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typeit's Introduction


The Most Versatile JavaScript Animated Typing Utility on the Planet

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TypeIt is the most versatile JavaScript typewriter effect utility on the planet. With its simple yet flexible configuration, you're empowerd to type single or multiple strings that break lines, delete & replace each other, easily handle string containing HTML, loop, and a whole lot more.

For more advanced, controlled typing effects, TypeIt comes with companion functions that can be chained to control your typing down to a single character or millisecond, enabling you to type an dynamic narrative, with complete reign over speed changes, line breaks, deletions, and pauses.

Key Features

  • Offers a beautiful, fluent API for chaining commands in order to fine-tune an effect.
  • Choose to start typing only when your target element becomes visible on the screen.
  • Loop your string(s) continuously.
  • Define strings programmatically or directly in the HTML (a useful fallback in case user doesn't have JavaScript enabled, as well as for SEO).
  • Handle HTML (even nested tags!) with ease, preserving all of its attributes (classes, ids, etc.).
  • Offered as an ES module for modern bundlers, or a UMD library for loading via a traditional <script> tags.

License Options

Using TypeIt for an open source or personal project is completely free is licensed under GPLv3. To use it in a commercial project, however, a paid license is required. Learn more about them here:


See some more examples and try out the sandbox at


All of TypeIt's documentation can be found at

Included Packages

  • typeit - The original, vanilla JavaScript library.
  • typeit-react - A simple React package wrapping the vanilla library.


Please do! Check out the file to see how to get started.

Know of a Neat Site Using TypeIt?

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Need Help?

If you're working with a custom implementation of TypeIt and would like some help, I'm available for hire. Get in touch!

typeit's People


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typeit's Issues

Trigger start with a click or link?

Is it possible to trigger the animation to start by clicking a link? I have a second page that I want to reveal by clicking a menu option, but when I click it the animation has already taken place. So I'm wondering if I can trigger it to start when the link is clicked?

Heres a basic version - JSFiddle

Callback execution at the end of loop

I have some code:

'use strict';

var words = ["developer", "designer", "problem solver", "hard worker", "nice guy&#33;"];
var index = 0;

$("#about h3").typeIt({
strings: "I&rsquo;m Geoff and I&rsquo;m a " + words[index],
startDelay: 1500,
speed: 100,
loop: true,
autoStart: false,
callback: function() {

I'm trying to write a sentence that has a different word in it each time it's written. The problem is that the callback function doesn't execute if the loop option is set to true, so it just re-writes the same sentence over and over. I've tested it and it seems that when the loop option is set to false the callback works fine.

Is there a better way of achieving this effect?

target html tag needs to be "inline" or error

This may not be exactly an issue, not sure.

I was getting an error: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined(…) on loading the page with the simples typeIt examples.

It seems the problem was my target html tag was written as such

<div class="target">

instead of as such, which DOES work:

<div class="target"></div>

Is this expected behaviour for some reason? it kept me entertained and baffled for a while


append text (globally)?

how do i append text for all/one string?

[text] typed text
[text] typed text
[text] typed text
[text] typed text
typed text
typed text

Randomise Strings

I'm trying to make it to display the strings randomly. Would love to know if this is something possible to do 😄

Remove letter


It's possible to remove letters with the same effect when writing?

We love lorem ipsum (write all sentence)
We love (remove "lorem ipsum")
We love foo bar (write "foo bar")

Thanks and keep up the excellent work

Font size jumps on ios

Hi when i have the following and once its deleted the font size jumps.

here is my code

<span class="t1"><span class="text t1">Lorem ipsum</span></span> <br> <br> <span class="t2"><span class="text-1 t2">Lorem ipsum</span></span>

$('.text').typeIt({ cursor: false, speed: 400, lifeLike: true, autoStart: false, startDelete: true }) .tiSettings({speed: 300}) .tiType('I am typing slowly,') .tiSettings({speed: 100}) .tiType('but now I am typing pretty fasst') .tiSettings({speed: 300}) .tiDelete(2) .tiType('t!');

$('.text-1').typeIt({ cursor: false, speed: 400, lifeLike: true, autoStart: false, startDelete: true }) .tiSettings({speed: 100}) .tiType('I am typing slowly,') .tiSettings({speed: 100}) .tiType('but now I am typing pretty fasst') .tiSettings({speed: 300}) .tiDelete(2) .tiType('t!');

Styling Companion Options?

Is there anyway to CSS or HTML style a string when you use the .tiType() function? The project I'm working on is nearly all text and animation and I need to find a way to style individual words in a string.

I can style the whole sentence with the <h1> tag but a need it to be down to the word really.

