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lf's Introduction

LF: Fully Decentralized Fully Replicated Key/Value Store

(c)2018-2019 ZeroTier, Inc. Licensed under the GNU GPLv3

LF is currently beta software!


LF (pronounced "aleph") is a fully decentralized fully replicated key/value store.

Fully decentralized means anyone can run a node without obtaining special permission and all nodes are effectively equal. Fully replicated means every node stores all data.

LF is built on a directed acyclic graph (DAG) data model that makes synchronization easy and allows many different security and conflict resolution strategies to be used. Proof of work is used to rate limit writes to the shared data store on public networks and as one thing that can be considered by conflict resolution and trust algorithms. See for details. (This document is under construction.)

The name LF comes from the short story The Aleph by Jorge Luis Borges and the novel Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson. Borges' story involves a point in space that contains all other points, a fitting metaphor for a data store where every node stores everything. Gibson's novel features a sci-fi take on Borges' concept. At one point a character calls it the "LF" because "aleph" has been mis-heard as an acronym. We used LF because there's already an open source project called Aleph, it gives the command line client lf a short name, and because two levels of obscure literary reference recursion is cool.

Why Does This Exist?

The purpose of LF is to provide for open decentralized systems what the key/value store aspects of etcd and consul provide in centrally managed environments, namely a fast reliable store for small but critical pieces of information.

Most decentralized systems use distributed hash tables (DHTs) for this purpose. DHTs scale well but are slow, require a reliable global network to maintain full access to the data set, and are vulnerable to "Sybil" type attacks. We at ZeroTier wanted something very fast, secure, and continuously available. This prompted us to develop a fundamentally new approach inspired by ideas from cryptocurrencies and distributed databases. LF trades high local storage overhead for continuous availablility (even if the network is totally down) and fast nearline queries against the entire global data set.

Features and Benefits

  • Easy to use and deploy.
  • Fully decentralized system with open participation and no single points of failure. (Private LF networks can be created that require certificates, but this is optional.)
  • Fast sub-second nearline queries against the entire global data set at all times.
  • Versatile security model allowing user choice between different conflict resolution mechanisms that can be used alone or in combination with one another. These include local heuristics, proof of work "weight," elective trust of other nodes, and certificates.
  • Flexible record lookup API allowing multiple nested keys and range queries against 64-bit ordinals associated with each key.
  • Encrypted record keys and values for strong security and privacy despite full global data set replication. Order preserving encryption techinques are leveraged to allow range queries without revealing keys or exact ordinal values.
  • Novel proof-of-knowledge mechanism makes it impossible to generate valid records identified by a key whose plain text is not known, increasing the difficulty of data set poisoning attacks by naive attackers.

Limitations and Disadvantages

  • LF is only good for small bits of information that don't change very often like certificates, keys, IP addresses, names, etc.
  • The CAP theorem trade-off is availability and partition-tolerance, meaning eventual consistency and no transactions.
  • Full nodes are unsuitable for small resource constrained devices due to high storage and relatively high bandwidth overhead.
  • Storage requirements grow over time in a manner not unlike a block chain. Fortunately storage is getting cheaper over time too. LF is designed to allow partial nodes and discarding of some old data to migitate data set growth but these features are not implemented yet and likely won't be needed for years.

Building and Running

LF works on Linux, Mac, and probably BSD. It won't work on Windows yet but porting shouldn't be too hard if anyone wants it. It's mostly written in Go (1.11+ required) with some C for performance critical bits.

To build on most platform just type make.

Once we get out of beta we'll probably provide some pre-built binaries as is the custom for Go projects.

Getting Started

LF comes with a full node implementation and a command line client that can be used to create and query records and to some limited extent control nodes. All of these things exist in the same lf binary that gets built when you type make.

Once you build the binary just run it for help.

