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 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues

Toggle tooltip on mobile does not disappear

On mobile, the toggle tooltip appears after tapping the annotations toggle, and it doesn’t disappear. The only way I can figure out how to make it disappear is to press on the parsha picker.

More importantly, though, the tooltip isn’t even appropriate for mobile since I don’t have access to a keyboard anyway. So it shouldn’t even appear in the first place.

Add mobile support

On small screens (i.e. mobile devices), the lines are broken up poorly, and it's not possible to quickly jump to a specific parsha. Also, scrolling is awkward. Overall, it's a poor experience.

Documentation suggestion - describe the sources

Would suggest that you document your sources, especially the version of the torah text you're using.

Perhaps in a future version, implement varying texts although that might ruffle a few feathers. Nevertheless, there's actual variation of (kosher) torah scrolls out there, so you might as well say out loud which ones you're describing so that, the reader isn't thoroughly confused by variant spellings in e.g. Deuteronomy 23:2


Erroneous Aliyah indicator

There's an indicator that the shvi'i aliyah of Emor begins at Vayikra 24:23 instead of at 24:1 where I believe it belongs

RFE: Shortcut to jump to aliyah

Firstly, yashar kochacha and chazak u'baruch on this excellent app/website. It's by far the best online tikun I've come across. One enhancement request for the website I would ask for is to have a shortcut to jump to a specific aliyah once you've selected your parasha.

Is there a way to not print with and without vowels/trope

Hi. I'd like to print a reading from without vowels/trope but regardless of which view I see on the screen, it prints both view together. Can the printout match what is seen on the screen? Thank you. Attached is a .pdf version of what the printout looks like.


Also, would it be possible to keep the nice, large bold text as seen on the screen? The printed version is much smaller.

"HEBREW POINT QAMATS QATAN" has been force cast into an ordinary "HEBREW POINT QAMATS"

In - Genesis 1:21 - what should be a "HEBREW POINT QAMATS QATAN" under the letter KAF has apparently been force cast into an ordinary: "HEBREW POINT QATAN"

However on Sefaria it appears correctly as such:

Any native Hebrew speaker will know that Sefaria's version is correct.
The QAMATS QATAN is pronounced very differently than an ordinary QATAN.

While they look almost identical, the QAMATS QATAN has a slightly longer stem than the ordinary QAMATS. But it's an entirely different vowel and it's critical to distinguish between the two.

What is the source of the text?
I would not recommend using it.

Remember last visited page for next visit

When I finish using the app, and then come back, some time later (even a few days later), it would be nice if I started back where I last left off. Currently, I always see parshat Bereshit as the first thing on a new visit.

double ta'amim

See Yisro 20, 2.
It seems like there is a mix of ta'am ha'elyon / special ta'amim and normal ta'amim. If we could separate these, and have a toggle in the UI, that would be even better.

Show indicator for כתיב/קרי

Although the "Chumash side" correctly shows the קרי and the "Torah side" correctly shows the כתיב, it would be nice if the Chumash side had a visible indicator that this particular word is written differently.

Prior art

Some tikkunim show this as a circle indicator near the word, as in the word "שפכו" in the image below:


keywords for searching: ktiv, kri

Triennial System

Hi Akiva
First of all i wanna thank you for the great job you did. I just discovered it.
One feature I was looking for in every app and online text is the following.
On many conservative communities around the world we use to read the Torah according to a triennial system as described in this teshuva:
Basically, every parasha is divided in three parts and every year we read one third of them every week. The same third for every parasha in a whole cycle, then, we move to the following third. This allows us to be on the parasha corresponding to every week on the year. Although we just read one third publicly, we study every parasha as a whole, no matter which third we are reading.
According to the responsa, there is a "custom" alliot division that we share among all our shuls. The whole division is included on the document. Because this division is not included on the tikunim, every baal kore in almost every consevative kehilla needs the table and also the text has to have perek and pasuk numbers to know where each alyiah starts/ends.
It would be very useful to have that alya division included in the tikkun. As far as I understand by reading the files on the repository, I think it shouldn't be that hard to implement if we format the data correctly.
I can help you in anything you may need.

Thanks in advance!


Bookmark sections

Description: A frequent leiner may want to bookmark a couple locations, for easy switching and finding.

The implementation could include an array of locations kept in Local Storage. It would be similar to #39. For the design, something similar to this 👇 might work.

Show signs only for specific word

Hi, very good project! I used it last year for Esther and now I'm here again.

When I'm preparing for the Megilla, I have some words that are difficult for me, you know, I just need a "hint" to continue the reading (it can be דגש, or טעם, even not important one).

In my physical book, I'm writing those hints on the "left" size (the empty size... sorry, my vocabulary doesn't contain words from עולם הדתי 😉).

I was thinking about adding an option to click on a word to toggle the טעמים and ניקוד just for it, and remember this decision.

