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freeprogress's Introduction

Free Progress

Social ABCDE testing that doesn't suck

Free Progress is a social AB testing service that will optimize your Twitter and Facebook sharing messaging to make your pages more viral. It discovers any pages you upload and immediately starts testing your sharing meta tags by intercepting user share actions and routing them through a special URL that measures share to click ratios. You can add more sharing variations at any time via the admin, and they will be tested against the original sharing message (and each other) with a statistical relevance algorithm. Winners are automatically chosen and losers are eliminated.

Free Progress requires no special setup on any page, other than a simple JavaScript include. The server is packaged to run on Heroku, though you can run it on any server that supports Node.js.

Table of Contents

Service dependencies

Installation and Setup

Install the dependencies

Just cd to whatever directory you installed the code into and run npm install.

Configure the environment variables

All settings for Free Progress are specified via environment variables. There's a template file with these variables stored in env.sample. Copy these into a file called .env (important to use that filename since it's in the .gitignore and you don't want to commit any of these private values into the repo). Then, edit the .env file and configure these to your liking.

Here are the specific environment variables, and what they do:

  • SESSION_SECRET: Set this to an arbitrary string, and keep it private.

  • PORT: What port to run the server on. Not needed on Heroku / production.

  • URL: The base URL for the Free Progress server app. No trailing slash!

  • ADMIN_USERNAME: Username for Free Progress Admin

  • ADMIN_PASSWORD: Password for Free Progress Admin

  • DB_NAME: Postgres database name

  • DB_USER: Postgres database username

  • DB_PASS: Postgres database password

  • DB_HOST: Postgres database host lol

  • DB_PORT: Postgres database port

  • DB_PREFIX: This prefix is appended to any tables created in the database by Free Progress. Useful if you're using one database to serve multiple apps.

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY: Access key for Amazon S3

  • AWS_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for Amazon S3

  • AWS_S3_BUCKET: S3 bucket for image storage

  • AWS_S3_FOLDER: Folder to use for image storage. No trailing slash!

  • TWITTER_ACCOUNT_ID: Numeric ID for your Twitter account. Required to generate the "card" site preview graphics that show up in the feed (instead of simple text links).

  • TWITTER_USERNAME: Your Twitter username. Don't include the @ symbol.

  • TEST_VIABILITY_THRESHOLD: Minimum number of shares before any variation is sent into the viability testing / statistical ranking algorithm. Because we test for statistical significance, this shouldn't really matter, but I guess it's useful for peace of mind. Recommend setting this to 20.

  • DOMAIN_SECURITY: (on or off) Whether to turn on security to authorize domains that embed the Free Progress JavaScript Client. This prevents unauthorized sites from using your server, but requires some extra setup (more info in the section below).

  • DOMAIN_SECURITY_TOKEN: An arbitrary private string to generate the hash for domain security token strings from

  • DOMAIN_SECURITY_WHITELIST: A comma-separated list of domains that are automatically whitelisted for access to Free Progress

  • SPARKPOST_API_KEY: API key for SparkPost. Only needed if sending emails.

  • ALERTS_SENDING: (on or off) Whether to send error alert emails to an administrator address. This will also require SparkPost to be configured in the environment variables.

  • ALERTS_ADMIN_EMAIL: The administrator email address to send alert emails

  • EMAIL_SCHEDULER: (on or off) Whether to enable the scheduled sharing email system. More information in the scheduled emails section.

  • EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: Address to send sharing reminder emails from

  • EMAIL_FROM_NAME: Name to use in the sharing reminder emails

  • EMAIL_UNSUBSCRIBE_URL: A link to an unsubscribe page for sharing reminder emails.

  • ACTIONNETWORK_INTEGRATION: (on or off) Whether to use Action Network to verify subscriber status before sending scheduled emails. Only relevent if Action Network is enabled. More information in the scheduled emails section.

  • ACTIONNETWORK_API_KEY: Your API key for Action Network

  • ACTIONNETWORK_LESS_EMAILS_TAG: The Action Network ID for the less-emails tag you set up on Action Network. More information in the scheduled emails section.

Running the server

Once your packages are installed and your environment variables are setup in the .env file, you can run the server:

source .env
npm start

If all goes well, you should see the grunt tasks running and then something like ‼ Server running at ‼.

Note: The first time the server runs, it will automatically create the database tables, if they don't already exist.

Install the Free Progress JavaScript Client on your site(s)

Once you have the Free Progress server running, you can add the JavaScript Client to your site. Just add this script tag before the closing </BODY>:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//YOUR-DOMAIN/js/client.js"></script>

(obviously substitute YOUR-DOMAIN with whatever domain Free Progress is running on. For local testing this is usually localhost:9002)

Turn on Domain Security (Optional)

By default, Free Progress will automatically "discover" any page the JavaScript Client is hosted on and add it to the database. You can turn on Domain Security to restrict this feature to domains you authorize, which prevents third parties from using your Free Progress instance without permission. It is surprisingly common for shady sites to scrape and re-host your content, so Domain Security is recommended for production deployments.

