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Comments (92)

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024 10

guys @msp1974

looks like I need to log a number of PRs to get this integration included into HA core

There will be a period where HA Core will have the Wiser API but only a subset of it..

So.. How important is it to have this integration within HA Core? or is HACS just fine

please vote by thumbs up 👍 if its important or thumbs down 👎 if HACS is just fine or don't care


from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

robinmarlow avatar robinmarlow commented on June 22, 2024 3

Really loving this integration - thank you so much!
I got prompted by the wiser app yesterday to buy a bit of kit ( to link my smart meter into the Wiser app for £14 - which seemed worth a punt. Is anyone else interested in seeing if this can be wrangled into feeding into the home assistant energy monitoring?

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024 1

I'm still getting over the excitement of R1.9. Good job!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024 1

@scooper1 fyi

created patch, see #83 , available for testing.
Easy workaround today is to not use config flow but use configuration.yaml parameters..

(reason for bug is wiser upgraded the hub firmware and broke us)

Have posted this on another issue also but don't know how to link that comment into this issue so apologies for posting it twice.

the config flow in v2.0 of this component will do one of 3 things.

  1. If you have an entry in config.yaml, it will import this into a config flow config. This is to support all those using prior to v2.0 (like most of us here!). Once it has done so, entry in config.yaml can be removed (of left alone if you want but it won't use it anymore). This is how it needs to work if you want to support config flow.
  2. You can manually add by adding through the integration page. In which case it will ask for ip and secret key and create a config from it. It has to be able to connect to the hub when creating this way to get the other devices attached to be created.
  3. When this is integrated into the main HA repo, it will support discovery of the hub and just ask for the key. Zeroconf discovery is only supported for core components.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024 1

New Release , R2.1_beta1 released..

If this is all good then I'll simply make a new release R2.1

ps because I made it a pre-release it will only show if you say show beta


from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024 1

Hey all,

Just wanted to say HAPPY EASTER to you all :-)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024 1

@djashjones I sympathise , I dont think its as bad as that but sure I get the idea..
For now just install a single HA and use our wiser component.. then never upgrade it :-)

If you want help building the hubitat integration just let us know, we'll help as much as we can

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024 1

@olbasoil sorry its a little late but got chance this week to look at your request and i think you can already do in standard HA. I will put this in the recipees when i get chance for others if needed but below is an automation that will fire when target temp is changed and call a service to set target temp on another climate device. Not sure whether this is exactly what you wanted but maybe give you the idea to do your use case.

If you want to use current temp instead of target temp use current_temperature as attribute. For the service, call whatever service/climate device is your nest thermostat.

alias: Keep room in sync with another room
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: climate.wiser_guest_room
    attribute: temperature
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {% if trigger.to_state.attributes.temperature != 
      trigger.from_state.attributes.temperature %} true {% endif %}
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.wiser_master_bedroom
      temperature: '{{ state_attr(''climate.wiser_guest_room'', ''temperature'') }}'
mode: queued
max: 10

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024 1

Should also say that there is already a trigger on a climate device for current_temperature_changed but it seems to need to have a from and/or to value needed so i cant see how to make it trigger for any temp change. You could also look into that or I will look further when i get time.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

It is pretty damm complete now..

I think we should focus on getting into HA as a native component... I was reviewing docs yesterday and I think its pretty much done.. Give it a couple of weeks so we can make sure there isnt anything we should fix/enhance at the same time then we'll look at it..

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Hey all,

Mark has been super busy and made some changes which add config flow to the integration. Im not sure what else we need to do on this before publishing it to HA as a native component?

Can people please test dev?

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

Fulch avatar Fulch commented on June 22, 2024

HA version 0.107.1 Dev branch testing.

Getting this error at one minute intervals.

2020-03-20 12:49:10 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 284, in async_update_ha_state
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 320, in _async_write_ha_state
state = self.state
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/water_heater/", line 137, in state
return self.current_operation
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 78, in current_operation
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'get'

Not sure if it's related but I don't think I had these water heater services before the update.


from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

I'll investigate tonight.. I didnt see them in my build, i wonder why...

, @msp1974 fyi

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024

Hi, sorry been quiet for a while. Been dealing with the new C word!

This is my fault, I was playing with adding a water heater component to manage the hot water functions. I wont load if you do not have hot water capability on your hub and I dont have that on mine (only single channel). I should have pointed it out more clearly and that it needed testing by someone who has.

