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lending-utils-android-sdk's Introduction

HVLendingUtils Framework Documentation


HVLendingUtils is HyperVerge's proprietary android Utilities Framework for banking and financial services industries. It has three modules.

  • Facebook Module for verification and validation of user's facebook profile using intelligence built over HyperVerge's inhouse deep learning face recognition system.
  • SMS Module for verifying income and other details of the user from their SMSes.
  • Contacts Module for finding top contacts of the user for the purpose of collections or guarantee.


  • Gradle Version: 4.4 (Recommended)
  • Tested with Gradle Plugin for Android Studio - version 3.1.0
  • minSdkVersion 15
  • targetSdkVersion 27


You can find the ChangeLog in the file

Table of contents

Example Project

Please refer to the sample app provided in the repo to get an understanding of the implementation process. To run the app:

  • Clone/download the repo and open sample using latest version of Android Studio
  • Open project build.gradle and replace aws_access_key and aws_secret_pass with the credentials provided by HyperVerge
  • In FBLoginActivity, SMSActivity and ContactsActivity set the value of appId & appKey to the credentials provided by HyperVerge
  • Build and run the app

Integration Steps

Adding the SDK to your project

Add dependency to HVLendingUtils SDK's maven repo.

  • Add the following set of lines to your app/build.gradle
dependencies {
    compile('co.hyperverge:hv-lending-utils:2.2.0@aar', {

  • Add the following set of lines to the Project (top-level) build.gradle
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "s3://hvsdk/android/releases"
            credentials(AwsCredentials) {
                accessKey aws_access_key
                secretKey aws_secret_pass

Kindly contact HyperVerge at [email protected] for getting your aws_access_key and aws_secret_pass.

App Permissions

  • The SDK requires different permissions for different modules.
  1. Facebook Module: Camera
  2. SMS Module: Read SMS
  3. Contacts Module: Read Call Logs, Read SMS, Read Contacts

Kindly note that for android v23 (Marshmallow) and above, you need to handle the runtime permissions inside your app.

Using Details from Facebook

This sub-section explains the integration for verifying authenticity of the user from their published details on Facebook.

Setting up a Facebook App

  • Open the Facebook Apps dashboard :
  • Click on the 'Add a new App' button
  • Give the app name and email ID and create the app. You will be redirected to a new page
  • In the new page, select 'Settings' -> 'Basic' in the left navigation
  • Open your application's 'strings.xml' file and add these two lines. Replace '{your-app-id}' with the value found in the Facebook App dashboard
<string name="facebook_app_id">{your-app-id}</string>
<string name="fb_login_protocol_scheme">fb{your-app-id}</string>
  • Click 'Add Platform' at the bottom of the Facebook App dashboard and select 'android'.
  • In a new tab, open '' and follow steps 5 and 6 from the page to add the App's bundle identifier, default class and key hashes to the Facebook App. Please note that steps other than 5 and 6 will be handled in the HVLendingUtils module.
  • Click Save Changes at the bottom of the App Dashboard window.

Launching the Activity

All interactions with the Facebook module and the corresponding HyperVerge server call for face match happens from an Activity called HVFBActivity.

To launch the activity, call the start method of HVFBActivity(or its subclass). The variables in the following example code are described below:

HVFBActivity.start(this, HVFBActivity.class, imageUri, completionHook,
appId,appKey, new HVFBActivity.HVFBCallback() {
    public void onComplete(HVOperationError error, JSONObject results){
        if (error == null) {
            Log.e("HVFBActivity", "Success!");
        } else {
            Log.e("HVFBActivity", "Failure!");

These are the parameters to be set in start method:

  • imageUri (String): Local file path of the face image to be used for face match.

  • completionHook (String) - optional: The url which should be hit with results of face match and other facebook profile details. If this is set to null or is an empty string, the results will be returned in the onComplete method of HVFBCallback instead.

  • appId (String): Given by HyperVerge

  • appKey (String): Given by HyperVerge

  • HVFBCallback: It is a callback with one method - onComplete. It is called when the facebook login and our processing is successful or when an error has occurred in either of the steps. The values of error and result received by the callback determine whether the call was a success or failure.

