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aliyun-oss-ios-sdk's Issues


OSSCredentialProvider credentialProvider = new OSSFederationCredentialProvider() {
public OSSFederationToken getFederationToken() {
return getToken();

Can't get a federation token
Encounter local execpiton: Can't get a federation token
Can't get a federation token


Unable to satisfy the following requirements:

  • AliyunOSSiOS (~> 2.6.0) required by Podfile

None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: AliyunOSSiOS (~> 2.6.0).

You have either:

  • out-of-date source repos which you can update with pod repo update.
  • mistyped the name or version.
  • not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.

Note: as of CocoaPods 1.0, pod repo update does not happen on pod install by default.

resumableUploadFile 上传小文件取消后无法再次恢复

小文件, 只有一个分块, 如果取消了, 之后重试时, 一直是错误的. 原因如下:

小文件重试时, 查询到的OSSListPartsResult格式并不是普通的格式
Printing description of result->_parts:
ETag = ""0654ECA0DA09B0B95BC32B73072B002D"";
LastModified = "2015-10-22T06:31:39.000Z";
PartNumber = 1;
Size = 166328;

此时调用以下代码会一直失败 , 因为这个Dic的key全对应不上, 所以之后一直无法再成功了.

             [ enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
                NSDictionary * dict = obj;
                uploadedLength += [[dict objectForKey:OSSSizeXMLTOKEN] longLongValue];

望解决. 谢谢.

同一 client 进行多次不同的 HEAD 请求,会遗失部分调用回调

0.如题,根据文档方法,使用 HEAD 方法判断文件是否存在:

1.client 生成方法

+ (OSSClient *)clientWithEndPoint:(NSString *)endPoint {
    static NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, OSSClient *> *clients;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        clients = [NSMutableDictionary new];
    OSSClient *client = clients[endPoint];
    if (client == nil) {
        OSSClientConfiguration *conf = [OSSClientConfiguration new];
        conf.maxRetryCount = 2;
        conf.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 30;
        conf.timeoutIntervalForResource = 24 * 60 * 60;

        client = [[OSSClient alloc] initWithEndpoint:endPoint credentialProvider:self.stsCredential clientConfiguration:conf];
        [clients setObject:client forKey:endPoint];

    return client;

2.访问控制的方式是 FederationToken

static id<OSSCredentialProvider> stsCredential;
static dispatch_semaphore_t stsRequestSemaphore;
+ (id<OSSCredentialProvider>)stsCredential {
    if (stsCredential == nil) {
        static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
        dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
            stsRequestSemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
            stsCredential = [[OSSFederationCredentialProvider alloc] initWithFederationTokenGetter:^OSSFederationToken *{
                WBAlicloudTokenRequestModel *requestModel = [WBAlicloudTokenRequestModel new];
                DKDataManager *dataManager = [DKDataManager new];
                OSSFederationToken *resultToken = [OSSFederationToken new];
                [dataManager requestWithRequestModel:requestModel completedBlock:^(DKResponseModel *responseModel, NSError *error) {
                    if (error == nil) {
                        WBAlicloudTokenResponseModel *response = (WBAlicloudTokenResponseModel *)responseModel;
                        resultToken.tAccessKey = response.AccessKeyId;
                        resultToken.tSecretKey = response.AccessKeySecret;
                        resultToken.tToken = response.SecurityToken;
                        resultToken.expirationTimeInGMTFormat = response.Expiration;
                dispatch_semaphore_wait(stsRequestSemaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
                return resultToken;

    return stsCredential;

3.连续做 20 次 HEAD 方法

NSLog(@"FLAG 1");
[headTask continueWithBlock:^id(OSSTask *task) {
    NSLog(@"FLAG 2");
    NSLog(@"%@", task.error);
    return nil;

会发现 FLAG 1 打印次数有很大概率比 FLAG 2 多。



iOS 7 ResumableuploadFile 死锁


        uploadPart.uploadPartData = [handle readDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)readLength];
        BFTask * uploadPartTask = [self uploadPart:uploadPart];
        [uploadPartTask waitUntilFinished];

经发现, 只要执行uploadPart有异常, 都会死锁在这里. 多个OSSClient实例也是一样的. 我觉得, 无论发生何异常, 都不应该死锁在这里. 这个异常, 在iOS 7上面可以重现




使用resumableUploadFile 创建一个client上传文件, 取消上传并且释放这个client. 再次上传并且创建一个client. 报以下的warning,

A background URLSession with identifier com.aliyun.oss.backgroundsession already exists!