LF ships out of the box with its command line client configured to query, a public network node operated by ZeroTier. That means you can try a simple query right away:

$ ./lf get bad horse#
Bad Horse, Bad Horse                                      | bad#0 horse#0
Bad Horse, Bad Horse                                      | bad#0 horse#1
He rides across the nation, the thoroughbred of sin       | bad#0 horse#2
He got the application that you just sent in              | bad#0 horse#3
It needs evaluation, so let the games begin               | bad#0 horse#4
A heinous crime, a show of force                          | bad#0 horse#5
(a murder would be nice of course!)                       | bad#0 horse#6
Bad Horse, Bad Horse                                      | bad#0 horse#7
Bad Horse, He's Bad!                                      | bad#0 horse#8
The evil league of evil is watching so beware             | bad#0 horse#9
The grade that you receive'll be your last, we swear      | bad#0 horse#10
So make the bad horse gleeful, or he'll make you his mare | bad#0 horse#11
You're saddled up; there's no recourse                    | bad#0 horse#12
It's "hi-yo, silver!"                                     | bad#0 horse#13
Signed: Bad Horse.                                        | bad#0 horse#14

Don't forget the trailing hash sign on horse#. Drop the ./ if you put the binary somewhere in your path.

These are the lyrics to Bad Horse from the musical Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Yes, we put that in the public data store. We hope it's fair use.

Selectors, Ordinals, and Values

Record keys are cryptographic objects called selectors that are generated from plain text selector names and ordinals. The name of a selector is any text or binary string. The ordinal is an unsigned 64-bit integer. (If no ordinal is specified, it is zero.) Names can only be looked up directly but if you know a name you can ask for ranges of its ordinals.

Bad Horse is stored as a series of records with two selectors and with the ordinals in the second selector placing them in order. You can see them in the output above. Now try a few variations:

$ ./lf get bad horse
Bad Horse, Bad Horse | bad#0 horse#0

$ ./lf get bad horse#2#10
He rides across the nation, the thoroughbred of sin  | bad#0 horse#2
He got the application that you just sent in         | bad#0 horse#3
It needs evaluation, so let the games begin          | bad#0 horse#4
A heinous crime, a show of force                     | bad#0 horse#5
(a murder would be nice of course!)                  | bad#0 horse#6
Bad Horse, Bad Horse                                 | bad#0 horse#7
Bad Horse, He's Bad!                                 | bad#0 horse#8
The evil league of evil is watching so beware        | bad#0 horse#9
The grade that you receive'll be your last, we swear | bad#0 horse#10

When you ask for bad horse# (in the very first example) the trailing hash is expanded to #0#18446744073709551615. That huge number is the maximum value of a 64-bit unsigned integer. Leaving off the trailing hash is equivalent to #0 and gets only ordinal zero. Using #2#10 asks for ordinals two through ten inclusive.

First Come, First Serve!

If LF is open and decentralized, what happens if someone does this?

$ ./lf set bad horse#0 'Good Horse, Good Horse'

A record will be created and published. Chances are nobody will see it.

The already existing Bad Horse records have three big things going for them:

  1. They're older and therefore more work (in a proof of work sense) has been added to the DAG since their creation. Each record references older records and when it gets stitched into the DAG its work is transferred to its ancestors all the way back to the beginning of time, increasing a metric called their weight. A determined attacker willing to buy a lot of compute power could overcome this, but the more time passes the more costly this attack becomes.
  2. They are going to have lower local reputation scores on current nodes, including the one you are likely querying. When a record arrives at a running node that collides with an existing fully synchronized and verified record, it gets flagged as suspect. Lower reptuation records also don't get picked to be links for new records, meaning they pick up weight more slowly and get replicated more slowly (if at all).
  3. Oracle nodes will gossip about the impostor, but not the original. An oracle node is a node configured to generate commentary, special records that perform the dual function of adding work to the DAG and commenting on records these nodes find suspect. The commentary of all oracle nodes is available but users are free to decide whether or not to trust it.

