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angular_components's Issues

material-input doesn't work with pageloader package

Here is a sample of what i try to do everything work except one thing.
The PageLoaderElement type method doesn't work on the material-input component.

The value of username and password are not modified.
Do you have any idea why this doesn't work ?


Is it any roadmap about the elements that will be available and when. I saw in dart summit the ACX gallery with all elements. Any plans?

Fixed material-tab height

It would be great to get the ability to control a material tabs height. Making it take up the remaining height in the material-tab-panel.

[Q] Make intl package optional

Hello, would it be possible to make the intl package optional or decrease its size?
It takes around 400kb and as far as I have seen it is only used to get localization for default texts and messages.
I guess there is no way to use tree-shaking to reduce the size?

Glyph breakage due to strict protection mode in Firefox

This is an edge case and I am not sure where to log it.

The sample page ( has glyphs fetched from These glyphs are not displayed when the strict protection mode is enabled in Firefox.

OS - Ubuntu 16.04.1
Browser - Firefox 49.0
Steps to reproduce -

  1. Menu -> Preferences -> Privacy -> Change Block List.
  2. Select the strict protection option.
  3. Navigate to
    Expected - Glyphs are shown
    Actual - Placeholder text is shown instead of glyphs. Additionally, a shield icon is shown on the address bar next to the green lock.

material-expansionpanel-set seems not to work under a material-tab

The problem is rather simple, see the template below:

  <material-tab label="test">
      <material-expansionpanel name="panel 1">
        Test 1
      <material-expansionpanel name="panel 2">
        Test 2

The Dartium browser renders nothing. If I remove the surrounding material-tab-panel and material-tab the expansion-panels are rendered with the expected accordion behavior. In reverse without the expensionpanel-set the tab is rendered correctly. It seems that the combination causes the problem. Compiling to JavaScript does not change this outcome.

Does not start in pub serve mode

Can't start using because of exception trown in pub serve mode:

ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: No top-level method '_url' declared.

NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '_url'
Receiver: top-level
Arguments: [...](anonymous function) @ VM9598:1

ORIGINAL STACKTRACE:(anonymous function) @ VM9598:1
#0      NoSuchMethodError._throwNew (dart:core-patch/errors_patch.dart:184)
#1      _url (package:angular2_components/src/framework_stabilizers/testability.dart:18:25)
#2      testabilitiesEnabled (package:angular2_components/src/framework_stabilizers/testability.dart:21:35)
#3      testabilitiesEnabled (package:angular2_components/src/framework_stabilizers/testability.dart:21:12)

in release mode after 'pub build' seems started properly.

MaterialInputComponents should fire a DOM event on user key press

Say I have a form:

<form (submit)="handleSubmit()">
  <material-input floatingLabel label="Username" [(ngModel)]="username"></material-input>
  <material-button (click)="handleSubmit()" raised>Submit</material-button>

It is impossible for me automatically submit the form when the user presses enter inside the textbox. It would be great if there were an EventEmitter such as:

<material-input onKeyDown="handleKeyDown($event)"></material-input>

No icons

Glyph component doesn't show the icon, just the title of it.

glyph icons don't work with ViewEncapsulation.Native

When ViewEncapsulation.Native is used the fonts don't render. You have to include the glyph icons import / css on every component where you want to use the icon.

Can the components be constructed so they always work correctly regardless of the encapsulation method used?

Note: I'm using Polymer for the main layout components and trying to use angular2_components for everything else where possible.

Material icons

Material icons needs to import an external css inside the html. My question is if there is any way to include inside the css selector inside the component like this:
styleUrls: const ['app_component.css',''],

Glyph touch button

Is the a way to implement de touch glyph button inside an input.
For example a glyph button to show the password content.

radio-group ngModel radio element not selected after change

The simple app from this repo runs as expected initially and displays this radio group with the currentHero selected:

screen shot 2017-03-14 at 10 12 04 am

This is an excerpt from the template used to generate the view:

    <material-radio-group [(ngModel)]="currentHero">
        <material-radio *ngFor="let h of heroes" [value]="h">
            {{}} ({{}})

But if you click "Reset Heroes", the current hero is no longer selected in the radio group:

screen shot 2017-03-14 at 10 12 17 am

The reset action code is:

  void resetHeroes() {
    heroes = => new Hero.copy(hero)).toList();
    currentHero = heroes[0];

The full source for this demo (generated from a stagehand Angular web app base), is here.
This app uses 3.0.0-alpha+1 version of Angular and the latest ACX.

