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angular2-websocket's People


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angular2-websocket's Issues

require not defined (client side)

Hello, thank you for this piece of code adding to angular2 however I have problem as it says require is not defined, and when I add require, the angular stops to work. What can i do?

onOpen and onClose event not working

Hi, method onOpen and onClose not working, this is my code.

` this.webSocket = new $WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000");


    this.webSocket.onMessage(function(message) {
    }, null);

    this.webSocket.onOpen(function() {

    this.webSocket.onClose(function() {
    });     `

Why use Promise?

Thank you for providing this WebSocket wrapper for A2!

Why do you return a Promise from send() though? Since you already return something, it might as well be an Observable just to be consistent with the Angular 2 approach.

When in A2 speak A2 :)

Version 0.6.3


Is angular2-websocket avalaible with Angular2 RC 1 with npm ?

When i try to install 0.6.3 version (that should be compatible with Angular2 RC 1) , NPM try to install 0.6.2.

Did i do something wrong ?


with getDataStream can get server side message, but onMessage cannot?

Hi there, thank you for the great work on this library firstly.

I am using the same code with the examples, it turns out that with getDataStream, I could get data from server side, but with onMessage I couldn't;

I tested the server side with web-socket test tool and it works.

Should getDataStream.subscribe continue to fire after re-connection?

I create a $websocket instance with the reconnect param: {"reconnectIfNotNormalClose": true} and the stream nicely reconnects on failures.

I have a problem with incoming messages:
ws.getDataStream().subscribe correctly fires on incoming messages until the websocket reconnects, after which it stops firing.

Am I missing a step so ws.getDataStream().subscribe continues firing after an automatic reconnection?

here is the code (comments welcome, I am new to js): = new $WebSocket('wss://...', null, JSON.parse('{"reconnectIfNotNormalClose": true}'));
  (msg: MessageEvent) => console.log('message received: ', msg),
  (err) => console.log('incoming websocket err', err),
  () => console.log('incoming websocket complete')

I also tried moving the subscribe into the stream's onOpen, but it behaves the same as above (fires only for the initial connection): = new $WebSocket('wss://...', null, JSON.parse('{"reconnectIfNotNormalClose": true}'));
    (msg: MessageEvent) => console.log('message received: ', msg),
    (err) => console.log('incoming websocket err', err),
    () => console.log('incoming websocket complete')

Bootstrapping question and first message issue...

Hi, 2 part question:

What would be the best way to initialize the websocket service on initialization of the app? Like, how can you bootstrap the service with angular 2.1.0 in the app module?

Other question is...
Everything is working fine except with capturing the first message with getDataStream() method/observable. Not sure if it's related to the above question (and my backend is sending messages properly), but yeah, the first message my client app captures is always undefined, so the messages I capture from the datastream are one event behind.

Ex. (mirror app example)
Client Sends => {1, 2, 3, 4}
client getDataStream Receives => {undefined, 1, 2, 3}

Anyone else having issues with delays in data display?

Hi guys, just posting here for visibility.

Just updated angular2 to 2.4.4 and this module to 0.9.0, and noticed that I am having issues in displaying the data.

Not sure if there's an issue with the change detection with angular itself or if it's something with this package. I can see console is receiving the data fine, but was wondering anyone else having issues with websockets and ng2?

In my particular instance, I am having issues displaying data in the view using *ngFor when I receive packets from my websocket.

Angular 4 Upgrade

Is it possible to use this dependency in Angular 4 application?
It will be very helpful me to upgrade my application to Angular 4 from Angular 2..

Can you please add usage example ...


Can you please add usage example ...
I tried to use:

let websocket = new $WebSocket("…");
let observable: Observable = this.websocket.send("test");
value=>console.log("nextValue: " + value),
err=>console.log("error: " + err),

message arrives to backend, it's returned (to other client), but nothing is logged in console here. Same for using subject.

By using following instead of that:

this.websocket = new $WebSocket("ws://localhost:8280/gerrit-helper/test-websocket-endpoint");
this.websocket.onMessage(function (e) { console.log(e); }, null);
let observable: Observable = this.websocket.send("test");
and subscription to cold observable...

this 'works', but seems really wrong. Why does subscription in first excerpt does not work? (when using Observable.range to verify it seems to work as expected).