I have knowledge in Frontend development, but I remember this is not implemented in React or something, so maybe I will need some guides... Can you direct me on how to implement such an option (of course, if you accept my proposal...)?

Accommodation for double parshiot

I'd like to see navigation in the pasha listings for double parshiot. When clicking on those links the aliyah breaks should show the aliyah breaks for the double parsha assignment.

edit - Never mind the comment above. I see that you now have the double parsha aliyah break indicators showing when I look at the individual parshiot. Kol Hakavod. I'll leave this RFE in place so you can see that someone had this thought but don't spend any time on it as the current functionality suffices just fine

Incorrect Petucha in Emor

There is a petucha column break between the first and second aliyot of Emor that is incorrect. The pasuk beginning sheni reads:

יהוה אל משה לאמר

Thanks again for this wonderful site.

Possible error in text?

In this tikkun, Bereishit 19:20 has the word spelled "היא", however all other tikkunim and chumashim I've looked at (Artscroll Stone Chumash, Koren Tanakh Maalot, Sefaria, a tikkun korim published by מישור) have "הוא". I'm not sure if this is an error or just a different version, but I can't find anything else that has it written "היא".
2021-10-24 (008)

2021-10-24 (007)

Navigate to specific perek/pasuk

Navigation through a tikun is generally by parsha/aliya but sometimes you're given the sefer/perek/pasuk of a reading, especially for special maftirs and the like. It would be nice if had a navigational interface for sefer/perek/pasuk

Distinguish sh'va na from sh'va nach

Currently, there is no visual distinction between sh'va na and sh'va nach, each of which takes on a different pronunciation. As the general rules for determining which is which are too complex for the average reader, it would be nice if there was some visual distinction between them.

Prior art

Modern tikkunim tend to make the sh'va na bolder in order to differentiate them. I've also seen siddurim that use 'HEBREW POINT RAFE' (U+05BF)


  1. The source text that the app uses does not contain information that can be used to determine whether or not a sh'va should be nach or na.
  2. There is no Unicode symbol for sh'va na.

Possible solutions to challenges

As for the lack of information in the source text, some options are:

  1. manually mark each na as appropriate
  2. mark each na programmatically by using the rules – they are complex, and might have some exceptions, so I'm not sure how far that can go
  3. find a different source text

As for the lack of a Unicode symbol:

  1. wait for this proposal to be implemented into the Unicode standard
  2. use a different mark (like the Rafe mentioned above)
  3. do some trickery that puts a larger sh'va right behind the actual one to make it appear bigger. This seems very challenging.

Additional resources


keywords: sheva, שוא, נח, נע,

Redesign (officially v1)


Here is a mockup of the upcoming redesign:



The primary goal of this redesign is to help offer a true mobile experience. I felt that in order to do that, the UI needs to be as clean as possible, and it makes sense for it to be that way on the desktop experience as well.

To Do

These are the elements that implement this design:

  • An accessible parsha picker on mobile
  • Reasonable font-size on mobile
  • Removing the next/previous page buttons in favor of two-way infinite scrolling. This has always been a dream of mine in this app, but I was never able to get the scrolling in reverse to feel natural and not jittery. B"H, I have solved that with a crafty approach, so I'm excited to get this in. There is a potential performance issue when toggling the annotations if there are a ton of loaded pages in the DOM, but there are techniques to solve that, too.
  • Removing the "chrome" and keeping the UI really simple and clean


After implementing this design, here are some acceptable regressions, which I'd hope to tackle in the future:

  • The "current parsha" indicator, may not reflect the current visible position, but rather would reflect the last selection from the parsha picker
  • The last position will not be remembered from session to session, nor will the current state of the "show annotations" toggle.

Technical changes

Currently, the app is built on Polymer v1, which was fun, but it's quite out of date now. I'm not a big fan of frameworks, so I don't feel like upgrading to Polymer v3, nor use React. I'm currently building this using lit-html, which is pretty lightweight, but even then I think I want to just remove that and go vanilla JS. It's a pretty simple app that doesn't need all of this complication. I find myself fighting frameworks more than they end up benefiting me…


Thoughts about this redesign? I'm pretty deep into it at this point, but I'm always willing to hear feedback, so please feel free to share!

Missing words in פרשת בהעלותך

Right by the 6th aliyah, there are missing words on the קרי side next to the backward נון's (both the first one, י:לד, and the second one, י:לו )

screen shot 2018-05-23 at 8 48 29 pm
screen shot 2018-05-23 at 8 48 58 pm

Layout in Safari is messed up

Safari (v10.1) on macOS Sierra (10.12.4) started behaving weird out of the blue one day, without any changes in this codebase.

