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widget-api-html's Introduction


This API allows you to develop HTML widgets for AgileCRM.

Widgets are small applications that can be built by end users and embedded in a contacts/companies page in AgileCRM. They are HTML/JavaScript segments that are executed whenever a contact/company page is loaded. Every contacts/company page contains a HTML segment allocated for custom widget.

Custom widgets have access to contact/company details and/or external resources in order to display meaningful data. These widgets add extra functionality to the AgileCRM contact/companies page.

Custom tab, located at https://<your_domain> provides the option to add a custom widget. Upon clicking the dropdown, you see that there are two ways to upload a widget - HTML and URL. You have to select HTML option from drop down menu to use methods in this doc.

HTML/JavaScript segment are embedded on the contact/company page. It is executed at the AgileCRM server whenever a contact/company page loads. It can access external resource in the form of jsonp object.


  1. AgileCRM supports HTML5 specifications. Please write a widget which is compatible with HTML5.

  2. jQuery library (version 1.10.2) is already loaded and ready for use if needed. Do not import any other version jquery library with the widget as it can result into compatibility issues.

  3. Bootstrap css & javascript library (version v3.0.0) is already loaded and ready for use if needed. Do not import any other version Bootstrap library with the widget as it can result into compatibility issues.

  4. As modern browsers have started to block mixed content, all resources must be accessed using secure (https) connection.

Access: Global widget property, widget property wrt to contact, and contact details.

Functions can be broadly categorized in the following three groups based on their domain.

I. GLOBAL WIDGET PROPERTIES: These functions have access to global widget properties.

  1. agile_crm_get_widget(widgetName)
  2. agile_crm_save_widget_prefs(widgetName, preferences)
  3. agile_crm_get_widget_prefs(widgetName)
  4. agile_crm_delete_widget_prefs(widgetName)

II. LOCAL WIDGET PROPERTY WRT. CONTACT: These functions have access to local properties of widgets wrt. to a contact. These are contact specific widget properties. Anything accessible here is local to the contact page on which the widget loads.

  1. agile_crm_save_widget_property_to_contact(propertyName, propertyValue)
  2. agile_crm_get_widget_property_from_contact(propertyName)
  3. agile_crm_delete_widget_property_from_contact(propertyName)

III. CONTACT PROPERTY: These functions have access to contact object and are used to modify the properties of the contact on which the widget is loaded.

  1. agile_crm_get_contact()
  2. agile_crm_get_contact_property(propertyName)
  3. agile_crm_get_contact_properties_list(propertyName)
  4. agile_crm_get_contact_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype)
  5. agile_crm_save_contact_property(propertyName, subtype, value, type)
  6. agile_crm_update_contact(propertyName, value)
  7. agile_crm_update_contact_properties(propertiesArray)
  8. agile_crm_delete_contact_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype, value)

IV. COMPANY PROPERTY: These functions have access to company object and are used to modify the properties of the company on which the widget is loaded.

  1. agile_crm_get_company()
  2. agile_crm_get_company_property(propertyName)
  3. agile_crm_get_company_properties_list(propertyName)
  4. agile_crm_get_company_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype)
  5. agile_crm_save_company_property(propertyName, subtype, value, type)
  6. agile_crm_update_company(propertyName, value)
  7. agile_crm_update_company_properties(propertiesArray)
  8. agile_crm_delete_company_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype, value)

Looking at the functions in detail:


*widgetName represents the name of widget which is mentioned while adding widget on the Custom Widget (https://<your_domain> page.

####a) agile_crm_get_widget(widgetName)
Parameters: widgetName
Response: JSON Object

This fetches the widget object with the name of widgetName in the form of JSON object. JSON object contains the name, description, logo url, script attached to the widget and all other details related to the widget.

        var widgetDetails = agile_crm_get_widget(widgetName);

####b) agile_crm_save_widget_prefs(widgetName, pref)
Parameters: widgetName, pref
Response: nil

This function can be used to save global widget preference. pref should be a stringified JSON object. If the preference already exists it will be overwritten.

        var jPref = {"user_name":"foo", "password":"bar"};
        var pref = JSON.stringify(jPref);
        agile_crm_save_widget_prefs(widgetName, pref);

####c) agile_crm_get_widget_prefs(widgetName)
Parameters: widgetName
Response: JSON string

This function is used to get the global widget preference. If there's some preference set, it returns its stringified JSON representation. Otherwise, it returns undefined object.

        var widgetPrefs = agile_crm_get_widget_prefs(widgetName);

####d) agile_crm_delete_widget_prefs(widgetName)
Parameters: widgetName
Response: nil