Push new version to npm

With the code on GitHub updated to be fully compliant with RC 4, can you please push a new version to npm?

Replace es6-shim with core-js

Recently Angular2 removed their dependency on the es6-shim module so that core-js could be used in it's place. The es6-shim module has licensing issues which prevent it from being commercially distributed. Would it be possible to change your dependency to be on the core-js shim library instead of es6-shim?

#onMessageHandler(). fixed internal implementation

I've wrapped message object into the array, because callback function had been called without any arguments and there was no access to 'arguments' array of callback.

onMessageHandler(message: MessageEvent) {
var pattern;
var self = this;
var currentCallback;
for (var i = 0; i < self.onMessageCallbacks.length; i++) {
currentCallback = self.onMessageCallbacks[i];
currentCallback.fn.apply(self, [message]);

add angular2-websocket to typings

Please can you add this module to Typings ?

How can I use this module on Angular 2 if I use Typings ? I got an error "angular2-websocket not found"


Proxy Websocket and global error handler

I know this is not a issue but I don't know how I can ask you something.

We are using your websocket in an ionic2 project and it's working great.
There are three things we like to do.

  1. we would like to proxy it like normal http requests, this for testing
  2. we need a global point where we can configure the url to call, this for production
  3. global error handling

this is how we implemented it for regular http requests

  1. We configure a proxy in our ionic configuration for /api which is working only in dev mode so all HTTP requests where redirected and there is no CORS problem, we found no solution to proxy also Websockt requests. Do you have an idea=

  2. We created a CustomHTTP Interceptor which is used instead of the regular HTTP, this checks if environment is dev or production, if dev we leave the url as it is, in dev mode means /api/ which will be redirect by proxy configuration, if we are in production I change the url to https.... or an other url, it depend if we are on a device or on a browser.

  3. With this interceptor also we can handle http errors and log them.

So we need to do the same thing with your websocket implementation. Did you do something like that before? do you have some examples or some ideas to share with us? We can also open an stack-overflow to discuss this.!

thx for you help

Problem upgrading from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0

I finally got around to upgrading my version to 0.9.0 in my project but it broke everything.

Upon first connect I get a

Error during WebSocket handshake: Invalid status line

According to my logs, the websocket response is a status code of 200 and not 101. If reconnectIfNotNormalClose: true, I see another websocket request go out (code 101), but this never gets a response back from my server, not even an error code.

Relevant code:
private connectWebSocket() { this.wsocket = new $WebSocket("wss://" + location.hostname + "/wss/whSocket"); this.wsocket.onMessage(this.processData, {}); this.wsocket.onError(this.socketError); }

onMessage() is never called

More detailed documents or examples would be great

It is not clear yet whether I need to deal with onError and onClose events in my code or it has been done in the library.

The document in the README file is all about sending and receiving messages, my concern is that if any connection issue happened, what I need to do with this library?

Rxjs Subject misuse

First of all, thanks for writing this!

I have run into an issue and I don't know what would be a nice solution. Briefly: when a websocket connection fails, both onClose and onError are called, which makes sense, except for the dataStream subject.

Consider this snippet:

var x = new Subject();
x.error("error message");
// x.isCompleted === true, therefore:
x.complete(); // raises an ObjectUnsubscribedError

This is exactly what happens when an error occurs. I don't know what would be a nice solution for this, especially if you consider that you (sort of) want to abstract away reconnects in the dataStream (or at least that would be nice from my point of view).

Currently you would need to create another Subject for a new connection, and get the clients to resubscribe. This is OK but might need a bit of refactoring to make this obvious. Example: give the Subject as a parameter to the onInit callback, so it clearly represents only one connection.

Now I'm just using a stripped down version that does not have that Subject, and use only the callbacks and have my own observables that also perform some application logic.

I'm happy to make a PR after we discuss what would be a nice solution.

