcommLibrary.Model.Checkout.PaymentRequest(
                    MerchantAccount: AdyenConsts.AccountMerchant,
                    PaymentMethod: details,
                    Amount: amount,
                    CountryCode: "BR",
                    ShopperLocale: "pt_BR",
                    Reference: brokerage.Id.ToString(),
                    ReturnUrl: LojistaConsts.BaseAddress + AdyenConsts.AdyenCheckoutCompleted,
                    BillingAddress: address,
                    SelectedBrand: "boletobancario_santander", //
                    SocialSecurityNumber: vendor.Cnpj,
                    ShopperName: new Name(FirstName: "R.SOCIAL:", LastName: vendor.BusinessName) { },
                    ShopperStatement: AdyenConsts.AdyenShopperStatementForBoleto,
                    DeliveryDate: deliveryDate
                { };

                result = checkout.Payments(paymentsRequest); //ERROR FIRES HERE
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw new Abp.UI.UserFriendlyException(L("Error"), ex.Message);
            return result;

BrowserInfo.AcceptHeader throwing errors

I've had problems in my attempt to build a BrowserInfo Object.
Don't matter what I do I always have the following error :

System.IO.InvalidDataException: 'AcceptHeader is a required property for BrowserInfo and cannot be null'

I simply am trying to execute the following code (C#):


var browserInfo = new Adyen.Model.Checkout.BrowserInfo()
JavaEnabled = false,
Language = "BR",
AcceptHeader = @"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3",
UserAgent = @"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36",
ColorDepth = 24,
ScreenHeight = 723,
ScreenWidth = 1536,
TimeZoneOffset = 0

I guess there must to be a internal error in this class.
I hope the solution comes up asap.

Authorise recurring payment with Client-Side Encryption fails: Unprocessable Entity

When trying to authorize a recurring payment using Client-Side Encryption; the request fails due to an Unprocessable Entity.

The expected JSON to be sent to Adyen /authorize endpoint in this case would be

{"amount":{"currency":"USD","value":0},"reference":"xxxxx","shopperIp":"xxxxx","merchantAccount":"xxxxx","shopperEmail":"xxxxxxx","shopperReference":"xxxxxxx","recurring":{"contract":"RECURRING"},"additionalData":{"card.encrypted.json": "adyenjs_0_1_19$xxxxxxx"}}

But instead we get:

Because the AdditionalData is implemented as a KeyValuePair and the underlying JsonSerializer produces the wrong output in this scenario ("Key": xxx, "Value": xxxx)

Additionally; I believe the AdditionalData property on the PaymentRequest model should accept multiple key/value pairs; since it's normally possible to pass more than 1 "additional data" (see )

Missing Result Codes for Checkout API

The documentation for the Checkout API lists the following as possible result codes for the /payments and /payments/details endpoints:

  • AuthenticationFinished
  • Authorised
  • Cancelled
  • ChallengeShopper
  • Error
  • IdentifyShopper
  • Pending
  • PresentToShopper (not included in the referenced doc, but I have seen it mentioned elsewhere on the site)
  • Received
  • RedirectShopper
  • Refused

The result codes currently in the Checkout model PaymentsResponse.ResultCodeEnum are as follows:

  • Authorised
  • Cancelled
  • ChallengeShopper
  • Error
  • IdentifyShopper
  • PartiallyAuthorised
  • PresentToShopper
  • Received
  • RedirectShopper
  • Refused

Most of documented result codes are included in this .NET SDK (and even an extra one which is not documented -- i.e. PartiallyAuthorised) but there are some discrepancies between the two. All of the documented result codes for Checkout API should be in the PaymentsResponse.ResultCodeEnum.

Notification item not serialized

When serializing the notification (NotificationRequest) the property NotificationItemContainers (a list of NotificaticationItemContainer) comes null (no Json property assigned)

Metadata not being serialized for payment requests

After serializing a payment request using a class deriving from AbstractPaymentRequest, the metadata property is not submitted.

This appears to be due to the property missing a DataMember decorator.

Add logging

Please add possibility to get req / resp logging to callback

Live PayPal payment error

I am trying to make live PayPal payments and it fails though it works fine with test payments.
I am getting this exception message: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.

I debugged the dot net SDK v2.0.0 and v.2.0.2 and noticed the following.
a) in the "namespace Adyen.EcommLibrary":
The method "SetEnviroment" on the switch statement when it sets the live environment it fails testing the variable "liveEndpointUrlPrefix".ย 
b) In the "namespace Adyen.EcommLibrary.HttpClient"
The method "GetHttpWebRequest" receives the endpoint "/v41/payments" instead of the full API URL; for the test environment it gets the URL "" instead of the "" probably because of failing the prefix as mentioned above.

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