This issue was originally discovered while working on the AngularDart 3.x sample for the Template Syntax page.

cc @kwalrath @filiph

Glyphs - Could not find asset angular2|lib/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart

Apparently there is an error in this line.

I am attempting to use a GlyphComponent, and here is dartjs's output:

Loading source assets...
Loading angel_configuration, dart_to_js_script_rewriter and angular2/transform/codegen transformers...
Loading angular2 transformers...
Building angel...
[Info from Dart2JS]:
Compiling angel|web/main.dart...
[Error from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Can't read 'package:angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart' (Could not find asset angular2|lib/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart.).
import 'package:angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart'
    show DomRootRenderer;
[Warning from Dart2JS]:
Library 'package:angular2/platform/browser_static.dart' doesn't export a 'initReflector' declaration.
Try removing 'initReflector' from the 'show' clause.
import 'package:angular2/platform/browser_static.dart' show bootstrapStatic, initReflector;import 'main.template.dart' as ngStaticInit;
[Warning from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Library 'package:angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart' doesn't export a 'DomRootRenderer' declaration.
Try removing 'DomRootRenderer' from the 'show' clause.
    show DomRootRenderer;
[Warning from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Library 'package:angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart' doesn't export a 'DomRootRenderer' declaration.
Try removing 'DomRootRenderer' from the 'show' clause.
export 'package:angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart' show DomRootRenderer;
[Warning from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Library 'package:angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart' doesn't export a 'DomRootRenderer' declaration.
Try removing 'DomRootRenderer' from the 'show' clause.
    show DomRootRenderer;
[Warning from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Library 'package:angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart' doesn't export a 'DomRootRenderer' declaration.
Try removing 'DomRootRenderer' from the 'show' clause.
import 'package:angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_renderer.dart' show DomRootRenderer;
[Error from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Not a compile-time constant.
const [const <dynamic>[ElementRef], const <dynamic>[Renderer], const <dynamic>[DomService]],
[Error from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Not a compile-time constant.
const [const <dynamic>[ElementRef], const <dynamic>[Renderer], const <dynamic>[DomService]],
[Error from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Not a compile-time constant.
const [const <dynamic>[ElementRef], const <dynamic>[Renderer], const <dynamic>[DomService]],
[Error from Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
Not a compile-time constant.
const [const <dynamic>[ElementRef], const <dynamic>[Renderer], const <dynamic>[DomService]],
[Dart2JS on angel|web/main.dart]:
10 warning(s) and 1 hint(s) suppressed in package:angular2_components.
[Info from Dart2JS]:
Took 0:00:13.267029 to compile angel|web/main.dart.
Build failed.

Not sure why this would occur. If you need any more information about the error, let me know, and I will provide it. :)

material-ripple takes entire screen

i'm setting up a showcase page based on the project showcase. I defined a simple custom card component, but adding a material-ripple to it, it takes the entire visibile content above the fold (if the page is scrollable, the ripple doesn't extend to the part below the fold).
this is a screenshot while clicking on the page lower right:


<div class="simple-card">
  <img class="simple-card__image"
  <p class="simple-card__text">
.simple-card {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    height: 56px;
    min-width: 288px;
    max-width: 368px;
    background-color: #fff;
    border-radius: 2px;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
import 'package:angular2/core.dart';
import 'package:angular2_components/angular2_components.dart';

    selector: 'qui-simple-card',
    styleUrls: const ['qui_simple_card.css'],
    templateUrl: 'qui_simple_card.html',
    directives: const [
    providers: const [materialProviders])
class QuiSimpleCardComponent {
  String imageUrl;

  String text;

I expected the ripple to be confined inside my card borders. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
using latest dart 1.20.1 and angular2 2.0

Any documentation

No way to see some examples of use or some documentation to start with the component.