All the best,

require is not defined using rc.3

Hi guys, im not a fluent js developer, so this is new for me. im trying to add your library in to a little project, but im getting this error in the browers console:

angular2-websocket.js:11Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

im loading this libraries for angular2:


<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/rxjs/bundles/Rx.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/@angular/core/bundles/core.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/@angular/common/bundles/common.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/@angular/compiler/bundles/compiler.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/@angular/platform-browser/bundles/platform-browser.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/bundles/platform-browser-dynamic.umd.js"></script>

<!-- librerias usadas -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="media/js/angular2-websocket.js"></script>`

use stable dependencies

Tx for this component. We're starting to use it.

Unfortunately at this version it made our build unstable. The dependency in packag.json on "angular2": "^2.0.0-beta.0" made our application upgrade without any change on our side to angular-beta.05 which broke our build.

Please depend on fixed versions in releases. 😄

send returning cold Observable requires subscription.

There seems to be a breaking change in how send is implemented. It now returns an cold Observable, created using Observable.create which requires a subscribe in order to fire.

I believe your ultimate goal is to link the observable to the actual successful/failure of the websocket send. However, currently as it stands, it doesn't do that.

However, this change has introduced a new hassle: every call to send now needs a subscription in order to work.

For example:

Previous: wsock.send(someObj);

Now: wsock.send(someObj).subscribe();

Would you consider creating a hot observable instead? It is not a great idea since hot observables h ave their own overheads.

The best solution might be to have two different send methods? That is because maybe not many people will care whether the message is successfully sent or not.

Method(s) to remove listeners

Would be useful to be able to remove listeners after they've been added. For instance, I have a use case where, depending on some UI state, I may or may not want an onMessage listener. I can handle this currently by setting a flag in the onMessage callback in order to ignore the message, but would be nice to be able to remove it altogether.

Websocket is opening always twice connection

I'm using your lib in version 0.9.1 and have an issue which I didn't seen before.

On opening a simple websocket connection like this = new $WebSocket(this.httpService.getFullUrl('/wsapi/v1/sensorsws'));; { that.webSocketOpen(); }); { that.webSocketMessage(evt); }); { that.webSocketClose(evt); });

the client opens always to connection on server and on the client the onOpen listener is called also twice times!
I think this behavior wasn't the version I used before.

`close` is not clean

Hi afrad,

Using lib with ionic 2 app (tested with ionic serve). When I call close method websocket doesn't recognize this as 'clean' close. onCloseHandler handler receives an event with code == 1005. So the lib is trying to reconnect.

If it's a feature, not a bug, then how can I close the socket without auto reconnect? (I do need auto reconnect if connection is dropped by network issues, etc)

Thank you.

Remove deep import of angular/compiler to be able to run with Angular2 RC6


If you’ve previously deep imported from @angular packages (e.g. @angular/core/src/foo/bar), note that this no longer works in RC6. Always import from the root of a package (eg, @angular/core). Deep imports are private APIs, and likely to change.

Right now angular2-websocket is starting with errors.

From angular2-websocket.ts

import {isPresent, isString, isArray,isFunction} from '@angular/compiler/src/facade/lang';

Stacktrace from browser

(index):43 Error: (SystemJS) Unexpected token <
    SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
        at Object.eval (http://localhost:5005/vendor/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket.js:13:14)
        at eval (http://localhost:5005/vendor/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket.js:213:4)
        at eval (http://localhost:5005/vendor/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket.js:214:3)
    Evaluating http://localhost:5005/vendor/@angular/compiler/bundles/compiler.umd.js/src/facade/lang
    Evaluating http://localhost:5005/vendor/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket.js

compatible with Angular2 RC-5?

I've just updated angular2 from RC-3 to RC-5 and I can't get past this error in my console

Error: @http://localhost:3000/node_modules/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket.js:12:5

    Evaluating http://localhost:3000/node_modules/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket.js
    Error loading http://localhost:3000/node_modules/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket.js as "angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket" from http://localhost:3000

It seems to be triggered by this line in angular2-websocket.js:

var core_1 = require('@angular/core');

systemJS config issue, or other?

I also see that angular2-websocket has this dependency: "@angular/core": "2.0.0-rc.4"... not sure if that could be a contributing factor..

Strange issue when subscribing to ws.getDataStream() via seperate component


I have this strange issue where I have a ws.getDataStream() close to the root component, and a subscriber attached to that service via seperate component. But it's causing this weird issue where where it'll receive multiple responses from server, even though it's sending one response.

