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bitburner-scripts's Issues

Error In Targeting Loop

Hello - relatively newbie here, recently downloaded the full repository on a clean install and am giving it a shot in BN8.1 (Ghost of Wall Street).

After launching daemon.js either with or without arguments, I shortly get the warning:

"daemon.js: WARNING: Caught an error in the targeting loop: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')"

This error pops continuously every 20 seconds or so, and it's not clear to me if it's a serious issue or even what it's trying to tell me. Since 8.1 restricts all profit except from stock trading, I'm wondering if it's an issue with not buying or using player servers or hacknet nodes?

stockmanager.js appears to be functioning normally - no issues there

Any idea what I might be doing wrong to cause this error? I have not purchase or delete any servers on this bitnode - certainly not while the script was running.


Couple of warnings (might not affect anything)


just a couple of warnings that keep popping up, I just wanted to let you know

daemon.js: WARNING: Caught an error in the targeting loop: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'ramAvailable')

Warning, hack stole 0 money. Might be a misfire. ["omega-net",1640838358728,1640838423852,65124,"Batch 12-hack",0,0,0]

Sleeves only do crime

More of a question than a real issue.

Why is the other sleeves except 0 set to only do crime?
I read the bug mention on the PR but that would only happen if the sleeves are doing multi work.

Is there also a problem if the sleeves do the same activity the sleeve 0 is doing?

Subfolders prevents daemon from starting


When using subfolders, I'm unable to start daemon


Failed to resolve module specifier "./helpers.js". Invalid relative url or base scheme isn't hierarchical.
TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "./helpers.js". Invalid relative url or base scheme isn't hierarchical.

Looks like relative url is valid, I coudn't find any more information how to fix this


  1. set in git-pull.js:
    ['subfolder', '/alain']
  2. run /alain/daemon.js

More info:

Scripts downloaded to correct directory, and they are there
I've also tried to run it by

cd alain  
run daemon.js

alas to no avail

Changes to SF4

In the most recent Steam update Source File 4 behavior has changed from giving access to more Singularity functions per level to reducing RAM cost of Singularity functions per level. Trying to find what impact this has on the scripts, but I'm currently in SF4 where I would have access to all Singularity functions anyway. Will update if I find more.

I've just realized this is being discussed in another issue, so feel free to close this, but I'm still looking into what this impacts.

Git-pull fails with --subfolder

git-pull with --subfolder fails to download contents in any folders. So /remote /temp etc.

This is similar to #23 but slightly different

Church of the Machine God not considered for NeuroFlux Governor

Cannot purchase any NeuroFlux Governor because the next level requires 1.426k reputation, but the best faction (Bladeburners) has insufficient rep (485.476).
SUGGESTION: Do some work for faction Church of the Machine God to qickly earn rep for NeuroFlux Governor since it has the most favor (324.0366).

do ns.getFactionRep("Church of the Machine God")
/Temp/terminal-command.js: 5227971.642437208

I have over 5 million rep with the Church, but faction-manager.js won't use the available augmentation that's waiting right there, waiting instead for any other faction to become available, even choosing to donate rather than taking the free route.

Also I'm now noticing that there's a typo above, and the U is missing from qUickly earn rep.

Features: Reworked Hash spending

As I get into new mechanics and find more and more value from the hash options, I'm starting to see a few avenues for better automation.

  1. Ability for one instance to spend on multiple options, grabbing the non-money options ASAP, and thus naturally sorting purchases by cost while saving RAM
  2. The money option only waits for us to be near capacity if there are other purchase options enabled and we're above a money threshold.
  3. Make the arrays for enabled purchase options into global variables, and rework the script start and args so that we can run new instances that just enable purchase options for an existing instance before self-terminating. This then allows any Corporation or Bladeburner scripts we add in the future to tack on their respective boosts as soon as they're relevant.
  4. Intelligent server-boosting. If we take the formula for hack level, apply all the multipliers, and scale XP based on RAM, we can take the derivative and solve where it equals some threshold. This will give us a decent estimate of which servers will be accessible before the level plateaus too hard, and we can of course update once the player passes that point. With a reasonable set of targets laid out, we can reduce min security on the strongest one and increase max money on the biggest one that hasn't exceeded 10T (where the diminishing returns kick in).