Couple of options

  1. disable it loading in the config file entry by removing hot water from the list of components to load. I shouldn't have committed this in the last commit.
  2. fix it from this error as we have someone to test it. I dont really know the json structure as cannot see on my hub.

Happy to do which ever option as my fault.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

Fulch avatar Fulch commented on June 22, 2024

I do actually have a hot water channel on my heat hub and use it daily via a schedule. I'm happy to test and report back if you have any changes to suggest that I could make.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

I'm puzzled, this is water_heater is for the hot water system right?

I've looked at my wiser app and I don't have the option to set the temperature or the "mode".

Currently we already have set_water_mode (on/off/auto) and I think the only one missing is the ability to set the away mode affects hw
(although there is button)

Perhaps just back these out until they are better understood?

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024

I think that is probably right. i was looking at it as I had seen a few smart thermostats use it to manage HW. I think it is a good solution to manage the hot water functions as if you add the entity for this, you can change the mode from the UI and it has built in services, but probably best as a branch until fully understood and tested. Will send you a PR to back out (small change to init and remove and then create another branch for this.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

ok, I think thats best.. Im not convinced its needed...., look forward to the PR.. Thanks

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

@Fulch , all checked in and appears to be ok now , with no errors. Can we check this, if its all ok, I'll make a 2.0 release then 100% focus on pushing to native HA

I mean with this corona stuff theres nothing else to do eh?

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

Fulch avatar Fulch commented on June 22, 2024

Running the latest Dev release since late yesterday and everything looks good!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Same here.. I'll give it to the weekend and then push it as a 2.0 release..

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

So far it works fine so I will release 2.0 this weekend,

just saw a issue (#79) which was closed by toby (unprintable characters in the SSID screwing up JSON).. Its not "really" a bug, the JSON produced is invalid. Toby may produce a PR and if he does it this weekend I'll wait for it.

not critical TBH~

Surprisingly cold outside isnt it

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

TobyLL avatar TobyLL commented on June 22, 2024

Hi all, I have the water heater functionality on my Wiser system. I think the reason for having the water heater component is so that you can use the Boost 30m/1h/2h/3h preset functionality, in the same way you can for each room. I'm happy to do some testing if needed.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Hey all, anyone else got the same issue as m01 on entities (#81)?

@TobyLL , yeah makes sense, will do for 2.1
Im thinking the easiest option is to create a service which allows the boosting of hotwater (similar to wiser.boost_heating). Also enhance the sensor.wiser_hot_water to indicate if its boosted

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Published 2.0 :-)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

So how is all doing with self-isolation.. For me its turned out to mean I have even less time! (childcare etc)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

phixion avatar phixion commented on June 22, 2024

moved to my parents place, away from the city to a more isolated landside spot. equipped them with a rpi hassos a couple of weeks ago and now setting up some basic automations and watch the corona sensor change states. hope yall good!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

scooper1 avatar scooper1 commented on June 22, 2024

it appears that 2.0 release is broken
Breaks on two systems I have control of
It broke on startup - maybe insists on config flow via integrations page - No warning in release notes to convert yaml to config flow
it maybe to do with the latest superviser release changing to internal DNS server
returned back to 1.91 all is ok again
error for 2.0 is
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 418, in start
resp = await task
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 458, in _handle
resp = await handler(request)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 119, in impl
return await handler(request)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 39, in real_ip_middleware
return await handler(request)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 72, in ban_middleware
return await handler(request)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 127, in auth_middleware
return await handler(request)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 123, in handle
result = await result
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/config/", line 163, in post
return await super().post(request, flow_id)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 50, in wrapper
result = await method(view, request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 92, in post
result = await self._flow_mgr.async_configure(flow_id, data)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 130, in async_configure
result = await self._async_handle_step(flow, cur_step["step_id"], user_input)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 172, in _async_handle_step
result: Dict = await getattr(flow, method)(user_input)
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 72, in async_step_user
ip=user_input[CONF_HOST], secret=user_input[CONF_PASSWORD]
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 44, in _test_connection
return await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.wiserhub.getWiserHubName)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wiserHeatingAPI/", line 228, in getWiserHubName
return self.wiserNetworkData.get("Station").get("MdnsHostname")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Logged #83

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

Fulch avatar Fulch commented on June 22, 2024

Using 2.0 release.
Similar error, not quite the same though. Despite the error, Wiser appears to be fully functional!
Dropping back to Dev version still produces the error, is this due to the API update?

