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filemanagerbundle's Issues

Upload File throw ServiceNotFoundException


I've installed and configured the bundle, but got an error when I want to upload a file, the file is well uploaded but i got an error like this

Service "translator" not found: even though it exists in the app's container, the container inside "Artgris\Bundle\FileManagerBundle\Controller\ManagerController" is a smaller service locator that only knows about the "doctrine", "form.factory", "http_kernel", "parameter_bag", "request_stack", "router", "security.authorization_checker", "security.csrf.token_manager", "security.token_storage", "serializer", "session" and "twig" services. Try using dependency injection instead.

All the bundle is well translated in French in my case but when the upload failed it's written in English File Upload Failed

Thank in advance

Image versions

Hi, my config is:

            dir: "../public/uploads"
            tree: true
                image_versions: {'': {crop: true, max_width: 10, max_height: 10}}

And on lists i my images are in orginal file. Maybe need to update a .twig file _list.html.twig do display image version/variation.


Media Manager is very slow with a large quantity of images


My project have a folder with around of 400 000 images in other 20 folder filled with images. When I try to open the "Media Manager" it takes around of 5 minutes to load the page [and my mac goes crazy ].

I saw that the tool supports lazy loading but even with lazy loading 400 000 seems to be too much for it.

Is there any setting that I am missing? Please advice?

Thank you very much for this tool.

How to override the default templates ?

I tried to override the template 'manager.html.twig' by creating a new template under 'templates/bundles/FileManagerBundle/manager.html.twig' but it doesn't work.
Did I do wrong? what is the best way to do this?

Images routes

I try to use the bundle on a symfony 3.4 proyect, but when select an image to set i get the follow path:
instead of


    # web_dir: web
            dir: "img/uploads"

I use a symfony buil-in-server to test.

i use this bundle on a symfony 4 proyect and no have any problems.

Acces to file manager path


I don't understand because when I use "path('file_manager', { conf : 'composant' extra: {'id': id}})" the URL created is "...manager/?conf=composant&extra%5Bid%5D=60", buts with the "amp;" the URL is not working. Why Symfony add "amp;" to my URL ?


Embedded version ?


First, thanks for the work!

i found a "workaround" (frame) to embed the file manager into a twig template after a few try of overrides.

Do I missed something or there is a "simple" way to embed the file manager into a view ?

If not, could it be possible ? A reason to avoid it ?


AWS S3 support

Hello Artgris,

I was wondering if it is possible to get this working with S3 buckets. Currently it saves everything locally.

I was thinking if I would replace every file_put_contents (or fopen) function to an aws upload function would that do the trick? Or will the application break most likely?

Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 14 56 14

Incorrect bugged image path when using /assets as upload path


Recently in our project, we changed the way our images are uploaded. Previously, we uploaded it in /public/img, which didn't cause any problems. Now, we try to upload images in /assets/img/website, but this causes a big issue.

First of all, this is how the config we use looks like:

dir: "../assets/img/website"
type: image

However, when I try to upload a file, the following happens:


Our path is incorrect as it should be /img/website (or at least /assets/img/website) instead of /manager/file, and the questionmark shouldn't be there.

I've tried the demo bundle and it has the exact same issue. This issue only occurs when using assets instead of public, but we have to save images in our assets since they shouldn't be available through filename directly.

Directory Tree Renderer

I'd like to use the bundle for a multi-user application. I'd like to keep the actual director folder name as something immutable, such as a user UUID number, but display the directory folder as the user name .

There are several means of accomplishing this, and I would be happy to do a pull request with changes.
I'm wondering if you have a preferred method?


Renaming versions

Nice work !
I found an issue while testing your bundle. When you configure "upload > image_versions", renaming action will only rename the original.

Edit : in order to remove deprecation warning, you have to update the route annotation to :
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route

How to add a button that open the File manager to fill out an input field with the file URL

This is my code for show url in input typr on button click

$('#myframe').on('load', function () {
          $(this).contents().on('click','.select',function () {
              var path = $(this).attr('data-path')
              $('#image').attr('src', path)

But unable to set selected image url in input type.
$(this).contents().on('click','.select',function ()//
in this line of code unable to find .select class in modal view.

filemanager screenshot

CKEditor integration

I have a Symfony 4 project where I use FOSCKEditorBundle in combination with FileManager. This might be interesting to add to the project?