You can specify a list of allowed domains in the DOMAIN_SECURITY_WHITELIST environment variables. Be sure to also set the DOMAIN_SECURITY environment variable to on to enable the security check.

You can also use Domain Security tokens to automatically authorize Free Progress on new domains as you add them. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. the DOMAIN_SECURITY environment variable must be set to on, and the DOMAIN_SECURITY_TOKEN should be set to an arbitrary string that must be kept private.

  2. Place a file called freeprogress.txt in the root of your site that you wish to use Free Progress on. This file must contain a SHA-256 hash of your DOMAIN_SECURITY_TOKEN value prepended to the full domain of your site.

    For example, if your DOMAIN_SECURITY_TOKEN is lol, and your site domain is, the hash would be computed as:

     # 628abb24a6c9da75d3f548a9a6d047541fd546c052f9a1f46a26e3ceb37fb423

    The contents of freeprogress.txt should be the hexadecimal value of the SHA-256 hash digest.

That's all. When DOMAIN_SECURITY is set to on and the Free Progress JavaScript Client is activated on a domain that isn't yet in the database, the Free Progress server will scrape the freeprogress.txt file from your domain and make sure it matches the correct hash, as generated from the private DOMAIN_SECURITY_TOKEN value and your domain name.

NOTE: This configuration means you can't use and interchangeably. Free Progress page discovery will only work on the subdomain that you generate the domain security hash from.

NOTE 2: If DOMAIN_SECURITY is turned on but the freeprogress.txt file is missing or invalid for a particular domain, the Free Progress JavaScript Client will fallback to directly sharing based on the meta tags on that particular page, bypassing the Free Progress server's share and click tracking redirect URLs. Nothing will appear broken to your users and they will still be able to share the page.

Using Free Progress

Using the Free Progress JavaScript Client

The Free Progress JavaScript Client script handles almost all sharing-related functionality automatically, minimizing the amount of setup needed on any page. Free Progress will automatically discover any new page that includes the Client script. Any links or buttons with the .twitter or .facebook CSS classes will automatically open up in a Free Progress sharing window, which tracks shares and clicks for each AB test variation using a special redirection URL. This allows Free Progress to automatically select winning variations and eliminate less-effective ones.

Auto-discovery of pages based on sharing meta tags

Free Progress Server will automatically detect any new pages that include the Client script. The Server will scrape the Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Card tags to grab the initial sharing variations for these social networks.

NOTE: Auto-discovery only happens once, so if you change your sharing meta tags after Free Progress scrapes the page, you'll also want to add new variations in the Free Progress Admin.

Facebook Open Graph meta tags

Follow Facebook's guidelines to choose good sharing tags for your page. You can always set up more variations in Free Progress Admin if you want to try new ideas!

  • <meta property="og:title" content="My page is not clickbait..." />: The title you want for your Facebook sharing summary. Make it clicky!

  • <meta property="og:description" content="but definitely click here!" />: The description to use in your Facebook sharing summary.

  • <meta property="og:image" content="" />: Full URL to a Facebook sharing image.

  • <meta property="og:site_name" content="Your Site Name" />: The name of your web site (distinct from the page title)

Twitter Card meta tags

Follow Twitter's documentation to set up your Twitter Card sharing tags. These will enable Free Progress to display a graphical summary of your sharing variations when people share the site on Twitter.

  • <meta name="twitter:site" content="fightfortheftr" />: This should always be your Twitter username.

  • <meta name="twitter:title" content="My page is not clickbait..." />: The title to use in your Twitter sharing summary.

  • <meta name="twitter:description" content="Click here to learn more!" />: The description to use in your Twitter sharing summary.

  • <meta name="twitter:image" content="" />: Full URL to a Twitter sharing image.

  • <meta name="twitter:text" content="My page is kewl plz click it lol" />: NOTE: This is not an official Twitter Card meta tag. Rather, this is specific to Free Progress and will automatically populate the tweet text when the user clicks on a Twitter sharing link (the user can edit this tweet).

Sharing Autoresponder Email meta tags

If you have the EMAIL_SCHEDULER environment variable turned on and use the Free Progress Email Scheduler API to schedule sharing autoresponder emails, these meta tags will be scraped each time a scheduled email goes out for that page. See the section on scheduled emails for more information.

  • <meta name="autoresponder_subject" content="Don't forget to share!" />: The subject of the delayed sharing autoresponder email

  • <meta name="autoresponder_body" content="Blah blah|Second paragraph" />: The text to use in the body of the sharing autoresponder. If you absolutely can't keep it short, use the vertical pipe (|) character to separate paragraphs.