2020-03-30 00:05:52 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error setting up entry WiserHeat036CB1 for wiser
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 216, in async_setup
hass, self
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 156, in async_setup_entry
await data.async_update_device_registry()
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 232, in async_update_device_registry
connections={(CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, self.wiserhub.getMACAddress())},
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wiserHeatingAPI/", line 231, in getMACAddress
return self.wiserNetworkData.get("Station").get("MacAddress")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

created patch, see #83 , available for testing.
Easy workaround today is to not use config flow but use configuration.yaml parameters..

(reason for bug is wiser upgraded the hub firmware and broke us)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Ive pulled the R2.0 Release from HACS, until we are sure whats broken it its best to not use it..

Love firmware updates

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024

See issue #83 . Appears to be a bug in the api. A PR has been submitted to fix this. Once @asantaga has had chance to update api I think v2.0 will work fine.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

scooper1 avatar scooper1 commented on June 22, 2024

still broken for me
first set of errors from config.yaml
second set from integrations

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 109, in async_init
result = await self._async_handle_step(flow, flow.init_step, data)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 172, in _async_handle_step
result: Dict = await getattr(flow, method)(user_input)
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 203, in async_step_import
return await self.async_step_user(user_input=user_input)
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 72, in async_step_user
ip=user_input[CONF_HOST], secret=user_input[CONF_PASSWORD]
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 44, in _test_connection
return await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.wiserhub.getWiserHubName)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wiserHeatingAPI/", line 228, in getWiserHubName
return self.wiserNetworkData.get("Station").get("MdnsHostname")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

2020-03-31 00:25:55 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 418, in start
resp = await task
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 458, in _handle
resp = await handler(request)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 119, in impl
return await handler(request)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 39, in real_ip_middleware
return await handler(request)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 72, in ban_middleware
return await handler(request)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 127, in auth_middleware
return await handler(request)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 123, in handle
result = await result
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/config/", line 163, in post
return await super().post(request, flow_id)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/http/", line 50, in wrapper
result = await method(view, request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 92, in post
result = await self._flow_mgr.async_configure(flow_id, data)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 130, in async_configure
result = await self._async_handle_step(flow, cur_step["step_id"], user_input)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 172, in _async_handle_step
result: Dict = await getattr(flow, method)(user_input)
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 72, in async_step_user
ip=user_input[CONF_HOST], secret=user_input[CONF_PASSWORD]
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/", line 44, in _test_connection
return await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.wiserhub.getWiserHubName)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wiserHeatingAPI/", line 228, in getWiserHubName
return self.wiserNetworkData.get("Station").get("MdnsHostname")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024

@asantaga Angelo, i think you haven't set the api version in manifest.json to the correct version so its still pulling the api version with the bug in it.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

yup, thats you get when you dont tear down the test environment... it already had

fixed and released R2.1_beta2

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

julezman avatar julezman commented on June 22, 2024

yup, thats you get when you dont tear down the test environment... it already had

fixed and released R2.1_beta2

Up and running again for me with beta2. #83 seems to be fixed. Haven't tested in depth but the wiser entities are present after the install of beta2 which wasn't the case with 2.0 or 2.1_beta1. Thanks @asantaga!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

scooper1 avatar scooper1 commented on June 22, 2024

looks good for a full release
only noticed one small bug or typo
the name construction for roomstat battery level is missing a "_" before the battery_level in the battery level attribute name

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024

looks good for a full release
only noticed one small bug or typo
the name construction for roomstat battery level is missing a "_" before the battery_level in the battery level attribute name

@asantaga sent you a PR for this but sounds like we are good to make this a release.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

I'll merge the PRs (there are two of them) tonight , test it in my new test environment and release 2.1 tonight

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Hey guys,

need a little help with battery levels and roomstats. From speaking to wiser support and from the various TRVs I have , I have worked out that voltage of 25= dead and 30=Full. In latest dev branch Ive patched the code so that this is shown for battery sensors. The % figures match what is reported in the TRV sensor's english text (battery level)..

However, RoomStats are different and can work for longer, alas I dont have much data to what "wiser" considers low.

If possible can u guys look at the roomstat sensor (not battery) , and report back what "voltage" levels you are seeing and corresponding to the English text battery level, from that I can work out the range..

My room stat is reporting voltage of 25 and battery level of "normal"..

any others?

