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creds3's Introduction

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This is a rip-off of a perfect Credstash package where the S3 location is used instead of the DynamoDB table. See FAQ to find out why this was done.

All kudos go to the original author of Credstash.

Quick Installation

  1. (Linux only) Install dependencies
  2. pip install creds3
  3. Set up a key called creds3 in KMS (found in the IAM console)
  4. Make sure you have AWS creds in a place that boto/botocore can read them
  5. creds3 setup

Linux install-time dependencies

Cred3 recently makes use of cryptography. cryptography uses pre-built binary wheels on OSX and Windows, but does not on Linux. That means that you need to install some dependencies if you want to run creds3 on linux.

For Debian and Ubuntu, the following command will ensure that the required dependencies are installed:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

For Fedora and RHEL-derivatives, the following command will ensure that the required dependencies are installed:

$ sudo yum install gcc libffi-devel python-devel openssl-devel

In either case, once you've installed the dependencies, you can do pip install creds3 as usual.

See this for more information

What is this?

Software systems often need access to some shared credential. For example, your web application needs access to a database password, or an API key for some third party service.

Some organizations build complete credential-management systems, but for most of us, managing these credentials is usually an afterthought. In the best case, people use systems like ansible-vault, which does a pretty good job, but leads to other management issues (like where/how to store the master key). A lot of credential management schemes amount to just SCP'ing a secrets file out to the fleet, or in the worst case, burning secrets into the SCM (do a github search on password).

CredS3 is a very simple, easy to use credential management and distribution system that uses AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for key wrapping and master-key storage, and S3 for credential storage and sharing.

How does it work?

After you complete the steps in the Setup section, you will have an encryption key in KMS (in this README, we will refer to that key as the master key), and a credential storage in an S3 bucket location.

If you do not specify an S3 bucket location via the -l option to setup command, the bucket that will be created by default will have the name of credential-store-AWSACCOUNTID where the AWSACCOUNTID is the AWS account ID under which the bucket is created.

Stashing Secrets

Whenever you want to store/share a credential, such as a database password, you simply run creds3 put [credential-name] [credential-value]. For example, creds3 put supersecretpassword1234. creds3 will go to the KMS and generate a unique data encryption key, which itself is encrypted by the master key (this is called key wrapping). creds3 will use the data encryption key to encrypt the credential value. It will then store the encrypted credential, along with the wrapped (encrypted) data encryption key in the credential store in an S3 location.

The key and its value is stored in the specified S3 bucket location under the following structure:

                        ├── [credential 1 name]
                        ...                  ├── [version number 1]
                                             ├── [version number 2]

Getting Secrets

When you want to fetch the credential, for example as part of the bootstrap process on your web-server, you simply do creds3 get [credential-name]. For example, export DB_PASSWORD=$(creds3 get When you run get, creds3 will go and fetch the encrypted credential and the wrapped encryption key from the credential store (S3). It will then send the wrapped encryption key to KMS, where it is decrypted with the master key. creds3 then uses the decrypted data encryption key to decrypt the credential. The credential is printed to stdout, so you can use it in scripts or assign it to environment variables.

Controlling and Auditing Secrets

Optionally, you can include any number of Encryption Context key value pairs to associate with the credential. The exact set of encryption context key value pairs that were associated with the credential when it was put in S3 must be provided in the get request to successfully decrypt the credential. These encryption context key value pairs are useful to provide auditing context to the encryption and decryption operations in your CloudTrail logs. They are also useful for constraining access to a given creds3 stored credential by using KMS Key Policy conditions and KMS Grant conditions. Doing so allows you to, for example, make sure that your database servers and web-servers can read the web-server DB user password but your database servers can not read your web-servers TLS/SSL certificate's private key. A put request with encryption context would look like

creds3 put supersecretpassword1234 app.tier=db \

In order for your web-servers to read that same credential they would execute a get call like

export DB_PASSWORD=$(creds3 get environment=prod app.tier=db)

Versioning Secrets

Credentials stored in the credential-store are versioned and immutable. That is, if you put a credential called foo with a version of 1 and a value of bar, then foo version 1 will always have a value of bar, and there is no way in creds3 to change its value (although you could go fiddle with the bits in the version file in S3 bucket, but you shouldn't do that). Credential rotation is handed through versions. Suppose you do creds3 put foo bar, and then decide later to rotate foo, you can put version 2 of foo by doing creds3 put -v 2 foo baz. The next time you do creds3 get foo, it will return baz. You can get specific credential versions as well (with the -v <version> flag). You can fetch a list of all credentials in the credential-store and their versions with the list command.

