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paspaley's Issues

EDM 4 - Sept 21 - 30’ Film trailer is released Send to all

@anhnt this is for PAS10979 Paspaley eDM2-650-1000-M01.psd

We will manually push this EDM on Sept 21st when the client gives us the approval.

This EDM needs to be sent to all these groups:

  • Coming Soon
  • 2015 Registrations
  • All Existing Paspaley Database
  • 2014 Everything Precious Database

When the user clicks on the button from the EDM it takes them to the microsite showing the Trailer video.

Microsite Header & Footer Nav and Yellow Subscribe Bar sticking

@anhnt please develop the following:

  • Header and Footer navigation floats and stays on top at all times while you scroll up and down the page (same functionality as what is currently on the site)
  • Yellow subscribe bar will stick underneath the image carousel, but when you scroll down the page the yellow subscribe bar will stick directly underneath the Header nav. This gives the user opportunity to sing-up no matter how far down they are on the microsite
  • When you scroll to the top of the page the yellow subscribe bar will sit straight underneath the carousel

Develop this so that there is no white gap issue

Full Page - PSD for 3 x 15' video clips

@anhnt Here is the PSD for the top section of the microsite for the 3 x 15 second video clips. You will need to integrate the custom Youtube Player you were working on.

For now just use this video sample as the placeholder on the microsite:

Here is the login access to the Paspaley Youtube account for uploading the final approved videos once we received them!

Username: enquiries@***
Password: xxx

Full page Sept 15

Make changes to "Full Page” -

  • This page is now due to go live on the 15th Sept
  • Please apply PSD design that was sent to you on Thursday, 3 Sept 2015
  • The hero image will be a carousel, so please apply x3 rotating placeholder images
  • The client has also advised that there will be 3 x 15 second video clips that needs to go live on this page. As a placeholder could you please insert on top of the carousel the custom YouTube video player that you worked on into this page?
  • With the custom YouTube video, could you please:
  • swap out the music video with this placeholder video If you can’t use this video please just choose any Paspaley video from their YouTube channel
  • With the overlay Official Merchandise 'i’ button please change this to "Shop the Maxima Collection - Click Here”
  • When the right hand side panel appears after clicking on the ‘i’ button could you please change these to Paspaley products - just pick any of the products on
  • Please drop in the attached copy deck for the microsite and EDMs. Please note this copy deck is still being approved so we are expecting the client to make some copy tweaks before going live.
  • With the location images, could you please make the images randomly change every time someone visits the microsite?

FYI - I am still waiting on the creative agency to send PSDs for all the EDMs and all the other microsite pages. The client has now changed the go live dates to the following:

· Sept 9: Coming Soon Holding Page go-live (collect subscriptions from this date)
· Sept 14: Image Carousel or 3 x 15 second YouTube video clips, Bios, Location images go live.
· Sept 21: 30 second Trailer Youtube video released on microsite page
· Sept 29: Registration now closed pop-up goes live. 25 winners are picked and an EDM is sent to all these 25 winners on 5pm AEST on the 29th October. All those who subscribe receive an EDM of the full pre-release short film on the 1st Oct – this EDM will click through to the “Hidden Pre-release Short Film Page". Everyone else can publicly view this short film on the microsite from October 2.
· Oct 1: Maxima collection live on microsite
· Oct 2: Short film released on microsite
· Oct 7: EDM new collection now live



Coming soon page


  • Can we please unbold the “Subscribe” button? It doesn’t seem to be matching the style in the PSDs

Registration pop-up

  • As per PSDs please change copy to read "Be the first to view our stunning short film by Ariel Kleiman.”
  • As per PSDs please make the check box yellow
  • For the check box, please change the date of "September 28" to read "October 1"
  • When I register and I un-tick the competition checkbox and hit submit, it accepts my entry. But when I register again using the exact same details and I decide to tick the competition checkbox, will Kademi save my details as entering into the competition even though it detects that I have already registered? There may be instances where people sign up and forget to tick the box first time round, so they decide to fill out the form again to enter the competition. How do we handle what segment groups these people will fall under in Kademi?

Terms & Conditions page

  • Replace entire copy with the following instead:

Behind the Lens – Film Premiere

To launch our latest collection, we’ve returned to our pearling origins, the pristine waters of The Kimberley; with acclaimed film director Ariel Kleiman, fashion photographer Regan Cameron and international actress Clara Paget. The result, a short film capturing the beauty of Maxima set in a location truly unique to our heritage.

