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frommysqltopostgresql's Issues

Script terminates without any error

php index.php sample_config.json                                                         

	"FromMySqlToPostgreSql" - the database migration tool
	Copyright 2015  Anatoly Khaytovich <[email protected]>
	-- Migration began...
-- Script is terminated.

In the logs I see:

	-- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::createSchema
	-- Cannot create a new schema...
	-- PDOException code: 2002
	-- File: xyz/mysqldump/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
	-- Line: 300
	-- Message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

arrangeColumnsData() has to use the original column names

In arrangeColumnsData() a function is used for some special column types. These column names are used for select and re-used for the INSERT statements but functions are not valid column names.

The script will create false statements like:
INSERT INTO "public"."table" ("id","IF(date_column IN('0000-00-00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'), '-INFINITY', date_column)"

Giving the functions an alias like the original column name, it will fix the issue.

when schema is 'public', createSchema func report 'schema "public" already exists'

log as follow:

    "FromMySqlToPostgreSql" - the database migration tool
    Copyright 2015  Anatoly Khaytovich <[email protected]>
    -- Migration began...

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::createSchema
    -- Cannot create a new schema...
    -- PDOException code: 42P06
    -- File: /home/lihao/s/go/mysql2pg_migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 460
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[42P06]: Duplicate schema: 7 ERROR:  schema "public" already exists
    -- SQL: CREATE SCHEMA "public";

May be when schema is 'public', no need to call createSchema()

Script is terminated

This is the only error message I get and it happens instantly. I have tied the error down the fact that the code is not able to Create the Schema, but I don't know if that is because it is not able to connect or it can not find the server or something else.

Any ideas?

Add option to rename tables, columns, sequences and index in lowercase

Since standard SQL is case insensitive, pgsql force user to add " around mixed-case names as for not seeking them in lower case only.

As a migration tool, this script may expose an option to allow lower-case rewriting of all names took from mysql.
This will prevent user to rewrite all his requests like such :
(mysql) SELECT * FROM MyTable <=> (pgsql) SELECT * FROM "MyTable" (with appropriate schemas and search_path).

Using SELECT * FROM MyTable in pgsql won't work directly because pgsql will look for mytable instead of MyTable.

Could not find driver

When I launch the script I receive the next error.

-- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::createSchema
-- Cannot create a new schema...
-- PDOException code: 0
-- File: /home/usuario/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
-- Line: 292
-- Message: could not find driver

What do you think it lefts?

Foreign Keys and Table order

i had a lot of tables to import with a lot of foreign keys.
i couldn't import them because the table orders can't be controlled or i didn't found how.
most of the datas couldn't be imported because the data they were referring datas that were created after them.

i found a workaround :
changing line 1256 of migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
from :
. implode(',', $arrPKs) . ') ON UPDATE ' . $strUpdateRule . ' ON DELETE ' . $strDeleteRule . ';';
. implode(',', $arrPKs) . ') ON UPDATE ' . $strUpdateRule . ' ON DELETE ' . $strDeleteRule . ' DEFERRABLE;';

Adding DEFERRABLE makes postgresql check the foreign keys integrity only at the end of the transaction so everything was migrated correctly.

Maybe there is a better way ?


Running as root gives insufficient permissions

    -- PDOException code: 42501
    -- File: /root/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 791
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[42501]: Insufficient privilege: 7 ERROR:  could not open file "/root/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/temporary_directory/allactions0.csv" for reading: Permission denied
    -- SQL: COPY "arierra"."allactions" FROM '/root/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/temporary_directory/allactions0.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;

Script was downloaded by root and is running by root.

