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codiad-codegit's Issues

Option for disabling git diff on commit

I had the case that i need to remove csv files with > 5MB. On trying to commit it with codiad, it tried to create a git diff at the commit tab. First FF & Chrome were hanging, than later both crashed.

It would be nice to have an option for disabling the automatic "git diff" when opening the commit tab.

(i've fixed it by using the command line git client, but not every user has this possibility)

Bad commit messages encoding/escaping

I've been using CodeGit on Codiad for a moment now, and I find it so useful, thank for that.
But I found a problem : commit messages are bad encoded/escaped. As I am french, using other characters than pure ASCII, it is a problem to me. Here is an example :
I enter this commit message : "Correction d'une traduction", in git log, the message become "Correction d'une traduction". Or "Amlioration de la rcupration" registered instead of "Amélioration de la récupération".
Here is a snippet of my git log (see the special characters "à" and "é" in the commit made through commandline) :

commit bd9f5b48a94578eba288ae23ee9c3b8b975c2683
Author: Myself through commandline <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Dec 30 22:26:27 2015 +0100

    Journaux à intégrer : USA

commit 52991bc5a76d9e02ba120f2d1826c85aa8d45ec0
Author: Myself through Codiad CodeGit <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Dec 30 13:58:57 2015 +0100

    Correction d\'une traduction

commit d1db5e3dcf4c4252f0b6a04fb5b4f994100af55d
Author: Myself through Codiad CodeGit <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Dec 30 13:40:59 2015 +0100

    Amlioration de la rcupration des articles

Hope you could do something for me :)

Permission change on git push

My files have 640 permission on local machine. When i push them to git and then pull to production machine it changes to 644. For some reason my shared hosting server then gives Internal Server Error. When permission is changed back to 640 it works fine.

I havent have this problem using command line. I really like Codiad and your plugin which i discovered yesterday. I would love the option that pushed files would have the same permissions as local files.

CodeGit doesn't detect changes

git status shows modified:, but CodeGit doesn't recognize it.
Don't know what to do. Log is display correctly of the opened project. (expect is installed too).

missing authentication when ssh into git repository


I want to sync a git reository residing under something like:
Codiad stalls, when trying to clone this way. I would expect a question for password input.
ps aux shows waiting ssh connection processes. I assume it is waiting for a password.

Should this work? Is it me, ssh'ing to localhost? Am I missing soem configuration?

SSH access?

Would it be possible to add ssh-key support? like persay, have the user upload a ssh-key to their profile and it uses that for pushing/pulling over ssh?

steps i think it should do

--->Auth said key with their git service
--->Upload key to Codiad server, which then is encrypted, with the encryption key being their user password
--->manually have user activate a specific uploaded key per each repo, incase two repo's dont share the same authorized key

--->Have git installed

--->When user push/pull, push/pull over ssh if user specifies to use SSH

Push action "Hangs"

This HTTP Request just hangs and crashes chrome, and safari.


How can I lock down the committer?

When I commit changes the first time as a logged in user, it pops up a settings panel which asks for my username and email.

Same thing if I hit the "Settings" button in CodeGit.

Is there any way to lock it down if I don't want a user to override their login name?

“Please install shell program!” error on FreeBSD


I installed codiad and CodeGit on FreeBSD running nginx and php56. I followed the guide as best as I could. I have expect present and my www user can run it (from shell). I set the correct path in scripts/ But I still get this error message whenever I try to git clone something:

Please install shell program!

When I create a new git project, I don't get an error message, but an empty project without any apparent git integration present.

Any idea as to what I might be doing wrong?