In manager.js, under line 153, I added:

// Module CKEditor
if (moduleName === 'ckeditor') {
    $('#form-multiple-delete').on('click', '.select', function () {
        var url = new URL(window.location.href);
        var funcNum = url.searchParams.get("CKEditorFuncNum");

        var fileUrl = $(this).attr("data-path");, fileUrl);

Example ckeditor config:

    default_config: basic_config
            toolbar: basic_toolbar
            toolbar: advanced_toolbar
            filebrowserBrowseRoute: file_manager
                conf: files
                module: ckeditor
            filebrowserImageBrowseRoute: file_manager
                conf: images
                module: ckeditor

Renaming an image without specifying its extension inside an "image" folder makes it disappear

Here's my conf:

  web_dir: public
      dir: "../public/uploads/"
      type: image

If I upload an image there, and rename it without manually respecifying its extension:



it will disappear from the list because it's filtered out, since the list only accepts images.

the file will still be there and renamed properly however, just without any extension


Is there any way to improve this ?



Hello @artgris,

I have an error in my project with your Bundle :

Capture d’écran 2020-03-24 à 14 21 36

I have the same files and folder as in production but in production it's working.

Any ideas ?


How to integrate the FileManagerBundle to symfony 4?

Hi i am trying to use your file manager with symfony 4 but i can’t find the files that you specified in the documentation obviously because the structure changed even though i tried to set the equivalent by adding the next block of code into services.yml

            $webDir: '%upload_directory%'

and this one on routes.yml

       path: /manager
       controller: Artgris\Bundle\FileManagerBundle\Controller\ManagerController::indexAction

but it throws and error: Please define a conf parameter in your route, can you give me a little support on this please?

Tree = false not working

I can't make work tree=false configuration.

I first confirgure it in .yaml file and don't work and now I make it using service and it also doesn't work...


web_dir: public # set your public Directory (not required, default value: web)
dir: "../public/uploads"
tree: false

When I make it in service in the service return:

return ['dir' => $folder, 'tree' => False];

Cannot browse symlinks outside configured directory

I was trying to symlink upload directory but FileManager does not allow it.

# \Artgris\Bundle\FileManagerBundle\Helpers\FileManager::checkSecurity

        $currentPath = $this->getCurrentPath();

        // check Path security
        if (false === $currentPath || 0 !== mb_strpos($currentPath, $this->getBasePath())) {
            throw new HttpException(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'You are not allowed to access this folder.');

getCurrentPath resolves symlinks and yields outside configured directory. But I think this is unnecessary restriction.

Language pt_BR

I wanted my humble contribution to the project.
I did the translation into Portuguese from Brazil.
Can I pull a request?

SF4 TinyMCE v5

Hello, i use fileManagerBundle 1.4 with TinyMCE v5. When I insert an image, the modal opens and when I select the image I want, nothing happens and I get the error

manager.js:164 Uncaught TypeError: top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams is not a function at HTMLTableCellElement.<anonymous> (manager.js:164) at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3) at HTMLFormElement.q.handle (jquery.min.js:3)

Sorry for my English, Thanks

Installation error


I'm trying to use your bundle on my Symfony3.4 project and, after configuration, it says

Invalid service "file_type_service": method "Artgris\Bundle\FileManagerBundle\Service\FileTypeService::__construct(
)" has no argument type-hinted as "router". Check your service definition.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance.

Error compilation FileManager.php


With last update, i have an error when i try to clear cache.