We are hosting an exclusive premiere of ‘Behind the Lens’ with director Ariel Kleiman in Sydney on 1st October 2015.

For your chance to attend, please submit your details below.

Recipients will be notified via email on Tuesday September 29.

Terms and Conditions
NSW Permit Number LTPS/15/06653

Each winner will receive two (2) tickets to the screening at the Golden Age Cinema and Bar in Sydney on October 1 2015. Winners will be selected at random and notified via telephone and email by 5pm AEST on Tuesday September 29. The prize is limited to tickets to the premiere only, and excludes flights, accommodation or any other inclusions. Tickets are not redeemable for cash and are non-transferrable.

Mobile Version

EDM 5 - Sept 30 - Behind the Lens - sent to all subscribers who signed-up directly on the microsite

@anhnt this is for PAS10979 Paspaley eDM5-650-1000-M01.psd

We will manually push this EDM on Sept 30th when the client gives us the approval.

This EDM needs to be sent to all these groups:

  • Coming Soon
  • 2015 Registrations
  • All Existing Paspaley Database
  • 2014 Everything Precious Database

When the user clicks on the button from the EDM it takes them to the private Short Film Page with the Short Film YouTube video.

EDM issue

When I receive the EDM in my iPhone it is displaying strange "preview" body text in both my Hotmail and Gmail accounts, see attached. Could you please fix?

Also, I noticed in the EDM that you need to change the footer unsubscribe link to read "To unsubscribe please click here".

Changes to Full Page Staging Site

@anhnt Please make these changes to the Full Page Staging Site

Creative Agency Feedback:

yellow bar below screen

Client Feedback:

  • I’ve looked at this on a few screens. Im worried about this white gap – I actually didn’t even think to scroll down – so not sure how any other user will know to either. Please shrink the height between the image carousel and “Our 2015 Collaborations”
  • See screengrab below… On the screens where the image spanned the whole page, with the yellow bar at the footer, no one knew to keep scrolling. Please implement a floating down arrow on the screen that when clicked on will take user to next section of the site.
  • Transition between images isn’t very smooth – seems quite “jagged” - please fix
  • Change Christine’s quote to: (Please apply italics where indicated) "This campaign captures the modernity and versatility of our latest collection – Maxima by Paspaley, while showcasing the beauty of The Kimberley - a location so unique to my family’s 80 year pearling heritage."
  • In Clara’s bio please make put the words Anne Bonny and Black Sails in italics and remove the quotations on them
  • In Christine’s bio, last sentence add word “or” before "for special occasions.”
  • Maxima collection images look HUGE on my screen – too large for what they are – see below. Creative Agency will resupply smaller sized images to switch out
  • In Maxima Collection delete the the word “but” so that it reads "A tribute to our mother-of-pearl origins - designed by Paspaley, crafted by the sea."

Change location copy to:

This year, we proudly celebrate 80 years of Australian pearling heritage, paying homage to our origins with a short film and fashion shoot created in The Kimberley - a location at the heart of Paspaley.

Paspaley’s pearl farms stretch more than 2500 kilometres across the pristine waters off Australia’s north-west coast. We remain committed to sustaining the waters off Northern Australia. With a proven environmentally benign footprint, we have long understood that a pearls beauty and quality is intrinsically influenced by the waters in which it grows.




EDM 3 - Sept 14 - Email to 2014 Everything Precious database

@anhnt this is for PAS10979 Paspaley eDM3-650-1000-M01.psd

We will manually push this EDM on Sept 14th when the client gives us the approval.

This EDM needs to be sent to "Paspaley 2014 Database" group.

When the user clicks on the button from the EDM it needs to take the user to the registration form with their details pre-populated in the fields using the auto-login token. The user can modify their details (except their email address) before hitting submit.

When the user submits their registration the fields that they have modified will overwrite their Profile fields in Kademi and this user must fall into the "2014 Everything Precious Database" group and respective "Premiere Launch Competition" and they must receive the "Thank You EDM".

EDM 1 - Sept 9-30 - "Thank You EDM" Response to those who have subscribed

@anhnt this is for PAS10979 Paspaley eDM1-650-1000-M01.psd
This is an auto-triggered EDM that will be automatically sent when user registers during 9th-30th Sept.
You have already built this EDM and it is already live on Coming Soon page. We just need to link this with the 2015 Registrations when we go live with the Full Page on 14 Sept.