Missing default clauses


I'm trying to use FromMySqlToPostgreSql to migrate a zabbix database. The process mainly goes well, but I'm getting some erros like these:

Message: SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: column "def_shortdata" contains null values
-- SQL: ALTER TABLE "public"."actions" ALTER COLUMN "def_shortdata" SET NOT NULL;

Then I noticed that the "default" clauses are not exported/imported. For ex, the table "condition" in mysql is defined as:

CREATE TABLE conditions (
conditionid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
actionid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
conditiontype int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
operator int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
value varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (conditionid),
KEY conditions_1 (actionid),
CONSTRAINT c_conditions_1 FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions (actionid) ON DELETE CASCADE

But when exported to postgres, it is defined as:

CREATE TABLE conditions
conditionid numeric NOT NULL,
actionid numeric NOT NULL,
conditiontype integer NOT NULL,
operator integer NOT NULL,
value character varying(255),
CONSTRAINT conditions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (conditionid),
CONSTRAINT conditions_actionid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (actionid)
REFERENCES actions (actionid) MATCH SIMPLE

Any help?

Thanks in advance.

Permission problem


When i run the script, i have this error:

Message: SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR: could not open file "D:\RECETTE\FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/temporary_directory/t_referentiel0.csv" for reading: No such file or directory

I tried modifying the code by creating the temporary directory with 777 permissions, but i still have the same error.

mkdir($this->strTemporaryDirectory, 0777, true);

What do you think is the problem?

PDOException code: 2002

I am getting this:

-- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::createSchema
    -- Cannot create a new schema...
    -- PDOException code: 2002
    -- File: /Volumes/User Data/Users/pbhowmick/Projects/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 285
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

extra data after last expected column

When trying to import a zabbix database from mysql to postgres using FromMySqlToPostgreSql, I'm finding the following error:

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTableWorker

    -- PDOException code: 22P04
    -- File: /var/lib/pgsql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 641
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[22P04]: Bad copy file format: 7 ERROR:  extra data after last expected column

CONTEXT: COPY items, line 13500: "40320,8,,,10292,"Jboss activeSessions","grpsum[""{$SERVER_GROUP}"",""jmx["jboss.web:type=Manager,pa..."
-- SQL: SELECT itemid,type,snmp_community,snmp_oid,hostid,name,key_,delay,history,trends,status,value_type,trapper_hosts,units,multiplier,delta,snmpv3_securityname,snmpv3_securitylevel,snmpv3_authpassphrase,snmpv3_privpassphrase,formula,error,lastlogsize,logtimefmt,templateid,valuemapid,delay_flex,params,ipmi_sensor,data_type,authtype,username,password,publickey,privatekey,mtime,flags,interfaceid,port,description,inventory_link,lifetime,snmpv3_authprotocol,snmpv3_privprotocol,state,snmpv3_contextname,evaltype FROM items LIMIT 0, 36445;
COPY "public"."items" FROM '/var/lib/pgsql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/temporary_directory/items0.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;

Table definition is as follows:

itemid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
type int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
snmp_community varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
snmp_oid varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
hostid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
name varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
key_ varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
delay int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
history int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '90',
trends int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '365',
status int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
value_type int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
trapper_hosts varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
units varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
multiplier int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
delta int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
snmpv3_securityname varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
snmpv3_securitylevel int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
snmpv3_authpassphrase varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
snmpv3_privpassphrase varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
formula varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
error varchar(2048) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
lastlogsize bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
logtimefmt varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
templateid bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
valuemapid bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
delay_flex varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
params text NOT NULL,
ipmi_sensor varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
data_type int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
authtype int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
username varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
password varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
publickey varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
privatekey varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
mtime int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
flags int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
interfaceid bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
port varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
description text NOT NULL,
inventory_link int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
lifetime varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '30',
snmpv3_authprotocol int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
snmpv3_privprotocol int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
state int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
snmpv3_contextname varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
evaltype int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (itemid),
UNIQUE KEY items_1 (hostid,key_),
KEY items_3 (status),
KEY items_4 (templateid),
KEY items_5 (valuemapid),
KEY items_6 (interfaceid),
CONSTRAINT c_items_2 FOREIGN KEY (templateid) REFERENCES items (itemid) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT c_items_3 FOREIGN KEY (valuemapid) REFERENCES valuemaps (valuemapid),
CONSTRAINT c_items_4 FOREIGN KEY (interfaceid) REFERENCES interface (interfaceid)