Can you report this in #90 rather than here.

Thanks all!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

2.2Beta now available for testing via HACS PreRelease channel

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

julezman avatar julezman commented on June 22, 2024

Hey all,

Just wanted to say HAPPY EASTER to you all :-)

Happy Easter to you too! Thanks for your amazing work on this.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Seeing no (major) issues with 2.2 Ive released it as a production 2.2

For the next release we are going to focus on native HA integration (yeah I said that last time :) and fixing a bug where TRVs dont stay off (#95)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

R2.3 Released, mainly bug fixes

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

djashjones avatar djashjones commented on June 22, 2024

What about out of HACS and into HA as an integration?

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

djashjones avatar djashjones commented on June 22, 2024

Or even homebridge or Hubitat integration?

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

@djashjones We're moving out of HACS to HA natively, I was working on that this weekend (see branch PrepForPublishing.. That said Mark (@msp1974 ) wants to rewrite the configFlow components to be "properly" done, so he wants to rewrite those first. I'll be working on the HA docs part whilst he does this..

One thing I did notice is that once we move to HA natively you cant use HACS , there would be a name clash, and also releasing patches etc will be done on HA's schedule. We dont be able to release a new version "just like that" :-) and :-(

The way I think patches are done is by users surgically tweaking the HA distro...

I actually prefer the HACS approach, its a package manager vs you modify the entire distro...
but it is what it is...

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Do we need homebridge support baked in? Isnt HomeKit baked into HA??? (excuse my ignorance Im an android man)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

djashjones avatar djashjones commented on June 22, 2024

Trying to ditch HA but there is a version of homekit in HA.

I know some people want wiser in hubitat the development has stalled.

Homebridge is a peice of software which allows 3 party devices to be added into homekit via plug-ins.

But then again there is a homebridge add-on for hubitat.

If it means I have to run HA for wiser only then so be it, it's not a big issue. It's a nice to have, since you have done a api library.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Ah got it.

I think the low hanging fruit is to just use HA for wiser.. but I'll have a look at hubitat,. Always nice to see other home automation systems

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Just checked out Hubitat.. Whats the valueprop there? From what I can see it appears to be a competitor to HA but includes hardware and cloud service right?

Alas its out of stock so even if i decided to give it a go I couldnt get one...

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

djashjones avatar djashjones commented on June 22, 2024

I would class Hubitat as a SmartThings competitor but with local control.

I'm finding HA with every update, something breaks and hence high maintenance, So I am moving all my devices (z-wave & Zigbee) over to Hubitat. I like HA, it is the best software out there but it is just not stable enough. Must be a headache for you too as they breaking your integration, lol.

I might be getting some free time soon so I might have a go of developing a Hubitat app using your api as it's the best out there!

I brought my Hubitat from a polish ebay seller as I could not buy one in the UK without buying direct from hubitat.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Yeah the different HA releases is a pain. What I dont like is the "method" they've chosen to host components. I love the HACS approach, its much simpler.. Whereas they advocate forking the entire project ... As a comparison, its like saying you want to add a app to linux, so you have to fork the entire ubuntu distro.....

package manager is the way to go..but ho hum

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

djashjones avatar djashjones commented on June 22, 2024

That's why I stopped updated HA unless I have to. It causes more issues than it fixes.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

phixion avatar phixion commented on June 22, 2024

I'm finding HA with every update, something breaks and hence high maintenance, So I am moving all my devices (z-wave & Zigbee) over to Hubitat. I like HA, it is the best software out there but it is just not stable enough.

I'm considering moving away from homassistant aswell for the same reasons. HA might be good to get started with automation but is far away from a reliable core of a smart-home. I get to a point where its causing a lot of maintanance, and with the upcoming changes to yaml, I have no reason to stick with HA. I realize I dont really need a GUI so im considering a node-red approache for my devices or hubitat but I have to learn either. Does hubitat go well with esphome or tasmota and is easy to figure?

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

djashjones avatar djashjones commented on June 22, 2024

Not sure about that as I will replace my tasmota devices to z-wave But I do have a node-red automation turning on a light via mqtt

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

mrvladis avatar mrvladis commented on June 22, 2024

I personally use HA as front-end only, while NodeRed for any automation I have.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

djashjones avatar djashjones commented on June 22, 2024

I just set up 5 of my tasmota shellies into Hubitat and they to work so far, so mqtt is not required now. Got one less node-red automation to sort and for me that would make node-red redundant.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

I installed nodered once, played with it and it was nice.. but is it much better than the ootb HA automations?? I'll have a tinker though as I hear about it a lot...