But what does happen to lower weight or lower reputation records? Try this:

$ ./lf -json get bad horse#0

The LF API returns results as an array of arrays. Each array in the first dimension represents a set of records that share the same set of selector keys. The array in the second dimension is these records sorted in descending order of trust according to whatever conflict resolution mechanism(s) are active. The default behavior of the command line client is to show only the "winner" for each set of selectors, but -json tells it to request and dump everything.

Since names are first come first serve, short names like bad aren't the sorts of names you'll want to use for the first selector for records in a production system. Good naming strategies include reverse-DNS-order names similar to Java class names (e.g. com.zerotier...), unique GUIDs, and random strings. The latter options are good for systems that don't want to advertise their keys globally and want to avoid making their records available to users not in-the-know. Just remember that naming things is one of the two hard things in computing.

Running a Full Node

Running a node on the public network is easy:

$ ./lf node-start &

If you are a normal user the node will keep its files in $HOME/.lf. If you are root it will be /var/lib/lf. Obviously you'll want to set this up via systemd or some other process-supervising system to run it on a real server.

Nodes listen by default on P2P port 9908 and HTTP port 9980. These can be changed with command line options. If you're on a server on the open Internet and are root (or can bind port 443) you can use -letsencrypt <hostname> to enable SSL and automatically obtain a certificate from Let's Encrypt.

Here are some of the node-specific files you'll see in the node's home directory:

  • PID of running node
  • node.log: Node log output (tail -f this file to watch your node synchronize)
  • identity-secret.pem: Secret ECC key for node's commentary and also for encryption of node-to-node P2P communications
  • authtoken.secret: HTTP API bearer auth token.
  • peers.json: Periodically updated to cache information about P2P peers of this node
  • genesis.lf: Genesis records for the network this node participates in
  • node.db: SQLite indexing and meta-data database
  • records.lf: Flat data file containing all records in binary serialized format. This file will get quite large over time.
  • weights.b??: Record proof of work weights with 96-bit weights striped across three memory mapped files to reduce I/O load during weight updates
  • graph.bin: Memory mapped record linkage graph data structure
  • wharrgarbl-table.bin: Static table used by proof of work algorithm

The node will also create or modify client.json to add its own local ( HTTP URL so that client queries on the local system will use it.

Watch node.log after you start your server for the first time and you'll see it synchronizing with the network. This can take a while. Once the node is fully synchronized you should be able to make queries against any data.

A few caveats for running nodes:

  • We recommend a 64-bit system with a bare minimum of 1gb RAM for full nodes. Full nodes usually use between 384mb and 1gb of RAM and may also use upwards of 1gb of virtual address space for memory mapped files. 32-bit systems may have issues with address space exhaustion.
  • Don't locate the node's files on a network share (NFS, CIFS, VM-host mount, etc.) as LF makes heavy use of memory mapping and this does not always play well with network drives. It could be slow, unreliable, or might not work at all. Needless to say a cluster of LF nodes must all have their own storage. Pooling storage isn't possible and defeats the purpose anyway.
  • Hard-stopping a node with kill -9 or a hard system shutdown may corrupt the database. We plan to improve this in the future but right now the code is not very tolerant of this.

Oracles and Elective Trust

LF's intrinsic conflict resolution mechanism relies upon proof of work as a hard to forge proxy for time, much like many cryptocurrencies. Proof of work is not foolproof, especially in LF where there is no intrinsic economic mechanism to incentivize the runaway growth of PoW "mining" investment. As a result a well financed or determined attacker willing to throw a lot of compute power at the problem could overcome the PoW "weight" of the records beneath a target record in the LF DAG and replace it.

This is why PoW is only one of LF's built in conflict resolution mechanisms. It's the easy one in that it requires no configuration but it also offers weaker security in the presence of an attacker who knows your selector names (remember that they're encrypted!) and wants to co-opt your records.

For stronger security it is possible to electively trust select LF nodes.

LF nodes maintain an internal reputation value for each record. A node computes reputation based on a few heuristics with by far the most important being which record arrives first. If a record appears to collide with another record that is fully synchronized (meaning all its dependencies are met) it gets a zero reputation rating.