The message done is :

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '?' in /home/valkur/projects/ on line 265
09:58:18 CRITICAL  [php] Fatal Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '?' ["exception" => Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException { …}] []

I have fix this issue with these modifications :

    private function mergeQueryAndConf($parameter, $default = null)
        //return $this->getQueryParameter($parameter) ? $this->getConfigurationParameter($parameter) : $default;
        return isset($this->getQueryParameter($parameter)) ? $this->getConfigurationParameter($parameter) : $default;

    private function mergeConfAndQuery($parameter, $default = null)
        //return $this->getConfigurationParameter($parameter) ? $this->getQueryParameter($parameter) : $default;
        return isset($this->getConfigurationParameter($parameter)) ? $this->getQueryParameter($parameter) : $default;

When is search on google =) i have found its a new operator required by php7. My fix work with php5.6

Link names

I would like to use the names of the files (per row, listed as list) also as links. Using links (<a href= ...) around them, instead of always clicking on the download button. Also my Table rows are not clickable, using the custom configuration. Any ideas for me? Thank you

PHP 7.4

PHP 7.4 now throws a notice when using array access on a null. php7.4
I have a PR for the fix here

Progressbar when uploading

Your filemanagerbundle was exactly what I needed. I would have one suggestion/question though; would it be possible to display a progressbar when files are being uploaded? This would be really helpfull to see what is happening for the user. Thanks a lot for the great work.

Feature Request

It would be nice to have a file versioning system so that you can for ex. upload a file called test.pdf multiple times and see a file history of all versions of a file.

large image

It would be ideal to have the option that by clicking on the image you can in a modal window with the larger image.

Integration without bootstrap

We wanted to integrate this in an existing project that uses Foundation as css framework. It should be nice to be able to choose an unstyled version. So we can do the styling ourselves while the functionality stays. Because when we throw out some bootstrap stuff in the twig file, things get broken.

Return multiple folder


First of all congratulations for your work.
I would like to know how to return multiple directories from a service.

Indeed, following your documentation I managed to create a service that returns an array with the target directory (like this):

return [ 'dir' => '../web/uploads/super_admin' ];

But, in my case, i would like to return multiple directories (like this):

return [ 'dir' => ['../web/uploads/super_admin', '../web/uploads/admin'] ];

Like this, the user can access multiple folders at the same time.
Because some directories are not nested with each other!

Could you give me an answer?

Installation : Please define a "dir" or a "service" parameter in your config.yml

I'm just trying to install the bundle, and after following the installation steps, I get this error :
Please define a "dir" or a "service" parameter in your config.yml.
I've checked and re-checked every yml file, tried to add an other conf, a service, but I don't get it. I must have missed something somewhere. My files are a little bit different though, as routing.yml in the readme is routes.yml for me, maybe it could come from there.
Below my different versions :

$ php -v 
PHP 7.4.3 (cli) (built: Oct  6 2020 15:47:56) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.4.3, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

$ composer -V
Composer version 2.0.9

$ symfony -V
Symfony CLI version v4.23.2 (2021-03-02T17:16:03+0000 - stable)

I've found this issue artgris/MediaBundle#51 which seems similar, but since it's not the same bundle, files are different, and I don't know how to get the "Debug" line.
If you need any more info, let me know and I'll upload it.
Thanks for your help!

SF4 MediaBundle / EasyAdmin : The conf was not found in artgris_file_manager

I use SF4 and easyadmin, I override AdminController to add the image field but I see an error

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("The conf was not found in artgris_file_manager.") in "@ArtgrisMedia/form/field_media.html.twig".

Someone can help me ?

protected function createMediaEntityFormBuilder($entity, $view)
    $formBuilder = parent::createEntityFormBuilder($entity, $view);
    $formBuilder->add('image', MediaType::class)
    // ->add('imageCollection', MediaCollectionType::class)

    return $formBuilder;

When i make a dump in Artgris\Bundle\MediaBundle\Form\Type\MediaType.php i find conf var => false

public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
    parent::buildView($view, $form, $options);
    // dump($options);die;
    $view->vars = array_replace($view->vars, [
    'conf' => $options['conf'],
    'tree' => $options['tree'],
     'allow_alt' => $options['allow_alt'],
     'allow_crop' => $options['allow_crop'],
     'crop_options' => $options['crop_options'],
     'display_file_manager' => $options['display_file_manager'],


Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting!

error when trying to understand the template for its adaptation:


manager.html.twig ->
{% extends "@ArtgrisFileManager/manager.html.twig" %}

Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting!

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$url

Hi there,

Iam using Symfony 4.2 and just installed the file manager. There was a problem in the ManagerController, so i got the error

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$url

I took a look on it.