For example, angular2 client sends request. Server send backs a response fine, and client that recieves that response fine. But if i send another request (like, the same in this scenerio), it'll double the recieved response. Send a third one, and now there's three values that the subscriber is catching.

So an example of this issue is, client sends 1, 2, 3. server sends 1, 2, 3. client subscriber recieves 1, 22, 333

reconnectIfNotNormalClose ignores normal close

See the comments for the problem and solution:

    close(force: boolean = false) {
        if (force || !this.socket.bufferedAmount) {

            // in onCloseHandler the event.code will be CLOSE_NO_STATUS = 1005
            // a this.reconnect will occur
            // this.socket.close();

            // below the event.code will be this.normalCloseCode
            // this.reconnect will no longer occur here

        return this;

    // see the event.code usage below passed when calling this.socket.close method
    onCloseHandler(event: CloseEvent) {
        if ((this.config.reconnectIfNotNormalClose && event.code !== this.normalCloseCode)
            || this.reconnectableStatusCodes.indexOf(event.code) > -1) {
        } else {
            this.sendQueue = [];

Method send4Direct always return false (don't work)

Issue in if (self.socket.readyState !== self.readyStateConstants.RECONNECT_ABORTED) { return false; } else { self.fireQueue(); return true; }

When the connection is open:
- self.socket.readyState is 1
- self.readyStateConstants.RECONNECT_ABORTED is 4

self.fireQueue(); - never run

I think it should be like if (self.socket.readyState === self.readyStateConstants.RECONNECT_ABORTED)

got "Socket connection has been closed" while sending data

when send data with default subscribe mode, I got "Socket connection has been closed" error;
but I could confirm the socket was still alive as I could still receive server side data with getDataStream() after got that error;

Also I tested with "Simple Web Socket Tool" and I haven't got issues like above.

My code:
console.log('1');, WebSocketSendMode.Direct);, WebSocketSendMode.Promise).then(
  (T) => {
    console.log('is send');
  (T) => {
    console.log('not send');
  (msg) => {
  (msg) => {
    console.log('error', msg);
  () => {

Not working, trying to load without the extension name

As you'll see, it doesn't try to load the .js, but an http://localhost:3001/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket which of course doesn't exist. I'm using a default systemjs configuration.

Error: patchProperty/desc.set/wrapFn@http://localhost:3001/node_modules/angular2/bundles/angular2-polyfills.js:830:27

    Error loading http://localhost:3001/angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket as "angular2-websocket/angular2-websocket" from http://localhost:3001/app/chat/chat-service.js

Observer ignores .distinctUntilChanged()

Using .distinctUntilChanged() on an observer created from getDataStream() seems to have no effect. Is the datastream itself adding to the content of the received message?

Relative url

Hi, a question, how can I set the websocket path realtive and not absolut.

ws://api/v1.... does not work

Is it possible also the set wss or ws dynamically? It depends from where I came if I came over https or http.


onMessage not working at tag 0.9.0

Why is line 67 (// self.onMessageHandler(ev);) commented at tag 0.9.0? This causes onMessage method not to fire when a message is received.

Why PeerDependencies?

Hi, I'd like to understand why the package.json lists PeerDependencies? Because I don't see any heavy usage of RxJs, for example, that would be broken in other versions of 5.x, so why the beta is a peer dependency? Wouldn't it be better to move to a regular dependency?

I got these unmet dependencies:

npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of reflect-metadata@^0.1.8 but none was installed.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of [email protected] but none was installed.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of typescript@^2.1.1 but none was installed.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of zone.js@^0.6.25 but none was installed.

I believe, by what I've read in the source, that at least typescript and rxjs would work with the newest version

ERROR in $WebSocket is not an NgModule

Can't import angular2-websockets in a imports list inside @NgModule decorator. I think that your library can be very useful, but it looks like it's not well prepared to work with final version of angular. Thanks!

Socket connection has been closed

Good Night, I am trying to send a message through the socket, but it occurs:

Socket connection has been closed

My Service:

ws = new $WebSocket("ws://localhost:1337/");

(msg)=> {
(msg)=> {
console.log("error", msg);
()=> {

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