When a node is run with the -oracle flag it will use spare CPU cycles on the system to constantly create its own commentary records. These records are overloaded with work to add work to the DAG (like a miner in the cryptocurrency world) but they can also contain information about records a particular node thinks are suspect.

Oracle nodes document low reputation records in commentary records. When a node sees a commentary record it extracts this information and caches it internally in an indexed table.

To use commentary information a client includes owners representing oracle nodes in the Oracles field of its queries. In the command line client these can be managed with the oracle command. When oracles are included the query takes commentary from these oracles into consideration when computing apparent trust for a record. If two records have the same trust then proof of work weight is used as a tie breaker.

If used with care the oracle system can provide very hard security guarantees that simply are not possible with a purely automatic zero interaction system like proof of work. An organization can run its own pool of oracle nodes and trust them for all its queries, ensuring that its nodes act as the final arbiter of truth if there is a record value conflict.

Casual users can choose to trust nodes that are generally trusted. Applications could ship with trust lists similar to how they ship with SSL CA lists.

Note that you shouldn't run nodes in -oracle mode on variable or burstable CPU cloud instances as this could result in a large bill or a surprise failure when the instance uses up its CPU quota. Use reserved CPU or bare metal systems for oracle nodes.

Authorization Certificates

Records on open networks must be "paid" using proof of work. It's possible to skip this step if the network is configured with one or more authorization certificate authorities. It's also possible to create private authorization-required networks where proof of work isn't used and authorization certificates are required.

Certificate authorities configured when a network is created can issue certificates to record owners or to intermediate certificates that can in turn issue certificates to owners. (Intermediates are supported but not implemented yet.) Issued certificates are themselves stored in the DAG as records of type certificate. These are automatically caught by nodes and indexed and checked when an owner arrives without proof of work.

The owner command group in the CLI includes commands to create and sign certificate signing requests (CSRs) for owners.


LF contains a FUSE filesystem that allows sections of the global data store to be mounted. It can be mounted by remote clients or directly by full nodes, with the latter offering much higher performance since all data is local to the process. LFFS requires FUSE on Linux or OSXFUSE on Mac.

To test LFFS try this:

$ ./lf mount -maxfilesize 4096 -passphrase 'The sparrow perches on the steeple in the rain.' /tmp/lffs-public-test com.zerotier.lffs.public-test

If everything works you should be able to access a public test LFFS share at /tmp/lffs-public-test. Be aware that this is a global public test share, so it could contain anything! If you see anything nasty there feel free to delete it. Since the passphrase (which generates both the owner and the masking key) is public, anyone can read and write.

The above command mounts via the HTTP(S) API, which is slow. To mount directly under a running full node, edit a file called mounts.json in the node's home directory and then restart it. Here's an example mounts.json to mount the same public test share.

		"Path": "/tmp/lffs-public-test",
		"RootSelectorName": "com.zerotier.lffs.public-test",
		"MaxFileSize": 4096,
		"Passphrase": "The sparrow perches on the steeple in the rain."

The complete schema for mount points in mounts.json is:

  • Path: Path to mount FUSE filesystem on host (must have read/write access).
  • RootSelectorName: LF selector name (without ordinal) of filesystem root.
  • OwnerPrivate: Owner private key (if omitted the node's identity is used).
  • MaskingKey: Masking key to encrypt record (file) contents (if omitted root selector name is used).
  • Passphrase: If present this overrides both OwnerPrivate and MaskingKey and is used to generate both.
  • MaxFileSize: This limits the maximum size of locally written files. Files larger than this can appear if someone else wrote them. The hard global maximum is 4mb. Note that large files can take a very long time to commit due to proof of work on public networks!