Follow up:

I looked into this and I managed to break it down to two issues:

  • The env path variable was set improperly. Setting it manually in plugins/Codiad-CodeGit-master/config.php did the trick for me:
  • The git config routine threw some error which CodeGit didn't present me. This can be fixed by patching the respective line in the setGitSettings function within class.git.php:
- $result = $this->executeCommand('git config "' . $username . '"');
+ $result = $this->executeCommand('git config --replace-all "' . $username . '"');

Git crashes ide

I had to reset my remote git repository.
Afterwards i wasn't able to use codeGit anymore.
The remote repository didn't change at all, and works fine when trying to push/pull from another PC...
As soon as i try to pul from it via CodeGit i can't reach the ide anymore... it just crashes...
I'm not using ssh keys and i have configured expect correctly (worked before), i tryed to use a .netrc file as well...

php5-fpm crashing when trying to push/pull

Hello, I have a webserver running Nginx and PHP5 on my Raspberry Pi. I'm not really experienced with php5-fpm, Nginx or other things like that and their configurations.
When I try to push or pull to my remote, PHP just crashes. I can't load any PHP file after that. My php5-fpm logfile doesn't show anything abnormal, my Nginx error.log file looks like this:

2014/07/15 16:42:19 [error] 4262#0: *417 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /codiad/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: ""

And my Nginx access.log file looks like this: - - [15/Jul/2014:16:43:59 +0200] "GET /codiad/ HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0" - - [15/Jul/2014:16:44:21 +0200] "-" 400 0 "-" "-" - - [15/Jul/2014:16:44:31 +0200] "-" 400 0 "-" "-" - - [15/Jul/2014:16:44:41 +0200] "-" 400 0 "-" "-" - - [15/Jul/2014:16:44:51 +0200] "-" 400 0 "-" "-"

So the headers of the requests made after the crash seems… Empty.
To fix the problem I must enter sudo service php5-fpm restart and everything goes back normal until I push/pull again.
I hope you'll find how to fix this, maybe do you need more log files. Thanks!

PS: Sorry if my english isn't perfect, I'm 16, french, and I learned english pretty much by myself.

Feature Request - Add git oblivious mode

Hi, thanks for this great software. Our use case is not for coding, but storing configuration files for the apps we run. We have teams of application admins (and DBAs) who do not know how to use git in the traditional sense. All I want them to be able to do is browse the git repo for their config file, edit the file using the browser editor, and then be forced to add a comment on what they changed and commit it. This way we have version control and can track who did what to the config files.

I'm thinking in the user control panel have a check box to indicate this user is git oblivious and then the only thing they can do with regards to git is edit files in the browser editor and then be forced to enter a comment and then commit. Any other git options would need to be hidden from them. I thought maybe once a file is saved it triggers the Commit dialog so they are forced to add a comment and then commit if they save a file. I know something gets triggered on save because it shows a visual cue in the left panel when the git repo is changed.

I did find out by editing the templates/overview.html file I can hide the git options except for Commit...but this hides it for everyone. I'm not a programmer so this is just me stabbing at it.

Any thoughts on that? Thanks!

does the commit recognize the user?

codiad requires a login, so in theory it is possible to know who edited the files last. Does it pass the logged in user through to the git commit?

Newbie Env

I'm trying to get Codiad and CodeGit going for the first time.
Git Init seems to work fine, but clicking on Open CodeGit returns "Failed to get status".
I've installed Terminal and if I run git from there it seems to behave itself.
Git version is 1.7.1.
Thanks for your help.

Submodule recursion

Is there support for recursively cloning submodules? If so, how can I do this?

Please install shell program!

hi first i want to say thanks for your very nice project !!

i try to use Codiad-CodeGit but when i click on git clone
i have the message above. So i follow the procedure to tried to fix it .
vim config.php
uncomment define("shellProgram","expect");

sudo systemctl restart httpd.service ( i m in centos )
Installed Packages
expect.x86_64 5.45-14.el7_1

but i continue to have the same message ;( :(

Unable to commit

Hi all,

thanks at first for this plugin to Codiad. I just started installing Codiad on shared hosting looking for an IDE which may permit to do basic web development via a git repository. I installed the plugin and verified permissions. Then I manually initiated a git repo in a folder, added a file and changed the content. The diff is accordingly to the changes made. When wanting to commit I receive the error "Failed commit!". I searched for the string and found something under the commit section. If I understand correctly the command

$git->commit(getWorkspacePath($_GET['path']), $_POST['message']);

leads to an error. The variables should be set, since I don't get errors while generating e.g. diff. So I reviewed the commit in class.git.php. Apparently a git command is being assembled there and executed. When going to the terminal within Codiad I get

git status
// On branch master
// Initial commit
// Untracked files:
//   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
//  test.txt
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

So I do

git add test.txt

and then

git commit -m "empty"

and receive the message

// On branch master
// Changed but not updated:
//   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
//   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
//  modified:   test.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Any hints on what I could be doing wrong? I added the git command to Codiad via the config.php line

putenv("PATH=" .$_ENV["PATH"]. ':/usr/bin');

since it was not accessible in the standard php environment.