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

mrvladis avatar mrvladis commented on June 22, 2024

I installed nodered once, played with it and it was nice.. but is it much better than the ootb HA automations?? I'll have a tinker though as I hear about it a lot...

I'd say it is much better. It is more like a Logic Apps, where you can just use graphic blocks to define the flow or add some Javascript functions if there is not enough functionality in the flows.

Before this module has been released for Wiser - I was just using Nodered to get a Json and was pushing it to MQTT for HA. I did switch to the current plugin in HA, but all my automation for Wiser in Nodered still fully autonomous.

While for other components, like bulbs, lite switches and other stuff from Xiaomi - I use HA in node-red as source of data and action point.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Just listening to a tutorial on u tube.. Its very familar to me, actually very much like the integration bus's Im used to using at work..

Im happy with HA Automations but I will admit they are limited and messy to create , maybe NodeRed is a better solution. For example, It would be nice to send a message when a trv's battery is low. Yes it can be done (and Ive done it) but it was a bit of a pain to do.. Here with NR I think I can just write a javascript loop...

In many ways I think HA could dump their automation editor and just delegate to NR...

good discussion , thanks!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

mrvladis avatar mrvladis commented on June 22, 2024

For example, It would be nice to send a message when a trv's battery is low. Yes it can be done (and Ive done it) but it was a bit of a pain to do.. Here with NR I think I can just write a javascript loop...

Yep, but you don't even need a loop, as you'll be able to capture the state change. I didn't yet bother to create notifications for batteries, but did it for water leak sensors.
Looks nice and simple:

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

So im having a tinker with NR. I decided to use the "poll" component, how do you " merge" these into one so you only send one message saying that some radiators have low batteries.. Ive worked itout using javascript but wondering about how do it using the components.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

mrvladis avatar mrvladis commented on June 22, 2024

So im having a tinker with NR. I decided to use the "poll" component, how do you " merge" these into one so you only send one message saying that some radiators have low batteries.. Ive worked itout using javascript but wondering about how do it using the components.

I didn't use poll, but rather "Trigger: State". So I receive and event when Object is transitioning from one state to another.
In case with TRVs (which I didn't yet implement) - I think I'll just send an email when battery status will transition to "Low" from "One Third".

As for the Poll - I think I'll potentially use for the reminders, may be once a day or once a week. But in this scenario - I will indeed need to merge it to avoid receiving reminder for each one of them. Simple way, if you don't want to send the details of which TRVs are low on battery is to set a flag for the first action in the day, so the rest would be ignored.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

DrJohnT avatar DrJohnT commented on June 22, 2024

Angelo, I finally figured out why my Wiser integration kept losing its connection. My old router provided a new IP address and this integration relies on the IP address which is buried deep inside .storage/core.config_entries. With my new router, I have static IP addresses assigned, so will not be a problem now. Perhaps the documentation needs to mention that the Wiser kit should be assigned a static IP or the integrations page needs to expose the IP address for editing???

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Angelo, I finally figured out why my Wiser integration kept losing its connection. My old router provided a new IP address and this integration relies on the IP address which is buried deep inside .storage/core.config_entries. With my new router, I have static IP addresses assigned, so will not be a problem now. Perhaps the documentation needs to mention that the Wiser kit should be assigned a static IP or the integrations page needs to expose the IP address for editing???

logged #110 to remind me

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

mmmm 83% of people say "stay with HACS"

Oh well thats it then!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

jimmyburnworld avatar jimmyburnworld commented on June 22, 2024

Loving this new way of being able to use my Wiser heating controls. I have quite a distributed network so have been experimenting with positions of smart plugs to improve signal coverage and originally the only way to get an update on device signal was by emailing Wiser support each time I moved a plug!

Anyway; Is it possible to get access to the Opentherm data used by some of the Wiser base modules? My existing boiler does not have Opentherm, however if I could get a reading for the demand from the Wiser Opentherm module, I could use a servo to vary the circulation temperature knob on the boiler.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

technofreak74 avatar technofreak74 commented on June 22, 2024

Is the poll still open for integrating into HA? 🙂 It's not that surprising that users on here are ok with HACS, people that aren't might not even know your brilliant integration exists! I'd be really up for helping do the work to get it moved over if that's what's holding it back.. I can understand that there are lots of other reasons why you wouldn't want to do it though...