This function is used to delete preference of a widget and fully resets it.

        var prefs = agile_crm_delete_widget_prefs(widgetName)


####a) agile_crm_save_widget_property_to_contact(propertyName, propertyValue)
Parameters: propertyName, propertyValue
Response: nil

It is used to save the property of a widget with respect to the contact pages on which widget loads.

        var propertyName = "contact_widget_id";
        var propertyValue = "12345";
        agile_crm_save_widget_property_to_contact(propertyName, propertyValue);

####b) agile_crm_get_widget_property_from_contact(propertyName)
Parameters: propertyName
Response: String

A call to this function fetches the value associated with propertyName if present, otherwise returns undefined.

        var propertyName = "custom_widget_id";
        var propertyValue = agile_crm_get_widget_property_from_contact(propertyName);

####c) agile_crm_delete_widget_property_from_contact(propertyName)
Parameters: propertyName
Response: nil

This function can be used to delete the property key-value pair from the contact-widget property field.

        var propertyName = "custom_widget_id";

####a) agile_crm_get_contact()
Parameters: nil
Response: JSON Object

This function returns the object in the form of a JSON object. More details about the structure of contact object is provided at the bottom of this page.

        var jsonData = agile_crm_get_contact();

####b) agile_crm_get_contact_property(propertyName)
Parameters: propertyName
Response: String

This function returns the property associated with propertyName, if present, otherwise returns undefined.

          var propertyName = "first_name";
          var propertyValue = agile_crm_get_contact_property(propertyName);  // returns the first name of contact.

####c) agile_crm_get_contact_properties_list(propertyName)
Parameters: propertyName
Response: Array [JSON Object]

This function fetches all the value associated with propertyName in a array. If there's no property present, it will return an empty array.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var propertyValue = agile_crm_get_contact_properties_list(propertyName); // returns list of all emails associated to current contact.

####d) agile_crm_get_contact_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype)
Parameters: propertyName, subtype
Response: String

This will return the current contact property with key propertyName and possess a subtype of (subtype). If there's no result, it will return undefined object.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var subtype = "work";
          var result = agile_crm_get_contact_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype);

####e) agile_crm_save_contact_property(propertyName, subtype, value, type)
Parameters: propertyName, subtype, value, type
Response: nil

This function will save the property with all of its details.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var subtype = "work";
          var value = "[email protected]";
          var type = "SYSTEM";  // because email is system defined property.
          agile_crm_save_contact_property(propertyName, subtype, value, type);

####f) agile_crm_update_contact(propertyName, value)
Parameters: propertyName, value
Response: nil

This function is used to update current contact property and assign it the value value.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var value = "[email protected]";
          agile_crm_update_contact(propertyName, value);

####g) agile_crm_update_contact_properties(propertiesArray)
Parameters: propertiesArray
Response: nil

This function is used to update multiple properties with a single function call.

          var pref = [
                        {"name": "first_name", "value":"foo"}, 
                        {"name":"last_name", "value": "bar"},
                        {"name": "email", "value":"[email protected]", "type":"SYSTEM", "subtype":"home"}

####h) agile_crm_delete_contact_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype, value)
Parameters: propertyName, subtype, value
Response: nil

This function can be used to remove the property mentioned by the arguments.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var subtype = "work";
          var value = "[email protected]";
          agile_crm_delete_contact_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype, value);

Contact Structure

        "id": 4521191813414912,
        "type": "PERSON",
        "star_value": 0,
        "lead_score": 0,
        "klout_score": "",
        "tags": ["glod_plan"],
        "tagsWithTime": [{
            "tag": "glod_plan",
            "createdTime": 1502259152466,
            "availableCount": 0,
            "entity_type": "tag"
        "properties": [{
            "type": "CUSTOM",
            "name": "Date of Birth",
            "value": "599077800"
        }, {
            "type": "CUSTOM",
            "name": "level",
            "value": "Glod"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "first_name",
            "value": "Sid"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "last_name",
            "value": "Bravo"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "company",
            "value": "Agile CRM"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "title",
            "value": "Mr"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "email",
            "subtype": "",
            "value": "[email protected]"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "email",
            "subtype": "work",
            "value": "[email protected]"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "email",
            "subtype": "home",
            "value": "[email protected]"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "home",
            "value": "+19908164425"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "work",
            "value": "+18099128809"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "mobile",
            "value": "+18919198785"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "",
            "value": "+19030528764"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "",
            "value": "+19603784425"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "website",
            "subtype": "URL",
            "value": ""
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "website",
            "subtype": "",
            "value": ""
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "website",
            "subtype": "YOUTUBE",
            "value": ""
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "address",
            "subtype": "work",
            "value": "{\"zip\":\"415\",\"address\":\"1st block, cherry towers\",\"state\":\"Texas\",\"countryname\":\"United States\",\"country\":\"US\",\"city\":\"Dallas\"}"
        "contact_company_id": "4644337115725824"