Schedule Daily CSV emails to client of Behind The Lens Registrations

@anhnt Paspaley wants to see how many people register on the microsite.

In Kademi can you please setup under Talk & Connect > Schedule Emails

Sending daily CSV of all registrants from the “Coming Soon” and “Premiere Launch Group” to the following addresses at 9am:

[email protected] (client)
[email protected]
[email protected]

Before added the client, can you please create a test for us first?

I’ve been having a look at the reports and I think it is better that we schedule a daily send of the contactRequests.csv report instead of the groupSignups.csv.

I created a new group called BTL-admin and added Mark & myself on there for the moment. Once the scheduled emails are working we can then add the client into this group.

I also created 2 scheduled email tests in Kademi but they seem to be hanging - the tests are not sending…

Can you have a look into this?

I will send to the client directly an email with an export of the contactRequests.csv report.

Full Page - Bio quotes and images

@anhnt Please insert these quotes above each of the respective bio copy along with their respective black & white photo attached.

Ariel Kleiman
“I really enjoyed this project - having the creative freedom to develop this film, working with great
people like Paspaley and Clara, not to mention the once in a lifetime opportunity to shoot in such a stunning location.”

Clara Paget
“While the amazing jewellery and the amazing Kimberley region certainly drew me to this project, the opportunity to work with Regan and Ariel to merge the worlds of acting and modelling was very interesting to me.”

Regan Cameron
“This was exactly my sort of project. I’ve always wanted to shoot in The Kimberley, what an amazing location, and Clara is a truly inspiring model - but to have my photography integrated into the world of film is pretty exciting.”

Christine Salter
“This campaign captures the modernity and versatility of our latest collection, while showcasing a location so unique to my family’s 80 year pearling heritage.”

Client feedback

· Please amend t’s and c’s to the attached
· Please ensure the “country” drop down is not mandatory to fill out
· Please ensure “Maxima” and “Maxima by Paspaley” are always in italics
· Please ensure mother-of-pearl is always spelt lower case and hyphenated
· The pop up subscribe box has a pre-highlighted box for the premiere – this should be clear, and the user clicks it manually as the CTA is to “check the box”
· Can the icons be reordered to Facebook, Instagram and YouTube?
· The font on the image is really blurry
· The image is not retouched
· None of the links are working – all should link to the correct areas on – a lot a saying “page not found”?
· “Collection coming soon” should just read: “Jewellery Collections” and link to the collections pages
· The EDM images are distorted – see attached from inbox and mobile
· EDM copy had not been updated – please see attached.
· All EDMs should include social icons – maybe “SHARE” or “Follow” with all 3 icons along the footer?
· The EDM also has no logo on it? Or click to go back to the microsite?

Sept 30 - Short Film Page

@anhnt Short Film Page will go live on Sept 30 as a private page only accessible via CTA button in EDM 5.

On October 1st Short Film page will be made public and will be accessible by everyone.

Please version the Trailer Page and make the following changes as per the PSD that we will receive:

  • Switch trailer video in player with Short Film with CTA button WATCH THE FILM >
  • Add Short Film thumbnail to right hand side where other thumbnails are
  • Background image will change
  • Yellow bar – subscribe button copy wil change to something like: EXPLORE THE MAXMIA COLLECTION FEATURED IN BEHIND THE LENS >
  • BTL copy at top of page - remove ‘Launching Oct 1st’ copy
  • Add a EXPLORE NOW button to the bottom Maxima piece

All the above assets will be supplied in the PSD.

eDM doesnt match the PSD

The below EDM doesn’t match the PSD. Please fix following:

  • I think in the PSD there is a grey background colour behind the body copy.
  • The hero image is a little low res, we will need to send you the retouched image, but for the purposes testing and getting client approval could please fix resolution of this placeholder image?
  • The font type and font spacing don’t seem to match. When I checked the EDM in Mac Mail there is no line breaks in between the paragraphs, see screenshot attached. But when I checked the EDM on my hotmail account the line spacing of the copy in the yellow bar is out, see attached image.

Instagram video EDM

@anhnt I sent the below to you a while ago. Could you please build these tests? Hopefully it won't take you too long.

To increase traffic to the microsite, the client has come up with an idea to enable users to share 3 videos that will be uploaded to instagram.

The idea is at 3pm, 28th Sept we push an EDM to a specific group of emails.