$file->url = $this->generateUrl('file_manager_file', array_merge($fileManager->getQueryParameters(), ['fileName' => $file->url]));

After dumping $file, i changed it to $file->name and it works.

Is there any reason for using "url" or did I found a bug?

Kind regards

Installation error

Hi. I'm trying to install a bundle, but in return I get an error:

Invalid key "router" found in arguments of method "__construct()" for servi
ce "file_type_service": only integer or $named arguments are allowed.

when executing the command:

./bin/console assets:install --symlink

I use Symphony 3.3.10 and PPP 7.0.15
Help please understand what the problem is.

Lazy Loading

It is possible to add some kind of image loading system, so that the loading of images is not slowed down, I just applied your bundle to my Uploads folder and to have many images has taken a long time to load.

Congratulations for your Bundle, great work.

Integration with Flysystem?


First of all, thank you for such a great public project!

I want to integrate with Amazon S3, do you think it is possible to integrate with Flysystem or Gaufrette throw the service configuration that you provide? Or maybe fork this project.


Removing character accents/sanitizing folder and file names


it would be great if you managed to implement an optional functionality to remove accents of character from file and folder names when uploading/creating and renaming them.

Most likely is is not an issues in the English, but for example in the Czech language where we use characters like ěščřžýáíéúůňťďĚŠČŘŽÝÁÍÉÚŮŇŤĎ there are problems with file/folder names.

Unfortunately iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', ...) does not work properly in every case.

Here are links of some code examples that do handle accents:

Documents uploads fails


I can't upload pdf or docs even on your demo version is that normal ?

Good job for this bundle by the way !

Browser Bug

Button "Add files" does not work unter Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Symfony 3.4.14
artgris/FileManagerBundle 1.3.2
Firefox ESR 52.9.0 and Firefox Quantum 61.0.2 and also Internet Explorer 11.
Google Chrome ist working fine.

CustomConfService doesn't work in Symfony 4

I am trying to create a custom config in Symfony 4 and got an error: "The "file_manager_configuration" service or alias has been removed or inlined when the container was compiled. You should either make it public, or stop using the container directly and use dependency injection instead.".

I made a little research and found this line in your code:
$conf = $this->get($managerConf[$conf]['service'])->getConf($extra);
How I understood we are not allowed to get services right from container and must use dependency injection in Symfony 4.
Here is the same issue in another bundle with solution example: liip/LiipImagineBundle#1033

Wrong config service


I try to use the file manager and i have an error with my config.yml,

I have this configuration :

    web_dir: web                 # set your public Directory (not required, default value: web)
            dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/web/uploads'
            service: 'file_type_service'

And when i'll try to open manager in form view i have this error :
Please define a "dir" or a "service" parameter in your config.yml

How can i fix this ?

Hide folders from user

Is there a possible way to hide folders from specific users?
We have a hierarchy which contains folders for every user. If a user tries to access a foreign folder a AccessDeniedException is thrown but we would like to hide all the folders, not owned by a user.
A hook for access-checks or something similar would be useful.

Compatibility with twig 3.0.3


This bundle is exactly what I need but when I try to install it on Symfony 4.4, it raises some compatibility error with twig/twig v3.0.3 :

 Conclusion: don't install artgris/filemanager-bundle 1.6.4|remove twig/twig v3.0.3|install twig/twig v1.20.0|install twig/
twig v1.21.0|install twig/twig v1.21.1|install twig/twig v1.21.2|install twig/twig v1.22.0|install twig/twig v1.22.1|install twi
g/twig v1.22.2|install twig/twig v1.22.3|install twig/twig v1.23.0|install twig/twig v1.23.1|install twig/twig v1.23.2|install t
wig/twig v1.23.3|install twig/twig v1.24.0|install twig/twig v1.24.1|install twig/twig v1.24.2|install twig/twig v1.25.0|install
 twig/twig v1.26.0|install twig/twig v1.26.1|install twig/twig v1.27.0|install twig/twig v1.28.0|install twig/twig v1.28.1|insta
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IE compatibility


i use your bundle on project with ckeditor module but it seems to be not compatible with Internet Explorer.

In manager.js file, the line below doesn't work :
var url = new URL(window.location.href);

IE does not support URL

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