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webdriver-manager's Introduction

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A selenium server and browser driver manager for your end to end tests. This is the same tool as webdriver-manager from the Protractor repository.

Note: Version 9 and lower please reference pose/webdriver-manager. If there are features that existed in version 9 and lower, please open up an issue with the missing feature or a create a pull request.

Getting Started

npm install -g webdriver-manager

Setting up a Selenium Server

Prior to starting the selenium server, download the selenium server jar and driver binaries. By default it will download the selenium server jar and chromedriver binary.

webdriver-manager update

Starting the Selenium Server

By default, the selenium server will run on http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.

webdriver-manager start

Other useful commands

View different versions of server and driver files:

webdriver-manager status

Clear out the server and driver files. If webdriver-manager start does not work, try to clear out the saved files.

webdriver-manager clean

Running / stopping server in background process (stopping is not yet supported on standalone server 3.x.x):

webdriver-manager start --detach
webdriver-manager shutdown

Help commands

Wedriver-manager has a main help option: webdriver-manager help. There are also other built in help menus for each of the commands. So for example, if you would like to look up all the flag options you can set in update, you could run webdriver-manager update help.

Here are a list of all the commands with help:

webdriver-manager update help
webdriver-manager start help
webdriver-manager clean help
webdriver-manager status help

Other topics:

webdriver-manager's People


blackbaud-bobbyearl avatar blue-star-o avatar bmsdave avatar boneskull avatar chowdhurian avatar cnishina avatar devversion avatar dgp1130 avatar eddiemonge avatar elhigu avatar heathkit avatar jan-molak avatar jimivdw avatar kevin-smets avatar lampei avatar macroking avatar mathrobin avatar mjdsys avatar nescalante avatar paradox41 avatar rluba avatar royling avatar scottohara avatar sjelin avatar williamscs avatar


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webdriver-manager's Issues

feat(ios): iOS support

There should be some kind of support for iOS. Since setting up iOS is a less complex process, and the SDK is difficult to sandbox, probably we should just verify that everything is set up properly and give instructions if it isn't

Webdriver-manager doesn't pick up latest chromedriver jar; only updates up to v2.22

Bug report

  • Node Version: v4.4.7

  • Protractor Version: 4.0.9

  • CucumberJs: 1.3.0

  • Browser(s): Chrome

  • Operating System and Version Windows 10

  • Steps to reproduce the bug

    To reproduce this bug, just try to update your chromedriver to latest version by running: webdriver-manager update OR webdriver-manager update --chrome and you'll notice that it only updates the chromedriver up to v2.22 instead of the latest which is chromedriver v2.24


I tried running this command to no avail: webdriver-manager update 2.24; it still pulled version 2.22 and NOT 2.24

Please see attached shell command and its output!

Thanks for looking into this!

internet explorer binaries not downloading properly

Saw the curl call as:

Should be:

webdriver manager cannot find chalk

webdriver manager cannot find chalk

node node_modules/webdriver-manager/bin/webdriver-manager update
    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '/Users/cnishina/src/temp/node_modules/chalk/node_modules/webdriver-manager/bin/webdriver-manager'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:438:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:386:25)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:575:10)
    at startup (node.js:159:18)
    at node.js:444:3

Missing Gecko option

On our build server we get the following error:

2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z C:\BuildAgent\Work\2\s\Pim.Solution\Pim.PortalApp\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\built\lib\cmds\update.js:63
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z var gecko = options[Opt.GECKO].getBoolean();
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z ^
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoolean' of undefined
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at Program.update as runMethod
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at (C:\BuildAgent\Work\2\s\Pim.Solution\Pim.PortalApp\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\built\lib\cli\programs.js:60:14)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at Object. (C:\BuildAgent\Work\2\s\Pim.Solution\Pim.PortalApp\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\built\lib\webdriver.js:25:38)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at Module.load (module.js:458:32)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at Module.require (module.js:468:17)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
2016-10-17T08:36:19.2539049Z [08:36:19] 'webdriver' errored after 530 ms