The onComplete method has two parameters.

  • error: It is of type HVOperationError. It has an error code and an error message. The various error codes are described later. It is set to null if the whole process is successful.
  • result: It is of type JSONObject. It has results of the server call. It is null when there is an error. If the completionHook is set, the result would be an empty Json Object. Otherwise it contains the results of the profile verification. The result structure and the payload structure for the completion hook are discussed later.

Customizing HVFBActivity View

HVFBActivity has a simple progress bar at the center of the view. If any customization is required, you could inherit this Activity and add your own UI elements to it and replace HVFBActivity in the argument HVFBActivity.class with the subclass' name (all the other fields will be the same).

MyCustomActivity.start(this, MyCustomActivity.class, imageUri,
completionHook, appId, appKey, new HVFBActivity.HVFBCallback() {

where MyCustomActivity is a subclass of HVFBActivity

Completion Hook Payload Structure

If completionHook is passed with the start method, then a POST request with JSON payload will be made by the HyperVerge server to the hook url with the result of the Facebook profile verification and other profile information. The payload for this request will have following structure:

	"statusCode": <Number, 200 if successful>,
	"result": <Object, discussed in the next section. Will be present only in case of success>,
	"error": <Object, Has detail about the error. Present only in case statusCode is not 200>

Result Structure

The result JSON (returned by SDK/posted to completion hook) has the following format.

    "matchedImage": {
        "timeValidationPassed": <Boolean - digitally qualified profile>,
        "createdTime": <Number - Epoch time of the oldest matched image, exists only when time validation is passed>,
        "id": <String - ID of the oldest matched image, exists only when time validation is passed>,
        "url": <String - URL of the above image>

    "info": {
        "firstImageActivity": <Number - Epoch time of the oldest image uploaded/tagged image of the user>,
        "id": <String, Facebook User ID>,
        "name": <String>,
	"is_verified":<0 or 1 - This field indicates whether the person's profile is verified manually by facebook>,
	"verified":<0 or 1 - Indicates whether the account has been verified by the user via SMS etc>
        "mostCoTaggedUsers": <Array of user objects who have been tagged in photos with this user the most>,
	"tagged_places": <Dictionary with an array of few tagged places and corresponding paging to get rest of the tagged places>
	"age_range": <Dictionary with minimum and maximum age of the user>
	"birthday": <String>
	"friends:<Dictionary with an array of few friends(names and ids), corresponding paging to get rest of the friends and total friend count.
	"hometown": <Dictionary with place id and name>
	"location": <Dictionary with place id and name>

Depending on the permissions given by the user and information available in the profile, additional fields might be present in the 'info' object of the result. Eg: Devices, significant_other etc.

Using Details from SMS

This sub-section explains the integration for verifying income and other details of the user from their SMSes.

Initiating SMS Processing

HVSMSManager has a simple function to initiate processing of SMSes.

HVSMSManager.start(this, appId, appKey, hvsmsConfig,
new HVSMSManager.HVSMSCallback() {
    public void onComplete(HVOperationError error, JSONObject results){
        if (error == null) {
            Log.e("SMSManager", "Success!");
        } else {
            Log.e("SMSManager", "Failure!");

These are the parameters to be set in start method:

  • appId (String): Given by HyperVerge

  • appKey (String): Given by HyperVerge

  • hvSMSConfig (Object of type HVSMSConfig): This object has the following variables :

    • sourceList (Array of Strings): Type of messages that should be considered. Eg.: Bank, Insurance, Telco, etc. The SDK currently supports only HVSMSManager.Sources.Bank. Default value of the array is {HVSMSManager.Sources.Bank}
    • numberOfMonths (Integer): Number of months to be considered for processing. Default value is 12 months.
    • country (String): Country of the user. Default value is HVUtils.Countries.Vietnam
  • HVSMSCallback - It is a callback with one method - onComplete. It is called when the processing is successful or when an error has occured. The values of error and result received by the callback determine whether the call was a success or failure.

The onComplete method has two parameters.

