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ng-s3upload's Issues

Does this work in IE8/9?

Hey just wondering what browsers this works with. Particularly interested in whether this works in IE8/9


Accessing S3 file url after successful upload

Currently the only way I can figure out how to access the S3 file url is to have a $watch on the model in my controller.

It seems like a better solution would be to have the the event s3upload:success include the file url as an additional argument. Then I could simple add a listener in my controller and do whatever I wanted with the file url.

Is there already a better way to access the file url from the controller? If not is adding it to the events a good option?

build/ng-s3upload.js does not correspond to version

I wanted to use the "getManualOptions" feature (b1c4d12), but I had trouble making it work. While debugging, I noticed that the include file build/ng-s3upload.js does not contain the getManualOptions feature. I got it working by simply running grunt in bower_components/ng-s3upload. I was including this file since wiredep made this automatically.

Server side examples

Would be nice to add server side examples of how to work with that directive in Ruby, Node etc..
Or a link to something...

403 forbidden

Hey here is my markup

<span s3-upload bucket="'bucket-name'" ng-model="foo"
  s3-upload-options="{getOptionsUri: 'URI-to-json-response''}"  ></span>

This throws out 403 forbidden error.

Not working.

This is not working. Please help

Html code

  <div s3-upload bucket="onnbikes" ng-model="product.remote_product_file_url"
             s3-upload-options="{getOptionsUri: 'http://localhost:8080/myProject/getPresignedURLForS3', folder: 'images/'}">

My server URL - returns {
"key": "AKIAIY7TX476RMN4ULRA",
"signature": "4fRQEyo2BVOmFJYMq2boxruFjkc=",
"policy": "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjogIjIwMTYtMTAtMTFUMTU6NTM6MTdaIiwiY29uZGl0aW9ucyI6IFt7ImJ1Y2tldCI6ICJvbm5iaWtlcyJ9LHsiYWNsIjogImVjMi1idW5kbGUtcmVhZCJ9LFsic3RhcnRzLXdpdGgiLCAiJGtleSIsICJpbWFnZSJdXX0="

But i get error

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).

My CORS config is


Please help

Uncaught TypeError: h.match is not a function

GET http://mybaseurl/function%20(elm,%20attrs)%20%7B%2…%20%20%20return%20'theme/'%20+%20theme%20+%20'.html';%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D 400 (Bad Request)

Error1 url decoded:
GET http://mybaseurl/function (elm, attrs) {%2… return 'theme/' theme '.html'; } 400 (Bad Request)

Uncaught TypeError: h.match is not a function

I have loaded libraries in my index.html file and included the dependencies ngsanitize,ngs3upload
in my module but i am getting the above errors and the directive template is not showing up in my page.

Theme route should not imply a base route /theme

Cam we specify the full template path so we can use our own custom external routes. Maybe even allow the template path to be set as a directive option so we can use multiple variants of templates.

Dynamic Options

I must be missing something really simple.

Is there a way to specify the bucket or s3-upload-options in the controller instead of in-lining in the template?

For example, is the following setup possible?

myapp.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope) {

  $scope.s3 = {
    bucket: 'mybucket',
    options: { submitOnChange: false, getOptionsUri: '/api/v1/s3_options', folder: 'some/folder/' }

  $scope.performUpload = false;

and the template like so:

<div data-ng-controller='MyCtrl'>
   <div data-s3-upload 

Thx again, this is a great library to use!

targetFilename parameter evaluation

Hi @asafdav ,

I'm using your module for a project at work and I've stumbled on a couple of issues regarding the targetFilename parameter.

First, when I try to use this parameter, I get some sort of an eval error; here is an example with '42.jpg':

  s3-upload bucket="'MY_BUCKET'" ng-model="driver.thumbnail"
  s3-upload-options="{getOptionsUri: '/api/s3/credentials', folder: 'driver_faces/', targetFilename: '42.jpg' }">

// =>
Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token 'jpg' is an unexpected token at column 4 of the expression [42.jpg] starting at [jpg].

When I try a variable instead (let's say driver_id + '.jpg'), the error happens on the value of this id:

Syntax Error: Token 'd8c4a9c98445ea1ffd8f2d.jpg' is an unexpected token ...