If you use incrementing integer version numbers (for example, [1, 2, 3, ...]), then you can use the -a flag with the put command to automatically increment the version number.


creds3 uses the following AWS services:

  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS) - for master key management and key wrapping
  • AWS Identity and Access Management - for access control
  • Amazon S3 - for credential storage



  1. Set up a key called creds3 in KMS
  2. Install creds3's python dependencies (or just use pip)
  3. Make sure you have AWS creds in a place that boto/botocore can read them
  4. Run creds3 setup

Setting up KMS

creds3 will not currently set up your KMS master key. To create a KMS master key,

  1. Go to the AWS console
  2. Go to the IAM console/tab
  3. Click "Encryption Keys" in the left
  4. Click "Create Key". For alias, put "creds3". If you want to use a different name, be sure to pass it to creds3 with the -k flag
  5. Decide what IAM principals you want to be able to manage the key
  6. On the "Key Usage Permissions" screen, pick the IAM users/roles that will be using creds3 (you can change your mind later)
  7. Done!

Setting up creds3

The easiest thing to do is to just run pip install creds3. That will download and install creds3 and its dependencies (boto and PyCypto).

The second easiest thing to do is to do python install in the creds3 directory.

The python dependencies for creds3 are in the requirements.txt file. You can install them with pip install -r requirements.txt.

In all cases, you will need a C compiler for building PyCrypto (you can install gcc by doing apt-get install gcc or yum install gcc).

You will need to have AWS credentials accessible to boto/botocore. The easiest thing to do is to run creds3 on an EC2 instance with an IAM role. Alternatively, you can put AWS credentials in the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. Or, you can put them in a file as described here.

You can specify the region in which creds3 should operate by using the -r flag, or by setting the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable. Note that the command line flag takes precedence over the environment variable. If you set neither, then creds3 will operate against us-east-1.

Once credentials are in place, run creds3 setup. This will create the S3 bucket needed for credential storage.

Working with multiple AWS accounts (profiles)

If you need to work with multiple AWS accounts, an easy thing to do is to set up multiple profiles in your ~/.aws/credentials file. For example,

aws_access_key_id = AKIDEXAMPLEASDFASDF
aws_secret_access_key = SKIDEXAMPLE2103429812039423
aws_access_key_id= AKIDEXAMPLEASDFASDF
aws_secret_access_key= SKIDEXAMPLE2103429812039423

Then, by setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable to the name of the profile, (dev or prod, in this case), you can point creds3 at the appropriate account.

See this document for more information.


Running `creds3 --help will produce this ind of helpful screen:

usage: creds3 [-h] [-r REGION] [-l LOCATION] {delete,get,getall,list,put,setup} ...

A credential/secret storage system

    usage: creds3 delete [-h] [-r REGION] [-l LOCATION] credential

    positional arguments:
    credential  the name of the credential to delete

    usage: creds3 get [-h] [-r REGION] [-l LOCATION] [-k KEY] [-n] [-v VERSION]
                        credential [context [context ...]]

    positional arguments:
    credential            the name of the credential to get. Using the wildcard
                            character '*' will search for credentials that match
                            the pattern
    context               encryption context key/value pairs associated with the
                            credential in the form of "key=value"

    optional arguments:
    -n, --noline          Don't append newline to returned value (useful in
                            scripts or with binary files)
    -v VERSION, --version VERSION
                            Get a specific version of the credential (defaults to
                            the latest version).

    usage: creds3 getall [-h] [-r REGION] [-l LOCATION] [-v VERSION] [-f {json,yaml,csv}]
                            [context [context ...]]

    positional arguments:
    context               encryption context key/value pairs associated with the
                            credential in the form of "key=value"

    optional arguments:
    -v VERSION, --version VERSION
                            Get a specific version of the credential (defaults to
                            the latest version).
    -f {json,yaml,csv}, --format {json,yaml,csv}
                            Output format. json(default), yaml or csv.

    usage: creds3 list [-h] [-r REGION] [-l LOCATION]

usage: creds3 put [-h] [-k KEY] [-v VERSION] [-a]
                    credential value [context [context ...]]

positional arguments:
credential            the name of the credential to store
value                 the value of the credential to store or, if beginning
                        with the "@" character, the filename of the file
                        containing the value
context               encryption context key/value pairs associated with the
                        credential in the form of "key=value"