Best wishes


Error: "Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter"

OS: Windows 10E 1703 X64
Codiad ver: v.2.8.4
PHP: 7.1.7 x64

Getting this error when I go to the settings form in CodeGIT:

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Codiad\plugins\Codiad-CodeGit-master\dialog.php:1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Codiad\common.php on line 88

I'm also unable to push/pull although, I'm not sure if that's related.

I can use GIT PUSH/PULL from the terminal, however.

I tried to apply this fix below, but didn't help:




problem with merge

when I try to commit when merging, I get a success, but then all push/pull fail and when I do git status on the project folder this comes:
On branch master Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, and have 2 and 1 different commit each, respectively. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours) All conflicts fixed but you are still merging. (use "git commit" to conclude merge)
if i try to pull:
error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists). hint: Please, commit your changes before merging. fatal: Exiting because of unfinished merge.
to fix I have to manually git push origin master on the folder. how do I fix it?

FreeBSD installation

I run a FreeBSD box. Needless to say I ran into a few issues getting this to work because some of the executable files were hard coded locations.

Things I had to do to make this work.

add this line to config.pgp in CodeGit, fixes 'git command not found' error.
putenv("PATH=" .$_ENV["PATH"]. ':/usr/local/bin');

change the shell in to /bin/sh. The standard location for bash in FreeBSD is /usr/local/bin/bash
change the location for expect from /usr/bin/expect to /usr/local/bin/expect

The other major hurdle in FreeBSD is the apache user 'www' has no home directory or no login shell. This needed to be changed to /bin/sh login shell (so 'www' user can execute
) and a home directory of your choice so you can generate a rsa key to use with github if you want to clone/push/pull. Of course permissions need to be appropriate for 'www' user.

Some of these fixes could easily be fixed in the code. While the other information would be useful in an installation guide for FreeBSD or any other OS that doesn't follow debian guidelines. Hope this helps someone. Sorry if this was not the correct place to post this.

Diff button


The Diff button does not work. When I click on it all the page is refreshed.
It's the strange, everything else works great !! (so cool plugin!)

SSH key

Really cool. Could you please allow settings to configure (per user):

  • SSH key to use (either generate private and show public, and/or allow pasting private/public keys)
  • Username to use
  • E-mail to use

PS: Yes I saw

non-latin commit mesage

When input non-latin commit message there is an error: "Failed to commit changes!"
With latin commit message everything OK.

"Please install shell program" with both Expect and pexpect

My issue is similar to #56, for whatever reason I can't get the plugin to connect with my git repos. I've verified that my git/ssh servers are able to accept incoming connections, and even though I've installed both expect as well as pexpect (globally as well as for the www-data user with virtualenv), I keep running into the "please install shell program" error. Is there a way that I can get some additional logging info to see what it's doing? Thanks again for the plugin!

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04
  • Expect version: 5.45-7
  • pexpect version: 4.3.0
  • git version: 2.7.4-0ubuntu1.3
  • OpenSSH version: 7.2p2-4ubuntu2.2

Deleted files


I am testing Codiad CodeGIt to be the main colaborative ide for my development team. We use git but I noted CodeGit doesn't handle deleted files. When I delete one It does not appear on the changes list, just does when I modify a file.

Does it an issue? Or could it be a local problem?


Failed to get diff (related with #11)


if I try to identify the problem with the file that is causing the push issue (see issue #11 ), it gives me an error message: "Failed to get diff".