Handling user share and tweet actions

By default, any links or buttons with the .twitter or .facebook CSS classes will automatically open up in a sharing window on the appropriate social network using a Free Progress tracking link. You can directly call FreeProgress.share() and 'FreeProgress.tweet()` from your JavaScript code to pop a sharing window.

FreeProgress.share();       // open a Facebook sharing window
FreeProgress.tweet();       // open a Twitter sharing window

Measuring conversions

In addition to tracking sharing stats, Free Progress can also track conversions for your variations. Currently conversion information is not used for anything; it's just displayed in the Free Progress Admin. At some point we may enable conversion-based variation ranking at the Page level.

FreeProgress.convert();     // tell Free Progress that the user "converted"
                            // (this has no effect if the user did not enter the
                            // page from a Free Progress sharing link)

NOTE: Whatever user action you decide is a "conversion" is completely up to you. Free Progress doesn't know or care, so you'll have to call this manually.

Overriding the sharing url

By default, the Free Progress Client will share the URL of the page it is loaded on. You can override this default behavior and share another page instead. Simply add this meta tag:

<meta name="freeprogress:pageurl" content="" />

Using the Free Progress Admin

Visit http://YOUR-FREE-PROGRESS-DOMAIN/admin to view the Free Progress Admin

The Free Progress Admin is where you can create new sharing variations for your pages and view stats. When a user clicks a sharing button on one of your pages, one of the active variations for that page is randomly selected to be shared using a redirection link that allows Free Progress to measure clicks.

Free Progress will periodically check the sharing stats for your page and deactivate any variations that are determined to be statistically less-effective than others. Eventually a winner will automatically be selected with no need to babysit the process.

Domains and pages that show up in the admin are automatically added by the Free Progress JavaScript Client. There is no need (or way) to manually set up domains and pages in the Free Progress Admin.

The interface is not pretty, but it should be fairly self-explanatory.

Scheduling Sharing Autoresponder Emails

Free Progress can optionally send autoresponder emails prompting your users to share your pages. Using an API call, you can schedule these to be sent after a certain number of hours (for example 72 hours after a user originally takes action on one of your pages). Emails will be sent using content scraped from the Sharing Autoresponder Email meta tags on a given page. These will always be re-scraped before any email is sent, so emails will always reflect the most up-to-date content in your meta tags.

Optionally, the email scheduler can integrate with your Action Network account, if you have one. This will verify that recipients are subscribed to your mailing list before sending, thus preventing emails from being sent to people who may have unsubscribed.

As a further option, the autoresponder emails can be disabled for Action Network users who have a tag of your choosing. For example, users may wish to opt-out of receiving autoresponder emails while still remaining subscribed to your list. Free Progress abides.

POST /emails/schedule to schedule an email

Request Parameters

  • email: (String Email) The email address to schedule a sharing reminder for

  • url: (String URL) The page URL to use in the sharing reminder. If DOMAIN_SECURITY is turned on, then this must be from an authorized domain.

  • hours: (Integer) number of hours to wait before sending, eg. 72

  • external_network: (String, optional) Currently only action-network is a supported value if this parameter is passed

  • external_network_id: (String, optional) The User ID for the user on the specified external network. So currently, this could only be the Action Network User ID.

Response Format

If the request succeeds, you will receive a JSON string containing kthxbai.

More info on Action Network integration

When a POST request to /emails/schedule comes in that specifies external_network=action-network, the following steps will be performed:

  1. A task will be scheduled for the specified number of hours.

  2. Once the task executes, if the ACTIONNETWORK_INTEGRATION environment variable is not turned on, the task will be aborted and deleted.

  3. The Action Network API will be queried for the User ID specified in the external_network_id parameter. If the user does not exist or is unsubscribed, the task will be aborted and deleted.

  4. The Action Network API will be queried to see if the user has a tag with the ID specified in the ACTIONNETWORK_LESS_EMAILS_TAG environment variable. If the user is tagged to receive less emails, the task will be aborted and deleted.

  5. If we get to this point without aborting and deleting the task, the sharing autoresponder email will be sent out using the content specified in the Sharing Autoresponder meta tags for the specified url.

A word about unsubscribing

You are responsible for providing a link that will unsubscribe users from receiving emails. Free Progress will not do this for you. If you use the Action Network integration, you should have a page similar to the Fight for the Future Subscription Management Page that can unsubscribe users from Action Network.

If you're not using the Action Network integration, then you need to build an unsubscribe page that will add a suppression entry directly on SparkPost, using the SparkPost API.

Your unsubscribe page must be specified in the EMAIL_UNSUBSCRIBE_URL environment variable.

Getting Help & Contributing

Please feel free to submit Issues if you're having a problem with Free Progress. If you're handy with Node.js and you want to submit a new feature, please fork the project and submit a Pull Request!

Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have a question or comment that you'd rather not share with the whole class. I'll do my best to help!


Free Progress is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Free Progress is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Free Progress. If not, see

freeprogress's People


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