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024

@technofreak74 the reason we backed off from moving this into HA core was the fact that they wouldn't accept it as is. Ie we had done all the recoding to pass all the tests but we were asked to strip it back to a very low functional integration to be accepted. This would mean that everyone who is using today would loose a lot of the functionality until we could get enhancements reviewed and implemented in future HA releases. As this could be months, we decided that we did not want to put our user base through such a painful process just to get into HA core.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

scooper1 avatar scooper1 commented on June 22, 2024

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

technofreak74 avatar technofreak74 commented on June 22, 2024

@technofreak74 the reason we backed off from moving this into HA core was the fact that they wouldn't accept it as is. Ie we had done all the recoding to pass all the tests but we were asked to strip it back to a very low functional integration to be accepted. This would mean that everyone who is using today would loose a lot of the functionality until we could get enhancements reviewed and implemented in future HA releases. As this could be months, we decided that we did not want to put our user base through such a painful process just to get into HA core.

That makes sense. It is a shame though, you guys have done so much work and it would definitely reach more people that way (I got HACS to use this integration!). You presumably lose a lot of control over the integration too if you did it. I think that is why they like all the heavy lifting to be done in a separate python lib, so they don't have to review it 😄.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

m01 avatar m01 commented on June 22, 2024

I think longer term it would be better for this integration to live in the Home Assistant core.

In preparation for that, it might firstly make sense to check if there's any non-HomeAssistant specific code in this repo, and move it to the wiser-heating-api repo. I don't think there's a lot, but perhaps e.g. WiserSensor.calculate_device_battery_pct is one candidate? To be honest, I couldn't find anything else with a quick skim.

The second thing I would consider is figuring out the logistics of moving the code over in small chunks. Some ideas:

  • Is it possible to split the functionality in such a way, that the core repo contains some mandatory part and this contains some optional parts in a clever way, so that if you have both installed there's no change? Python's namespace packages in principle allow packaging code from the same import namespace into multiple distribution packages, but I'm not sure if this would work with HA's setup specifically
  • Last time I checked HA did weekly releases - is it feasible to split the repo and prepare a list of PRs that build on each other, get them "reviewed in principle", but press the merge button on 1 PR a day or so over the course of a week?

This repo doesn't feel soooo big that this problem could not be solved.

I do also understand that as open source maintainers you may not deem this to be sufficiently important to warrant the extra work. In general I wouldn't mind helping with giving the move a go, but I'd have to check with my employer and find time as well.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Is the poll still open for integrating into HA? 🙂 It's not that surprising that users on here are ok with HACS, people that aren't might not even know your brilliant integration exists! I'd be really up for helping do the work to get it moved over if that's what's holding it back.. I can understand that there are lots of other reasons why you wouldn't want to do it though...

Hey @technofreak74 technofreak74 , I got annoyed with the process. This integration is quite advanced and complete and to publish it as a native HA integration we would need to break it down to a single platform and then publish it, then adding sensors/platforms one at a time until its all published. I explained to the HA guys that its kinda silly , we've used HACS as an incubator and now deciding to publish it on HA natively (for the reasons you mention) and they said tough...

I'll be honest , the integration works, people know about it through the forums and thought.. meh.. not worth the effort..

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

ps baby now 6 weeks old, life getting back to normal :) and Yes @msp1974 been baby sitting for me :-) best partner I could have :-)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

@m01 totally agree..

I moved most code out to the wiser-heating-api module as you say, but you are right there might be one/two more bits which have organically added themselves... I'll check.

Last time I checked HA did weekly releases - is it feasible to split the repo and prepare a list of PRs that build on each other, get >them "reviewed in principle", but press the merge button on 1 PR a day or so over the course of a week?

From what I understood, we can issue 10 Cumulative PRs and as you say hit merge as soon as the previous one is done..

I may revisit the idea of going to HA.... Sigh..

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Just an update for all. I've been offline for a number of reasons recently, one of the reasons is we've moved house! Whoop whoop but also stressful. Now settled in and today Wiser is finally installed, however my HA machine isnt up and running yet, but will be soon.

Mean whilst, sods law, HA changes caused our integration to break .. boo hoo, thankfully my co-collaborator and co-author of the integration (Mark Parker @msp1974) , has been fantastic in manning the fort and fixing a ton of changes today!