And the table line where it seems there is a problem follows:

select * FROM items where itemid=40320

*************************** 1. row ***************************
itemid: 40320
type: 8
hostid: 10292
name: Jboss activeSessions
key_: grpsum["{$SERVER_GROUP}","jmx["jboss.web:type=Manager,path=/{$GRAU},host=localhost",activeSessions]",last,0]
delay: 30
history: 90
trends: 365
status: 0
value_type: 3
multiplier: 0
delta: 0
snmpv3_securitylevel: 0
formula: 1
lastlogsize: 0
templateid: NULL
valuemapid: NULL
data_type: 0
authtype: 0
mtime: 0
flags: 0
interfaceid: NULL
inventory_link: 0
lifetime: 30
snmpv3_authprotocol: 0
snmpv3_privprotocol: 0
state: 0
evaltype: 0

Any help?
Thanks in advance.

privilege errors in log file

I keep getting these errors but I am not sure why, can you give me a hint? Thanks

-- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTableWorker

-- PDOException code: 42501
-- File: /root/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
-- Line: 791
-- Message: SQLSTATE[42501]: Insufficient privilege: 7 ERROR:  could not open file "/root/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/temporary_directory/action_log0.csv" for reading: Permission denied
-- SQL: COPY "database_name"."table_name" FROM '/root/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/temporary_directory/action_log0.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;


Incorrect number of columns

I am trying to convert a database with your script.
it fails with the following error:

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTableByPrepStmtWorker
    -- PDOException code: 42601
    -- File: /cygdrive/c/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 575
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR:  INSERT has more expressions than target columns
LINE 1: ...sMode" ("id","name","index")  VALUES( $1, $2, $3, '-INFINITY...
    -- SQL: INSERT INTO "test"."Test" ("id","name","index")  VALUES( :id, :name, :index, '-INFINITY', :index);

As you can see, it is trying to insert 5 columns in a table with only 3 columns. It is doing this for all the tables of the database.

Here is the create code for this table:

    `name` CHAR(10) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_bin',
    `index` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    UNIQUE INDEX `name` (`name`),
    UNIQUE INDEX `index` (`index`)

permission deneied

Hey AnatolyUss,

Please help!
What user should I run this php?

As you can see , I have a reading permission issue in csv file generated . I have already put the maximum permissions but still can not migrate.

[paulo@localhost temporary_directory]$ tail -f ../logs_directory/all.log
-- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTable

-- PDOException code: 42501
-- File: /tmp/migrabanco/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
-- Line: 807
-- Message: SQLSTATE[42501]: Insufficient privilege: 7 ERRO:  não pôde abrir arquivo "/tmp/migrabanco/temporary_directory/emp_categoriarelatorio.csv" para leitura: Permissão negada
-- SQL: COPY "demas_3"."emp_categoriarelatorio" FROM '/tmp/migrabanco/temporary_directory/emp_categoriarelatorio.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;


How to install PD_MYSQL, PDO_PGSQL, etc... ?

In the documentation you say:

PDO_MYSQL should be installed and enabled
PDO_PGSQL should be installed and enabled
mbstring should be installed and enabled
register_argc_argv should be enabled (check php.ini).
postgis should be installed and enabled to migrate spatial data (geometry type columns).

But how do I install this after installing the PHP CLI ?

PS: I'm on Windows and I don't know anything about PHP :)

Quote: Ease of use - the only thing needed to run this script is the PHP(CLI) interpreter.

Move mysql unique indexes to pgsql unique constraints instead of indexes


Currently, your script seems to move unique indexes from mysql to pgsql 'unique' indexes.
I think it's better to use constraints with query like :
ALTER TABLE public."test_table"

instead of things like
ON public."iRcom_networks_ipNodes_tags" (name ASC NULLS LAST, value ASC NULLS LAST);

Pgsql's docs say index creation for unique enforcing is a detail of implementation and shouldn't be accessed directly.

I see two big advantages :

  • The constraints are visible in information_schema, where unique indexes are not
  • Depending on the pgsql views and needs, it may be impossible to deal with foreign keys with unique indexes.

Thank you in advance to deal with this

Duplicated single quotes after migrating

Thanks for your great script. I discovered double single quotes in PostgreSQL whereas in MySQL there was only a single one. Presumably this happened in line 637 of migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php.
I created pull request #44 which should address this issue.

SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number:

-- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTableByPrepStmtWorker

-- PDOException code: HY093
-- File: /home/www/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
-- Line: 642
-- Message: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: :Хуясе_колонка9
-- SQL:
 INSERT INTO "mobsted_2"."objects" ("id","PIN","Phone","untitled22","untitled229","untitled230","untitled231","untitled232","untitled233","untitled235","un
,"Timezone","NameThisColumn49","City","current_order","NewColonka","Kol1","Kol2")  VALUES( :id, :PIN, :Phone, :untitled22, :untitled229, :untitled230, :untitled231, :unti
tled232, :untitled233, :untitled235, :untitled236, :untitled237, :untitled238, :untitled239, :untitled240, :mycol00, :Хуясе_колонка9, :Organization, :Device, :Model, :Exp
enditure, :Photo, :Manual, :Video, :untitled242, :untitled243, :untitled244, :untitled246, :Fuck_Taht_Columnd, :untitled249dd00, :untitled250, :untitled251, :untitled252,
 :untitled253, :untitled254, :untitled2550, :jj, :Denis99, :untitled25512, :NameAZS, :AddressAZS, :untitled25513, :untitled25514, :untitled25515ррр, :Колонка_1, :untitled
25516, :Name, :untitled25517fgdfg, :untitled25518dfgdfgdfg, :untitled25519334, :ФИО, :Номер_водительского, :Адрес, :Дом, :Улица, :New_column, :gfdhhgfdhfghfd, :tryeyreyer
yrety, :ColdCounter1Serial, :ColdCounter2Serial, :HotCounter1Serial, :HotCounter2Serial, :Квартира, :PrinterName, :Office, :untitled2551935, :Room_Number, :Address, :FIO,
 :Contacts, :RoomNumber, :ClassOfService, :FirstLastName, :sduntitled2551936sdf, :HelloDenisMuyName, :untitled2551937df, :untitled2551938d, :AZSAdrees, :AZSNumber, :untit
led2551939, :untitled2551940hh, :Вода1, :untitled2551941g, :untitled2551942, :House, :CounterHot, :CounterCold, :BranchOfficeNumber, :BranchOfficeCity, :TotalRating, :unt
itled2551943, :surname, :Personnel_Number, :DateOfBirth, :Модель, :Производитель, :Серийный_номер, :Модель_картриджа, :Организация, :Ответственный_сотрудник_от_организаци
и, :Контакты_огранизации, :Enabled, :Transport, :LastLogin, :InviteStatus, :untitled2551944, :Тип_устройства, :фыфы, :untitled2551945, :Last_Name, :Surname2, :DateOfOrder
, :untitled2551946, :untitled2551947, :Phone2, :Лицевой_счет, :Email, :sdgsdgsdgsdg, :untitled25519335, :untitled25519336, :ident, :Куда, :Откуда, :От_кого, :Местонахожде
ние_посылки, :untitled25519337авп, :untitled25519338, :untitled25519339f, :Объем_материала, :Номер_АЗС, :Адрес_АЗС, :Контактные_данные, :Город, :untitled25519340d, :untit
led25519341xfg, :Email1, :untitled25519342, :Files, :Наименование_Организации, :ИНН, :КПП, :Телефон, :Email_для_связи, :Баланс, :Задолженность, :Контактное_лицо, :untitle