  • error: It is of type HVOperationError. It has an error code and an error message. The various error codes are described later. It is set to null if the whole process is successful.
  • result: It is of type JSONObject. It has results of the processing. It is null when there is an error. The result structure is discussed below.

Result Structure

    "sourcelist" : ["bank"],
    "timeperiod" : <Integer - Number of months considered for processing>
    "salaries" : [
            "amount" : <long - Value in corresponding currency eg:VND, INR>,
            "time" : <String - Milliseconds since The Epoch>,
            "bank-name" : <Sring - Name of the bank>
    "accounts" : [
            "bank-name" : <String - Name of the bank>,
            "account-identifier" : <String - Unique identifier for the account>,
            "global-min-balance" : <long - Lowest balance in the time period>,
            "global-max-balance" : <long - Highest balance in the time period>,
            "avg-min-monthly-balance" : <long - Average of minimum monthly balances in the time period>,
            "avg-max-monthly-balance" : <long - Average of maximum monthly balances in the time period>,
            "transactions" : [
                    "amount" : <long - Value in corresponding currency eg:VND, INR>,
                    "debit-or-credit" : <String - 'debit' or 'credit'>,
                    "time" : <String - Milliseconds since The Epoch>,
                    "closing-balance" : <long - Account balance after the transaction>

Using Details from Contact Book

This sub-section explains the integration for finding top contacts of the user for the purpose of collections or guarantee.

Initiating Contact Processing

HVContactManager has a start function to initiate processing of Top Contacts.

HVContactConfig hvContactConfig = new HVContactConfig();

HVContactManager.start(this, appId, appKey, countryCode, hvContactConfig,
new HVContactManager.HVContactCallback() {
    public void onComplete(HVOperationError error, JSONObject results){
        if (error == null) {
            Log.e("ContactManager", "Success!");
        } else {
            Log.e("ContactManager", "Failure!");

These are the parameters to be set in start method:

  • appId (String): Given by HyperVerge

  • appKey (String): Given by HyperVerge

  • countryCode (String): Use HVUtils.Countries.VIETNAM for contacts in Vietnam, for example.

  • hvContactConfig: Object of type HVContactConfig. This object has variables to be considered for special-contacts and suspicion-validation sections in the result - discussed in the next section.

  • HVContactCallback - It is a callback with one method - onComplete. It is called when the processing is successful or when an error has occurred. The values of error and result received by the callback determine whether the call was a success or failure.

The onComplete method has two parameters.

  • error: It is of type HVOperationError. It has an error code and an error message. The various error codes are described later. It is set to null if the whole process is successful.
  • result: It is of type JSONObject. It has results of the processing. It is null when there is an error. The result structure is discussed in the next section.

Result Structure

    "starred-contacts" : [
                "name" : "value",
                "phone-number" : "value",
                "details" : "value"

    "top-contacts" : {
        "incoming-calls-count" : [
                        "name" : "value",
                        "phone-number" : "value",
                        "details" : "value"
        "incoming-calls-duration" : [
                        "name" : "value",
                        "phone-number" : "value",
                        "details" : "value"
        "outgoing-calls-count" : [
                        "name" : "value",
                        "phone-number" : "value",
                        "details" : "value"
        "outgoing-calls-duration" : [
                        "name" : "value",
                        "phone-number" : "value",
                        "details" : "value"
        "incoming-sms" : [
                        "name" : "value",
                        "phone-number" : "value",
                        "details" : "value"
        "outgoing-sms" : [
                        "name" : "value",
                        "phone-number" : "value",
                        "details" : "value"
        "overall" : [        
                        "name" : "value",
                        "phone-number" : "value",
                        "details" : "value"
    "special-contacts" : [       
                "name" : "value",
                "phone-number" : "value",
                "details" : "value"
    "suspicion-validation" : [         
                "number-of-contacts-check" : true,
                "call-log-count-check": true,
                "oldest-call-log-check" : true


The result has 4 sections:

1. Starred Contacts

All the contacts starred by the user.

2. Top Contacts

This section has 7 sub sections.