####a) agile_crm_get_company()
Parameters: nil
Response: JSON Object

This function returns the object in the form of a JSON object. More details about the structure of company object is provided at the bottom of this page.

        var jsonData = agile_crm_get_company();

####b) agile_crm_get_company_property(propertyName)
Parameters: propertyName
Response: String

This function returns the property associated with propertyName, if present, otherwise returns undefined.

          var propertyName = "name";
          var propertyValue = agile_crm_get_company_property(propertyName);  // returns the first name of company.

####c) agile_crm_get_company_properties_list(propertyName)
Parameters: propertyName
Response: Array [JSON Object]

This function fetches all the value associated with propertyName in a array. If there's no property present, it will return an empty array.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var propertyValue = agile_crm_get_company_properties_list(propertyName); // returns list of all emails associated to current company.

####d) agile_crm_get_company_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype)
Parameters: propertyName, subtype
Response: String

This will return the current company property with key propertyName and possess a subtype of (subtype). If there's no result, it will return undefined object.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var subtype = "primary";
          var result = agile_crm_get_company_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype);

####e) agile_crm_save_company_property(propertyName, subtype, value, type)
Parameters: propertyName, subtype, value, type
Response: nil

This function will save the property with all of its details.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var subtype = "primary";
          var value = "[email protected]";
          var type = "SYSTEM";  // because email is system defined property.
          agile_crm_save_company_property(propertyName, subtype, value, type);

####f) agile_crm_update_company(propertyName, value)
Parameters: propertyName, value
Response: nil

This function is used to update current company property and assign it the value value.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var value = "[email protected]";
          agile_crm_update_company(propertyName, value);

####g) agile_crm_update_company_properties(propertiesArray)
Parameters: propertiesArray
Response: nil

This function is used to update multiple properties with a single function call.

          var pref = [
                        {"name": "name", "value":"foo"},
                        {"name": "email", "value":"[email protected]", "type":"SYSTEM", "subtype":"primary"}

####h) agile_crm_delete_company_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype, value)
Parameters: propertyName, subtype, value
Response: nil

This function can be used to remove the property mentioned by the arguments.

          var propertyName = "email";
          var subtype = "primary";
          var value = "[email protected]";
          agile_crm_delete_company_property_by_subtype(propertyName, subtype, value);

Company Structure

        "id": 4644337115725824,
        "type": "COMPANY",
        "star_value": 5,
        "lead_score": 150,
        "klout_score": "",
        "tags": ["glod_plan"],
        "tagsWithTime": [{
            "tag": "glod_plan",
            "createdTime": 1502262765637,
            "availableCount": 0,
            "entity_type": "tag"
        "properties": [{
            "type": "CUSTOM",
            "name": "Established Date",
            "value": "1293301800"
        }, {
            "type": "CUSTOM",
            "name": "Level",
            "value": "High"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "name",
            "value": "Agile CRM"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "url",
            "value": ""
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "email",
            "subtype": "primary",
            "value": "[email protected]"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "email",
            "subtype": "alternate",
            "value": "[email protected]"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "email",
            "subtype": "",
            "value": "[email protected]"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "primary",
            "value": "+1-800-980-0729"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "alternate",
            "value": "+44 14428 00729"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "other",
            "value": "+61 285990729"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "phone",
            "subtype": "",
            "value": "+91 9492227799"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "website",
            "subtype": "URL",
            "value": ""
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "website",
            "subtype": "TWITTER",
            "value": "agilecrm"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "address",
            "subtype": "work",
            "value": "{\"zip\":\"73301\",\"address\":\"white blocks, 7th avenu\",\"state\":\"Texas\",\"countryname\":\"United States\",\"country\":\"US\",\"city\":\"Dallas\"}"
        }, {
            "type": "SYSTEM",
            "name": "name_lower",
            "value": "agile crm"

widget-api-html's People


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widget-api-html's Issues

How can I get contact email?

How can I get information about contact?
I tried to get email address agile_crm_get_widget_property_from_contact("email"), but got undefined. Although I can see contact email address in the page.
What am I doing wrong?

Cannot read property 'set' of null

Am getting a Cannot read property 'set' of null error when clicking on the show/hide button and nothing seems to be happening. The loading text doesn't disappear.

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