d25519343, :untitled25519344d, :img, :bold, :FileId, :File5, :untitled25519345, :File3, :asd, :deded, :1212, :untitled25519348, :untitled25519350sdfsdf, :untitled25519351
, :untitled25519352, :untitled25519353, :untitled25519354, :ываываыва, :Selfie, :Ебать_Ту_Люсю, :untitled25519355, :untitled25519356, :untitled25519357, :Tenant, :Depends
, :untitled25519358, :untitled25519359, :untitled25519360, :Тестируем_и_Яшеем_2, :Depend, :superColumn, :mob, :Sted, :untitled25519363, :Модель_фильтра, :MAS_S, :MAS_C, :
MAS_M, :Mas_Z, :Информация_о_минералах, :Фото_места_установки, :Дата_установки, :Отзыв, :untitled25519364, :sexybaba, :hhh, :ebaka, :untitled25519365, :untitled25519366ыв
аываываываываываываываываываываыва, :untitled25519367, :NameThisColumn2, :NameThisColumn3, :NameThisColumn4, :NameThisColumn5, :untitled25519368, :NameThisColumn6, :NameT
hisColumn7, :NameThisColumn9, :Customer, :NameThisColumn10, :NameThisColumn11, :NameThisColumn12, :NameThisColumn13m, :DateCreate, :NameThisColumn14, :Номер_кабинета, :Na
meThisColumn16, :NameThisColumn17, :NameThisColumn18, :NameThisColumn19, :NameThisColumn20, :NameThisColumn21, :NameThisColumn22, :NameThisColumn23, :NameThisColumn24, :N
ameThisColumn25, :NameThisColumn26, :NameThisColumn27, :NameThisColumn28, :NameThisColumn30, :NameThisColumn31, :NameThisColumn32, :NameThisColumn33, :NameThisColumn34, :
Language, :gorod, :хим_адрес, :хим_тел, :html_pay, :studio_phone, :Fullname, :html_zakaz, :UID, :NameThisColumn36, :Demo, :Номер_кабиента, :Время_работы, :Врач1, :Врач2, 
:Врач3, :ОбслуживающийОфис, :Адрес_офиса, :ТелефонОфиса, :Лечащий_Врач, :Телефон_Лечащего_врача, :Возраст, :отзыв777, :отзыв999, :варвар, :StartScreen, :sum, :NameThisCol
umn37, :NameThisColumn38, :NameThisColumn39, :NameThisColumn40, :NameThisColumn41, :NameThisColumn42, :NameThisColumn43, :Город2ewr, :Модель_домофона, :Статус, :УК, :Фото
_Домофон, :Инструкция_Домофон, :Подъезд, :Телефон_УК, :apiPa, :Test, :Изображение_Устройства, :Имя_Отчество, :Видео_Инструкция, :Инструкция_для_абонентского_устройства, :
Характеристики_устройства, :Модель_абонентского_устройства_, :Адрес_установки, :ЛС, :NameThisColumn44, :NameThisColumn45, :NameThisColumn46, :NameThisColumn47, :Имя, :Фам
илия, :Отчество, :Модель_АУ, :apiInfo, :Инструкция_для_АУ, :Фото_АУ, :Уведомление, :Информирование, :Микрорайон, :Корпус, :Счетчик_ГВ, :Счетчик_ХВ, :Счетчик_ЭЭ, :Дата_ЭЭ,
 :Дата_ХВ, :Дата_ГВ, :Картинка, :Видео, :PayOnline, :Карта, :Контактный_телефон, :Логотип_организации, :Адрес_доставки, :Status777, :newcolumn, :хим_название, :Cert_pay, 
:NameThisColumn48, :AutomaticalTimezone, :Timezone, :NameThisColumn49, :City, :current_order, :NewColonka, :Kol1, :Kol2);