Thanks Mark!!! Thanks all!!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

olbasoil avatar olbasoil commented on June 22, 2024

Are there any events generated when the climate.wiser changes temperature? I am trying to keep a (display only) Nest thermostat in sync with the (real) Wiser system. Using Nodered I can read the temperatures from each, and react if I find it has changed, but I'd rather have an event notify me, than a continuous loop.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

msp1974 avatar msp1974 commented on June 22, 2024

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

phixion avatar phixion commented on June 22, 2024

Just an update for all. I've been offline for a number of reasons recently, one of the reasons is we've moved house! Whoop whoop but also stressful. Now settled in and today Wiser is finally installed, however my HA machine isnt up and running yet, but will be soon.

Mean whilst, sods law, HA changes caused our integration to break .. boo hoo, thankfully my co-collaborator and co-author of the integration (Mark Parker @msp1974) , has been fantastic in manning the fort and fixing a ton of changes today!

Thanks Mark!!! Thanks all!!

thats great news! and yes msp is doing a great job! with the recent changes to hassio's docker runtime I decided to seperate hassio completly from my docker stack to remain "supported" ....turned out to be much more work that I expected :)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

ZuluWhiskey avatar ZuluWhiskey commented on June 22, 2024

Really loving this integration - thank you so much!

I got prompted by the wiser app yesterday to buy a bit of kit ( to link my smart meter into the Wiser app for £14 - which seemed worth a punt. Is anyone else interested in seeing if this can be wrangled into feeding into the home assistant energy monitoring?

Didn't know about this, I'm eligible and as you say would be really cool to integrate - It may be agnostic of the existing kit though as the new device connects to WiFi rather than the ZigBee network 🤔

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Really loving this integration - thank you so much!
I got prompted by the wiser app yesterday to buy a bit of kit ( to link my smart meter into the Wiser app for £14 - which seemed worth a punt. Is anyone else interested in seeing if this can be wrangled into feeding into the home assistant energy monitoring?

Didn't know about this, I'm eligible and as you say would be really cool to integrate - It may be agnostic of the existing kit though as the new device connects to WiFi rather than the ZigBee network 🤔

Looks interesting but i cant work out if Im eligible...

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

wizmo2 avatar wizmo2 commented on June 22, 2024

Looks interesting but i cant work out if Im eligible...

@asantaga - had the same question. Figured out that after I updated to the latest app, there is a splash at the top of the Insights page that you can start a questionnaire. First question is if your address matches some database.

I stopped there as (a) I dont have a smart meter and (b) I'm a little neurotic and I gave a false address!

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

olbasoil avatar olbasoil commented on June 22, 2024

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

robinmarlow avatar robinmarlow commented on June 22, 2024

An update: The monitor arrived today - it's a Geo Trio II. I connected it to my wifi and after a few hours it had magically linked to my smart meter (I guess when I gave the number as the eligibility check they stored it to link against).
I followed the instuctions here from Mr T:
and it works brilliantly.

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

I completed the eligibility check, but was told I was not eligible because my smart meter was not SMETS2. It is SMETS1 but there has been a program to upgrade SMETS1 to be SMETS2 compatible (mostly to allow a free market in changing energy supplier) and mine is registered in the national database, so there is probably some more obscure criteria. I was on a support call to Drayton yesterday about something else, and mentioned this. and hope they will come back with an answer. It is impossible to get a working SMETS1 replaced with a SMRTS2 (though non smart meters can be replaced).

On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 2:43 AM wizmo2 @.***> wrote: Looks interesting but i cant work out if Im eligible... @asantaga - had the same question. Figured out that after I updated to the latest app, there is a splash at the top of the Insights page that you can start a questionnaire. First question is if your address matches some database. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#70 (comment)>, or unsubscribe . Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android

Im in same boat.. Waiting for my no so smart meter to die :-)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

An update: The monitor arrived today - it's a Geo Trio II. I connected it to my wifi and after a few hours it had magically linked to my smart meter (I guess when I gave the number as the eligibility check they stored it to link against). I followed the instuctions here from Mr T: and it works brilliantly.

NIce... Im feeling left out (see comment above)

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Im sure everyone knows this but there is also a healthy discussion on

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

asantaga avatar asantaga commented on June 22, 2024

Im sure everyone knows this but there is also a healthy discussion on

from wiserhomeassistantplatform.

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