We will divide this group of emails into 3 groups. Each group will be assigned an EDM featuring a different instagram video that way each group doesn’t get the same video.

The users will then watch their assigned instagram video and they can then share it onto their social network.

There’s a few things that we need to test before we present this user journey back to the client to see if it works.

We have come up with 2 options which we need to test. Could you please build the following tests:

Option 1: Landing Page test

  • Grab the embed code on this sample instagram video I think you need to click on the 3 little dots in the bottom right hand corner and click on the “Embed” link in the pop-up. You can the copy the embed code.
  • On a blank landing page, please insert blank embed code. I don’t know how this embed code works but I’m hoping it is the same as Youtube whereby the player will embed itself in the webpage.
  • Implement share buttons on this same landing page so that people can share the video.

Option 2: EDM launch Instagram app test

  • Create a blank EDM with a button that links through to
  • When user clicks on the button we need it to launch the instagram app and play this video within the app. Not sure if this requires instagram API???
  • If the user does not have instagram it needs to launch the video URL in their phone’s browser.

EDM 7 - Sept 28 - Email to selected 25 winners of the competition

@anhnt we will receive copy deck and PSD for this EDM on Wed 23 Sept 2015.

We will manually push this EDM on Sept 28th when the client gives us the approval.

In Kademi please create a new group called "Premiere Launch Winners"
We will select the 25 winners and add manually them to this group.

This EDM needs to be sent to the "Premiere Launch Winners" group.

EDM 6 - Oct 2 - Maxima Collection - EDM to all

@anhnt this is for PAS10979 Paspaley eDM6-650-1000-M01.psd

We will manually push this EDM on Oct 2nd when the client gives us the approval.

This EDM needs to be sent to all these groups:

  • Coming Soon
  • 2015 Registrations
  • All Existing Paspaley Database
  • 2014 Everything Precious Database

When the user clicks on the button from the EDM it takes them to the microsite with the Maxima Collection content live on the site.

EDM 2 - Sept 14 - Email to all (existing) Paspaley database

@anhnt this is for PAS10979 Paspaley eDM2-650-1000-M01.psd

We will manually push this EDM on Sept 14th when the client gives us the approval.

This EDM needs to be sent to "Paspaley Existing Client Database" group.

When the user clicks on the button from the EDM it needs to take the user to the registration form with their details prepopulated in the fields using the auto-login token. The user can modify their details (except their email address) before hitting submit.

When the user submits their registration the fields that they have modified will overwrite their Profile fields in Kademi and this user must fall into the "All Existing Paspaley Database" group and respective "Premiere Launch Competition" and they must receive the "Thank You EDM".

Sept 27 - Registration now closed pop-up with click-though to "World of Paspaley" subscribe form

@anhnt Need to build a form that captures user email addresses when they try to sign-up after registration closes. We want to capture these emails and add them to client's existing "World of Paspaley" e-newsletter subscription form.

When user clicks on "Subscribe" button in Registration now closed pop-up the pop-up will update to show the following (similar to screenshot)

  • Copy
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email address
  • [Subscribe] button

When users sign-up they added to “News Subscriptions” segment group in Kademi

screen shot 2015-09-16 at 5 31 21 pm

Sept 27 - Registration now closed pop-up

@anhnt this is for PAS10979-microsite-rego-all-600x495_M01.psd
This pop-up needs to go live on Sept 27.
When people click on the "Subscribe" button in the yellow bar they are taken to this pop-up.

Segment Groups

@anhnt Just to confirm the segments, this is what I need you to create in Kademi for the registrations

Coming Soon Page - live on 9th SEpt

  • Coming soon group
  • Premiere Launch Competition group

Full Page - live 14th Sept

  • 2015 Registrations - when people submit the registration form they will need to be added to this group
  • Please rename group "2014 Registrations" to "Paspaley 2014 Database". We will be sending an EDM to this group. When people from this group click-thru to the microsite from the EDM and they register they will need to fall into another group called "2014 Registrations"
  • Create a new group called "Paspaley Existing Client Database" - I need to send you another CSV file to upload to this group
  • Create a new group called "Existing Clients". We will be sending an EDM to this group. When people from this group click-thru to the microsite from the EDM and they register they need to fall into group "Existing Clients"
  • Premiere-Launch-Competition - will include people who registered from "Coming Soon", "2015 Registrations," "2014 Registrations" and "Existing Clients"

We need to keep these groups separate for tracking and auto-trigger EDM purposes.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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