I had a look at the code and it seems that you are actually evaluating the targetFilename parameter line 75 (scope.$eval(opts.targetFilename)); I think the error comes from there and I don't understand the need for an eval here; I think that what you get in this field has already been evaluated beforehand, and you get the right value straight Line 29 already evals what's in attrs.s3UploadOptions.

Moreover, there seems to be an issue with the folder parameter when used with targetFilename: even when present, this parameter is silently ignored. You can indeed see where the issue comes from at the same line as previously 75:

var key = opts.targetFilename ? scope.$eval(opts.targetFilename) : opts.folder + (new Date()) ...

At this line, the folder param is only used whenever no targetFilename is provided (the default case).

If these two are actual bugs, and if you are interested in a PR, I can create one.

At last, your README says npm install ng-s3upload is a way to get the library, but the module does not seem available on npm.

Best regards,


NB: I'm not an angular developer.

Problems with communication between scope and uploader

i integrated your uploader in my site. the upload function works fine.
but if i choose a file, the buttons doesn't change to replace file and if a start the upload, the progress bar is only grey with no progress.
the files are uploading into the bucket well. the post and the answer is correct.
but in the frontend, i dont have any changes (no success info and so on...)
any ideas?

thank you

Ruby server side code not working


I am trying to use the ruby server code as my system is based on ruby on rails4, but I am facing the problem of call the server side code in the angularjs directive.

Here is my code:

def s3_access_token
render json: {
policy: s3_upload_policy,
signature: s3_upload_signature,
key: GLOBAL[:aws_key]

  def s3_upload_policy
    @policy ||= create_s3_upload_policy

  def create_s3_upload_policy
        "expiration" => 1.hour.from_now.utc.xmlschema,
        "conditions" => [ 
          { "bucket" =>  GLOBAL[:aws_bucket] },
          [ "starts-with", "$key", "" ],
          { "acl" => "public-read" },
          [ "starts-with", "$Content-Type", "" ],
          [ "content-length-range", 0, 10 * 1024 * 1024 ]

  def s3_upload_signature
    Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1'), GLOBAL[:aws_secret], s3_upload_policy)).gsub("\n","")


<script type="text/ng-template" id="fileUploadPanel.html">

Support for data uri

I'm trying to use ng-s3upload with jcrop, which stores the image as a data URI. It doesn't seem like ng-s3upload supports the data uri as an image source, since it looks for a file explicitly (file[0]) unless I'm just using it wrong (always possible).

Does it currently support data URIs, or could it?

add main to package.json

Trying to use this with browserify and npm doesn't work because this is missing from package.json:
"main": "build/ng-s3upload.js",

How To

    s3-upload bucket="'myBucketName"
     s3-upload-options="{getOptionsUri: 'http://Path/To/Server/'}"
$scope.files ={
    first : ''

This is not working. I get name is undefined. Because there is no parameter for the image being returned.

So can, someone explain, how do I choose a local or a remote path to file url as the value to ng-model ?

Example : ng-model="../images/1.png"

Button text should be customizable

Apparently there is no way to customize the text of the upload button (currently 'Select File'), would be nice to have an option for that (especially when you have i18n in mind)

New Features: Drag and Drop and collections

Is there a way to extend this component so we can offer drag and drop feature to the user.

Additionally, can we extend this component to support multiple files to be dragged and dropped, and also add positions so we can tag it on the S3.

Finally, how can I use the events that are emitted to scale the image and upload this resized image to S3 after the large image has been uploaded?

I believe with those features, this component should kick ass and completely replace a server side widget that does the same.

I'll dig deeper this weekend on the code to contribute on one of these features.


Support Multipart upload

It will be awesome if the directive will support Multipart upload.
It's much faster and supports uploads of up to 5TB

directive is too awesome

hahaha just wanted to say thanks for making such an intuitive directive for what can sometimes be a nifty problem. I'll defs fork it and make it more customisable in the future!

ngModel not being set after upload


I've trying to use this directive for a while and now I'm stuck trying to set the remote url to a variable in my controller.

<div s3-upload bucket="'my-videos'" ng-model="video.url" s3-upload-options="{getOptionsUri: '/ws/config'}"></div>

After the upload a url appears by on a link called "Stored file" pointing to the correct URL but the ngModel is not set on my controller.