ERROR: operator does not exist: smallint = boolean

I am getting this error after migration:

App 555161 stderr: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 936ms (ActiveRecord: 27.2ms)
App 555161 stderr:
App 555161 stderr: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: operator does not exist: smallint = boolean
App 555161 stderr: LINE 1: ...) AND (members.user_id = 2 OR (projects.is_public = TRUE AND...

From Redmine 3.3.3 to 4.2.1 (MySql to MySql) by using common Redmine migration. Checked working.
Then from MySQL to Postgres - then this error.
Note: the same error was when tried another approach: first migrate from v.3.3.3. MySQL to Postgres then update Redmine.

What could be wrong?

brgds & looking forward

FromMySQLToPostgreSQL or NMIG?

I was wondering why you are supporting both programs, this one and NMIG? Is the plan to eventually deprecate this one and continue this good work with NMIG? If not, can you elaborate on when one would choose this one over NMIG? In other words, when would it be BETTER to use this program instead of NMIG?

Thanks in advance.

Last update problem : process freeze over a 32k rows table.


Thank you to have implemented comment migration today.
Is there any special option to set to enable it?
For now, I see no "-- Comment on column" in the output and no comment is moved on the pgsql db.

It sounds the last update broke up something : currently the migration process freeze over a quite large table (32k rows). I see no pending request on mysql side but on pgsql there is the request built in arrangeColumnsData() method. Are you sure pgsql likes it ?

There is a csv file corresponding to the processed table in the temporary_directory.
Here what I see in shell :

"FromMySqlToPostgreSql" - the database migration tool
        Copyright 2015  Anatoly Khaytovich <[email protected]>
        -- Migration began...
-- New schema "public" was successfully created...
-- 93 tables detected

-- Currently processing table: ...
        -- Table "public"."...." is created.
        -- Populating table "public"."..."
        -- Total rows to insert into "public"."...": 50

-- Currently processing table: ...
        -- Table "public"."..." is created.
        -- Populating table "public"."...."
        -- Total rows to insert into "public"."....": 0

-- Currently processing table: ...
        -- Table "public"."...." is created.
        -- Populating table "public"."...."
        -- Total rows to insert into "public"."....": 32774

And then it waits, output nothing for a while... maybe 15 minutes
The for loop at line 900 of FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php might know something about this issue :)

Therefore you have PHP notice like :
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: sql in /tmp/frommysqltopgsql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php on line 568

Thank you in advance for any feedback !

SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near ","


I'm tried migrate my DB from mysql to postgreSQL and got an error.


    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTable

    -- PDOException code: 58P01
    -- File: C:\1\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\migration\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 624
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR:  could not open file "temp/Comment.csv" for reading: No such file or directory

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTable

    -- PDOException code: 58P01
    -- File: C:\1\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\migration\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 624
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR:  could not open file "temp/Follow.csv" for reading: No such file or directory

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTable

    -- PDOException code: 58P01
    -- File: C:\1\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\migration\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 624
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR:  could not open file "temp/Installation.csv" for reading: No such file or directory

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTable

    -- PDOException code: 58P01
    -- File: C:\1\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\migration\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 624
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR:  could not open file "temp/Like.csv" for reading: No such file or directory

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTable

    -- PDOException code: 58P01
    -- File: C:\1\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\migration\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 624
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR:  could not open file "temp/Post.csv" for reading: No such file or directory

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::createTable
    -- Cannot create table tweather1."User".
    -- PDOException code: 42601
    -- File: C:\1\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\migration\FromMySqlToPostgreSql\FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 409
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR:  syntax error at or near ","
LINE 1: ...untryCode"  CHARACTER VARYING(3) ,"deviceToken"   ,"displayN...

'not a sequence' issue

I'm not a database expert, therefore I'm not sure if it was caused by the conversion tool but I ended up with the following error:

gerrit> SELECT nextval('change_id') from changes;
ERROR: ERROR: "change_id" is not a sequence
gerrit> \d changes
                     Table changes
 COLUMN_NAME          | TYPE
 change_key           | varchar(60) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL
 created_on           | timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
 last_updated_on      | timestamp DEFAULT '-infinity'::timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
 owner_account_id     | int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
 dest_project_name    | varchar(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL
 dest_branch_name     | varchar(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL
 status               | bpchar(1) DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL
 current_patch_set_id | int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
 subject              | varchar(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL
 topic                | varchar(255)
 row_version          | int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
 change_id            | int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
 original_subject     | varchar(255)
 submission_id        | varchar(255)

Indexes on changes:
  changes_pkey UNIQUE (change_id)

Reindex didn't help. Data can be queried, however inserts are failing.
Do you have any hint on what could have caused this?