  • overall: Top 5 contacts based on an overall score assigned to each contact depending on incoming and outgoing calls, incoming and outgoing SMSes and some messaging apps.
  • incoming-calls-count, outgoing-calls-count: Top 5 contacts based on number of incoming/outgoing calls in the call history present in the device.
  • incoming-calls-duration, outgoing-calls-duration: Top 5 contacts based on total duration of incoming/outgoing calls in the call history present in the device.
  • incoming-sms,outgoing-sms: Top 5 contacts based on number of incoming/outgoing SMSes.
3. Special Contacts

This list is created considering the following three variables in the HVContactConfig object.

  1. fullMatchNames - Array of Strings(e.g.: mom, dad etc) - The SDK checks for contacts that match these values. Case and white space insensitive. By default its an empty array.
  2. partialMatchNames - Array of Strings (e.g.: emojis) - The SDK checks for contacts that contains these values. By default its an empty array.
  3. lastNameOfUser - String. The SDK finds contacts that contains this last name. Default value of the string is null.

There is a cap of 10 contacts per sub category in this section.

4. Suspicion Validation

This is a list of validations keys to check for suspicious customers. If the flag is true, there is no suspicion.

  • number-of-contacts-check: Checks if the number of contacts saved is over a threshold (default 20). It can be changed using minContactsCount in the HVContactConfig object.
  • call-log-count-check: Checks if the number of logs in the call history is over a threshold(default 50). It can be changed using minCallLogCount in the HVContactConfig object.
  • oldest-call-log-check: Checks if the oldest call found on the device is before a threshold number of day(default 30 days ago). It can be changed using minOldestCallLog in the HVContactConfig object.

Each contact returned in the result has a details field associated with it. This is a JSON with information relevant to the corresponding section. In the top-contacts section, it is one of times-contacted (overall section), incoming-calls-count, incoming-calls-duration, outgoing-calls-count, outgoing-calls-duration, incoming-sms-count or outgoing-sms-count. The special-contacts and starred-contacts sections have all these fields returned. Please note that the durations are in minutes.


As mentioned in the previous section, HVContactConfig has the following variables:

For Special Contacts: fullMatchNames - array of Strings [default - empty] partialMatchNames - array of Strings [default - empty] lastNameOfUser - String [default - null]

For Suspicion Validation: minContactsCount - Integer [default - 20] minCallLogCount - Integer [default - 50] minOldestCallLog - Integer (number of days) [default - 30]

These parameters can be set using the corresponding setters. Example,

HVContactConfig config = new HVContactConfig();
String fullMatchNames[] = {"mom","dad"};

Error Codes

Descriptions of the error codes returned in the callback are given here.

Error Code Description Explanation Action
1 Input Error Occurs when input provided to the framework is not correct. Check if all the parameters provided are proper and as per the documentation
2 Network Error Occurs when the internet is either non-existent, very patchy or the call is taking too long to complete Check internet and try again
3 Internal Server Occurs when there is an internal error at the server Notify HyperVerge
4 Internal SDK Error Occurs when an unexpected error has happened with the framework Notify HyperVerge
5 Invalid Image Path Occurs when the image path sent to the framework is invalid Validate the imageUri and retry
6 Face Not Found Occurs when no face is found in the image sent to the framework Make sure the face is present in the frame. Ensure proper lighting and minimal movement of camera or face while capturing
7 Multiple Faces Found Occurs when multiple faces are found in the image sent to the framework Try again. Make sure only one face is present in the frame
8 Android Permissions Not Granted Occurs when one or more permissions required by the SDK are missing Ask the user to give permissions and try again
101 Inadequate FB Permissions Occurs when the user has not provided minimum permissions(user_photos, public_profile) in Facebook login Try Facebook login again
102 Facebook login cancelled by user Occurs when user clicks on the cancel button in the Facebook login page Try again
103 Facebook login failed Occurs when error is returned by Facebook Analyse the error message

Contact Us

If you are interested in integrating this SDK, please do send us a mail at [email protected] explaining your use case. We could give you the necessary credentials for a trail.

lending-utils-android-sdk's People


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