Formatting option on material-input

I'm using a material-input field inside a panel with a background color.
The whole material-input inherits the background color, but I'd like to assign the input element (not the underline below) a clearer color (not necessarily white) because it is a wide standard to have input fields with a light color background.
Anyway, I thing it could be useful to have the possibility to style the input element background and text colors.
Is there a way to do this that I couldn't figure out or shoudl this be considered a request?

Material Toolbar Component

I actually built one last night out of necessity (using these components in a project), and once I get home, I'll upload it to Github and share the link here.

Feel free to include it in this package. It's more or less a port of the Polymer paper-toolbar.

ExpansionPanel expanded attribute does not work.

The problem is that the isExpanded setter requires a bool input, but a String value is passed in instead, therefore it is always went to the else clause.

  set isExpanded(bool value) {
    if (value == _isExpanded) return;
    if (value) {
      expand(byUserAction: false);
    } else {
      collapse(byUserAction: false);

In the following function, the ctx.expanded is true (bool), but import11.interpolate0(ctx.expanded) returns a string value "true".

void detectChangesInternal() {
    bool changed = true;
    changed = false;
    final currVal_0 = import11.interpolate0(ctx.expanded);
    if (import11.checkBinding(_expr_0,currVal_0)) {
      _MaterialExpansionPanel_0_4.isExpanded = currVal_0;
      changed = true;
      _expr_0 = currVal_0;
    final currVal_1 = 'Algo Server Debug';
    if (import11.checkBinding(_expr_1,currVal_1)) { = currVal_1;
      changed = true;
      _expr_1 = currVal_1;
    final currVal_2 = import11.interpolate0(false);
    if (import11.checkBinding(_expr_2,currVal_2)) {
      _MaterialExpansionPanel_0_4.showSaveCancel = currVal_2;
      changed = true;
      _expr_2 = currVal_2;
    if (changed) { _appEl_0.componentView.markAsCheckOnce(); }
    if ((identical(this.cdState, ChangeDetectorState.NeverChecked) && !import11.AppViewUtils.throwOnChanges)) { _MaterialExpansionPanel_0_4.ngOnInit(); }
dynamic interpolate0(dynamic p) {
  if (p is SafeValue) return p;
  return p == null ? '' : (p is String ? p : p.toString());

Why set isExpanded(bool value) does not complain a wrong type is provided (in Dartium, it does not complain, seems wrong to me )?

MaterialRadio and other components break project

Hi. Upon upgrading from Angular 2.1.1 to Angular 2.2.0, my project instantly broke. Here is the otuput from attempting to load the angular2 transformer:

[Error from DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/src/components/material_radio/material_radio.ng_summary.json with input angular2_components|lib/src/components/material_radio/material_radio.ng_meta.json]:
Missing identifier "MaterialRadioGroupComponent" needed by "MaterialRadioComponent" from metadata map
[Error from DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_summary.json with input angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_meta.json]:
Missing identifier "MaterialExpansionPanelSet" needed by "root" from metadata map
[Error from DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_summary.json with input angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_meta.json]:
Missing identifier "MaterialRadioGroupComponent" needed by "root" from metadata map
[Error from DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_summary.json with input angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_meta.json]:
Missing identifier "ReorderItemDirective" needed by "root" from metadata map
[Error from DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_summary.json with input angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_meta.json]:
Missing identifier "ReorderListComponent" needed by "root" from metadata map
Multiple errors occurred:

- Transform DirectiveProcessor on angular2_components|lib/src/components/material_expansionpanel/material_expansionpanel_set.dart threw error: Queries inside constructors are deprecated, please replace with query annotations on fields in class MaterialExpansionPanelSet
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1280:3  _reportDeprecation
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1256:7  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata.<fn>
  dart:_internal/iterable.dart 416                                        MappedListIterable.elementAt
  dart:_internal/iterable.dart 222                                        ListIterable.toList
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1270:6  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 229:13  _CompileTypeMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 673:10  _DirectiveMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 72:10   TypeMetadataReader.readTypeMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 98:10  _NgMetaVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 7688:20                          NodeListImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 92:30  _NgMetaVisitor.visitCompilationUnit
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 2439:15                          CompilationUnitImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 52:16  createNgMeta.<async>.<fn>.<async>
  dart:async/future.dart 144                                              Future.Future.microtask.<fn>
  dart:async/zone.dart 1150                                               _rootRun
  dart:async/zone.dart 1026                                     
  dart:async/zone.dart 953                                                _CustomZone.bindCallback.<fn>
  dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart 41                                   _microtaskLoop
  dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart 50                                   _startMicrotaskLoop
  dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart 96                                _runPendingImmediateCallback
  dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart 149                               _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1280:3  _reportDeprecation
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1256:7  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata.<fn>
  dart:_internal                                                          ListIterable.toList
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1270:6  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 229:13  _CompileTypeMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 673:10  _DirectiveMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 72:10   TypeMetadataReader.readTypeMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 98:10  _NgMetaVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 7688:20                          NodeListImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 92:30  _NgMetaVisitor.visitCompilationUnit
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 2439:15                          CompilationUnitImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 52:16  createNgMeta.<async>.<fn>.<async>
- Transform DirectiveProcessor on angular2_components|lib/src/components/material_radio/material_radio_group.dart threw error: Queries inside constructors are deprecated, please replace with query annotations on fields in class MaterialRadioGroupComponent
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1280:3  _reportDeprecation
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1256:7  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata.<fn>
  dart:_internal/iterable.dart 416                                        MappedListIterable.elementAt
  dart:_internal/iterable.dart 222                                        ListIterable.toList
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1270:6  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 229:13  _CompileTypeMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 673:10  _DirectiveMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 72:10   TypeMetadataReader.readTypeMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 98:10  _NgMetaVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 7688:20                          NodeListImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 92:30  _NgMetaVisitor.visitCompilationUnit
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 2439:15                          CompilationUnitImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 52:16  createNgMeta.<async>.<fn>.<async>
  dart:async/future.dart 144                                              Future.Future.microtask.<fn>
  dart:async/zone.dart 1150                                               _rootRun
  dart:async/zone.dart 1026                                     
  dart:async/zone.dart 953                                                _CustomZone.bindCallback.<fn>
  dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart 41                                   _microtaskLoop
  dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart 50                                   _startMicrotaskLoop
  dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart 96                                _runPendingImmediateCallback
  dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart 149                               _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1280:3  _reportDeprecation
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1256:7  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata.<fn>
  dart:_internal                                                          ListIterable.toList
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1270:6  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 229:13  _CompileTypeMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 673:10  _DirectiveMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 72:10   TypeMetadataReader.readTypeMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 98:10  _NgMetaVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 7688:20                          NodeListImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 92:30  _NgMetaVisitor.visitCompilationUnit
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 2439:15                          CompilationUnitImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 52:16  createNgMeta.<async>.<fn>.<async>
- Transform DirectiveProcessor on angular2_components|lib/src/components/reorder_list/reorder_list.dart threw error: Queries inside constructors are deprecated, please replace with query annotations on fields in class ReorderListComponent
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1280:3  _reportDeprecation
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1256:7  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata.<fn>
  dart:_internal/iterable.dart 416                                        MappedListIterable.elementAt
  dart:_internal/iterable.dart 222                                        ListIterable.toList