Right now LFFS is somewhat limited:

  • This virtual filesystem is absolutely not suitable for things like databases or other things that do a lot of random writes and use advanced I/O features! It's intended for small files that are written atomically (or nearly so) and don't change very often.
  • Hard links, special modes like setuid/setgid, named pipes, device nodes, and extended attributes are not supported.
  • Filesystem permission and ownership changes are not supported and chmod/chown are silently ignored.
  • Name length is limited to 511 bytes. This is for names within a directory. There is no limit to how many directories can be nested.
  • Committing writes is slow if you must perform proof of work, and there's currently no way to cancel a commit in progress. Local writes will appear immediately but their propagation across the network might take a while especially if PoW is needed.
  • A single LF owner is used for all new files under a mount and there's no way to change this without remounting.
  • Once a filename is claimed by an owner there is currently no way to transfer ownership.

Some of these limitations might get fixed in the future. Others are intrinsic to the system.

Files in LFFS are stored in LF itself using a simple schema designed for speed.

All entries in a given directory are stored under that directory's selector with ordinals equal to their inodes. A file's inode is the CRC64 of its name plus the inode of its parent directory. There is a very small chance of inode collision but this shouldn't be an issue unless a directory were to accumulate billions of files. Subdirectories exist as entries within their parent directory to allow them to show up in listings, but the files beneath them will be under their selector and not the parent's. A subdirectory's selector name is simply equal to the parent's selector name followed by /<subdirectory>.

Nested multiple selectors could have been used but this would have been a bit slower and would have limited depth to 15.

Small files are stored as record values prefixed by a header containing the file's full name and other information. Files larger than the maximum size of a record value are stored by being broken down into chunks and those chunks stored if they don't already exist in the data store. The selector and masking key for each chunk is the SHA256 hash of its content. This content addressing scheme creates global (across the entire data store) deduplicating storage behavior without compromising privacy since the expected hashed content of a chunk must be known to find it. Chunking is done iteratively until the root of this tree of chunks fits in a single record. The chunking algorithm breaks chunks at data-dependent positions in a manner similar to a binary patching algorithm, causing small changes to the file to often require only a few records to be written.

Deletes are accomplished by storing a special record indicating that the file was deleted. Note that right now deleted names are still claimed by their owner. This might change in the future.

All files in the FUSE mount will appear as globally readable on the host system. UIDs are computed from a hash of the corresponding record's owner. File permissions will indicate that a file is writable if this is the same owner as the one used to mount the filesystem. The GID of all files will equal the GID of the running LF node process. A virtual file called .passwd is always present in the root of the FUSE mount and contains a simulated Unix password file mapping all the owners that have so far been observed to hash-based usernames.

Sol: The Public Network

LF ships with a default configuration for a public network we call Sol after our home solar system. This configuration contains a default node URL and default genesis records allowing nodes to automatically bootstrap themselves.

Sol permits record values up to 1024 bytes in size, though records that big take a lot of proof-of-work to publish. It also includes an authorization certificate. Normally records require proof of work to create. An authorization certificate allows this to be skipped if the record's owner is signed and this signature is included.

We intend to use LF (via Sol) to decentralize our root server infrastructure. Our roots service quite a few ZeroTier customers so that means they'll be forced to create quite a lot of (tiny) LF records. Doing proof of work for all those is possible but costly, so we stuffed a certificate into Sol's configuration to let us cheat and be special. Think of it as our "fee" for creating and maintaining LF and donating it as open source to the community.

LF is open source. It's possible to make your own LF networks and configure them however you like. You can even create private LF networks that require signatures for anyone to add records. These will be of interest to our enterprise customers with private air-gapped environments.

Creating Private Networks

To create a private network you need to create your own genesis records. These serve as the first anchor points in the DAG (and are exempt from the normal linkage and other rules) and contain your network's configuration.