            BFTask * uploadPartTask = [self uploadPart:uploadPart];
        [uploadPartTask waitUntilFinished];

如果你们的client要设计成单例的, 要在文档中说明.


NSString * constrainURL = nil;
OSSTask * task = [client presignConstrainURLWithBucketName:bucketName withObjectKey:objectKey withExpirationInterval: 30 * 60];
if (!task.error) {
    constrainURL = task.result;
} else {
    NSLog(@"error: %@", task.error);
return constrainURL;

Warning: A long-running operation is being executed on the main thread.
Break on warnBlockingOperationOnMainThread() to debug.


OSS上传图片时怎么使用Background Transfer Service?


    OSSClientConfiguration *conf = [OSSClientConfiguration new];
    conf.enableBackgroundTransmitService = YES;

    _backgroundTransferClient = [[OSSClient alloc] initWithEndpoint:endpoint credentialProvider:credential clientConfiguration:conf];


    - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:(NSString *)identifier completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler

        [[[EZOAliyunOSSManager sharedInstance] backgroundTransferClient] setBackgroundSessionCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
        NSLog(@"completionHandler called");



    OSSClient *client = [[EZOAliyunOSSManager sharedInstance] backgroundTransferClient];
    BFTask * putTask = [client putObject:put];


bitcode bundle could not be generated

bitcode bundle could not be generated because '/ios/AliyunOSSiOS.framework/AliyunOSSiOS(OSSTaskCompletionSource.o)' was built without full bitcode. All object files and libraries for bitcode must be generated from Xcode Archive or Install build for architecture arm64 我按照网上提供的在Other C Flags 添加-fembed-bitcode 也没能解决


Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_res_9_getservers", referenced from:
-[OSSIPv6Adapter getDNSServersIpStack] in AliyunOSSiOS(OSSIPv6Adapter.o)
"_res_9_ninit", referenced from:
-[OSSIPv6Adapter getDNSServersIpStack] in AliyunOSSiOS(OSSIPv6Adapter.o)
"_res_9_ndestroy", referenced from:
-[OSSIPv6Adapter getDNSServersIpStack] in AliyunOSSiOS(OSSIPv6Adapter.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

上传成功时, 取消任务, 无法再继续上传文件, 需要重新上传

使用resumableUploadFile函数 上传文件. 然后一直狂切换暂停和继续上传, 在上传成功后, uploadId应该是被删除了, 但是回调的值如下:
2015-10-23 17:03:35.514 KeyShare[12205:481048] 阿里云断点续传上传文件进度 1.000000
2015-10-23 17:03:35.515 KeyShare[12205:481048] 阿里云断点续传结束上传文件 task<BFTask: 0x7fbbf4026ae0; completed = YES; cancelled = YES; faulted = NO; result:(null)>, uploadId:33648A455FC34103ADF55430AF084C19

可以看到其实这时已经是上传成功了, 但是用户点击了暂停上传, 导致返回的是canceled, 但是下次用这个uploadId, 是无法查询到上传的分块的(已经上传成功了). 所以又会重新上传.

看一下这个怎么解决. 的 endpoint 有误

少了 @""


NSString *endpoint = "";


NSString *endpoint = @"";


Build settings from command line:
SDKROOT = iphoneos10.2
SYMROOT = ./build

xcodebuild: error: The project named "AliyunOSSiOS" does not contain a scheme named "AliyunOSSiOS". The "-list" option can be used to find the names of the schemes in the project.
Build settings from command line:
SDKROOT = iphonesimulator10.2
SYMROOT = ./build

xcodebuild: error: The project named "AliyunOSSiOS" does not contain a scheme named "AliyunOSSiOS". The "-list" option can be used to find the names of the schemes in the project.
cp: ./build/Release-iphoneos/AliyunOSSiOS.framework: No such file or directory
fatal error: /Applications/ can't open input file: ./build/Release-iphoneos/AliyunOSSiOS.framework/AliyunOSSiOS (No such file or directory)
rm: ./build: No such file or directory