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1270:6  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 229:13  _CompileTypeMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 673:10  _DirectiveMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 72:10   TypeMetadataReader.readTypeMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 98:10  _NgMetaVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 7688:20                          NodeListImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 92:30  _NgMetaVisitor.visitCompilationUnit
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 2439:15                          CompilationUnitImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 52:16  createNgMeta.<async>.<fn>.<async>
  dart:async/future.dart 144                                              Future.Future.microtask.<fn>
  dart:async/zone.dart 1150                                               _rootRun
  dart:async/zone.dart 1026                                     
  dart:async/zone.dart 953                                                _CustomZone.bindCallback.<fn>
  dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart 41                                   _microtaskLoop
  dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart 50                                   _startMicrotaskLoop
  dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart 96                                _runPendingImmediateCallback
  dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart 149                               _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1280:3  _reportDeprecation
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1256:7  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata.<fn>
  dart:_internal                                                          ListIterable.toList
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1270:6  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 229:13  _CompileTypeMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 673:10  _DirectiveMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 72:10   TypeMetadataReader.readTypeMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 98:10  _NgMetaVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 7688:20                          NodeListImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 92:30  _NgMetaVisitor.visitCompilationUnit
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 2439:15                          CompilationUnitImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 52:16  createNgMeta.<async>.<fn>.<async>
- Transform DirectiveProcessor on angular2_components|lib/src/components/scorecard/scoreboard.dart threw error: Queries inside constructors are deprecated, please replace with query annotations on fields in class ScoreboardComponent
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1280:3  _reportDeprecation
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1256:7  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata.<fn>
  dart:_internal/iterable.dart 416                                        MappedListIterable.elementAt
  dart:_internal/iterable.dart 222                                        ListIterable.toList
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1270:6  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 229:13  _CompileTypeMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 673:10  _DirectiveMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 72:10   TypeMetadataReader.readTypeMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 98:10  _NgMetaVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 7688:20                          NodeListImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 92:30  _NgMetaVisitor.visitCompilationUnit
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 2439:15                          CompilationUnitImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 52:16  createNgMeta.<async>.<fn>.<async>
  dart:async/future.dart 144                                              Future.Future.microtask.<fn>
  dart:async/zone.dart 1150                                               _rootRun
  dart:async/zone.dart 1026                                     
  dart:async/zone.dart 953                                                _CustomZone.bindCallback.<fn>
  dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart 41                                   _microtaskLoop
  dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart 50                                   _startMicrotaskLoop
  dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart 96                                _runPendingImmediateCallback
  dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart 149                               _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1280:3  _reportDeprecation
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1256:7  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata.<fn>
  dart:_internal                                                          ListIterable.toList
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 1270:6  _getCompileDiDependencyMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 229:13  _CompileTypeMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 673:10  _DirectiveMetadataVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/common/type_metadata_reader.dart 72:10   TypeMetadataReader.readTypeMetadata
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 98:10  _NgMetaVisitor.visitClassDeclaration
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 1847:15                          ClassDeclarationImpl.accept
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 7688:20                          NodeListImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 92:30  _NgMetaVisitor.visitCompilationUnit
  package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart 2439:15                          CompilationUnitImpl.accept
  package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart 52:16  createNgMeta.<async>.<fn>.<async>
- Transform DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/src/components/material_radio/material_radio.ng_summary.json threw error: Missing identifier "MaterialRadioGroupComponent" needed by "MaterialRadioComponent" from metadata map
- Transform DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_summary.json threw error: Missing identifier "MaterialExpansionPanelSet" needed by "root" from metadata map
- Transform DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_summary.json threw error: Missing identifier "MaterialRadioGroupComponent" needed by "root" from metadata map
- Transform DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_summary.json threw error: Missing identifier "ReorderItemDirective" needed by "root" from metadata map
- Transform DirectiveMetadataLinker on angular2_components|lib/angular2_components.ng_summary.json threw error: Missing identifier "ReorderListComponent" needed by "root" from metadata map
dart:isolate  _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage

material-input of type number does not validate

I try to let the user only input a number in a material-input and therefore set the type accordingly.
In the source of the material-input is stated:

/// - errorMsg -- The error msg to be shown on the input if the max characters
/// are hit or the msg for an invalid number in the case of type = "number"

But no error is shown on invalid user input?

No provider for ManagedZone! with material-button

I added a button to my application

<material-button raised>Show Dialog</material-button>

Now I get

Observatory listening at
>EXCEPTION: Error in asset:angular2_components/lib/src/components/material_button/material_button.html:10:0
  EXCEPTION: Error in asset:angular2_components/lib/src/components/material_button/material_button.html:10:0
  ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: No provider for ManagedZone!
  #0      _NullInjector.get (package:angular2/src/core/di/injector.dart:11:7)
#1      MapInjector.get (package:angular2/src/core/di/map_injector.dart:28:25)
#2      ReflectiveInjectorImpl._getByKeyDefault (package:angular2/src/core/di/reflective_injector.dart:804:18)
#3      ReflectiveInjectorImpl._getByKey (package:angular2/src/core/di/reflective_injector.dart:770:14)
#4      ReflectiveInjectorImpl.get (package:angular2/src/core/di/reflective_injector.dart:528:17)
#5      ElementInjector.get (package:angular2/src/core/linker/element_injector.dart:17:37)
#6      ElementInjector.get (package:angular2/src/core/linker/element_injector.dart:17:37)
#7      ViewMaterialButtonComponent0.createInternal (package:angular2_components/src/components/material_button/material_button.template.dart:99:166)
#8      AppView.createComp (package:angular2/src/core/linker/app_view.dart:159:12)
#9      DebugAppView.createComp (package:angular2/src/debug/debug_app_view.dart:63:30)

Modal shieldScroll

It would be great to have an optional scroll shield, because when i use a modal i doesn't want to allow the user to scroll the background.

Setting button as disabled does not prevent triggering a click event

When a button is disabled and the user moves the mouse over it the cursor changes to 'disabled' but if the user desides to click the button anyway a click event is generated.

To reproduce the issue:

<material-button (click)="clicked()" disabled>Disabled</material-button>
void clicked() {
    print('clickety-click !!');

Lottery Simulator example doesn't work with version 0.2.2 - tabs don't show


I've followed all the example but with the latest Dart/Angular2/angular2_components.
Everything works except for the last step when the divs are replaced by "material-tab".
To be sure that I made no mistake I replaced the code by the "step-4" from github and it still doesn't work.
I managed to run the "component example" page with the same versions, and the tabs are ok, so there must just be something missing in the demo.

Steps to reproduce:

git clone
cd one-hour-codelab\angular2_components\4-final\
pub get
pub deps
pub serve

Here everything is working :)

vi pubspec.yaml

pub get
Resolving dependencies...
> angular2 2.2.0 (was 2.1.1)
> angular2_components 0.2.2 (was 0.2.0)
Changed 2 dependencies!

pub deps
pub serve

Here it doesn't work...

Changing theme

Is it currently possible to change what colors are using for the material elements?

Help with material-tooltip-text

Original question by @dejan-marlovic

hi, can you please help me? I know that this is not the right place to ask for help about this but I could not find solution to this anywhere else

im trying to use:
<span tooltipTarget #ref="tooltipTarget">
Explicitly declare a tooltip component

<material-tooltip-text [for]="ref">
Allows for formatted text.

and I get an error:
Transform TemplateCompiler on tooltip|lib/app_component.ng_meta.json threw error: Template parse errors:
line 4, column 21 of AppComponent: ParseErrorLevel.FATAL: There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "tooltipTarget"

I can use other components fine

Provide explanation why to use these components over the Polymer ones

The Polymer project implements a whole range of Material components. These are supposed to be usable from any framework and there is even a PolymerDart implementation of (most of?) them.

It is not clear to the user (incl. me) what the added value is of using these components over the ones of the Polymer project.
I think it would be helpful to have a small explanatory section on this in the README.

Popup position incorrect

When using a flex layout the popup appears off screen/behind the screen making a x-scrollbar appear in the process. You can see scrollbar appear on the body in the screen shots.

Also there is currently no way that I can see to force the top right alignment. This type of option would also alleviate this issue.

screenshot from 2017-01-09 18-07-03

screenshot from 2017-01-09 18-07-15

Material button glyph

When use an icon button i have problems styling. I got a 50x50px material button but the glyph icon doesn't center inside. It generates a div ng-content not centered. Also i want to ask if is possible a rectangular icon button instead of using the glyph ripple effect.

Incorrect Import statement in Glyph Documentation

The class docs for the Glyph component say to include the following link at the top of the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"

However, none of the icons show up using this link. The example code uses this link instead:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 

which works properly.

I think this is because the Glyph component adds the .material-icons class to a tag, but that class is called .material-icons-extended in the extended stylesheet.

The docs should be changed to reflect this, and I guess the extended set of icons should be supported eventually.

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