So for example, in this snippet, I need the "(C) & (P)" and "version 1.0" a smaller font than the other words, so it would look like this as HTML:

<h1>PEUR - EXPLORER <span style="font-size: small;">(C) & (P)</span> \ <span style="font-size:small;">version 1.0</span><h1>

Heres the current code:

<h1 id="title"></h1>

$('#title').typeIt({ speed: 25, autoStart: false, cursor: true }) .tiType('PEUR - EXPLORER (C) & (P) \ version 1.0')

Trigger function like tiType, tiDelete ... from outside

It's possible to chain several typing function to one narrative:

.tiType('I type some text pretty fasst')

It would be great to have the functions available as public methods, to manipulate a typed text later on, e.g. like this:

	$('.write-more').click(function() {
		$('.type-it').typeIt().tiDelete(1).tiType(' and I do not like to stop.');


	$('.write-more').click(function() {
		$('.type-it').trigger('tiType', ' and I do not like to stop.');

Or is this already possible and I have not got the trick?

Callback function not triggered

I am so sorry to throw a trouble, but that's what I got.

I was using the TypeIt in version 3.0.0, and I found that the callback function was never triggered. (The loop option already set as false.)

Tested browser:

  • Firefox 43.0.4
  • Chrome 48.0
  • Safari 9.0.3

on OS X Yosemite(Macbook Air).

With both the *.min.js and *.js tested.

I was wondering why. Thank you.

if text includes <p><p> it doubles the tag as <p><p></p></p>

Asking typeIt to write a text which includes the tag <p></p> (only one level) results in the tag being doubled as : <p>text<p></p></p>

This can be reproduced with even the simplest example:

      strings:'<p>this and that</p>'

If the cursor is visible, it goes down one extra line, which looks weird.


I have the impression that <p> is acting a bit like <br> which kind of makes sense, but I do not follow the logic about what happens and how to avoid it, and the documentation is not very explicit about this.


Feature: Keep chars from previous string

It would be nice to have a feature that would work in conjunction with breakLines: false where the script would only delete the last chars that are different from the previous string.


    strings: ['I am a Jedi', 'I am Obi wan Kenobi'],
    breakLines: false,
    keepChars: true //suggested setting

Would first output "I am a Jedi" then delete only "a Jedi" then type "Obi wan Kenobi"

Ability to pause/stop the current animation and resume/restart it

It would be great if there was a way to stop (or better yet pause) the current animation.

I would like to pause/stop an animation when it is out of view and ideally resume/restart when it comes back into view. Currently, I can restart it by just resetting up TypeIt on the element again, but I don't have any way to stop the animation. And better than stop/restart would be a way to pause/resume, so that when it comes back in view it picks up where it left off.

When using <h1>,<h2>, etc. tags weird padding problems occur

Hi Alex,
I'm just starting out with web dev, so I'll try my best to explain!
When I use the h1, h2, etc. tags, it creates some weird padding problems. It would create unnecessary padding when there is a new line. The cursor also starts out at the beginning of the next line, not at the end of the current line that is being typed out.
This is what it would do:
typeit problem

This is the code:

			var firstLine = "<h1>Hi, I'm <strong>John Tran</strong></h1>";
			var secondLine = "<h2>Developer | Engineer | h@ck3r</h2>";
				strings: [firstLine, secondLine]

I went around this by deleting the tags and using css to change the font size. It works perfectly now. is the website that I'm working on with this.
I haven't tried using other tags like p1, but once I got the css working, so I didn't really bother.
Even though I went around this, I just wanted to bring this problem up! Thank you!

Interrupting a typeIt call with another typeIt call: double callback ?

(Probably NOT an issue, but a difference between expected and actual behaviour)

I am using typeit to write text that when clicked, asks typeIt to write another text.

All texts are written in the same div. So when text1 is clicked, text2 overwrites it.

BUT, if text1 is clicked BEFORE it has been typed completely, AND there is a callback, it seems to be executed, WHILE text2 is being typed.

The expected behaviour would be that launching a 2nd typeIt call would completely stop a 1st typeIt call, including the callback.

I guess this is not really what is happening.

Would there be a way to completely abort a typeIt call, to be sure this does not happen?


Clarification on software license

The package.json file mentions "General Public License", though it's not obvious to me which license this is. Is this a reference to the GNU General Public License? If so, what version? The NPM docs recommend using the SPDX license identifier to make this more clear for the user.

Ability turn off blinking cursor on completion or on .tiSettings() call

First off -- excellent plugin!