I've debugged the directive and suspected about the ngModel being passed to the post link funciotn of the directive, it doesn't seem to be the one I've set on the div above.

Would you guys be able to help me figure out how to get the generated url?

Thanks in advance.

Upload on submit / ng-click

Quick question—is it possible to upload the file only on a click event (e.g. via an ng-click function in an angular controller) rather than the automatic upload as is currently implemented?


compile method - bucket fix?

I made this change to get the bucket so it would get set:

var bucket = (scope.$eval(attrs.bucket)) ? scope.$eval(attrs.bucket) : attrs.bucket;

which is ~line# 177 in build/ng-s3upload.js.

var bucket = scope.$eval(attrs.bucket);

The above was coming up with bucket as being undefined.

This is in the compile method belonging to the ngS3upload directive.

how to use the ruby example code

Hi, sorry for asking the simple question, these days I am trying to use this module for uploading file to Amazon based on ruby on rails, but I am not quite sure how to use the ruby example code, could you provide an ruby on rails example, or some tutorial step by step? thanks so much!!!!

Feature Custom Template

While this component works great now, I think we need more flexibility in terms of the template.

Is there a way to customize it?, it looks this is hardcoded right now and it doesn't blend with custom designs, therefore the need to be able to manipulate it.


Direct upload to Amazon S3: corrupted files

Hello everyone !

I'm currently trying to setup a direct upload from angular-file-upload to Amazon S3 bucket.
The upload process works fine, ex: If I upload an image of 3MB, the image is correctly transferred on my Amazon S3 bucket (located in Francfort btw, using the new AWS V4 signature)

The issue is the following one: The uploaded files cannot be opened and when I try to "cat" to see the binary content of the file, there are 3 lines added:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="01_-_Rock_Or_Bust.mp3"
Content-Type: audio/mp3

For each uploaded file, there is this "webkitformboundary" stuff added inside my file's binary content which is the reason of my issue I guess.

Does anyone know how to solve it?

I have a Node.js server that is basically generating pre-signed url and my app using this plugin to do the upload to S3.

I've been looking to solve this with my team for 24 hours now but no clue at moment.
Any ideas?

Best regards,

After selecting the file nothing happens

I'm trying to integrate my frontend with S3 and thus I've decided to use this directive to help.

I have coded the config as instructed in the README and something like this is being returned:


Before applying the encryption my policy was:


But when I run the html with the following configuration, I see a pre-flight request being made and nothing else happens:

I'm selecting a file that fits on the content length I've configured and I have also tried changing acl, adding a prefix, etc..

Do you have any tip to help me figure out what is happening?

Thanks in advance!

Allow placeholders in targetFilename

When passing a name through targetFilename it might be helpful to append the correct file extension or use some other placeholders. I'll attach a PR with an example.


Add main to bower.json

You need to add a main property to bower.json for it to be recognized properly by the grunt service bowerInstall

bucket evaluation not working

First thanks for providing this cool piece of software!

I encounter the following problem:
If I print the value of bucket (assigned at line 40 in to the console, it is -1. After changing

var bucket = scope.$eval(attrs.bucket);
var bucket = attrs.bucket;

the HTML template looks like:

<div id="uploader" s3-upload bucket="{{env.s3Bucket}}" ng-model="files.first" s3-upload-options="{{s3options}}" do-upload="performUpload"></div>

whereby env holds some environment variables.

I get the right value. Is it a bug? Thanks for any hints/suggestions.


  • AngularJS: v1.2.1
  • ng-s3upload: v0.1.2
  • Chromium: Version 39.0.2171.71 Built on 8.0, running on Debian 8.0 (64-bit)