The steps to reproduce were right clicking on the file and then selecting "Git Diff".


codiad says commits are being successfully pushed, but they're not

Not sure how to debug this, i dont see logs anywhere in codiad, and php logs don't show anything, but im pretty sure my issue is w config anyway. When i try to commit a change, it shows the green badge and says it has been pushed, but nothing appears in github. Im using pexpect and I updated config.php as intructed here #47, but i must be missing something else since I was never even asked for a password in the process of setting this all up.

git version 2.10.1

Commit messages shouldn't escape ()

Wrote commit message foo (bar) and it actually committed the message foo \(bar\).

Environment: Running wernight/codiad Docker image running Ubuntu.

Bitbucket Support

Hi I tried to pull existing records from bitbucket but its throwing error. Whether it will be supported?

Use Git.php for better security

Related to #61, this appears to be the best solution for secure git access via php, that would eliminate the need for expect / pexpect as dependencies. Personally, I'm more comfortable allowing proc_open compared with exec / shell_exec. I'm not terribly experienced with php but might take a stab at it as well 😄


Failed to push due to the need to merge files

Hi, is it possible to merge the files with this plugin?
User A has edited file X, committed and pushed to server.
User B, hasn't pulled yet, changed the file, committed and tried to push when he gets the error that the push failed.

The output from the command line is the following:

To [email protected]:gitrepo.git
! [rejected] dev -> dev (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:gitrepo.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull')
hint: before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

$ git pull
U myproject/design/patterns links.txt
Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files.
Please, fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm '
as appropriate to mark resolution, or use 'git commit -a'.

Is it possible to know/identify which files are causing the error and fix them using the plugin?

Many thanks

Pushing/Pulling to/from local remote branch causes crash


When I add a remote branch as:


and attempt to pull from there it crashes Codiad and requires a server restart. Any help?

The reason I'm doing this is the repo I want to eventually push/pull is the production area of the website.

I have the ssh keys setup so I can ssh into the localhost itself on a normal terminal.


Unable to push/pull

Hi there!

First of all, I would like to give thanks for this plugin. I have installed it and, after cloning a repo into Codiad and making minor changes to see how it works, I cannot push/pull. This are the steps I have:

  • I have creatd an SSH auth. using www-data user, in order to enable Codiad to use it. I have checked if Codiad is using this group with whoamiin the terminal plugin.
  • I have changed the url of .git/config, in order to use [email protected].
  • If I enter in GitHub -> SSH keys, I'm seing enabled the key for Codiad.
  • I have run sudo -Hu apache ssh -T [email protected] in the shell of my machine, and the output is fine (Hi imuguruza! ... )
  • CodeGit --> settings are filled up with my usename and e-mail

How can I fix Git in Codiad to make push/pulls?

Thanks in advance!

Undo change does not change the open file

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a file in a git repo
  2. Make a change to the file
  3. Save the file but leave the tab open
  4. Open CodeGit and revert the changes
  5. The change is not reverted visually
  6. Close the tab with the open file
  7. Double-click the file in the explorer on left
  8. Now the revert is visible

Is there any way to force it to refresh? I guess it would whether it is watching for file changes on the filesystem or just on-demand by the CodeGit plugin.

Cannot pull/push

Trying to do a pull/push returns:

{"status":"error","message":"Failed to pull repo!"}


  • Using wernight/codiad Docker image

  • Running inside the Terminal plugin (or directly inside the shell as PHP's user):

    $ ssh -T [email protected]
    Welcome to GitLab, John Doe!
  • Running from inside the Terminal plugin a git pull also works.

  • This plugins remote info look good.

PHP's logs seem pretty parse about the cause of this issue. I only see:

2016/06/28 22:22:22 [error] 13#0: *469 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: ::ffff:, server: _, request: "GET /plugins/Codiad-CodeGit-master/controller.php?action=status&path=myproject HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://[::1]:9000", host: "", referrer: ""

Corrupted git strings

Git user settings is stored in data/config/git.{user}.php file. My user name is stored escaped like V\u00e1clav Nov\u00e1\u010dek which means Václav Nováček and it is correctly set and visible in CodeGit user settings window. When user settings is used for commit, following command (class.git.php:532):
$result = $this->executeCommand('git config "' . $username . '"');
is executed and git stores corrupted name Vclav Novek without middle-european characters.
The same applies also for commit comments.

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