SQLSTATE[42830]: Invalid foreign key: 7 ERROR: foreign key referenced-columns list must not contain duplicates


create table zero (
ID bigint(20) NOT NULL,
DATA varchar(255) NOT NULL,

create table one (
ID bigint(20) NOT NULL,
DATA varchar(255) NOT NULL,

create table two (
ID bigint(20) NOT NULL,
one_ID bigint(20) NOT NULL,
DATA varchar(255) NOT NULL,

create table three (
ID bigint(20) NOT NULL,
one_ID bigint(20) NOT NULL,
DATA varchar(255) NOT NULL,

insert into zero values ( 1, 'One' );
insert into one values ( 1, 'One' );
insert into two values ( 1, 1, 'Two' );
insert into three values ( 1, 1, 'Three' );

garbage collection not available


I'm running Windows 10, Node 5.9.1, MySQL 5.7 and PostGres 9.5

I've successfully migrated a non-trivial database, but to do so I had to comment out './migration/fmtp/FromMySQL2PostgreSQL' line 1021 global.gc();

as it was throwing an error when it got that line "global.gc() is not a function".

Before commenting out the line I tried adding the command line parameter --expose-gc but it seemed to have no effect.

Removing the garbage collection didn't seem to phase my PC (I have 16 GBs of RAM).

Just letting you know in case the issue crops up for other people.


boolean to bit variyng

Hello very powerfull tool so when i migrate from mysql to postgres object type boolean mysql are migrated in type bit variying so i have some 0 values or postgres is waitng for false value any suggestions.

JSON column type

I've tried the migration table and it seems not to support the json column type from MySQL.

-- Currently processing table: bs... PHP Notice: Undefined index: json in /root/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/MapDataTypes.php on line 276 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: sql in /root/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php on line 568 -- Script is terminated.

Make options in config for field types conversion rules

There're many variants of storing date and time in postgresql, while only few in mysql. It would be good, if i could point which of datetime type i want to convert to.
Also, I have columns in MySQL, where i store JSON text - and i would like to have an ability to choose JSON or JSONB filed types for those columns.

Move comments on columns and tables


I would find interesting to preserve comments put on columns or tables.
The COMMENT pgsql statement may help to do so.

Btw thank you for this extremely useful stuff ;)

Issue converting Zabbix database...

I'm trying to convert a Zabbix database and am running into issues with columns declared as 'int(11)' in MySQL (actually MariaDB)...

Here's the DDL for the table

DROP TABLE acknowledges;
CREATE TABLE acknowledges  ( 
    acknowledgeid   bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    userid          bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    eventid         bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    clock           int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    message         varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(acknowledgeid)

Here's what I get in response...

    -- Migration began...
-- New schema "zabbix" was successfully created...
-- 104 tables detected

-- Currently processing table: acknowledges...
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: sql in /var/lib/pgsql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php on line 471
-- Script is terminated.

And here's the log...

    -- Migration began...
-- New schema "zabbix" was successfully created...
-- 104 tables detected

-- Currently processing table: acknowledges...

    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::createTable
    -- Cannot create table "zabbix"."acknowledges".
    -- PDOException code: 42601
    -- File: /var/lib/pgsql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql-master/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 463
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "INT"
LINE 1: ...knowledgeid"   ,"userid"   ,"eventid"   ,"clock"  INT ,"mess...

Notice INT after "clock".

I looked at MapDataTypes but didn't see anything obvious.

Any suggestions?

migration of views

Tested on my database but views were not migrated, tables worked fine. Thank you.

error on empty table? PDOException code: 58P01


I am converting a phpbb3 site - thank you for the excellent tool! I did have the migration process working well the other day with the same data, etc, but today it is failing after I pulled master.
commit 837a32a

The CSV file was created, but the actual table in mysql has no rows. Not sure if that can be the issue. I am going to try v1.3.0.

        -- PDOException code: 58P01
        -- File: /home/FSPMigrate/my2pg/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
        -- Line: 801
        -- Message: SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR:  could not open file "/home/FSPMigrate/my2pg/temporary_directory/phpbb_bbcodes.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
        -- SQL: COPY "public"."phpbb_bbcodes" FROM '/home/FSPMigrate/my2pg/temporary_directory/phpbb_bbcodes.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;



Perry Clark

Success is reported, but there are many PDO errors and no database is created

When running the script, it reports success, but I see a number of errors and no database is created. Each time I run it, the database name is incremented.