This is probably because our build server OS is not supported? I saw this line of code:

if (GeckoDriver.supports(os.type(), os.arch())) {



What can we do to fix it? Issue popped up this morning. Friday everything was working correctly.

configuration file

For projects that require webdriver-manager, look for an override config.json before using the module's config.json

New tag

Can you add a tag with your last commits please?

webdriver-manager not respecting --proxy flag

I'm attempting to get webdriver-manager update to work behind a corporate proxy (to run e2e tests with Protractor via angular-cli). I needed to manually download selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar to my node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium folder due to #79, but even after doing this I see

C:\Users\amellnik\Documents\One-off\angular2\partay>webdriver-manager --proxy ht
tp://my-proxy:port update
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=socket hang up
    at ClientRequest.onError (C:\Users\amellnik\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules
    at ClientRequest.g (events.js:260:16)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:169:7)
    at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:267:9)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:169:7)
    at emitErrorNT (net.js:1269:8)
    at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:442:9)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:356:17)

I see the same error if I try to run it without the --proxy flag or if I use our https proxy instead. Is there anything else I should try or is this a bug? This is on Windows 8.1 and I have proxy environment variables set (and npm, similar are all working fine).

update error: missing path

An AssertionError pops with a fresh installation v10.0.2:

$ npm i -g webdriver-manager
/usr/local/bin/webdriver-manager -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/webdriver-manager/bin/webdriver-manager
[email protected] /usr/local/lib/node_modules/webdriver-manager
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
└── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])

$ webdriver-manager update
webdriver-manager: using global installed version 10.0.2
[10:58:29] E/config - nothing to return for a config file

  throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: missing path
    at Module.require (module.js:466:3)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Function.Config.binaryVersions (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/webdriver-manager/built/lib/config.js:82:26)
    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/webdriver-manager/built/lib/binaries/chrome_driver.js:47:51
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/webdriver-manager/built/lib/binaries/chrome_driver.js:51:2)
    at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3)

A config file is required ? Thanks

Selenium Server can't run geckodriver after the browser session is deleted

Geckodriver version: 0.9.0
Selenium version: 2.53.1
Firefox version: 49

If you try to run protractor twice using marionette, it'll fail to start firefox on the second run. Selenium server throws this error. Almost certainly, this is an external bug with selenium

Driver info: driver.version: unknown
        at org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.FirefoxDriverProvider.callConstructor(
        at org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.FirefoxDriverProvider.newInstance(
        at org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.DefaultDriverFactory.newInstance(
        at org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.DefaultSession$
        at org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.DefaultSession$
        at org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.DefaultSession$
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
        at org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.FirefoxDriverProvider.callConstructor(
        ... 9 more
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or bro
wser start-up failure.

Document setting alternative driver version

Since #41 the config file is loaded from within the module itself. So it is no longer a user configuration file. @cnishina mentions that to override a version now we should use, for example, webdriver-manager update That command works to install the requested version, but that version will not be picked up by Protractor. Protractor uses webdriver-manager/built/lib/binaries/chrome_driver.js which again takes the version from the config file.

As a workaround I can set the ChromeDriver executable name (including version) with protractor.conf.js's chromeDriver property. Is there a better way?

Since different Chrome versions require different ChromeDriver versions, I think it is a common wish to set a specific ChromeDriver version. Could you please include instructions for this in Thanks!

chore(edge): set edge to start to run behind a flag

Edge should not automatically be included when webdriver-manager starts unless the user specifies that they have the Microsoft Edge driver. This should be set up behind a flag.

Also, since Edge relies on Windows 10, it would be nice to investigate if there was a way to get the Windows version from node 'os' to not display Edge as an option for Windows 7 or 8.