id<OSSCredentialProvider> credential = [[OSSFederationCredentialProvider alloc] initWithFederationTokenGetter:^OSSFederationToken * {
        NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString:AliyunOSSSTSSetUpURL];
        NSURLRequest * request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
        OSSTaskCompletionSource * tcs = [OSSTaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource];
        NSURLSession * session = [NSURLSession sharedSession];
        NSURLSessionTask * sessionTask = [session dataTaskWithRequest:request
                                                    completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
                                                        if (error) {
                                                            [tcs setError:error];
                                                        [tcs setResult:data];
        [sessionTask resume];
        [tcs.task waitUntilFinished];
        if (tcs.task.error) {
            NSLog(@"get token error: %@", tcs.task.error);
            return nil;
        } else {
            NSDictionary * object = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:tcs.task.result
            OSSFederationToken * token = [OSSFederationToken new];
            token.tAccessKey = [object objectForKey:@"accessKeyId"];
            token.tSecretKey = [object objectForKey:@"accessKeySecret"];
            token.tToken = [object objectForKey:@"securityToken"];
            token.expirationTimeInGMTFormat = [object objectForKey:@"expiration"];
            NSLog(@"get token: %@", token);
            return token;

    OSSClientConfiguration * conf = [OSSClientConfiguration new];
    conf.maxRetryCount = 2;
    conf.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 30;
    conf.timeoutIntervalForResource = 24 * 60 * 60;

    self.client = [[OSSClient alloc] initWithEndpoint:endPoint credentialProvider:credential clientConfiguration:conf];

Start resolved network to see if in IPv6-Only env
[-[OSSIPv6Adapter isIPv6OnlyNetwork]]: Not IPv6-Only network now
[-[OSSIPv6Adapter appDidBecomeActiveFunc]]: App become active, refresh IPv6-Only status.

批量上传的问题 批量上传


OSSCustomSignerCredentialProvider 自签模式的疑问

OSS开发者你好,我现在在客户端将相关参数(请求方法、文件路径、MD5)提交给业务服务器,服务器会生成并返回对应的时间以及相应的 Signature,但是目前的 SDK 自签模式似乎没有提供接口修改请求的时间?请问是否有计划提供这种接口?
如果不提供这种接口,用户的手机时间不正确会导致无法使用 OSS 服务啊。


开始上传照片时断开网络连接进入飞行模式,- (OSSTask *)continueWithBlock:(OSSContinuationBlock)block 方法block永久不会回调,页面上的loading弹窗无法消失。

IOS 2.0.2 上传文件问题?

上传文件 回调中 没有 文件在云端的 URL 嘛??


但是我看到 开启log日志后,你们打印出好多次文件云端的URL

你们的OSS 在设计上就是要用户 在上传成功的 回调中 自己拼接URL
而不是你们返回 这个URL ,对吗?

Warning: A long-running operation is being executed on the main thread. Break on warnBlockingOperationOnMainThread() to debug.

  1. 根据demo、测试用例和文档上的方法运行waitUntilFinished都会长期阻塞主线程
    Warning: A long-running operation is being executed on the main thread. Break on warnBlockingOperationOnMainThread() to debug.
        OSSTask * initTask = [client multipartUploadInit:init];
        [initTask waitUntilFinished];
  1. 我想问一下,要实现断点续传,是不是只按照文档这部分,是没办法实现的,还需要通过分片上传,这部分代码只是用在分片上传暂停之后,继续续传
__block NSString * uploadId = nil;
OSSInitMultipartUploadRequest * init = [OSSInitMultipartUploadRequest new];
init.bucketName = <bucketName>;
init.objectKey = <objectKey>;
// 以下可选字段的含义参考:
// append.contentType = @"";
// append.contentMd5 = @"";
// append.contentEncoding = @"";
// append.contentDisposition = @"";
// init.objectMeta = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"value1", @"x-oss-meta-name1", nil];
// 先获取到用来标识整个上传事件的UploadId
OSSTask * task = [client multipartUploadInit:init];
[[task continueWithBlock:^id(OSSTask *task) {
    if (!task.error) {
        OSSInitMultipartUploadResult * result = task.result;
        uploadId = result.uploadId;
    } else {
        NSLog(@"init uploadid failed, error: %@", task.error);
    return nil;
}] waitUntilFinished];
// 获得UploadId进行上传,如果任务失败并且可以续传,利用同一个UploadId可以上传同一文件到同一个OSS上的存储对象
OSSResumableUploadRequest * resumableUpload = [OSSResumableUploadRequest new];
resumableUpload.bucketName = <bucketName>;
resumableUpload.objectKey = <objectKey>;
resumableUpload.uploadId = uploadId;
resumableUpload.partSize = 1024 * 1024;
resumableUpload.uploadProgress = ^(int64_t bytesSent, int64_t totalByteSent, int64_t totalBytesExpectedToSend) {
    NSLog(@"%lld, %lld, %lld", bytesSent, totalByteSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend);
resumableUpload.uploadingFileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:<your file path>];
OSSTask * resumeTask = [client resumableUpload:resumableUpload];
[resumeTask continueWithBlock:^id(OSSTask *task) {
    if (task.error) {
        NSLog(@"error: %@", task.error);
        if ([task.error.domain isEqualToString:OSSClientErrorDomain] && task.error.code == OSSClientErrorCodeCannotResumeUpload) {
            // 该任务无法续传,需要获取新的uploadId重新上传
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Upload file success");
    return nil;
// [resumeTask waitUntilFinished];
// [resumableUpload cancel];