Gang issues

Still very new to javascript
When I try to run Gangs.js I get'/Temp/gang-augs.txt') somehow returned undefined or an empty string
I've looked all through gangs.js and into the temp file created there are no issues that i can figure out i don't know if its me or just an actual error just wanted to give a heads up

work-for-faction.js getting an incorrect reputation earn per second value

Great work here, I appreciate you making your work public because although I could probably write (some of) the scripts myself, I'm in a place in life where I don't want to invest that kind of time in a programming game anymore but still tremendously enjoy watching Bitburner do it's thing and tinkering with your scripts ;)

Having said that, one thing that bugs me is the display of the reputation per second in the work-for-faction.js logs. For me, the number is way off most of the time and on occasional updates jumps back to the real value that Bitburner shows in the actual work window. Obviously the calculation of the remaining time is off as well.


In the screenshot you can see that the value changes and is off from the Bitburner value. If you calculate the diff between the actual reputation and divide it by the seconds that have passed according to the log timestamp, you can see that the valus is off as well.

Now the funny thing is that I cannot figure out where the wrong value comes from. I don't think there's a mistake in your code and I've even traced back the factor "5" to the Bitburner source representing "CYCLES_PER_SEC = 1000 / CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle". But for some reason the Player object seems to return a wrong value from within the game as opposed to from within Bitburner. This does never happen however when I use a standalone script to peridically print out the workRepGainRate.

Can this be some sort or race condition between you starting the job, Bitburner updating its values and you printing them out too fast? Just for fun I just inserted an "await ns.asleep(1000)" before the message is printed and it indeed seems to fix the issue for me.

Or maybe you have a better idea to fix this?

/Remote/<script>.js cannot be run because it does not have a main function.

I'm keeping this here as a placeholder for any who come here intending to report it.


This is a bug with the game (bitburner) itself. There's an open issue in the bitburner backlog: danielyxie/bitburner#1714

It happens because there is a race condition in the game code that will cause calls to ns.scp (or write) to not leave the file in a ready state for a short while after it's first copied / written. As such, when we first copy a script to a new remote server and try to run it, the run might fail that first time, but then work a subsequent time.

Stockmaster doesn't keep up with available cash

While running on bn2 to get the 25t to get the last augment, I notice that around 3t of stock it doesn't seem to keep up with the available cash IE at the moment it looks like:
Money | $23.582t |  
Stock | $3.418t

faction-manager.js Bladeburner logic

faction-manager.js should go for all stats not only if in BN 6 or BN 7. Instead it should go for all stats, if the player chose to join Bladburner faction.

Makes some challenges more convenient.

playerData.bitNodeN == 6 || playerData.bitNodeN == 7 ? ['_'] : // If doing bladeburners, combat augs matter too, so just get everything
should be
playerData.inBladeburner ? ['_'] : // If doing bladeburners, combat augs matter too, so just get everything

Fake Issue

I accidentally marked a PR #31 as "Fix #31", so I'm just stealing that issue number and closing it to avoid future confusion.


I'm doing BN8.1, I'm finding that each run when I get to where via your script the ability to purchase SQLInject.exe is doable, it purchases that leaving me without enough money to continue buy stocks, thus leaving me at a stalling point. For now I have disabled the programManager.js and just create them myself (why not farm a small bit of Int exp). Wonder about creating an additional "check" for buying programs to have it wait longer than normal so we don't run out of money to play the market. It's basically leaving me with around 10-20m and doesn't buy any more stocks.

Also noticed the Stock amount on the char overview, stays showing an amount even after all are sold, not sure if that's intended.

Contracts Bug

Error message is
/Tasks/run-with-delay.js: Failed to spawn "/Tasks/contractor.js.solver.js" with args: [{[List of available contracts as arguments]}] (bad file name or insufficient RAM?)

Seems as though daemon is sending the wrong arguments to run-with-delay.js and it's trying to run contractor.js.solver.js instead of just contractor.js

"weak-target.js cannot be run because it does not have a main function"

Periodically, as well as several times on daemon first startup, the following message (or similar) will appear

Args: ["syscore", 1640036309008, 1640036865632, 556624, "Batch 20-weak1", 0, 0]

/Remote/weak-target.js cannot be run because it does not have a main function.