My relevant JSON config (everything else remains unchanged):

"source" : "mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=UTF8;dbname=development_db,root,",
"target" : "pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=mysql_import;options=--client_encoding=UTF8,agbodike,",

all.log (some select errors):

    "FromMySqlToPostgreSql" - the database migration tool
    Copyright 2015  Anatoly Khaytovich <[email protected]>
    -- Migration began...
-- New schema "development_db_6" was successfully created...
-- 45 tables detected


    -- PDOException code: 22P02
    -- File: /Users/agbodike/workspace/agbodike/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 800
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "''"
CONTEXT:  COPY baselines, line 1, column attachment_file_size: "''"
    -- SQL: COPY "development_db_6"."baselines" FROM '/Users/agbodike/workspace/agbodike/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/temporary_directory/baselines0.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;


    -- PDOException code: 22007
    -- File: /Users/agbodike/workspace/agbodike/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 800
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 7 ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "''"
CONTEXT:  COPY credit_cards, line 1, column deleted_at: "''"
    -- SQL: COPY "development_db_6"."credit_cards" FROM '/Users/agbodike/workspace/agbodike/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/temporary_directory/credit_cards0.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;


    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::processForeignKey
    -- Error occurred when tried to create foreign key for table "development_db_6"."baseline_users"...

    -- PDOException code: 23503
    -- File: /Users/agbodike/workspace/agbodike/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 1361
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[23503]: Foreign key violation: 7 ERROR:  insert or update on table "baseline_users" violates foreign key constraint "baseline_users_user_id_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (user_id)=(8) is not present in table "users".
    -- SQL: ALTER TABLE "development_db_6"."baseline_users" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "development_db_6"."users" ("id") ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT;


    -- FromMySqlToPostgreSql::populateTableByPrepStmtWorker

    -- PDOException code: 22001
    -- File: /Users/agbodike/workspace/agbodike/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/migration/FromMySqlToPostgreSql/FromMySqlToPostgreSql.php
    -- Line: 680
    -- Message: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 7 ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(255)
    -- SQL: INSERT INTO "development_db_6"."users" ("id","email","encrypted_password","reset_password_token","reset_password_sent_at","remember_created_at","sign_in_count","current_sign_in_at","last_sign_in_at","current_sign_in_ip","last_sign_in_ip","created_at","updated_at","company_id","is_passcode","first_name","last_name","phone","is_primary","deleted_at","role_id","activated","avatar_file_name","avatar_content_type","avatar_file_size","avatar_updated_at","personal_website","tour_visibility")  VALUES(:0,:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11,:12,:13,:14,:15,:16,:17,:18,:19,:20,:21,:22,:23,:24,:25,:26,:27);

That last error looks like it is inserting totally wrong information as I would expect the VALUES to be very different.

Clarification needed

Could you please confirm that this tool does not change anything on the source database instance, so tests/experiments can be done from a production source database instance.


Escape field names

Since i didnt check out this project and just downloaded it, i dont have a pull request, but here's the patch trough Winmerge:

<                 $escapedField = '`' . $arrColumn['Field'] . '`';
<                   $fieldName = "hex(ST_AsWKB(" . $escapedField . "))";

>                   $fieldName = "hex(ST_AsWKB(" . $arrColumn['Field'] . "))";
<                   $fieldName = $escapedField;

>                   $fieldName = $arrColumn['Field'];

Basically in FromMysqlToPostgreSql.php method populateTable at line 868 should escape the field names, since there might be reserved words and than the select in populateTableWorker breaks.

PDO Exception -> Code 42501

Message: SQLSTATE[42501]: 
Insufficient privilege: 7 
ERRO:  não pôde abrir arquivo 
para leitura: Permissão negada

Can i skip creating constraints on non NULL columns?

I have columns in mysql, which are not defined - whether they NULL or NOT NULL - just nothing
. And theese columns after conversion get NOT NULL constraint. Why? How could i skip this rule?
Create table Temp(id bigint, name varchar(500)); - name field becomes NOT NULL in postgresql

Move comments on tables too


As seen recently, all comments put on mysql columns are now moved to pgsql descriptions.
Thank you for this really convenient update :)

I see that mysql tables' comments aren't moved to pgsql tables descriptions.
Can you look to implement it please ?

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