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY     the KMS key-id of the master key to use. See the
                        README for more information. Defaults to
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
                        Put a specific version of the credential (update the
                        credential; defaults to version `1`).
-a, --autoversion     Automatically increment the version of the credential
                        to be stored. This option causes the `-v` flag to be
                        ignored. (This option will fail if the currently
                        stored version is not numeric.)

    usage: creds3 setup [-h] [-r REGION] [-l LOCATION]

optional arguments:
-r REGION, --region REGION
                        the AWS region in which to operate. If a region is not
                        specified, creds3 will use the value of the
                        AWS_DEFAULT_REGION env variable, or if that is not
                        set, us-east-1
-l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        S3 location to use for credential storage
-n ARN, --arn ARN     AWS IAM ARN for AssumeRole

IAM Policies

Secret Writer

You can put or write secrets to creds3 by either using KMS Key Grants, KMS Key Policies, or IAM Policies. If you are using IAM Policies, the following IAM permissions are the minimum required to be able to put or write secrets:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:AWSACCOUNTID:key/KEY-GUID"
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3::::credential-store-AWSACCOUNTID"

If you are using Key Policies or Grants, then the kms:GenerateDataKey is not required in the policy for the IAM user/group/role. Replace AWSACCOUNTID with the account ID for your bucket, and replace the KEY-GUID with the identifier for your KMS key (which you can find in the KMS console).

Secret Reader

You can read secrets from creds3 with the get or getall actions by either using KMS Key Grants, KMS Key Policies, or IAM Policies. If you are using IAM Policies, the following IAM permissions are the minimum required to be able to get or read secrets:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:AWSACCOUNTID:key/KEY-GUID"
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::credential-store-AWSACCOUNTID"
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::credential-store-AWSACCOUNTID/*"

If you are using Key Policies or Grants, then the kms:Decrypt is not required in the policy for the IAM user/group/role. Replace AWSACCOUNTID with the account ID for your bucket name, and replace the KEY-GUID with the identifier for your KMS key (which you can find in the KMS console).

Setup Permissions

In order to run creds3 setup, you will also need to be able to perform the following operations:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"

Security Notes

Any IAM principal who can get items from the credential store S3 bucket, and can call KMS.Decrypt, can read stored credentials.

The target deployment-story for creds3 is an EC2 instance running with an IAM role that has permissions to read the credential store and use the master key. Since IAM role credentials are vended by the instance metadata service, by default, any user on the system can fetch creds and use them to retrieve credentials. That means that by default, the instance boundary is the security boundary for this system. If you are worried about unauthorized users on your instance, you should take steps to secure access to the Instance Metadata Service (for example, use iptables to block connections to except for privileged users). Also, because creds3 is written in python, if an attacker can dump the memory of the creds3 process, they may be able to recover credentials. This is a known issue, but again, in the target deployment case, the security boundary is assumed to be the instance boundary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Where is the master key stored?

The master key is stored in AWS Key Management Service (KMS), where it is stored in secure HSM-backed storage. The Master Key never leaves the KMS service.

2. How is credential rotation handled?

Every credential in the store has a version number. Whenever you want to a credential to a new value, you have to do a put with a new credential version. For example, if you have foo version 1 in the database, then to update foo, you can put version 2. You can either specify the version manually (i.e. creds3 put foo bar -v 2), or you can use the -a flag, which will attempt to autoincrement the version number (for example, creds3 put foo baz -a). Whenever you do a get operation, creds3 will fetch the most recent (highest version) version of that credential. So, to do credential rotation, simply put a new version of the credential, and clients fetching the credential will get the new version.

3. How much do the AWS services needed to run creds3 cost?

tl;dr: If you are using less than 25 reads/hour and 2 writes per hour on S3 bucket today, it will cost ~$1/month to use creds3.

The master key in KMS costs $1 per month.

If you are using creds3 heavily reads/writes, you may incur additional charges and might consider switching to using Credstash instead which employs DynamoDB as a credential storage with much more generous allowances for reads and writes.

You can estimate your bill using the S3 AWS Simple Monthly Calculator.

4. Why S3 for the credential store? Why not DynamoDB?

While DDB fits the application really well, there might be places where one is forced to use S3 for storing the secrets (the word 'enterprise' come to mind).

This package is a total rip-off of the excellent Credstash tool where the DynamoDB storage is replaced by S3 to serve that particular use case.

5. Where can I learn more about use cases and context for something like creds3?

Check out this blog post from the Credstash author

creds3's People



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