Stock Scripts Broken After Update

Non Functioning Version: 1.6.0

Snippet Causing Issue
await runCommand(ns,ns.disableLog('sleep'); ns.tail(); let lastRead = '';
while (true) {
let read ='${summaryFile}');
if (lastRead != read) ns.print(lastRead = read);
await ns.sleep(1000);
}, summaryTailScript); }
See lines 382 - 396 of stockmaster.js. May be occurring elsewhere also.

Version 1.6.0 on Steam caught in infinite wait/restart loop. Game reports "Did you forget a Sleep(x)?" and wants to restart

Hacket upgrade not running as configured in daemon

I realized that hacknet-upgrade-manager.js isn't being executed as intended by daemon.js

In daemon.js we have this configuration, but in the logs it just calling the 8h one as show in the picture.

// Buy every hacknet upgrade with up to 4h payoff if it is less than 10% of our current money or 8h if it is less than 1% of our current money
        { interval: 32000, name: "hacknet-upgrade-manager.js", shouldRun: shouldUpgradeHacknet, args: () => ["-c", "--max-payoff-time", "4h", "--max-spend", ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home") * 0.1] },
        { interval: 33000, name: "hacknet-upgrade-manager.js", shouldRun: shouldUpgradeHacknet, args: () => ["-c", "--max-payoff-time", "8h", "--max-spend", ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home") * 0.01] },


Also, how can I set it to be very agressive regarding hacknet upgrades?
I tried to set it to 30m and 0.5 of my money but still not buying upgrades

Missing Solver

Version: 1.6.4
Git Pull: fbb99c17
Platform: Steam

[home ~/]> run daemon.js
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 2 and args: [].
/Tasks/contractor.js.solver.js: WARNING: No solver available for contract type "Array Jumping Game II"
Full info: {"contract":"contract-261858.cct","hostname":"nwo","type":"Array Jumping Game II","data":[1,2,0,1,5,2,4,2,3,2,4]})
[home ~/]> 

Request to suppress errors/warnings about missing SF functionality

Is possible to run you script and make it ignore the fact that I dont have bitnodes and source files?
When I run daemon.js I get a lot of errors popping.

I made the files list to download on the first time git-pull.js is called to download all the files from the repo
Tried to get the file automatically inside the game but I dont think is possible right now.


couple of minor errors popping up, nothing big

Hi again,

So I see these 2 errors only once when I run the daemon script, probably nothing big but I just wanted to let you know

Args: ["n00dles", 1640755371142, 1640755422787, 51645, "Batch 1-weak2", 0, 0]
/Remote/weak-target.js cannot be run because it does not have a main function.

This appears randomly in the middle of the script run, doesn't stop anything but just pops up for some reason

2.) The file "/Temp/stock-probabilities.txt" is missing or empty. (Is stockmaster.js running?)

Just a warning from the stock script again, only shows up once when I start the script

Focus Swap Bug with faction/company work (with fix)

Hello again,

The recent issue of focus switching can be fixed by an additional parameter that wasn't documented correctly.

workForFaction: function (name: any, type: any, focus: boolean = true): any {

workForCompany: function (companyName: any, focus: boolean = true): any {

This means on work-for-factions.js lines 486, 521, and 649, if you pass ${shouldFocusAtWork} to those commands as a 2nd/3rd argument, it won't swap focus away from what you're already doing as appropriate to the setting. I'd PR this but I figure it's a small change, just say if you'd prefer I do that.


unknown or unexpected option --utilization-trigger on ram-manager.js

With the latest version of the script I keep getting the following error:


The script in question really does not have the mentioned flag, only the budget and reserve.

I have tried a reload, but the problem persists between runs, is there any quick fix I can apply? I noticed the call to this script has changed on the last commit.

ps(...).some is not a function

Hi, I just tried to start using your scripts after pulling from github but when I put "run daemon.js" in my terminal I get this:


ps(...).some is not a function
TypeError: ps(...).some is not a function
at whichServerIsRunning (daemon.js:289:46)
at tryRunTool (daemon.js:330:27)
at runStartupScripts (daemon.js:299:39)
at Module.main (daemon.js:272:49)

I'm not sure if there's something wrong in daemon.js or if I'm doing something wrong but it seems like it doesn't like the ps() function for whatever reason.

number formatting does not respect bitburner settings

I have set the number formatting in bitburner to "DE". This results in numbers like '75.000' instead of '75 000'. As some of the numbers seem to be printed in your scripts with the standard methods, and some of them not, I see lines like this:

Doing 'hacking' work for "Tian Di Hui" until 75.000 rep. Currently at 37.394, earning 1.506 rep/sec. (ETA: 6h 56m 13s)

I would expect something like

Doing 'hacking' work for "Tian Di Hui" until 75.000k rep. Currently at 37.394k, earning 1.506 rep/sec. (ETA: 6h 56m 13s)
                                                   ^                         ^

as this is how bitburner is formatting numbers.

sleeve.js - Sleeve physical training fails if the sleeve has been moved manually out of Sector-12

I had stopped sleeve.js and moved my sleeve manually to Volhaven to study at ZB to boost my main study rate and then didn't move it back before resuming sleeve.js and letting the game idle for a bit while it helped out with faction work. Came back to find that the sleeve had installed some augments and was trying to do initial physical training, but was throwing errors that it couldn't start physical training.

My guess is that it was falling because it was looking for Powerhouse Gym in the wrong city. Probably needs to check if it should travel first.


Lines 153 to 163 in f507018

// Train if our sleeve's physical stats aren't where we want them
if (canTrain) {
let untrainedStats = trainStats.filter(stat => sleeve[stat] < options[`train-to-${stat}`]);
if (untrainedStats.length > 0) {
if ( < 5E6 && !promptedForTrainingBudget)
await promptForTrainingBudget(ns); // If we've never checked, see if we can train into debt.
var trainStat = untrainedStats.reduce((min, s) => sleeve[s] < sleeve[min] ? s : min, untrainedStats[0]);
return [`train ${trainStat}`, `ns.sleeve.setToGymWorkout(${i}, 'Powerhouse Gym', '${trainStat}')`,
/* */ `training ${trainStat}... ${sleeve[trainStat]}/${(options[`train-to-${trainStat}`])}`];

Focus is being forced even with Neuroreceptor Management Implant

Even after purchasing Neuroreceptor Management Implant the work-for-factions scripts keeps focusing on the faction reputation work that is being worked on.

I tried to uncomment the lines:
487 -> //if (await getNsDataThroughFile(ns, ns.workForFaction('${factionName}', '${factionWork}') === true); ns.setFocus(${shouldFocusAtWork}, '/Temp/work-for-faction.txt'))
522 - > //if (!await getNsDataThroughFile(ns, ns.workForFaction('${factionName}', '${work}') === true); ns.setFocus(${shouldFocusAtWork}, '/Temp/work-for-faction.txt'))
650 -> //if (await getNsDataThroughFile(ns, ns.workForCompany('${companyName}')); ns.setFocus(${shouldFocusAtWork}, '/Temp/work-for-company.txt')) {

It doesn't focus on the task but it keeps refreshing and sending me to terminal screen.
Am I missing something to make this work?

Overview bug

Hi. I started running this collection of scripts a few days ago. After a while (not sure how long, haven't timed), the Overview display gets messed up with extra spacing around Money and Stocks and a random extra underlined area next to Agi.

Killing daemon.js and running it again temporarily fixes the overview but the formatting problems come back after a while.

I'm very new to JS and not sure how to help track down and fix this.

Feature: Add Unit Test for utilities

Example: bitburner-scripts/helpers.js

export function formatMoney(num, maxSignificantFigures = 6, maxDecimalPlaces = 3) {
    let numberShort = formatNumberShort(num, maxSignificantFigures, maxDecimalPlaces);
    return num >= 0 ? "$" + numberShort : numberShort.replace("-", "-$");

We may use jest to test functions to increase the stability of the system.

keep on getting error for stock scripts


I just downloaded the latest version of your scripts and they work really well, but I keep on getting an error whenever I start daemon.js that says:

stats.js: FAIL: (0 retries remaining):'/Temp/stock-symbols.txt') somehow returned undefined or an empty string

which I think is also how I get a warning stating that stockmaster.js needs to be running for the stock probabilities file to be working.

I was just wondering if I may need to unlock something involving the stock in order for it to work or if it's something wrong with the coding itself.


can't run daemon.js on 8gb home (starting server)

It's probably not been a requirement here, but I would like to run the script with a brand new save. I can probably run some sub-scripts until i get enough to upgrade ram, but for OCD reasons I would like it to run from the start, on it's own.

Below is the output...