STS Token鉴权什么时候可以开始用?

AK/SK鉴权效率非常低下, 我测试MultipartUploadRequest上传时(resumableUploadFile这个函数), 发现每一次progress回调, 都会向服务器请求一次签名. 这样效率非常低, 而且我们服务器压力也非常大. 能不能优化SDK.

目前STS Token这种方式还用不了是吧?


duplicate symbol kBFMultipleErrorsError in:
duplicate symbol warnBlockingOperationOnMainThread in:
ld: 2 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64


我试了好多值都没用:abc@!abc, !abc



以下在resumableUploadFile的回调是错的, 有的task可能被取消了,

 if (task.error) {
    onComplete(NO, task.error);
} else {
    onComplete(YES, nil);

不能仅仅通过task.error去判断是否上传成功, 正确的判断应该是:

completed = YES; cancelled = NO; faulted = NO

麻烦你们修复一下. 谢谢.



`#pragma mark - Execution

  • (void)execute:(void(^)())block {


uploadId 应该由外部来管理

目前uploadId是由resumableUploadFile这个函数通过UserDefault来管理的. 看似没什么问题, 其实导致了两个严重的问题:

  1. 外部无法控制应该继续上传还是重新上传. 虽然有判断文件的修改时间, 但是文件的修改时间这个属性是可以修改的. 这导致了一个隐性的Bug.
  2. 如果一个文件上传了一部分, 被删除了, 导致了userDefault的泄露.

经过我的测试, 我测试了1000多个上传, 后面发现, userDefault里面有大量的recordKey, 虽然只占用了用户少量的空间, 但是积少成多, 而且永久不可删除.

虽然我没有给出更好的设计方法. 我目前的实现是这样的. 可能还有更好的设计方法, 希望你们改进.

 *  @param resumableUploadId 如果传入nil, 不会继续上传, 如果传入与上次未成功相同的值, 将会继续           上次未完成的上传
 - (OSSTaskHandler *)uploadFileResumable:(NSString *)filePath
                        resumableId:(NSString *)resumableUploadId
                    withContentType:(NSString *)contentType
                     withObjectMeta:(NSDictionary *)meta
                       toBucketName:(NSString *)bucketName
                        toObjectKey:(NSString *)objectKey
                        onCompleted:(void(^)(BFTask *task,NSString *resumableUploadId))onCompleted
                         onProgress:(void(^)(float progress))onProgress;

NSOperation 多次快速调用[request cancel] 无法取消

实现一个NSOperation, 在Operation里面上传文件, 运行一个CFRunLoopRun() (使用RunLoop等待上传完成, 同时接收外面的暂停事件). 如果此时接收到外部的取消事件, 则立即调用 [request cancel] 和CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent()) 结束这个NSOperation. 如果外部希望重新开始上传, 则创建一个新的OPeration上传同一个文件. 如此切换, 前面1,2次能成功, 后面不能成功, 发现一直在上传. 我必须等待continueWithBlock事件之后再结束RunLooper才不会发生这样的情况. 虽然我找到绕过的方法了, 但是希望你们解决一下.