To do this use the undocumented (in the help output) command makegenesis. Here's a simple example:

$ ./lf makegenesis
Network name: Test
Network ID will be 3bee213bd4f522cf7fb0dd0dfd282274b423800ef6237e3a4b03e93806fcdc4c
Network contact []: [email protected]
Network comment or description []: Test network
Record minimum links [2]:
Record maximum value size [1024]:
Record maximum time drift (seconds) [60]:
Amendable fields (comma separated) []:
Create a record authorization certificate? [y/N]:

  "ID": [59, 238, 33, 59, 212, 245, 34, 207, 127, 176, 221, 13, 253, 40, 34, 116, 180, 35, 128, 14, 246, 35, 126, 58, 75, 3, 233, 56, 6, 252, 220, 76],
  "Name": "Test",
  "Contact": "[email protected]",
  "Comment": "Test network",
  "AuthRequired": false,
  "RecordMinLinks": 2,
  "RecordMaxValueSize": 1024,
  "RecordMaxTimeDrift": 60

Creating 2 genesis records...

  "Value": "\b1NRxUEv6TMkj9W1Axhi2q43vIJ4Ym3WPQAyuWhUuDq12mSa8wrMuGTHvHCiaRVAJ4kZ9K4V3814aJDq8ZMTdrnx82rAqoexDkX2yAkn0pAFZBOubxtwcSCxyRz6jEk4V88kceD9eJZoueCdlasXhCcTavZg9St6maiKDMUjCsQB6joAw2eKj6KJmj9T2jLqHpdCv1jDSxbp0EWmg8ZWpQcoAHdPj6l41uqr3NSM2zSRTjPwdU33OzT1XW",
  "Owner": "@ITfjM17BeR3hKXBIboHL47ZCV4BW1LBN",
  "Timestamp": 1559670505,
  "Type": 1,
  "Work": "\bEJCFhkG4wTfl0mjjLxW",
  "WorkAlgorithm": 1,
  "Signature": "\bk8cIwUuEqqO7vkUxmHEJuruVSuguMS2Y9paDVNc01Dipee67nN7bm802AL3847BB0ZgnWqQH3kAQGMoJbnoMoW1gEPEkDsiHzrogrOZZ8Mg0szj2rFEE2cmF6W0A1t3AD"

  "Owner": "@ITfjM17BeR3hKXBIboHL47ZCV4BW1LBN",
  "Links": ["=Ppgm1j4vlMFMjOMrQlTKl4cy4VOXfgQwAvxB1S9EnSW"],
  "Timestamp": 1559670506,
  "Type": 1,
  "Work": "\bJQtb3wX18tPEPWLnhia",
  "WorkAlgorithm": 1,
  "Signature": "\bLxaUamrKULQ8IJnRngLbflFtysp9CQH73F6vO0Yj8H7Rs942am2HkZTDiNPNjUAwFEdVrFWXsH8hvNIJV3vO9QDchQhN6lOlQCpPEpfwXFgKlbdNbBZpIepIoBSrWlqc"

In addition to the above output the files genesis.lf and genesis.go will be saved in the current directory. If you place genesis.lf in a new node's home directory before starting it, it will join that network instead of the default. The genesis.go file just contains the genesis records as a Go byte array literal for inclusion in the code and you can safely delete it.

If you listed any amendable fields or created any certificates the private keys for those will also be saved as .pem files in the current directory. Keep these somewhere safe.

LF peers will not talk to one another if they aren't members of the same network. This is accomplished by cryptographic means using the network's unique 256-bit ID as a pre-shared key. Beyond this simple mechanism there is no system built into LF to control node access over the network. It's the responsibility of those running private networks to secure them by (for example) running them only over ZeroTier virtual networks instead of over the public Internet.

Future Work

Our next order of business will be to implement LF as a data backend for ZeroTier roots. Once this happens there will be a release of ZeroTier's core product that will demote our root servers from being the exclusive top-level anchor points of the ZeroTier universe to co-equal root servers alongside any others that users happen to set up.

We'll also be exploring other uses of LF within our own product and service line and other things that can be done with it.


If you find a bug or want to contribute to LF, please feel free to open a pull request!

lf's People


adamierymenko avatar glimberg avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar

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