[home ~/]> free
Total:     8.00GB
Used:      0.00GB (0.00%)
Available: 8.00GB

[home ~/]> run daemon.js 
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 3 and args: [].
daemon.js: FAIL: (0 retries remaining): Run command returned no pid. Destination: /Temp/owned-source-files.txt.js Command: let result = ""; try { result = JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(ns.getOwnedSourceFiles().map(sf => [sf.n, sf.lvl]))); } catch { }
        if ("/Temp/owned-source-files.txt") != result) await ns.write("/Temp/owned-source-files.txt", result, 'w')
Ensure you have sufficient free RAM to run this temporary script.

I'm trying to understand what's happening to take the RAM.

I can see the file...

nano /Temp/owned-source-files.txt.js

import { formatMoney, formatNumberShort, formatDuration, parseShortNumber, scanAllServers } from "helpers.js"
export async function main(ns) { try { let result = ""; try { result = JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(ns.getOwnedSourceFiles().map(sf => [sf.n, sf.lvl]))); } catch { }
        if ("/Temp/owned-source-files.txt") != result) await ns.write("/Temp/owned-source-files.txt", result, 'w'); } catch(err) { ns.tprint(String(err)); throw(err); } }

From this I understand that ns.getOwnedSourceFiles() has a 5GB RAM cost.

I can see that daemon.js has a 5.5GB RAM cost, by doing this:

[home ~/]> run daemon.js --tail
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 5 and args: [].
[home ~/]> free
Total:     8.00GB
Used:      5.50GB (68.75%)
Available: 2.50GB

-- Random Question -- Is there a better way to see the RAM cost of a script?

This means daemon.js would have to cost 3GB RAM or less in order to execute on the starter 8GB machine.

Has this been tried already? Do you have any thoughts/advice?

host manager checks GB vs MB resulting in incorrect home/network vs buy comparisons

Lines such as (maxRamPossibleToBuy < ns.getServerMaxRam("home") * homeThreshold) compare returns in GB for ns.purchaseServer() vs return in MB from e.g. ns.getServerMaxRam("home").
This means the server you want to purchase is being compared to 1024x higher thresholds etc.

I have 32GB ram on home and I can buy 4TB servers.




This is likely an issue with the game, still as of 1.6.0 (getServerMaxRam() is supposed to return GB according to the manual), but host manager doesn't work correctly as it is right now. A simple temp fix is multiplying buy values during comparison by 1024 or dividing thresholds by the same.


Dont know if its an issue on my end or not. Have everything bought and shorting gets instantly disabled in 2 seconds upon launching.

Bladeburner Activities 'undefined'


I'm currently in BN6 and found out that work-for-factions.js has a problem with Bladeburners:

The last "Bladeburners" aug is only 62.500 rep, not worth grinding 459.796 rep to unlock donations.

Faction "Bladeburners" Highest Aug Req: 62.500, Current Favor (5.1686/150) Req: 459.796

Doing 'undefined' work for "Bladeburners" until 62.500 rep. Currently at 0, earning 0.000 rep/sec. (ETA: Infinityh)

Missing Temp Files

When running several scripts such as work-for-factions (via daemon), they crash with an error like

FAIL: (0 retries remaining):'/Temp/-462713546-data.txt') somehow returned undefined or an empty string

multiple issues

welp here we go.

most of the scripts either run out of order or dont do their jobs.

multiple script are pulling ".txt" files that either dont exist or are always empty

if there is someone i missing here any help would be appreciated'/Temp/======.txt') somehow returned undefined or an empty string
is a prime example of the .txt files that im having issues with.

daemon.js: WARNING: Caught an error in the targeting loop: |DELIMITER|home|DELIMITER|daemon.js|DELIMITER|fileExists: Invalid hostname or IP: pserv<br><br>Stack:<br>daemon.js:L105@doesFileExist<br>daemon.js:L1433@isFlaggedForDeletion

Very nice work in this repo! Even works for a beginner if you disable several scripts (maybe make a -newbie flag? :D) Here is another warning related to server upgrades that happens often after deletion until all process are actually killed. Maybe actively kill them from the daemon?:
remove-worst-server.js: Deleted pserv which had only 16384 GB of RAM. 24 servers remain.
daemon.js: WARNING: Caught an error in the targeting loop: |DELIMITER|home|DELIMITER|daemon.js|DELIMITER|fileExists: Invalid hostname or IP: pserv


Originally posted by @BasTijs in #14 (comment)

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