It would be great if there was a way to turn off the blinking cursor either upon completion (maybe after a slight delay) or programmatically via .tiSettings().

The blinking cursor is quite expensive (uses a lot of cpu) and while it looks great during the text animation, it is largely just wasting resources at the end.

Another option would be to allow an api or something to actually destroy the tracking on the element (but leaving the contents as is). That way once things are complete, there are no resources dedicated to them.


cannot type in different language

when i use a different language to type in, the special charecters are breaking up. however when the delete happens, the chars seem to be proper.

here is an example for testing " ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್ ಪರಿಕರಗಳನ್ನು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ "
to reproduce: paste this is the example window with "loop" - true

fadeTo is not a function

Hey, i keep getting this error, but cant figure out what its complaining about:
typeit.js:368 Uncaught TypeError: t.el.find(...).fadeTo is not a function

im storing my string in my html file and following the steps.

all i have in my .js file is:

thanks in advance!

callback fires on start not end

It seems as if the callback is firing not when the typing ends but right when it starts, I am using it as such:

var theStrings = [  [ 'string one', 'string two' ]  ]

function cb(){

      callback: cb()

I also tried the callback "inline" as:

callback: console.log("callback!")

to no avail


.tiDelete() not working

hi Alex,

there is one problem with .tiDelete():

i wrote this code:
.tiType('dort wo es zählt')

and .tiDelete is not working in this case. its just fade to the next .tiType without the delete effect.

please help :)


breakDelay not working as expected

I'm using the breakDelay property set to 4000 (or 4 seconds), yet the deleting just continues on without any delay. Quite confused as to why this is.

        strings: ['hi', 'hello', 'bonjour'],
        cursor: false,
        loop: true,
        deleteSpeed: 200,
        speed: 200,
        lifeLike: true,
        breakDelay: 4000,
        breakLines: false

Other details

jQuery version: 3.1.0
Browser: Chrome 52.0.2743.116
Platform: Macbook


Any way you could get typeit on a CDN? Just about to install it on of my sites now.

Great job and thanks in advance,


What about loop?

Thanks for the awesome lightweight plugin. It would be best if there is a option for looping string.

Break delay

.. insn't working for me. Any idea to solve this?

<a></a> doesn't work with ""

Hey Alex,

typeit doesn't work when I try to do a link with double quotations. For example,
<a href="link">blah</a> stops it from working. However, if I use single quotations, it works fine.

Async loading without require.js

I am expecting this library to bind jQuery instance on runtime. Because at the time i actually requests it - it present already. I am referencing jQuery with async, and this library with async defer attributes.

And sometimes, depending on connection conditions, because this library smaller, it got loaded first, and execution aborts. Not jQuery is present.

I am unable to get this usable without bulky requirejs. Outdated readme suggests use blocking mode (sic!).

Use travis

Add a simple build step on travis to show the people that the package has no errors.

unable to access documentation

screen shot 2016-09-20 at 9 23 57 am

You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.

On Mobile device text typing speed become very slow

On Mobile device text typing speed become very slow. First three events working fine. On 4th event works normal speed for first some characters. Later it takes nearly 2 seconds for each character. We tested this on android and iPhone. Both having same issue.

To reproduce the issue, add typing events to multiple element with some distance. First scroll top to bottom. You can see first some events will work normal. But others not. Now refresh page and scroll bottom to top, most of the events will not work with normal speed.

How to loop among only a few particular strings?

Basically, I want to type " I am a _____" and cycle through words to fill in the blank afterwords, deleting just the last word and retyping it.

Here is what I currently have:

.tiType('I am a ')

I want to keep the "I am a" part and only continuously cycle (loop) through the words that fill in the blank. Is there a way to do this? Thank you.


Using it with webpack2

webpack2 config is below.

const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports = {
    context: path.resolve(__dirname, './'),
    entry: {
        app: ['./public/js/main.jsx']
    output: {
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, './public/js/'),
        filename: 'main.js'
    plugins: [
        new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({debug: true}),
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({jQuery: 'jquery', $: 'jquery', jquery: 'jquery'})
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: require.resolve("typeit"),
                loaders: ['imports-loader?jQuery=jquery,this=>window'],
                exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/
            }, {
                test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
                use: ['babel-loader'],
                exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
                // use: ['react-hot-loader','babel-loader']


This is how I am including. I also tried import.


This combination doesn't work. I

cursor: false option not working

My code totally works fine, but when I apply the cursor: false option, it doesn't seems to work. (Even the sting disappears)

        strings: 'HelloWorld',
        speed: 100,
        autoStart: false,
        loop: false,
       //cursor: false

Using version: 4.4.0

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