When showing the annotations (nikkud and trop), the lines are not justified (compare to Chrome):



When hiding the annotations, the lines appear justified, but the annotated text appears frozen behind it (compare to Chrome):



Both Chrome and Firefox behave correctly.

nikkud error in parshat bo

Hi, I think I've found an error in nikkud: In Shmot 10:28 (in the 3rd aliyah of parshat Bo), we should have "al-tosef" but in the chumash text it's now "el-tosef".


I compared with a couple other sources; all have "al-tosef".

Thanks and congrats on your work on this resource - it's pretty great!

Direct links to specific parsha/section

I recently embedded the (great - yasher koach!) tool to our website and what would be marvelous, is some kind of deep linking into the different parashot via an URL parameter/argument. Or is it already implemented and I wasn't able to figure this out?

[Feature Request] Use Shlomo Stam font instead of Shlomo semiStam when cantillation marks are hidden

The Shlomo Stam font is made to look like handwritten letters in the Torah. The Shlomo semiStam font currently used is a modified version with some of the letter decorations removed or shortened to make it work with nikkudot and trop markings. When cantillation marks are hidden, there is no need to use Shlomo semiStam, so it would look nicer to switch to the Shlomo Stam font with the full decorations.


Several letters of the Shlomo Stam font have tags above their heads. Several letters have stings above or below their heads. The Shlomo Stam font is therefore, essentially, not intended to be used with Cantillation Marks or vowels signs - as the tags and stings may obscure them. They are intended to be used, in what is called Tikoon Korim.

The shlomo semiStam font has similar glyphs like those of the Shlomo Stam font. But the tags were removed, the stings were shortened and some glyphs were modified - so cantillation marks can be used. To review all those remarks see the followings (from Exodus 20:4):


Incorrect טעמי מקרא

I've noticed a bunch of incorrect טאמי מקרא along the way, but I haven't marked them down. Let's try to keep a running list over here:

  • Shoftim (בראשית יח:יד)

The partial challenge here is that the text is generated from another source, so I'd rather ask that source to update it rather than edit our own copy.

keywords for searching: trope, ta'amei mikrah, cantillation

Distinguish between kamatz and kamatz-katan

Similar to issue #43, there is a pronunciation difference between kamatz and kamatz-katan, but the app does not currently show any visual difference to help the reader distinguish those.

Prior art

Most tikkunim show the kamatz-katan as an elongated looking kamatz. There is already a unicode symbol for this (U+05C7), so it seems like the obvious choice.


The source text does not differentiate between the two. Possible solutions include:

  1. manually fix the existing ones
  2. see if there is a set of rules that define when it should be a kamatz-katan and apply the rules to programmatically make the change
  3. find a different source text

keywords: qamatz, קמץ קטן

שביעי aliyah is squashed by מפטיר

In a couple of parshiyot (e.g. עקב, נצבים), the 7th aliyah and the maftir start at the same location, but it only shows "מפטיר", instead of both, as seen in this screenshot:


RFE: Display Column Numbers

Would it be difficult to display the column number at the bottom of a column? This is helpful at times in providing a general idea of how long a parsha is.


I would absolutely love to see all of Na"ch! I haven't found a tikkun for Na"ch other than the haftaros and megillos.

Allow highlighting of text to mark areas to focus preparation

Hi Akiva,
I just keep using this wonderful site and I came up up with an idea. Is it possible to give us the option of making accounts and we can highlight words that we keep getting wrong with different colors? I think this would facilitate our memorization much better and would be a great feature to have on this excellent site.

Layout Bug: Incorrect Setuma at beginning of Vayigash

There issupposed to be a setumah from the end of Miketz into the beginning of Vayigash. But the web site currently shows the end of Miketz rolling right into the first two words Vayigash followed by a petucha.

Words missing on k'tiv when it should be split words

When a single k'ri word is separated in the k'tiv as multiple words, the second word does not appear on the Chumash side. Examples include (Genesis 30:11) בגד => בא גד and (Deut. 33:2) אשדת => אש דת. Currently the second word is completely missing from the Chumash side, as seen here:

screen shot 2018-10-29 at 12 43 11 pm

Layout issue for the sons in Esther

perhaps related to #6,

Parshandatha, at the very least needs better word-spacing.

Ideally, the sons column ought to be the same width as the other columns.

currently shows:

but ought to be more like:


I love this website. It’s so beautiful and elegant. However there is no correct print feature. Can you please give us the option to print it out in this format? When I hit print, the text changes it’s font. Thank you

Add smooth-scroll

Useful when scrolling via keyboard (directional keys, page up/down, etc.). Without getting too deep into browser support, this is as simple as a couple lines of css:

html {
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

Chapter numbers are missing when a new chapter starts

I can tell when a new chapter starts because the verse indicator shows "א", but it doesn't say which chapter it is.

One possible solution is to show it like this, "יז:א" indicating 17:1 (i.e. chapter 17, verse 1).

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