Problem generating policy

On the documentation it indicates that YYY - HMAC and sha of your private key but in the example it looks like something different going on. ruby Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1'), GLOBAL[:aws_secret], s3_upload_policy)).gsub("\n","") . My interpretation of this is that HMAC digest should be for both the secret key and the policy and that the result of that should be Base64 encoded. Is that right? This is how I'm generating the policy:

var limit = 10 * 1024 * 1024;

var policy = {
    "expiration": " <period>PT1H</period> ",
    "conditions": [
            "bucket": "curioso-uploads"
            "acl": "public-read"

this.policy = Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(policy));
this.signature = Base64.encode("f0513f710e328568ddfdsffsfce5d4d"); // I calculated this using bash as demonstrate in the following lines
echo -n "{\"expiration\":\" <period>PT1H</period> \",\"conditions\":[{\"bucket\":\"curioso-uploads\"},[\"starts-with\",\"AKIAJL64SWZSQX2UXMA\",\"\"],{\"acl\":\"public-read\"},[\"starts-with\",\"multipart/form-data\",\"\"],[\"content-length-range\",0,10485760]]}" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac "myprivatekey"

Uncaught exception

Using it with angular 1.2.15. Once I include it as a dependency, it just throws an error.

Error in setting headers


I am getting the following error when the request goes for S3.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Invalid according to Policy: Policy Condition failed: ["starts-with", "$Content-Length", ""]</Message>

The code that I am using is as follows.

div(s3-upload bucket="'BUCKET" dynamic-name="field" ng-model="field.value" s3-upload-options="{getOptionsUri: '/s3options', folder: 'images/'}")

On the server I am using a library to generate the policy. Policy Generator

app.get('/s3options', function(req, res) {

        var p = policy({
                secret: 'FhfMGu32+hqnwtIpgT4WSNlE3ieyN9Vn8bAr+k',
                length: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
                bucket: 'tfiapp',
                key: 'AKIAIDFSRY33SEKOFMBA',
                expires: new Date( + 60000),
                acl: 'public-read',
                type: ""               
p.key = "AKIAIDFSRY33SEKOFMBA"; console.log("Key:" + p.key);

Custom Filename

It'd be nice to be able to feed a formatted filename to the directive via options.

After adding "ngS3upload" as dependency,My page not loaded

Here is my code

My index.html

    <script src="/app/ajs/common/scripts/common/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script src="plugins/ng-s3upload.js"></script>
    <script src="s3.js"></script>
 <body ng-app="amaup">
     <div ng-controller="docCtrl">
     <input name="file" type="file">
   <div s3-upload bucket="kapptivo" ng-model="file" 
   s3-upload-options="{getOptionsUri: s3OptionsUri}">

here is my script file

   controller('docCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope){
alert("docCtrl invoked");

This is error url in console.$injector/modulerr?p0=amaup&

Please give the demo of ngS3Upload.

Cache-Control Header

Can you add any additional headers to the request like Cache-Control easily? I can't figure out how.


AccessDeniedInvalid according to Policy: Extra input fields: content-type


I'm trying to use this module, but the request payload duplicates the content-type.
Not sure where this is hapenning, but the error is the one I see on the title.

AccessDeniedInvalid according to Policy: Extra input fields: content-type xxxxx

This is the request payload, any hints.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="key"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="acl"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Content-Type"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="AWSAccessKeyId"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="policy"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="signature"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="file.jpeg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg

CORS is the same as iin the example
My endpoint is built using aws php sdk

What is the button Replace?

Hello, I understand the concept of the button, which allow you to replace the file, however it does not seem to work and does not have any implementation in the code.

Can you explain further of how to make it work?

Thank you

getting 404 on boostrap templates for buttons

Hi I've installed ng-s3upload via bower and I am getting a 404: 404 (Not Found)

I have also tried to use a custom path

app.config(function(ngS3Config) {
    ngS3Config.theme = '/path/to/button.html';

but it is simply pre-pending 'theme/' to the path resulting in another 404, probably the result of this function:

templateUrl: function(elm, attrs) {
    var theme = attrs.theme || ngS3Config.theme;
    return 'theme/' + theme + '.html';

Have any ideas?

Update bower dependencies for new angular versions

Right now it is fixed at 1.0.7.
If there is no reason, please change it to something like this:

"name": "ng-s3upload",
"version": "0.0.4",
"main": "build/ng-s3upload.js",
"dependencies": {
"angular": ">= 1.0.7",
"angular-sanitize": ">= 1.0.7"
"devDependencies": {
"angular-mocks": ">= 1.0.7",
"angular-scenario": ">= 1.0.7"

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