Unable to download chromedriver 2.24

When attempting to update, I get the following output:

./node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager update                                      
[08:31:32] I/file_manager - creating folder /path/to/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium
[08:31:32] I/downloader - selenium standalone: downloading version 2.53.1
[08:31:32] I/downloader - curl -o /path/to/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar
[08:31:32] I/downloader - chromedriver: downloading version 2.24
[08:31:32] I/downloader - curl -o /path/to/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/
[08:31:33] E/downloader - Error: Got code 404 from
[08:31:33] E/downloader - Error: Got error Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/path/to/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/' from

I am not certain, but this might be due to the fact that mac32 is missing from the download page. I guess it has been replaced with mac64?

edit: it looks like this is also the case for 2.23

Unhandled 'error' event on webdriver-manager update

I am trying to upgrade to Protractor 4 and I encountered some errors when updating webdriver-manager. If it matters, I am behind a corporate proxy, but the proxy option has worked fine for webdriver-manager before the Protractor 4 release.

'protractor --version' gives Version 4.0.0.

'webdriver-manager update ' gives the following error with or without the proxy option:

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
    at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:873:11)
    at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:896:20)
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1077:14)

This error is sometimes preceded by the following, but only always.

[15:07:47] I/downloader - selenium standalone: downloading version 2.53.1
[15:07:47] I/downloader - curl -o C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar

The following error occurs when running 'webdriver-manager start' with or without the proxy option.

[14:51:52] I/start - java -jar C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\protractor\node_modu
les\webdriver-manager\selenium\chromedriver_2.22.exe\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\IEDriverServer_x64_2.53.1.exe -Dwebdriver.edge.driver=C:\Program Files (x86)\
Microsoft Web Driver\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe
[14:51:52] I/start - 32800
Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar
[14:51:52] I/start - Selenium Standalone has exited with code 1

--alternate_cdn option no longer works

Looks like webdriver-manager no longer honours the --alternate_cdn option.


λ ~/ webdriver-manager update --alternate_cdn=

Results in webdriver-manager going to the regular CDN, ignoring the provided option:

[20:56:08] I/downloader - selenium standalone: downloading version 2.53.1
[20:56:08] I/downloader - curl -o /path/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar

fix selenium folder location

When protractor is installed locally / globally, the selenium folder should be in the path protractor/selenium/ instead of protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium.

Current configuration will causes issues when launching protractor with direct connect.

10.2.4 throws error when using --seleniumPort

We get an Unrecognized option: -port when using --seleniumPort.

c:\Jenkins\jobs\Website E2E\workspace>node_modules\.bin\webdriver-manager start --seleniumPort 14444 --ignore_ssl
[08:39:24] I/start - java -port 14444\Jenkins\jobs\Website E2E\workspace\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\chromedriver_2.24.exe -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=c:\Jenkins\jobs\Website E2E\workspace\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\geckodriver-v0.9.0.exe -jar c:\Jenkins\jobs\Website E2E\workspace\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar
[08:39:24] I/start - 4444
Unrecognized option: -port
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
[08:39:24] I/start - Selenium Standalone has exited with code 1

I tried reverting to 10.2.3 using shrinkwrap, which solved the issue.

OS: Windows 10
Java: 1.8.0_65

feat(drivers): installing geckodriver with webdriver-manager

Geckodriver is the tool similar to Chrome's chromedriver.

It is required to run WebDriver with FF since FF 47.

UPD: it is not required with FF47 but it seems like it will be required with FF48 and Selenium < 3.0, see #52 (comment)

For now it should be installed manually on each machine. It would be really great if this process could be automated the way it is now done with chromedriver which can be installed using webdriver-manager.

Exception trying to run 'webdriver-manager update'

From a fresh install of the package, I get the following error running webdriver-manager:

console.log(nodeModuleName + ': using ' + printCyan('local installed version ' +

TypeError: printCyan is not a function
at Object. (/Users/heathkit/src/webdriver-manager/bin/webdriver-manager:44:45)
at Module._compile (module.js:413:34)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:422:10)
at Module.load (module.js:357:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:314:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:447:10)
at startup (node.js:148:18)
at node.js:405:3
zsh: exit 1 webdriver-manager update

Add e2e test

It will be good to have some tests launching node bin/webdriver-manager:

  • start with no selenium folder
  • clean with no selenium folder
  • status with no selenium folder
  • start with a selenium folder but no selenium jar file
  • update - check files are downloaded
  • status - check files are there
  • clean - remove downloaded files

webdriver-manager update doesn't seem to install chrome driver

Hi there,

I have downloaded protractor via NPM. I navigate to the following directory and do the following commands

cd .\node_modules\protractor\bin
node webdriver-manager update --proxy
node webdriver-manager start

This produces the following output.... 26980
14:12:06.628 INFO - Launching a standalone Selenium Server
Setting system property to C:\Users\bxb145\workspace\Sam
14:12:06.785 INFO - Java: Oracle Corporation 25.91-b15
14:12:06.786 INFO - OS: Windows 7 6.1 amd64
14:12:06.794 INFO - v2.52.0, with Core v2.52.0. Built from revision 4c2593c
14:12:06.848 INFO - Driver class not found:
14:12:06.849 INFO - Driver provider is not re
14:12:06.858 INFO - Driver provider org.openqa.selenium.safari.SafariDriver regi
stration is skipped:
registration capabilities Capabilities [{browserName=safari, version=, platform=
MAC}] does not match the current platform VISTA

14:12:07.079 INFO - RemoteWebDriver instances should connect to: http://127.0.0.
14:12:07.079 INFO - Selenium Server is up and running

I try and execute some scripts via protractor

protractor conf_chromefirefox.js

config is the following....

exports.config = {
framework: 'custom',

// path relative to the current config file
frameworkPath: require.resolve('protractor-cucumber-framework'),

DirectConnect: true,

allScriptsTimeout: 10000,

// Capabilities to be passed to the webdriver instance.
capabilities: {

    browserName: 'chrome',

    pageLoadingStrategy: 'eager',

    ignoreProtectedModeSettings: true


// Spec patterns are relative to the location of the spec file. They may include glob patterns.
suites: {

    LoginExternal: 'Features/Cucumber/Helpers/Login.feature',



    require: ['Features/StepDefinitions/*_steps.js', 'features/support/World.js', 'features/support/Hooks.js', 'features/support/Common.js'],

    format: "pretty"


onPrepare: function() 





    browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;



when I run via protractor I get this error

throw new TypeError('Path must be a string. Received ' +

TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
at assertPath (path.js:8:11)
at Object.win32.join (path.js:221:5)
at C:\Users\bxb145\workspace\Sample\node_modules\selenium-webdriver\safari.js:84:29
at Object. (C:\Users\bxb145\workspace\Sample\node_modules\selenium-webdriver\safari.js:98:3)
at Module._compile (module.js:397:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:404:10)
at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
at Module.require (module.js:353:17)
at require (internal/module.js:12:17)

which is related (I think to the safari registration error message above). In that when it starts up it looks for safari driver. Why i do not know. How do I configure webdriver-manager so that it will not use safari? Any help appreciated with this as I'm unable to proceed past this and it is blocking me.

webdriver-manager update standalone.jar failed when behind proxy

my company need proxy to access network, so I run webdriver-manager update --proxy=<proxy_adress>, but I got below errow:
[17:04:02] E/downloader - Connection timeout downloading:
[17:04:02] E/downloader - Default timeout is 4 minutes.
[17:04:02] E/downloader - { [Error: connect ETIMEDOUT]

After look into the source code: lib/cmds/update.ts, the issue seems exist in below lines:

  if (standalone) {
    let binary = binaries[];
    FileManager.toDownload(binary, outputDir).then((value: boolean) => {
      if (value) {
        Downloader.downloadBinary(binary, outputDir);   **//it skiped to pass proxy and ignore_ssl at here**

update workd after I changed it to Downloader.downloadBinary(binary_1, outputDir, proxy, ignoreSSL)

FYI, you can notcie the source code to download the chrome.exe or IE.exe with proxy and ignoreSSL be passed


Add markdown files to a docs/ folder:

update command:

  • using a proxy or alternative cdn.
  • override for versions. see #98
  • using with protractor for directConnect or seleniumAddress related #98
  • set up with microsoft edge

start command:

  • override for versions. see #98
  • using with protractor

other things:

  • how it works and where files get downloaded
  • help menus

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