一个按钮: 一个暂停状态, 一个继续状态, 继续时把operation添加进运行. 暂停时调用cancel和stopRunLoop.
一个OperationQueue, 同时只有一个Opeation运行, 上传同一个文件, 使用putObject方法.

这个按钮去监听任务上传的状态, 如果正在上传, 显示暂停, 停止上传, 显示继续.

然后一直点, 迅速点,多次点这个按钮, 如果cancel时同时stop了RunLoop, 就会无法停止上传文件. 要等你们的取消的结束的Block回调再Stop runloop, 才能正常运作.

如果不能解决这个Bug, 希望其他人开发时能看到这个坑,我的工程里面是必现的.

resumableUploadFile recordKey的Bug


   [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@-%@-%@", bucketName, objectKey, filePath, lastModified];

其中filePath这一句是有Bug的. filePath在iOS里面是有沙盒机制的,前面的路径每次运行都是随机的, 不能去记录一个完整的路径, 会有Bug.



上面的路径中, 只有/Documents/jaxusData/userData/5617a1218a2f2d2c0c054925/publishAsset/image/66E6027E-ABDE-431B-A3FF-15251502CF3E-2015-10-22这个是固定的.


以上为模拟器的测试结果, 每次运行都会变化.




检查了networking.m文件,可能问题发生在:调用cancel时,如果sessionTask还未建立,则不执行任何动作。考虑到,sessionTask建立前,获取sts token可能存在网络交互,导致较长耗时,这个过程中cancel的概率是有一定概率的,不能忽略这种情况。



现在用的是最新版的SDK 9月22日更新的版本
电脑系统10.11 Xcode 7.0
BFTask *putTask = [_client putObject:putObjectRequest];
[putTask continueWithBlock:^id(BFTask *task) {
DebugLog(@"\n--------------------Task Completed------------------");
return nil;
之后,OSS SDK会无限制调用OSSGetFederationTokenBlock来获取token,最后崩溃。
screen shot 2015-09-30 at 11 49 54 pm

  • (void)initClient {
    // 获取签名方法
    // @weakify(self);
    id credentialProvider = [[OSSFederationCredentialProvider alloc] initWithFederationTokenGetter:^OSSFederationToken *{
    // @strongify(self);
    BFTaskCompletionSource *tcs = [BFTaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource];

    ICFetchOSSAccessKeyRequest *fetchOSSTokenRequest = [ICFetchOSSAccessKeyRequest request];
    [fetchOSSTokenRequest startWithCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(ICBaseRequest *request) {
        DebugLog(@"\n阿里云上传token: %@", request.decryptedResponseString);
        JSONModelError *error = nil;
        CQOSSAccessInfoModel *model = [[CQOSSAccessInfoModel alloc] initWithString:request.decryptedResponseString usingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
        if (!error && model && [model operationSuccess]) {
            self.lastUpdateTimeStamp = [ICUtility currentTimeStamp];
            [tcs setResult:model];
        }else {
            [tcs setError:error];
                                                       failure:^(ICBaseRequest *request) {
                                                           [tcs setError:[NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.icangqu.cangqu" code:100 userInfo:@{@"reason": @"request fail"}]];
    [tcs.task waitUntilFinished];
    if (tcs.task.error) {
        DebugLog(@"\nempty federation token");
        return nil;
    }else {
        CQOSSAccessInfoModel *model = (CQOSSAccessInfoModel *)tcs.task.result;
        OSSFederationToken *federationToken = [[OSSFederationToken alloc] init];
        federationToken.tAccessKey = model.accessKeyId;
        federationToken.tSecretKey = model.accessKeySecret;
        federationToken.tToken = model.securityToken;
        federationToken.expirationTimeInMilliSecond = model.expirationDate.longLongValue;
        DebugLog(@"\nsuccess get federationtoken");
        return federationToken;


    OSSClientConfiguration *conf = [[OSSClientConfiguration alloc] init];
    conf.maxRetryCount = 3;
    conf.enableBackgroundTransmitService = NO;
    conf.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 15;
    conf.timeoutIntervalForResource = 24 * 60 * 60;

    self.ossClient = [[OSSClient alloc] initWithEndpoint:kOSSDefaultBucketHostId


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